Sol'an Campaign Booklet - Greenhill - (LVL 4-7)
Sol'an Campaign Booklet - Greenhill - (LVL 4-7)
Sol'an Campaign Booklet - Greenhill - (LVL 4-7)
A Wildspire Homebrew
Table of Contents
Campaign Setting: Greenhill Heroic Townsfolk Quests 8
Introduction .......................................................................3 Balurt Bazack (Lvl 4 – 5) ............................................9
History ...................................................................................... 3 Lokechar (Lvl 4 – 6) ..................................................... 19
Geography ..............................................................................4 Riyaka (Lvl 4 – 6) ..............................................................26
Government ..........................................................................4 Captain Druko (Lvl 5 – 6) ........................................33
Town Guard ................................................................................ 4 Akbas Jethel (Lvl 5 – 7) .............................................. 43
The Rusty Maul Tavern ...............................................5
Ovon Oltek (Lvl 6 – 7) ............................................... 52
Greenhill Merchants ..................................................6
Index 60
Adventuring in Greenhill ...................................... 7
Monsters ....................................................................................
Items ................................................................................................
Art .....................................................................................................
References 61
Greenhill Campaign Setting
elcome to the second miniature-inspired
setting for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk How To Use
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate This setting could be inserted into any campaign as a location
these figures into their campaigns either as a of interest, and the starting point of six adventures centered
side-quest in an established realm, or a around your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk miniatures.
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an Alternatively, any quest within this setting could be easily
campaign setting, a Wildspire custom setting modified to fit into any small farm town with minimal terrain
in the world of Sol'an, a realm inhabited by migrated races of considerations. Use the information within this document to
guardinals, the celestial anthromorph guardians of Elysium. support any or all of the supplemental quest modules for
For more information on the world of Sol'an, refer to the Greenhill.
Heroes of Sol'an Campaign Setting (estimated release
Within this document, you will find details about the Notes
campaign setting such as history, geography, and NPCs. Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs, such
Additionally, we have added SIX short quest modules that as the descriptions within the story boxes.
can be initiated by NPCs within the setting. You can run the Text in bold are suggestions, and can be easily changed to
quests straight from the modules, or just pick and choose fit your campaign environment .
elements to add to your current campaign. Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best fit into their campaign.
ol'an is a world caught just outside the edge of The town is rarely assaulted with any significant force, with
Elysium, the idyllic neutral good plane protected the exception being the occasional small orc bands or goblin
by the guardinal races among other celestial tribes. The Sunguard maintains a decent presence here,
beings and gods. For the purposes of the this focused on patrolling the defenses and keeping the peace. Lt.
module, a brief history of Greenhill is Outlined in Ian Cronwell, leader of the Sunguard at Greenhill, has
this section. maintained good reputation with his superiors and as such
has received high accolades.
A Traveler's Respite
Greenhill is seen as a common ground necessity as respite
for travelling across Solreem’on and between the major
settlements. The large Rusty Maul Tavern is able to
accommodate a good number of travelers, and the beautiful
and abundant farmland produces food that is transported to
nearly all residents of Solreem’on. The river provides
additional commerce among towns around Dingonek Lake,
using small canoes and rowboats.
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reenhill is river town located among lush
grassland to the south and west, with the river
running North/South and originating from For some time now, your travels have consisted of lush
Dingonek Lake. The marsh south of Dingonek flat swaths of green grass and wildflowers. This
Lake is a unique landscape that contains landscape is broken up by farms and ranches that
interesting farmsteads and monsters, while increasingly line the well-maintained large road. Traffic
the rolling hills to the east provide pasture for has increased a bit, as merchants in slow-moving
herds of wild animals. Immediately surrounding Greenhill carriages make their morning trip to Greenhill. As the
are fertile farmlands, leading to a competitive market within party approaches the sturdy, yet repaired wall of this
the gates of the city as well as high merchant traffic and bustling trade town, there are several Sunguard
export. manning the open large wooden gates. Upon entering
the town, you notice one of the guards hastily taking
notes as your group enters among other travelers.
Dingonek Lake However, your group is not questioned and allowed
Dingonek Lake is named for the huge crocodile-like entry. Inside the gates, you see modest housing in
dingoneks that inhabit the waters. These dangerous beasts both directions from the main road, that becomes
are hunted by specialized crews, selling the meat to markets smaller and more run down as you near the city center.
and the hide to armorers across the northern lands of Sol’an. Several vendors have set up their wares within the
The town of Trinisse is known for its summer Dingonek central square, and there is a fair amount of business
afoot. Immediately your eyes are drawn to the large
festival, at which voyeurs and fisherman crews gather to structure labelled “The Rusty Maul Tavern” just off the
celebrate the famed hunt. During the off-season, the square.
residents struggle to make it without the tourist economy.
The Mistglade
Just across the river to the East is the Mistglade, an
enchanted forest sprouted from influences from the feywild.
Although there is a small bastion of civilization at Green
Pond, most of the forest is inhabited by fey communities and
solitary creatures, both good and evil.
The Duke Town Guard
Greenhill is managed by Duke Narrash Plainstalker, an Greenhill does contain a small contingent of a town guard
elder male highborn leonal with short sandy brown and grey and patrol, representing the closest empire (i.e. Sunguard).
fur, a wide and wild mane, and thick-lens glasses. He dresses Should the party investigate, they count around 20 guard that
in nice suites and is a generous and attentive leader. He, rotate both wall and patrol duties. Further investigation
along with his tabaxi assistant Pollete, work out of a small reveals the commander is Lt. Ian Cronwell, a human male
single building just off the center square. However, Duke currently known for his apparent arrogance and lack of
Narrash is unable to adequately handle many of the decency, yet there are very few incidents and most people are
complaints of the town, as he is advancing in age and has lost happy with their presence. If you wish for more interaction,
much of his vigor. His daughter, Larshaka, will move down Ian can be often found at the Rusty Maul Tavern being an all-
from her position at the Sunguard Cathedral to relieve him of around jerk to the townsfolk.
his duties once he agrees to retire. Until then, Duke Narrash Captain Druko (Wild Spire Heroic Townsfolk) is the 2nd in
relies heavily on the Sunguard to aid the town directly. command and generally remains obedient and quiet about
the lieutenant’s behavior. It can become known to the party
that Lt. Cronwell lost his wife to disease and has since
slipped into a worsening depression (the cause of his
behavior). This scenario can allow for an interesting power
dynamic in which your players may interact, which will be a
major plot line in Captain Druko’s quest module.
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The Rusty Maul Tavern
his establishment is housed in the largest Morning
building within the town, hosting an
impressive 18 rooms in several layouts (most 2
bed, several larger rooms and suites). Three of
the four servers are working at a given time, The late-morning rush consists of groups of patrons
with the fourth at the farm tending the barley enjoying breakfast breads and meats. You count three
crop. servers bringing food from the doors flanking the large
bar, and a male tiefling currently chatting with patrons.
Servers The lack of music invites sounds of hurried eating and
Name Description casual chatter, with calls from the kitchen heard when
the doors swing open.
A female dwarf with a bubbly and cute
Tarance A humane man that is soft and kind. Evening
Katherine A female human, working mother.
Troc Male half-orc bar-back and farmer.
The evening hours contain many patrons letting loose
with food and drink, accompanied by a trio of
musicians performing in the corner. The elaborate
chandelier is fully lit, casting a warming orange glow
The tavern is an impressive building, with two-stories throughout the large room. You count three servers
of brick and mortar construction and a fresh coat of rushing food from the doors flanking the large bar, and
paint highlighted by thick painted wood columns a male tiefling is pouring ales and chatting with
holding up a balcony of bar patrons. The open double patrons.
doors lead to an open two-story courtyard style room
with tables and booth seating and a large bar along the
back wall. The bar is impeccably clean and stylish, with
dark wood material with corners of brass filigree. Late Night
Among the decorations, the party’s eyes are drawn to a
large plaque centered behind the bar containing a rusty If the party sticks around the tavern long enough, Ian
yet well-made maul and the words in common “For Cronwell will appear already quite intoxicated and ready to
Meritorious Service”. Symmetrical stairways start from cause a scene.
your left and right and go to a second floor that
contains more private seating as well as the patio. The Riyaka
second-floor hallways form a square around the tavern,
disappearing to the left and right along the back wall to
Riyaka (Wild Spire Heroic Townsfolk) is a member of the trio
guest quarters. A large chandelier hangs from the tall
of musicians, drawn to Greenhill and the Rusty Maul as a
ceiling, but it is only lit at night as the large ornamental good stage for traveling merchants.
windows at the front of the tavern allow for plenty of
natural light. Riyaka
The tiefling behind the bar has light purple skin and
curled ram-like horns of lightly stained ivory flanking a
bald head. He is wearing an off-white collared
buttoned blouse under tan overalls, and has a white
towel tucked into his back pocket. He absently strokes
at a triangle-shaped goatee as he regards your group,
the wispy gray hairs tangling momentarily around his
knuckles as he can't help but hide the kindly smile
forming at the corners of his lips..
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Greenhill Merchants
Open Market Tillie's Threads
During the day, the party can find an open market in which A clothery owned by Tilleille Saeliniath.
fresh produce and dried meats are sold at fair prices (2-4
The outside of this dainty shop is adorned with cloth
Garnett’s General Goods banners, curtains, and decorations with various
Run out of a building aside the open market, has goods for embellishments. The inside is equally as cute, with all
trade and purchase. This large storefront bordering the sorts of clothing, upholstery, and linens in several
modern and antiquated styles. The proprietor can be
central square contains several aisles of adventuring found near the front sitting in a rocking chair knitting
supplies, carriage repair tools, cookware, and a selection of or sewing. Her grey hair maintains just a hint of golden
travel-ready foods. Sitting at a desk near the back of the store blond and is meticulously braided resting about her
is the owner, an older human male with a bald head and grey lower back. She is wearing a comfortable light blue
stubble. He is wearing cloth overalls over a dark shirt, blouse with a yellow knit shawl covering her shoulders.
spending most of his day looking through records and taking
inventory. Around this desk are several sets of light armor
and weapons that he has for purchase or trade. Hal's Gracious Grains
Town Square Shops The farmer supply shop run by Hal Bolden.
The following locations are open for business during the day.
Name Description Located near the river and northern exit of Greenhill,
The Metal Hut Blacksmith - Akbas Jethel Hal’s grain shop is an open air structure covering
stacks of hay and barrels of various grains and seeds.
Tillie's Threads Cothier - Tilleille Saeliniath There are also plenty of farming/ranching supplies, as
well as a small pen of young farm animals. Hal Bolden,
Hal's Gracious Grains Farm Supply - Hal Bolden
the shop owner, is halfling male with a rather rugged
Ovon's Rolls Baker - Ovon Oltek goatee and mustache. He is wearing brown cloth
overalls and a light straw hat.
Bazack Oddities Oddities / Magic - Balurt Bazack
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Bazack Oddities
The odd specialty shop owned by Balurt Bazack.
Adventuring in Greenhill
side from the quest modules presented for this
campaign setting, these NPCs can be used to Stand Alone Setting
spawn any concurrently running plot lines as
well as integrating player background stories. Greenhill can be dropped into any campaign as a
For instance, Akbas could require a special ore intermediate location for the heroic townsfolk quests.
that requires the PCs to travel to the Devil’s
Bluff Mountains and delve into uncovered ruins Get them to Greenhill
of your dwarven cleric’s ancient family. The PCs are searching for a famed blacksmith (Akbas)
Greenhill can also be a location involved in world events, The group must deliver an order for produce from the
such as another large attack from the forces of darkness farming community
across the Barrier Sea. The township would reach out to aid The party is searching for a powerful creature within the
all the good cities of Solreem’on, specifically with providing Mistglade
respite, sustenance, and supplies to the blessed armies The adventurers have information exposing Balurt as a
maneuvering across the land. Or have the archdevil himself double agent and are attempting to bring him to justice.
wipe the city clean in a tragic loss of developed characters to
evoke the most drastic of emotions in your PCs! Quest Hooks
Akbas' quest for rare ore takes you to a nearby mountain
Heroes of Sol'an range
If you are progressing the Heroes of Sol'an campaign, Lokechar's military past has returned to haunt him
Greenhill represents the groups first foray outside of Boiler (ghost/undead)
Bay. Lt. Cronwell's negligence and non-action is allowing
Please refer to the campaign setting for suggestions and outlying farms to be attacked by mysterious creatures. It is
plot ideas for bringing your group to Greenhill, and time to remove him from his post, but how?
progressing on to the next location - Gorespire Keep. Riyaka needs a new instrument, perhaps there is some
magical wood for its construction within the Mistglade.
Ovon has a secret gambling problem that he satiates every
trip to Boiler Bay. Unfortunately, he owes someone a good
deal of money, and they are ready to collect.
