MERP - Fan9148 - A Hope Unforeseen II - Men From Drúwaith Iaur

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A Hope Unforeseen

Men from Drúwaith Iaur

By Daniel Bayarri Martinez Important GM note: As already mentioned in the

([email protected]) first part of this adventure (see Other Minds,
© 2015 Issue14), this adventure is not to be understood as
per the terms of the CC license: b n a one with a pre-determined path that must be fol-
lowed for the adventure to succeed. It cannot be
The second part of the adventure from Other Minds, emphasized enough that such a “railroading”
issue 14 takes the heroes to Anórien and finally Minas will very likely lead to widespread dissatisfaction
Tirith and Harlond. Their fate is interwoven with the within the gaming group and should be
characters from The Lord of the Rings and their actions avoided at all costs. Even though the plot as
will have a real impact on the course of history in these outlined here may suggest a very strict pathway
days. (especially later in Harlond), it is not so. The GM
should rather read it as a kind of “textbook case”
I hope you all have as much fun and enjoyment describing how the adventure might run if every-
reading and playing this adventure as I (the editor) had thing works perfectly. It should give him an idea of
when developing it from its first incarnation when it was the scenery, the plot and the NPC’s intentions. But
submitted to the piece you see now before you! he is encouraged to modify any events in a way
Most maps and other aids are shown in the text. These that seem more suitable to the actual rpg-situation.
are also provided in the Appendix (without the parchment He must then use his knowledge of the key (and
background) to be used at the GM’s discretion. possible) events and places to improvise his own
way of events, in case the players decide different
from what is suggested in this outline (which is –
from experience – almost certain). Therefore the
GM is well-advised to be very familiar with all the
persons, places and events to be able to react flexi-
bly to unforeseen developments and still give the
players an enjoyable experience while still leading
the adventure to a good conclusion.
The Campaign Map (Image 1) on the next page
gives the GM a good overview of the adventure

Aldwych is a small village next to the Firien-
wood. Twenty families live in the settlement whose
most prominent business is the Fallen Autumn Leaves
inn (#1 on Image 2; see Image 2 and 3 for a layout).
This boarding house has a good reputation and offers
generous meals and friendly treatment. Solan, the
innkeeper’s wife, is especially kind with guests and it
is rumoured that she is also very complaisant…
Aldwych also has a communal granary and a
water mill on the local creek. There are not many
shops and many of the deals are done by bartering,
but on the monthly market and at the inn coins are
accepted so some locals might be willing to take
b n a by Thomas Morwinsky

them. There’s no resident Healer either, but the Image 1: Campaign Map
staff at the Fallen Autumn Leaves can provide basic
1 medical services to travellers in need.
The characters will reach the village as described
in the previous scene (see Other Minds, Issue 14)
when the sun stands low in the western sky and they
are very likely looking for accommodation. Prices at
the Fallen Autumn Leaves are reasonable. There’s a
communal bedroom for travellers or, if they can
Image 2: Aldwych

afford it, they could rent a private room instead.

There’s even the possibility of having a warm bath if
they feel like it and have the funds. Room rates
b n a by Daniel Bayarri
include dinner that will be served at the communal
dining room which will be rather crowded at that
time. Several locals spend the evening here having a
sip and there are other travellers having dinner too:
A seed merchant on his route through Anórien with
his teenage son, two goldsmiths from Onodrith trav-
elling to Minas Tirith to buy raw materials for their
workshop, and a stranger calling himself Odell from
the Anduin valley also travelling to Minas Tirith to
see the remains of the White Tree – or so he claims.
In fact it is very unlikely he would be admitted even
near to it. In reality he is a brigand who wanders
from inn to inn swindling and stealing from other
travellers. The last guest is a courier from Minas
Tirith traveling westward. All these are spending the
night at the Fallen Autumn Leaves.
The courier is the only one with a private room
and can be clearly identified by the White Tree
emblem on his black leather vest. He’s having dinner
alone and on his table he has a leather cylinder
similar to a quiver. His name is Hirgon and he left
Minas Tirith two days ago. He was ordered to
deliver the Red Arrow to King Théoden in Edoras.
b n a by Daniel Bayarri Martinez This black arrow with a red tip is the symbol used by
Gondor and Rohan to request help from each other
Image 3: Fallen Leaves Inn and it’s been a long time since it was sent the last
Hirgon reached the inn shortly before the charac- lying on the floor. He has been wielding his short
ters, riding westward rather than eastward. He sword which lies beside him. Once he is awake
doesn’t talk too much and definitely won’t tell again, Hirgon will urge the character, even if he has
anyone anything about his own business, but will never spoken to him before, to chase the thief. “Get
encourage them to fulfil theirs (if they talk about hold of him!! In the name of the Valar, don’t let him run
their plans). He says that every worthy man will be away with it!!” -Seconds later Hunwald will also join
needed to defend the city. them, holding the man at his shoulder and taking
him to the chair inside the room.
There’s a seventh guest at the inn: Hunwald the
bard the characters met in Edoras is playing the flute Hirgon’s condition is not serious but he’ll need
by the fire place. After a few songs he’ll walk to rest for some time and is not able to chase the
through the dining room offering his hat to collect thief due to a severe vertigo from the strike to his
donations. Characters may recognize him as he plays head. The Gondorian is very angry with himself and
his music but he himself won’t see them till he goes looks very worried. If the characters have not intro-
round the room. He’ll tell them he barely escaped duced themselves to him before he’ll be the one
the guards at Edoras when the characters were asking questions now. He noticed that they are not
arrested and then fled the city as he feared for his from Rohan, since they speak Westron with a
own life. He’s happy the characters were able to foreign accent amongst themselves (or their dunnish
make it out of there too. dialect!) and they look battle-hardened and worthy.
If the characters tell him about their mission he’ll
After dinner the guests will leave to get some
beg them to help him. He has no other options now
sleep, and it will take some time for the locals to
as he clearly is unable to run himself for some time.
finally head for their homes. The common room will
He’ll explain to them the situation briefly. They
then be empty and lit only by the last glows of the
must bring the leather cylinder back at all costs. The
dying fire.
thief left on foot so if they move fast they might
The night will be calm and silent for hours but catch him before he’s too far away.
about half an hour before the break of dawn, the
The breaking of dawn is still some hours away
remaining mercenaries (from the encounter with
and if the characters leave to chase Odell they’ll
Grunna) will break into the inn through the back-
need some lighting. Hunwald has been present
door. They will be searching for Grunna and/or the
during the conversation with Hirgon and will join
contents of his saddle-bags. The character on guard,
the hunting party. The track can be followed easily
if any, or the one sleeping closest to the saddle-bags
by someone skilled enough.
will discover them as they enter the room and will
be able to warn his comrades. GM note: Since it is important that the tracks are
The mercenaries will fight back, especially if followed, the GM is well-advised to have a PC
Grunna or the saddle-bags' contents are almost skilled at tracking in the group.
within reach. But as soon as they suffer the first cas-
The tracks are from a single man first running
ualty they will retreat and flee through doors and
north and then turning east into the Firienwood.
windows towards the forest.
During the chase the characters will be surprised by
During the brawl Odell will take advantage of the sounds of the forest and the appearance of a
the confusion and sneak into Hirgon’s private room scared boar. Depending on the group, the GM may
to steal whatever looks valuable for him. He will add further encounters to intensify the situation's
knock the Gondorian courier over and escape with atmosphere.
the leather cylinder containing the red arrow. The
Two hours after they left the inn the track will
GM should arrange the location in a way that
become unclear. Something happened here, since
Odell’s escape is believable and does not look facili-
suddenly there are footprints of half a dozen people
tated (e.g. a deus ex machina by the GM to make this
and it looks like someone fell down and was dragged
happen). If they are extremely wary, they might
away. The multiple tracks now move east again.
prevent the theft altogether and thereby make the
And twenty meters away, hidden among the bushes,
following scenes obsolete (this should be rewarded
lies the body of Odell. He is half-naked, stabbed and
according to the game system used).
quite dead. The footprints from here keep moving
Hirgon will then be noticed missing after the last east till they reach the Meringstream where they are
mercenary has fled the building. The first character lost.
to reach the corridor where the private rooms are
will find the Gondorian at the door of his room,

stream. They should be careful to avoid the atten-
tion of the sentries (or try to eliminate them) and
will surprise the remaining six men going through
the contents of the bags they took from Odell. The
camp is in fact lit by a small campfire (which is a
handy way to offer the characters directions in the
night) surrounded by the men’s backpacks and
sleeping rolls. Other items of their equipment,
mostly shields, short spears and an extra hand axe or
two are present as well. The whole group has no
more than a couple of silver pieces and three dozen
of bronze ones. Odell’s bags contain a nice set of
rings and bracelets of different origins worth around
5sp if sold at the right place. He also had 3sp, 15bp
and 23 cp in a leather pouch. Hirgon’s leather cylin-
der containing the arrow lies open on the floor, next
to the six men.
Independent of how the scene develops,
Hunwald will always be the first to reach the cylin-
der and will pick it from the floor. He won’t take
anything else and won’t hand it to the characters.
The mercenaries will be beaten easily as their
morale is very low, and they’ll try to flee as soon as
they notice they are being attacked and pose no
threat to the characters. If any of them iare taken
Hunting © by Wouter Florusse, used with permission prisoner, it is up to the characters what to do with
Odell was intercepted by the remaining merce- them.
naries. They robbed him, including Hirgon’s valua- The group will be back at the Fallen Autumn
bles and then moved towards the stream. They’ve Leaves by noon. Hunwald will replace the Red
been walking on the riverbed downstream for a Arrow from the leather cylinder with a standard
while to make sure no one can follow them and then arrow taken from the mercenaries’ camp hiding the
headed for their camp. original one in his bag.
GM note: Before entering the river, the track leads
downstream, indicating at the general direction GM note: If the characters insist on being handed the
the mercenaries have taken. You may also devise cylinder at the mercenaries’ camp, Hunwald will
other, not so obvious, means to make sure that the try to make the exchange there. Any previous state-
characters find the mercenaries. It is not important ments by the characters (before reaching the camp-
how they locate them, only that they do, and that site) that they want to get the cylinder, will alarm
it fits the situation. him to do the exchange as soon as possible. He’ll
make sure he does it unnoticed and only then he’ll
The mercenaries have two men on watch, one accept to hand the item to the characters. If none of
on each side of the camp which is located among a them asks him to do so, he’ll offer it to the leading
rocky formation by the east bank of the river some character before they reach the inn.
seven hundred meters to the north of the point
where their tracks entered the stream. The failed Hirgon’s vertigo has subsided somewhat and he
assault of the previous night and the losses suffered is beginning to feel better. He’ll be waiting at his
brought their spirits down. They are worried and room impatiently. Hunwald will not enter the inn
unsure of what to do now or which direction to and as soon as all the characters head towards the
take. door he’ll head for the stable. If any of the characters
The characters should get to the camp easily just notice this and ask something, he’ll excuse himself
following the stream; Hunwald will help them if saying he wants to check whether his horse is fine
they have any problem deducting the direction the and that he has not been robbed too. He will even
mercenaries took when they reached the Mering- suggest to the characters to check their own bags at
the common room too.
Immediately after that, he’ll saddle up his horse
and will ride eastwards with his precious trophy.
The characters will discover they’ve been For two days the characters will move on unmo-
betrayed when Hirgon opens the cylinder and dis- lested and at nightfall of March 7th, they’ll reach
covers the fake arrow. Hunwald has disappeared by Calost – a small village from which the beacon of
then. One of the inn employees has seen him leaving Nardol can be seen.
in gallop eastwards and can point the direction to Among the small group of houses on the north
the characters. bank of the creek running down from the moun-
The Mordor agent has only a few minutes of a tains, a small but comfortable inn known as the
head start, so a skilled rider on a good horse can Traveler’s Rest is situated. It has rooms for up to four-
catch up before he leaves the forest. If Hunwald feels teen guests and their horses.
threatened he’ll get off the road and will enter the The evening at the inn will be quiet and at dinner
woods taking the roughest route available, jumping time the characters will have the opportunity to
over fallen trees and having his horse perform all meet Dostir and Romer, two soldiers from the
types of evasive maneuvers which anyone chasing Nardol beacon. They have been given a task (see
must master too. Characters may knock him down if below) to visit Calost, and with that are allowed to
they wound him or the horse or if they force him take a beer with other locals. They can be easily rec-
into a dead end. ognized as they wear worn-out uniforms with the
Hunwald may move back to the road if he feels white tree on their chest. Due to the distance to the
he has lost his pursuer(s), only to find out he has beacon (about 10 miles as the wolf runs), they have
become lost himself and enters the trail just at the taken two horses from the beacon and are due to
spot where any delayed characters are. return tomorrow.

In the end they must recover the Red Arrow and If the characters approach them, they will prove
hand it to Hirgon, thus ending up Hunwalds promis- to be friendly and will have no problem in chatting
ing career. The former will take the road west the about their duties at Nardol and about the beacon’s
following morning. Due to their invaluable help, function in general. If the characters share with them
Hirgon will hand the characters a ring with an their own story or at least their future plans and they
engraved tree. He will explain to the characters they present themselves as well-behaved, they’ll be
will get any help they may need from any soldier or judged as worthy men and the two soldiers will hand
guard in Anórien by naming him and showing forth them a small parcel containing letters to their fami-
the ring. lies in Minas Tirith. Hard times and personnel short-
ages have disrupted the regular supply (and post)
After that, they’ll part as friends bidding each service for the beacons these days and the men must
other farewell. rely on worthy travellers to send some news to their
beloved ones.
THE BEACONS OF GONDOR The parcel also includes a letter for Romer’s
younger brother Ruar who is stationed at the
By the sixth of March the characters should be on Eilenach beacon and two ten inches (25cm) wide
the road again. Those will be their first hours in metal gear wheels. These wheels are needed at
Gondor since they crossed the Adorn twenty days Eilenach to repair the pulley system which operates
ago. the heavy loads hoist at the beacon. The ones
They will leave the Fírienwood behind and will installed have been damaged and since Eilenach
enter the open fields of Anórien. The road leads beacon is small and lacks a proper workshop, they
through grass fields and tilled land flanked by two sent a request to Nardol (which is a better-equipped
rows of ash trees. The characters are able to make major beacon) for new ones. The guardsmen will
good speed on this well-established road. The Gon- ask the characters to bring the letters to their fami-
dorian beacons of Halifirien, Calenhad, Min-Rim- lies in Minas Tirith. The one for Romer’s younger
mon and Erelas along the White Mountains are brother and the spare gear wheels shall be delivered
passed (the characters probably won’t notice them). at the inn known as The Two Black Oxen which stands
Villages, homesteads, hamlets and farms can be seen by the bridge in Tir-Elena.
to the north and south, indicating a well-developed On the next morning the characters should leave
and settled land. The characters probably pass Calost and hit the road again. If they question the
through a number of smaller settlements where they innkeeper or any local about the remaining distance
might find shelter and refreshments or supplies if
116 they are in need of anything.
to Minas Tirith they’ll be told that about two more wraith riding his winged beast ought to be enough
days of hard riding will be needed to reach the city. for several characters or their mounts to panic and
It will be suggested to stop at The Two Black Oxen in flee into the wood for a place to hide.
Tir-Elena as it lies at the proper distance for a rest
If all the characters were brave enough to avoid
and the meals offered there are as famous as the
being terrorized and so skilled as to hold their
wine. Tir-Elena is just at the crossroad where the
mounts (that should be really hard though), the
path for Cair Andros leaves the main road to the
Nazgûl, who is trying to locate Gandalf and Pippin
north of the Tawar-in-Drúedain forest.
(who had gazed into the palantír of Orthanc) on their
The travel that day will be uneventful, but the ride to Minas Tirith, will then make a second over-
area is unusually empty. Few people can be seen, flight this time at a much lower altitude and just
even though the land looks tilled and several villages over the characters. This time at least some (at least
and hamlets can be seen – or are passed by the two) of the characters will be unable to restrain
adventurers. Many people have fled the open area themselves (the respective tests should be appropri-
out of fear that war might come upon them. The ately hard) and run for the forest.
road is wide and much more comfortable here. The
The flying beast and his rider will then disappear,
sky is overcast but it does not rain. Shortly after
leaving the characters’ group split among those who
leaving they will reach the first tree groves of
remained on the road and those who fled into the
Tawar-in-Drúedain. Tir-Elena is just a couple of
forest. Those in the forest will find themselves lost
hours away.
and disorientated, surrounded by the thick vegeta-
tion and under the dark shadows of the trees.
THE DARK RIDER Finding the way back to the road should be made
really difficult for those in the forest.
& THE CLEARING If the characters fled as a result of their own fear
As the road follows the northern border of the (rather than following a comrade to stay together)
forest it gets narrower and the flanking tree lines they will need to recover their temper in order to
disappear replaced by the thick and dark shadow cast take any voluntary action. Since all those who failed
by the Tawar-in-Drúedain. their rolls, fled heedlessly into the forest, they will
Suddenly, when noon has already passed, the be isolated from any other characters in the same
characters will be surprised by a penetrating and situation.
sharp scream. A shadow in the sky will fly over the The characters still on the road can try to find
forest and will then dive at great speed. their comrades following their tracks into the
Both the characters and their horses must make a forest.
real effort to stand where they are and not turn
around and flee. The terror caused by the Ring-

