Birthright 5E Conversion - GM Binder
Birthright 5E Conversion - GM Binder
Birthright 5E Conversion - GM Binder
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erilia is a setting of classic Dungeons and It is the intent of this document not to sully or profit from
Dragons adventuring and roleplaying blended the hard work of those that came before, but to exist as a love
with strategy and domain management gameplay. letter to Cerilia and the Birthright campaign setting. While
Created in 1995 by some of TSR’s most talented this conversion adds a new layer of rules and deep complexity
designers, Rich Baker and Colin McComb, the to the otherwise simplified D&D5E, it is the hope of this
setting introduced a marvelous breadth of humble gamer that it will be used for its intended purpose.
romantic medieval lore with ambitious and deep
mechanics beyond the basics of D&D.
The setting birthed a substantial array of sourcebooks and “Dark storm clouds gather over war-torn lands.
Armies march wearily into battle once again,
supplements, as well as a small series of novels and one answering the ancient call to arms. The banners of
computer game by Sierra On-Line. Regrettably, the setting noble houses flutter raggedly before the onslaught;
never received as much acclaim or support as TSR’s other some will fall, never to rise again, while others will
popular products, and did not see official development after weather the storm. Across the ruined empires of
TSR’s acquisition by Wizards of the Coast and the release of Cerilia, the dogs of war are let loose one more time.
the game’s third edition. Somewhere on a muddy battlefield, a common man
A robust and talented community of fans at becomes a hero -- and a hero becomes a king.”
carried the torch through the third and fourth edition years, -- The Birthright Campaign Setting Rulebook
and a few enterprising individuals have even taken a crack at
converting it for the current edition. This conversion is not
meant to supplant or supersede those efforts, but to exist as
another option alongside them.
Anuirean Human (Culture)
Humans The Anuireans are the heirs of a great empire that once
Humanity is by far the most widespread and influential race stretched across much of Cerilia, though their power is
on the continent of Cerilia. From the chivalric lands of Anuire, broken and the nation is in decline. Feudal lords battle for
to the sweeping majesty of the Khinasi deserts, to the influence and the claim to the throne of their fallen empire,
heartless wastes of Vosgaard, humanity’s legacy has not but its people are strong of will and presence in light of their
always been one of righteousness or austerity. Some of the diminished station.
greatest heroes and most vile villains in history belong to the Ability Score Increase. You increase your Wisdom or
human race. Charisma score by 1.
Chivalric Culture. You are proficient in the History skill
Cerilian Humans and double your proficiency bonus on checks made to recount
The tribes of Aduria, as well as the Basarji from across the Anuirean historical events, identify the heraldry of Anuirean
Sea of Dragons, remain distinct centuries after their flight to regents, or recall facts about lineages and station.
Cerilia. There are five cultures and ethnicities of Cerilian Brecht Human (Culture)
humans, each with their own benefits, skills, and ability score Having labored under Anuirean occupation for many
modifiers. The standard human from the Player’s Handbook generations, the Brechts emerged from the fracturing of the
remains an option for humans who are of mixed ancestry or Empire as a nation of traders and explorers. Gentler of
hail from other, distant lands. demeanor and possessed of a great respect for art and
All humans in Cerilia have the following traits in common. culture, they established a society where one of the highest
Ability Score Increase. You increase any two ability scores stations one can achieve is that of guildmaster of a powerful
by 1 point, or any one ability score by 2 points. trading corporation.
Languages. You speak the regional human dialect where Ability Score Increase. You increase your Dexterity or
the campaign takes place, plus one additional language of Charisma score by 1.
your choice from among human or demihuman tongues. Merchants’ Cunning. You are proficient in the Investigate
Human Culture. You select one human culture from skill and can always determine the approximate worth of an
among Anuirean, Basarji, Brecht, Rjuven, or Vos. object after studying an object for 1 minute.
Reliable Contacts. After spending at least 1 week in a
settled area, you can establish a small network of contacts (no
more than two or three people) that you can call upon for
information regarding local rumors and topics. You have
advantage on History or Investigate checks to gather
information while you have access to these contacts.
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Khinasi Human (Culture) Dwarven kingdoms are fractious in these times, and few
These humans are descended from the Basarji tribe of remain compared to the days of old. Unlike the elves, the
humankind that ventured across the perilous seas to reach dwarves rarely had conflicts with humans, and find them easy
Cerilia. The Khinasi value scholastic ability and highly respect to work with, if somewhat impatient and short-sighted.
those who study the challenging art of magic. They are an Dwarves have a cultural appreciation for hard work, justice,
adaptable people that live in a diaspora of desert city-states and fairness -- though not at the expense of the clan.
and hold respect, graciousness, and hospitality above all other All Cerilian dwarves belong to a single subrace, which they
virtues. A poor host or diplomat is seen as worse than a boor, themselves call Karamhul, outlined below. Unlike their kin
but as an affront to all decency. from other worlds, Karamhul dwarves are incredibly dense
Ability Score Increase. You increase your Intelligence or and weigh anywhere from 250 to 300 pounds despite
Wisdom score by 1. standing but 4 to 4 ½ feet tall.
Traditions of Scholarship. You are proficient in any one Karamhul Dwarf (Subrace)
Intelligence skill of your choice, and may read and write one
additional language of your choice from any category. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Dwarven Combat Training. You are proficient with simple
Rjuven Human (Culture) and martial weapons, as well as light and medium armor.
The Highlands of Cerilia’s northwest are home to the Rjuven, Tough as Stone. You have resistance against damage from
a people of the land who have a great respect for the natural non-magical bludgeoning attacks. You automatically fail
world and the spirits that dwell within it. While their political Strength (Athletics) checks made to swim or float in water
leaders are jarls, the true authorities in their realms are the due to your density; a Karamhul dwarf will literally sink like a
druids -- wise counselors to regents and the primary religious stone.
figures of the Rjurik Highlands. Languages. You speak Karamhul and the regional human
Ability Score Increase. You increase your Constitution or dialect.
Wisdom score by 1.
Erik’s Blessing. You have advantage on saving throws
against magical fear and other effects that would cause the
frightened condition. When you are forced to make a saving Cerilia’s elves -- or Sidhelien, as they are known in their
throw against an effect or situation that would cause tongue -- are a truly ancient people who walked the wilderness
exhaustion, you have advantage. of the continent long before the arrival of humanity and their
strange gods. Some met the appearance of the humans with
Vos Human (Culture) grace and a helping hand, while others remained suspicious of
The Vos dwell in a harsh land of monsters and deep, freezing the fleeting creatures.
winters. Worshiping cruel gods and believing little in the When war for control of territory broke out and the elves
virtues of mercy and justice, they are collectively known for found themselves chased into the relative safety of their
their raiding, their mistrust of magic, and their brute savagery. enchanted woods, sentiment of the humans turned dark and
They are not completely untrustworthy, however, and a Vos remains suspicious even in modern times. Now, the once
taken as an individual can become a steadfast ally. unified Elven Court is fractured into myriad smaller realms,
Ability Score Increase. You increase your Strength or each a reflection of the majesty they once held, and possessed
Constitution score by 1. of different views on how to deal with the human race. Some
Heartless Wastelander. You are proficient in the Survival attempt to guide humanity to a better way of life, fewer seek to
skill and are proficient in light and medium armor and with emulate them, and others still loathe all humans and kill them
simple weapons. on sight.
All Cerilian elves are of a single subrace, as outlined below.
“Standard” Human They stand as tall as humans, though tend to be more slender
If your Game Master allows, you may play a human that and fair-featured.
eschews their heritage, comes from a distant land or world, or
is descended from ancestry that blends the various cultures. Sidhelien Elf (Subrace)
This acts as a typical human, but this option reduces some of Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by
the flavor of the setting. 1.
Speed. Your base speed is 35 feet.
Dwarves Ancient Blood. Your kind’s strong connection to the ancient
The dwarves have always existed in Cerilia, said to be born of magic of Cerilia manifests as an innate resistance. You gain
the mountain stone in ages past. They are an industrious and one third of the Source rating of the province (rounded down)
stalwart people accustomed to war and hardship, having in which you currently stand as a bonus to ability checks and
fought endless conflicts against the vile orogs in the deep saving throws.
places of the world since the earliest days of their recorded Languages. You speak Sidhelien and the regional human
history. dialect.
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Half-Elves Languages
Elves and humans only rarely dally, and even more rarely do The languages of Cerilia are both regional and racial. There is
children come of these unions. The life of a half-elf is difficult no single “Common” tongue that all races speak. Translators,
if they live among humans -- ever suspicious of those that are or court mages with the comprehend languages spell at their
different -- but should they be sheltered among elvenkind, they disposal, are necessary for communication across national
are mostly accepted within those communities. borders.
Half elves are unchanged from their standard description,
save for their language picks; they speak Sidhelien and the Human Tongues
regional human dialect. Most of humanity emigrated from the shadowy continent of
Aduria long ago, and thus shares some linguistic similarities --
Halflings even among Rjuven and Vos, who developed their own written
Humans are not the only immigrants to Cerilia. Long ago, the forms. Only the Basarji, who came from the far eastern
halfling race lived in world of twilight alongside this one, but continent, have a language and script that has no root in a
were forced to flee the dark powers of that realm. Though common Adurian ancestor tongue.
they could once freely walk between the two worlds unbound, Human Languages
their powers have since withered -- but have not vanished Language Script
Halflings do not have a significant culture of their own, Andu (Old Anuirean) Adurian
though they do stick together in a world of big people, big Anuirean Adurian
nations, and big wars. More often than not, halflings emulate
the humans or elves near which they live, disappearing into Basarji Basarji
crowds and going largely unnoticed throughout society. Low Brecht (modern) Adurian
All Cerilian halflings belong to the following subrace.
High Brecht (ancient) Adurian
Umbric Halfling (Subrace) Rjuven Runic
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by Vos Vosgaardic
Easily Overlooked. You are proficient in Stealth. Demihuman Tongues
From Shadow. As an action, you may open your awareness
to know the location of any fey, fiend, undead, creature of the Unlike humanity, the "demihuman" races (a moniker which
Shadow World, or awnsheghlien with 60 feet of you that is not they despise) share no common ancestry and are as different
behind total cover. You know the type of being whose presence as can be compared to one another. Their languages are alien
you sense, but not its unique identity. Within the same radius, in sentence structure and grammatical conceits compared to
you can detect the presence of magic from the necromantic Adurian-based tongues. The halfling language, Umbric, is
school. You must complete a short or long rest before you can particularly unique in that the inflection and body language
use this ability again. that accompanies each spoken word can imply multiple
The halfling may also use the misty step spell while meanings based on context.
standing in any condition of dim or darker lighting (such as a Demihuman Languages
crowded tavern, a wilderness cave, or conditions or moon or
starlight). You must complete a short or long rest before you Languages Script
can use this ability again. Karamhul Davek
Upon reaching 7th level, the halfling may also use the
dimension door spell under the same conditions. Once you Sidhelien Rellanic
use this ability, you must complete a long rest before you can Umbric Umbric
use it again.
Languages. You speak Umbric and the regional human
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Nonhuman Tongues The higher one's social station, the more likely it is that
literacy is among learned skills. Merchant classes and nobles
From the consonant-heavy and forcefully-spoken Draconic to are virtually guaranteed to be literate, as are elves and
the gibbering tongues of the goblinkin, there are no common dwarves -- even the most scholastically-challenged of the
roots in these languages. demihumans will pick it up at some point over their long lives.
Draconic is typically spoken by arcane spellcasters as part Halflings find it important to keep diligent records, and thus
of their verbal spell components. As such, it is a fairly ensure their youths learn to read and write at least the
common language in areas known for magicians and wizards, Umbric language before they set off into the world. The
particularly Khinasi. It is also spoken by select monstrous Basarji, with their respect for academic achievement, also
humanoids, such as lizardfolk, and of course what few consider it essential to learn to read.
dragons remain in Cerilia. Among the savage species of Cerilia, however, nothing is
The Gormish script is that adopted by the various guaranteed. Most gnolls, goblins, or orogs never bother to
monstrous races of Cerilia, and is a bastardization of multiple learn to read, and their languages are either so debased and
Cerilian languages. Its origins are unknown, as its speakers pidgin that such efforts are frequently wasted (as with the
do not tend toward linguistic study. messy Gormish script) or lack a written form at all (as with
the gnolls, who just don't bother).
