Yuvan Pidika Acne Etiology
Yuvan Pidika Acne Etiology
Yuvan Pidika Acne Etiology
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4 authors, including:
Sachitra Singh
All India Institute of Ayurveda New Delhi
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sachitra Singh on 05 June 2020.
In the present scenario, people are very much conscious about their health and beauty. Face is the most important
organ for reflecting the beauty of the person. This most important and beautiful organ is affected by certain anomalies
of the adolescent age i.e., 16- 30 years. One of the most important anomaly is Yuvan Pidika. The name of the disease
is self- suggestive of its nature and occurrence. Yuvan Pidika means that the disease almost takes place in young age.
It is a disease of the skin which have an adverse effect on the appearance and personality of an individual.
The features of the disease are similar to those of Acne. It has been considered as one of the common skin- disorder
as well as the disease of adolescent. Now a days due to faulty dietary habits this problem is more observed in the
As, from the treatment point of view, Acharya Sushrut has stated that “Sanchepta Kiyayogo Nidanam
Parivarjanam”.So in this study we are going to take the 30 patients with classical picture of the disease Yuvan Pidika,
visiting the OPD of AIIA, New Delhi and to rule out the most common causative factors by using the questionnaire of
nidana of Yuvan Pidika. So that the we can follow the first rule treatment as per Acharya Sushruta. Because without
stopping the use of nidana, any kind of treatment will not fruit-full. So, in this article we are going to discuss about
the discussion and observation and results of the study.
Acharya Sushrut describes Yuvan Pidika under samgrah and astang hridaya there is a clear description
Kshudra Roga. Vitiation of kapha, vata, pitta dosha about the lakshanas and chikitsa of Yuvan Pidika.
with dushya rakta gives rise to symptoms like
swelling, pain, redness, itching in Yuvan Pidika. Now Moreover there is no description of Yuvan Pidika in
a days due to faulty dietary habits this problem is more Charak Samhita, Kashyap Samhita, Harita Samhita,
observed in the society. and Bhel Samhita.
As, from the treatment point of view, Acharya Sushrut In madhaya kaal, description of Yuvan Pidika along
has stated that “sanchepta kiyayogo nidanam with their treatment is found in Sharangadhar Samhita,
parivarjanam”. So in clinical aspect the patients with Chakra Dutta, Madhava Nidana etc.
classical picture of the disease Yuvan Pidika are
Nidana of Yuvan Pidika:
studied to rule out the most common causative factor
by using the questionare for assessment of nidana of There is no any clear description given by the
Yuvan Pidika. So that the we can follow the first rule Acharayas regarding the nidan of Yuvan Pidika. In the
treatment as per Acharya Sushruta. Because without brief description available of disease Yuvan Pidika all
stopping the use of nidana, any kind of treatment will the samhitas have mentioned kapha, vata, rakta, as the
not fruitful. causative factors of the disease while Bhavprakasha
mentioned svabhava as the cause of the disease. In
Sarangdhara Samhita, vaktranigdhata and pidika have
To study the nidan in the patients of Yuvan Pidika. been mentioned as due to shakradhatumala. So it may
be concluded that due to svabhava of the particular
TYPE OF STUDY age; excess production of shukra dhatu and its mala is
a natural process, which along with the imbalanced
Non- Interventional, Analytical Study. state of kapha, vata, pitta, kapha and rakta produce
the disease Yuvan Pidika. So its cause is described as-
Svabhava- Bhava Prakasha
Shalmali kantakara ityadina yuvan pidikah
Shukra dhatu mala- Sarangdhara.
Yunamananm yuvanam tashya pidika yuvan pidikah
The exact description about pathogenesis is not
Prisodarudarakritigantavyakashya nakarashya lopah
available in any of the ayurvedic texts. The concept of
Yuvan Pidika looks like kantaka thron(throns) of shukra mala forwaded by Sharangadhara is also not
Shalmali(Shalmalia malabarica). The face of yuva supported by any other author but after going through
purusha(young man) is called as yuvanan. Pidika of the modern texts a similar concept, which can be
this yuva in yuvanam is called as yuvan pidika. correlated, with this concept is evident.
Mukha pachante at ev mukhdushika iti But it is described that ahar vihar which vitiate the vata
and kapha dosha along with rakta is mainly
It produces paka or pachan in mukha. So it is called responsible for this roga. So, it is very important to
mukha dushika. describe the ahar vihar which vitiate this dosha and
There is no description of Yuvan Pidika in Vaidik Kaal
and Pauranik Kaal. In Samhitas, the first description of Poorva Rupa:
Yuvan Pdika is found in Sushrut Samhita. It includes
in Kshudra Roga and description of Yuvan Pidika Description about poorvarupa of Yuvan Pidika is not
lakshana and Chikitsa is mentioned here. In astanga clearly found in Ayurvedic Classics. It is mentioned in
20-30yrs 31- 40yrs 41-50yrs 50- 60yrs
In present study, maximum individuals are in the age 20- 30 years, (70%) , followed by 20% of individuals are in the
age group of 31- 40 years and only 10% are of 41- 50 years and no individuals was found beyond the age of 50 years.
In present study, out of 30 patients 60 % individuals were females and rest 40% were males.
Out of 30 individuals maximum individuals were found in Hindu religion i.e., 70% followed by 20% of Muslim
religion and very less i.e.,10% were belongs to Buddhism.
Table 4 Study of Nidan in the Patients of Yuvan As the study is conducted on a very small sample, this
Pidika: A questionnaire of Nidan of Yuvan Pidika was can be done further on a large sample size.
prepared according to the classical texts. And the
number of patients consuming the nidana of yuvan
The study is conducted only in one hospital , this can 21. Advanced Dermatologic Diagnosis, by
be done on various population of different community Shelly and Shelly.
to see the nidan of Yuvan Pidika.