Fell Beast by Tara Rueping

One of the characters lost in the forest will acci- getcloser each time and sound much more aggressive
dentally fall in a well partially hidden under vegeta- but will remain hidden.
tion. This character can be one of those who fled
When the characters finally implement a plan to
from the Ringwraith or a comrade who entered the
rescue their comrade, they’ll face a rain of projec-
woods searching for those who had panicked. The
tiles coming from the thick forest around them.
GM should make a fitting choice according to his
These are small stones which will hit anyone not
group and situation.
ducking for cover. The shooters (using leather
The well is a shaft about fifteen feet (4.5m) deep slings), will remain hidden and move constantly
and four feet (1.2m) wide but the fall will be cush- around, so that projectiles come from every angle.
ioned (only minor damage by the fall) by brushes
While the characters try to duck for cover or
growing in the higher reaches of the shaft and two
attack the shooters or even keep on going with their
bodies as well as another bush at the bottom (see
rescue attempts, a loop made of thick rope will close
below). The floor at the bottom is even and the sur-
around the ankle of the character closest to the
rounding walls look to be smoothly carved and a
clearings’ edge. Immediately a branch to which the
dedicated search will even discover some small
rope is tied will be released dragging the character
figures engraved here and there. The character in it
up towards the treetops. He will be left suspended
can try to climb up the walls but the task is quite dif-
head down at no less than fifteen yards (4.5m) above
ficult (the bushes growing from the wall have been
the ground. The rope goes upwards from his ankle
either uprooted or severly weakened by the
and then down towards the thick forest disappearing
character’s fall and offer no help).
in the darkness. He may try to cut the rope if he can
There are two bodies at the bottom of the well. get hold of a blade but even then it will take several
They look like they died one or two days ago at the minutes and the fall might be painful or even dan-
most. They can still be identified as male humans gerous. The more effort he puts in the task the more
wearing tunics with the white tree on them. Their projectiles will hit him.
outer garment (armour and/or surcoats with the
If any of the other characters run into the forest
White Tree) is lacking though (the characters may
to free him or to intercept the shooters, he’ll be hit
notice this). The enemies responsible for this took
by a branch which was strained back and then
these to fool the remaining garrison of Eilenach into
released. It hits the character violently in the chest.
allowing them access to the tower and then to over-
If the character does not dodge on time he will be
power them. If the character down there has some
heavily hit and thrown to the floor of the forest. If
lighting and performs a more detailed search, he
downed, he’ll loose anything he was holding at that
might conclude they died due to piercing wounds, as
moment, be it a blade, a torch or any other item.
their backs and sides look as if they have repeatedly
been stabbed. These traps are not directly activated by the
characters but by someone else hidden in the woods.
While the character is trapped at the bottom of
They were prepared by the wild men, as they
the well, eventually all those who have entered the
expected a return of the “evil men”. They are really
forest will sooner or later also arrive there. It is
hard to detect and the heavy shading by the trees
located in an area with thick vegetation, but a circle
makes it even harder. The third trap will again be a
of large stones roughly seven feet (2 m) tall and
loop tightening up around a character’s ankle but
three feet (1 m) wide set at thirty feet (9 m) from
this time it won’t drag him up to the tree tops but
the well’s opening can be seen breaking through the
will make him fall down as it is under tension and
will throw him to the ground. Once the character is
The stones forming the circle are worked on the ground he will be dragged out of the clearing
roughly and if the branches are removed, a shape and into the thick forest. He may try to grab roots
looking vaguely human can be identified. As soon as or branches but the force on the other end of the
the characters are gathered around the well, they rope is very hard to resist. If any other character
will notice strange shapes moving furtively around tries to get hold of him he will immediately become
them. It is very hard to identify the size and number the main target of the projectiles still coming in
or whether they are animals or people. from every side.
While the characters try to rescue the trapped Once the character has been dragged into the
comrade from the well, the number of figures stalk- thick forest for a few seconds he’ll feel how a dozen
ing around them seems to increase. They seem to hands and the weight of several bodies fall on him.
Any weapon he may be wielding will be taken from

him. The weight on him will keep him immobile The leading Wose will proceed no further than
until his hands are tied up. three yards (ca. 2.5m) into the clearing and will
address the other characters with a very strong
After a few minutes the situation for the charac-
accent in poor Westron using a disdainful voice.
ters is far from promising. One of them may still be
inside the well, a second one is probably hanging
head down, a third one has disappeared in the forest “You mean man, what you doing at me forest?”
and there may be others wounded or bruised by the
stones being shot at them. Any attempt to give an explanation will be inter-
rupted by a second savage man appearing to the
right of the characters wielding an axe with a stone

“Lie!” will he shout while being echoed by

others “You mean man, other like you here
yesterday. You kill man from stone houses in the
mountain house. You like them. You many blades,
many noise, no respect.”

By this time the characters have some clues of

what may have happened. The two bodies found in
the well might be from soldiers of the beacon in the
forest. In fact the Eilenach beacon is built on the top
Wood Woses © by TurnerMohan, used with permission
of a rocky structure within the Drúadan forest. It
looks like the savage men have mistaken the charac-
ters with the men who killed the soldiers. They
Characters who did not enter the forest at all do
must try to convince the Drúedain about their true
not know what happens to the others. They may
intention in order to be released. The Púkelmen
hear shouts and the noise of the ambush (let them
can’t read but if the characters have the letters
roll for an appropriate perceptive skill) but can’t see
handed by Romer and Dostir they will set a spark of
anything. They’ll have to wait until their comrades
doubt in them as they are stamped with the Gondo-
complete this scene before they can join them.
rian tree and stars which they recognize. The Ring of
The captured character will be forced to stand Hirgon will be similarly useful hint that the charac-
up and walk through the forest. The gloom of the ters are trustworthy folk.
forest and the unfamiliar environment prevents him
The characters’ explanations will cause a debate
from getting a clear picture of what is going on or
among the two Drúedain. The conversation is unin-
where he is being walked to. He can identify a small
telligible but will end up with the first man grunting
number of savage men. Short, strong, with their
something towards the wood.
skin richly tattooed, they are just wearing loincloths.
Two of them are grabbing him by the arms and A few minutes later a fifth savage man will enter
forcing him to walk forward. They wield crude the clearing helping a young lad along, whos clothes
weapons which are nonetheless threatening. After are torn and with several leaf-bandages on his chest
walking for less than two minutes the character and right leg. The savage men rescued Romer’s
might be able to see the scenery on the clearing at younger brother, Ruar who was deemed dead when
least partially. his comrades were killed and thrown into the well,
and took care of him. He is severely wounded but
In the clearing the group will enjoy a few
conscious. He can identify the letters from Romer
minutes of silence and quiet after their friend has
and Dostir, the replacement wheels for the beacon’s
disappeared. If any of the characters leave the clear-
bridge as well as Hirgon’s ring if the characters have
ing to search for him, there’s a good chance he’ll
it and think of using it.
encounter other traps set by the Woses; effectively
preventing an immediate tracking. Alternatively, the Woses might be convinced if
the characters roleplay (and roll) some very good
It is a great opportunity to rescue the character
social skills when trying to persuade them of their
in the well or the one hanging head down if it has
honesty and good intentions. The GM should
not been done already. After a few minutes, a savage
remember to be open to good ideas of the players
man wielding a heavy club emerges from the far side
(and reward them).
of the clearing. Behind him the characters’ comrade
also walks, escorted by two other savage men with 119
short spears.
b n a by Thomas Morwinsky

Map 1: Eilenach environs

The Drúedain will accept Ruar’s explanations two hours for the ca. 20 miles (32km). If the charac-
and will offer to guide the characters to the forest’s ters still decide not to participate in re-taking the
limits or to the rocky formation on which the beacon, the soldiers will be able to do it alone.
Eilenach beacon is built if they want to discover
what happened there.
If the characters decide to investigate what hap-
GM note: The GM should encourage the players to
pened at the Eilenach beacon the Drúedain will lead
re-take Eilenach, as the beacon is crucial in this
them through a narrow trail among the undergrowth
situation and it is a great chance to become part of
and the trees towards the feet of the rocky outcrop
history. However, he should avoid forcing the char-
on which the beacon was built. Here their path
acters, If they don’t want to explore the where-
meets the regular supply road for the beacon.
abouts at Eilenach.
Higher up the hill, it becomes a path barely three
feet (1m) wide and winding up the steep hillside (‘B’
If the characters choose to avoid Eilenach and get on Map 1). The Party will find roughly hewn steps
back to the road, they’ll witness how the first every few yards (meters). If everything went reason-
beacon of Amon Dîn is being lighted just when they ably straightforward, the characters will reach
are about to enter The Two Black Oxen. The spark of Eilenach in the late evening of March the 8th.
light will be clearly visible on the distant mountain
top. Eyes from the locals sitting by the porch will Soon the path is high enough for the characters to
then turn to where Eilenach is supposed to be but see above the treetops and it keeps advancing up the
nothing will happen there. Immediately afterwords, rocky hill, interrupted by rough slopes and new sets
a soldier who was sitting by the inn’s entrance will of steps. After several minutes it reaches a relatively
rush to the interior of the building to round up his flat plateau close to the hill top. The summit is
comrades and the whole party will leave for the crowned by two peaks close together (‘A’ on Map
beacon as quick as possible. They have good riding 1). The taller of the two stands on the plateau and
horses and will ride as hard and quick as possible on holds a tower that is partially built into the rock.
the supply way to the beacon. They will need about The top of the second peak, which is not visible
Shooting a flaming arrow to light up the pyre is
also very hard as from their position it is not an easy
target with a fair chance of success. And any failures
will surely alert the tower’s occupants.
Image 4 below details the beacon’s layout. The
tower’s door on the ground floor has no lock but it
is barred from the inside with a large wooden beam.
The ground floor has just a single room that is not
very large and limited by the exterior wall of the
tower and the natural rock of the mountain. A
wooden stair connects it to the first floor, which is
much larger than the ground floor. In it half a dozen
men doze. This floor has five windows large enough
Eilenach Beacon b n a by Daniel Bayarri Martinez for a thin man to sneak through them. The windows
can be reached from the exterior by a skilled climb-
from the plateau, holds the beacon proper. Both are
er, but again the man on guard may spot anyone
connected (well above the level of the plateau) by a
attempting to do so without the necessary stealth. If
wooden bridge.
the sentry and/or occupants are looking towards
Be aware that there may be enemies at the Amon Dîn the climber has a much better chance of
tower, the Drúedain have led the characters aside
from the path through the forest for about the last
30 minutes to prevent any sentries from noticing
them. The place where they finally emerge offers a
good view of the tower, while rocks provide for
good cover (‘C’ on Map 1).
The tower’s door is just about 30 yards (27 Ground Floor

meters) away from the characters on the other side

of the plateau they just have reached. The door looks
firmly closed. Light is coming out from the windows
on the first floor. The image on the next page gives
you an idea of the exterior layout.
As soon as the characters reach the platform
they’ll notice that the Amon Dîn beacon is being lit
but there is no action visible that will lit Eilenach’s
beacon and transmit the signal to Nardol. A figure
can be seen moving at the tower’s rooftop. It is the First Floor
sentry set by the occupants. He’s left his post over-
watching the main door and the plateau leading to it
to inform his comrades about the lighting of the
Amon Dîn. If the characters reach Eilenach after
Amon Dîn was lit all the occupants will be at the
rooftop looking at Amon Dîn and not paying much
attention to the main entrance door or the plateau.
From where they are it is very hard to reach the
beacon itself (rather than the tower). See also map 1 Second Floor
for details of the surrounding area. Climbing up the
rock’s surface is dangerous and requires plenty of
skill. If any one (or more) of the characters tries to
reach the peak that way, he will also risk to be dis-
covered by the tower’s (probably unfriendly) occu-