Nonhuman Languages Curiously, giants share the Davek script with dwarves.
Language Script Whether this is due to some shared linguistic ancestry or one
Draconic Iokharic
race borrowing from the other in some distant epoch is
Giant Davek
Gnoll None
Goblin Gormish
Orog Gormish
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Though only the chief deity of the dwarf and goblin
pantheon is listed below, each race has a diverse collection of
gods and goddesses to which they give homage -- though the
A Note on Arcane Magic goblins shed and collect gods frequently due to their fickle and
Magic-users come with an inherent restriction in hateful nature. Elves of Cerilia have never paid respect to any
the Birthright setting. Characters that are not elves gods, and elf clerics are either outcasts or anathema to their
or half-elves, or are not blooded scions, cannot people. Even elven druids, in contrast to human druids who
belong to the sorcerer or wizard class, nor to worship Erik, have no ties to divine powers.
magically-inclined fighter and rogue archetypes. The Finally, there are unlisted patrons that answer dark prayers
divine spark within elves and blooded scions for various monstrous and giant peoples, though more often
enkindles the latent ability to draw magical power than not, these powers are actually fearsome demon princes.
from the land, also known as mebhaighl, and use it
to cast powerful magic. Avani, Radiant Lady (LN): Life, Light
Belinik, Visage of Terror (CE): Nature, War
Cuiraecen, Steward of War (CG): Tempest, War
Eloele, Mistress of Night (CN): Trickery
Barbarian Erik, Nature’s Guardian (N): No domains (all priests of Erik
The barbarian class is personified by Vos marauders, but is are druids)
also represented in Rjurik and orog berserkers. However, Haelyn, Lord of Justice (LG): Life, Light, War
examples of the barbarian class can be found in cultures Kartathok the Goblin Sovereign (LE): Tempest, War
across Cerilia, and even elves have been known to give in to Kriesha, Winter Witch (LE): Life, Tempest
their inner rage at the depredations of humans. Laerme, Lady of Peerless Beauty (CG): Knowledge, Light
Moradin the Dwarffather (LG): Knowledge, War
Bard Nesirie, Sister the Seas (NG): Life, Nature
Ruornil, Seer of the Moon (N): Knowledge, Life
True bards are incredibly rare in the courts of wealthy regents. Sera the Golden (CN): Knowledge, Trickery
Prized for their love of gossip and dilettante magical talents, it Additionally, clerics may cast realm spells that require
is a rare leader who turns away the presence of a bard in their Temple holdings.
domain; unless, of course, they suspect them of being an
agent of a distant rival. They are set apart from common Druid
minstrels by their unique blend of skills and quasi-mystical
secret societies, which they call Colleges. All druids in Cerilia belong either to the priesthood of Erik,
The secret lore of bards allows them to tap into their own the human god of the wilderness, or small clans of elven
sort of magic that is similar to that of sorcerers and wizards, druids in deep forest enclaves. Ordered into circles in much
but does not require them to be a blooded scion. This lore is the same way as the class recommends, they tend to prize a
highly guarded among the few bardic colleges and is purely balance and harmony with the natural world and rarely take
oral or musical in nature, as opposed to something that can be on the duties of a regent -- the wishes of the regional
studied in a book and broken down. This has confounded archdruid may take precedence over governing the realm.
magical academies across Cerilia and led to no few hostile Elf druids and human druids rarely interface in peaceful
incidents. ways due to the former’s distaste for the latter. Furthermore,
Bards may cast realm spells that utilize Source holdings. elves consider the involvement of a human deity in the affairs
of druids foolish at best and an affront at worst. Elves typically
Cleric belong to their own circles, while human druids avow
different circles. Other, more secluded circles may exist.
As a unique campaign world, the Birthright setting has its own Druids may cast realm spells that require Temple holdings.
collection of deities. The vast majority of these gods and
goddesses were created in the moments following the end of
the Battle of Deismaar. They are distant deities at best, and Elven Druids and Sources
rarely manifest their will beyond that which their priests The idea of the druid being in tune with the pulse of
embody. As such, even temples to the same god may be in the land creates some opportunities for furthering
conflict based on religious or political differences, and the the divide between human and elven druids. To
alignment of a deity is no promise of the temperament of their accomplish this, simply allow elven druids to utilize
clerics. Source holdings and create Ley Lines instead, as
well as cast realm spells that require Sources.
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Fighter Sorcerer
Fighting women and men are represented across the length Sorcerers are not well known in Cerilia, and not well-
and breadth of Cerilia as knights, soldiers, mercenaries, and regarded by those that do recognize them as distinct
thugs. Magically-inclined fighter archetypes are uncommon disciplines apart from wizards. At best, they foster a lineage of
and must be blooded scions, elves, or half-elves, while other ancient, elemental monstrosities and at worst they are
archetypes are fairly evenly represented. unpredictable forces of mayhem. Their more studious
Fighters so inclined may learn and cast realm spells that counterparts at Cerilia’s few arcane universities may even look
use Source holdings. down on sorcerers for their unorthodox talents.
As sorcery depends not only on one’s heritage, but also a
Monk connection to the magic of the land, no character that is not an
elf, half-elf, or blooded scion may belong to or gain levels in
There are no famous monastic institutions in Cerilia that the sorcerer class.
would train individuals in the skills of the monk class. While it A sorcerer can learn and cast realm spells that require
would be unusual given the general flavor of the setting, some Source holdings.
options may exist as sources for monk-style training. Certain
Khinasi desert hermits may know styles of combat and Warlock
meditation that emulate monk abilities, learned from long
periods living in the harsh wastelands where the only Warlocks are not terribly common in Cerilia, but the path is
company is one’s own mind. attractive as it allows those who seek the secrets of the arcane
to receive their power from unnatural sources without the
Paladin benefit of a divine bloodline. Most warlocks make pacts with
those beings as one might expect, but some warlocks instead
Much rarer than fighters, paladins are still expected to fill draw their power from the malevolent entities of the Shadow
many of the same roles. While most directly serve a religious World.
organization, many are “free knights” traveling the land and While warlocks cast magic, they cannot learn or cast realm
serving righteous (or vile) causes. Those who serve evil gods spells unless they belong to the garradalaigh pact, as
or champion wicked causes are known more commonly as described below.
black knights.
Paladins may cast realm spells that utilize Temple holdings. Garradalaigh Pact
The garradalaigh (ga-ROD-a-lay) are legendary creatures with
Ranger a mystical bent. In myths, they are said to bestow their gifts
Many, but not all rangers serve druidic circles as guides and upon talented spellcasters, and may do so for any magician or
functionaries where the druids cannot (or will not) go. It is the true-blooded arcanist. However, their chosen agents are
rare ranger that is called upon to be a ruler, as the trappings typically warlocks.
and requirements of courtly living do not easily coexist with While not all garradalaigh are of great power, those few that
the ranger’s wilderness talents. More often, they are employed are lurk at the fringes of Cerilia’s known territories,
by regents to act as woodwards, guides, or ambassadors in slumbering away the centuries until fey urges or a disturbing
harsh territories. presence awaken them. Each garradalaigh is unique,
Rangers may cast realm spells that utilize Temple holdings. possessing a bizarre (though not necessarily unpleasant)
appearance and capable of powerful arcane magic.
Rogue A garradalaigh pact warlock is encouraged to work with the
Game Master to select an existing garradalaigh, or invent a
All manner of scoundrels, knaves, and confidence artists ply completely new one with its own goals and outlook. These are
the trade roads of Cerilia. Some become deadly assassins in not always objectives that mortal creatures understand,
the employ of wealthy lords, and others still act as spies for though most garradalaighs are not considered malign and do
the same. A rare few become regents in their own right. not associate with corrupt or contemptible creatures.
Rogue archetypes that are magically-inclined must be blooded Some examples of known garradalaighs are the Audreeana,
scions, elves, or half-elves; those without the blood cannot a beast with the body of a bat-winged horse and a second,
master the higher magic necessary to pursue this archetype. simian head that is known for its kindly nature; the Siddwynd,
Rogues who are magically-inclined may learn and cast an enormous gossamer-winged lizard with an affinity for
realm spells that require Source holdings. serpents and other reptiles; and the Tualleiaght, a many-
limbed, burrowing monstrosity with a brilliant intellect and
aptitude for linguistics.
A garradalaigh pact warlock stands out due to their unusual
manipulation of arcane magic. Secrets taught to them by their
curious benefactors give the warlock the ability to shape
magic in curious ways to flummox or deny enemy spellcasters
of any sort, as well as tap into the realm magic that other
warlocks cannot learn.
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Expanded Spell List Starting at 14th level, the warlock may respond in kind to any
Spell Level Spells
effect to which they are subjected. On the warlock’s turn, they
may use one of their spell slots of the appropriate level to
1st faerie fire, sleep duplicate any one spell to which they were subjected in the
2nd gust of wind, warding bond time since their last turn (or since the beginning of the
encounter, if they have not yet acted).
3rd blink, call lightning The warlock may do this as many times as they have spell
4th confusion, stone shape slots available, and they must be among the targets affected by
the spell they wish to duplicate (even if it is a spell that
5th mislead, reincarnate requires a saving throw at which they succeed). If the warlock
lacks a suitable spell slot for the effect they were subjected to
Additionally, garradalaigh pact warlocks that are also (i.e. of a higher level than the spells they can cast), they cannot
blooded scions may learn and cast realm magic provided they use this ability.
possess the means -- they are the only warlocks capable of For example, a 14th level garradalaigh pact warlock and her
doing so. These realm spells do not count against the friends are subjected to the effects of a burning hands spell
warlock’s spells known. Warlocks utilize Source holdings to cast with a 4th level spell slot. The warlock, on her turn, may
cast their realm spells and generate Regency Points consume one of her spell slots to cast burning hands at the
accordingly. same level.
Aura Sight If the warlock were instead struck by a chain lightning spell
When the warlock selects this pact at 1st level, they gain a and managed to survive, she could not cast chain lightning on
mystical second sense into which they can tap to detect her next turn because she lacks the ability to cast a spell slot
supernatural or unwholesome effects. By using their action, of 6th level or higher.
the warlock can duplicate one of the following spells: detect Wizard
evil and good, detect magic, or detect poison and disease. The
warlock can use this ability a number of times equal to their Wizards are feared and respected across the continent. In
Charisma modifier, and regain all uses of this ability after Khinasi lands, they command the greatest respect, as
completing a long rest. practicing magic is seen as the highest calling. In Anuirean,
Brecht, or Rjurik lands, the wizard is a valued member of any
Draw Upon Source lord or lady’s court, commanding a position not unlike a grand
A garradalaigh can innately draw upon the mebhaighl of the vizier. The Vos have a somewhat dim view of wizards in
land to fuel its abilities, and it imparts this knowledge unto its general, associating them with folklore about evil witches and
warlock. Starting at 6th level, the warlock may steal a portion devious necromancers.
of a province’s Source to boost their spellcasting abilities. A character that is neither elf or half-elf may not belong to
When you cast a spell that requires an attack roll or forces the the wizard class if they do not also possess a bloodline. The
target (or targets) to make a saving throw, you can draw upon pursuit of wizardry depends on one’s connection to the magic
the power of the land to make the attack roll with advantage of the land, which a common scholar simply does not possess
or force the victims to save with disadvantage. regardless of their dedication.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you Wizards may learn and cast realm spells that require
finish a short or long rest. Drawing upon the power of the land Source holdings.
in this manner alerts anyone who possesses a Source holding
in the province, though they do not necessarily know the
origin of the theft. The Source itself is unharmed by this
relatively meager draw.
Mystic Skin of Ancients
Starting at 10th level, the warlock may choose a single school
of magic after completing a short or long rest. Until another
school is selected through this feature, the warlock has
advantage on all saving throws against spells and effects from
that school.
If the warlock is ever struck with a weapon forged of cold
iron, the power of this ability is broken until the warlock can
complete another short or long rest. Most standard metal
weapons in Cerilia are assumed to be crafted of a common
form of steel, and lack the “purity” of cold iron.
