DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W5
DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W5
DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W5
C. Learning Estimates the products of decimal numbers Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine and non-
Competencies/Objectives with reasonable results. problems involving multiplication problems involving routine problems
Write for the LC code for each (M5NS – II e – 112 ) without or with addition or multiplication without or with involving multiplication
subtraction of decimals and whole addition or subtraction of without or with addition
numbers including money using decimals and whole numbers or subtraction of decimals
appropriate problem solving including money using and whole numbers
strategies and tools appropriate problem solving including money using
(M5NS-IIe-113.1 ) strategies and tools appropriate problem
(M5NS-IIe-113.1 ) solving strategies and
(M5NS-IIe-113.1 )
Estimating the products of decimal Solving routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication without or with addition or
II. CONTENT numbers with reasonable results subtraction of decimals and whole numbers including money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
A. References Lesson 41 Lesson 42 Lesson 42 Lesson 42
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Quarter 2 TG pp Quarter 2 TG pp Quarter 2 TG pp Quarter 2 TG pp
2. Learner’s Materials pages Quarter 2 LM pp Quarter 2 LM pp Quarter 2 LM pp Quarter 2 LM pp
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Charts, powerpoint Charts, powerpoint Powerpoint Powerpoint
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Mathematics LG Grade 5 Mathematics LG Grade 5 Mathematics LG Grade 5
A. Review previous lesson or Estimating the sum/difference Identifying 2 numbers that satisfy Review the steps in solving Review the steps in
presenting the new lesson Ask: How do you estimate the the following: problems. solving problems.
sum/difference? a) sum of 520 and
Round to the nearest whole number and difference of 8
estimate the sum/difference. How many b) product of 72 and sum
can you do orally? of 17
Flash problem cards for the pupils to solve.
B. Establishing a purpose for You were asked by your mother to buy What is the importance of knowing Have you experienced Are you fond of reading?
the lesson some groceries after class. Without the hidden question in a problem? celebrating birthday with ice
computing how would you know that the Do all problems have hidden cream and cake?
money given to you is enough or not? Why? questions? Why?
C. Presenting Present the following problem Present the following problem Present the following problem Alvin bought 6 wattpad
examples/instances of the Carlo bought 5 notebooks at ₱38.95 each. Rico saves 4.50 on For Rina’s birthday, Mother at ₱165 each and 5
new lesson About how much did he pay in all? Monday, 7.25 on bought a cake at 200, 4 gallons sports magazines at ₱85
Tuesday, 5.15 on of ice cream at 350 each and for his friends. How much
Wednesday, 3.90 on cookies worth 225. She change did he get from
Thursday, and 8.20 on brought with her 2 1,000 bills. his three 500- peso bills?
Friday from his daily How much was left of her
transportation allowance money?
for 3 weeks. From these Original File Submitted and
savings, he wants to buy a Formatted by DepEd Club
t-shirt which costs Member - visit depedclub.com
P195.00. How much more for more
must he save?
D. Discussing new concepts Ask the following questions: a) How much money was To analyze and solve the Understand
and practicing new skills #1 1) What are given? saved by Rico? problem, you can do this steps. Know the given facts
2) What is being asked? b) How much is the t-shirt he A. Understand Plan
3) Do we need exact would like to buy? B. Plan Solve:
answer or just an estimate to solve the c) How much more money C. Solve: Show your solution:
problem? Why do you think so? must he save? D. Check and Look back:
4) What is the number d) What is the number
sentence? sentence?
5) How do we estimate e) How many hidden
products of decimals? questions are there in the problem
E. Discussing new concepts Explain step-by-step the process of
and practicing new skills #2 estimating products of decimals numbers. If
possible, elicit this from the pupils or have
them do the explaining.
F. Developing mastery Get moving Each group will give an activity card. Give the hidden question, write Write the number
Round each factor to the greatest place They will work together in solving the number sentence, and solve. sentence for each
value and estimate each product. the problem ,following the guided a. Mr. Salonga is paid problem then solve.
