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Paliwal and Brijesh UJAHM 2015, 03 (03): Page 9-12

ISSN 2347-2375


Available online: www.ujconline.net
Review Article


Brijesh Kumar1, Murlidhar Paliwal2*
Junior Resident-IIIrd Year Department of Samhita and Sanskrit, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi, India
Assistant Professor Department of Samhita and Sanskrit, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi, India

Received 28-03-2015; Revised 26-04-2015; Accepted 24-05-2015

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Murlidhar Paliwal
Assistant Professor Department of Samhita and Sanskrit Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi – 05

Ayurveda is the science of life which provides healthy long life as it deals with prevention and promotion of health as well as the
treatment of diseases. All the ancient Ayurvedic classics discussed the Tridosha-theory as a base. The equilibrium of tridosha causes
health where as disequilibrium of the same leads to different types of diseases depending upon specific pathogenesis. Effect is
observed according to the cause as per the well known theory of Karya-karan-vad of Ayurveda. Illness is because of different causes
and its effect is seen in the form of linga (symptoms of the disease) for which aushadh is essential to treat that’s why ancient seers and
sages of Ayurveda propounded the “Trisutra-Ayurveda” namely Hetu, Linga and Aushadha. Hetu is the synonym of nidan in the
context of diagnosis of the diseases. It is the first and foremost factor which initiates the pathology and crucial in diagnosis as well as
treatment also. Keeping this significance in the mind Acharya Charak has stated that a physician should first diagnose the disease
correctly and Chakrapanidatta, the commentator of Charak-Samhita says that successful treatment depends upon the proper knowledge
of hetu and linga of the disease. The term ‘ nidan ’ in the Ayurveda has been used in two sense mainly i.e. vyadhijanak nidan and
vyadhibodhak nidan. Knowledge of nidan in both the sense is essential for a good physician to get success. Diagnosis is never
complete without the elucidation of all the factors related with the disease.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Nidan-Panchaka, Nidan, Karan, Hetu, Chikitsa.

INTRODUCTION the disease. This article is mainly concerned with vyadhijanak-

All the Ayurvedic classics have discussed about Nidan very NIRUKTI AND DEFINITION OF NIDAN
vividly. It is because of significance of the concept of nidan. Nidan word has been defined by Amar Singh in Amarakosha3
Nidan means aetiological factors of disease. It is of two types as -
according to Cakrapanidatta i.e vyadhi-janaka nidan and funkua Rokfndkj.ke~ A funkufefr furjka nh;rs·lk/kkj.kr;k tU;rs·usu A
vyadhi-bhodhaka nidan . Vyadhi-janaka nidan means causes
of disease or diseases (etiological factors). Vyadhi-bhodhaka Means the entity by which something is produced specifically
nidan means which is the mean of diagnosis which includes is known as nidan. He says that nidan can be defined as
nidan , purvarupa, rupa, upasaya and samprapti ( nidan - adikarana which means “Mukhya karana” i.e. main cause. It
panchaka)1. Again Acharya Cakrapanidatta has again can be used in medical science in the sense of initiating causes
discussed the nidan of two types for all the diseases i.e. of disease or diseases.
Sadharana and Asadharana karan in his commentary of Acharya Charaka says that “r= funkua dkj.kfeR;qäexzs” means
Charak-Samhita2. Nidan, dosha and dushya play a significant nidan word has been used in the sense of causative factors of
role in the manifestation of each and every disease. In this the disease4. Acharya Vijayarakshita has mentioned in
context, nidan means external causative factors which includes Madhukosha Tika that the factor which causes disease are
faulty diet, life style and accidental causes, dosha are Vata, known as nidan . Nidan is the process by which disease is
Pitta and Kapha considered as the samavayi karan of diagnosed. Again Acharya Vijayarakshita has defined that
endogenous diseases and dushya means Rasa etc. dhatus and which gives complete knowledge about Vyadhi, is called
malas which are vitiated by doshas. Diagnosis is never nidan5. The word nidan is used in two different contexts i.e.
complete without the elucidation of all the factors related with etiological factors and diagnosis of diseases of the diseased

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Paliwal and Brijesh UJAHM 2015, 03 (03): Page 9-12