Duplicate Dweomer
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his is a choice players will make at first level. It Like other ability scores, players cannot acquire higher than
is a simply yes or no answer, with no obligation a 20 through natural means. As a rule, player characters are
to actually be the ruler of a domain if one does never intended to attain True bloodline strength, as these are
say yes. Birthright generally assumes players relegated to awnsheghlien and other creatures of extreme
will want to do this, but most individuals in the power or ones who were at the Battle of Deismaar (that is, the
setting completely lack any of the ancient event that created the divine lineages in the first place).
bloodlines. Nor does a lack of bloodline Should they ever rise to this degree of power, they would be
preclude one from actually holding a title or position within a the first to do so in many centuries.
court; most NPC nobles and courtiers won't have a bloodline. The Bloodline score does not naturally drive any skills or
A player should not feel obligated to play a character that proficiencies, nor is any class or race naturally proficient in
has a bloodline. In and of itself, the lack of bloodline takes Bloodline saving throws or skill checks. It will sometimes be
some pressure and sometimes-unwelcome attention off of the used as an additional modifier on certain checks or when
character, for those who possess a bloodline tend to have determining events and acquisitions during the season, which
greatness thrust upon them or enemies that spring up to steal I'll get into much later on. Bloodline saving throws are used to
their birthright. At worst, this comes at the tip of a tighmaevril resist severe damage from certain powerful magic spells,
sword. terrible events happening in a domain that you own, or attacks
from tighmaevril weapons, which can steal bloodline power
directly from victims (though are thankfully extremely rare).
Unblooded Characters Characters without bloodline scores -- that is to say, those
Characters who opt out of playing a blooded scion who elect to not play a blooded scion -- are outright immune to
may add +1 to any single ability score at character any effects that call for Bloodline saving throws. They cannot
creation. If that character later becomes blooded make Bloodline checks for domain actions and cannot rule
through investiture or some other means, they do domains.
not lose this increase. A higher Bloodline may also change the form and power of
any blood abilities that a player might possess. Generally, if
you want to play a blooded character that is exceedingly good
Players who elect to have a bloodline possess a seventh ability at managing and ruling their domain, or who wants very
score, aptly named Bloodline. This ability score, like the strong bloodline abilities, you want your Bloodline score to be
others, ranges from 1 to 20 for player characters, with higher high.
numbers representing a stronger and more pure lineage. It is
listed along with the other ability scores and possesses a Bloodline Derivations
modifier and saving throw, as though it were any other score.
It may also be raised with ability score increases gained by The next step is to determine your bloodline derivation. This
earning levels. determines which ancient, now-dead deity from whence your
Blooded characters using the standard array gain an 11 to power springs, along with the blood abilities you might
place where they wish (making your standard array consist of receive. There are seven derivations to select from.
15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8). Point-buy gains an extra 3 points to There is no rule regarding which dead deity your power
distribute. Those who opt to roll simply roll for an additional springs from; even heroic characters can be cursed with the
ability score assignment. blood of Azrai, for example. It is worth noting that Azrai's
Bloodline has a second axis of measurement in its bloodline blood is seen as a terrible omen, and those with it often
strength, as seen on the table below become awnsheghlien if allowed to reach the heights of their
power. Still, it can be an excellent roleplaying hook to fight the
Bloodline Strength cursed blood that runs in your veins and perform righteous
Bloodline Score Bloodline Strength deeds -- or conversely, use the prestige of Anduiras to your
own cruel and tyrannical ends.
1-8 Tainted
9-14 Minor Anduiras
15-19 Major Anduiras was the ancient Andu god of kings. The tenets of
nobility and lordship were his domains, and he was often
20-24 Great represented by a golden-maned lion. Anduiras was also a god
25+ True of righteous warfare, if any organized slaughter can be
construed as righteous, and those who bear his bloodline have
similar expectations placed upon them.
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Azrai It should be stated that a character who begins play with a
Tainted bloodline strength, or who later becomes blooded and
Once a power of evil and darkness, Azrai’s brood were feared does not have at least a Minor strength score, does not get to
by all, even the other gods. It was Azrai that initiated the great select a blood ability. The blood is too tainted (naturally) to
conflict in ages past that led to the Battle of Deismaar and the actually gain any significant power with it. You can still rule a
destruction of the gods, and those that bear his lineage in days domain and conduct actions as a regent, but no ability
hence are considered cursed. While not all who carry Azrai’s manifests itself. If you ever increase your Bloodline score to at
blood are evil, most are, and that legacy follows his scions least Minor strength, you may then choose a blood ability
wherever they go. fitting your derivation and strength category.
If, through bloodtheft or a powerful curse, your bloodline
Basaia drops to a lower category from a higher category, any abilities
Basaia was a sun goddess, originally worshiped by the Basarji you possess that require the higher category become dormant
who would later settle Khinasi lands. Resplendent in her and cannot be used until your bloodline strength is restored.
beauty and majesty, those who bear her bloodline are Blood Abilities by Derivation and
similarly regal. Basaia’s scions often find hospitality in Khinasi
lands. Strength
Brenna Anduiras
Animal Affinity (Minor, Major, Great)
Good fortune and wealth are associated with Brenna, once Battlewise (Major)
well-regarded among the Brechts. In ancient days, Brenna Courage (Minor, Major, Great)
was invoked by merchants and gamblers alike, as well as Deny Illusion (Minor)
travelers seeking luck in their journeys. Divine Aura (Major, Great)
Divine Wrath (Major)
Masela Elemental Control (Great)
Worshipped by the now-vanished Masetian culture, Masela Enhanced Sense (Minor, Major)
was a goddess whose spheres of influence included weather Healing (Minor, Major, Great)
and the sea. The Masetians were expert sailors and Iron Will (Minor)
cartographers, and Masela’s scions are similarly drawn to Long Life (Minor)
coastal regions. Protective Veil (Major)
Regeneration (Great)
Reynir Unreadable Thoughts (Minor)
The Rjuven tribe of humans, which would become the people Azrai
of the Rjurik Highlands, worshipped Reynir. Those who Alertness (Minor)
sought to navigate the trackless forests and drink safely from Alter Appearance (Major)
the cool streams of the land would invoke his name. Animal Affinity (Minor, Major, Great)
Battlewise (Major)
Vorynn Death Touch (Minor, Major)
The mysterious Vorynn was associated with the moon and the Deny Illusion (Minor)
mysteries of magic. In defiance of their current cultural norm, Divine Aura (Major, Great)
the Vos once held Vorynn as their chief god, and today his Enhanced Sense (Minor, Major)
scions are associated with prophecies and scholarship. Fearsome Mien (Major)
Iron Will (Minor)
Long Life (Minor, Major, Great)
Acquiring Blood Abilities Poison Sense (Minor)
At the time of character creation, provided you have elected to Regeneration (Great)
be a blooded scion, you may choose one blood ability from the Shadow Form (Great)
list of those available to your derivation. You must be of the Touch of Decay (Great)
bloodline strength associated with the ability in question. Note Travel (Great)
that some abilities have multiple strength categories listed, Unreadable Thoughts (Minor)
and grow more powerful as the character's Bloodline score Basaia
increases. Alertness (Minor)
For example, the human scion of Basaia, Erin Velescarpe, Animal Affinity (Minor, Major, Great)
has a starting Bloodline score of 15 at first level. This puts her Blood History (Minor)
in the Major category, so she can choose any Basaia ability Character Reading (Major)
that is classified as Major. If she chooses the Healing ability, Deny Illusion (Minor)
she gains the benefits from both its Minor and Major Divine Aura (Major, Great)
variations. If Erin later increases her Bloodline score to 20 Divine Wrath (Major)
(becoming a Great bloodline), she automatically gains the Elemental Control (Great)
Great variation of this ability. Enhanced Sense (Minor, Major)
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Healing (Minor, Major, Great)
Long Life (Minor, Major, Great) Blood Abilities in Detail
Protective Veil (Major)
Travel (Great) Alertness (Minor)
Unreadable Thoughts (Minor) You have a bonus on Initiative rolls and Perception rolls (as
Brenna well as passive Perception) equal to your Bloodline modifier,
Alertness (Minor) with a minimum value of +1.
Alter Appearance (Major) Alter Appearance (Major)
Animal Affinity (Minor, Major, Great)
Character Reading (Major) You may use the disguise self spell once, and it recharges after
Deny Illusion (Minor) a long rest. You do not require material components for this
Enhanced Sense (Minor only) spell.
Iron Will (Minor)
Long Life (Minor, Major, Great) Animal Affinity (Minor, Major,
Protective Veil (Major) Great)
Travel (Great)
Unreadable Thoughts (Minor) Scions of Anduiras are oft depicted with lions in legend.
Azrai's brood are affiliated with serpents, primarily poisonous
Masela ones. Basaia favors eagles and hawks, and Brenna cats both
Animal Affinity (Minor, Major, Great) large and small. Masela's scions have kinship with dolphins
Blood History (Minor) and similar creatures. Reynir's chosen animal is the wolf,
Deny Illusion (Minor) while Vorynn is most often represented by owls.
Direction Sense (Minor) Minor: You possess a slightly altered version of detect
Divine Aura (Major, Great) thoughts that allows you to read the surface thoughts and
Divine Wrath (Major) emotions of animals of your bloodline’s affiliation. You may
Elemental Control (Great) use this power at will.
Enhanced Sense (Minor, Major) Major: You may speak with animals of your bloodline's
Long Life (Minor, Major, Great) affiliation at will. They will never attack you unless first
Protective Veil (Major) provoked.
Travel (Great) Great: You may also use the animal friendship and animal
Unreadable Thoughts (Minor) messenger spells once each, but only towards animals of your
bloodline's affiliation. These uses recharge after a long rest. In
Alertness (Minor) addition, you may use a special form of wild shape, as though
you were a druid, provided you meet minimum level
Animal Affinity (Minor, Major, Great) requirements. Each bloodline’s wild shape abilities are
Deny Illusion (Minor) described below.
Direction Sense (Minor) At 2nd level, an Azrai scion can transform into a venomous
Divine Aura (Major, Great) snake as a druid of equivalent level. At 4th level, the scion can
Elemental Control (Great) instead transform into a giant venomous snake.
Enhanced Sense (Minor only) At 2nd level, a scion of Brenna can transform into a cat as a
Healing (Minor, Major, Great) druid of equivalent level. At 4th level, the scion can instead
Iron Will (Minor) transform into a panther. At 8th level, the scion can instead
Long Life (Minor, Major, Great) transform into a tiger.
Poison Sense (Minor) At 2nd level, a scion of Reynir can transform into a wolf as a
Protective Veil (Major) druid of equivalent level. At 8th level, the scion can instead
Regeneration (Great) transform into a dire wolf.
Unreadable Thoughts (Minor) At 4th level, a scion of Masela can transform into a dolphin
Vorynn as a druid of equivalent level (use the statistics for a reef shark
Alter Appearance (Major) but without its special abilities; instead substitute the special
Animal Affinity (Minor, Major, Great) abilities of the killer whale). At 8th level, the scion can instead
Blood History (Minor) transform into a killer whale.
Character Reading (Major) At 4th level, a scion of Vorynn can transform into an owl as
Deny Illusion (Minor) a druid of equivalent level. At 8th level, they can instead
Divine Aura (Major, Great) transform into a giant owl.
Enhanced Sense (Minor, Major) At 4th level, a scion of Basaia can transform into an eagle as
Long Life (Minor, Major, Great) a druid of equivalent level. At 8th level, they can instead
Protective Veil (Major) transform into a giant eagle.
Travel (Great) At 4th level, a scion of Anduiras can transform into a young
Unreadable Thoughts (Minor) lion (use statistics for a panther) as a druid of equivalent level.
At 8th level, a scion of Andurias can instead transform into a
full grown lion.
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Battlewise (Major) Direction Sense (Minor)
Units that the scion commands in battle are stronger and You always know which direction is north, regardless of your
more likely to achieve victory. When determining automatic place above or below ground.
battle resolution, you may reroll a number of d6 results equal Scions of Reynir can never lose their way in wilderness or
to your Bloodline modifier, but only when the die result is a 1 rural settings. You do not need to make checks to determine if
(before modifiers). The scion must be present during the you or your party become lost, unless the setting is unnatural
battle, though they do not need to be attached to any units. (such as the twisted landscape of the Shadow World).
