Q1 DLL10 Health Week 2.1
Q1 DLL10 Health Week 2.1
Q1 DLL10 Health Week 2.1
Teaching Dates and Time Week 2 (5 Sessions) Quarter FIRST
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presenting the new lesson Study the picture and give/ Quackery promotes Go on your respective groups, Go to your respective
share your insights/opinion solutions to health then create short skit for the groups.
about the advertisement. problems and are following quackery and present Brainstorm and recall the
guaranteed safe. (FALSE) it in front of the class. different legal Protection
Medical quackery Nutrition Quackery of the consumers.
discusses selling of Device Quackery Write your responses in a
device that cure sickness. Medical Quackery manila paper and assign
(FALSE) one of the group to
Nutrition quackery present your activity.
promotes practices from
using food supplements
that claim to all natural
Device quackery make
use of miraculous
gadgets to heal. (TRUE)
Quackery is a form of a
health fraud, any
advertisement, promotion,
or sale of products and
services that have not
been scientifically proven
safe and effective.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Based on the picture presented, Ask the following questions: Based on the activity, ask the
lesson ask the following: What are the different following questions:
What is being sold by the health benefit of the What is the importance of
poster? different herbal medicine? understanding the
What does it guarantee? How sure are you that different forms of
Do these products come these herbal medicines quackery?
from reliable or unreliable can cure different Is there a law that
materials? Why or why sickness? concerns the health of
not? consumers when they are
Will you buy it? Why or being the victim of
why not? quackery?
What would be the rights
of the consumers that you
think are violated?
C. Presenting examples/Instances of VIDEO PRESENTATION Present different samples of Watch video clips about the
the new lesson Quackery: An herbal medicines and different consumer law.
awareness/advocacy ways of healing/ alternative
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Medical Nutrition Device video medicine.
Quackery Quackery
D. Discussing new Quackery
concepts and Discussion about quackery and Discussion about the Discussion about the different
practicing new skills # 1 fraudulent health services complementary and alternative consumer rights, Consumer Act
based on LM pp. 216-217. health care modalities and and the legal protection of the
different herbal medicines consumers.
approved by DOH based on LM
pp. 210-212.
E. Developing mastery Write the definition of the Based on the lesson, what are What are the different
(leads to Formative Assessment different forms of quackery in the complementary and consumer rights?
3) the table. alternative health care What law protects the
modalities and different herbal interests of the
medicines approved by DOH? consumers?
F. Finding practical application of How can you avoid the danger How will you use the different Investigate and Find-out
concepts and skills in daily living of quackery? alternative medicines, Ask the students to:
complementary medicines and 1. Read the labels and find
herbal medicine in curing out the expiry date of
diseases or giving first aid? canned goods and milk
2. Make a list of different
health products in your
home find out what
information those
products give the
consumers. On a
separate sheet of paper,
copy the table and write
the result on the space
provided for.
Name of Particular Remar
goods informati ks.
on on the
G. Making generalizations and Ask the following questions: Draw a concept map and fill the What is the importance of
abstractions about the lesson What are the concept map with the definitions consumer act?
characteristics of different and sample of alternative, Give national and
forms of quackery? complementary, and herbal international agencies
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Why is Quackery medicines. and private organizations
considered fraud? that implement programs
for consumers’ protection.
H. Evaluating learning Think of a certain quackery GROUP ACTIVITY: Short Quiz
which is commonly used by the Share your insights about
people in your community, then the benefits of using
write an essay about the alternative medicines and
dangers and the kind of complementary
quackery which you see in your medicines.
community. Explain the benefits of
Criteria: different kinds of
The essay should discuss alternative and
and explain the nature complementary
and danger of the medicines.
The essay should present
one certain quackery
which was widely used by
the community.
The essay should present
the source of the
quackery and the solution
in able for the quackery
I. Additional activities for application
or remediation
J. Assignment
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
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F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other
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