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Heroic Townsfolk Short Quest Modules
Levels 4-7
he following short quest modules are designed Captain Druko and the Search for
to be run in sequence, or as stand-alone
encounters incorporating the Heroic Kalista (Levels 5 – 6)
Townsfolk miniatures from Wildspire. Each Captain Druko’s post under Lt. Ian Cronwell has many
module has instructions and guidance for complications, such as covering for the distasteful drunkard
running these quests, as well as potential when he slips on his duties. In contrast, Druko cannot say no
storyline seeds and extended plot lines. Read to helpless townsfolk and often works outside his guard
straight from the module or just pick out a monster here and hours investigating for locals. Guide your party as they aid
there, we hope that these stories inspire your own Captain Druko in searching for Kalista, daughter of
adventures. Katherine (barmaid at The Rusty Maul), who went missing
Balurt and the Immovable Rod just two days ago. Follow the clues into the Mistglade forest
where they will encounter a nasty hagraven and her green
(Levels 4 – 5) hag sisters.
Balurt Bazack is the hobgoblin owner of Bazack Oddities and Akbas and the Dingonek Hide
renowned inventor. The group will discover that Balurt is a
complete softy, often helping townsfolk with favors and loans. (Levels 5 – 7)
However, one particular good deed has turned to a costly Akbas Jethel is the Galfarum refugee blacksmith that has just
mistake, and Balurt needs back the item he lent a farmer (an received her tag for the famed Dingonek hunt, but hasn’t
immovable rod). Guide your adventurers through an even begun forming her hunting party. To control their
encounter with a unique undead swordtree, spawned from population, the Sunguard commission groups out of the
the dead wife of a simple farmer. Extend the adventure small lakeside town of Trinisse to aid those given the rare
following clues to the host swordtree just within the opportunity to hunt. The Dingonek are formidable magical
boundaries of the Mistglade at the the undead’s lair. beasts that inhabit Dingonek lake, resembling a crocodile
Lokechar and the Barley Bog with a reptilian lion’s head. For the summer, specialized
teams are available for hire to either fish for the large beasts
(Levels 4 – 6) off the shore or risk the dangerous waters of the large lake.
Lokechar is a tiefling fighter and the owner of the Rusty Maul Take your party on an exciting LARGE SCALE encounter,
tavern. The players will aid Lokechar as he searches for the with a custom set of Dingonek Hide armor as a potential
source of corruption that is ruining the barley crop for his reward.
prized ale. The group will accompany Lokechar to his farm in Ovon and the Devil Tongue Loaf
order to defeat the blight, a bog troll and his goblin shaman
buddy. (Levels 6 – 7)
Riyaka and the Hero's Song (Levels The baker of Greenhill, Ovon, has received an order for a very
special loaf of bread used for high-brow events. The recipe
4 – 6) requires Devil's Tongue, a rare herb that grows among the
Riyaka, the kitsune bard, quests for the ultimate hero’s ballad. peaks of Galfarum. He was turned away by the Galfarum
Unbeknownst to Riyaka, she is the victim of a cursed item Guard Station after being told the mountain passes are too
created by an evil trickster that influences her to seek out dangerous, so he searches the party's aid. The group must
heroes. Once a champion has been found, the lute waits for travel to the Devil's Bluff Mountains and convince the
an opportune time and animates, attempting to steal the soul dwarven guard to let them proceed. Guide the group as they
of the targeted PC. Guide your adventurers through what search for the herb, coming across a harpy haven, as well as
seems to be a typical goblin extermination followed by a the nest of a manticore family and their Chimera patriarch.
harrowing encounter with the Cursed Lute of Loradania.
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Balurt and the Immovable Rod
A Wildspire Homebrew
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Balurt Bazack
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 5 Hobgoblin Artillerist Artificer
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign How to Use This Module
setting. This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
This quest, as part of the Greenhill setting features Balurt diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
Bazack, the hobgoblin owner of Bazack Oddities and initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
inventor. The group will discover that Balurt is a complete travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
softy, often helping townsfolk with favors and loans. However,
one particular good deed has turned to a costly mistake, and Please reference the Greenhill Setting document for
Balurt needs back the item he lent a farmer (an immovable information about Boiler Bay and the NPCs within.
rod). Guide your adventurers through an encounter with a Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
unique undead swordtree, spawned from the dead wife of a Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
simple farmer. Extend the adventure following clues to the fit your campaign environment.
host swordtree just within the boundaries of the Mistglade at Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
the ancient undead’s lair. rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For based on your preference.
a more detailed description of Greenhill, refer to the Heroes Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
of Sol’an campaign setting at (Coming suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
09/2020). details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
That Jerk Phil Investigation Check on Balurt
During this interaction he will bring up Phil Rainer, a local DC Outcome
rancher who has abused Balurt’s good will. He will bring it up As you gather your gear for the hike, you notice that
several times, obviously stressed out about the situation. Balurt has gathered a few odd objects. It is difficult to
“Most of the townspeople are grateful for my kind discern what is inside his multiple bags that dangle
10 around his belt and under his coat, but you do recognize
deeds, they bring me delicious treats and fancy gifts. a small metallic rod holstered on his belt and an
However, some just sweeten you up and then forget interesting glove on his left hand. He also carries a small
about you, like that jerk Phil!” bag that seems to be full of tools.
“I even lend out some of my valuables! These items With a little subtle prodding, you discover that Balurt is a
are rare, and I can’t just be letting people borrow them 13 bit of an inventor and crafter, and has a bunch of trinkets
forever, like that jerk Phil!” and gadgets, some hidden under his heavy cloak.
“The farmers here are great, providing food for our 18
Balurt shows off his most prized invention, a tiny hand-
town as well as many of the cities on Solreem’on. held glass cannon.
Their markets bring in plenty of business from around
the continent. Too bad there are a few bad apples, like Investigation Check on Balurt's
Phil, that can tarnish their reputation.” relationship with Phil
DC Outcome
Either by questions by the PCs, or after a few mentions
Balurt will spill the beans about Phil. Balurt is kinda dramatic “His poor wife became ill one day, the local healers
about all this, but he hates confrontation and doesn’t think he 10 couldn’t explain it. She just kept getting worse and
could demand his item back. worse.”
“She was a very kind lady, they both were just amazing
people. She used to find the best tasting mushrooms in
the mistglade behind their farm and bring them to
“So Phil, this guy used to be the nicest, would come market.”
into the shop just to catch me up on gossip. He rarely
bought anything, but I enjoyed our talks and thought “Phil used to vent to me, he kept saying it was too
we were friends! Then one day he asks for a favor. He dangerous for her to go out there alone, but she always
knew about some of my magical items, through stories insisted that she would be ok. Plus, the Galfarum druids
of my actions around town, and asked to borrow my usually keep the place pretty safe.”
immovable rod. This item, when activated, will stay in
place indefinitely. Super cool, very useful, I love it. So I
let him borrow it and sure enough, he stops coming
around the shop! I hear that he comes into town
occasionally, but I never see him! It’s been several
weeks, and I just can’t believe he is snubbing me like
this!” Balurt starts to become more flustered. “I just… I
don’t do well with confronting a friend. On top of
everything, the guy lost his wife not too long ago. I
know I will just cave and let him off the hook, but I’m
really mad!”
Balurt will ask the group to help him out, to support him to
have an honest confrontation with Phil and get his
immovable rod back. He will offer a one-item discount on
anything in the shop (10-30% based on skill check). When
ready, the group will depart on the hour-long journey to Phil’s
farm. The group may inquire more about Balurt and/or more
about his relationship with Phil.
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Ch.2 Phil's Ranch
Exploring the Grounds
Balurt guides you out of Greenhill and a hearty hour
long trek east, through multiple farms on the outskirts
The PCs may choose to search the grounds before trying to
of town after crossing the river just outside the gates. interact with Phil. Otherwise, Phil is not in the house but
You approach a farmstead with several fenced in areas rather in the large barn house on the SE corner of the map.
attached to structures of varying sizes behind a They should roll stealth checks as well as
modest single-story home. The rolling hills that define perception/investigation checks for each of the areas and
this area abruptly end behind the farmhouse, as a structures. The list of structures below goes from E to W on
moderately wooded forest spreads across the valley the map. If the PCs attempt to wait for Phil to leave, he leaves
leading to the large peaks of the Devil’s Bluff the house once a week to go into town for food only.
mountains off in the distance.
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Large Two-story Barn @ SE Corner Homestead
This is the largest structure on the property, located on This modest, medium sized single-story farmhouse
the SE corner of the complex. The two-story barn has a seems well maintained and sturdy. There are several
large fenced pen on the west side, with two large large carts tucked behind the home and off the road.
horses grazing and several large doors leading into the
barn. A double door opens into the barn from the
north. Should the group investigate further, the doors and windows
are locked. Upon entry, an investigation check will reveal that
it doesn’t seem anyone has been inside the home for quite
If at nightime, lights are on inside the barn and sounds of some time.
woodworking or carving can be heard if investigated. Phil is
inside crafting wooden symbols to various gods, but Single-story Barn @ NW Corner
predominantly Pelor. He works deep into the night and sleeps
in the loft. During the daytime, he may either be crafting or
napping. These two activities consume his life. Should the
group attempt to knock or catch his attention, Phil will ask This simple structure has two large doors at either end
them to leave and say he doesn’t have time for visitors. All of of the rectangular building, with several closed
windows lining the top of the longer walls.
the barn doors are locked (Large Door = DC 16, Other Doors
= DC 14), proceed to chapter 3.
Smaller Barn @ NE Corner The large doors here are not locked. Upon entry, there is not
much of interest here.
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Ch.3 What's the Story, Man?
he PCs will have to get Phil’s attention, either The Loft
in the daytime or at night. Phil will attempt to
send the group away but will open the door
once he hears Balurt’s voice or the group
keeps pressing. The loft contains several beds and an area marked off
for storage of personal items. There are currently
several crates of supplies with trash and clutter spread
across the floor of the loft. On the main floor, there are
A haggard looking man opens the door just wide several large pieces of farming equipment along the
enough to stick his head outside. His scraggly grey perimeter of the room. Scattered across the entire
beard and short hair accent his dark-tanned, wrinkly room are handcrafted wooden symbols of various
skin. His eyes give away his current despair, with large, gods, with the sun symbol of Pelor being the majority.
dark bags hanging underneath. His dark cloth overalls In the center, several large tables are covered in
are covered in sawdust and his hands have many small sawdust that accumulates on the natural floor. Multiple
cracks and wounds. He seems disoriented and pre- crafting stations are set up with a myriad of crafted
occupied, until Balurt speaks up, “Phil, man, what the symbols in various stages of completion.
hell happened to you? Where have you been, is
everything ok?” Phil does not directly respond,
repeating the phrase “It’s not her, it’s not her.” Balurt Phil Opens Up
spends the next few minutes attempting to get
through to Phil, inadvertently leading him inside the It takes a good while to snap Phil out of his current stupor.
barn. This gives you a chance to scan the building as The PCs should hopefully attempt to intervene to accelerate
you follow them inside. the process, perhaps with persuasion checks or restorative
spells. Once Phil comes to, he embraces Balurt and breaks
down, telling his story to the group.
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Religion/Medicine Check on Phil
DC Outcome
Phil is definitely describing some necrotic magic or
10 undead being when he describes his wife’s condition
after her death.
However, Carol’s condition before death and the lack of
13 activity out of the barn do not describe any traditional
undead, this may be some rare form of undeath.
Some deep lore knowledge of the feywild reminds you of
some stories of undead within the magical realm that
affect creatures of natural origin in twisted and powerful
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Huge undead, neutral evil
Growing nearly 30 ft. tall with a trunk around 2 ft. in
diameter, these undead propagate by embedding their
seeds into a living host using their long, vaguely sword-
shaped pods.
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Ch.5 Search for the Host
t this point, if the party has not been clued into The Ancient Swordtree's Lair
the events leading up to Carol’s death and re-
animation, it may be a good time to fill them in. The lair of the host swordtree extends 120 ft. from the trunk
It should hopefully spur them to search out the through a network of roots and vines. Listed below are
host swordtree that infected the rancher’s wife. several suggestions for lair actions. All attacks and effects
This will take them into the boundaries of the originate from flowers, roots, and vines within the 120 ft.
Mistglade, where a constant light fog seems to radius.
obscure the party’s vision and cause mild hallucinations. For
this encounter, it is suggested that you add a lair to account Flower Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
for the group’s better understanding of the foe. Generally, give 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d8-1) piercing damage.
the lair an initiative roll (or assign 20) and roll a d4 to Swordseed. (GM preference on multi-attack). You hear a
determine the lair effect during that round (or choose from faint rattling, and glance over in time to catch one of the
several on a list, GM preference). flowers launch a small projectile towards you.