Scions of Masela can never become lost at sea. You can
Blood History (Minor) innately navigate by the stars and by your own supernatural
You have inherited the memories of your predecessors. You senses. However, you must be familiar with any land mass you
have advantage on all History checks made to recall events of wish to travel to; you do not have preternatural knowledge of
the past, and once per day you may call upon those memories continents you have not visited.
to gain advantage on any one skill check that is not a
Bloodline domain action check. This use recharges after a Divine Aura (Major, Great)
long rest. Your mantle of power and nobility naturally influences
individuals around you. Any NPC who would begin their
Character Reading (Major) interaction with you as indifferent is instead friendly. Hostile
After one minute spent concentrating on a target, you gain NPCs are unaffected.
advantage on Deception, Insight, or Persuasion checks made Major: You may use the enthrall spell once per day. This
to assess or influence an individual. Note that this long pause use recharges after a long rest.
requires you to stare intently at the target. Great: As above, and beginning at 5th level you may use
You can instead make a special Insight check (without either the hypnotic pattern or fear spell (but not both in one
advantage) to determine if the target is under any sort of day) once per day. This use recharges after a long rest.
compulsion, magical or otherwise. The DC for this check is
typically the saving throw DC of the effect in question. Once Divine Wrath (Major)
you make this special check, it cannot be made for the same You can surround yourself with an intangible mantle of divine
individual again until the scion completes a long rest (though malevolence that others cannot see, but can clearly sense. As
you may decide to check their allies at your discretion, a bonus action, you may add your Bloodline modifier to attack
provided you can continue to make excuses for staring at and damage rolls with melee or ranged weapons for 1 minute.
them). You may not use this ability again until you have completed a
short or long rest.
Courage (Minor, Major, Great)
Minor: You have advantage on saving throws against any Elemental Control (Great)
effect that can make you frightened. The element of Anduiras is air, for he was lord of the skies and
Major: You and any allies within 30 feet of you have all that crowns the world. Basaia, as a sun goddess, was
advantage on saving throws against any effect that can make affiliated with fire. Masela's domain was the sea, and
you frightened. elemental water is hers to command. Reynir was the
Great: As above, and any units you command on the everlasting earth, and his elemental power is similarly aligned.
battlefield will never flee from an engagement unless You speak the language of the elementals you are affiliated
destroyed or commanded to do so. You must be present at the with. You will always be neutral with elementals of that type
engagement for this ability to function in this way, and remain unless they are summoned and bound to attack you by a
within sight of your troops at all times. controlling entity.
At 7th level, you may cast the conjure lesser elementals
Death Touch (Minor, Major) spell once per day, but only to summon elementals of your
Minor: You may use the poison spray cantrip as a wizard of affiliated type. This use recharges after a long rest.
your level. You do not require a spellbook or material At 9th level, you may also cast the conjure elemental spell
components to cast this spell. once per day, but only to summon elementals of your affiliated
Major: You may poison any individual, water source or food type. This use recharges after a long rest.
that you touch, at will. Anything that imbibes your poisoned
substances must make a Constitution saving throw or become Enhanced Sense (Minor, Major)
poisoned (Bloodline is your casting ability for this power). Anduiras, Minor: You may use divine sense as a paladin once
per day. If you are also a paladin, you gain additional use of
Deny Illusion (Minor) this ability. This ability recharges after a long rest.
The scion has advantage on saving throws against any spell of Anduiras, Major: You may clearly see someone's bloodline
the Illusion school that allows a save. strength and derivation by looking at them. While this does
not give you the numeric ability score, you can determine
whether they are tainted, minor, major, great, or true at a
glance and which derivation of divine blood they possess.
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Azrai, Minor: You may see through any magical darkness Iron Will (Minor)
effects as though they did not exist, and you have darkvision
out to 60 feet. If you already possess darkvision, your range is You may spend your action to end a single enchantment or
increased by 60 feet. charm effect of your choice that is currently affecting you. You
Azrai, Major: You automatically detect creatures with a may use this a number of times equal to your Bloodline
Bloodline score equal to or greater than 20 within 100 feet modifier (minimum 1), and your uses recharge after a long
and can pinpoint their location. You know the nature and rest.
relative strength of such creatures (a low-level scion with a
Great bloodline might register to you as weak, while a terrible Long Life (Minor, Major, Great)
awnsheghlien would be sensed as an extreme danger). You Minor: Your maximum lifespan is increased by 50%, and your
can also automatically detect places where there is a strong Constitution score increases by 1.
connection to the Shadow World while standing in them. Major: Your maximum lifespan is increased by 100%, and
Basaia, Minor: Your distance vision is sublime. You do not your Constitution score increases by an additional 1.
suffer disadvantage for firing ranged weapons at long range. Great: Your maximum lifespan is increased by 200%, and
Basaia, Major: You are immune to conditions which would your Constitution score increases by a further 1 (for a total of
blind you, short of having your eyes directly removed or +3 Constitution).
destroyed. You cannot be surprised and can see through Constitution increases provided by this blood ability allow
magical darkness effects as if they did not exist. you to exceed the ability score limitation for player characters.
Brenna: Your hearing is especially acute, and you have In the event you gain a level that provides an ability score
advantage on any Perception or Investigation checks increase, and your Constitution is already 20 or higher
associated with hearing. You cannot be deafened. through possession of this blood ability, you cannot use the
Masela, Minor: You are unaffected by conditions of ability score increase to raise your Constitution further (it
extreme wind or rain, and do not suffer any disadvantage to does not “apply first” in the stack).
skill checks or attack rolls as a result of these conditions.
Masela, Major: You can hear your name spoken, as well as Poison Sense (Minor)
what is said about you, anywhere within 10 miles of your
position. Both you and the speaker must be outdoors at the As an action, you may smell or taste any substance or object
time. that you suspect to be poisoned or diseased to confirm
Reynir: You have advantage on any Survival checks made to whether it is safe. You have advantage on saving throws
track opponents. In addition, you have advantage on checks against effects that poison you or inflict you with disease.
made to forage for food in the wilderness.
Vorynn, Minor: You may use the augury spell once per day Protective Veil (Major)
as a ritual. This use recharges after a long rest. As a bonus action, you may use the protection from evil and
Vorynn, Major: You may use the divination spell beginning good spell on yourself or another individual you touch. You
at 7th level, once per day as a ritual. This use recharges after a may use this ability a number of times equal to your Bloodline
long rest. modifier. All uses of this ability recharge after completing a
long rest.
Fearsome Mien (Major)
Once per day as a bonus action, by either touch or a weapon Regeneration (Great)
attack, you may force your target to make a Wisdom saving Whenever you take a short rest, you regain an additional
throw or be affected by the fear spell. Bloodline is your number of hit points equal to your Bloodline modifier for each
spellcasting ability for this power. This ability recharges after hit die you expend. At the end of a long rest, you recover all
a long rest. expended hit dice, rather than the usual half your total. If you
neither rest or spend hit dice while resting, you regain hit
Healing (Minor, Major, Great) points equal to your Bloodline modifier every hour, even if you
Minor: You may use the Lay on Hands ability of a paladin, but are being active or traveling.
only to heal wounds (not to cure conditions). If you are also a You automatically succeed on death saving throws. If
paladin, your total pool of hit points per long rest is increased someone wishes to dispatch you, they must see it done
by 10, and you do not suffer the restriction. personally and not wait for you to bleed out.
Major: You may also use this pool to cure diseases or
neutralize poison, just as a paladin might. If you are also a Shadow Form (Great)
paladin, you need only expend 3 hit points from your pool to Azrai's corruption slowly transforms your body into a shadowy
cure one of these conditions, rather than 5. creature.
Great: You increase your healing pool by your Bloodline Beginning when you take this power, creatures from the
modifier times your level. Shadow World will be neutral to you, as though you were
native to that world. They will not generally attack you unless
provoked, but are not beholden to follow your commands.
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At 3rd level, you may use an action to assume shadow form for Unreadable Thoughts (Minor)
up to 10 minutes per day. You do not need to use these 10
minutes concurrently. Each transformation must last at least You are immune to the effects of the detect thoughts spell and
one minute. While so transformed, you adopt the guise of a you have advantage on saving throws against all other spells
shadowy creature and regain hit points equal to your and effects that attempt to read your mind. Attempts to use
Bloodline modifier at the start of your turn in conditions of Insight to determine your motives are at disadvantage.
complete darkness. You regain half of this value, rounded
down, in conditions of dim light.
At 5th level, you gain advantage on Stealth checks made
while attempting to hide in any location with dim or darker
lighting and gain resistance to necrotic damage while under
the effects of assume shadow form.
At 9th level your transformation becomes even more
powerful, turning you invisible in conditions of darkness (so
that even creatures with darkvision cannot make you out), and
you become resistant to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing damage whenever you use assume shadow form.
Touch of Decay (Great)
You may take an action to make a single melee attack using
your Bloodline score as the attack ability to deal 1d8 points of
damage. This damage replaces that of any unarmed strike you
would normally perform. The damage increases by 1d8
damage when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and
17th level (4d8).
Successful attacks against inanimate objects (including
constructs and unattended objects such as walls) double the
damage dice inflicted.
Unfortunately, this power sometimes manifests
spontaneously. Each day you must make a Bloodline saving
throw against DC 5. If this saving throw fails, you destroy a
random non-magical object in your possession.
Travel (Great)
Your bloodline enables you to transport to familiar locations,
with some restrictions. You may take yourself plus one other
individual per level along on your journeys. You must be
familiar with the destination you wish to teleport to, and it
must be a place in keeping with your derivation restrictions.
Traveling takes an action of preparation time, assuming the
conditions are correct for you to do so on both ends of your
Azrai: You enter the Shadow World to travel to your
destination. This form of travel must be done between the
sunset and sunrise, and both the entry and exit points must be
in place where the Shadow World is near to the living world
(such as in a graveyard, a deep cavern, or a bloody battlefield).
Basaia: Your entry and exit points must be in a fire large
enough to immerse your entire body. You and those you bring
with you are protected from the flames during the transition.
Brenna: Your entry and exit points must be standing on a
road, path, or trail.
Masela: Your entry and exit points must be partially
immersed (up to at least your waist) in a natural body of water
that connects to the sea. A river that empties into a bay or a
lake connected to the same river would count, but an isolated
mountain spring would not.
Vorynn: You can only transport at night, during moonrise or
moonset (regardless of the moon’s phase).
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Heir 1d8 Personality
Raised from birth to be the rightful inheritor of a noble legacy, I deserve all of the prestige and power that comes to
you were brought up in the lap of luxury and given the finest 1
schooling. Whether this lead to your becoming spoiled or
earning an appreciation for your advantages is for you to 2
Leadership is a heavy burden, and I will bear the
decide. weight as determined by destiny.
Your house devotes three individuals to watch over you and 3
I don’t know what to make of my heritage, and it
run errands on your behalf if you deem it necessary. makes me uncomfortable.
Depending on the level of freedom you are given by your This gift of the blood is a curse. I would get rid of it if I
family, these devoted protectors may be more hindrance than 4
help, though they are always loyal to you.
Skill Proficiencies. History, Performance 5
My bodyguards are more than just soldiers, they are
Languages. You can speak and read one additional my friends.
language of your choice. I move easily among my peers and understand well
Equipment. One set of fine clothes, one signet ring or other the power relationships in Cerilia.
badge of lineage, papers of pedigree, and a fine leather pouch I cannot shoulder this legacy alone. My allies are pillars
with 30 gp. 7
of support and friendship.
Feature: Devoted Protectors 8 Stay back! You could be an assassin.
You begin play with three devoted bodyguards who will
zealously protect you. These individuals are Guards, per the Ideal
monster entry, and each as a distinctive personality that you 1d6 Ideal
and the Game Master can work together to determine. All are Ambition. Power is mine, if I survive long enough to
loyal servants of your house and home, and will accompany 1
seize it. (Evil)
you -- within reason -- into danger. If slain, a new bodyguard Responsibility. Those with the blood must look after
can be recruited when you return to your home territory, but if 2
those without. (Good)
you go through bodyguards too quickly you may find yourself
bereft of volunteers. You may elect to purchase them custom 3
Dynasty. My bloodline will bring about a lineage of
equipment from your own purse, but are otherwise assumed peerless rulers. (Lawful)
to come with the standard kit given to Guards. Freedom. This blood will not dictate my life. I will live
Upon reaching 5th level, these bodyguards become 4
free, or not at all. (Chaotic)
Veterans as per the monster entry. At 11th level, they are
upgraded to Knights. The rules for equipment are the same, 5
Conquest. I am destined to rule, and I will take by force
though the Game Master may modify their stock equipment what I think I deserve! (Evil)
based on your culture and the region of play. Bodyguards are 6
Hope. The world needs those of divine lineage to
also suitable candidates to become lieutenants. guide it back to prosperity. (Good)
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1d6 Flaw
I am spoiled by my upbringing and find it difficult to
live without luxuries.