one. Further Acharya Vriddha Vagbhata has mentioned in Cakrapanidatta has discussed nidan of two types for all the
Ashtanga-Samgraha that nidan means one which aggravates diseases in the living beings- Sadharana and Asadharana
vatadi doshas6. It is due to intake of unwholesome diet and karana. Among these Asadharana karana include Ahara etc.
improper activities. Regarding the definition of nidan , which is responsible for vitiation of vatadi doshas in
Acharya Gananatha Sen in his book Siddhanta- nidan put individual and sadharana karana means which are shared
forward his views that external etiological factors are called commonly by all the persons of a locality viz. Vata, Jala,
nidan. These factors causes either disturbance in equilibrium Desha and Kala described in Janpadoddhvansa-Viman
of dhatus or directly produce various disorders. In this way chapter of Charak-Samhita.
nidan is of two types. The first one is the cause of As per Madhukosh- tika of Madhav-Nidan, nidan is
endogenous diseases and second is the cause of exogenous classified in to four types- Sannikrishta hetu, Viprakrishta
diseases. Further explained that the term ‘Nimitta’ is used to hetu, Vyabhichari hetu and Pradhanika hetu11.
differentiate from Samavayi and Asamavayi Karana of the SANNIKRISHTA HETU-
diseases7. The factors which causes the prakopa of the doshas and do not
SYNONYMS OF NIDAN expect the sanchaya etc. stages. For examples-Diurnal
Acharya Charaka has described hetu, nimitta, Ayatana, karta, variation of doshas takes place routinely i.e. during night, day
karana, pratyaya and samutthana as synonyms of nidan in the and during digestion, for this sanchaya of doshas is not
Nidansthan8. Acharya Vridha Vagbhata has mentioned two essential, it manifests naturally. It is the proximal/ immediate
more synonyms of the term nidan i.e. mulam and yoni9. Brief cause of the disease. For example; intake of ruksha etc. Diet in
information of the synonyms is being given here- Jwara roga is sannikrishta karan where as Rudra-kopa can be
Hetu- Hetu means the cause. taken as viprakrishta karan.
Nimitta- Apart from the cause, Nimitta gives the meaning of VIPRAKRISTA HETU
Sakuna also. (Vidyotini Hindi commentary of Charak- It is the distant cause for the production of disease. For
Samhita) examples- Sanchaya of kapha doshas in Hemanta ritu
Ayatana- The Ayatana word stands for karana. It means the produces disease in Vasanta ritu (spring season). It is also
site or region also which gives shelter. The Ayatana word is accepted that Javara manifest due to warth of God Rudra is
used in sutrasthana in the context of the cause of diseases. also the viprakrishta karana.
Again in 29th chapter of Sutrasthana of Charaka Samhita, the VYABHICHARI HETU-
term Ayatana is used in the context of ten pranayatana. The cause which is weak and unable to produce the diseases,
Karta- Means one who is doer. but act as a carrier. When favourable situation arises for the
Karana- Means the primary cause. manifestation of diseases, due to certain factors, even
Pratyaya- Pratyaya is used in the sense of faith, suffix also. unwholesome food does not produce diseases immediately.
In the context of nidan , it is the cause of disease. PRADHANIKA HETU-
Samutthana- Means by which something gets origin, it is It is the powerful cause which produce diseases
used in the sense of ‘Unnati’ also which means progress or instantaneously like poison, Accumulation of doshas is not
development. necessary, sudden manifestation of the symptoms are seen.
Nidan – According to Amarakosha, it is the initial cause of Again as per Madhukosh- tika of Madhav-Nidan, nidan
disease gives the meaning as nishchaya. The nidan is the has been classified in to three types - Dosha hetu, Vyadhi
cause and it is first among nidan -panchaka. hetu and Ubhaya hetu.
According to Charaka Samhita, there are three types of Normal accumulation, aggravation and pacification of
causes of diseases in general i.e. excessive utilisation, non- doshas take place in respective seasons due to madhura etc.
utilisation and wrong utilisation of objects, acts and time10. rasas is called dosha hetu. Means factors responsible for the
These are Asatmyendriyartha samyoga, Prajnaparadha and aggravation of doshas comes under the heading ‘dosha-hetu’
Kala. Madhavakara has also discussed the similar causes. The in the context of nidan of diseases.
objects of senses are five and further subdivided each into VYADHI HETU
three, so totally 15 varieties of unwholesome conjunction of Vyadhi hetu are those which are responsible for the
sense organ is observed and it is the root cause for the development of specific disease by specific etiology. For
manifestation of diseases. example: regular consumption of ‘mrit’ (clay) manifest
Asatmyendriyartha samyoga means unwholesome contact of mritbhakshanajanya pandu roga.
Chakshurindriya, Shravanendriya, Ghranendriya, UBHAYA HETU-
Rasanendriya, and Sparshanendriya with their objects. Specific factors which aggravate vata and rakta and
Prajnaparadha means wrong utilisation of speech, body and simultaneously manifest vatarakta-vyadhi. Here causative
mind. Some says even sinful acts also responsible for factors aggravate dosha & simultaneously manifest diseases.
intellectual blesphemy. Again as per Madhukosh- tika of Madhav-Nidan, nidan
Kala is known as transforming or consequence. Kala is the has been classified into two types - Utpadaka hetu and
unit of time comprises of hemanta ritu, grishma ritu and Vyanjaka hetu.
varsha ritu characterised by cold, hot and rain respectively. UTPADAKA HETU-
Unhealthy season is considered one of the causes of the Utpadaka-hetu are those which favour accumulation of
diseases. respective dosha in respective season due to seasonal effect.
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Paliwal and Brijesh UJAHM 2015, 03 (03): Page 9-12