Decaying Stench. The flowers are emitting a pungent
aroma that seems caustic when inhaled. All creatures
within the lair must succeed a CON saving throw DC 12
You approach a clearing in both the trees and mist, a or take 2 (1d4) necrotic damage.
nearly perfect circle of decaying trunks with leafless Corrosive Sap. The roots emit a black tar-like substance
branches except for the swarm of vines that are visibly that begins to breakdown any material touching the
choking the tree husks of the once vibrant woods. ground surface. For this mechanic, assign HP to shoes
There are sections of roots that have broken out of the and the corrosive sap will cause 1d4 damage to clothing
ground for small portions before diving back under. before the shoes fail and the PC takes damage.
The flowers that droop depressingly from the vines Vine Regrowth. After taking damage, the vines around
range in color from electric purple to subtle crimson, the swordtree quickly expand to fill in the wounds and
with yellow stamen and a sickly-sweet nectar. In the
center, about 120 feet from the edge of the clearing is
harden the bark. The swordtree regains 12 (3d8) HP.
a single similar swordtree standing 30 feet tall and
Summon Skeleton. A set of bones animates from under
large branchy canopy spreading out 20 feet from the the dirt rising to a skeleton (Monster Manual). This could
trunk. be an animal or fey creature’s skeleton for story purposes.
Other Worldly Voice. This particular swordtree is under
the watch of a powerful lich on another world or realm.
This lich could attempt to intervene through suggestions
(Such as hide your wounds or walk away.)
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Encounter: The Ancient Swordtree Rewards
(x1), Swordtree Lair DC Outcome
This established swordtree is heartier than its predecessor, You search the area around the tree and only manage to
increasing its HP to 103 and its AC to 15. 10 find the corpses of a few woodland creatures around the
Combat Notes Mostly buried you find the corpse of a lone knight in
The lair actions are intended to keep the players from 13 intact full plate armor and greatsword, along with a
mostly decomposed pouch with coins (148 g, 31 s)
standing at max range and burning down this creature.
This fight should prove more difficult to the group. 18 Random Magic Item
he group can return to Phil’s farm, and are
invited to stay within the house or barn loft for
the evening. The recent events have cleared
Phil’s major hang-up with Carol’s death, his
confusion on how his saint of a wife could have
turned undead. He seems to be on the path to
closure and thanks the group for their aid. He
embraces Balurt and their friendship is restored.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Lokechar and the Barley Bog
A Wildspire Homebrew
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Lokechar
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 5 Tiefling Battlemaster Fighter
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign How to Use This Module
setting. This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
This quest, as part of the Greenhill setting features diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
Lokechar, the tiefling fighter and owner of the Rusty Maul initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
tavern. The players will aid Lokechar as he searches for the travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
source of corruption that is ruining the barley crop for his
prized ale. The group will accompany Lokechar to his farm in Please reference the Greenhill Setting document for
order to defeat the blight, a bog troll and his goblin shaman information about Boiler Bay and the NPCs within.
friend. Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For fit your campaign environment.
a more detailed description of Greenhill, refer to the Heroes Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
of Sol’an campaign setting at (Coming rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
09/2020). the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
based on your preference.
Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.
his establishment is housed in the largest
building within the town, hosting an
impressive 18 rooms in several layouts (most 2 The tavern is an impressive building, with two-stories
bed, several larger rooms and suites). Three of of brick and mortar construction and a fresh coat of
the four servers are working at a given time, paint highlighted by thick painted wood columns
with the fourth at the farm tending the barley holding up a balcony of bar patrons. The open double
crop. doors lead to an open two-story courtyard style room
with tables and booth seating and a large bar along the
back wall. The bar is impeccably clean and stylish, with
dark wood material with corners of brass filigree.
Among the decorations, the party’s eyes are drawn to a
large plaque centered behind the bar containing a rusty
yet well-made maul and the words in common “For
Meritorious Service”. Symmetrical stairways start from
your left and right and go to a second floor that
contains more private seating as well as the patio. The
second-floor hallways form a square around the tavern,
disappearing to the left and right along the back wall to
guest quarters. A large chandelier hangs from the tall
ceiling, but it is only lit at night as the large ornamental
windows at the front of the tavern allow for plenty of
natural light.
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Ch.2 Lokechar
or story purposes, whether morning or evening, Heading out
Lokechar will push his famous Bog Barley
Wheat Ale onto the group. Lokechar will gladly When the party decides to move out, Lokechar will meet
discuss his time in military service, and the them at the tavern.
goings on around Greenhill.
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Ch.3 The Barley Bog
okechar’s farm is located approximately two
hours from the city proper. Upon reaching Investigating the Farm
Lokechar’s farm, the group may interact with At this point, the party may wish to prepare or scout, or try to
the worker present. The farm plot is nearly a ¼ gain additional information from the worker. Investigation
acre of tended farm and two small 5x10 ft (DC 12) reveals the worker stays away from the “bad plants”
structures for equipment and storage. due to the smell, but the spread seems to be slowly growing.
As you walk across the field to the opposite corner,
Lokechar excitedly announces “There she is!” as he you start to notice the smell that is building in
starts to walk off and away from the road. You see the annoyance with every step. The crops turn from lush
corner of a cleared area of grassland, about ¼ of an green to rotting brown and yellow, and the water just
acre, with wide swaths of tall green grass with above the ground now swirls with oils of green and
prominent buds separated by… water? You notice as brown.
you veer from the road that the ground is soft and
damp, causing your heavy boots to sink into the short
grass. As the group approaches, they notice one of the Investigation/Nature/Perception Check
servers from the Rusty Maul is tending to the barley DC Outcome
plants wearing heavily lacquered overalls tucked into
tall boots. You can see a clear concentric radius of blight, with
the center off into the woods ahead.
Also, you realize there are no wildlife noises, recent
Nighttime tracks, or scat.
You notice tracks of a large humanoid that continue
off into the woods.
Lokechar quietly informs the group, “there she is!” as
he starts to walk off and away from the road. You see
the corner of a cleared area of grassland, with wide
swaths of tall green grass with prominent buds
separated by… water? You notice as you veer from the
road that the ground is soft and damp, causing your
heavy boots to sink into the short grass. Lokechar
speaks up “Now come see this”, as he leads you
through an aisle of barley plants.
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Ch.4 The Bog Troll
his encounter will occur similarly whether Observation
initiated during daytime or night, with only
minor highlighted differences. For instance,
the bird referenced below would be a bird of
prey during the day (eagle, hawk) or an owl at After about ten minutes, a bird lands on one of the
night. trees surrounding this clearing. After a few cautious
scans, it then glides down to one of the mounds, grabs
a mushroom and returns to its branch to eat. Once
done, it flies down again, landing on a different mound.
The travel through the bog is difficult, as your boots As it lunges towards the mushroom, there is a
sink deep into loose silt. And the smell, absolutely surprisingly fast splash as the mound disappears under
putrid waves of rot and decay. Just when you think you the water and two large arms emerge and snatch the
can’t take any more, the smells change… to sickly bird as it attempts to escape! Now, standing nine feet
sweet? A myriad of fragrances assaults you, seemingly tall before you is a sickly orange and brown skinned
changing with every small gust of wind. You trudge on, humanoid with long muscular arms ending in large
seemingly allowing your smell to guide you, as the clawed hands. The beast’s stomach is bloated and
trees open up into a small clearing about 150 ft ahead. covered in moss and mushrooms and it has already
stuffed the bird into its large mouth. After a few quick
chomps, it begins to survey the area.
Perception Check
DC Outcome
Perception Check (Bog Troll) vs. Stealth
Within the clearing, there are several small mounds of Check (PCs)
mud and moss containing colorful mushrooms and
exotic flowers. You start to recognize the now dominant If the troll sees any PC, it will initiate combat (See monster
scent of fermenting fruit. stats below). If the party remains unseen, it is now your
discretion to manage the engagement.
You focus on the water and see patches of reeds and tall
13 grasses, realizing that you haven’t seen anything of the The Goblin Shaman
sort growing up through the muck.
For a quick second, you think you see movement. It was
Within the trees, in a very well hidden hide-out naps a goblin
18 hard to tell if it was the reeds or one of the mounds itself,
shaman that will engage once combat is initiated. Should the
but you are… mostly sure you saw something move. PCs do extensive search or observation, it would be feasible
that the shaman reveals himself at some point.
This encounter will progress differently
The goblin shaman is spoiled by the bog troll, given all the
meats and fermented fruit it desires. Most of the goblin's day
whether the group wishes to stay and is spent napping.
observe or if they act immediately.
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Act Immediately
If the party charges in without stealth, the bog troll will attack Bog Troll
a PC as soon as they are within range. If they decide to be Large giant, chaotic evil
Standing nine feet tall, this orange and brown skinned
Perception Check (Bog Troll) vs. Stealth humanoid has gnarly teeth and nasty claws. It hides in
Check (PCs) the swap with its belly exposed, symbiotic fungus
emitting smells of fermenting fruit. Any wildlife that
Perception Check (PCs) vs. Stealth Check wishes to taste, will be swallowed hole!
(Bog Troll w/ bog hunting)
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 188 (20d10 + 88)
Encounter Speed 30 ft.
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Akbas' Relic
Goblin Shaman The party may also discover a fragment of a large blade with
Small goblinoid, neutral evil
the initials AJ inscribed on a section usually hidden by a hilt.
This will lead the party to Akbas Jethel within Greenhill, and
her Wild-Spire quest chain as part of the Greenhill setting.
Armor Class 15 (Leather Armor, Shield)
Hit Points 28 (7d8) Back to Town
Speed 30 ft.
When the group returns to town, Lokechar thanks them and
holds up his end of the bargain with all you can drink Bog
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, Reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Once the troll is defeated, the party may search the area for
treasure. Feel free to swap or add campaign relevant
treasure, as well as adjusting the quality of the items below.
You find the area where the troll was laying beneath
the waterline, and eventually discover a muck and
water soaked bag attacked to a rope anchored to a tree
DC Outcome
Mixed coins, shiny stones, smooth pebbles, and an
eagle claw (11 g, 7 s).
13 A rough cut diamond (~ 70 g).
A nice dagger that once cleaned, has several gems
within the hilt (+1 dagger).
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Riyaka and the Hero's Song
A Wildspire Homebrew
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Riyaka
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 5 Kitsune Bard
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign How to Use This Module
setting. This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
This quest, as part of the Greenhill setting features diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
Riyaka, the kitsune bard, as she quests for the ultimate hero’s initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
ballad. Unbeknownst to Riyaka, she is the victim of a cursed travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
item created by an evil trickster that influences her to seek
out heroes. Once a hero has been found, the lute waits for an Please reference the Greenhill Setting document for
opportune time and animates, attempting to steal the soul of information about Boiler Bay and the NPCs within.
the targeted PC. Guide your adventurers through what seems Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
to be a typical goblin extermination followed by a harrowing Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
encounter with the Cursed Lute of Loradania. fit your campaign environment.
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
a more detailed description of Greenhill, refer to the Heroes the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
of Sol’an campaign setting at (Coming based on your preference.