I do not fully appreciate the difficulties of the
common folk.
My parents spurn me as a disappointment and it
affects my confidence.
I am young, and my peers treat me with disregard or
My family is loathed and I will have an uphill battle to
become respected.
I treat those without bloodlines as disadvantaged
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Magician Training
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13+
Effect: You are a student of arcane theory and magical
traditions, and though you may lack a divine bloodline, you
know enough of the basics that you can cast a small number
of spells. You possess a spellbook and may learn and cast any
three first level spells from the wizard spell list with the
(ritual) tag. As with all rituals, these spells take 10 minutes
longer to cast and you must have your spellbook with you
throughout the casting.
Power of the Blood
Prerequisites: You possess a Bloodline score.
Effect: Your Bloodline score increases by 1. You may select
one blood ability for which you qualify at the time you take this
feat. If the Bloodline increase granted by this feat improves
the strength of your bloodline to a new category, you may
select the new ability as though you were that bloodline
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While Cerilia has examples of fantastical materials such as
mithril, adamantine, and dragon bone, there is one whose
value is absolutely immeasurable -- tighmaevril. A unique alloy
made by the legendary elven smith Ghoigwnnwd, the
glimmering metal (also known as bloodsilver) possesses
supernatural qualities that can steal the power of bloodlines
and utterly sever the tie between a regent and their land.
A blooded scion who is slain in battle by a killing blow
struck with a tighmaevril weapon has their bloodline
sundered from them, permanently. Even if the scion is later
raised from the dead, the killing stroke has severed the
connection forever. The scion may be the recipient of
investiture or other means to gain a new bloodline, but their
old connection is gone. If the scion is also a regent, the killing
blow also strips them of any banked Regency Points, their
ability to govern their realm on any but the most basic level is
paralyzed, as they lack the ability to generate further RP.
The individual who strikes the killing blow with the
tighmaevril weapon empowers their own bloodline. For a
period of one year, they make all Bloodline ability checks
(including domain action rolls) with advantage, and if the
Bloodline score of the slain regent is at least half of the
wielder’s Bloodline score (rounded down), the wielder
permanently increases their Bloodline ability score by 1.
In the event an unblooded individual wields a tighmaevril
weapon for this purpose, the first killing blow struck against a
blooded scion immediately imbues them with a tainted
bloodline. The individual gains a Bloodline score with a value
of 1 (-5 modifier) and a derivation that is the same as the
Only twelve tighmaevril weapons are said to exist, though
their exact nature, qualities, and current owners are largely
unknown. None have been able to ascertain the exact
processes used to create the metal, or even begin to guess at
its composition. Speculation runs wild in certain interested
circles, of course -- a sect of heretical clerics in Anuire even go
so far as to suspect Ghoigwnnwd was actually a previously
unknown elven deity, hidden in the guise of a humble smith.
This theory does not improve elven sentiment toward
The sole tighmaevril weapon known to be in the keeping of
an individual is the mighty greatsword held by the Gorgon,
who uses it to harvest the bloodlines of regents he slays in
battle to make himself stronger.
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Ruling Domains
Glossary of Terms Regency
The power that a blooded regent holds over the land. It is a
Assets very real sense of divine right to rule. It is also a currency of
A resource that a regent controls that is not otherwise sorts, referred to as regency points (RP, not to be confused
classified as a province or holding. These include Armies, with the roleplaying part of “RPG”).
Courts, Fortifications, Ley Lines, Lieutenants, Roads, Trade
Routes, and Treasury. Regent
The term used to describe a blooded scion that also rules a
Domain domain. This term is used in the setting itself by its populace,
The term for the collective territories that a regent holds. It but a regent is typically referred to by their noble title (count,
can be as small as a single province, or as large as whole baron, duke, etc.).
Domain Power Used to describe any blooded individual, but in a shorthand
A numeric rating that represents a regent’s total control over sense. One may be a scion without being a regent.
their territory. It is equal to the total number of levels of all
provinces and holdings that the regent currently owns, no Season
matter where they are located or what type by which they are A period of time in which a regent can perform activities in
classified. their domain, be it to go on adventures, build holdings, engage
in diplomacy, or muster armies to war. There are four full
Holding seasons in a Cerilian calendar year (winter, spring, summer,
An establishment of law, trade, faith, or magic within a autumn).
province. A province can only contain as many total holdings
of each type as it has levels; therefore a level 3 province can Regency
have up to 3 levels of each kind of holding, and not all of them As Regency is the first of two currencies used in managing
must be controlled by the same regent. Holding types are Law, domains, it becomes important to track every time a series of
Guild, Temple, and Source. seasons comes into play. At the beginning of a given season, a
regent collects Regency equivalent to their Domain Power
Loyalty (sum of all levels of all holdings and provinces) plus their
A scale of how loyal a given province is to its regent, affected Bloodline score modifier.
by Law holdings. Loyalty is graded as high, average, poor, or Example: Erin Velescarpe is a young regent with a lot of
rebellious. work to do to carve out her domain. She owns four provinces
(levels 3, 2, 1, and 4 respectively) and five total holdings (of
Province levels 2, 2, 1, and 1). Her Bloodline score is 15, giving her a
modifier of +2. At the beginning of the season, she collects 18
A section of land within a domain. The typical province is Regency Points.
anywhere from 1000 to 1500 square miles in size, but the Regency can be gained or lost in a number of ways. If the
exact dimensions are largely inconsequential. regent’s bloodline is ever damaged, by magic or some fell
Province Level curse, it will affect future Regency gains. It is also a currency
used to initiate actions during the season, with costs that vary
A numeric descriptor of how populated and developed a depending on the action being taken and how much effort the
province is, on a scale of 0 to 10. The more developed a regent puts into said action.
province, the less the potential of its Source (if any exists). A Should a character’s Regency Points ever drop below zero
rating of 0 is equivalent to a very sparsely populated frontier, for any reason (be it the attack of an awnsheghlien, a magic
while a 10 is a massive metropolis and its surrounding spell, or bad management of points during the season), they
territories, such as the Imperial City of Anuire. become temporarily cursed by their blood and are at
disadvantage on all checks made using Bloodline (domain
Realm Magic action checks, Bloodline saving throws, etc.) until their
Powerful spells that can be cast using Sources to power them. Regency Points once again rise to zero or above.
These spells can affect an entire province or an army As such, finding ways to target (directly or indirectly) an
occupying a province, and are extremely taxing to the enemy regent’s Regency Points is a valid means of weakening
spellcaster. them severely so that you can mount actions against their
territory. These methods will be covered more in depth below.
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Gold Bars Source Holdings
The other domain-level currency is the Gold Bar (GB). In Only those who are both blooded and can cast arcane spells
liquid terms, it’s roughly equivalent to two thousand gold (bards, magically-inclined fighters or rogues, sorcerers,
pieces of standard player currency, but is an abstracted value garradalaigh pact warlocks, and wizards) may make use of
of actual precious metal, trade gems, scrip, and miscellaneous source holdings. Sources are a representation of the primal
goods; very few regents keep massive treasury rooms full of magic of Cerilia, and in more developed lands, this magic is
solid gold ingots. Gold bars can be liquidated into coinage weaker. The further from civilization that a given piece of land
through a specific domain action, but are generally out of the is, the more likely it is to have a high source rating and thus
reach of players in the short term (no one is going to ride off more bountiful source holdings. Additionally, source holdings
with the entire domain’s currency by raiding one storehouse of are required for arcane spellcasters cast realm magic.
gold ingots). Source holdings may take the form of ancient henges,
The currency is used to finance domain actions of all kinds, primeval forests, faerie trods, the remains of a gigantic
from construction of holdings to paying spies and ancient dragon, or other sites of implied magical power. As a
mercenaries. It is also used to pay for court expenses when rule, the more wild and unexplored a place is, the greater its
hosting dignitaries and holding tournaments. Gold bars are potential Source.
acquired via taxation of provinces and holdings, as well as Temple Holdings
spoils of war when conquering enemy domains.
As their name implies, temple holdings are bastions of the
Holdings faith (any faith, really, that can gain popular support among
the locals). While temple holdings can be controlled by
Holdings can be thought of as ways a province is structured anyone, divine spellcasters (clerics, druids, paladins, rangers)
both on a policy and political scale as well as the nature of its require temple holdings to cast their versions of realm magic.
populace and income. The four types of holdings available are Temples do not need to be temples as such; any site of
guild, law, source, and temple. worship from a modest rural chapel to a massive cathedral
can be counted as a temple holding. Correspondingly, higher
Guild Holdings level temple holdings tend to be more elaborate. While the
These holdings represent the presence of businesses, term “temple” holds connotations of the gods of Cerilia, elf
craftsmen, and financial investments that are maintained by druids (who worship no gods) still establish druid circles and
various guild journeymen. While the exact type of guild is not encourage the veneration of the natural world in the same
relevant to its mechanics, it is helpful and flavorful to manner as human or dwarven worship of deities.
determine the nature of a given guild holding within a
province. Investiture
A seaside province may have a guild associated with the Truly conquering territory in Cerilia is not merely marching
fishing industry or shipping, while an inland plains province your troops into a location and subjugating its population.
may support a guild that maintains the wellness and trade of Until investiture is performed, a province or holding does not
livestock and crops. contribute to Domain Power and no regency points are gained
from it at the beginning of seasons.
Law Holdings Investiture also encompasses the creation of vassals and
Regents desire law holdings in order to exert their influence transferring the rule of provinces and holdings to other
and control over a given province. A law holding may take the regents. This function is more properly explained in its listing
form of an organized local force of guards, or a group of under Domain Actions.
roughnecks who exist in your employ and mete out your
questionable justice throughout the territory. Vassalage
Law holdings controlled by you help bring rebellious The largest domains are almost impossible to manage on
provinces under control, while law holdings belonging to other one’s own. Even with a massive staff of courtiers and
regents within your territory might represent their thugs or financiers, a regent will find themselves pulled in too many
bandits working against you -- or just a few men they keep directions once their domain reaches critical mass -- in game
around to make sure they can get a piece of the local pie, as it terms, being unable to rule the whole domain through the
were. course of a season with just three domain actions. This is
where vassals become important.
One of the myriad functions of the ceremony of investiture
is to install a vassal under another regent. This relationship is
both political and mechanical; the vassal is promised some
functional support (whether it be in the form of a mutual
defensive pact, a one-time or repeated donation of wealth, or a
threat to submit or be eradicated) and in exchange the vassal
agrees to add the regency points they would normally gain
from the Bloodline ability score to the regent instead.
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This means that the vassal does not receive this extra value at Loyalty
the beginning of their seasons; it is a tithe given to the lord.
Powerful lords who control vast portions of territory will The loyalty of a province is listed as rebellious, poor, average,
install multiple vassals and vastly increase their per-turn or high. This is a simple scale of how your people feel about
regency point gain, but in return must devote aid to their you as a regent and the tenets of your rule. Rebellious
vassals or risk losing their support. provinces are likely to revolt in the next season.
The vassal still rules all of the constituent realms they
manage (mechanically, they are the regent of their domains),
but is answerable to their liege lord and may find themselves
called to wars or court on the lord’s behalf. Failing to heed
these summons rarely goes well for the vassal.
Vassals can be other player characters or simply
represented by promoted NPCs, but they must possess a
bloodline in order to contribute regency points. Promoting
unblooded characters does not require this function of
investiture, as unblooded characters cannot rule domains.
Domain Qualities
Capital Province
When a scion comes into ownership of a domain for the first
time, they must designate a province as the location of their
capital, which is typically the largest city in the province.
Certain domain actions benefit if a particular holding type
exists in your capital province, and if the capital province is
ever seized or falls to rebellious loyalty, all other provinces you
own suffer an immediate degradation of loyalty.