Roof Eilenach Beacon © by Daniel Bayarri Martinez

Image 4 Layout of Eilenach Beacon

completing the task unnoticed. If he is quick, since bit and thus negates the element of surprise. Scared,
this distraction will not last too long and then the she quickly flees to the woods – with the two agents
climber will face almost the whole enemy party. in hot pursuit (the door is immediately closed
behind them). Her fear and knowledge of the area
From the first floor another wooden stair leads
give her a slight advantage for the moment, but her
to the second one in which a hoist to lift heavy loads
pursuers are skilled outdoorsmen. The path of both
through all three floors is located and from where
Maura and her pursuers leads them near the charac-
the bridge itself can be reached. The mechanism is
ters, and they may intervene as soon as they want.
not working properly and needs to be repaired to
The woods and dense vegetation will make it impos-
get the platform moving again. Right now the plat-
sible to observe the events from the tower.
form is blocked midway between the first and
second floor. To repair it, the two replacement
wheels provided by Romer and Dostir must be Notes on the Mordor agents
installed. and re-capturing Eilenach
From the second floor a third stair goes up to the Any attempt of getting into the tower and
tower’s rooftop on which the occupants have placed beacon must be carefully planned. It should be
a sentry. obvious to the characters that any frontal assault will
Soon after the characters arrived near the beacon be suicidal and doomed to fail right from the begin-
and surveyed the situation, they notice a young ning. A stealthy approach while scaling the rock to
woman approaching the watchtower by the regular gain access might work, but it is not easy and once
path. She is dressed in plain clothes and heads detected, the climber is very prone to attacks from
directly for the tower. If the characters do not inter- the defenders above.
cept her, she will knock at the door and call for The men occupying the beacon have been sent
Bregorin. here undercover and ahead of the main attack to
Her name is Maura and she is the daughter of a disrupt Gondor’s beacon system and prevent any
nearby char burner who supplies the nearby villages precise information of the attack reaching Rohan.
and especially the beacon with charcoal to ensure its The group is comprised of eight experienced warri-
all-time preparedness for a signal. Bregorin and ors. They are aware of the importance of their
Maura fell in love since she first came to the beacon mission and have been told that they are required to
three months ago delivering a charcoal load. Now he hold the beacon until relieved by their own troops.
is overdue for their last date (yesterday) and she is The latter should take a week at most after the
now coming to look for his whereabouts. capture of the beacon, when Minas Tirith is
expected to have fallen.
At first she gets no answer until someone
answers and tries to get rid off her, claiming that Due to this, they expect the first beacons to be
Bregorin is away on duty. lit shortly, and then any attempt to re-take Eilenach
may take place. This latter is important, as they
believe that their attack has left no witnesses alive
GM info: As an alternative (if you are more inclined and that there won’t be time to organise a serious
towards a happy ending for the two young lovers), relief attempt. Therefore they may be a bit less alert
Bregorin may still be alive (though wounded) and and a bit more slack than they should be (trying to
forced to speak with her through a window and capture Maura rather killing her safely is one such
trying to send her away. slackness – but it is the way of evil that often causes
its own downfall), but nonetheless they are profes-
In any case, she’ll insist and says that she won’t sionals and know what they’re doing.
believe that. The Mordorean agents may simply wait
until she leaves herself, but on the one hand they’re The original Gondorian garrison consisted of
worried she might alarm someone (by now they’re seven men: two are dead in the well (being sur-
convinced that they left no witnesses and hid the prised when returning to the beacon from Tir-Ele-
bodies of the dead soldiers thoroughly) and so think na), three have been killed in the tower (one of
of “silencing” here to avoid further trouble. A well- them may be still alive though, see below) and one is
placed arrow might serve this well, but then they at Tir-Elena (see below). They believe Ruar to be
also feel secure and think a little fun before finishing dead as well, as his wounds were serious and they
her off might be a good idea. The beam barring the left him for dead. The agents are unaware of his sur-
door is removed and two of the agents rush forth to vival and believe that they have “taken care” of the
capture her. Fortunately for her, one of them trips a whole garrison. Two of them may be (lightly)

follow the agents, knock them over as they finally
have caught up with Maura. Then she’ll be able to
explain the circumstances to the characters and they
will – hopefully – recognize the chance this offers.
The two agents have almost exactly the same stature
and hair colour as the two most appropriate charac-
ters. If they were overpowered without too much
bloodshed and damage to their clothing, the two
characters will be able to impersonate them well
enough to gain access to the tower. They may con-
vince Maura to come with them as a “captive” to
Amon Dîn © by Matej Cadil, used with permission make the masquerade perfect. Any rolls for disguise
wounded, due to the previous fight. This is optional, or similar skills should be easy (if rolled at all). If
depending on the strength of the characters. The they don’t come up with this idea themselves,
agents used the uniforms of the soldiers in the well Maura might suggest this. She’s a tough and fearless
(and information gained from them) as a disguise to young woman; traits which are of course very useful
gain access to the tower and overpower the men for the daughter of a char burner living in the semi-
there. wilderness of Gondor.

The lighting of Amon Dîn will cause a short dis- Maura may also suggest leading the characters to
traction, but as the agents expect this to happen, this her parent’s hut if they ask for any more assistance.
will be short-lived and from then on, their vigilance With Maura’s help, it will be easy to gain access
will be higher. to the lower level, but here their cover will be
Capturing Eilenach is not an easy task and should blown and a fight is very likely. The characters will
be planned well by the characters. As outlined have the element of surprise though (it’s unlikely
above, a frontal assault is out of the question, and a that all of the agents are ready for a fight). If this
pure stealth & climbing attack is very risky and more assault is combined with another character scaling
likely to fail than not. The following events may be the rock, success is almost guaranteed. The charac-
the best chance for the characters, as it allows them ter scaling the rock may come as an additional
a surprise attack under cover. If this is combined and attacker from behind the agents (attacking from the
timed correctly with a scaling approach, the chances rear when they rush to the ground floor) or he may
for success should be quite good. use the chance to get to the beacon and light the fire.

Ruar is another valuable source of information. If the characters manage to light the pyre, the
While not present in the tower at the time of the Mordorean agents will have no means to extinguish
attack, he can provide them with information about it (if they haven’t been neutralised already) and
the tower and beacon in general and the approxi- minutes later they will be able to see a spark of light
mate number of enemies (he saw five of the attack- from Nardol beacon to the west.
ers and is sure that there a some more) and their Once the beacon is lighted and the Mordorean
skill. He was not able to overhear their plans, as he agents have been dealt with, the characters may
was already unconscious by that time. spend the night at Eilenach or walk to Tir-Elena.
Maura is possibly the character’s best chance to The Drúedain will lead them safely through the
get access to the tower. The most elegant way is to forest.

MINAS TIRITH – The characters will enter the city mixed among
the men from Lamedon, Lebennin, Langstrand and
THE WHITE CITY the company of Swan Knights led by Imrahil, Prince
of Dol Amroth.
The characters will reach the northern gate of
the Rammas Echor on the ninth of March in any They are cheered as they cross the main gate but
case. If they chose not to investigate matters at all of them will notice the number of men arrived to
Eilenach, the soldiers at the inn were successful in defend Minas Tirith does not meet the expectations
re-capturing and lighting the beacon. of the people here.
The gate is heavily guarded and only those A sergeant will approach the leading character to
knowing the passwords are allowed to enter the identify the origin and number of their company.
walled fields. The characters may use the ring given Here they should put forth their letter (or other
by Hirgon or the letters from the beacons if they items) that shows they are volunteers from foreign
have them to convince the guards to let them pass lands, called upon by Gondor’s envoys abroad. He
through. Otherwise they’ll have to prove their good will then instruct them to go up to the third ring of
intentions and worthiness by other means. the city where accommodation has been prepared
for the newcomers.
After crossing the gate they’ll enter the Pelennor
Fields. Eventually the White City will appear in The characters will share their quarters with the
front of them. Built against the slope of the Ered men arrived from Anfalas. Hunters, shepherds and
Nimrais the huge walls and tall towers will impress farmers poorly armed and led by Golasgil whose
the characters thoroughly. It’s the largest city they personal guard is being hosted somewhere else.
have ever seen and it is a wonder for them that men Once they reach the barracks, cots for everyone
can build such a marvel. It seems their one month will be provided. Again an officer will approach the
long odyssey seems to be near its end. leading character and once again he’ll be asked about
When they finally reach the main gate, the char- the origin and number of men in his company. The
acters will witness and take part in the parade of the officer will be surprised both of the small size of the
companies arriving from the southern territories of party and the far land they came from as well as
Gondor to defend Minas Tirith. their deeds and adventures so far (if they tell him).
He will however, praise their determination and
“And so the companies came and were hailed willingness to aid Gondor in its hour of need and call
and cheered and passed through the Gate, men them friends of the Stone Land. He thinks about
of the Outlands marching to defend the City of their assignment and finally comes to a conclusion:
Gondor in a dark hour; but always too few,
always less than hope looked for or need asked. “In that case I think you’ll be more helpful in
The men of Ringló Vale behind the son of their Harlond. You will spend the night here and
lord, Dervorin striding on foot: three hundreds. tomorrow morning you will depart as escorts of the
From the uplands of Morthond, the great caravan leaving for the harbour. Report to the
Blackroot Vale, tall Duinhir with his sons, captain commanding the garrison, show him this
Duilin and Derufin, and five hundred bowmen. sealed letter and he will give you further
From the Anfalas, the Langstrand far away, a instructions. Meanwhile you may go to the
long line of men of many sorts, hunters and armoury if you need any gear. And fetch some
herdsmen and men of little villages, scantily surcoats with the White Tree there. You must wear
equipped save for the household of Golasgil their those while on duty.”
lord. From Lamedon, a few grim hillmen
without a captain. Fisher-folk of the Ethir, some
The characters will be able to spend the whole
hundred or more spared from the ships. Hirluin
day in Minas Tirith to visit the city if they want to.
the Fair of the Green Hills from Pinnath Gelin
They will notice a growth of dark clouds issuing
with three hundreds of gallant green-clad men.
from Mordor and slowly drifting towards the West.
And last and proudest, Imrahil, Prince of Dol
Many people are quite worried about this and deem
Amroth, kinsman of the Lord, with gilded
it as a sign that the war will begin soon.
banners bearing his token of the Ship and the
Silver Swan, and a company of knights in full
harness riding grey horses; and behind them
seven hundreds of men at arms, tall as lords,
grey-eyed, dark-haired, singing as they came.”
The Lord of the Rings.Minas Tirith
HARLOND It won’t take more than thirty or forty-five
minutes of gloomy travel after leaving Minas Tirith
Early morning of the 10th of March a thick cloud under the faint light of the day for the caravan to
of smoke covers the sky, somber and featureless. reach Harlond. The caravan is made up of six
The air is heavy and still and all things around will wagons pulled by mules and has been sent to pick up
look grey and shadow-less. The Dawnles Day has any provisions being stored there and transport them
come. The cloud issued from Mordor on the day back to Minas Tirith. From that day on, food will be
before slowly drifted west, blotting out the stars, rationed both at Harlond and the White City.
and it looks like there will bend to it. The gate connecting Harlond to the Pelennor
The characters must pack their belongings once Fields and further Minas Tirith (‘I’ on Map 2) will
again and leave for Harlond, the riverine port of the be open and if the sentries are asked they will point
White City guarding the southern gates of the out the direction to the barracks where the
Rammas Echor. Harlond is a walled complex built garrison’s captain can be found, where they will
on the Anduin’s northern bank and harbours the arrive around the 7th hour. The regular barracks
docks and the port district. Now only around 400- (‘IV’ on Map 2) lie just next to the Pelargir Gate.
500 men live here, most of them dockers, sailors or Once there, the characters will be led to the room in
traders, though in better times many more called which Ciramir, the captain, is now residing. He is a
this their home. A similar number of women and large man, slightly overweight, and wears a thick
children still stay here as well. and dark beard. He will be accompanied by another
man in his fifties, bald and skinny, and in civilian
The city guard has a small garrison in Harlond dress and they seem to have just finished their con-
taking care of both the main Rammas Echor Gate (‘I’ versation.
on Map 2) and the southern Pelargir Gate (‘II’ on
Map 2) to Lebennin. In this crisis, the garrison has
been reinforced with what forces are available “Militiamen, aren’t you?” Ciramir says as the
(similar to the forces defending Osgiliath and led by characters introduce themselves. “Fine then,
Faramir), and the characters are part of this. you can take the morning shifts at the docks. That
will give my men some time to rest. The thing is I
Before the caravan leaves Minas Tirith as it
don’t bloody know where I can have you lodged. I
approaches the main gate, an old man will walk
have no room for you in the barracks these days
towards one of the characters and will beg him to
with the reinforced garrison for the gate and
hand his daughter in Harlond a letter. It’s been a
while since he heard from her and he fears for her
safety. The old man’s name is Uldros and his daugh-
ter is named Teriet. She lives at the number three of The skinny man will speak at that point, intro-
the Northern Wall passageway. If the characters ducing himself as Girion and offering himself to host
accept to deliver the letter Uldros will bless them the characters at an empty warehouse he owns near
and wish them good luck. The letter is sealed but if the docks (‘VIII’ on Map 2). He is a respected mer-
the characters choose to break the seal they will find chant in Harlond (he is here on business by chance)
the following text: and he is not expecting any cargo to be delivered
these days due to the present situation so he can
spare the room at a warehouse for the small party of
Ciramir will send the characters with Girion to
inspect the warehouse and quarter them there if it is
suitable. They are scheduled for their first shift to
begin at the 10th hour to relieve some of the weary
regular men on the eastern walls (red line on Map
The warehouse where Girion has quartered the
characters is located on a narrow street at the oppo-
site end of the docks almost leaning against the
harbour walls (‘VIII’ on Image 1). It is a rectangular
building built of wood and divided in three different
sections, each of which has a set of large double
Girion will hand the leading character a set of
keys opening all the doors in the building and will
GM info: Girion is not as generous as he may look. In wish them a comfortable stay. Since they will
fact he is afraid of his future and has made the already have a shift today, he will get them a late
necessary arrangements to be sure he will have a breakfast before telling them he’ll send one of his
comfortable life if the Dark Lord prevails. He has employees with something to eat. Meanwhile they
contacted a local agent from Mordor and has are free to investigate their new home and walk
agreed to help a party of men to enter the White around the neighbouring alleys if they want to.
City secretly, receiving a high reward in gold as
well as assurances of safety under the new masters
GM info: Here they might notice the narrow back
afterwards. He plans to take benefit of his role as
alley behind the warehouse as well as the sewer
host to deal with the characters and help enemies of
access nearby at the wall. Especially the latter
Minas Tirith into the city.
might be very useful later.
doors opening to the street. The three sections are
then connected through internal doors and the Around half an hour later two women will knock
section on the left hand side has a back door opening on the door and enter the warehouse. The older one
to a dark alley. is in her forties while the younger might be sixteen
or seventeen years old. They’ve brought white
bread, cheese, dried meat and a small jar of red
wine. They have also brought as many wooden
bowls as there are characters and a few sweet bis-
cuits wrapped in a clean piece of cloth.
The women will ask the characters to improvise
a table by grouping some of the crates around the
room and will then array the meal on it. They will
both be friendly and chatty. The older one’s name is
Enit and she has been working as a cook at Girion’s
town-house for the last five years. The young girl
City Street © by Wouter Florusse, used with permission
name is Freya and joined the house staff only two
months ago as a maiden.
The characters will be led into the central section After their breakfast the characters can spend the
of the warehouse, which is not being used now. rest of their remaining off-duty time resting or
There are spare boxes and other leftovers all over exploring Harlond. They were told to be at the bar-
the place. A barrel full of water stands to the right of racks at the 10th hour to receive the watchword and
the entrance door and a strong smell of rotten fish start their shift at the eastern docks and walls. Freya
comes from the two outlet iron grills on the floor, and Enit will promise to be back shortly before the
which is made up of irregular cobblestones. On the character’s shift to bring them lunch. While at the
left back corner a wooden structure hides a dirty warehouse, the characters also note that beside the
lavatory. thick cloud cover, the river is partially clouded by a
There is also a small mezzanine built in wood, mist, which makes it difficult to view far. At some
which can be reached via a steep stairway on the times, the mist gets even thicker, creating an eerie
right wall. The mezzanine is packed with empty atmosphere in the dock area.
wooden crates. A hatch leading to the rooftop can If the characters decide to take a short walk
be reached by stacking some of the crates and climb- around Harlond they’ll find the remaining commu-
ing on top of them. nity is surprisingly lively. Even though the docks are
The right section of the warehouse contains two quiet and almost no ship or boat of significant size
medium sized rowing boats which seem to be under can be seen, many of the remaining locals are also
repair. There are tools arranged on the walls and on packing to leave the harbour and seek shelter behind
a large wooden table at the back of the warehouse. the walls of Minas Tirith. Many carts and mules are
There are also multiple spare parts and other materi- being loaded with almost any type of bags, sacks and
als kept here. crates. At both wall gates the sentries efficiently
search all those entering or leaving Harlond letting
The left section contains a set of nicely arranged
no one pass without thorough inspection. Foreigners
boxes and crates. They are now empty but the
strong smell of – not so fresh – fish pervades the
126 whole room.
Map 2: GM map Harlond
(before attack)