09/2020). Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.
he initiation of this quest will happen at the
Rusty Maul Tavern, where Riyaka is often
playing with two other musicians. Riyaka will Currently playing the lute, a kitsune female is dressed
approach the group if they display any in a modest green and white dress with some darker
insignias of reputation or station within the filigree embroidery. She wears a long green scarf
region (such as the Last Hope out of Boiler around her head that flows behind her, and she has
Bay). Similarly, she will approach the group if many piercings dotting her long ears of light brown
she overhears talk of adventure or heroic deeds. Otherwise, and white fur. She occasionally switches out to flute
wait until the PCs provide a good opportunity to interact with for harmonies with the lyrics being sung by the human
them. Riyaka is extremely witty and brash, she will female with long brown hair falling straight over her
unapologetically crack a one-liner or dad-joke in other’s simple black dress. Manning the kettle drum is a male
conversations. Additionally, she is keen to notice groups in elf with blue skin and dark purple hair, wearing brown
pants and a tan blouse.
search of fame and reputation, using an offering of a song
commission to spread their tale as an ice-breaker.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Riyaka will join the group for their next quest, whether that
The Hero's Ballad be the goblin extermination outlined in Ch.3 or any other
Once introduced and engaged, she will attempt to elicit quest in their que. If Riyaka joins a quest other than the
stories of bravery and heroism. She becomes enthralled in goblin extermination, simply use the mechanism described in
the group’s tales and makes the following proposal. the combat notes at the end of Ch.3 to choose the targeted
hero and proceed to Ch.4.
iyaka will offer to help the party find their next
adventure if no other current options drive
their fancy. If not daylight hours, she requests The captain cracks a smile at the foxy bard, “Oh, I see!
the party meet her in front of the tavern You found your heroes, eh?” He looks toward your
tomorrow (or as soon as possible). She will group and says, “I don’t get it. I fight evil every day but
then take the group to meet with Captain because it’s under ‘service to the Sunguard’, it’s not
Druko (Wild Spire Heroic Townsfolk) of the heroic.” Riyaka chuckles and says, “Yeah, you clear out
town guard. gobos once in a blue moon when the dwarves miss a
small tribe on one of their sweeps, what’s the worst
you have seen?” The two quibble for a bit, with the
captain defending the merit of ridding the world of
Riyaka leads you to a small building just inside the goblins. There is an awkward long silence before Riyaka
large southern gate leading into Greenhill. The single- changes the subject. “So, in order for me to write my
room structure has a single wooded insignia of the song… I need to see these guys in action. Give us
Sunguard above the open doorway. Several Sunguard something, anything, something dramatic and
are positioned along the gate and around the entrance fantastical!” The captain thinks for a moment, before
to town. Riyaka walks straight into the shack before the responding, “Well… you’re not gonna like what I can
young Sunguard standing near the doorway can offer, since you just said goblins aren’t anything great!
question her. As you quickly follow, you hear a calming That’s what I got, I got goblins. The dwarves missed a
voice before you see the human Sunguard setting at a small camp just inside the SE corner of the quarry
desk inside the guardhouse. “Ma’am, you could at least entrance for Badlin mine. We received word that the
pretend to knock. Is there something the matter?” The Thornbull guard out of Boiler Bay was going to take
gentleman has clean features and a freshly shaved care of it, but no mention of when. I would think you
angular face, with soft freckles and short light brown could take care of it before those guys even mobilized
hair. if you wanted. In fact, would be an easy way to get you
adventurers in good with the dwarves. I hear they even
pay coin for goblin ears, as incentive for others to do
the dirty work for them. Might as well go get a reward
Riyaka will introduce the group to Captain Druko (even if from the outpost at the mine.”
previously acquainted) and explain that they are heroes out of
Boiler Bay.
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Insight Check on Riyaka and Captain
The Goblin Camp Druko
Captain Druko points out on a regional map the location of DC Outcome
the camp, a 3/4 day trek from Greenhill. Riyaka requests that It is difficult to discern the degree of their relationship,
the group meet at sun-up, as she needs time to pack and 10 yet their interaction suggests sufficient previous
prepare. conversation.
You do pick up on subtle signs of emotional
13 involvement, in their reactions and responses to each
Before you all go separate ways, Captain Druko speaks other. They are both actively engaged in their banter.
up one last time, “Hey, you be careful ma’am. I would Finally, a specific interchange catches your attention, in
hate to have to come up there and rescue you. But I which the captain seemed to take offense to one of the
am sure with your team of heroes, there is nothing to 18
foxkin’s quips. In response, you catch a hint of regret
worry about, right?” from Riyaka following his reaction.
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Encounter Rewards
The following stat blocks can be found in the Monster The party finds simple weapons and coins totaling 24 g.
Manual Investigation Check
Goblin (x8) (MM p.166) DC Outcome
10 Additional 30 g
Hobgoblin (x2) (MM p.186)
13 A bag full of gems (~ 100 g)
Bugbear (x2) (MM p.33) 18 One vicious weapon of your choice
Bugbear Chief (MM p.33)
Combat Notes
There are three levels of elevation on this map. The
southern top green level is the plains that stretch out from
the quarry. The next level down is about 50 ft. below the
top, with the third another 35 ft. below that.
The goblin party hunts during the day up on the plains,
leaving only 2 goblins and a hobgoblin behind to watch
over the camp. They only raid farms if they are desperate
and starving, and this group seems to be good hunters.
At night, the 3 tents are packed with goblins after a long
night of drinking and gambling, with a similar guard at
night as during the day.
The group should be able to get a significant ambush on
the goblin camp from above, or hidden when the main
goblin group returns to camp. This fight is intended to be
relatively easy, but it will drain some resources for the real
challenge to come.
The Chosen Hero: There are several recommendations
for how to choose a hero. You could tally the damage for
the encounter and chose the top damage dealer. You could
also choose the player that dealt the most damage in a
single round/strike/spell. Finally, any heroic action of
healing a downed foe or stepping in front of a brutal
bugbear strike.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ch.4 Songs Around the Campfire
hether combat occurred right at sundown or
in the mid of night, the group will need to rest. Insight Check on Riyaka
Riyaka is too energized by combat and spends DC Outcome
the immediate time after the combat writing a You do catch a sense of strong admiration towards your
song about a chosen hero. At a point before 10
party member.
sleep, she wishes to perform for the party.
You don’t pick up on any flirtatious or romantic interests,
more one of star-struck or awe-inspired.
When asked about the inspiration for the music, you see
Riyaka speaks up, “I have written a true hero’s ballad, a glimpse of deep anger that is quickly covered. The
and I would like to play it for you.” She begins playing 18
instant was quite out of character from your limited time
her lute, strumming a rhythmic melody. The song with the kitsune.
portrays the battle well, highlighting and slightly
exaggerating your valiant victory. As the song
continues, you notice that after the first verse, the
song begins to focus on a single party member, with
high praise and significant exaggeration of their The Cursed Lute
contributions. The next encounter will occur during the night. The cursed
lute will animate and attempt to capture the soul of the
chosen hero. If there is a player on watch (Riyaka is fast
Fan girl asleep), they will nearly immediately be cued to the cursed
This is supposed to be read as awkard, as if Riyaka has lute’s attempt due to the soft sounds that emanate during this
quickly developed an uncomfortable admiration of the chosen ability.
hero. In fact, Riyaka is under the influence of the cursed lute,
tasked to seek out heroes and capture their souls. Lost to its Combat Notes
master, the cursed instrument continues its only known The lute will fight to the death once engaged, targeting the
mission, and will simply return a simple, plain looking lute chosen hero for melee attacks if possible.
upon harvesting of a soul, awaiting its master (an Erinyes
from Bel’s army) to return and claim its prize.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ch.5 A Clear Path
Cursed Lute Forward
Large construct, chaotic evil
Once the influence of the cursed lute is lifted, Riyaka realizes
When it animates, the unassuming lute enlarges and how little control she has had of her life since she acquired
reveals its true construction of devil horn and dark that instrument. If asked, she will tell the story of how she
metal. When engaged in combat, two red orbs form came into possession of the instrument, and how the time
within the soundhole and constant dissonant melodies since seems like someone else’s life.
and chords emanate from the instrument. Riyaka allows the group to take the remnants of the cursed
lute, possible catching a nice price from collectors.
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 101 (16d10+32)
Speed fly 30 ft.
“I grew up far away on another continent, among the
Stoneroot Islands that make the base of Relkath’s
Throne, the massive tree canopy home to the large fey
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 5 (-3) 1 (-5) city of Muireall. Our small colony was pretty simple,
hunting and gathering among the magical forests atop
Saving Throws STR +7, CON +5 the large rock islands and fishing the bountiful oceans.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic However, many travelers visited the port towns below
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, the fey canopy, and many were not from this realm.
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, Hence, the ports were always teeming with amazing
poisoned and mystical objects brought and traded by extraplanar
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (> 60 ft. = blind), passive beings. We were always warned as children to be wary
Perception 10 of any items from market. This lute was my most
Languages None recent instrument, I bought it just as I left home to
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) travel. There was no way the merchant knew what he
had, I only paid 30 gold coins for it.” She begins to
become emotional; a quick few sobs and sniffles and
Devilish Origin. The magic used to create this item she composes herself once more. “I think I wish to go
has given it enhanced intelligence and wisdom, as back there. I have some good stories for now; perhaps
well as fortified defenses. I will go home and write songs of family and friends.
Animate. The cursed lute is indiscernible from an Yes, I will go back and once I am fulfilled, I will
ordinary lute until it animates, growing in size and adventure again!” Riyaka yawns and lays down on her
revealing its true form. bedroll, seemingly at peace with her new path.
Capture a Hero’s Soul. The lute can attempt to steal
the soul of a sleeping hero. This ritual-like ability
takes 1 minute to complete and is initiated by the
target failing a WIS saving throw DC 17. During the
process, the lute floats over the target, emitting soft
music heard by creatures within 20 ft. If the ritual is
completed, the target’s soul is transferred to the
lute and the empty body will slowly begin to
decompose naturally after 24 hours. When the
cursed lute is destroyed, souls are returned to
bodies within a mile.
Audio Assault. As a bonus action, singing originating
from the soundhole clashes with chords ringing
from the strings. All creatures within 30 ft. must
succeed on a CON saving throw DC 13 or take 8
(2d8) and receive disadvantage on their next attack
roll, skill check, or saving throw (save = no effect).
Multiattack. The Cursed Lute makes two Slam
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 15 (2d10+4) bludgeoning damage.
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Cpt. Druko & the Search for Kalista
A Wildspire Homebrew
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Captain Druko
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 5 Human Fighter
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign How to Use This Module
setting. This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
This quest, as part of the Greenhill setting features diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
Captain Druko of the town guard. Druko’s post under Lt. Ian initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
Cronwell has many complications, such as covering for the travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
distasteful drunkard when he slips on his duties. Druko
cannot say no to helpless townsfolk, however, and often Please reference the Greenhill Setting document for
works outside his guard hours investigating for locals. Guide information about Boiler Bay and the NPCs within.
your party as they aid Captain Druko in searching for Kalista, Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
daughter of Katherine (barmaid at The Rusty Maul), who Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
went missing just two days ago. Follow the clues into the fit your campaign environment.
Mistglade forest where they will encounter a nasty hagraven Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
and her green hag sisters. rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For based on your preference.
a more detailed description of Greenhill, refer to the Heroes Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
of Sol’an campaign setting at (Coming suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
09/2020). details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.
he initiation of this quest can happen several
ways depending on your campaign. If this Insight Check on Riyaka and Druko
adventure is a continuation of the Heroes of DC Outcome
Sol’an campaign setting, Captain Druko and It is much less difficult to read their interactions, maybe
Riyaka have already interacted with the group 10 due to Riyaka’s newfound freedom from the cursed
and can initiate this quest. If this is a stand- lute’s control, or it could be the booze.
alone module, Captain Druko has several
reasons to engage the group. Captain Druko is an exceptional Only slightly eavesdropping, you catch Captain Druko
Sunguard, working long hours daily at his post and often 13 discussing Lt. Cronwell and how he doesn’t want to be in
helping townsfolk when he is off duty. the tavern when the lieutenant comes in.
A little later, you catch another glimpse of their
Heroes of Sol’an 18 conversation with Captain Druko discussing having to
leave soon to work tonight.
After completion of Riyaka’s adventure, the party along with
Druko and Riyaka take in an evening at the Rusty Maul. Eventually, the conversation between Riyaka and Druko
becomes a little more heated as Riyaka is trying to convince
Druko to relax and take a night off.
As you drink and unwind, you are witness to an
interesting chain of events. Druko and Riyaka continue
their flirtatious banter, Riyaka seeming more focused
on and attentive to the young captain. For short bursts,
it seems they forget the group is there and hold
separate conversations.
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Stand-Alone Final Straw
Listed below are several options for Captain Druko to engage Druko will open up about being depressed and stressed out
the group about this quest. Druko is very tired and suffers about his job, having to constantly shadow Cronwell and
from work-related anxiety. The group should discover that he clean up his blunders. On top of everything, Katherine has
is extremely dedicated to his post and has to work twice as just informed Druko that her daughter Kalista is missing.
hard to cover for Cronwell’s incompetence. Riyaka should be
involved in this quest, as the encounter will be challenging.
Upon entering the city, it would make perfect sense for Captain Druko shows a brief moment of frustration, as
Captain Druko to interrogate the group. If they are he pounds his fist into the closest surface, “Damnit!
wearing any reputable insignias (i.e. The Last Hope), this Can I just get one freakin’ break around here? I work
should be a relatively easy and friendly interrogation. my butt off while the lieutenant gets wasted every
Otherwise, Captain Druko will wish to know more night and takes all the credit!” He takes a second to
information such as length of stay and purpose. compose himself, “I’m sorry for that, I just work all day
Lt. Cronwell is a drunkard and spends every night getting long and most nights I try to help out where I can. I
wasted and verbally harassing female patrons at the Rusty need rest, but these people NEED to know that the
Maul. Druko does not visit the bar that often, as he is guard is looking out for them… Just now, poor
either resting or off trying to help people. However, if Katherine cannot find her daughter, Kalista. So what am
questioned about the lieutenant, Druko is not shy about I gonna do? Instead of sleeping, or relaxing, or
his opinion that Cronwell will eventually get himself fired, drinking… I’m going to go into The Mistglade and look
and Druko will then have the authority to make big for that little girl because THAT is what this town
changes. needs. THAT is what the people here need.”
