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Teacher: GRETCHEN P.


Grade: 12 Date: June 11-15, 2018/ 2nd h

Learning Area: Practical Research 1 Semester: FIRST


A. Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of (1) the importance of research in daily life, (2) the characteristics,
processes, and ethics of research, (3) quantitative and qualitative research & (4) the kinds of research across

B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions.

C. Learning Competency

The learner provide examples of research in areas of interest.

D. Learning Competency Code


II. CONTENT: Research in Different Areas of Interest


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Principles & Methods of Research by Mariano M. Ariola
2. Learner’s Material
3. Additional Materials

B. Other Learning Resources Practical Research 2 by Chin Uy et al


A. Review
Differentiate quantitative from qualitative research. Illustrate your answer.

B. Motivation
What would you like to be someday? Regardless of profession, research at these days is inevitable. How do
you think is research done in your chosen profession?

C. Presentation
At this hour, we will spend time together providing examples of research in areas of interest.

D. Exemplification
 Research studies are very relevant to any discipline: Anthropology, Business, Communications,
Education, Engineering, Law, Nursing and others.
 There are 3 basic approaches to be used in any research study: scientific, naturalistic & mixed.

E. Lesson Proper/Discussion

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Medicine)

 scientific approach can be used
 measurable & observable facts are stressed
 collection of data is done in controlled ways (questionnaires & structured interviews)
 presented quantitatively

Social Sciences (Education, Politics, Law, Counseling, Nursing)

 naturalistic approach can be used
 people-oriented
 data collection is done in family homes, playground, workplaces or schools
 qualitatively presented
*Mixed method may be used for quantitative or qualitative research designs, data collection & data analysis

F. Drill/Exercise
Provide other examples of topics or interests where scientific, naturalistic or mixed method can be used.

G. Application
How valuable is identifying the specific area of discipline where your research topic belongs?

H. Generalization & Abstraction

 There are 3 basic approaches in research.
 Each option determines the category your research topic belongs (e.g. hard or soft sciences)

I. Evaluation
Given the following items, categorize them accordingly as to their most suitable research approach: scientific
or naturalistic.

1. Recruitment strategies of student athletes among coaches in MONHS.

2. Thoughts of Grade 12 Students on difficulties encountered in Practical Research 1.
3. Iron Contents of Malunggay Plants
4. Medicinal Elements of Sto. Nino Plants
5. Muslim Wedding Rites
6. Parents’ Perceptions about the K-12 Program

J. Agreement/Assignment


 No. of Learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment _______________
 No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation _______________
 Did the remedial lessons work? _______________
 No. of Learners who have caught up with the lesson _______________
 No. of Learners who continue to require remediation _______________

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