2015 Concept of Hetu
2015 Concept of Hetu
2015 Concept of Hetu
A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved
A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved
A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved
A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved
Eg rukshadi bhojan and vihar manifest disease but acts as carrier when arises
jwara. for manifestation of disease.
b) Viprakrishta-It is distant cause for d) Pradhanik- It is powerful cause, which
production of disease. produces disease instantly like poison.
Sanchay of dosha is much essential
Eg. Sanchit kapha during hemant rutu 2) 3 types of hetu1,3 –
manifest kaphaja vikara in vasant rutu a) Asatmendriya samyog- Atiyoga, Ayoga
Sanchit pitta during varsha rutu and Mithya yoga of indriya are called
manifests pittaja vikara in sharad rutu. as Asatmendriyartha samyog.
Sanchit vata during grishma rutu Table no. 1- Following showing
manifest vataj vikara in varsha rutu. Asatmendriya samyoga of indriyartha.
c) Vyabhichari hetu – Cause which is
weak and unable to produce the
*Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015”
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329
A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved
b) Prajnaparadha-
Doing all asubh karma due to vibhrama dhi, drati and smruti is called
Table no. 2 – Following showing Prajnaparadha-
Shareera mithyayoga Vaak mithyayoga Manasa mithyayoga
Improper utilization of Improper utilization of Improper usage of mind
body activities like speech like back biting, like fear, anger, greed etc.
vegadharan, prahara, lying, talks, irrelevant,
mardana etc. harsh words etc.
*Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015”
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329
A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved
*Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015”
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329
A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved
a) Prakriti hetu – Kapha and Pitta rogas For proper diagnosis of disease it
are easily curable in vata prakriti is necessary to know about the
person if those come under curable causative factors. So if we are able to
category. know the exact cause and pathogenesis
b) Vikriti hetu – Vata roga are difficult to of disease it will help to diagnose it as
cure in vataja person and same applied early as possible. Thus the proper
to kaphadi prakriti person also. knowledge of hetus helps us to
11) Two types of hetu – Saam hetu and understand the diagnosis and proper
Niraam hetu. manifestation of disease. And it is
proved that the best treatment for all
12) Ashayapakarsha hetu1,8 –It means the disease is to avoid all the causative
prakrut or sama dosha moves from its factors.
own place by influence of vata and CONCLUSION-
produce disease. To conclude following are the points
Eg. Prakruta dosha moves to different which are derived from above
place other than its normal paths there discussion.
it becomes the aprakrut because that 1) The proper knowledge of the hetus-
place is not conductive to particular causative factors helps us for early
dosha. diagnosis of the patient.
2) It also helps in the differential
13) Hetu sankara9 – It means hetu with diagnosis of the disease.
respect to manifestation of disease. 3) After gaining the knowledge of
One hetu manifest many disease, on hetus, doctors can get the proper path
disease has one hetu and another for treating the disease.
disease have many hetus. Eg. Intake of 4) Hence by avoiding all the causative
ruksha manifest jwara, bhrama factors which resembles for
sometimes jwara but in some people manifestation of disease can treat the
manifests jwara, gulma , raktapitta etc disease in its own way.
depending on vyadhikshamtva. 5) So hetu is considered one of the
DISCUSSION – diagnostic tools which can play an
*Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015”
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329
A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved
*Special Issue for “National Seminar- Practical approach in Prasutitantra And Streerog 2015”