You can initiate the quest more directly by having the
group witness Druko talking with Katherine at the Rusty Druko will begin to walk away, and Riyaka will keep
Maul. If questioned, Druko will explain his situation. attempting to calm him down and talk to him. Riyaka will
offer to help him search, and she will urge the group to tag
along. “The more feet we have on the ground, the better
chance we have to find her… you know that.”
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Sudden Urgency Time to Roll
As soon as the group starts to head towards the gate to leave
town, they are approached by a Sunguard escorting Rashel of
a neighboring farm of Katherine’s with her husband Marec. The group gathers their gear and heads out. Druko is
handed a torch from one of the guards at the gate,
with several others offered as you walk out of the
protected town. You cross the river east of town and
“Captain, we have a little girl missing” says the guard. head along the main road lined with farmsteads. Not
“I know I… wait… how did you know?” answers too far from the river as the road turns south, you keep
Captain Druko. The lady, sobbing, chimes in, “Captain, heading straight along a smaller path that leads into
it’s Maisy, she’s missing! She was acting weird this The Mistglade.
morning, saying that her and Kalista were playing in the
Mistglade last night and found a weird cabin or
something. She wouldn’t talk much about it, but she The group can either enter the forest from the main path
said she was going to check in on Kalista before doing (Druko’s plan), or they can go to the farm belonging to
her chores this morning. She never came back, that’s Katherine and Terrell or Rashel and Marec. They may be able
not like her!” to immediately pick up tracks of either of the girls heading
into The Mistglade depending on survival checks. If they
attempt to find the parents, Katherine and Rashel are at
Investigation Check Katherine’s farmhouse comforting each other, while Terrell
DC Outcome and Marec are out looking.
Maisy is shy and reserved, she usually doesn’t take risks.
10 It becomes obvious that Rashel maybe a little
overprotective as well. As soon as you enter, the humid warm air changes to a
Kalista is adventurous and bold, often leading Maisy out static comfortable loose mist, not cold or hot, simply
13 of her comfort zone and into trouble. Rashel expects that just there. The light from the torches cast a warm
this is the current scenario. orange glow through the mist, with occasional wisps
from unseen movement flying in your periphery. And
Rashel is mostly worried because of the newest fairy tale then, you stop for a second, as one such disturbance…
told amongst the kids that live along The Mistgade’s seemed like a fluttering of wings. You are unsure if you
edge. A tale of witches that try to lure children into their are hallucinating, or if the mist is just disturbing your
homes so they can cook them in stew! usually keen senses.
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The Girls Seem Fine
Kalista and Maisy are inside the cabin with the green hag,
Celustra. The green hag is using her Illusory Appearance to Kalista
resemble a kind, soft grandmother persona. The children are
under the charm of Celustra’s treats, inducing strong feelings
of friendship and love. There is a variety of ways your party
can proceed, so below are notes about the situation that This young human girl has short, straight red hair, light
should help you guide their path. complexion, and freckles. She is wearing dark pants
and a blue and white blouse, with several dirt stains
Celustra and Froulissa are Green Hags, using illusory from exploring the woods.
image to maintain an "auntie" persona.
Farleena, was once a green hag as well, the sisters living
together in The Mistglade for years. Through a dark Maisy
experiment meant to grant immense arcane power gone
wrong, Farleena was transformed into a Hagraven, a
hideous half-bird hag.
Losing her ability to maintain an illusory appearance, Similar in age and size, Maisy is wearing a pink and
Farleena became depressed that no one could love her white dress with flower patterns. Her black straight
now. She craves love, and with her sister, hatched a plan hair is held in two ponytails down to her shoulders.
to gain the adoration of the young human girls. This plan
involves pastry-like treats that must be eaten every hour to
maintain a charm effect. While under the effect, the girls Celustra and Froulissa
are sweet and seemingly content, singing songs and
playing games with Celustra and Froulissa. As it nears Celustra and Froulissa are maintaining their Illusory
about 4 hours from the last pastry, they become rapidly Appearance (See Green Hag stat block). Should a PC
distressed and demand their sweets. The girls must be 6 succeed on the DC20 Investigation check, they are just aware
hours removed from their last treat to be rid of the effect. that the appearance is false.
At the time of the PCs arrival, the girls are nearing their 4 Celustra
hour mark on treats. If the PCs can stall long enough, they
will see a change in attitude of the young girls.
The hag sisters' cabin has several cooking stews and
many potion bottles all around. This creates the lair effects This older female human has soft, aged skin mostly
for the encounter. The hag sisters will not willingly leave covered by a long-sleeved impeccably white gown and
their home, and if needed, you can add the Spell Sniper a pink frilly apron. Her light brown hair has tight curls
feat of extend range to the hagraven if the PCs attempt to and falls wildly across her shoulders.
bombard at long range.
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Froulissa Tea and Conversation
Celustra will attempt to deceive (+4) the group into believing
the children are under her care. Kalista and Maisy will chime
Younger than Celustra, Froulissa has darker skin and
straight dark hair down past her shoulders. Her skin is
in that they love their Auntie Celustra, as she makes the best
near flawless and her kind smile seems constant as she
treats! They will ask for more, but Celustra says the must be
interacts with the children. patient, they have already had some.
Moving Forward “These girls are my nieces. Our sister has gone to
Green Pond for a spell and has left them under my
In an attempt to prepare, here are several scenarios in which care.”
the party could possibly proceed.
Boldly Attack Should the girls be asked, they confirm that this is indeed
If the group wishes to rush in, proceed directly to Ch. 4 and their Auntie Celustra, and their mother is not there.
the encounter. The girls will run into a back room of the Insight Check on Celustra or Froulissa
cabin, Farleena will enter the encounter from the stairs. (Can be vs. deception instead of static DC)
Scout the Cabin DC Outcome
Celustra, Froulissa, and the girls are pre-occupied with their 10 She seems genuine and cares for these little girls.
playing and singing. Farleena, however, is watching over the Seeing the girls unharmed and content, there is no
cabin. Unless the PCs can manage to beat her passive 13 reason to believe that Celustra is not their loving
perception (24), Farleena will be aware of their presence and caretaker.
actions. Farleena will inform her sisters of the intruders, and PCs notice a nervousness with Celustra. She seems
should a PC get close to cabin, Celustra will invite them in for uneasy about her current situation and will
treats. Proceed with Celustra’s introduction. 18
occasionally “zone out” for a few seconds
(communicating with Farleena).
Approach without weapons
Farleena will inform Celustra of the approaching group. Investigation Check on Celustra or
Proceed with Celustra’s introduction. Froulissa
DC Outcome
Celustra's Introduction They are open about their life in the cabin. They talk
Celustra will invite the party in for treats. Should any PC take 10 about exploring the enchanted woods looking for new
a treat, refer to the Sweet Treats ability of the lair in chapter herbs, mushrooms, and ingredients for stews.
4. The stew, however, is not poisoned or magical, and is Celustra will talk briefly of a life of adventure when she
rather delicious. 13
was younger, but now fills her days with her hobbies,
her family, and her flowers. Froulissa mentions staying
home while Celustra adventured.
Celustra mentions that she occasionally travels far and
Inside the cabin, your eyes are immediately drawn to
wide for ingredients. Yet, if asked about regions
several cauldrons with bubbling contents. Above them 18
outside The Mistglade, she does not have much
are colorful liquids placed in jars on shelves and on
small tables throughout the large open room. There is
an open area in front of the fire-place along the back
wall, surrounded by comfortable furniture. The two Perception Check on the room
little girls are playing with some wood carved horses, DC Outcome
pretending to be unicorns. “Pleeeeeease, come, take a
seat weary travelers. Girls, stand up and introduce The mixture of aromas is affecting your senses. Not
yourselves, be polite!” The two little girls stand up directly or magically, just making it difficult to focus.
quickly and say their names, before returning to play. As you scan the many jars that line the shelves and
“Would anyone like tea? We also have some stew, or 13 tables, you begin to see some are not just liquid, and
some sweet breads.” At the mention of the sweet contain bones and various preserved body parts.
breads, the girls start pleading, “Auntie Celustra, can
we pleeeeeease have another treat?” She responds, There is an unsettling number of black bird feathers
“Not yet, girls. You already had one and you will spoil scattered on the floor.
your dinner! I am Celustra, and this is my sister
Froulissa..." as the younger lady sitting in a chair stands
and bows.
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Intimidation Check
Insight Check on either Kalista or Maisy
DC Outcome
DC Outcome
Celustra becomes frustrated and asks the group to
The girls seem unharmed, genuinely happy, and cared 10
10 leave immediately.
Celustra seems surprised at the forceful display and
Although the girls respond to Celustra’s requests, they 13
seems to shift to a more submissive posture.
13 don’t seem focused on her at all, and nearly entirely
focused on play. Celustra immediately screams for her sisters' aid and
backs toward a stewing cauldron, initiating combat.
The PC gets an eerie feeling when one of the girls
18 looks directly at them, her eyes seem glazed over and
less responsive.
Froulissa will step in should the intimidation cause
Further Prodding Celustra to become submissive. Froulissa is
Celustra will become impatient and frustrated if the group flustered, trying to manage the situation and pleads
continues to prod about the children, their mother, or her with the group to stop arguing in front of the girls.
activities in the woods. She specifically avoids questions
about the girls’ mother, refusing to give information about her
travels to Green Pond. Another investigation check can result Dragging Things Out
in negative actions if a high enough DC isn’t met. Intimidation
does work quite well on Celustra due to personal reasons Should the group continue to draw out role-playing and
and life history. interrogation, the girls will become suddenly agitated,
demanding their treats. Celustra will try to give the children
Investigation Check treats, saying that they must still eat all their dinner. If
DC Outcome allowed to consume the treats, they return to the happy
innocent playing children, restarting the cycle.
Celustra become frustrated and asks the group to
leave immediately.
Celustra becomes flustered and says maybe its best
13 the group does not stay for dinner, the girls need to
start their studies.
Celustra calms down, and entertains the group further,
now pushing the time limit of the girl’s charm effect.
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The Hagraven's Lair
The cabin is filled with bubbling pots, potion jars, and 3. Healing Brew. The hag is immediately healed for 3d8 HP.
component containers all around. The lair has one constant 4. Blink Potion. The hag slams down a vial, fading into
effect and one ability, as well as the non-combat ability Sweet invisibility until she takes an action or the end of the
Treats. On the lair’s turn, both Farleena and Celustra will round.
reach for a close by vial and use its contents based on a d4
roll (roll individually).
Sweet Treats. A magically enhanced baked good that
causes feelings of heavy adoration and closeness to those
around them after a failed WIS saving throw DC 18. After 4
hours, the treats begin to lose effectiveness, causing a shift in
attitude to frustration and anger until they receive another
treat. If another treat is given within 6 hours, the creature can
attempt another WIS saving throw at disadvantage to end the
charm effect, with a failed save restarting the cycle.
The Sister’s Bond (Constant): These hag sisters have a
strong familial bond, strengthened by magic. As a bonus
action on their turn, they can share health with their sister
within the lair (up to a 50/50 split of the combined health
Chug. The hag grabs the nearest container of brewed
liquid and chugs it. Roll a d4 to determine the effect caused
by each hag. An effect cannot be used twice in a row by the
same hag. The DC for these effects is 12
1. Noxious Burp Potion. The hag belts a vicious burp,
sending noxious fumes in a 15 ft. cone causing all
creatures within to attempt to recoil in disgust and take
2d4 on a failed CON saving throw (save = ½ damage).
2. Cackling Spark Potion. Immediately after this potion
goes down, the hag’s skin is covered in small lights that
detach and shoot off in different directions, ending in a
small pop and sparkle. All attacks against the hag are at
disadvantage for the remainder of this round on a failed
WIS saving throw (save = no effect).
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Hagraven 3rd level (2 slots): Fear
Medium fey, neutral evil 4th level (1 slots): Blight
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Green Hag The PCs should be allowed to search and scavenge for
Medium Fey, neutral evil
remaining potions. The results of said search are dependent
on the damage done to the lair during combat. Additionally,
they find a small pouch of coins (15 g, 40 s) near one of the
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) bedroom nightstands upstairs, and small locked chest (DC
Hit Points 82 (11d8+33) 18) containing another 200 g coins.
Speed 30 ft.
Investigation Check
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 1d4-2 (minimum 1) vials of 1d4 types of potions.
1d4-1 (minimum 1) vials of 1d4+1 (maximum 4)
Saving Throws Arcana +3, Deception +4, Perception types of potions.
+4, Stealth +3 18 1d4-1 (minimum 1) vials of each type of potion.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Get These Girls Home!