b n a by Daniel Bayarri Martinez and Thomas Morwinsky

can’t enter the walled area unless they have a safe- passageway is. It is a narrow and dark alley fitted
conduct pass or can prove their good intentions. between the Rammas Echor and a set of old and
creepy wooden buildings standing next to it and
While walking the streets the characters will find
leaning against each other in a precarious way. Grey
themselves at one point on a spot where two guards-
light pours out from the windows and prostitutes
men just nailed an edict on a wall. Someone will be
offer their services to the few men walking by. A
reading it loudly for those not able to do so them-
drunken man seems to be sleeping huddled under a
selves. The Lord of the City has decided to ration
cart while holding an empty bottle.
and centrally distribute food as no new shipments
from the southern provinces are expected to arrive. Number three is a low grey building, half rotten
Local citizens must hand over to the guard any and with a sloped roof (‘IX’ on Map 2). The main
stocks of wheat, corn, salted meat, dried fish, sugar facade has a large window with dirty and yellowish
or salt they may have as well as any potatoes, onions glazing through which nothing of the interior can be
and non perishable vegetables to be administrated by seen. Hanging over the door there is a weathered
the local authority. A daily ration will be then sign showing a vial, a pointy hat and a skull. The let-
handed to every family each morning at the market tering on the sign is almost gone but the characters
square. could still make an effort to read “Teriet, potion-maker
and seer. Love potions and other powerful beverages”.
Most of the population will be outraged and the
guards will have to walk the streets searching each The door is open and when pushed a set of small
house and building and then moving the requisi- bells will ring. The room is gloomy and to the left
tioned provisions to the Royal Warehouse (‘VII’ on and right, piled in rickety wooden shelves, there are
Map 2) at the market square (‘III’ on Map 2). This countless jars and vials full of dark and unidentifiable
will lead into several heated situations and other content. All of them are labelled with signs not rec-
tense scenes, but there is no open violence. ognizable to the casual reader. There are also amu-
lets, engraved runes, scrolls, ragged cloth dolls and
If the characters took the letter from Uldros to
other junk. The centre of the room is occupied by a
Teriet and decide to walk to the address they’ve
large table on which there are a few scrolls, a set of
been given, they will have no problem to find
scales, a human-looking skull with an almost spent
someone to point them to where the Northern Wall
candle on it and several other flasks and jars of dif-

ferent sizes. Behind the table there’s a frayed green a real stud capable of satisfying as many women as he
curtain. wishes during a night. The flask contains a single
The characters will have a couple of minutes to
look around the room before a woman comes from The potion has a strong and sour taste and pro-
behind the curtain. She looks like in her late forties duces euphoria. The consumer will indeed experi-
or early fifties, wears a black dress and a pointy hat. ence an extraordinary sexual vigour for that night,
She uses a large tooth as a pendant. Her curly dark or at least that’s what he will feel like although his or
hair looks dirty and all messed up, her fingernails are her partner may not agree (alternatively it might be
long and yellowish and she has a wart on her left really what it is supposed to be – Teriet needs some
cheek. Following the woman, a large black dog will skill to keep her reputation as someone with at least
also enter the room and will come round the table some ability). In any case, he will surely not remem-
to smell at the nearest character’s boots. ber what happened and will fall asleep at the latest
six hours after drinking the potion and waking up
GM note: Teriet is – obviously – not what she seems. the following day with a strong hangover which will
The appearance above is for customers, where she seriously affect his skills especially in noisy or heavily
wears make-up and other accessories for dressing lighted environments. The GM should apply penal-
up. Without it, she looks much prettier and ties to all skill rolls appropriate to his rpg-system.
younger (actually she’s 36). This disguise will also If the characters decide not to leave their quar-
help her later. She also owns a house near the bar- ters before their shift, they’ll know about the food
racks, which will be of use later (Number ‘X’ on rationing when a – bloodless – brawl between a
Image 1a). group of guardsmen and a man who does not want
to hand them his provisions erupt into strife in front
of their door.
At the barracks they’ll be told that Ciramir
has already gone to sleep and it will be the
second in command, Marahil, giving them
their orders. The party must split in two
groups each of which will start the shift on
opposite ends of the docks to meet in the
centre as they walk by. Their patrol area is
marked by the red line on the map below
(Image 2). If any boat or ship arrives during
their shift it must be inspected and the crew
and passengers identified. All foreigners or
suspicious individuals must be arrested and
taken to the barracks for further questioning.
Actually it’s been several days since the last
boat reached Harlond and the last week has
been very quiet; so as far as Marahil is con-
cerned the task given to the characters is
simple. They must pay attention to the lights
flickering on the southern bank of the Anduin
though because this is deemed the location of
the Dark Lord’s minions’ camps.
Old Hag © by Turner Mohan, used with permission When the time of their shift approaches,
Enit and Freya will arrive at their improvised
The woman will welcome the visitors and barrack hosting the characters with the early lunch
without even letting them speak, she’ll offer them a (as their shift is over lunchtime, they are advised to
“love potion” or an “invigorating” elixir. If the char- have it a bit earlier). This time Girion accompanies
acters hand her the letter, she will check the wax them and he is carrying a wine amphora. The meal is
seal and will thank them. As a reward she will offer made of salted fish and roasted potatoes, plenty of
them a small flask containing a greasy and bluish wine and a large portion of cake.
liquid which she promises will turn the consumer in

The women will be much more quiet than The poison is not very strong but the quantity
during the morning and sometimes they’ll be even Girion added was generous. Failing to overcome the
rude. On the other hand Girion will act very amica- first symptoms will translate into a basic reduction
bly, inviting the characters to eat as much as they of all the character abilities (light penalty, according
want and filling up their jars with more wine to your game system). An hour later all the charac-
(thinned as he points out if asked, so that it is suita- ters, which failed the first test must roll a second
ble even for guards on duty) as soon as they empty one. Failing again means a medium reduction of
them. If he is asked about the rationing or about how skills (again, dependent on game system) and will
he got so plentiful rations for them, he will answer begin to gag. At the second hour a third test must be
the guards deliberately look on the opposite way passed, failing will mean a major reduction in the
when it comes to the provisioning of the men character faculties, vomiting and high temperature.
defending Gondor. Failing the fourth and last test one hour later will
cause the character to lose consciousness.
At one point during the lunch Freya will try to
get the attention of one of the characters without The poison can be treated with an antidote if it is
Girion noticing it and will then hand him a piece of administered on time. After being given the anti-
cloth in which she has tried to write some words dote, no further tests are necessary, and the recov-
with a burnt stick. Unfortunately she has not ery will only take four hours per level of failure (see
received much instruction in writing and her level of below). If the antidote is not given, the symptoms
literacy is very low. Accordingly the text is very will naturally and gradually disappear at the follow-
hard to understand, only three words can be made ing rate: Every 24 hours the situation will revert one
out with certainty: Betray, Poison and Help. level (e.g. from severe to medium symptoms) until
the character recovers to normalcy. Anyhow those
who failed three or four tests will need to watch
GM note: Particularly clever and alert PC’s may their diet for some days and will suffer from diar-
already put one and one together at this stage and rhoea for a week.
frame Girion, leading to his early arrest and
severely influence the later plot. This may not be a
GM note: If his group was unlucky in their rolls the
problem, as it emphasises the character’s influence
GM may make the subsequent tests easier or skip
on the story (and being some kind of reward for
them altogether. As the characters face a lot of
good play). In that case, the GM must be all the
further challenges during the next days, weakening
more familiar with the various elements of the
them severely at this early stage might not be too
whole plot in order to adapt them to this unfore-
helpful. In addition, it could frustrate players
seen development. If the GM doesn’t want this to
overly, if they feel overwhelmed by difficult chal-
happen and the plot proceed as described below, he
lenges. The GM is advised to find the right balance
should make sure by whatever means he deems
for his group and campaign.
appropriate (and fitting!) to prevent Girion’s cover
to be blown at this early stage.

Girion and the two women will leave as soon as

the early short lunch is over. Characters are sup-
posed to begin their shift soon.
About half an hour after lunch those characters
that had any wine during dinner will feel sick. It will
start as an upset stomach and light nausea but will
develop to a general feeling of discomfort. Girion
added a drug to the wine he served to the characters
and those with a stomach not strong enough to over-
come it will find their rolls reduced.

GM info: Characters who passed this medium test,

should only suffer very light penalties, while those
who failed should receive penalties according to the
details below. The exact numbers depend on the
game system chosen.
© by Wouter Florusse, used with permissionAt the same moment the
first men vanish into the
streets, cries from the Pelen-
nor can be heard and an
unnerving fear grips all the
characters: Ringwraiths circle
above, ostensibly chasing some
men towards Minas Tirith (this
in fact the attack on faramir
described in The Lord of the
Rings). The piercing cries from the Ringwraiths and
BOATS IN THE HARBOUR the unnatural and distracting fear coupled with their
Shortly after, during the 11th hour, two rowing presence as they hunt Faramir and his men down at
boats will approach the docks under the cover of the the Pelennor fields will cause enough distractions for
mist and dim light. Each of them is crewed by two the characters to lose the fugitives trail. If that is not
rowers, a steersman and two extra men. All are enough, Gandalf’s display of light might help as
covered by grey cloaks. another cause of distraction.

They carry neither torches nor lanterns and due Those characters facing the crew of the second
to the low profile of the boats, the dim light, the boat will have a hard time defeating the latter. Again
haze and the grey clothing of the men in the equally the events around Faramir and Gandalf might cause
light-coloured boats, the characters will have no some confusion and distraction, causing some or all
chance of noticing their presence until they are the men involved to get dazzled or crouch in fear.
already in the harbour and close to one of the docks Anyhow they’ll soon get help from other guards
where a dark figure is waiting for them. Spotting alerted by the combat sounds and the screaming.
them at this time is of medium difficulty, modified None of the Mordor agents will be captured alive (at
by any penalties due to the drugged wine. Map 2 the minimum they will be severely wounded and
shows the suggested course of the boats and the unable to be asked about their identity or mission)
position of the hooded figure (red star). and to avoid that, they might even jump into the
water and try to swim away into the mist.
The Characters will be somewhere along their
patrol line (see Map 2) and at least two hundred As soon as the fight is over, the characters will be
meters away from the point where the boats are relieved from their duties and sent to the main bar-
docking near the hooded figure who was waiting for racks where they must report to Marahil. When
them. When the characters investigate and head for they arrive they’ll be informed about Captain
the spot, the crew form the first boat has already Ciramir being sick in bed. He has very high temper-
disembarked and is running up the streets of Har- ature, vomits and diarrhoea. Although no one is
lond. As soon as he notices the characters coming aware of it, Girion has also poisoned Ciramir. The
up, the hooded figure follows them. The crew of the dose he got was much larger than the one adminis-
second boat is only a few meters away from the tered to the characters and thus his life is in danger.
quay. They’ll jump to the docks with their blades If the characters ask Marahil, they’ll be allowed to
drawn as soon as they can and will attempt to cover visit the captain in bed and to inspect what is left of
the escape of their comrades by delaying (or killing) his dinner. Nothing will look out of place but the
the characters without uttering a single word. They amphora from which Ciramir drunk his wine is of
are a mixture of men with dark skin and pronounced the same type as the one Girion brought to the char-
features wearing dark-brown clothes and light grey acters’ dinner.GM note: Again, the PC’s might be
cloaks. able to severely “disrupt” the normal plot by figuring
out the threat to the captain’s life and manage to
If any of the characters tries to chase the crew of save him (i.e. surveilling his quarters, providing an
the first boat, he will have to make a very difficult antidote etc.). The GM should be aware to this pos-
moving manoeuvre (depending on chosen game sibility and have a plan ready how he will handle it
system) to evade the blocking attempts by the crew (i.e. allowing the characters to proceed in their
of the second boat. Even then, he will probably end rescue attempts or preventing it by appropriate
up losing them among the narrow alleys not far from means). There will be no further events and the
Girion’s house. characters are relieved from guard duties for the rest

of the day. They might spend the time as they see fit the staircase in which Girion keeps his smuggled
and what suits them most. goods hidden. The hideout is reached by removing
the fourth step at the first flight of the ground floor
There will be no sunrise on the eleventh of
stairs, which is simply wedged into the next step and
March either. The dark clouds from Mordor still
has not been nailed. There are still two small liquor
hang low in the sky and only little light gets through,
barrels (subject to high taxes) and three small
creating a gloomy atmosphere. The characters are
wooden chests full of leather pouches containing
sent back to their barracks and will only need to
expensive species from Southern Harad (also subject
resume their duties at noon on the 11th again. to very high taxes) hidden in this compartment
Marahil however is very nervous and although he has beside the scared Freya.
sent patrols all over the walled complex to look for
the men who escaped after their landing, he will also
ask the characters to help out as well.


If by that time the characters do not consider
Girion suspicious, they will find out that nobody
brings them dinner in the evening nor breakfast next
morning (11th). Freya and Enit are not seen again
Girion lives in a house not far from the river
bank (‘V’ on Map 2), a few streets away from the Image 4: Girion’s house (ground floor)
spot where the boats landed. It’s a square building
three storeys high. The ground floor is built of stone Image 4 shows the ground floor of the building.
while the first and second floors are built of wood. If The large door at the main facade (I) leads into the
the characters visit the house before the landing of building’s main hall (II). The hall is a large room
the boats, they’ll be allowed to the ground floor with double the normal height above which several
only. If they arrive after this action they’ll find it rooms open on the upper floor. It is used by Girion
closed. No one will answer the door-knocker or any to welcome customers, business partners and other
other type of calling. The main door is firmly locked visitors. To the right there’s a small office (III) in
and so is the side-door located in a side alley with which business and the daily issues related to the
only one exit. All the window’s wooden shutters on trading routes run by Girion are solved. Furniture is
the main facade are also locked but after closer scarce, a simple wooden table and three chairs take
inspection one of the second floor windows on the the centre of the office and on one corner of it
side facade looks unlocked. No smoke comes out of there’s a small flask of ink and a writing feather.
the chimney and no sounds can be heard from the Behind it a large shelf contains several paper scrolls.
interior. From the main hall a double door opens to a
Characters can break in forcing the doors locks smaller room from which a set of stairs leads to the
or climbing up the side facade to reach the second upper levels. On the ground level a narrow corridor
floor windows but must do it carefully not to be runs to the left with four doors on the right and one
confused with burglars by the neighbours. Good to the left. The one to the left (VIII) is on the far end
ideas on how to deal with this should be rewarded of the wall and connects to the dark alley flanked by
by the GM. the nearby buildings. The first door to the right (IV)
opens to Enit’s and Freya’s bedroom. It is small and
The house is being used by half a dozen Mordor
has no windows. Two small cots, a stool and a
agents preparing to leave for Minas Tirith. There are
couple of chests containing the two women’s posses-
four men and two women (Teriet among them) who
sions are the only furniture to be seen. The second
plan to leave Harlond among the last group of civil-
door leads into the kitchen (V), which is also used as
ian evacuees to be sent to the White City after their
dining room by the servants. The last two doors
mission is completed (see next scene).
open to a small lavatory (VI) and the pantry (VII). A
They killed Girion about an hour after they hatch in the far left corner of the pantry floor covers
reached the house and got all the information they a set of steps going down to the basement.
needed. They also killed his wife and his fifteen year-
old son. Enit was stabbed in the kitchen but Freya
was able to hide in a secret compartment beneath
feet are the only furniture here. A small cabinet
houses a toilet for the guests. The two doors to the
front open to the family’s suites, one for Girion and
his wife (XIX and XX) and the other for their son
(XXI and XXII). Both suites are identical and divided
in two rooms overlooking the street. The first
chamber is nicely dressed with colourful carpets,
and tapestries hanging from the walls. A set of small
tables, a divan, two or three large chests containing
clothing and other everyday implements, cushions
and candelabra can be seen. A set of double doors
connects this first chamber with the bedroom itself,
Image 5: Girion’s house (first floor) which is mostly occupied by a bed with white cloth
canopies and smooth linen. One of the chests in
Image 5 shows the first floor of Girion’s house. Girion’s room has a hidden double-bottom in which
The main stairs end up in a central hallway with his wife’s jewellery is kept. It is hard to notice but
several doors (IX) and a balcony above the the main very easy to open. Inside the hidden compartment
hall (XIII). To the left and right of this room two the jewels can be found nicely arrayed on blue
large doors open to the day rooms (X and XI), velvet. A necklace made of white pearls is the most
which again have lavish balconies towards the main expensive piece (5gp), there are also five rings,
hall. The room to the left (X) is smaller and has a three of them made of gold and the other two of
nice carpet lying on the floor. A set of wooden arm- silver, with mounted gems (3gp each) and other
chairs take most of the space and an easel is placed costume jewellery (12gp the whole lot). Each
on one corner with no book on it. On a chest placed bedroom has its own lavatory.
along the longer wall the characters may find a set of
embroidering tools and there are several chandeliers The last door in the second hallway gains access
standing on stools around the room. The room to to Girion private office (XVI). In it the merchant
the right (XI) of the landing hall is much larger and keeps his accounting records and other documents.
most of it is occupied by a large table with six chairs A window to the side alley lights the room. This will
around it. The walls in this room are panelled in be the only window open so if the characters choose
walnut and a hidden door in them leads to a lavatory to break into the house by climbing the walls, the
(XII). first room they’ll get in will be this one.
A large desk takes most of the space. Several
paper rolls are arranged on it and again an ink flask
and a set of writing feathers are nicely placed to the
right. There’s also an abacus and a candleholder.
On the wall opposite the window there’s a large
wooden shelf in which numerous paper scrolls, a
few books and folders containing deal arrangements,
cargo quantities, route calculations and stocks are
stored. Behind the scrolls there is a hidden
(relatively easy to locate once the scrolls are
removed) compartment containing five vials. Three
of them are empty and the other two still contain
the poison used against the characters and Ciramir.
Image 6: Girion’s house (second floor)
Hanging from the wall behind the desk there is a
Image 6 above details the layout of the second tapestry depicting a seascape. Behind it there’s a
floor of Girion’s house. The stairs lead up to the metallic chest embedded in the wall. The lock is
second floor where they end up in a small rectangu- very hard to pick but the key is still in the inner
lar hallway with one door on each side and two to pocket of Girion’s vest. In it the house owner keeps
the front. his real accountant records and a small treasure of 25
gold pieces and thirty silver pieces.
The doors to the far right and left lead to bed-
rooms each for guests (XVII and XVIII). A large bed The bodies of Girion’s wife and his son lay on
with a comfortable mattress and a great chest at its the son’s bedroom floor (XXII). Both were stabbed

