Evolution of Tools For Scientific Validation of Ayurveda in Amalgamation With Artificial Intelligence - A Review

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Review Article

Evolution of Tools for Scientific Validation

of Ayurveda in Amalgamation with Artificial
Intelligence – A Review
Pooja Sabharwal1,*, Ishant2
PG Dept of Rachana Sharir, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, New Delhi.
Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, New Delhi.

Ayurveda is a science of life that emphasizes a holistic approach to health and individualized treatment. It is commonly
recognized that Ayurveda has a lot of potential for treating chronic illnesses that contemporary medicine is unable to heal.
Despite the enormous potential of Ayurvedic medications, the science is still not favoured to be accepted as conventional
wisdom. The reason for this is a dearth of new research in the field of Ayurveda; also, there is a disconnect between cutting-
edge technical developments and the development of methods to be incorporated into Ayurveda. World Health
Organization estimates that 70–80% of the world's population uses alternative treatments, mainly herbal remedies. Artificial
intelligence (AI) systems can analyze a person's inherited, physiological, and life data to establish their specific Ayurvedic
constitution, or "Prakriti." Using this knowledge, interpreters can create personalized treatment strategies that promote a
long and healthy life. Machine learning models can spot trends in Ayurvedic diagnoses and therapies, forecasting age-
related decreases and suggesting countermeasures.
Combining complementary and modern medicines can improve patient issues and treatment strategies. This study
investigates the application of machine learning to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical system that is gaining recognition
and acceptance on a global scale. Ayurveda is currently not exposed in terms of various concepts and ideologies. To
decrease the lacunae in the current availability, the agglomeration of Ayurvedic sciences with modern technologies such as
artificial intelligence and machine learning is essential. However, one of the issues with Ayurvedic medicine is the lack of
standardization in diagnosis, which can lead to inconsistent and erroneous treatment. Machine learning can identify medical
problems objectively and consistently. The study results indicated that machine learning algorithms could be used
successfully for Ayurveda.
Ayurveda; Ayurveda Diagnosis; Research Methodology; Artificial Intelligence; Ayurveda Pharmacognosy.

Introduction ments are still under-explored and

Ayurveda is the science of life, with a not popular among the communities.
holistic approach towards health and Now, the world is stepping towards
personalized medicine/care. It is Artificial intelligence (AI), which can
very well known that Ayurveda has most easily be referred to as the
great potential to treat chronic making of intelligent machines,
diseases, which are untreatable in especially computer programs.
modern medicine. Unfortunately, for Although for the classical mindset, it
many decades, this science has may seem unfair to develop (or
been underrated and ignored. The modify) the ancient system of
reason behind this is the lack of medicine by amalgamating it with
Corresponding Author
further research in this system and
Dr. Pooja Sabharwal the gap between technological
Assistant Professor, PG Dept of advancements and their amalgam- How to cite:
Rachana Sharir, ation in Ayurveda. According to Sabharwal P, Ishant. Evolution of tools for
Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved WHO, 70-80% of the world popula- scientific validation of Ayurveda in
Charak Sansthan, New Delhi amalgamation with Artificial Intelligence –
tion relies on modern medicines, A Review. Future Health 2023; 1(1):92-94.
Email ID:
[email protected] especially herbal ones. Though Submitted: 05 June 2023
Contact No: 9650190893 highly effective, Ayurvedic treat- Accepted: 28 August 2023

