Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
management is the key to attaining success in life. In the late 1950s, the
controlling oneself at the same time, individuals are able to perform many tasks,
recognize their tasks, and adjust to their limitations. The development of other
individuals manage their time to adapt their everyday lives or make it flow
one of the factors that can influence a student's performance as a student. Time
management is crucial for academic success. However, some students lack
social and economic growth. The students' performance plays a crucial role in
producing graduates of the finest quality who will become great leaders
and manpower for the country, so contributing to its economic and social
vary from person to person and country to country, but have a significant impact
activities, and information being taught in school. They can help their children
determining when they must be completed. When one uses the prioritization
process, it means that one’s energy, time, attention, and focus are all prioritized
for that specific task, from top to bottom. Prioritization has numerous advantages
that must be taken advantage of. To begin with, prioritization makes work more
efficient. Workflow is critical for completing tasks on time and without stumbling
Students, on the other hand, do not believe that prioritizing tasks based on
finish an assignment, feeling the pressure of cramming for exams; or sleeping for
only a few hours due to disorganization and worry. Students are frustrated when
they try to get themselves to start working because they lack time management
skills such as task prioritization (Aduke, 2015 and cited in Peng & Kamil, 2018).
All of the different tasks and academic grades were determined. As a result,
partof academic success (Aduke, 2015). Prioritizing the tasks will make studying
and doing
(2016), the best use of time is to prioritize tasks based on their importance.
According to Al-Zoubi (2016), one must take priority (Peng &Kamil, 2018).
The related literature showed that the time management attitude and skill levels
level time management skills and only a significantly small portion has high level
Time management is a skill that every student should not only know, but
also apply. A lot of university students complain about running out of time when
asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make
it comes to university students because it will boost their grades and enhance
their academic achievement at a significant level and the skills are one of the
students should start to acquire time management senses on their own in their
primary school years by reading materials on the issue or via the framework of
objects were also added. Time management practices have been proven to be
success and performance. They not only influence on the achievement but using
time management techniques also serve only one reason meaning that there are
proceedings and being engaged in other outside class activities, not inevitably a
job, but being energetic in institution also has a strong correlation to reaching
practices serve for many purposes not only for challenging performance of the
students. Time management practices show the way not only to a high level of
academic performance, but to good physical condition and lower levels of stress.
The foremost purpose of the present study was educational competency, using
time managing techniques, test pressure, and test proficiency (Faisal, Miqdadi,
principles that individuals can follow tube more productive and efficient in
have everything you need before you begin; concentration the essentials; do not
spend less time searching for items and more time completing essential
activities. It can lessen their stress level. You can be prompt. It can assure that it
will meet deadlines. When tasks begin to build up, it is easy to forget small but
secondary, and higher education, it has been found that motivation influences
2005). There are various theories of motivation; some emphasize the quantity
holds that the quality of motivation is more essential than its quantity and
presents a continuum for quality of motivation (Ryan and Deci 2000a, b and cited
in Kusurak, 2018).