and left there among pools of their blood. Enit’s rooms unnoticed they’ll surprise the intruder while
corpse on the other hand has been moved from the she is in the third room on an inspection tour
kitchen (V) to her bedroom (IV) and thrown on one through the whole house (this is her last room).
of the beds. There are blood marks all over the After realizing the footsteps she just heard are not
ground floor corridor from the kitchen door to her from her comrades she’ll close the barred door and
bedroom. Girion died in that corridor too and his will flee to the sewers through the drainage grill. If
body is now lying beneath Enit’s. the characters were noisy enough when they reached
the basement the woman will be already gone but
The attackers have searched the house but they
the drainage grill will be open (or closed if you play
obviously weren’t there to rob anything since most
her cleverly; in that case the characters might come
of the valuables are still in place. Silver chandeliers,
to the right conclusion that the room was locked
nice hourglasses with engraved wooden decorations,
from the inside but empty…).
tapestries and all other items remain untouched.
Also if the guard on the second floor notices that
Four of the attackers, three men and one
the characters just broke in and are likely to win the
woman, will be in the dining room on the first floor,
ensuing fight against his comrades, he’ll try to
which they now use as their base. Depending on
escape by jumping to the neighbouring roof from
when the characters enter the house, they’ll find
one of the windows and then run away.
them sleeping, eating or waiting until it is time to
leave for Minas Tirith. After the combat between the characters and the
intruders is over, two of them should have fled one
A fifth man is in one of the bedrooms on the
way or another (i.e. the guard and the woman in the
second floor. He is watching the street from one of
cellar). If the character’s approach was noisy, slow
the windows, which has been left slightly open. If
or otherwise delayed it is likely that all the agents
the characters do not act cautiously or cause attrac-
had time to flee together. Among the equipment of
tion otherwise the guard is likely to discover them
the agents, the characters will find six backpacks
before they enter the house and the servants of
containing civilian clothing with secret pockets large
Mordor will wait for them. In this case, it will be a
enough to hide small daggers and other small items.
hard fight, since the six are professionals and will use
There are also improvised bundles made of clothing
all of their skills to their utmost advantage. Alterna-
picked from the chests around the house as well as
tively, if alarmed with enough time the six may opt
several pouches with coinage minted for Pelargir
to flee into the sewers, providing the characters with
and Linhir.
more enemies later on.
The four bodies of the defeated intruders belong
to dark skinned men, which could easily be confused
with Lebennin farmers or fishermen from the Ethir.
Each of them had fifteen silver pieces and twenty
five bronze ones, which they were probably going to
use to pay bribes or buy new material in Minas
Image 7: Girion’s house (basement)
Among their items there are also some drawings
The last of the intruders, a woman, will be in the of Minas Tirith’s main gate and some of the towers
basement when the characters enter the building. and two lists of names and addresses written on two
Image 7 above shows its layout. It is organized in different pieces of parchment all of them lying on
three consecutive rooms linked by heavy wooden the dining room table.
and iron-reinforced doors (XXIII and XXIV). The
On the first list the following is written:
keys for the (now open) doors can be found in
Girion’s office on the ground floor. The first room
with the stairs leading down from the pantry is used
as a storage area. There are boxes and sacks contain- - Fanariel. Minas Tirith
ing provisions, half a dozen wine amphorae of the - Uldros. Minas Tirith
same type as those the characters and Ciramir were
handed for their meals. Here is also a well. The - Teriet. Harlond.
other two rooms are empty and have no use right - Terendul. Harlond.
now. In the centre of each room there’s a drainage
grill of two feet (0.6m) diameter. These connect to
the sewers of Harlond. If the characters enter the
On the second one there are more detailed suffering any penalties due to wounds until a fatal
entries:: wound is taken. In addition during the first thirty
seconds after consuming it, the strength of the char-
acter will increase so that any damage caused by him
increases by a third (round up). After the effect is
over, all penalties resume and the character will
have to deal with all his wounds normally. In addi-
tion, the drug is highly addictive: If one dose is con-
sumed (and the user survives) the character will
need a second dose twelve hours later, if one is at
hand the character must overcome a strong impulse
GM info: The GM should be aware of the possibility (difficult test, details depending on rpg-system) to
that the characters try to send this list to Minas avoid consuming it. If the second dose is not con-
Tirith, as the people are likely to be traitors or at sumed, all attributes and skill bonuses of the charac-
least in contact with the Enemy’s servants. A possi- ter will be halved during the next twenty four
bility would be to have it sent to Minas Tirith, but hours. If the drug is not at hand the effect will be the
due to the quickly enfolding developments, it won’t same but, (s)he will attack the nearest person, friend
have any effect on the events in Harlond (it might or foe, in his rage. After the second day (if it is sur-
help in Minas Tirith though). vived), another difficult test should be made, and if
this is failed critically (details depend on game-sys-
tem), all attributes will be reduced by 10% perma-
Spread all throughout the room used by the
nently (round fractions up). Otherwise, the
intruders the characters may also find some basic
reduction lasts one month (although the character is
supplies and a limited number of standard weaponry
unlikely to know that…).
like short swords and daggers. There are also several
flasks and pots containing diverse poisons. There are On the other hand if a second dose is consumed a
three doses of a greenish ointment which – if applied third one will be needed again twelve hours later.
to the blade of a weapon – will, after giving a wound This time the impulse will be very difficult to over-
on the first attack, result in a progressive loss of come (again, GM choice depending on game-sys-
control by the victim which will lose consciousness tem) and the effects of not consuming the dose will
in less than thirty seconds and won’t wake up until last twice as long. Consuming a third dose implies
five minutes have passed or water is splashed on his total addiction. From that moment on a dose is
face. The poison will be useless if it is not used in needed every twelve hours and not having it reduces
the next four days. the character’s characteristics by 50% for three
months if a very difficult test is failed normally and a
25% permanently if the test is failed critically.
GM info: The test should be of medium difficulty. Detoxification is feasible but a specialist will be
Apply appropriate difficulty levels according to needed and those can only be found in Minas Tirith
your game-system of choice. or other major cities of developed cultures.
Freya will remain hidden until the characters dis-
There is also a flask with four doses of a dense cover her. She’s very nervous and extremely scared.
brownish liquid which can be applied to arrow-tips Tears run down her cheeks when she tells how her
or spear heads. Again if the weapon causes a wound master left the house in the late morning and came
on its first attack, the victim will suffer strong pain, back with a group of foreigners. After arrival within
which will spread though his nervous system evolv- the house, they talked with him, provisioned them-
ing into a heart attack and a total collapse within two selves and after about an hour killed him and Enit
to four minutes. Resisting this should be a difficult but she was on the first floor cleaning and had time
test. All the other vials and pots contain mixtures to run to her hidingplace. She can’t give the charac-
which have lost their properties or in quantities too ters any other information as the foreigners spoke a
small to have any effect. There are three flasks with language she didn’t understand.
ointments in different tones of blue. A vial with a
After the events at Girion’s house the characters
black liquid and two small boxes with four doses
will probably head for the barracks to let Marahil
each of a yellowish dust. The dust is actually a strong
know what they just discovered (the GM may have a
drug. Those consuming a dose lose any sense of pain
patrol assisting the characters in defeating the
and fear and can fight for about 30 minutes without
agents). If they do, they will be told all civilians are

to be evacuated to Minas Tirith the following day If the characters search around the vials and tin cans
(March 11th). The soldiers will remain in Harlond to they may also find the letter they handed Teriet the
defend the walls. If they do not head for the barracks previous day.
they will hear the news about these plans as they are The characters can hear muted sounds coming
proclaimed throughout the streets by a patrol. If from above. They can be identified as wing-flapping
Marahil is told about the fugitive intruders, the maps and croaking by someone proficient in wilderness
and the other items found in Girion’s house, he’ll skills. At the far left corner of the room there’s a
have the guard at the gates reinforced and no one hatch in the ceiling and below it a toppled stool on
will be allowed to enter the Pelennor Fields until the the floor. Through the hatch the characters can reach
refugee column departs on the following morning. the attic in which several crows are living. The birds
Due to their commitment in this case, Marahil will immediately spread their wings and attack the
asks the characters (if they don’t ask for it them- intruder with their beaks and claws. The characters
selves) to investigate these events further. From that will need to defeat them or force them into fleeing
moment on the characters are free to proceed as in order to make it into the room safely. The floor
they see fit and have no further regular duties. By here is covered with bird-droppings and there are
this time it will probably be evening already, half a dozen cages spread throughout the place.
although the dark clouds from Mordor make it look There is a small hole on one of the side-walls
like night. through which the last crow probably fled the room.
Not far from there is a tiny table with an ink flask
If the characters found the name list at Girion’s and three small pieces of parchment on it. Teriet
home, they probably recognized Teriet on it and used the crows to send messages back and forth
want to visit her again. On the other hand no one between the other bank of the river and even farther
seems to know who Terendul is. away. Two of the parchments still have legible
The Northern Wall passageway will look the pieces of text written on them. The text is written
same as last time but this time the door of Teriet’s in a southern dialect so it’s unreadable for the char-
shop will be firmly locked. No one will come to acters (very likely). The complete text goes as fol-
open no matter how hard the characters knock. The lows:
lock is easy to pick though, if they try it that way. If
the characters knock heavily on the door or work on Message 1: “Darkness will be the signal. Be ready.”
the lock the large black dog they saw during their Message 2: “The gate must be taken. Move to the city
previous visit will start to bark furiously running as soon as possible. We need Terendul to take over
from the door to the window and growling. today.”
The neighbours in the street are not very friendly
but they are extremely curious so if the characters The second message can be found still tied to the
take too long to break in they’ll soon have plenty of leg of one of the downed crows if at least one was
eyes watching them from windows and doors hit. Alternatively, the crow carrying it was unable to
around them. The bell will ring again when the door escape and can be caught if the characters come up
is opened but this time no one will come out from with a good idea. If none of the characters are able
behind the curtain. The dog will attack the first to read the southern dialect (which is very likely)
person walking in. they may get some help at the barracks. They’ll need
to give some explanations to Marahil but he will find
The first room will mostly look the same as the
a man among his junior officers who can read some
first time the characters were there. Behind the
southern. In fact he will only make the words
curtain there is a second room, barely larger than
“darkness” and “ready” from the first message and
the first one, without windows. There is a cot to the
“gates” and “today” from the second. The message
right and an open chest at its feet containing ragged
will be then sent to Minas Tirith for a complete
old clothing. Next to the cot there is a small table
translation but that will be the last time the charac-
and a stool. On the table a broken small mirror, a
ters see it. If the characters copied it, they may find
set of fake yellowish nails, a wig and a fake wart. A
someone more skilled among the drunken sailors at
set of cosmetic items can also be found. To the left
the northern wall passageway taverns (medium
there’s a much larger table and a chair. On the table
chance). It will cost them some beers and over an
there are multiple flasks and pots containing liquids,
hour to find a guy and something stronger to get him
herbs and other ingredients to create potions and
to read the text. The translation given won’t be very
poisons. There’s a bottle with a bluish liquid identi-
accurate but much better than what the officer gave
cal to the poison used on the characters and Ciramir.
In Teriet’s bedroom the characters will find
another hatch with an iron handle just beneath the
large table. Once open a set of wet and slippery
stone steps will be seen. They lead to the basement’s
floor, which is about 7 by 10 feet (ca. 2 x 3 m). If
some light is brought down there the characters will
easily find, the pointy black that Teriet was wearing
the day they met her lying on the floor. One of the
walls of the basement has been dug out and a passage
five feet (1.5m) wide connects the basement to the
sewers beneath Harlond (see city map for details).
The sewers run both to the right and left, disappear-
ing in the darkness (but the left way is a dead end, as
it ends at the city wall). Great Fire © by Cott, used under Fair Use

The sewer system beneath Harlond is quite The Royal Warehouse holds the provisions gath-
complex (see Map 2 on page 125 for details). It was ered during the last day all over Harlond, which
built in different phases as the settlement grew and is were to be sent to Minas Tirith the following day.
designed not only to drain the sewage water from Just as the characters reach the market square they’ll
the town to the river but also to contain the Anduin see flames licking out of the Royal Warehouse’s
risings and keep the harbour safe from the river’s roof. Almost everyone in town is helping in fighting
strength. The larger ducts like the one near Girion’s the fire. They can join one of the bucket chains
basement are about seven feet wide (2.1 m) and two bringing water from the river or one of the volun-
men can walk through them side by side but the teer groups trying to rescue as many goods from the
smaller ones decrease in diameter as they move burning building as possible before it collapses.
away from the river bank. The one accessible from
Teriet’s shop is only about 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 m) The ground floor is still mostly safe but thick
wide. black smoke fills it up completely, making breathing
difficult. A brave character will be able to do about
All of them are built in masonry and depending three or four runs into it and take one bundle, barrel
on when they were completed may have a rectangu- or sack of provisions to the exterior. On every such
lar cross-section or a circular one. Water at the attempt there’s a risk of smoke causing the character
tunnels close to the wall or far from the river is one to stop due to coughing or even fall unconscious.
foot deep at the most but as they get closer to the Apply appropriate tests according to your game
bank it can be up to three feet deep. system. The fire will burn for almost half an hour
Almost from the moment the first network was longer and when it has been finally extinguished it
built the sewer system has been used by smugglers will be night-time. Approximately one third of the
and petty criminals to avoid tax collectors and stored goods have been saved and are now being
guards. redistributed to smaller warehouses around Har-
During their first inspection of the tunnels, the
characters are unlikely to find anything interesting. The fire was set by the Mordor agents to add
After a few forks and some rusted blocking grills confusion and divert from their main action, which
they’ll end up reaching the spot in which the tunnel is yet to come.
empties into the river to the south of the docks. By that time the characters should be exhausted.
At around the 18th hour, probably while on their While heading back to their improvised barracks,
way back to where they started their inspection or they’ll meet Freya waiting for them at the door.
when feeling lost in the sewer system, at a duct She’s crying again and very scared. After helping
barely illuminated by the light coming through a with the fire she went to Girion’s house again to
grill opening to the street above, they’ll be surprised pick some clean clothes and her belongings. There
by the sound of all the bells of Harlond tolling and she saw that someone had broken into the house
the shouts of people running up and down the again. It was a tall dark man with curly hair and a
street. The Royal Warehouse is burning and the long scar crossing his face. The man was searching
guards are urging the population to form bucket Girion’s private office when Freya went by it and
chains getting water from the docks to extinguish although he tried to get hold of her she made it to
the fire.

