Data Analysis Ethics

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Ethics in Data Analysis
“Ethics are moral principles that govern a person's behaviours. Research ethics
may be referred to as doing what is morally and legally right in the research. They
are actually norms for conduct that distinguish between right and wrong, and
acceptable and unacceptable behaviours” (Parveen and Showkat, 2017)
Research is a process of investigating and discovering a new issue in any given
field. This latter is divided into parts, sections and stages in order to arrive to a
result. One of the main stages in conducting a study is analyzing data, however to
analyze data, an investigator should suit some criteria of ethics to obtain accurate,
original, and authentic results. This essay will discuss what is data analysis, other
ethical issues in analyzing data, and the importance of ethics in this stage.

According to Kaul, he defines data analysis as: “Studying the organized

material in order to discover inherent facts. The data are studied from many angles
as possible to explore the new facts” (2006). In other words, this process involves
explanation, interpretation, and a deep study of the data gathered in the present
research. In this stage the investigator provides description for the whole
experiment in which it should be clear and well explained; to do so, ethical issues
should be taken into consideration. Ethics in research are principles and behaviours
that the researcher should have and follow during the research process. After
collecting the data, analyzing is the next and the most important step. While
analyzing the researcher should be honest and carefully dealing with the results
Ethical consideration in research is a set of principles that guide your research
design and practices. scientists and researchers must always adhere to a certain
code of conduct when analyzing a data (Bhandari, 2022). The goals of human
research often include understanding real-life phenomenon, studying effective
treatments and investigating behaviors. What you decide to analyze and how to
report that research involve key ethical Considerations, that considerations work
to: Protect the rights of research participants _Enhance research Validity and
maintain scientific integrity; also it enhance and protect the trust and reputation for
the profession, and gives a basis for public evaluation and expectations of the
Ethics are rules for distinguishing between right and wrong such as a golden rule, a
code for professional conducting and analyzing. Ethics focuses on the disciplines
that study standards of conduct and report. Since research often involves a great
deal of cooperation and coordination among many different people in different
disciplines and institutions, ethical standards promote the values that are  essential
to collaborate  and analyzing data, such as guidelines, copyright, and patenting
policies , data sharing policies, and confidently rules in peer review , are designed
to protect intellectual property interests.

In addition, the conductor should respect the norms of collecting and analyzing
data, thus the he must report those data correctly without adding, changing or
reducing sections of the results. Secondly, a researcher should not be biased to one
side of the results, and that is to achieve authenticity. Secondly, privacy rights is
another ethical issue that the researcher must respect, for instance data provided
should not contain names or connecting results with people, objects and
participant. Also, during the process of evaluation, report of the data should be
valid and that is to achieve data ownership. In some cases, the research must ask
participants for their agreement to publish them. Furthermore, the investigator
should be truthful, promise keeping, and should implement justice. Ethics provide
protection to the researcher and the community in both legal and moral terms.
Ethics as the process of applying moral standards and principals in any
undertaking. This help to promote the values that are essential to collaborative
work, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness. It ensures
sufficient knowledge is shared by all concerned. research ethics are important for
building public support for research. People are more likely to fund a research
project if they can trust the quality and integrity of research.

Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. and Tight, M. (2006) How to Research (third edition).
Buckingham: Open University Press.
Rensik, D.B (2005). What is Ethics in Research & Why is it important?.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Retrieved from https://the-

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