1. 42.6 x 37.2= 2. 68.54 x 24.4= 3. 99.2 questions below. 110.85 per hour of work. He 1) Barangay
x 48.5= 4.123.86 x 31.5= 5.246.3 x 9.67 Group 1 worked six hours each day for Maligaya is 28.5 km from
Mrs. Ocampo makes blouses and four days. On the fifth day, he the town proper. In
skirts. She has 1.25 m for the worked 3.25 hours. How much going there, Jay traveled
blouse and 1.35 m for the skirt. did he receive for 5 days of 15.75 km by jeep and 3.5
How much will 12 blouses and skirts work? km by tricycle and the
cost if a metre of the material used rest by walking. How
costs 45.25? many km did he travel by
G. Finding practical Read the problem then answer the Give the hidden question, write Group Activity: Give the Group Activity: Give
applications of concepts and questions that follow: the number sentence, and hidden question, write the the hidden question,
skills in daily living Father and other farmers harvested solve. number sentence, and write the number
tomatoes for the town's Tiangge Day. They solve. sentence, and solve.
were able to fill 56.5 kaings each weighing a. Mr. Salonga is paid 110.85 Barangay Maligaya is 28.5 km During recess, Romeo
18.75 kilograms. per hour of work. He worked from the town proper. In going bought 3 packages of
1. About how many kilograms of tomatoes six hours each day for four there, Jay traveled 15.75 km by toasted bread at 6.50
were harvested for the Tiangge Day? days. On the fifth day, he jeep and 3.5 km by tricycle and each. How
2. If they will sell the tomatoes for ₱24.25 a worked 3.25 hours. How much the rest by walking. How many much did he pay for all
kilo, did he receive for 5 days of km did he travel by walking? the packages?
a) By how much will they get for work? The Butal family went to a
one kaing? b. At a benefit show, carnival. They bought 2 tickets
b) By how much will they get for special tickets cost for adults at 80.00 each and 3
all the tomatoes? 35.00 each while tickets for children at 60.00
3. A businessman will buy all the tomatoes, regular tickets cost each. How much change did she
but will be given 1.5 kilograms free for each 15.00. What was the receive from a 500 given to the
kaing. About how much will he pay? total sales if 275 ticket seller?
4. Do you think that much of tomatoes will regular tickets and 120
be ready to be sold for Tiangge Day if only special tickets were
Father picked the tomatoes?Why? sold?
H. Making generalizations and How do you estimate the products of How to solve routine and non- How to solve routine and non- How to solve routine and
abstractions about the lesson decimal numbers? routine problems involving routine problems involving non-routine problems
multiplication without or with multiplication without or with involving multiplication
addition or subtraction of decimals addition or subtraction of without or with addition
and whole numbers including decimals and whole numbers or subtraction of
money using appropriate problem including money using decimals and whole
solving strategies and tools? appropriate problem solving numbers including
strategies and tools? money using appropriate
problem solving
strategies and tools?
I. Evaluating learning Estimate each product by rounding: Read and analyze, then solve the Read and analyze, then solve Read, analyze, and solve
1) 22.7 2.73.82 following: the following: for the answer.
3. 8.493 Mary prepared sandwiches for the The Butal family went to a Rhea and Cecil shared
x 0.08 x 0.28 seminar participants. She bought 5 carnival. They bought 2 tickets ₱500 each to buy the
x .08 loaves of bread at 22.50 each, 2 for adults at 80.00 each and 3 following for their
4. Ivan runs 4.8 km every morning. bottles of mayonnaise at 55.50 a tickets for children at 60.00 brother's birthday: 12
About how many kilometres does he run bottle, and 1.5 kilograms of ham at each. How much change did she pies at ₱20.50 each, 6
each week? 240 a kilogram. If she gave the receive from a 500 given to the watermelons at ₱45.50
5. In 6.75 x 8.56 if the factors are saleslady 1,000, how much change ticket seller? each, 4 cans of juice at
rounded to the nearest whole number, will did she receive? a) What is asked? ₱23.50 each. They spent
the estimate be greater a) What is asked? b) What are given? the rest of the money for
or smaller than the actual product? Explain. b) What are given? c) What is/are the hidden ice cream and cookies.
c) What is/are the hidden questions? How much did they
questions? d) What operation will spend for the ice cream
d) What operation will you you use to solve the problem? and cookies?
use to solve the problem? e) What is the number
e) What is the number sentence?
sentence? f) What is the answer?
f) What is the answer?
J. Additional activities for Estimate the product: Read, analyze, and solve for the Solve the following: Read, analyze, and solve
application or remediation 1. 9.713 2. 561.73 answer. Father needs 25.6 metres of for the answer.
x 4.12 x 5.17 a. Mother bought 3 kg of barbed wire to fence each of his Mrs. Moran bought a
sugar at 23.70 per kilogram and 2 chicken coops. If he has 10 whole dressed chicken
3. 584.9 4. . 623.7 kg of rice at 21.50 per kilogram. coops, how many metres of weighing 2.2 kilograms. If
x 82.8 x 7.89 How much change did she receive barbed wire does he need? a kilogram of
from her 500 bill? chicken costs 72.50, how
5. 689.7 much did she pay for the
x 53.7 chicken?