the street and did not stop running until she reached told about how guards heard shouting and other
the character’s barracks. combat noises coming from it and after entering
found the captain dead on the floor.
If the characters decide to get back to Girion’s
house that night or the following morning they’ll The captain’s chamber is on the first floor
find it more or less as they left it the last time they looking north and several guards are standing by the
were there. The bodies were taken to the morgue by door looking at the interior, anxiously waiting for
the guards but everything else looks the same. the characters. Two of the guards just picked the
late captain’s body and are about to take it down-
Nevertheless there are at least two things, which
stairs to the morgue. The bedroom is very small.
may raise their attention. On the one hand the
There’s a cot to the left and a desk to the right. Eve-
drainage grill in the basement will be open and on
rything is a mess. The ink flask on the table has been
the other Girion’s private office on the second floor
spilled and there’s a broken stool toppled over on
looks like it has been recklessly searched. All the
the floor. The captain’s short sword is still sheathed
scrolls and paper folds from the shelves are now
and the blade shows no blood stains. The single
spread out on the floor and if they didn’t find the
window in front of the door is open and if asked, the
secret compartment with the poison vials on their
first men who entered the room will confirm that’s
previous visit, it will now be evident. Also the tapes-
how he found it. It opens to the roof of the barracks
try on the wall will be in shreds and the hidden part
stables on which several roof tiles look broken or
in the chest will be open. The money will be gone
out of place. There’s also a trace of blood on the
and the papers in it will be half-burnt.
window frame.
If the characters examine the remains of the
The blood trace continues all over the stables’
burned papers carefully – and especially if they have
roof to the right and a skilled tracker can follow it
some experience in accounting – they will be able to
rather easily if he reaches it from the window or up
identify listings of money being added and subtract-
a ladder from the street. With a successful
ed. The quantities are linked to several names and a
“Tracking” or similar skill (medium difficulty), he
few of them can be found repeated on many pages.
will recognize that at least two people quickly ran on
Terendul will be one getting larger quantities but
the roof away from Ciramir’s window. At least one
Teriet and Uldros are also listed.
of them was bleeding. They went up to the top edge
Here the characters should get the chance for a of the roof and then down the other slope until they
rest and thus no further events take place that reached the alley on the backside of the building.
evening. The route is shown on Map 2 on page 125.
On the damp and slippery cobblestones of the
OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN alley there’s a bloody hand-print. It looks like the
wounded person put his hand on the floor as he
Very early the next morning (around the 6th jumped from the roof-top. There are also two
hour), a youngster of about fifteen years will arrive broken roof tiles down there, so it may be that
wearing an army jacket and waking the characters. someone fell from the roof to the alley too.
He says he has a message from the Harlond barracks
The tracks disappear for a few yards (meters) but
to the leading character. The boy will stand firm
on a corner to the right there’s again a bloody hand-
once he is asked to hand the message and while
print on the wall. The hand-print is at around four
closing his eyes will repeat word by word what he
feet (1.2m) height and can be seen again on the
has been instructed to say:
opposite wall of the street twenty yards (18m)
ahead. Marahil has been chasing the assassin while
“Captain Ciramir is dead and Marahil is missing. wounded and when he reached this street his
Please get back to the barracks as soon as possible.” strength began to fail and he started to tumble from
one wall to the other.
After having delivered his message the boy will
The street ends up in a t-junction. There are no
smile satisfied (though worried by the words) and
new markings, the whole street lies in gloom of the
will wait until he is dismissed.
early morning (again without a sunrise) and every-
Those characters going for the barracks as thing is silent. To the left a half open door creaks as
requested in the message, will be met by a sergeant it is moved by the wind coming up the street from
looking worried and nervous. The characters will be the docks.
led to Ciramir’s chamber and on their way they’ll be

As the characters close towards the doors or if ing into the reservoir from other directions (see city
they spend too long thinking about which way to map). If the characters did not take this duct they’ll
take a light spark from inside the building (a defen- end up in the same depot after some crossings, turns
sive measure of the chased agent) whose door was and small waterfalls. The reservoir has several
creaking will blind them for a second. Shadow and narrow and slippery stairs connecting the various
gloom in the alley will resume immediately after. secondary tubes with the main canal.
Image 5 shows the way of the assassin and Marahil
Down in the reservoir, at an elevated dry spot,
from the barracks to the house (red line).
two people are visible with a lantern beside them
The door creaks again if they try to open it. The providing some light. A figure (a woman, but that is
room behind it is long and narrow. To the right not recognizable for the characters) is lying down
there’s a wooden stair with a broken balustrade. The while someone is kneeling over her, trying to stop a
steps creak heavily if someone walks on them and in bleeding wound at her side. As long as the characters
fact if two or more people stand on the stairs at the watch from the distance, the scene will proceed as
same time the whole structure will collapse. There’s follows. The figure kneeling by the wounded person
a second set of steps immediately below the first one will try to save her life, applying bandages and pres-
going down to the basement. Characters must walk sure on the bleeding wound. Seen from the distance
to the other end of the room in order to reach them. it looks like the kneeling person is red-haired
There’s a body lying halfway down the stairs. It is slender and wearing brownish male clothes and a
Marahil. His eyes are wide open, staring to the dark grey cloak. A dagger worn on the side of the
ceiling but there’s no life in them. His face is slightly thigh and a sword carried on the back can be seen.
burned and has a wound on his chest, probably from
As soon as any of the characters make themselves
a small dagger or knife. His left fist is closed and
evident, the figure will stand up. It’s also a woman
holds a piece of dark cloth and some reddish hairs.
(only recognizable with a good perception roll).
The stairs go down to a half flooded basement. She’ll throw something at the characters (GM info:
The water is about half a feet (15 cm) deep, reaching This is one of the prepared nuts that will produce a
the first step. On the wall opposite to the stairs a blinding flash upon impact; like the one used against
hole of at least three feet (1 m) diameter has been Marahil) to blind the characters and give her time to
dug, connecting the basement to one of the second- escape. She’ll run towards one of the exits of the
ary sewers. Climbing through the hole into the reservoir ahead of the characters and will close an
sewer asks for some skill and a delicate manoeuvre iron grating behind her. Due to her quick reaction it
in the confined space. Down there the water level is will be very hard to prevent her from escaping. The
higher, reaching the knees of the characters. At this lock is hard to pick (it was prepared that way for
point they can find a hint of the direction the escap- such an event) and opening it will take some time so
ees took (perhaps a fallen item or marks of blood) to when the characters finally resume the chase she will
the right. After that, the small sewer leads to a already have a head start into the sewers’ maze.
major one, but here no signs are to be found.
The woman left behind can’t speak and will die
Whichever direction they end up taking after
in a couple of minutes if she does not receive proper
walking five minutes a secondary tunnel will meet
medical treatment. The wound is deep and she has
the one they are in from the right. The water from
lost plenty of blood so stabilizing her will be really
this secondary tunnel drops into the one the charac-
hard. Even if the characters manage to do it, moving
ters are in at around five feet (1.5 m) height, creat-
her to the surface will be even more difficult. If she
ing a small waterfall. Echoes of distant voices can be
does survive she’ll be unconscious for several days.
heard coming from the secondary duct. This duct is
She’s a small woman with dark skin and hair. She’s
very narrow and a human must hunch down and
quite attractive and characters may have seen her
crawl to move through it. The tunnel is also steep
before when they broke into Girion’s house.
and water comes down it at some speed. Water
pours into the duct from numerous much smaller Spread around the reservoir’s dry floor there are
ones to the left and right. Those are too small for a three sleeping bags and two backpacks with diverse
man to enter them. Some twenty yards (18 m) clothing. There are also two bows, a broad sword
ahead the duct ends in a water reservoir built to reg- and two daggers as well as some other basic equip-
ulate the river’s differing water levels for the sewage ment like a lantern, a couple of torches, a small hand
system (#1 or 2 on Image 5). The duct’s mouth is mirror, a brush and other goods and necessities.
about fifteen feet (4.5 m) above the reservoir’s If the bundles are searched thoroughly, up to
bottom and several other ducts can be seen empty- four doses of the same drug seen at Girion’s house

can be found as well as a pack with clean bandages, ensure that he wouldn’t change his mind at the last
and half a dozen pots with ointments and medicinal moment. Then they planned their next and main
syrups. In detail there are two small pots containing move, the assassination of Ciramir. Unfortunately
three doses each of an ointment helping to stop for them, the intervention of the characters reduced
bleeding in (this may be of great help in stabilizing the number to two plus Teriet (perhaps more if the
the wounded woman), a third flask containing an characters gave them enough time to flee Girion’s
ointment to heal burns, a vial with five doses of the house – they are not keen on fighting when they
antidote to the poison Girion used against Ciramir can avoid it). Those escaping had to move to some
and the characters, a small bottle with six doses of a other hideout (the sewer reservoir where the charac-
disinfectant liquid and a small flask with an oily ters found them was one of those). If all agents
green syrup used to treat high temperature. Most of were able to flee Girion’s house, they split up in
these products can be easily identified by an experi- two groups of three each and agreed to try an indi-
enced healer or pharmacist but the antidote will vidual escape. The GM may develop this further if
require an expert pharmacist. he wants, else the other agents will simply hide in
the city until they will make their escape
Once all these events are over what is left of the
attempt. One of the two agents who left, a man,
day will go by uneventfully. The characters may get
got back to Girion’s house later to see if any of
back to their cots and rest for some hours or investi-
their stuff is still there and to take it with him.
gate other matters. They will have almost the full of
The second, a woman, meanwhile assassinated
March 11th at their disposal. Ciramir but, although she made it to the safe house
(‘X’) with the sewer entry she was chased by Mara-
GM Info – The plans of Mordor’s agents: As
hil. She dealt with him using a prepared nut but
the various past events could be a bit confusing
ended up badly wounded herself. She reached the
concerning the plans of the Mordorean agents, a
hideout where she met with Teriet but the charac-
short overview of this is in order. Teriet has been
ters appearance prevented her from healing the
living in Harlond for some years. She acted pri-
wounded agent. Now only one agent plus Teriet
marily as a spy and contact (for her Southron supe-
are alive (or at least actively involved against the
riors), reporting on the activity in Minas Tirith’s
PC’s). The first part of the mission has been accom-
harbour. With the outbreak of war she has been
plished (Ciramir is dead) so they decided to make
asked to prepare hideouts for new agents, which
for Minas Tirith before it is too late. They want to
were to infiltrate in the city. The house labelled as
mix up with the civilians and make their attempt
‘X’ on Map 2 (GM map 1) is one of these. It was
at escaping.
through Girion that it was rented. She then
arranged for the access to the sewers to be dug. For
Girion, she has been acting as a contact for smug-
glers that do not like to be “troubled” by the
authorities. Since he was able to make two or three The 12th of March will arrive with darkness still
profitable “deals” through her mediation, he trusted hanging over Harlond. From the first morning hours
her. A few weeks ago she approached Girion, the citizens of the harbour have been leaving the set-
hinting at a really big deal where he might earn tlement and moving to Minas Tirith hoping to be
lots of gold and a safe future under a potential new safer behind its city walls. Both the Rammas Echor
regime, now that Gondor is likely to fall. He was Gate (‘I’ on Image 1) and the Pelargir Gate (‘II’ on
in such fear for his life (and money) that he Image 1) will be open for this traffic.
thought this to be a good way to save his skin in
Guards, alerted by the events of the past days,
the coming war. It was also Girion that waited for
closely look at everyone as they pass the gates. If the
the agents coming by boat and quickly led them to
characters gave them a description of the intruders
his house. He was quite afraid, as the plan was
they had a good look at (and the description Freya
partly foiled by the characters and only the agents
provides of the man she saw at Girion’s house), the
of the first boat made it to Girion’s house. Their
guards will pay special attention to those fitting to
mission was to assassinate Ciramir and then leave
for Minas Tirith to infiltrate its defences and
support the assault against the Great Gate from If the characters do not get involved in the
inside and generally cause confusion in order to checks at the gates and decide to invest their time in
help Sauron’s troops. They did not plan to spend other tasks, or simply to rest at their barracks, the
more than a day in Harlond so they killed Girion Mordor agents will have no trouble leaving Harlond
and his household as soon as they got all the neces- in disguise.

On the other hand if they do invest time in the and use the stick in an attempt to make him fall. If
process related to the evacuee control, they will rounded up she’ll surrender and can be arrested.
most probably end up having an opportunity to
During the time spent at the gates the characters
arrest them. The man wears plain civilian clothes
will come up with several suspicious refugees before
and carries a heavy bundle on his back full of all sorts
they identify the two agents of Mordor. They are all
of goods and chattels. He walks using a walking stick
genuine Harlond residents. Identifying the agents
and wears a large brown hat. On a first look he
will be really hard due to the poor descriptions they
won’t catch the character’s attention but a closer
have and the good disguise they wear, so the agents
inspection may bring up any of the details the char-
have a good chance of escape.
acters have about him. It can be the dark curly hair
or most probably the scar on his face. If he feels like While at the gates, the characters will also
he has been discovered he will immediately drop the witness the arrival of the new captain appointed to
bundle and flee towards the docks pushing aside the take Ciramir’s role. He will enter Harlond riding a
refugees around him. large war-horse and is escorted by five other men.
He will not stop at the gate and will directly ride to
The characters will need to prove skill and
the barracks. If the characters do not get involved in
strength in order to move quickly enough among the
the search at the gates, they’ll be aware of the new
refugees to hunt him down. If the man is rounded up
captain’s arrival as they see him ride by at any other
he will produce a dagger from a hidden pocket and
place appropriate.
will take a civilian as a hostage. He will walk back-
wards, facing the characters, with the blade on the Early that evening the same youngster that
hostage’s throat. As he walks away from the charac- reported the death of Ciramir the previous day will
ters he’ll test the doors he passes by with his feet. also come to them with a new message. He will
On the third door, if the characters have not come recite the message standing firm and with his eyes
up with a way to stop him, the door will abruptly closed making sure he gets everything right.
open as it is hit and both the intruder and his hostage
will enter the building closing it as they move in. It’s
the house of a docker who has already left Harlond. “The Captain decided to dismiss you from your
The ground floor has a single room with almost no duties. You are required to get to your barracks in
furniture. A steep ladder climbs to the first floor time and wait there for further orders as a curfew
where the bedroom is. He will throw the hostage to has been issued from the 17th hour onwards.”
the floor as soon as the door is locked and will go up
the ladder to the first floor. He’ll spend a few Smiling after having completed his mission, the
seconds deciding which way to go, finally opening a boy will leave the characters again and run for the
window and jumping to the roof of the nearest barracks. The characters will not receive any other
building. If the characters have not come up with messages and if they go to the barracks the Captain
any plan or have not been able to get a hold of him will be unavailable to them or they’ll be told he is
he’ll flee jumping from rooftop to rooftop and will inspecting this or that position. No soldiers will use
never be seen again (unless the GM wants to use him the captain’s name and will always refer to him using
again during the occupation by Mordor’s forces – in his rank instead.
which case he is likely to cause trouble again).
Meanwhile the second agent (Teriet) will make
her escape attempt through whichever gate is most
appropriate. If all the characters chase her comrade
she’ll leave Harlond unmolested. If the characters
split and some of them are still at the gates, they
may identify her. She is wearing a wig hiding her red
hair, walks bent over using a stick and with her left
hand on the side of a cart. Her disguise is very good,
but characters may notice the leather boots, which
can be seen beneath her long gown from time to
If the characters stop her she won’t look up
while being questioned. She will curse the character

