Module 3 Research Ba 327

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Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research


Course Facilitator


Module in BA 327- Business Research

Module Title: Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research
Course Title: Business Research
Course Number: BA 327
Course Description: Business research methodology, its sequential development, types and
steps of the scientific method applied to business.
Total Learning Time: 6 hrs or 2 weeks
Pre-requisites (If there’s any): MM 314, CBMEC 108

Some authors classify research on the basis of the kind of data the study will collect. In this case,
the data are classified as qualitative and quantitative data generated by qualitative and quantitative
research, respectively. While these types of research are more often mentioned in the educational and
social researchers, they are also applicable in the natural and biological science research. Knowingly or
unknowingly, researchers use both of these types in their research work in these areas.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. Gain the knowledge on the types of research: quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
2. Differentiate the types of research

Indicative Content:
Module 3. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research

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Based on the previous module (Module I), Research can be classified in the following:

According to Purpose
Fundamental Research
Applied Research
Action Research

According to Methods
Historical research
Descriptive research
Experimental research

According to Paradigm or According to Data

Mixed Method

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

(Gregorio, 2015)

Some authors classify research on the basis of the kind of data the study will collect. In this case,
the data are classified as qualitative and quantitative data generated by qualitative and quantitative
research, respectively. While these types of research are more often mentioned in the educational and
social researchers, they are also applicable in the natural and biological science research. Knowingly or
unknowingly, researchers use both of these types in their research work in these areas.
The term qualitative research simply means that the researcher will collect qualitative instead
of numerical data from his study. Fraenkel and Wallen (1993) term this as descriptive type of research in
the natural and biological science.
In agriculture, for example, rare medical plants are carefully examined and described and the
information gathered are organized carefully to come up with an informative scientific material. In this
type of study, the data are non-numerical expressed in qualitative terms like texture, color, sex, aroma
and the like.
In sensory evaluation of food products: description of color, odor, taste, flavor, and texture.

In quantitative research, the data are expressed in quantities or numerical terms which can be
analyzed in terms of numbers (Best and Kahn, 1989).
Example: a.) plant height or weight, crop yields, gain in weight of animals, and others, are more
conveniently expressed in numerical values rather than in quality.
b.) sensory evaluation of food using 9-point Hedonic scale and numerical value for quality
description. Please see attached sample sensory evaluation scoresheet.

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Sample sensory evaluation scoresheet

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In research, data are more often collected quantitatively, but instances of collecting qualitative
information is common. This is what we termed as mixed method. But during the presentation of a
research output although researchers are using mixed method most of the panel would use term as
qualitative and quantitative data.

Methods of Data Gathering

(Gregorio, 2015)

In the social sciences and education, the methods used are both variable and distinct for every
study. In this kind of research, more commonly, the data can be collected thru observation, interviews,
use of questionnaire, focus group discussion and testing, among others.
Among the methods mentioned, observation is perhaps the simplest and most common method
used in the collection of qualitative data. This can be done through the use of human senses such as
seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and touching. We can see how our respondents live or react, feel their
sentiments and reactions, hear their complaints, or smell the conditions of their surroundings. These
senses bundled together into one produce quality observations which can be scientific is assessed
properly and interpreted correctly.
Most of the data and information in the social and educational researchers are gathered though
interviews. There are two types of interview as a method of data collection. It can be done through the
telephone/ cellphone or through a face-to-face or one-on-one questioning with the respondents. In the
first case, the researchers use the telephone or cellphone services to reach out and ask the respondents
questions about the study. In the latter, the interviewer or data gatherer goes out of the field and conduct
a one-on-one interview with the respondents or key informants.
On the other hand, the use of the questionnaire is done by writing the questions and sending
them to the respondents, usually literate, by mail but nowadays researchers prefer to float in the
questionnaire to the target respondents on their very own workplaces since internet connectivity is not
that strong in the Philippines. These questionnaires are retrieved later after sometime may a week or two
in order to give respondents enough time to answer the said instrument by themselves. While these
methods have their strength and weaknesses, they have specific applications which depend so much on
the nature of the study and the respondents who serve as the source of data.
In the focus group discussion (FGD), the researcher tries to gather the key informants or some
of the respondents in one place for the round-the-table discussion. The student researcher presents the
issues to be deliberated and proceed with the discussion which in real terms is an interaction of the
participants regarding a particular problem or issue introduced by him. The researcher serves as the focal
person among the discussants or participants; he leads or provides direction to the participants during the
interaction. The discussion is properly documented, later synthesized, organized and interpreted. The
results of the FGD, however should not be considered as the main source of data, it just supplements
what has been gathered.
The last method is testing. Testing is a very common method of data gathering, particularly in
the conduct of experiments in the social science and education. Here, the performance or the response of
the subjects grouped as control and experimental groups is assessed based on the results of structured
evaluation questions given after the experimental intervention is administered.
In the natural, biological and technological researches, the methods of data gathering or
collection differ a lot compared to what have been discussed prior. This is because studied in these fields
deal with non-human subjects like raw materials, water, soil, plants and animals, machines and others.

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Researchers should identify the parameters for determination, prepare a data measuring program and
scheduling of activities.
Use of primary and secondary data

Primary data are information that are collected directly from the informants or subjects of the
study in the social and educational researches like age, gender, and occupation. In the natural, biological
and technological researches these are the data collected directly from the experimental subjects in the
field or laboratory. However, data can also be secured from secondary sources from existing data pool
such as those a.) printed in libraries; b.) patented materials; c.) documents, records and research outputs
from research agencies and institutions like HEI’s, SUCs, DOST, DA., DepEd and others. These
agencies and institutions which are tasked to do research have so much information generated by their
research programs which can be studied more thoroughly through critical analyses.

Note: During the conduct of your feasibility study, you will be expected to conduct a survey in form of a
questionnaire or a possible interview.


Gregorio, Geronimo L. 2015. Writing Quality Theses and Dissertations. ISBN:978-971-0406-22-7.

Printed and published by Seguiban Printing and Publishing Enterprises, Inc. 62-L Burgos Street,
La Paz, Iloilo City, Philippines.

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BA 327 - Business Research
Course Facilitator: Aldin Dela Cruz Lorenzo, DPA
Name: _______________________________________________Course and Year: _______________
Date: ___________________________________ Score:___________________ Rating ____________

Worksheet No. 3

Answer the following:

1. How is research being classified? Give example for each classification
2. Differentiate quantitative and qualitative data? How are these data being gathered?
3. Differentiate primary data from secondary data.
4. How to gather primary data?
5. How to gather secondary data?
6. What are patented materials? (do research on this item)
7. Have you use the library facilities of this university? In what activity is the library useful to you?

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