Province Terrain Type
Each province has a predominant type of terrain, but this
terrain is not necessarily uniform throughout. A plains
province may have some hilly features or even a lone
mountain, and a forested province may possess stretches of
swampland that are even more difficult to navigate than the
woods themselves. The predominant terrain drives a number
of factors, from how difficult the province is to navigate as
well as how potent its mebhaighl (source rating) is compared
to other provinces.
Province and Source Ratings
Each province has a level and a source rating that represent a
rough approximation of population density and development,
as well as how strong its native magical potential is based on
its terrain type. This is typically represented by two numbers
separated by a slash. For example, a level three province with
a level two source would be listed as 3/2.
The strength of a province’s source rating is inverse to the
province’s level; the only exception to this rule is a domain
ruled by an elven regent with a predominantly elven
population. As elves live in harmony with nature, they do
not deplete source ratings as the province level grows.
Holdings Present
It is important to track the number and level of individual
holdings within each province, as well as who owns those
holdings. These can be listed in shorthand beside each
province. Note that the source rating of the province is not
indicative of any source holdings that may or may not be
present; those must be constructed specifically to make use of
the source.
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The events are laid out immediately at the beginning of the
The Season season, so that players can begin planning their responses, if
Each season follows the below sequence of events. any. Sometimes a random event has a required action to
mitigate its effects, and a consequence for not attending to the
1. Random Events matter. Minor events might be worth ignoring, especially if the
consequence is something easily mended like a hit to a
2. Domain Initiative province’s loyalty. Major events, such as a dragon that rumbles
3. Collect Regency Points awake after being disturbed by miners, is absolutely not
something to be ignored.
4. Taxation, Collection, Trade 2. Domain Initiative
4.1. Determine Taxation Level (Light, Moderate, Severe) This step is only necessary when there are domains in
4.2. Collect Province Taxes (consult table and roll or use conflict, or when the order of events is extremely critical.
flat value) When only players are involved (and they are not in conflict for
whatever reason), they may take their domain actions in any
4.3. Collect Guild and Temple Holdings Income (roll or 1 order they choose before moving to the next domain action
per level) round (but all players must take their domain action before
moving to the next round).
4.4. Collect Foreign Law Holdings Income (one half of Domain initiative is rolled making a Bloodline ability check
holding level) (that is, rolling a d20 and adding one's Bloodline modifier).
4.5. Collect Trade Routes Income (average of two Once the action rounds begin, regents take turns based on
connected provinces) this initiative order, as though they were engaging in combat
(for in many cases, they are indeed doing just that).
4.6. Collect Tributes Income (if any)
4.7. Collect Pillaging Income 3. Collect Regency Points
As outlined previously, a regent collects Regency Points
5. Pay Maintenance Costs and Advance Construction equivalent to their Domain Power (sum of all levels of all
5.1. Domain Expenses holdings and provinces) plus their Bloodline score modifier.
5.2. Pay Armies 4. Taxation, Collection, and Trade
5.3. Lieutenants At this phase of the season, each regent declares taxation and
collects income in the form of Gold Bars. This process can be
5.4. Court Expenses heavy on the rolls, so for groups who wish to expedite this
6. First Action Round process, there are flat values that may be used instead.
6.1. Perform Domain Action and Bonus Action 4.1 and 4.2. Taxation from Provinces
First, the regent must determine whether they declare light,
6.2. War Moves moderate, or severe taxation for each province (it is typically
6.3. Wage Battles much faster to do this across all provinces, but particularly
desperate regents may wish to tax more populated provinces
6.4. Occupy or Retreat more severely than others).
Consult the table below for how many Gold Bars are
7. Second Action Round collected from each province, and total up the results. For
8. Third Action Round expediency, or for NPC domains, the Game Master may elect
to use the flat value rather than rolling for each. Any negative
9. Adjust Loyalty result when rolling is counted as zero.
10. Calculate Rewards
Speeding Up the Seasons
1. Random Events There's plenty going on in the course of a season,
At the beginning of the season, the Game Master checks for so if you find play bogging down while you perform
events that take place in each player’s domain. A Game calculations and make rolls, stick to the flat values.
Master may either randomly determine the event (or lack Birthright can get very overburdened as player
thereof), or they may have a specific set of events that unravels realms grow in size and influence, so encourage
depending on the outcomes of previous seasons or the plot NPC vassalage and don't hesitate to use digital
tools to help you keep track of the extensive
they wish to present. domain information.
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You cannot draw any taxes in this manner from Law
Province Taxation holdings within your own domain. This amount is taken from
Province Light Moderate Severe the host domain’s earned province taxes, and if the domain
Rating Taxation Taxation Taxation does not generate any taxes from provinces on this turn, you
0 0 0 0 (or 1d3-2) cannot collect anything from your Law holdings in that
1 0 (or 1d3-2) 1 (or 1d3-1) 1 (or 1d3) For example, Erin Velescarpe has a level 2 Law holding
2 1 (or 1d3-1) 1 (or 1d3) 2 (or 1d4) inside a neighboring domain. Each season, she collects 1
additional Gold Bar from its taxes and tariffs in the host
3 1 (or 1d3) 2 (or 1d4) 3 (or 1d4+1) province, removing it from the treasury of the regent in
4 2 (or 1d4) 3 (or 1d4+1) 5 (or 1d6+1) question.
5 3 (or 1d4+1) 5 (or 1d6+1) 7 (or 1d8+1) 4.5. Trade Routes
6 5 (or 1d6+1) 7 (or 1d8+1)
8 (or Trade routes are a solid, reliable form of income. In order to
1d10+1) calculate the income from each trade route, take the average
9 (or
level of the two provinces linked by the trade route; this value
7 7 (or 1d8+1) 8 (or 1d10+1)
1d12+1) is the amount of Gold Bars added to the treasury. If the route
is linked by sea, add 1 to this amount.
8 (or
9 (or 1d12+1) 11 (or 2d8) As an example, our ever-present regent, Erin Velescarpe,
1d10+1) establishes a sea trade route with the City of Anuire, the old
9 (or 13 (or imperial capital (rating 10). Connecting it to her capital
11 (or 2d8)
2d8+2) province of Bindier (rating 4), she thus earns eight Gold Bars
per turn from this trade route alone (average of 10 and 4 is 7,
10 11 (or 2d8) 13 (or 2d8+2)
15 (or
plus 1 for being a sea trade route).
Since the cost to establish trade routes is relatively low and
their income is steady, trade routes are a very valuable
4.3. Taxation from Guild and commodity for regents.
Temple Holdings
4.6 Tributes
Players who own guild and temple holdings also gain income
from them in the form of taxes and tithes, regardless of where Here the regent collects any tribute agreed upon via use of the
they are located. Low-level holdings generate very little or Diplomacy domain action, if such an agreement exists.
nothing for the regent, while owning multiple powerful
holdings provides a great deal of supplementary cash. As with 4.7 Occupation and Pillaging
provinces, Game Masters who wish to save some rolling or In the event a force occupies an enemy province (as outlined
who are generating income for NPC regents can use the flat under the Occupation and Conquest section under Armies
values provided instead of rolling for each. and Warfare), the regent which commands that force may
collect taxes as though Severe Taxation were levied. If
Holding Taxation multiple allied armies occupy the province, the gold generated
Holding Level Gold Bars Generated may be split equally or taken by the force with the largest
0 0 (1d2-1) number of units.
1 1 (1d2)
2 2 (1d3)
5. Maintenance Costs
A domain does not support itself. Gold is required to keep the
3 3 (1d3+1) wheels of politics greased and ensure the people have enough
4 4 (1d4+1) infrastructure to support their nation. The cost of owning and
5 5 (1d6+1)
operating holdings, feeding armies, and paying for court
expenses adds up quickly.
6+ 6 (2d4+2)
5.1. Domain Expenses
4.4. Claims from Law Holdings To determine expenses, the player first adds together the total
Law holdings that you possess in the domains of other number of provinces and holdings they possess (not their
regents may be used to collect taxes and fees in exchange for levels, just the actual number of holdings). Also count together
keeping law and order (or being outright thuggish, for some how many castles the regent owns (built by the Fortify domain
regents). The value of ancillary taxes collected is equal to one action) and add these to the total. You must pay 1 Gold Bar for
half the level of the Law holding in the province (rounded every five provinces, holdings, and fortifications you own,
down). rounded up to the next Gold Bar.
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For example, Erin Velescarpe has five provinces, seven Typically, there are a small array of domain actions that can
holdings, and one castle. When calculating maintenance costs be taken as bonus actions, and the possession of certain types
for her territory, she has thirteen total provinces, holdings, of holdings within provinces allows an action that is typically
and assets. Erin must therefore pay three Gold Bars for not a bonus action to become one. A good example of this is
domain expenses each season. the Agitate action, which can be taken as a bonus action when
the target province contains a temple holding owned by the
5.2. Pay Armies regent.
The regent must then pay any armies they are currently Furthermore, a regent can ready a particular action to
fielding, based on the units’ cost. If the regent cannot pay a trigger only after a condition is met. This is, in most respects,
given unit, it immediately disbands unless the regent spends 5 identical to the way a player can ready an action on a combat
Regency Points to keep it active. A unit of mercenaries that round. With respect to seasons, however, the readied action is
goes unpaid and does not receive the requisite RP will maintained until the end of the season, and if the condition is
become brigands in that province. not met, the action is lost.
For example, Erin Velescarpe and an allied domain ruled by
5.3. Lieutenants Ashira al-Sumari maintain correspondence and have agreed
to a mutual assistance pact if one of Ashira’s neighbors
Lieutenants are a type of asset that may act in your stead. declares war. As tensions heat up in the spring (when
They are described in greater detail under the Lieutenant domains typically muster for war), Erin keeps a readied action
domain action. Each lieutenant you have costs 1 Gold Bar to to Declare War against whichever of Ashira’s hostile
maintain. If you cannot pay your lieutenant, they immediately neighbors decides to pick a fight. She has all of the couriers
disband (but can be recruited again on a later season). ready to go, conscriptions signed but not posted, and
shipments of gold and food catalogued for distribution, but
5.4. Court Expenses never pulls the trigger unless the condition is met.
Managing your domain sometimes requires that you receive
guests or otherwise present yourself as a well-to-do lord or Resolving Domain Actions
lady. Court expenses are a combination of retainers, Domain actions have conditions that must be satisfied in
decorations, lodging costs, and food available for visiting order to enact them. Typically, this is expenditure of gold bars
dignitaries and ambassadors. At this phase of the season, you and/or regency points, but a Game Master may require
determine how much you will spend on your court this additional conditions in order to undertake an action (such as
season. needing to liberate an occupied quarry in order to use the
For zero Gold Bars, your court is dormant and only the Fortify action).
mice rule the castle guest halls. This option saves money, but Every action has a target number that must be met or
you are incapable of performing the Decree or Diplomacy exceeded on a domain action check. This roll is made on a
actions on any of your action rounds this season. d20 using the regent’s proficiency bonus and their Bloodline
For two Gold Bars, your court is at the bare minimum to modifier. This is represented as the competence of the regent,
function. Your Decree and Diplomacy actions are at along with their bloodline power, in order to make something
disadvantage for the domain action check; no one likes a happen within their domain. In keeping with the theme of
stingy regent, especially expectant ambassadors. Birthright’s divine right to rule, a regent with a particularly
For five Gold Bars, your court is of average standing and potent bloodline finds it easier to make things happen in their
comfort. Your Decree and Diplomacy actions are at neither domain, as though the land itself were aligning to their desires
advantage nor disadvantage. (and in many ways, this is exactly what is happening).
For eight Gold Bars, your court is the talk of the realm. Fine It is worth noting that if you fail to hit the target DC, the
wines, imported cuisine, mummers and bards -- you have it all, gold bars and/or regency points you spent to perform the
and the pomp is sure to impress the dignitaries. Your Decree action are lost. Not every project pans out, not every
and Diplomacy actions are made with advantage on the investment bears fruit.
domain action check.
6, 7, and 8. Taking Domain
During each season, the regent takes a total of three domain
actions. Each of these represents roughly a month of time in-
world, thus there are twelve domain actions that can be taken
in the course of a game year.
While most domain actions are fairly straightforward, there
does exist the concept of the bonus action during a season.