© 2023 Future Health | AIIMS Bhopal | www.aiimsbhopal.edu.in

Sabharwal & Ishant, Artificial intelligence and Ayurveda

current advanced technology, i.e., Artificial Intelli- What are the benefits?
gence, it is not impractical. Furthermore, despite Today, Ayurveda has started to use modern state-of-
challenges, the blend of Ayurveda and Artificial the-art techniques to prove the scientific explanation
Intelligence can bring about many advancements in behind the concepts written in ancient manuscripts.
science and healthcare, thereby benefiting mankind. Artificial intelligence would be helpful in different
Aims and Objectives aspects to enhance the pace of research on Ayurveda
The current article is aimed at reviewing the evolution of and its worldwide recognition. Development of tools for
Ayurveda in amalgamation with Artificial Intelligence. better scientific validation and increase the penetration
of concepts to the community, re-development of
Materials and Methods manuscripts for better understanding and approach in
This research is a conceptual one. As source materials, context to today's era. It will also improve the infrastruc-
the classical Ayurveda texts, along with the commen- ture for Ayurveda and the health industry in general. AI
taries available in the library of Ch. Brahm Prakash in Ayurveda will bring the concepts among the young
Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Delhi, is referred. Other generation so that they can understand the golden
than this, various related research article published has connection of a healthy and happy life. It can make the
also been studied. All the relevant matter is further treatment personalized for everyone as furnished by
compiled and analyzed for the discussion and attempts the elaborate range of herbs in Ayurveda. Furthermore,
to conclude the scientific potential of fundamental AI can help improve patient care by prompting effective
concepts of Rachana Sharir. communication between patients and physicians and
supporting physicians to provide better care.
Discussion Above, we have highlighted just a few benefits; there
could be an endless list of advances one can have with
Need of the hour this amalgamation.
Ayurveda is regarded as a thousand-year-old science. Artificial Intelligence has grown exceptionally recently,
This system of medicine has been time-proven and particularly in the healthcare system. Machine learning
beneficial not just for the individual's health but also in and deep learning are capable of pattern recognition,
ensuring their (holistic) well-being. However, this developing predictive models, and performing classifi-
discipline has not been further developed for decades. cation tasks through artificial neural networks. These
Lack of research, public awareness, Ayurveda lagging capabilities have led to significant advancements in
in scientific advancement, lack of popularity, etc., are various healthcare domains, from early disease
the reasons behind this downfall. Now that Ayurveda is detection to personalized treatment plans. 1
regaining its popularity worldwide, it is essential to keep
it at a pace & sync with the growing technologies. Artificial intelligence is being used in the field of
complementary and alternative medicine. Various
Why is it essential? researches have been conducted for Ayurveda-based
Ayurveda is being revolutionary in the field of health disease diagnosis using machine learning. One such
sciences. Now that most of the world's population example is Nadi-pariksha or pulse diagnosis.
mainly depends on machines for their actions, bringing In the current phase of globalization, the world is not
the health system in that direction is impressive. It is turning up on India; Ayurveda, our soft power, is not
also important to be accurate, practical, and parallel to being accepted worldwide. To match the frequency of
the direction of community orientation. The amalgam- globalization, Ayurveda has to be integrated with
ation of Ayurveda and Artificial intelligence can artificial intelligence.2
potentially provide solutions to most problems by
helping in the early detection of diseases, making Merging Ayurveda and Artificial intelligence can
accurate diagnoses and outlining prognoses and provide a unique opportunity to blend ancient wisdom
personalized medicines, and enhancing the commu- with modern technology, leading to better healthcare
nity's health literacy. This amalgamation will also aid outcomes. The area of such synergy may include
individuals' educational skills and learning in the Personalised diagnosis, Predictive analytics for
context of health sciences. The amalgamation can functional aging, and decoding ancient texts.
build better relations and effective communication AI algorithms can dissect an existent's inheritable,
between patient and physician; the latter will also help physiological, and life data to determine their unique
improve the digital identity of the individual. AI can Ayurvedic constitution or "Prakriti." This information
change the history of Ayurveda. Possibilities for helps interpreters develop customized treatment plans
multidisciplinary AI research and Ayurveda information that support a long and healthy life. Similarly, Machine
base can produce ground-breaking results in terms of learning models can identify patterns in Ayurvedic
disease prediction, prevention, and providing tailored judgments and treatments, prognosticating age-related
therapy.1 decline and recommending preventative measures.

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Sabharwal & Ishant, Artificial intelligence and Ayurveda

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