Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
This chapter accounts with the theories related to the research. It elucidates
organizing, motivating, and controlling of people. Some students utilize their time
to reach some goals like academic achievement or others. To reach their goal, they
achievement describes a picture of the success rate during the process of the
lectures. In fulfilling the demands for good academics achievement, there are some
efforts to get the academic achievement. There are rule oriented, procedural, and
intellectual (Carbonaro, 2005). Rule oriented means that students must follow the
rule which is in school or university. Procedure has meaning that student must meet
the specific demands set by teacher or lecturer such finish task and submit on time.
challenges. Other researchers also support that students must study hard and
manage well their time despite being faced with the constraints associated with
achieve the needs, prioritizing the tasks required and matching tasks to time and
resources through planning, scheduling and making lists. It will also bring us to the
means that time management assists big rule for the success of learning.
controlling things that can be controlled and spending the most productive time on
important issues (Behnam, Jenani, & Ahangari, 2014). Time management also is
not about doing many things in one day. It is about doing the most important things
Implementing time management, there some strategies which must do. The
strategies had purposes to create our activity run well and get good result. Chase et
al., (2013) also states that if the increasing of time focused on developing things,
generally predicts the quantity of these products. These strategies are set realistic
and attainable goals, optimise realistic planning, prioritise, and effective
scheduling. Therefore, students must be able to manage their schedule and further
plans. In addition, doing an activity by setting our time properly will bring up to
Other researchers also support that time management must be used properly.
create schedule, record all activities, set goal, stop procrastination, create an
environment conducive to effectiveness and set priorities. Not only that, Lawrence
also adds commitment because time management will be useless if it is not done.
Time management has benefit for some students. Time management has been
described such as having advantageous for both individual and organisation for
some years. It is the most basic self- management (Conley, 2011). Therefore, we
must determine again from what we will start until the academic achievement can
hold in our hand. Time management also is an ability for making a decision to what
is most important for the academic, the organisation and life. Time management
refers to planning the time available in line with personal goals and lifestyles. The
criterion for efficient time management lies not only in achieving set goals but also
in attaining them in the minimum time possible (Kaya, Kaya, Palloş, & Küçük,
efficiently as possible by doing planning, scheduling, control over time, always
can be seen from behaviours as organizing the workplace and not procrastinating
Planning and well-outlined schedule are one of the primary keys to be active
students. By planning and well outline schedule, it can help students to improve
their quality of academic well. In addition, students are able to reach their goals and
priorities. From all process planning and well outlined, it influences into
Inability to goal setting, planning, and monitoring activities is the reason why
students cannot manage their time. Procrastination is often faced by students who
cannot manage time properly so that their results in academic achievement is poor
(Aeon & Aguinis, 2017). Therefore, a late individual can be indicated from the way
One of the factors which influenced the students at university in arranging their
time is the university self. Besides the student, the university also has an important
role to determine the students’ time management (van der Meer, Jansen, &
Torenbeek, 2010). Students do not only study but they also have activity outside of
learning at college. Giving assignments from different lecturers all at the same time,
8 Impact of inability to manage time
Poor time management behaviours, such as, not allocating time properly or
last-minute cramming for exams, are sources of stress. A poorly managed schedule
is a recipe for stress and unhappiness as all of those jobs pile up around us and we
do not seem to have enough time to get them all done (Vennila, 2018). On the others
hand, impact inability managing time has effect for poor academic performance.
Some students do not pay attention to their times so that some of them fail in
academic (Alay & Koçak, 2002). To avoid that case, the students must pay attention
They have many kinds of goal joining the organization. The expectation is
situations (Subethra & Nirmala, 2018). This is also supported by other researchers
that expectations is a person's belief in the efforts they make at work, the
performance they achieve from that effort, and the rewards they receive from effort
change their lives to be batter so that they expect something from involvement in
the organization. Other researchers also said that expectation that they have is from
their motivation (Sloof & van Praag, 2008). They join in organisation because they
2.2.1 Expectation factors
factor described in their research are social support, religious belief and control.
gathering human being, tasks, tools, authorities and responsibilities that can create
an organization as unite to get a common goal of the organisation which has a deal
can cover knowledge that cannot be obtained in college. They believe joining an
organisation the knowledge that they absorb can be perfect when they are learning
also in the organisation. The big problem which faces by the students who process
of social development. One example occurs in higher education is that students who
are members of the organisation hope good education and career (Foubert &
higher education students and faculty, let students interact in a non-formal setting,
There some benefits for students who active organisation. Some of them are
addition, students who engaged with their college organisation have some benefits
Being active in organisation has good impact for our psychic. Extra-curricular
or organisation activities are effective to the extent that they create opportunities
relationships with others, try new things and expand their interests (Park, 2015).
Many variations of student expectation join an organisation in college. That is very
interesting for me to observe how they manage their time in the organization and