Bonus actions can be taken in addition to regular domain
actions, but the player is limited to a single bonus action per
action round, as with bonus actions during combat rounds.
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Modifying Difficulty and Outcome War Moves
When making domain action checks, you may increase your Part of each domain action phase is the War Move, which
chance of success by spending Gold Bars. For each Gold Bar occurs after all active regent actions are taken for the phase.
you sacrifice, you add a +1 bonus to your d20 roll. This This activity has special considerations, and is broken out into
represents a certain degree of “throwing money at the its own category under the chapter on Waging War.
problem” to make it easier to resolve, but also presents a great
risk, as failure despite investment still loses that investment. 9. Adjust Loyalty
Multiple regents can opt to contribute GB to the proceedings,
which represents their support of your endeavor, but they At the end of the season, after all three action rounds have
must have a stake in the proceedings (owning a holding in the been taken and all war moves and battles are resolved, all
target province, etc.). They may do this out of turn before you active regents perform this step. First, regents adjust loyalty in
make your domain action check. No more than 10 total GB each province based on the following conditions:
can be contributed to modify a roll in this fashion from all Reduce loyalty by one category if:
parties. Severe taxes were collected, or moderate taxes were
Some actions are taken against regents who don’t have your collected in a province with no Law holdings
success in their best interests, but they must have a Levies were mustered and sent to a foreign land
reasonable means of opposing you (usually by being the target Domain events that modify loyalty were not addressed
of your actions or having a holding in a province you control). A rival regent completes Agitate actions in that province
In a case where a regent opposes you, they can expend with the express purpose of causing unrest
Regency Points to increase your target DC for the domain Province is under occupation by an enemy force
action check on a 1 to 1 basis. This represents the regent
exerting their will over their territory, whether it be via Improve loyalty by one category if:
inspiring their populace to react in a favorable way, or having
the strength of their blood-given rights make your chances of No taxes were collected
success more difficult. Multiple regents can opt to contribute A regent completes an Agitate action in that province with
RP to increase the difficulty (when applicable), representing the purpose of improving loyalty
their desire to see your efforts fail. No more than 10 RP can A major battle was won against a hated enemy (improves
be contributed to modify a roll in this fashion from all parties. loyalty in all provinces)
This bidding war between GB and RP takes place openly, Law holdings are useful for preventing the loss of loyalty. If
and always before the roll is made. Once the die is cast, no the regent controls all law holdings in a particular province,
one can modify the result. the regent can prevent up to two categories of loss in a
For example, our young regent, Erin Velescarpe, is province. If the regent controls at least half, but not all of the
attempting to enact a Decree to assuage an influential priest law holdings in the province can ignore one category of loss in
who raised concerns about the impiety of the locals. Her base that province. In the case that the regent controls less than
success difficulty is DC 10, which should be easy for her to hit. half or no law holdings in the province, they cannot ignore any
Unfortunately, Prince Darien Avan owns a temple holding in loyalty category changes.
her territory, and he is sore about being snubbed at a recent Units of soldiers stationed in a province count as one Law
diplomatic gathering. He expends 5 Regency Points to holding per unit for purposes of loyalty and taxation. The
increase her DC to 15; the Prince is interested in seizing peasants are less likely to grumble if there are soldiers
more temple holdings eventually, and if the situation garrisoned nearby.
destabilizes further, he can capitalize on the opportunity. After If any province becomes rebellious, the regent can no
all, he has plenty of Regency Points to spend, and he can longer collect taxes there and all holdings in that province
afford this indulgence. become contested. The peasants there will immediately raise
Erin grinds her teeth in frustration. She cannot challenge the largest possible levy and become hostile to the regent’s
the much-stronger regent openly or risk losing his support in forces. If the force is subjugated, or the regent is able to
other areas, so she opts to make the Decree more of a public perform the Agitate or Diplomacy action to resolve the
affair. She expends 3 more Gold bars to add +3 to her roll situation, the province returns to poor loyalty.
when it is made, and succeeds handily. At their next meeting,
the Prince bemusedly congratulates her on resolving the
affair, and Erin silently marks down another beating she
would like to administer to Anuire’s pre-eminent pompous ass.
Critical Successes
Many domain actions have a critical success effect that is
achieved on a natural 20 on the domain action check. These
represent particularly skillful or fortunate outcomes, and will
have an improved effect as listed under the respective action.
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10. Calculate Rewards Types of Domain Actions
Ruling a realm is a time-intensive process that takes away Adventure
from the usual adventuring most characters undertake, but
the demands on a regent are no less strenuous. A regent (and Type: Action
their party) gains experience points based on the activities Base Cost: None
performed during the course of the season, based on deeds Base Success: Automatic
performed and challenges overcome. The call to adventure affects even an established regent
The Game Master is the final word on how much from time to time. It’s a major responsibility that one sets
experience is earned, but simple guidelines help them aside to wander the countryside in an effort to gain fame and
determine suitable rewards based on the table below. fortune, or to handle certain situations personally. Choosing to
adventure uses up a domain action for the round. Any
Reward Calculation adventure that takes longer than approximately four weeks
Reward Source Modifier Notes risks consuming an additional domain action on the next
Includes all provinces,
friendly or otherwise,
affected by Agitate, Agitate
Each province
successfully affected
+2 Contest, or Rule actions Type: Action (or Bonus)
performed by you, a
lieutenant, or a vassal that
Base Cost: 1 RP, 1 GB
owes you fealty.
Base Success: DC 10
You may attempt to build sentiment or foster conflict within
Includes all holdings, a targeted province (or multiple provinces). To do this, you
friendly or otherwise, must control a holding within the target province. You must
Each holding
affected by Contest, Create pay the listed cost for each province you are affecting, and all
successfully affected Holding, or Rule actions of those provinces must be part of the same domain. You may
performed by you, a Agitate in your own provinces in order to improve your
lieutenant, or a vassal. standing within your own territory.
Castles that are neutralized If the regent who owns the targeted provinces is in support
Castles built or
during the season do not of your actions, you make your domain action check at
expanded count toward calculating advantage. If they are opposed, your base success DC
rewards. increases by the level of the highest Law holding they possess
Battles must be fought and in that province. You must make the domain action check for
won by units under the each targeted province, making this a potentially expensive
Each battle fought regent’s command, though course of action if you are in conflict with the regent of the
and won
the regent need not be lands you are affecting.
physically present for the Any targeted province affected by your Agitate attempt
battle. increases or decreases its loyalty by one grade, at your
Decree, Diplomacy, discretion.
Espionage, Forge Ley Bonus Action: Agitate may be performed as a bonus action
Line, Grant, Research,
These actions must be if you control a temple holding in the targeted province. If you
or Trade Route
+1 successful to contribute are targeting multiple provinces, this cannot be done as a
actions successfully
toward reward calculation bonus action.
performed Critical Success: The loyalty of the affected province is
Each seasonal event can
increased or decreased by two grades instead of one.
grant a modifier of +1 to
+5 depending on its Build
+1 to
Event resolved
impact. The event must be Type: Bonus
successfully interacted
with or resolved to
Base Cost: Varies
contribute to rewards.
Base Success: DC 5
For any the construction of any structure that is not a
Take the sum total of all modifiers and distribute experience fortification or holding, the Build action is the go-to for any
as though the regent completed an encounter of equivalent regent. Many domain events will request that the regent
Challenge Rating. This leads to early-game regents gaining provide the resources for the creation of a guildhall, civic
levels somewhat quickly, but ruling small domains soon center, statue, or anything else the people might need or
becomes a meager endeavor unless the regent greatly desire.
expands their territory and gains vassals. The Game Master sets the Gold Bar cost of a particular
construction project, which typically ranges from 1 GB for a
small chapel to 30 for a massive palace.
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Build is also useful for the construction of bridges and roads. Armies that occupy a province unchallenged automatically
Roads enable troops and the populace to get about the Contest the province in favor of their regent, and no roll must
province more easily, while bridges are used to cross rivers be made.
and chasms. A bridge can cost anywhere from 2 to 5 GB Critical Success: You recuperate the RP spent on this
(1d4+1). A road costs a single gold bar for a plains province; a action.
forest, tundra, or desert costs two; a hilly province or swamp
costs four; and mountains cost eight. Typically, the Create Holding
construction of a “road” really means any number of paths Type: Action
throughout the province. Base Cost: 1 GB
The more remote and rural a province, the more expensive Base Success: DC 10
a construction project; this represents the cost to secure and When a regent wishes to establish a foothold in a given
move the building materials to the site. If the target province province, they may create a holding of the desired type. If this
for the building project is rated as 0 or 1, the cost is doubled. If holding is created in another regent’s province and the regent
the target province is 3 or 4, the cost is increased by 50%. wishes to contest your efforts, the level of the province
A building project is never instantaneous. Each season, the increases the DC of your domain action check (thus,
progress on a structure advances by 3 GB (or 1d6) of its cost. attempting to create a holding in a level 6 province makes the
The project is considered complete when the full cost of the DC 16). They may spend RP to further increase the difficulty.
Build is accounted for in this way. Success on the domain action check creates a holding of
Critical Success: The building project gets an excellent the desired type at level 0. You may Rule this holding on
head start and immediately completes 2d6 of its total building further domain actions to increase its level as normal.
cost. Create Province: If a regent wishes and the Game Master
approves, they may use this action to instead create a new
Contest province in any unclaimed territory. The Game Master
Type: Action determines the dimensions of this new province and assigns it
Base Cost: 1 RP a Source rating based on the terrain type that is present. If the
Base Success: DC 10 new province is not adjacent to any existing provinces, the
By contesting a holding or province, a regent attempts to tie cost to attempt the action is increased to 3 GB. This
it up in claims over its ownership, argue over its legitimacy, or represents financing any exploratory expeditions or
otherwise undermine its functions. You must control a holding prospectors. If successful, a new province is created at level 0
in the same province as the targeted holding in order to and may be Ruled as normal.
Contest. Critical Success: The new holding or province is instead
To contest a holding, the regent states their intent to do so created at level 1.
over a single holding or any number of holdings within a given Declare War
domain. They must pay the cost for each holding contested. A
contested holding increases the base success DC by its level Type: Action
(thus a level 4 Law holding has a DC of 14 to contest), and a Base Cost: None
domain action check must be made for each targeted holding. Base Success: Automatic
A successful Contest means the holding is in conflict, and A regent must use the Declare War action before moving
generates no RP or GB for its owner on their next season. troops through provinces that do not belong to them, unless
This manner of contesting lasts until one of the following permission is obtained by use of the Diplomacy action. The
conditions is met: regent can begin making war moves and conducting battles
The owning regent succeeds at a Rule action targeting the against enemy troops in provinces where they clash.
holding(s) in particular. If enemy troops are in your province, you do not need to
The attacking regent relents of their own free will on their Declare War; you may move your troops on the respective
next domain action (this does not cost an action). phase of the season within your own territory. The target of a
The attacker loses control of all of their holdings in the declaration of war must use this action on their turn in order
targeted province, or loses control of the province (if to counterattack into enemy territory; this is not merely the
contesting in their own lands). public declaration, but also preparing the logistics of entering
enemy territory.
A second successful Contest by any regent causes its owner
to lose all control of it, and the holding becomes free of the
control of any regent until brought to heel. War!
To Contest a province, the province may not possess any War is an expensive affair. Be sure you can afford
Law holdings higher than level 0 that are not under your the mustering and seasonal maintenance of your
control, and must be at rebellious or poor loyalty. The armies before you engage in conquest!
province’s level increases the DC to Contest (thus a level 4
province has a DC of 14 to contest). Success indicates the
province will no longer generated RP or GB for its owner, and
is ripe to be divested (see Investiture below).
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Decree Regents on the sidelines who wish to influence the Cr
proceedings one way or another may spend GB and RP as ev
Type: Bonus usual, affecting the DC and roll bonus accordingly. This ca
Base Cost: 1 GB represents their dignitaries at the diplomatic function, Tr
Base Success: DC 10 currying favor and giving advice. M
A Decree encompasses a number of policies and processes A Diplomacy action can encompass one of the following on
that are not otherwise encompassed by other domain actions. effects, each of which has its own DC. Re
While the list provided below is not the limit of what a Decree DC 10: Form an alliance with another domain with whom
can do, any action that can be referred to as a Decree must you are already friendly.
fulfill the following criteria: DC 10: Create a trade agreement between two domains.