Amphibious. The hag can breathe air and water. As soon as combat ends, Druko heads to check on the young
girls. Moments later he brings them into the main room
Innate Spellcasting. The hag's innate spellcasting seeming confused and scared. Depending on their last
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). She can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no
consumption of Sweet Treats, they will become angry (near
material components:
rabid) beyond four hours, and completely clear-headed after
six. PCs will need to use spells/abilities to control the girls
At will: dancing lights, minor illusion, vicious during their withdrawal.
mockery As previously mentioned, Katherine and Rashel are at
Mimicry. The hag can mimic animal sounds and Katherine’s farm waiting for word while the husbands were
humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds out searching. Should the group return to town, Druko will
can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 14 suggest they look for Katherine at the Rusty Maul Tavern.
Wisdom (Insight) check. Once finding she is not there, he offers to take the girls to
their homes.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) slashing damage.
Continue the story
Druko and Riyaka can be story NPCs for the party, with a
Illusory Appearance. The hag covers herself and blossoming romance and the potential of captain Druko to
anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical
illusion that makes her look like another creature of
take the reins as Lieutenant should Cronwell make that final
her general size and humanoid shape. The illusion
drunken mistake.
ends if the hag takes a bonus action to end it or if
she dies.
The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to
physical inspection. For example, the hag could
appear to have smooth skin, but someone touching
her would feel her rough flesh. Otherwise, a creature
must take an action to visually inspect the illusion
and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation)
check to discern that the hag is disguised.
Invisible Passage. The hag magically turns invisible
until she attacks or casts a spell, or until her
concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell).
While invisible, she leaves no physical evidence of
her passage, so she can be tracked only by magic.
Any equipment she wears or carries is invisible with
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Akbas and the Dingonek Hide
A Wildspire Homebrew
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Akbas Jethel
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 5 Mountain Dwarf Eldritch Knight
side-quest in an established realm, or a Fighter
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign
setting. How to Use This Module
This quest, as part of the Greenhill setting features Akbas This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
Jethel, the Galfarum refugee blacksmith. Akbas has just diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
received her tag for the famed Dingonek hunt but hasn’t even initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
begun forming her hunting party. To control their population, travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
the Sunguard commission groups out of the small lakeside
town of Trinisse to aid those given the rare opportunity to Please reference the Greenhill Setting document for
hunt. The Dingonek are formidable magical beasts that information about Boiler Bay and the NPCs within.
inhabit Dingonek lake, resembling a crocodile with a reptilian Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
lion’s head. For a month’s time, specialized teams are Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
available for hire to either fish for the large beasts off the fit your campaign environment.
shore or risk the dangerous waters of the large lake. Take Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
your party on an exciting LARGE SCALE encounter, with a rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
custom set of Dingonek Hide armor as a potential reward. the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection based on your preference.
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
a more detailed description of Greenhill, refer to the Heroes suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
of Sol’an campaign setting at (Coming details to best make it fit into their campaign.
09/2020). You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Vorpa Chitin Armor
If the group acquired vorpa chitin, Akbas is very resistant yet
capable to crafting the armor, as she feels it may anger the
Galfarum dwarves, who hold a strong monopoly on this
particular set of armor. Not many outside the Galfarum
empire can craft the armor, so it would not be hard for the
dwarves determine the maker.
The Lost Blade Shards
Should the group give her the two blade shards found in
previous quests (Captain Jiyloo and Lokechar), she will
reconsider crafting the chitin armor. Additionally, should the
group inquire about the blade pieces, Akbas opens up about
the events.
Another Hunt?
It would be reasonable that Akbas and Tangai (Heroic
Townsfolk – Boiler Bay) are friends, with a common interest
in hunting, trading furs, hides, and exotic items. This could be
an ice-breaker topic that will prompt Akbas to request the
party’s aid in her hunt.
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Ch.2 Dream Come True
kbas has recently received notification that she Akbas Celebrating
has won the lottery, sponsored by the Sunguard,
to hunt a famed Dingonek within the aptly
named lake north of Greenhill. The Dingonek is
a large, scaled magical beast resembling a You open the door to the blacksmith’s shop and are
crocodile with a scaled lion’s head. These immediately hit with giggles and shrieks. The dwarf
magnificent creatures are very territorial and lass is towards the back of her shop, shouting in glee
aggressive, requiring a measure of population control that and dancing around the shop. “Finally, finally!” she
results in a summer-long festival to hunt the beast and utilize shouts. “All these years and I finally get the hunt!”
its gifts of meat and hide. Dingonek mostly occupy the depths
of the lake, surfacing near the edge and river tributaries to
hunt. They are smart for predatory animals, but not much Akbas Searching for Aid
beyond, sometimes taunting or mocking human onlookers. Akbas will approach the group about participating in the
During this festival, specialized crews gather and are hunt. She informs the group that the hunt will yield meat,
available for hire to aide the hunters. The cost and skill of trophies, and plenty of dingonek hide that can be crafted into
these crews varies, as well as the tactics employed to lure armor. She is willing to negotiate splitting up the trophies
and fight the formidable creatures. Akbas has kept money and materials.
aside to fund one of the less expensive crews yet knows she
could use help in the endeavor.
ravel to Trinisse takes two days on horseback, Avond'hal the Eladrin
which Akbas is willing to cover financially. She
owns a horse and cart that will be used to
carry back all of the prized dingonek The elf-like creature before you is a tall, slender female
components. with a slight radiant shimmer, enhancing her incredibly
The first day of travel along the river is soft skin and flawless features. She does not hide her
relatively peaceful, with riverboat merchants extravagance at all, and her shimmering, form-fitting
travelling to and from Greenhill greeting the adventurers as silver dress that reflects any nearby sources of light
they pass. On the second day, they are traveling around the wildly. Her golden skin has shimmering flecks as well,
east side of Dingonek Lake in a marsh environment. This and her dark black hair that flows just below her
area is more hostile, with camps of bullywugs and swamp shoulders has a single streak of electric white.
predators that may ambush traveling parties.
Approaching the town She greets the group and shows them to the Finnicky Fish
Tavern, a quaint hotel with simple, clean rooms and excellent
food prepared from fresh catches daily.
You begin to see lights ahead as the swampy road The Wealth Gap
begins to be the only stable pathway in the difficult
marsh terrain. The large elven towers easily see your Throughout the visit, the group will slowly notice a division
approach, and the Firefly Grotto guards are in strong between the town’s elite and the mostly poverty-stricken
hide armor with fanciful and colorful orange and red residents. The citizens take any scraps the party is willing to
trim. throw, and only the Pawntoon Pack interact with the
That being said, there are not that many wealthy
The guards will question the group, though when Akbas permanent residents in Trinisse, and most of the large
mentions the hunt festival, they are escorted into town and mansion style houses are only used or rented through the
introduced to Avond'hal, the Mayor of Trinisse and the MC for festival. The rest of the year, the townspeople scramble to
the Dingonek Festival. make an income with the town nearly abandoned.
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The Finnicky Fish Tavern Staff
This long two-story building is located on the docks with Owner - Dietrich, The Fishmonger
more than half the rooms facing out towards the lake. There A light-bringer lupinal with grey and brown fur, Dietrich's
is a large, clean sign above the double door entrance to this knowledge of fish is as exhaustive as his desire to discuss
large tavern, with a smaller makeshift sign below saying "and anything fish related. He will talk for an uncomfortable
fishery". On the dock side, there is a newer addition that has amount of time about types of fish within Dingonek Lake
a single open-air room designed for the cleaning of fish. The including their size, color, lifestyle, taste, and best food and
townsfolk have created an industry for fresh fish, and work wine pairings. He dresses in nice tan pants that are slightly
diligently to supplement their seasonal incomes. The fishery frayed at the bottom, and a simple white shirt. His large
workers are busy throughout the day as boats bring in the wolfkin feet are bare and hairy, yet clean.
fresh catches. Sure enough, you catch the subtle smell of fish
as you enter the building, but it is quickly covered by aromas Head Bartender - Clara Holgrin
of ales and cooked food. This human female is in her mid 30s and has curly blond hair
that sits at her shoulders. Although naturally beautiful, she
During the Festival wears a little bit of makeup to accentuate her kind eyes and
soft lips. She is a good manager of the staff, often being stern
There are nearly 22 rooms in this establishment, and only in her commands, but compassionate with troubles. She
about 5 are available on any given night. The amount of staff knows there are plenty of people needing work, so she
during this time is quite impressive, with attendants doesn't tolerate laziness or bad work. In the same breath, she
addressing every concern and request of any patrons. The helps her most loyal employees plan for the off-season when
menu includes a few economical options dotted among high- work is slow.
priced fancy fish dishes.
Festival Manager - Clarak'aa
Off Season Clarak'aa is a young sky lance avoral with a stork-like
The lively decorations and clean look of Trinisse is not appearance including slender appendages and a long, sharp
maintained year-round, and can actually appear quite drab beak. He wears simple green cloth pants with a light grey
during the off season. With the lack of tourism income, blouse and tan vest. Clarak'aa is highly organized and very
residents use the off season to upgrade housing, fix and clean proper in his business interactions. He takes pride in the
the docks, and other such tasks to improve next year's festival as a personal achievement.
festival. Should you wish to extend Clarak'aa's character, he is
actually a level 9 monk training to join the ranks of the Sky
Lance Acolytes.
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Ch.4 You Get What You Pay
kbas has saved up 800 G to put toward a crew The Fight
should she ever receive her tag. Of the five Once the dingonek attempts to capsize the boat, the pontoons
groups, four use vessels to fish for the push apart and the dwarves dive from the side and wrap
creatures, while the last uses a shore-based heavy straps under the dingonek. Once the beast is trapped, it
tactic. The groups will be introduced by is considered restrained and they go to work with hand axes
Avond'hal at the docks of Trinisse during while swimming and on pontoons.
business hours.
Techno and Tackle (800 G)
The Hunt Mechanic This duo of very stern looking humans in nice blue and green
Generally speaking, there are three major components for jackets camp in fancy tents outside Trinisse during the
the Dingonek hunt. festival. They are a crew from Sron, a culture of technology
and academic research. They bring with them an amazing
1. Capsize. The Dingoneks has a check to capsize boats on contraption, constructed on the shores of Dingonek Lake that
the water, with some boats being harder to capsize than promises to snare and hold the creature. However, they have
other. yet to be chosen, although highly anticipated by the fanatics
2. Death Roll. The Dingoneks have an ability similar to and tourists that flock to the town to observe the expeditions.
alligators in which they roll to escape bindings and
disorient their pray. The Death Roll can be used to help The Von Jacko Brothers
the Dingonek escape. Both are level 4 artificers. Johan = Artillerist, Etan =
3. Trapped. The different mechanisms each crew employs to Alchemist
trap the Dingonek have varied effects.
The Trap
The Crews of the A contraption specifically set-up to capture Dingonek
Dingonek Festival The Bait. Etan has created a ball cage that holds rags
doused in alchemical solutions. The fragrance is a
The Tandem Tug (700 G) mixture of anise and sharp herbs, with a hint of iron. Once
the bait is taken and the chain goes tight, Johan sends a
This team is the cheapest of the 5 crews, but not the newest spark of magic down the chain to activate the barbed
or least successful. The wild dwarven crew (not associated spikes in the bait ball.
with Galfarum) are touted for their more simplistic and The Reel. Two large wheels can then be used to bring the
“tribal” approach to the hunt. Their captain, Jorgon Baldrun, creature on shore.
is a firecracker of a red-haired dwarf with two symmetrical
red mohawks bisecting his otherwise bald head. Their ship, The Fight
The Tandem Tug, consists of two sturdy weighted canoes Once the dingonek is hooked, it is considered grappled and a
connected by intertwining straps and ropes. mechanic is used based around a STR check made on its
Captain Jorgon Baldrun
Level 4 Barbarian Strength Check (Dingonek)
DC Outcome
The Tandem Tug
25 ft. long x 10 ft. wide (x2) connected by 15 ft. of ropes and Fail
The Dingonek is dragged 5 feet closer to the reels and
straps loses its action and movement.
The Dingonek is able to keep ground with the Reels,
Capsize: NA, The boat is intended to completely surround 18 not budging. However, it has no movement or
the beast. actions.
Death Roll: Can use action unlimited times. Entire boat
rolls with dingonek. 22
The Dingonek is able to gain a little slack. It can use
Trapped: Restrained (Movement = 0, Attacks now +8 its movement and attacks at disadvantage.
(base) and at disadvantage). Breaks the chains holding the bait ball and hook. The
Strength check to break bonds DC = 25 27
Dingonek is free.
The Wild Dwarve Crew (X2) The Death Roll can be used once. However, if the Dingonek
Use the Berserker stat block (MM p. 344) fails to break its bonds, the Von Jacko Brothers activate their
trap, a rail system with flaps that fly up into the air and snag
on the dingonek before quickly tightening. Once this trap is
sprung, Only a DC 27 breaks the binds and the dingonek is
considered restrained. At that point, the Brothers join in with
weapons and magic.