THE SHADOW ON THE RIVER pressure on them will increase so fast that they’ll be
forced into retreat. Orc archers are taking positions
The evening and night of March the 12th will on the captured buildings, the troll is upon them and
arrive without any new events. Characters ought to more and more rafts are arriving to the docks. It
be back to their improvised barracks and if they are should be absolutely obvious to the characters that it
not, they will be instructed to do so by a patrol is best to run and fight another day.
walking the streets making sure the curfew is As they are pushed back into the streets, fighting
respected. After the evacuation almost no civilians the orc parties arriving from side alleys and shooting
are left in Harlond and all the taverns and other down orc archers in the flaming rooftops, they’ll
entertainment sites will be closed. There are almost end up being encircled at a street still far from the
no lighted windows and the sound of the patrolling Rammas Echor. At both ends of the street orc
guards’ steps echo in the streets. parties move forward breaking into burning build-
The characters will be woken up by the sound of ings and ravaging them. To their front the orcs will
all the bells in Harlond tolling – again. It’s still pull a couple of wounded men in the battledress of
night-time (about 11 p.m.) but the moon and the Gondor to the centre of the street and will give
stars are hidden behind the clouds issued from them a gruesome death.
Mordor. As they get out of the warehouse they’ll The characters will then be next to the side-wall
meet a group of soldiers running towards the docks of the Harlond public baths (‘VI’ on Image 1) and
and shouting “They are coming! They are coming!”. beset by both sides. The wall is twelve feet (3.5 m)
As they go (or run) down the street the glow high and built in masonry. They could try to climb
from torches and lanterns at the docks will project the wall but some cooperation among them will be
long shadows on the cobblestones. The bells are still needed to scale it while being harassed by the orcs.
tolling and when the characters finally reach the riv- A few yards (meters) ahead on the street the wall has
erside area they face a terrible scene. Dozens of a green wooden door. Characters may try to reach it
boats and rafts have reached the docks and many but they’ll need to deal with some of the Orcs
more are crossing the river from the opposite bank. heading towards them. The door is not locked and
The scenes depicting the landing in Osgiliath in The can be opened easily. On the inside, the strong door
Return of the King movie by Peter Jackson should give can be barred (the staff simply forgot to do it when
you a good idea of how this looks like. From the they left), and the characters are safe for the
boats hordes of orcs are disembarking and charging moment.
on the few Gondorian soldiers who are trying to stay As soon as all the characters are safely in the
their advance. garden the orcs on the other side will start to beat
As soon as the characters arrive at the docks a on the door in an attempt to break in. Soon thereaf-
barge will land close by and a bunch of orcs will ter, one or two of them will appear on the top of the
jump on the walkway to charge at them. The first wall.
wave should be defeated easily, although some of the The garden is triangular and rather small. There
soldiers around the characters will perish in the are half a dozen cypress trees surrounding the
effort, but meanwhile new rafts have reached the central area occupied by fountain and the bath-house
docks and new waves charge while a rain of flaming closing the garden to the south-west. Characters
arrows flies over their heads (the Osgiliath scenes may know the place if they took a bath during their
from Peter Jackson’s The Return of the King may give stay in Harlond. Three sides of the garden are pro-
some idea of the scenery of this amphibious attack). tected by the wall, which just saved them. The
As the characters fight this new wave back, a large building has only one floor but three doors. Those to
boat will reach the quay and two orcs will disembark the right are wooden and green. They are locked but
while pulling two ropes chained to a troll’s neck. At are easy to pick. Each of them leads into a storage
that point the defense has collapsed at several points room in which gardening tools and other accessories
of the docks and several buildings are already are kept. The middle door is far larger and nicely
burning due to the numerous incendiary arrows and carved. Its a double door and each set opens to a
the flames of the burning houses cast a terrible light bathing room. The flooring inside is polished and
into the night. steps down into a pool. The water in it right now is
If the characters try to retreat, they have to do it at room temperature because the boilers in the base-
in order. An uncontrolled flight will receive a rain of ment are not working. Finally the doors to the left
arrows and javelins. If they choose to stand, the are also nicely carved. The first one leads into a
small warehouse where towels and linens are kept,
the other one opens to a corridor advancing into the new corridor it is much narrower and dark. Behind
building as an extension to the porch. The courtyard them the characters will clearly hear the furious
seems to be in peace even amidst the sounds of advance of the orcs looking for them and hammering
destruction coming from the exterior. on the door, which begins to show first cracks. It
won’t take long before it breaks so they have to
If necessary, the characters may encounter the
hurry up if they want to escape alive. The corridor
caretaker who has fled here and he may help them
extends forward with doors opening to the left and
with local knowledge. He may suggest following
right, which lead into service rooms for the staff. It’s
him through the corridor and into the main building.
around ten yards (9 m) long and ends up at a flight
As soon as the characters reach the door connecting
of four steps going down to a closed door. This will
with the corridor, the one leading to the street will
be the only exit at hand as all the other rooms are
give way and the orcs will break into the garden.
small and have no windows. The door is not locked
The corridor is pretty wide and to the left and and once open the characters will enter a large
right arched windows open to large rooms flanked chamber in the cellar. To the right there are six
with stone banks and with a rectangular pool in the large fireplaces constructed from red brick, which
centre. The corridor seems to end in a new open are now cold. These fireplaces are used to heat up
space and the view against the light blinds the char- the cavities built around the pools at the baths. To
acters. As they advance through the corridor a huge the left there is a large area for the storage of fuel
impact will make the whole building tremble and with a trapdoor leading upwards. The dark smoke
they may fall to the floor. The orcs will enter the from the flaming building is less dense down here,
corridor through the same door the characters did but the screams and the war-noise are unmistakable.
just after the impact, charging furiously and breaking There’s no apparent way out but at the far left
the arched window glasses. corner of the hall there’s a large cylindrical wooden
The group must move forward to avoid being structure. It’s a water-basin used to replenish the
run over by the orcs and will end up reaching the pools in the baths. Beside it there’s a drainage grill
bath’s main atrium. This open space is surrounded three feet (1 m) wide connecting directly to the
by a colonnade to which the corridor leads. The sewer system of Harlond below. The characters now
centre of the atrium is occupied by a large pool may have a chance to silently slip away using this
whose water is now covered by a thin layer of ash exit, but if they wait too long, orcs will pour in, and
falling from the sky. A new impact will make the they’ll have to fight it out again.
building tremble once more as soon as the characters
are on the move again. The wall in front of them GM note: There is no dedicated floor-plan for the
will then collapse as a huge hammer hits it from the baths on purpose, as it is important that the char-
opposite side. Attached to the hammer the arm of a acters find the way to the sewers, and thus the GM
large troll, and then the whole of the troll himself can improvise the plans to his wishes to facilitate
will appear in front of the characters. It will take a this.
few seconds for the troll to notice the characters and
that’s the time they have to decide if they face him, It won’t be hard to lose any chasing enemies (if
try to avoid him, retreat to face the orcs or jump to there are any) in the maze of the sewers. Once done
the pool. If the characters needed help to enter the the characters may stop to take a breath and decide
baths this will be the moment when the caretaker which way to take now. Ideally, they have either lost
will be shot down by an arrow . their pursuers (the smell in the tunnels will negate
The troll is hard to defeat (and it will cost a lot of the orcish trackers’ keen sense of smell) or killed all
time, which the characters probably don’t have!) but those who knew (or suspected) where they might
it’s possible to move around him dodging his blows be. Fleeing unnoticed into the sewers will give them
and jumping over the rubble to move into the room an advantage and a chance to rest and recover, which
from whence it came. They need to coordinate as they should before proceeding. The city map on
space around the troll is limited and not all the char- Image 1a may aid the GM in directing the group in
acters can manoeuvre at the same time. this subterranean maze. The first hours of March the
thirteenth will arrive while the characters are proba-
If they face the orcs behind them instead, the bly still in the sewers. Harlond has been taken by the
characters ought to be able to knock down enough forces of Sauron. The town is being pillaged and the
to move to the other end of the atrium and reach a docks are crowded as more and more orcs land. The
door, which will help them block the oncoming Rammas Echor is being demolished by orcs and huge
waves of enemies for a while. trolls operating rams. The corresponding sounds
Whichever way they take they’ll end up crossing echo throughout the city.
142 a door that can be barred from the inside and in this
GUERRILLA the other hand the whole group needs a place to
hide. They may consider the old reservoir they dis-
One way or another; the characters will end up covered while chasing Teriet the previous day. If
in the sewers which they may already have visited they do it it will take quite a long time of walking up
previously that week. The tunnels seem quiet but and down tunnels and ducts until they finally find it.
the sounds of the destruction from the surface If they talk of this openly, the soldier (Camran) will
reaches them even through the drainage grills in the tell them that there are several more places of this
streets and basements throughout the harbour. The type in the system, and he may lead them to the
water running down there now has turned black and nearest one. Regardless of whether they go to the
thick due to the quantity of ash it contains. previous or another one: It will be reasonably dry
and has several access ducts and tunnels for retreat
The characters may contemplate to flee Harlond,
so it could be a good base for the moment. They
but it should be made obvious to them (if they make
may also consider getting back to the warehouse
some reconnaissance), that this area of the Pelennor
they were using as barracks. They’ll need to leave
is firmly in the hands of the enemy and they are
the sewers through a drainage grill on the street
unlikely to reach safe territory beyond Harlond’s
some fifty yards (45 m) away from the entrance
walls. It should be clear that hiding in or near the
though. It is marked as ‘XI’ on the city map. They
harbour city is their best option to evade capture or
can also think of the grill near the wall in the shel-
being killed in the near future.
tered back of their barrack which might give a much
The tunnel they are in now is a secondary one of more discreet access. The doors have been pulled
about 5 feet (1.5 m) height. The water is one feet down and the character’s belonging pillaged, but the
(0.3 m) deep and if they take too long to leave for a building was not burned so it might still serve as a
safe place, they’ll see a body floating in their direc- hideout for some time as well.
tion. It’s a dead guard, and perhaps someone they
knew. The water is also very cold and will eventu-
GM note: The GM should always be aware of the type
ally soak their feet even if they are wearing boots.
of sewer that is used by the characters. The second-
They characters may get sick if they spend too long
ary ones (the dashed lines) have a much smaller
in there. There’s a wider duct a few yards (meters)
diameter (see above) and are usually only accessible
ahead with two lateral platforms at least three feet
by moving crouched. For (severely) wounded or oth-
(1 m) wide and free of water.
erwise handicapped people this is a major obstacle.
A few minutes after they reach the sewers and
once the dead guard has floated by, they’ll hear steps
of someone or something sloshing in the water on a As an alternative they may seek shelter in aban-
side duct joining theirs some three yards (meters) to doned houses or partially demolished buildings, in
their front or rear. A couple of minutes later tunnels of the sewer system far from the main net-
another guard supporting one of his comrades will work, in basements or crypts around Harlond or any
turn up. The man will be thankful for any help. He similar place. Or they might be on the move to
has a minor wound himself on his forearm while his avoid being tracked down in one place. The GM
comrade has a bleeding wound on his side. Two of should be prepared for unexpected ideas of his
his ribs look broken and inner organs might also be group and thus be familiar with the surroundings
injured. and facilities of the place.
If asked about his story, he’ll tell the characters As they wander through the tunnels searching for
how the attack took him by surprise while sleeping a safe place in which to rest a bit, they’ll come across
at the main barracks. He was supposed to be on duty a party of orcs searching for new victims. They’ll
that night but was instructed to stay in the barracks hear their steps and growls with enough time to
instead. The bells woke him and he barely had time avoid them or to set up an ambush, - depending on
to equip himself before the orcs seemed to be every- the character’s choice. If the group is already quite
where. He took his wounded friend to a basement battered, the GM may also leave this encounter out,
not far from the barracks but did not feel safe there as it provides no further drama to the story rather
and entered the sewers. than the risk of a severe wound.
The wounded soldier needs proper treatment All in all it will be noon on the 13th when they
urgently. He’s in a serious condition, unconscious finally settle wherever they decided their retreat
and breathing heavily. If none of the characters can should be. The wounded soldier will be in a critical
help him he’s unlikely to survive the next day. On condition unless he received proper medical treat-
ment from one of the characters.
Map 4 (GM map 2) shows the layout of Harlond Orcish provisions are not very tasty though – and
after the attack. Moving around Harlond is not safe you never know from what source they have been
at all. There are hundreds of orcs unloading materi- made. The wooden crates are full of what looks like
al, various equipment and tools at the docks and some sort of dried meat the origin of which is
moving it to the spots where the wall is being unknown. There are also large clay pots full of a
demolished. They are also building two siege towers brownish gel with a strong sour smell and similar
at the market square from large beams shipped from delicacies. Anyone attempting to eat orc provisions
the other bank of the river and other minor pieces must first overcome the nausea they induce.
improvised from the ruins and material they gath- Depending on the level of success, they will be
ered from the burnt buildings of Harlond (red ‘A’ edible or will make the character feel quite sick and
and ‘B’ on Image 6). Hordes of orcs are clearing a handicapped.
way from the market square to the – former –
The characters may also search for food and
Rammas Echor Gate (‘I’ on Image 6), so that the
water in those buildings which have not been burned
finished towers can be moved out without prob-
yet. This way they may come up with small amounts
lems. The characters may use the narrower alleys to
of standard equipment and provisions distributed all
avoid patrolling orcs and other creatures but it will
over Harlond in small pantries and basements not
take very long to advance just a few yards (meters)
yet pillaged by the orcs. Each such foray will risk an
and it must be done very carefully. Image 6 shows
encounter with wandering orcs who are searching
the damage done to the city.
the ruins and buildings for any shiny item they may
The orcs are also gathering all the bodies from add to their own war booty. Any such encounter –
locals and soldiers they find at the market square, even if the characters are victorious – may cause too
not far from where the siege tower segments are much unwanted attention in the form of additional
constructed. The corpses are then beheaded and the foes that cannot be overcome. In all their decisions,
heads loaded on carts which leave towards the the characters should always be aware of their pre-
Pelennor Fields. The rest of the corpses are then carious situation.
thrown to a huge pyre. The smoke column rising
In one instance the characters will come across
from the pyre can be seen from everywhere in the
two women who are searching for a place to hide or
harbor and the smell of burnt flesh reaches every
something to eat. Ideally they’ll meet them as they
corner of Harlond. The orcs may even consider this
hurry across a street in front of the characters
a giant barbecue and have their share for lunch and
without noticing their presence. Their clothing
looks dirty and torn and they have ash and mud all
The characters did not have breakfast or lunch over their faces and hair. One of them is helping the
and they probably lack food and water readily, so other to walk as she looks handicapped. The charac-
hunger and thirst will be something to worry about. ters will then see two orcs following the two
women waiting for the best moment to jump them.
Most of the foodstuffs were sent to Minas Tirith
the previous day, but some leftovers can still be If the characters do not intervene the two
gathered around Harlond. The orcs are also unload- women will be attacked by the Orcs and perish after
ing boxes and other packages with provisions and a few minutes – or later if the orcs have some addi-
they have now established improvised depots at the tional fun in mind. If the characters deal with the
docks. No special area or building has been desig- orcs and lead the women to their hideout they’ll be
nated to store them as they are regularly loaded on thankful. The older one is about forty years old and
carts and wagons and sent to the Pelennor fields. her name is Brais. She’s rather pretty despite the
There are no guarding orcs as such, but there are mud and dirt she is covered in. The younger woman
plenty of them moving from one point to another is some ten years younger and is pregnant and
completing all sorts of tasks. Almost no humans can expecting to conceive soon. Her name is Suna and
be seen among the Dark Lord’s minions now both hid themselves in the basement of their house
working at the docks but when one of them walks when the attack came. They didn’t leave Harlond
down there, he spends most of the times giving with the other refugees for fear of Suna’s advanced
orders to orcs. They are tall dark haired men stage of pregnancy. That morning a group of orcs
wearing richly embroidered scale armour and always pillaged their home but they did not find them.
surrounded by a retinue of orcs with lashes and Anyhow, they got scared and as the orcs left the
whips making sure the orders are obeyed properly. building they went out in search of a better hiding-
Getting anywhere close the provisions will be really place.
difficult but a cunning plan may succeed. The GM
should be generous and open to reasonable ideas.
docks but were inter-
cepted by the orcs
advancing from that
direction. He lost
most of his men in the
fight before he had to
retreat and hide. He
does not understand
how it came that the
alarm came so late or
what happened to the
men that were sup-
posed to be on duty at
the docks that night.
The new party has
ambushed a small
group of orcs a couple
of hours ago and lost
two men in the fight.
The soldiers came
across the characters
while searching for a
safe path to reach the
main dock. They are
planning to light the
siege towers under
Map 4 : Harlond after the attack - GM map 2 construction (‘A’ and