For example: in hemant ritu due to madhura rasa, Makshika-bhakshanajanya-Chhardi etc. Hetu or nidan is
accumulation of kapha is observed. useful to know the prognosis as it is well versed in the text
VYANJAKA HETU- that intake or indulgence in all the etiological factors causes
Vyanjaka hetu are those which stimulate the development of severe disease resulting in incurability13 where as intake of
diseases. For examples: accumulated kapha in hemant ritu less hetu causes mild disease which is easy to cure14. It is
produces disorders of kapha in vasanta ritu due to effect of equally important in treatment also as physician advice the
sun. Here effect of sun is the Vyanjaka hetu. chikitsa considering the cause such as diseases caused by
Again as per Madhukosh- tika of Madhav-Nidan, nidan extreme effect of cold are treated by hot substances and vice
has been classified into two types -Bahya hetu and versa. Diseases which are caused by over indulgence in fatty
Abhyantara hetu. substances are treated by non-unctuous substances and many
BAHYA HETU other examples of karananurup-chikitsa can be quoted in this
Various unwholesome diets, activities, ill effects of season context. Therefore, nidan is useful in diagnosis, prognosis,
and such other external factors producing disease, are called and treatment and even in protection of health.
bahya hetu.
Abhyantara hetu means internal factors of the disease such Different Acharyas have discussed nidan in their own way
as the dosha and dushya involved. which enriches the concept of nidan. Different
Again as per Madhukosh- tika of Madhav-Nidan, nidan classifications of nidan are available and each of them is
has been classified useful in clinical practice. Different types can be justified by
In to two types - Prakrita hetu and Vaikrita hetu. the quotation of Acharya Charaka15-
“HksÙkk fg Hks|eU;Fkk fHkufÙkA”
Prakrita hetu are those which causes aggravation of
dosha/doshas naturally. For example: Kapha prakopa in Each and every classification gives an important idea about
vasanta ritu, Pitta prakopa in Sarad ritu, Vata prakopa in the nature of the etiological factor such as Pradhanik hetu is
varsha ritu is due to the seasonal effect. quite different from vyabhichari hetu, similarly sannikrishta
VAIKRITA HETU- and viprakrishta hetu, utpadak and vyanjak hetu, prakriti and
Vaikrita hetu are those which cause dosha prakopa or vyadhi vaikrit hetu are either opposite in nature or play different
irrespective of seasonal effects. For example: in vasanta ritu type of role in the manifestation of disease. For instance if
– pitta-vayu prakopa, in varsha ritu – kapha-pitta prakopa, we check the disease process at the level of utpadak hetu, it
in Sarad ritu – kapha-vata prakopa. is easy to cure, but when vyanjak hetu takes place definitely
Again as per Madhukosh- tika of Madhav-Nidan, nidan more aggravation is there. Treatment of asatmyendriyarth
has been classified into two samyog is not similar to prajnaparadh and vice versa. That’s
types - Anubandhya hetu and Anubandha hetu. why different classifications give different messages which
ANUBANDHYA HETU - It is the prime cause. are altogether useful in clinical practices. Nidan word has
ANUBANDHA HETU - It is the secondary cause. been used in Ayurveda in both the sense i.e. vyadhijanak and
Acharya Gananatha Sen has classified nidan into two vyadhibodhak but this article is mainly focused on
types i.e. Samanya- vyadhijanak nidan.
nidan and Vishista- nidan .
Unwholesome Ahar and vihar are general etiological factors. Nidan is defined as the external cause/causes of the disease.
VISHISHTA- NIDAN - Elucidation of nidan is necessary for the proper
Shastra, agni, krimi and sarpa etc. are called specific identification of Dosha, the Roga, Rogavasta, Roga Bala,
etiological factors. Further he has explained that the specific and Sadhyata- Asadhyata of disease. The knowledge of
etiological factors are nimitta for Agantuja roga which nidan is useful for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. Even
directly produce the disease. Among specific etiological one can protect his health if he knows about the nidan of
factors visha, Shastra, agni, sthula krimi, sarpa and dansa various diseases. The first line of treatment is nidan -
are gross specific etiological factors. Microorganism, parivarjana (to avoid causative factors) of diseases. Acharya
sukshma krimi etc. are the minute specific etiological Charaka says that a physician should first of all diagnose the
factors. disease and then he should select proper medicine.
SIGNIFICANCE OF NIDAN Thereafter, he should administer the therapy applying the
Hetu is the prime factors for the causation of disease. That’s knowledge of the science of medicine. A physician who
why both Acharyas Charak and Sushrut have advised to initiates treatment without proper diagnosis of the disease
avoid the etiological factors12 and it is the primary step in the can accomplish the desired object only by chance; the fact
management of any disease. Hetu gives an idea to diagnose that he is well acquainted with the knowledge of application
the disease and as well as some time clue to predict the of medicine does not necessarily guarantee his success.
forthcoming disease. Nidan or hetu are of two types i.e. That’s why Acharya Charak has stated16 -
samanya and vishishta. Samanya nidan helps to know the
jksxeknkS ijh{ksr rrks·uUrjekS’k/ke~ A rr% deZ fHk’kd~ i”pkTKkuiwoZa lekpjsr~
effect on the doshas where as vishishta nidan help to predict
specific disease such as; Mridbhakshanajanya Pandu-roga,
Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 03 (03), May-June 2015 11
Paliwal and Brijesh UJAHM 2015, 03 (03): Page 9-12

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Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 03 (03), May-June 2015 12

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