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The Pawntoon Pack (800 G) The Boulderboat
This crew of witty and agile lupinals with short, light brown This large boat is 60 ft. by 20 ft.
fur (all except the leader with dark black fur) work out of the Capsize: STR Check DC 25 when the cranes are out, DC
D’uck Seem, a flat bottomed boat constructed of tightly 21 if not
affixed pontoons. This team is quite cautious about taking on Death Roll: Not affective against the Boulderboat’s
beasts larger than their capacity, and generally stick to strategy.
smaller beasts with high efficiency and low risk. They are Trapped: Grappled.
highly revered and respected among the community, usually Strength check to break bonds DC = 22
donating a generous portion of the meat to the festival.
The Fight
Captain Nicholai, The Trickster Bait: A corpse of a bullywug.
Level 4 Dark-touched Lupinal Wild Magic Sorcerer The Trap: Once the dingonek is brought into the trap
location under the hull of the ship, the cranes drop the
The D'uck Seem large net bags of boulders, trapping the beast within. A
40 ft. long by 30 ft. wide. Successful DEX saving throw DC 17 allows the dingonek
to not get trapped, but it takes 8d8 bludgeoning damage.
Capsize: STR Check DC 27
Anchor points: NPCs and PC can strap themselves The Twigjack (2000 G)
to the pontoon boat.
Should the dingonek roll within 2 of the grapple or Named after the fey creature that appears as a pile of twigs to
capsize DC, the boat is dragged violently, and all spring traps on their prey, this wood-elf boat is the lap of
characters must succeed a DEX saving throw DC luxury when it comes to dingonek fishing. The crew, under
14 or be tossed off of the boat (unless anchored, the helm of Captain Marsthwain Galanarin, sits at nearly
then prone). fifteen members on this, the largest and most oddly shaped
Death Roll: Can use action unlimited times. boat. From chefs to cook nice meals as the traps are baited,
Trapped: Grappled. to a ship’s mage to cast protections on the mighty vessel,
Strength check to break bonds DC = 23 guests of this crew hardly lift a finger to retrieve their prize. It
is the only vessel to catch a patriarch.
The Pawntoon Pack Crew (x5)
Use the Spy stat block (MM p. 349) Captain Marsthwain Galanarin
Level 10 wood-elf illusionist wizard
The Fight
Captain Nicholai uses dancing lights to attract and then The Twigjack
frustrate the dingonek into attacking the boat. The boat is 70 ft. by 20 ft., this impressive boat has dramatically large
designed not to capsize easily, and the crew is trained to sails with oddly angled masts. Sharp angles and sleek lines
hold their strikes until the capsize attempts. make this vessel extremely interesting.
The D’uck Seem has a large supply of spears, most are
light for throwing, but some are heavy (two hands). The Twigjack Crew
Heavy Spear. Attack = STR, DMG = 2d8+STR. An impressive mix of fighters and rangers, all in fine
(STR required 15, 4 available) dingonek hide armor. There is a high-level cleric to Selune as
The spears have a quick anchoring system comprised of well.
thick ropes with metal clasps that quickly affix the spears
along the boat's edge. The Twigjack Advantage
Each spear attached to the dingonek adds 1/4 to Scrying. The Twigjack has already spent considerable
DC to break grapple. time scouting the lake and its inhabitants. Marsthwain is
Each Heavy Spear adds 1 to DC to break grapple. able to scry any of the beasts and seek them out
The Boulderboat (1100 G) The Illusion. Marsthwain is able to imbue magic through
The famed crew from Galfarum use their presence as a show the Twigjack to illuminate a section of the bow of the boat,
of force of imperial dwarven ingenuity and strategy. Their making the twigjack appear to be a small vessel. Other
boat is a bruiser of a single-hulled keelboat of treated wood illusions can irritate and provoke dingonek to attack.
and heavy metals. Acting as stabilizers AND their method of The Fight
fishing, two large cranes holding a trio of large boulders For liability reasons... the crew of the Twigjack insist they
extend from both sides of the boat, set to release and either take care of the hunt. Their tactics preserve the trophies and
trap the dingonek in place or stun it with massive concussive guarantee the highest yield of meat and hide.
damage. Once trapped, openings on the deck allow for The highly trained crew make work of any Dingonek they
attacks. The boulderboat tends to fish along the shores of the engage, with arcane casters disabling and debuffing the
bullywug camps, mostly ever encountering young dingoneks beast. A team of two elven rangers surgically dissect the
learning to hunt the frog peoples. beast's spinal cord, ending the combat with minimal
Captain Nigel Cavecrafter collateral damage.
Level 4 Dwarf fighter (greataxe)
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Ch.5 The Majestic Dingonek
he Dingonek are magical beasts, with a pack
mentality and hierarchical structure. The
patriarchs are the leaders of the family packs, Dingonek
strongest and most wise. Pack mothers are
smart and skilled creatures, that viciously Huge magical beast, neutral
protect their young and are surprisingly The dingonek resembles a large crocodile with a scaly
dexterous. The young and mature dingonek lion’s head and sharp teeth. They enjoy capsizing boats
make up the bottom of the family order, most common and feeding on helpless sailors.
among the successful hunts.
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Dingonek Hunt Mechanics Hit Points 188(18d8+90)
Speed 15 ft., swim 20 ft.
You are free you use your discretion on how often the party
encounters a Dingonek. The easiest method would allow
them to encounter a creature or two in the morning, and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
another one or two in the afternoon. You can also use 26 (+7) 12 (+1) 21 (+5) 4 (-3) 9 (-1) 7 (-2)
investigation checks, or opposed rolls between the boats,
bait, and Dingonek. Saving Throws STR +12, CON +10
The party can opt to release smaller creatures if they are Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +6, Perception +4
aiming for a more prestigious catch. However, patriarchs Damage Resistances Bludgeoning
have the ability to overwhelm smaller boats, so the group Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
should use caution. Languages None
For each encounter, roll a percentile dice (or d10) to Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
determine which creature the party will engage.
Capsize. The Dingonek has enough intelligence to
Dingonek Stats learn that boats in their environment cause harm to
their pack. A Dingonek that surfaces under a boat
Adolescent Dingonek (50%) less than 20 ft. capsizes it 80% of the time (20-60
Use stat block as written. ft. = 50%, +60 ft. = 20% chance.)
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Ch.6 Gifts of the Hunt
he Dingonek provide a bounty of rewards
including tasty meat, magical hide for crafting, Rewards Check (d20)
and a slew of collectibles such as fangs, claws, Add modifiers based on the species of Dingonek caught (i.e.
and bones. The blood can even be collected as +1 for Mature, +3 for Pack Mother, +5 for Patriarch). Twigjack
a component for certain rituals. = DC 18 reward.
Akbas is only interested in enough hide to
craft a set of the famed Dingonek hide armor DC Outcome
in addition to her fair share of money off sold items. Should Overnight, the meat spoiled and the hide was
the group donate anything (such as meat) to the townspeople, FAIL
damaged (-30%)
Akbas will also donate a comparable share. 300 lbs of meat, trophies, and enough hide for 2
Akbas can make the group a set of the armor, but they have 2
sets of armor
to pay 500 G for the other components and it takes nearly a
week to craft. 13
400 lbs of meat, trophies, and enough hide for 3
sets of armor
500 lbs of meat, trophies, and enough hide for 4
sets of armor
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Ovon and the Devil Tongue Loaf
A Wildspire Homebrew
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elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Ovon Oltek
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 5 Human Path of the Berserker
side-quest in an established realm, or a Barbarian
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign
setting. How to Use This Module
This quest, as part of the Greenhill setting features Ovon This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
Oltek, the town's baker. Ovon has received an order for a very diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
special loaf of bread used for high-brow events. The recipe initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
requires Devil's Tongue, a rare herb that grows among the travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
peaks of Galfarum. He has kept up a good reputation with the
dwarves, and has never had a problem gathering the herb. Please reference the Greenhill Setting document for
This time, however, he was turned around due to "hazardous information about Boiler Bay and the NPCs within.
conditions". Guide the group as they search for the herb, Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
coming across a grove of harpies and a nest of manticores Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
with their Chimera patriarch. fit your campaign environment.
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
a more detailed description of Greenhill, refer to the Heroes the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
of Sol’an campaign setting at (Coming based on your preference.
09/2020). Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.
von has made a mistake; he has forgotten a Ovon Oltek
very important and a very difficult order placed
by the royal family of Boiler Bay. It is King
Geoph's birthday, and this year his sweet
stepmother, Marilyn, has placed a special A portly human male, Ovon has dedicated his life to
order with the boisterous baker. The problem? his craft, and his reputation is well earned. A cleanly
Devil's tongue, the herb required for the shaven bald head is tickled with sweat that collects in
traditional bread, only grows among the high mountain the brow and mustache of the baker, and his apron
plateaus of the Devil's Bluff Mountains within the dwarven shows that he has been hard at work since the early
empire of Galfarum. He just returned from the range after hours of the morning.
being turned away by the Galfarum guard. Apparently, the
mountain passes have become dangerous, with harpies and
other beasts harassing travelers. Ovon was told he must
bring a capable escort to be allowed entrance to the
mountain pass. "I know I should have restocked my Devil's Tongue as
Whether a continuation of the Heroes of Sol'an campaign, soon as I got the order, but it is so much better fresh,
or as a stand-alone quest, Ovon will search out the PCs and and the stubborn herb won't grow anywhere but those
offer a portion of his hefty commission for their escort. damn dwarven peaks! If I don't fill this order, I won't
get on the Thornbull's preferred vendor list. That list is
The Devil's Tongue Loaf easy street, a stream of commissions for lunches,
brunches, breakfasts, happy hours... you name it, I'll
The Devil's Tongue loaf is an amazingly herbaceous bread cater it!"
baked in a braided roll and topped with a luxurious ale butter.
The herb can only be found on the high bluffs of the Devil's
Bluff mountain range along the coast of the Galfarum
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The Deal Hit the Road
Ovon offers the group 200 G, but adds some interesting Ovon will cover the cost to rent horses if the group does not
information that may help goad the group into accepting. have some already. It will take a full day of travel on horse SE
where the Devil's Bluff Mountains meets the coast, so Ovon
suggests they leave in the early morning to make it to the
Galfarum guard checkpoint by nightfall.
"200 gold coins for your help, but you will make more
than that for your troubles, if you too collect some
Devil's Tongue herb. I assume you travel, and this herb
is well know across the Nations of Light. With this The portly baker greets you jovially, with strong leather
particularly difficult time in the mountains, you should suspenders holding up his pants and helping support
be able to catch a pretty penny for the dried leaves. I his large backpack. He carries a large maul with an
would guess between the lot of ya, you could bring unusually wide head covered in flour and dried dough
back enough to nearly double the coins I'll pay ya for used for kneading large batches. As he should, he has
the work." packed his horse with enough meat pies and sweet
pastries to treat your group for nearly a week.
"The day's travel will show you the beautiful landscape
on this part of the continent. We will reach the
dwarven checkpoint by nightfall, we will be safe to
camp there before starting the climb the next
he group will travel to the foothills of the
Devil's Bluff Mountains at the southern
continental coast. Feel free to throw any
Gosper's Guard
random encounters along the way, including The contingent of Galfarum soldiers is led by Gosper
beasts natural to both rolling grassland, dry Brightbraid, who has a decent friendship with Ovon through
coastline, and mountains. the years of such meetings. The good captain will meet the
Once the road transitions to the mountain group as they approach.
pass, the Galfarum guard station can be seen, still about a
quarter mile down the road. There are several ponies tied up
to a long post and a cleared area for camping before the As you make your way to tie up your horses, a jovial
stone structure that houses several dwarven soldiers. and rotund dwarf with blond hair in three large braids
that runs down to his mid-back approaches. His beard
is average for a mountain dwarf, mostly wild and free
with only a small braid in the center.
The journey from Greenhill is both peaceful and
relaxing, as the colorful countryside gives way to the "Ovon, you resourceful bastard, no way I thought ye'd
coastal drylands and foothills of the Devil's Bluff be back so soon. And with a mighty fine escort it
Mountains. As the sun sets, you approach where the seems, you must really be wantin' this herb."
road changes from a gravel path on flat earth to a
narrow switch-back pass. Further up the trail, you see a
stone structure built into the side of the mountain off
to the right side. Before the structure is a large cleared
area of grass and a long post for tying up beasts of
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Insight Check on Gosper
Gosper's Warning DC Outcome
Gosper acknowledges the PCs, yet mostly converses with The jolly dwarf seems very personable and kind, a stark
Ovon. He gives his warning about the dangers within the 10
contrast to the stories you have heard about this empire.
Scanning the other guards around the station, they are
13 not subtle with their impatience for Gosper's hospitality
to foreigners.