The day will progress with no further events. At ‘B’ on map 4) so to support the defence of Minas
night the characters ought to be back at their refuge Tirith. The small barrel is full of ignitable oil and
with their new friends. As they discuss on what to they have some alcohol-rich beverages in the wine-
do next they’ll be found by a party of men. If the skins they’ve found in a basement.
characters set up a watch or any type of trap or If the soldier the characters met before is still
warning system, they will have advance warning and with them, he’ll volunteer to join the new group.
the element of surprise. If not the characters will be The characters will also be welcomed if they want to
surprised themselves. participate. It should be made obvious that it’s
The group is made up of a Gondorian sergeant, expected of a Gondorian soldier to fight the enemy
two soldiers, a docker and a young boy who worked whenever he has the possibility and means (and the
as a courier for the guardsmen during the last week characters are now soldiers of Gondor). Participat-
and the characters may remember him from previ- ing in a raid on the siege towers is such a chance.
ous meetings. One of the soldiers has a dirty The plan they have by now is simple and rather
bandage around his head while the dockworker has a naive. They plan to create some sort of distraction
bruised cheekbone and an improvised bandage on his by shooting flaming arrows to one of the provisions’
left hand. They bear different weapons of the GM’s stocks at the docks to benefit from the confusion and
choice. Two of them carry wine-skins and a third reach the siege towers. The characters may suggest
one holds a small wooden barrel. variations or totally new plans if they want. Disguis-
At first the encounter can be tense but as soon as ing some or the whole group as orcs, getting enough
both sides recognize each other, the situation will flaming arrows to directly attack one of the siege
ease up. The newcomers have little or no food to towers, capture a rowing boat and approach the
share and will ask the characters to give them some- docks from the river, or any other suggestion on that
thing if they have. They’ve been hiding for hours in line will be accepted. Creative thinking should be
basements and attics and had no chance to eat at all. rewarded by the GM. Additionally, a proper plan
for a safe escape or retreat should be part of the
If asked, the sergeant will explain that he was on advance planning and the GM is well-advised to
duty at the Rammas Echor Gate when the bells make that very clear by any appropriate means.
started to toll. He and his men ran towards the
The first thing to do will be to advance from The siege towers are being built in the centre of
their hideout to the docks where the siege towers the main dock, about thirty feet (9 m) apart from
are being built using the cranes and pulleys already one another. There are columns of orcs and other
there. The group must avoid orc patrols and trans- beasts coming up and down the neighbouring streets
port parties taking more and more material up the as well as boats and barges downloading material or
streets towards the Pelennor. By that time the walls troops. There is no guard as such, because the zone
have several large breeches through which columns is considered secured, and each group is concen-
of dark minions enter the Pelennor Fields (‘XII’ on trated on their own task with as much interest as
map 4). their master’s whip demands.
While on their way to Whatever plan the characters and their friends
the docks, the group will have agreed upon, it will run smoothly at first (if it
b a by

come across a group of was not too simple and foolish) but as soon as the
three men wearing the characters are close to laying fire to the first siege
classical Númenórean tower one of them, or one of their comrades, will
karma helms and hauberks be detected as an enemy and the orcs will close in on
and surcoats with elabo- him. From that moment on, the success or failure of
rated embroidered fig- the mission (and the character’s fate!) will depend
ures. They walk down on their skills, ideas and improvisation talent alone.
the street chatting and
The event will take place just as the Haradan
are escorted by a dozen
leader disembarks and meets Terendul and his aides.
orcs. The one in the
The meeting will take place not far from the siege
centre is Terendul, the
tower which was about to be burned so they’ll be
captain which arrived the previous day to replace the
among the first ones to discover the saboteurs. Ter-
late Ciramir. Terendul is a traitor and he was the
endul himself will immediately charge on them and
one ordering the watchmen at the docks to be dis-
easily dispatch one of the character’s comrades who
missed and all patrolling men to be called back to
will fall to the cobblestoned floor. Terendul will
the barracks to help the assault the previous night.
then turn to face the nearest character with his
He is now commanding the operations in Harlond
bloody blade. The former Gondorian captain shall
and is heading towards the docks to welcome the
not be beaten during this scene, so if the character
first party of southern reinforcements which are
looks like he’s going to win, the orcs and men
expected to arrive shortly. He can be recognized by
escorting Terendul (who ordered them initially to
any of the soldiers accompanying the characters.
stand back, since he wanted to do this himself) will
The characters will reach the docks at the same take his place pushing him back into safety.
time as Terendul regardless of whether they have
The characters must then look for the most effi-
followed him or not. There are two siege towers
cient way to leave the docks alive taking benefit of
under construction and both are completed to about
all the possible tools at hand. There are multiple
two-thirds. Great numbers of orcs are working on
cranes, ropes, pulleys, barrels crates and other
them, using several cranes and pulleys operated by
equipment which might prove useful. Also, if at
least one of the siege towers has started to burn the
There are several spots at the docks where the firefighting will involve many of the orcs around,
busy invaders have improvised material storages not allowing for extra room to manoeuvre and avoid
only for construction but for several other logistic being hunted down. Any escape plan prepared in
needs. The scene the characters will witness is that advance will be of great use.
of a crowded place so they ought to plan their attack
If the characters make it out of the docks and
in detail if they want to go ahead with it. The GM
back to the street maze of Harlond, their chances of
may help them by an NPC pointing out the useful-
escape will increase. Most of the buildings are now
ness of the sewers as a means of covert access to the
burned or empty so the characters may use rubble
dock area and thus little risk of running into orcs
heaps, doors and windows in an attempt to shake off
until the last moment. The sewer access grills near
their pursuers. At least a couple of orcs will follow
the former market square (marked ‘1’ to ‘6’ in blue
them from the rooftops stopping from time to time
on Image 6) are the most useful for this. Numbers 1,
to shoot their bows on them.
5 and 6 would be for the most daring characters, as
they are nearest to the towers, but also the ones The chase may take quite long and at least half
with the least cover. the men who started out the expedition with the

characters will be captured or killed. It is important They can prepare raids and ambushes on the new-
the characters do not lead the Orcs directly to their comers but should be aware that they’ll probably
hideout and seek an evasive route long enough to make no impact and will be easily overwhelmed. It
make sure they are no longer being chased when should be pretty clear to the characters that they sur-
they reach their safe place. vived the raid on the siege towers only with a great
portion of luck and they shouldn’t strain their luck.
When they finally escape and reach their hide-
out, they’ll find that only those they actively helped Terendul has tortured one of the men left behind
and led through the streets were able to make it during the raid against the siege towers and he has
there too. If Brais and Suna did not take part in the given away the hideout’s location. Terendul himself
guerrilla action at the docks (which is highly likely is leading the party with around a couple dozens of
due to Suna’s situation) they’ll be hiding in one his finest men. He has also brought the tortured man
corner when the characters arrive and Brais might with him to guide them. His face covered in blood,
try to attack them unless they identify themselves. with no teeth, both hands broken and burns in his
chest and legs. The poor man can barely stand.

THE BATTLE OF If the characters spend the whole night hiding at

their safe place and do not launch any raid on the
PELENNOR FIELDS Southrons or have moved their base as a precaution
(they might think of the sewers as being less safe if
The night from the 13th to the 14th will bring no
any of their comrades were captured alive), they’ll
new surprises. If the characters come out of their
be surprised by Terendul’s attack on their hideout
hiding place to check what’s going on out outside or
if they can see the docks, the city walls or any of the just before dawn of the 15th. Depending on which
major streets, they’ll see how those siege tower(s) shift and guards system they have decided to set,
not severely damaged during their raid will be trans- they’ll be able to welcome the attackers one way or
ported to the Pelennor fields through the pre- another.
cleared path and one of the large breaches (‘XII’ on Terendul expects to surprise the character’s
Image 6) in the Rammas Echor. group but will – hopefully – fail due to the guards
The last orc columns will then follow in a large set by them (or if they have moved their hiding-
siege train made of catapults and prepared parts for place) if they are well organized or because the pris-
trebuchets to be built before Minas Tirith. The oner will make an attempt to warn them on a last
docks will then be much less busy and only the foot- breath of bravery and life. The former Gondorian
steps of lone orcish guards will be heard. captain will then urge his men to charge trying to
get as many of the characters as possible. They’ll
Later that night the thunderous sound of Mordor show no mercy and are skilled fighters.
battle drums will roar through the Pelennor Fields,
making the floor at Harlond tremble and the roar of If the characters were active during the night, the
the orcish legions besieging Minas Tirith will follow scene will take place when the characters get back to
them. During the day deep trenches around the city the hideout urged on by Brais who came out for
walls are dug and they are now used as fire pits them as Suna is about to give birth and she needs
whose flames turn the deep-hanging dark clouds in some help.
the sky red. The assault on the White City has begun Whichever way the scene takes place, the char-
and if the characters can locate a place from which acters will have to fight the traitor and other men in
the scene can be overseen they’ll witness the roar the service of the Dark Lord while protecting the
and eerie shine of the battle. two women. When the fight is at its peak, if possible
The fighting at the walls will last for the whole with the characters in serious trouble, a horn will be
night and during that time a second wave of Sauron’s heard in the distance echoed by hundreds answering.
troops will reach the Harlond docks using the same
barge and boat transport as the first wave. This time
it’s the Southrons. Hundreds of them arrive at the
northern bank of the Anduin in nicely arranged
columns showing discipline and much more organi-
zation than the creatures now fighting the defenders
of Minas Tirith. If the characters can’t witness the
arrival of the Men of Harad, they’ll know about it as
the trumpets and kettledrums sound through the
The Black Serpent founders © by Anke Eißmann, used with permission
streets to get companies grouped and marching.
It seems that there is still
hope. The Rohirrim have
come and fight a hard battle
against the orcs and South-
rons. The huge mûmakil are
like bulwarks where the
Riders can’t go, as their
horses won’t allow it.
Around them, the Haradrim
rally. The city defenders
lead a sortie from the Main
Gate and join the fight on
the fields and on a gentle hill
the corpse of one of the
hideous flying beasts of
One Stood There Still © by Antti Autio, used with permission
Mordor lies immobile.

Also if possible the sound of the horns will be fol-

lowed by a few seconds of sunlight breaking through
the clouds and illuminating the characters and their GM note: Non of this is observable from Harlond, but
opponents. The fight will stop for a second and char- the GM might be inspired by it.
acters will gain an extra round of combat with their The following events however are well observable
opponents not fighting back which might enable from Harlond and instrumental here. Down the
them to turn the tide. The clouds will then close river a fleet with black sails seems to be sailing
again and the sounds of the battle to the north will northwards. They’ll reach the docks in about half
resume. an hour where they are being watched by men
Terendul will escape again but the hideout is no waiting with ropes and planks to support their
longer safe and a new one must be found (if the landing.
character’s haven’t already done this, in which case
the former scene does not take place, but should
earn the characters some extra experience for their As the fleet is about to cross the mouth of the
foresightedness). The morning of March the 15th has harbour the lead ship will fly the White Tree flag.
arrived, darkness from the east still covers Harlond The men at the docks look surprised and shocked
and the characters must move out through the ruins but the officers among them will react immediately,
of the harbour city or through the sewers towards a urging the archers at the rooftops to shoot on the
new place where they can feel safe again (if they vessels now arriving at the docks. As the rain of
haven’t already). Suna is likely to give birth today. arrows hits the galleys, small rowing boats will be
Meanwhile she’ll be in pain and needs help to walk lighted as improvised fires-hips and let loose ham-
even slowly. pering the fleet’s manoeuvres.
At least one of the men of Harlond must be alive This is the chance for the characters to become
by that time. It should be clear by now that the part in this great battle aiding Aragorn and his
sewers no longer offer a safe retreat (Terendul will troops. The characters may leave their hideout to
have these combed now – and the sewers are no attack the archers or attempt to stop those launching
place for birth anyway!). And that changing to an obstacles towards the galleys or destroying the
overground hiding-place might increase their wooden runway and piers. The flagship is about to
chances of survival. He will be the one leading the reach the main dock and is being received by a thick
party to an attic of a warehouse close to the docks rain of arrows and other missiles. Characters might
which looks like a secure place for a while. From the also charge down this dock and if they do so they
small windows in it the characters can see the river will progress easily at first as they’ll catch the South-
to the south and can get a glimpse of the fields on rons by surprise. They’ll see the first men from the
the other side of the walls to the north. Grey Company disembark but their bridgehead will

be halted by the arrows arriving from a near building side of the Rammas Echor, they’ll come across Ter-
behind the characters. Aragorn and his men must endul and what is left of his escort. They must face
take cover behind their shields and the dock is not him one last time and kill him before leaving
wide enough for them to manoeuvre. Men will be Harlond to join the last phase of the Pelennor Fields
shot repeatedly and will fall into the river. The char- battle. Alternatively he may be killed by one of the
acters must choose between trying to open a path characters from the book – depending on the situa-
towards the galley to ease the pressure on the disem- tion.
barking men or turning back to assault the building
where the main group of archers is located.
Whichever action they take, they’ll have to face
numerous Southrons charging them from all direc- After the battle, the characters (if they survived)
tions. If they succeed in any of the two, Aragorn and may return to their wards in the safe house to find
the other men will be able to charge down the pier out that with the victory at the end of the day, Suna
and reach the main dock. More and more galleys indeed gave birth to a baby girl and that both of
will then reach other points of the harbour and the them are safe but exhausted. The destiny of our
resistance of the Southrons will crumble as the men characters from this point onwards is lost in the
from southern Gondor charge up the streets towards memory of time. Whether they survived that day
the Pelennor Fields. and had a chance to fight again at Morannon and
walked back to their homes, or if they were never
As the characters join the newcomers on their seen again at the Mouths of Isen is unknown to us
advance towards the battle being fought on the other and is not told in this story.

Éomer and Aragorn meet in the midst of battle © by Abe Papakhian


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