19pr1 - Sampling

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Teacher: Gretchen P.


Grade: 12 Date: Sept. 24-28, 2018

Learning Area: Practical Research 1 Semester: First


A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of:
1. qualitative research designs
2. the description of sample
3. data collection and analysis procedures such as survey, interview, and observation
4. the application of creative design principles for execution

B. Performance Standard

The learner is able to:

1. describe qualitative research designs, sample, and data collection and analysis procedures
2. apply imaginatively art/design principles to create artwork

C. Learning Competency

The learner…
1. describes sampling procedure and sample

D. Learning Competency Code


II. CONTENT: Sampling Procedure & Sample

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Practical Research 1 by Prieto et al
2. Learner’s Material
3. Additional Materials

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Motivation
Ponder on the following questions:
 How much data do I need?
 How will select the sample?
 How will I get the participants needed?

B. Presentation
Today, we will spend time together describing the sampling procedure and the sample.

C. Exemplification
There are 4 major types of sampling methods: Qualitative sampling, Non-probability Sampling, Probability Sampling &
Purposive Sampling.

D. Lesson Proper
The following Sampling Procedures are described:
Sampling Procedure Description
Qualitative Sampling Aims to get a representative sample that can
produce accurate generalization of the larger
Non-probability Sampling Has 3 common types : convenience, quota &
Probability Sampling Has 4 basic types: simple random, stratified,
cluster & systematic
Purposive Sampling Primary factor in QR data collection

E. Exercise/Drill
Describe the sampling procedure you will use in your research project and start writing its draft.

F. Practical Application
What is the importance of the sampling procedure and sample in research?

G. Generalization & Abstraction

In qualitative research, a sample is a smaller set of cases a researcher selects from a large group and generalizes to the

H. Evaluation
Describe the sampling procedure of your research by writing its final draft.

I. Agreement/Assignment

V. REMARKS _____________________________________________________________________________________________

 No. of Learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment _______________
 No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation _______________
 Did the remedial lessons work? _______________
 No. of Learners who have caught up with the lesson _______________
 No. of Learners who continue to require remediation _______________

Learning Design
Competency Write a coherent literature review.

Skill Write a coherent literature review.

Content coherent literature review

Context coherent literature review


Review none


Lesson Presentation The following items may be helpful in writing a coherent literature review.

 Use the three main components consistent across literature reviews:

introduction, body & conclusion.
 Follow certain rules that can guide you in writing the review.
 Use phrases suggesting tentative character of the research literature such

Exercise Prepare 1 journal only.

Write a coherent review based on the journals prepared for the literature of
your study.

Evaluation Write a coherent review of the following items.

 Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder – so that
you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are
high (Mind Tools Ltd 2018).

 Balance is key. If you lack balance in your life, you're going to feel stressed
out. Even if you're able to effectively juggle your responsibilities, without
proper balance you're going to eventually reach your breaking point. So, it's
important to not only follow a system that will help you get things done, but
also one where you prioritize personal and family time (Adams, 2018).

 Some of the good time management skills include setting clear goals,
breaking your goals down into discreet steps, and reviewing your progress
towards your goals (Australian Professional Skills International, 2016)

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