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Lesson Exemplar in HEALTH 10 (MAPEH) Using the IDEA Instructional Process

SDO Rizal Grade Level 10

Teacher Rhoderick C. Banton Learning Area MAPEH (Health)
Teaching Date and Time Quarter 1st

I. Objectives

The learner…
A. Content Standards understands the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
evaluation of health information, products, and services.

The learner…

B. Performance Standards demonstrates critical thinking and decision-making skills in

the selection, evaluation and utilization of health
information, products and services.

C. Most Essential Learning explains the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
Competencies (MELC) (If available, write evaluation of health information, products and services
the indicated MELC) (Week 1) (H10CH-Iab-20)

D. Enabling Competencies
(if available, write the attached enabling

Selection and Evaluation of Health Information, Products

II. Content
and Services

III. Learning Resources

MELC MAPEH (Health) G10 Q1

A. Reference
PIVOT 4A BOWR4QUBE, page 266

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Health Teacher’s Guide, page 220

Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material,

b. Learner’s Material Pages
page 198-203

c. Textbook Pages

d. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for Pictures, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Presentation,

Development and Engagement Modules, LAS


A. Introduction Think About It!

These are only a few of the things that concern you as

adolescents. Decision making is an important skill that you
must learn in order to live a healthy and normal life. This
module will help you understand the basics of consumer
health. Consumer health aims to develop a person’s ability
to evaluate and utilize health information, products, and
services wisely and effectively.
All of us are consumers. We acquire health information,
purchase health products, and avail of health services to
appraise, improve, and maintain our health. Health
information is any idea that we hear from people around us,
read from books and other printed materials, or from the
media that influence our health. Health products are items
that we consume to improve our well-being, like medicine,
food, clothes, furniture, electronics, etc. Health services are
programs we avail from various providers such as
physicians, nurses, therapists, health workers, hospitals,
clinics, and the government. Some examples of these
health services are insurance, treatment and cure,
complementary and alternative medicine.
In this light, we must all be educated consumers who make
wise selection of information, products, and services that
are scientifically proven and legally approved. It is our duty
to evaluate and examine the reliability of the sources.

B. Development Activity 1. The Three Components of Consumer Health

Online or Offline: (Online Discussion using different
interactive platforms) Consumer health aims to develop a
person’s ability to evaluate and utilize health information,
products, and services wisely and effectively. All of us are
consumers. We acquire health information, purchase health
products, and avail of health services to appraise, improve,
and maintain our health.

The three components of consumer health are:

a. Health Information
- Health information is any idea that we hear from
people around us, read from books and other
printed materials, or from the media that
influence our health.

- What is the latest announcement regarding the

status of Covid 19 in our community?

b. Health Products
- Health products are items that we consume to
improve our well-being, like medicine, food,
clothes, furniture, electronics, etc.
- What are the different medicines or vitamins in
your medicine cabinet?

c. Health Services
- Health services are programs we avail from
various providers such as physicians, nurses,
therapists, health workers, hospitals, clinics, and
the government. Some examples of these
health services are insurance, treatment and
cure, complementary and alternative medicine.

- Are you already vaccinated?

- Where did you had your vaccine?

Activity 2. Famous Filipino Brand and Slogan

Online or Offline: Look at the pictures of different Filipino
Products below and answer the questions that follow.

1. What are the products being promoted?

2. Have you ever tried one of these products?
3. Where can we access these products in our
4. Do the product have a “Catchy” Slogan? Why?
5. Does the slogan promote the product well? Why?

Activity 3: SURVEY SAYS!

Online: Search and answer the following questions:
1. What should I do when my head and body ache?
2. How many times should I take vitamin and mineral
C. Engagement 3. What is the best way to make my skin smooth?
4. When is the best time to trim my fingernails?
5. What is the most effective way to lose weight?
Offline: Ask your neighbors.
a. Roam around your neighborhood within the 50-
meter radius from your house.
b. Ask your neighbors using the questions above.
c. Record their answers on your notebook.

Activity 4: PAIR SHARE

Online: Using online messaging flatforms, have a
conversation with your classmates regarding the gathered
information on the survey. Answer and discuss the
following questions:
1. Which of the survey answers do you agree with?
Which do you disagree? Why?
2. What kind of information is being asked? Is it
critical? Why?
3. Who can accurately answer these questions?
*** Write a one paragraph reflection on the different
answers given on the survey.
Offline: On your notebook, answer the questions given

D. Assimilation Activity 5: Essential Shopping List

Online or Offline:
List five examples of different health products that your
family have purchased during this pandemic either on
online selling or actual grocery store. Write them on the
chart below.


________ _________ Water
Vitamins and

_________ __________
Health Products

*** How do these products affect the overall well-being of

your family to fight against Covid19?

Activity 6:

Online or Offline: Write whether the given information is


Draw a Smiley () if RELIABLE and sad face () if

_____1. Timely and relevant information ()
_____2. Misleading advertisements ()
_____3. Doctors advise on vitamins and medications ()
_____4. Services from public hospitals ()
_____5. Culturally appropriate and accessible information
_____6. Unevaluated data of products ()
_____7. Faith healers and witch doctors ()
_____8. Doctors are professionals that are approved by
the government to treat the population ()
_____9. Medical blogs of an ordinary blogger ()
_____10. Healthcare facilities and health insurance ()

Reflect on the following and continue the quotation being
given. Write your answer on your notebook.
1. Misleading information in times of COVID19 can
V. Reflection cause _________________________________.
2. Hoarding of products during this pandemic is an act
of ____________________________________.
3. Medical practitioners are always considered as
______________ even if there is no pandemic.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Chairman, MAPEH Dept.



Principal II

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