"Like I said before, the mountain passes have become You catch glimpses of regret and sadness as Gosper and
quite treacherous. As you know, if you stick to the trail 18 Ovon talk about recent events. You sense that Gosper is
you can avoid trouble from the harpies, but they have not enjoying his current station.
become more confident, or hungrier... either way, they
will swarm travelers they feel they can overpower. And
they are particularly vicious, we have found broken
bodies at the base of the bluffs, as if dropped off the
Make Camp
side." The group should make camp under the watch of the
dwarven guard and hit the road the next morning. Gosper
joins your group for breakfast around the fire, consisting of
Investigation/Nature Check freshly melted cheese over fruit pastries.
DC Outcome Should the group pay attention to the other dwarven
guards, you will see obvious jealousy over the tasty treats
Harpies are known for protecting their nests built in
prime hunting grounds around water sources.
being consumed by Gosper and the PCs.
Typically, harpies only attack if they are certain they can
Into the Mountains
The mention of bodies being dropped off the side of the
When the group is ready to go...
18 mountains strikes you as odd, harpies would have trouble
lifting larger humanoids.
The initial incline of the trail is intense, causing your
Ovon's Rage group to take a break nearly every hour. However, after
several hours the trail levels out as the path now goes
Ovon is a decent combatant and can soak up damage for the between craggy peaks.
party while raging in both encounters ahead.
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Ch.3 Harpy Grove
his is an optional encounter against a
reasonably sized harpy nest. Ovon has seen Encounter
this grove before, and will advise the group if Harpy (x12) (MM p.181)
they just quickly pass without venturing into
the trees, they will be perfectly safe. However, Combat Notes
should the group wish to be bold or curious, Should a harpy successfully charm a PC with their song,
they will be targeted by the harpy's song. they will continue singing and luring the adventurer
towards them as the rest of the harpies attack.
The last few surviving harpies will attempt to flee the area.
As the path curves to the left, the cramped mountain
pass opens up with green and orange trees in a verdant
grove. You hear the soft rustling of water towards the
far corner of the grove, and the air is filled with
chirping and chattering of woodland creatures.
ust after lunchtime, the group finds themselves
traveling on even ground among plateaus and The Manticore Nest
peaks along the top ridge of the mountain range. Unfortunately for the group, a family of manticores is
Ovon is actively searching for signs of Devil's napping in their nest on this particular plateau. As soon as a
Tongue along the edges of these raised platforms PC becomes visible to the manticores, they will engage in a
of rock. The group will eventually stumble upon a dialogue about the groups purpose. They are purposefully
batch of Devil's Tongue growing on the North end stalling any engagement, waiting for their chimera patriarch
of a raised plateau. It is DM discretion on how long the group to return to the nest.
looks until the encounter.
The trails in this area the mountains wind and weave Manticore (x2)
through peaks and plateaus of raised stone. On one
such plateau, Ovon excitedly points, "There is a
Young Manticore
healthy batch right there! All we have to do is climb up Chimera
there to get it!"
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Phase I: Stall Manticore
Large monstrosity, lawful evil
The adult female manticores will engage the party in
conversation, assuming they have come to slay them. The A manticore has a vaguely humanoid head, the body of
young manticore is sleeping in the nest with one of the a lion, and the wings of a dragon. Its long tail ends in a
adults. As the conversations progresses, the adult manticores cluster of deadly spikes that can impale prey at
impressive range.
will slowly position themselves for combat, and occasionally
scan the skies for their partner. Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 68 (8d10+24)
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.
One of the larger beasts speaks through heavy
growling, "You ... have come ... to kill us, yes?" The STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
other large creature slowly maneuvers across from the
one speaking, with the smaller beast remaining in the 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common
There are several ways you can determine when to trigger Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Phase II. Should the group manage to charm the manticores,
the chimera will still attack the intruders. Tail Spike. The manticore has twenty-four tail spikes.
Used spikes regrow when the manticore finishes a
Based off skill checks for persuasion or deception, trigger long rest.
phase II when the group fails 3 skill checks.
Roll a d10 and that is the number of rounds until the Actions
chimera joins.
Based on story progression when the dialogue runs stale. Multiattack. The manticore makes three attacks: one
with its bite and two with its claws or three with its
tail spikes.
Phase II: Ambush from the Chimera
Should the PCs remain distracted long enough, the chimera Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Reach 5ft.,
will ambush the group. You can allow the PCs to make one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.
Perception checks, or use passive perceptions to give them a Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Reach 5ft.,
chance to spot the chimera. Alternatively, you could have the one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage.
manticores emit a weird bark-like noise to alert the chimera Tail Spike. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Range
to trouble. 100/200 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Young Manticore
Medium monstrosity, lawful evil
A manticore has a vaguely humanoid head, the body of
a lion, and the wings of a dragon. Its long tail ends in a
cluster of deadly spikes that can impale prey at
impressive range.
Skills Perception +8
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 18
Languages Understands Draconic, can't speak
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Multiattack. The chimera makes three attacks: one
with its bite, one with its horns, and one with its
claws. When its fire breath is available, it can use the
breath in place of its bite or horns.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage.
Horns. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (1d12+4) bludgeoning damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage.
Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon head exhales
fire in a 15--foot cone. Each creature in that area
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking
31 (7d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ch.5 The Devil's Tongue Loaf
nce the combat encounter is concluded, the
group will be free to gather the devil's Tongue Ovon's Craft
in the area. Ovon shows the group how to best Ovon managed to collect 25 sprigs of the herb, and upon
harvest the herb without killing the plant. Any return to Greenhill, should the group wish, they can observe
PCs helping will be able to make a Nature Ovon prepare the delicate bread.
check at advantage (From Ovon's instruction).
Nature Check
DC Outcome Ovon starts by mixing finely strained flour with eggs,
You do a decent enough job carefully removing sprigs of milk, water, and 3 sprigs of the aromatic herb. He sets
the herbs off the main plant, but don't really judge for the dough aside as he works on the butter, which
10 starts with a simmering reduction of Lokechar's Bog
freshness and health of the leaves. You only gather 15
useable sprigs. Barley ale and cream. Giving time for the syrup-like
sauce to cool, he then adds a little bit to the dough
13 DC10 + 4 additional sprigs. before kneading, shaping, rolling the loaf in a mixture
of spices, and throwing it into a low fire oven. For the
You masterfully cut only the freshest sprigs at random
next hour, Ovon frequently bastes the braided roll with
18 intervals around the bush, leaving the plant healthy while
the ale sauce. Just as the loaf started to brown, Ovon
collecting 26 sprigs!
adds his signature with the final ingredient, a thick
dense cheese that he carved into small threads to form
Back to the Station free-form designs along the roll. Just a little longer in
the oven and the cheese melts to hold the designs in
Even though the way back down the trail is much faster, the golden deliciousness.
sun sets on the party with about 2 hours travel remaining.
You can drop another random night encounter if you wish to,
or the group can make it to the guard station a few hours
After a hearty goodbye from Gosper, the group spends the
next day traveling back to Greenhill, another opportunity for
random natural encounters.
f you are following the Heroes of Sol'an campaign,
the next set of Heroic Townsfolk quests modules are Please refer to the Heroes of Sol'an
based out of Gorespire Keep located on a continent Campaign Setting for suggestions
across the Barrier Sea into the darklands. This and ideas to guide the group to
would include a return journey to Boiler Bay in Gorespire Keep
order to clear things up with the Last Hope and
progress any main plots you have going. Feel free to
use any of the Greenhill NPCs as alternative narratives for a
return to the large port city.
Ovon will offer 10 gold coins to each of you (on top of horse
rentals and food) as an escort to Boiler Bay to deliver his
prized loaf to the Thornbull family.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Index Art
Greenhill (Inkarnate) ....................................................... Front
Monsters Stat Blocks Map of Solreem'on (Inkarnate) ..............................................2
Swordtree (Wildspire Homebrew) ................................... 16 Insignia of Greenhill (Wildspire) ...........................................3
Bog Troll (Wildspire Homebrew) ......................................24 Balurt Bazack (Sophie Tonkin) .............................................9
Goblin shaman (D&DBeyond Homebrew) ..................... 25 Immovable Rod (DMG) ......................................................... 11
Cursed Lute (Wildspire Homebrew) ................................ 32 Map of Phil's Ranch (Inkarnate) .........................................12
Hagraven (D&DBeyond Homebrew) ................................41 Symbol of Pelor (Nicole Harre) ..........................................13
Green Hag (MM) .....................................................................42 Map of Swordtree Barn (Inkarnate) .................................. 15
Dingonek (Wildspire Homebrew) ..................................... 50 Swordtree (Iron Tofu) ........................................................... 16
Manticore (MM) ......................................................................57 Map of the Swordtree Lair (Inkarnate) .............................17
Young Manticore (Wildspire Homebrew) ........................58 Lokechar (Sophie Tonkin) ................................................... 19
Chimera (MM) .........................................................................58 The Rusty Maul (ARTIST) ................................................... 20
Map of the Barley Bog (Inkarnate) .....................................22
Items Map of the Bog Troll's Lair (Inkarnate) .............................23
Bog Troll (Ja Zirebiec) ...........................................................24
Dingonek Hide Armor (Wildspire Homebrew) .............. 51 Goblin Shaman (Alexander Trufanov) ..............................25
Riyaka (Sophie Tonkin) ........................................................26
Map of the Goblin Camp (Inkarnate) .................................29
Map of the Goblin Encounter (Inkarnate) ........................ 30
Bugbear (MM) ..........................................................................30
Map of Cursed Lute Encounter (Inkarnate) .....................31
Cursed Lute (ARTIST) ..........................................................32
Captain Druko (Sophie Tonkin) ..........................................33
Cabin in the Mistglade (Inkarnate) .................................... 37
Map of the Hagraven's Cabin (Bethany Golden) .............40
Hagraven (Iron Tofu) .............................................................40
Green Hag (MM) .....................................................................42
Akbas Jethel (Sophie Tonkin) ..............................................43
Vorpa Chitin Armor (Andrew Menees) ............................. 45
Map of Trinisse (Inkarnate) ..................................................47
Dingonek (Iron Tofu) .............................................................50
Map of Dingonek Lake (Inkarnate) .................................... 51
Dingonek Hide Armor (Andrew Menees) .........................51
Ovon Oltek (Sophie Tonkin) ................................................52
Devil's Tongue Sprig (Nicole Harre) ..................................54
Dwarven Guard Station (Inkarnate) ..................................55
Harpy (MM) ..............................................................................56
Map of Harpy Grove (Inkarnate) .........................................56
Map of Galfarum Peaks (Inkarnate) .................................. 57
Manticore (MM) ...................................................................... 58
Chimera (MM) ......................................................................... 58
Devil's Tongue Loaf (Nicole Harre) ....................................59
Sunguard Cathedral (Son Nguyen) ...............................Back
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The World of Sol'an Art
Sol'an was created under the Fan Content Policy by Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast. The lore and history pull from Under the Fan Content Policy, artwork may be included from
multiple sources and editions of The Forgotten Realms, as the source books such as the Monster Manual (MM) and
well as Planescape. Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG).
The Hypertext d20 SRD Copyright 2004, Jans W Carton; Inkarnate
transferred to BoLS Interactive, 2016. The authors have purchased a premium membership which
Creative Commons Sharealike 1.0 by allows for the inclusion of maps generated from Inkarnate's
and website in this document. For more information , please
check out
Monsters Ja Zirebiec
Monster Manual Wizards of the Coast LLC 2014 Freelance Artist. Facebook: MizuShiba
D&D Beyond Homebrew Sophie Tonkin
Goblin Shaman by Sudaj Freelance artist. Instagram: @ArtLovesPaper
Hagraven by Jimbles_Laner Son Nguyen
Wildspire Homebrew Freelance artist. Instagram: @Sonno5
Special Permission was granted by Expeditious Retreat to Alexander Trufanov
modify creatures in their Monster Geographica series. Freelance Artist. Instagram: @Art_trufanov
Dingonek adapted from Monster Geographica: Marsh & Bethany Golden
Aquatic Assets/Software Used: Dungeondraft, Forgotten Adventures
Swordtree adapted from Monster Geographica: Plains & Freelance Map Maker. Instagram: @the.golden.wife
Andrew Menees
Items Freelance Artist. Instagram: @DrewFromWork
Wildspire Homebrew Iron Tofu
Freelance Artist. Instagram: @irontofu42
Editing Nicole Harre
Danette Schardt-Cordova Freelance artist.
Original Art.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Sol’an, a world caught halfway between the
Blessed Fields of Elysium, the idyllic plane of
absolute neutral good, and the dark void
beyond, has fallen into constant turmoil. The
forces for good, led by the Sunguard Paladins
of Pelor, must be ever ready to defend the
Nations of Light from the darkness that
encroaches across the Barrier Sea to the
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.