The decree cannot affect another regent’s holdings or This allows the Trade Route action to be taken.
provinces. DC 15: Allow troops to move through the targeted domain
The decree cannot change the loyalty or level of any without the need to Declare War.
province or holding. DC 15: Force a targeted regent to provide tribute or
Decrees cannot affect armies or assets in any way. concessions.
DC 15: Respond to a domain event such as brigandage,
Some examples of common Decrees are as follows. Game unrest, or feuds, causing its effects to subside.
Masters and players are encouraged to use Decree whenever
no other action is suitable, but care must be taken not to go As it pertains to forcing tribute, a regent typically offers no
overboard with what a Decree can accomplish. more than a quarter of what they collect each turn in Gold
bars; unless threatened with overwhelming force, a regent will
A tax or asset seizure is enacted, generating 1d6 Gold Bars never capitulate to more than that.
for your - treasury. Critical Success: The RP and GB costs for this action are
A roustabout or rumormonger is arrested. immediately recouped.
A festival is declared throughout your domain.
A bounty is offered for local monsters, which may draw Disband
adventurers to your territory. Type: Bonus
A minor act of legislation is passed regarding changes to Base Cost: None
the law, acceptable behaviors, or cultural integration. Base Success: DC 10 (or Automatic)
A minor event is dealt with by placating the petitioning This action is used to break up units under the regent’s
party through offerings and compensation. command. Any number of units can be affected by this action,
Furthermore, the condition of the regent’s court may cause and if the units are of regular troops, the success is automatic.
this check to be made at advantage or disadvantage, or not at The spending of a bonus action represents the discharge
all. See the section on Court Expenses for more details. papers, paying final expenses, and ensuring no soldier makes
off with military equipment.
Diplomacy If the targeted unit is a mercenary unit, a domain action
Type: Domain check must be rolled for each unit. On a success, nothing
untoward happens. If the check fails, the mercenary units
Base Cost: 1 RP, 1 GB become units of brigands within the provinces where they
Base Success: DC 10+ (or Automatic) were disbanded.
Neighboring regents can generally be assumed to remain in The regent can also use this action to dismantle any
correspondence with one another throughout the course of a holdings or assets that they no longer wish to maintain. The
season. The Diplomacy action has a much wider impact, and effect is immediate, and the holding/asset will no longer
is typically a court affair with dignitaries, soirees, and generate RP or GB for the regent starting on the next season.
document signings. Typically, this action is taken in relation to
NPC regents or random events; if a player character regent is Espionage
the target of the Diplomacy action, they can determine
whether it is automatically successful (but the expense of GB Type: Action (or Bonus)
and action must be made in order to gain the effects). Base Cost: 1 GB
The DC of the domain action check depends on the specific Base Success: DC 15
action being taken. Diplomacy checks are typically simple At the heart of being a regent is having a good spy network.
affairs, but care must be taken with the proposals and the The Espionage action covers all manner of skulduggery and
mood and standing of a regent. If a deal is outright insulting, legerdemain on behalf of your domain. The regent must
the Game Master can rule the action has no chance of declare the intent of the Espionage action before making their
success. domain action check. Espionage can:
Furthermore, the condition of the regent’s court may cause Uncover the details of diplomatic agreements between one
this check to be made at advantage or disadvantage, or not at domain and its allies, even ones otherwise kept secret
all. See the section on Court Expenses for more details. (using the province rating of the capital).
Determine troop movements and strength in foreign
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For hostile Espionage actions, the target DC is modified by Spellcasters can also expand on ley lines by creating
the level of the province in which Espionage is being “networks” stemming from the home Source province.
performed, as well as the levels of any Law holdings within Consider existing ley lines when calculating the cost of new
those provinces. For example, Erin Velescarpe wishes to send ones; the spellcaster need only pay for extension of a ley line
agents to investigate rumors of Baron Gavin Tael forming a rather than recalculating from the home Source, if it is cost-
secret alliance with the Gorgon to expand his own holdings. effective.
Her base DC of 15 is increased by the level of the Baron’s Any contiguous ley line the spellcasting regent owns costs 1
capital province (6) and the Law holding in his capital Regency Point during the final step of the season. Multiple ley
province (4). This increases her DC to 25 -- Erin will be lines that are not connected each cost RP.
spending a great deal of gold financing this endeavor. Should the source from which a ley line originates fall to
If the roll fails by 10 or more, then the regent’s spy is caught level 0 for any reason, such ley lines immediately disappear
and imprisoned. They may attempt to rescue the agent with and must be reforged.
additional Espionage attempts, and the Game Master should For example, a spellcasting regent, Calimor the
secretly determine if the agent is successfully interrogated. Magnificent, wishes to create a ley line connecting his Source
Espionage is dangerous, difficult, and requires a massive holdings in the province of Sorelies (Source rating 4) to a
investment of Gold Bars to have a solid chance at success. weaker location in Alaroine (Source rating 0) so that he can
However, the rewards for successful Espionage are rich and cast useful realm magic while stationed in there. The distance
the destabilization it can create rivals that of invading troops. between provinces is only two along the shortest route (south
Bonus Action: If you control a Guild holding in the target through Hildon, and then to Alaroine), so the cost to build the
province, you may enact Espionage as a bonus action when ley line is 2 RP and 2 GB.
targeting that province. Calimor later decides to extend the ley line into enemy
Critical Success: The regent may select one other effect of territory in the province of Ghiere, in Baron Gavin Tael’s
Espionage to take place concurrently and at no extra cost. domain of Ghoere. He pays only an additional 2 RP and 2 GB
to push the ley line two more provinces south, but must still
Finances succeed at his domain action check to complete the forging.
Type: Bonus Now with a strong home Source at his command, Calimor can
Base Cost: None lead soldiers there and cast devastating realm magic against
Base Success: Automatic the warmongering Baron on his own turf.
Through this action, it is possible for regents to turn Gold Fortify
Bars from their treasury into liquid assets to purchase Type: Action
personal equipment or pay ransoms without using official Base Cost: 1 RP, Variable GB
channels. This action may be performed only once per season, Base Success: DC 5
and the number of Gold Bars that can be converted is equal to Through use of the Fortify action, regents construct Castle
the sum total of all Guild holding levels the regent controls, assets to protect their provinces (or expand upon existing
plus their Bloodline modifier. Each Gold Bar converted Castles). A province can only hold a single Castle asset for
becomes 2000 gold pieces of currency in the regent’s purposes of this action, though you may well have numerous
possession. smaller keeps and palaces in the area that do not necessarily
Thus, if Erin Velescarpe (Bloodline score 15) controls four contribute to defense in any meaningful way. You can only
guild holdings of levels 1, 2, 2, and 4, she can convert up to 11 construct Castles in provinces you own, and Castles require a
Gold Bars into coins. Regents must be careful not to bankrupt massive investment of gold to bring to completion.
their kingdoms using this action. To create a new Castle, a regent chooses the target province
Forge Ley Line to begin construction. Castles, like provinces and holdings,
have levels which dictate how impregnable they are and how
Type: Action well they defend holdings in their sphere of influence. Castles
Base Cost: 1 RP, 1 GB (see below) are unique in that they may be of higher level than the
Base Success: DC 5 province in which they lie, but if the Castle’s target level
When casting realm magic, arcane spellcasters require the exceeds the province level, costs quickly begin to multiply.
use of a Source. However, they may find themselves in The base cost of a Castle is 6 GB per level. If the Castle is
provinces where the Source is weak, and thus at a greater level than the province, each level beyond the province
disadvantage when choosing from among their arsenal. By level costs 9 GB. For example, if Erin Velescarpe wants to
creating ley lines, the spellcaster can substitute the Source build a level 6 Castle in a level 4 province on the border with
rating of one province with that of another. Ghoere to deter any of the neighboring Baron’s aggression,
Ley lines are a potentially hefty expenditure, requiring 1 she must pay 42 Gold Bars.
Regency Point and 1 Gold Bar for each province between the Castles are expensive, and can take years to build to
“home” Source and the destination of the ley line. Always use completion. Once the desired level of the Castle is chosen and
the shortest distance to determine the number of provinces the initial cost is paid, progress continues automatically at a
crossed, geographical features notwithstanding. rate of 3 (or 1d6) GB each season and the regent does not
need to continue to use this action unless they are adding
features or upgrading the Castle level.
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A standard Castle has the benefit of completely halting the Unlike other domain actions, the domain action check is
advance of enemy troops through your provinces. Any enemy made not to see if the action succeeds, but whether anyone is
units that move into a province occupied by a Castle cannot potentially angered by the Grant (especially in the case of
move out of the province any direction save the way they giving out wealth). Every Gold Bar that exchanges hands in
came, until the Castle is neutralized or destroyed (see this way increases the DC by 1. Should anyone be offended by
Conquest and Occupation section). Furthermore, holdings you the use of a Grant, it will force a corruption, intrigue, or unrest
own in provinces with a Castle are protected from total event on the next season.
destruction using Pillage, as outlined in that action. Investiture
You may also garrison a number of units in the Castle equal
to its level. Garrisoned units cost half of their maintenance Type: Action
each season, but are slow to bring back to muster in an Base Cost: Varies
emergency. Base Success: Varies
You may also add features to a Castle during the To enact Investiture, a priest capable of casting the realm
construction process, or on later turns using the Fortify spell of the same name must be present for the ceremony.
action. These increase the cost accordingly. This ceremony is critical for passing rightful ownership of
Center of Power (3 GB): The Castle also controls Loyalty holdings and provinces to new rulers, and without it, a regent
as might a Law holding. You automatically negate up to cannot draw Regency Points or Gold Bars from either asset
two categories of Loyalty loss in that province at the end of type.
each season, provided the Castle maintains at least 1 level To invest provinces and holdings, the asset in question must
of strength. either be willingly given to the investing regent; otherwise, it
Conscription Center (4 GB): The Castle possesses must be conquered or contested by that regent, and there
facilities and armories to quickly and cheaply outfit troops. must not be an enemy Castle present that is not neutralized.
The cost to muster armies in this province is reduced by 1 The regent must pay Regency Points equal to the combined
GB per unit, to a minimum of 1 GB. levels of all holdings, provinces, and castles being invested
Dungeons (2 GB): High profile prisoners can be stored in through the course of this domain action. If the former owner
these fortified dungeons. They cannot be extracted from is an unwilling participant, the investing regent must succeed
your domain using the Espionage action. at a domain action check with a DC of 10 + the defending
Expanded Barracks (2 GB): You may station one regent’s Bloodline modifier. The defending regent may also
additional unit at the Castle without needing to expand its spend RP normally to make this more of a challenge for the
level. You may purchase this feature multiple times. would-be usurper. This process is known as divesting a regent.
Moat (1 GB): Your Castle is surrounded by a moat. You Investiture is also used to formalize vassalage. Upon using
increase the number of units an occupying force must Investiture for this purpose, both regents contribute RP equal
contribute to a region to neutralize the castle by one. to the vassal’s Bloodline modifier. From this point on, the
Subterranean Fortifications (5 GB, Dwarf regents vassal contributes that value to their new lord every season,
only): The bulk of your Castle’s functions are stored below and no longer gains RP from their Bloodline modifier.
ground and are impervious to standard siege attacks. Your Finally, a blooded individual may be the target of
Castle can never be reduced below an effective level of 1 Investiture, either willingly or unwillingly (though they must
until it is utterly destroyed. be present). This strips the blooded individual of all derivation,
Wilderness Fortification (3 GB, Elf regents only): The Bloodline ability score, and blood abilities. If the recipient is
placement of your Castle and the deliberate cultivation of not a blooded individual, they gain a Bloodline score of 11 and
thickets and underbrush in the province increases the the derivation of the divested scion, unless that scion’s
movement cost of enemy troops through that province by 1. Bloodline score was less than 11 (in which case, the new
Your own troops are immune to this effect. value is equal to the scion’s previous value; for this reason,
Tainted bloodlines are almost never invested in this way). If
Critical Success: Construction gets a head start, and 2d6 the recipient of the investiture is already blooded, their
GB worth of building is completed on the same season. Bloodline score permanently increases by 1, to a maximum
value of 20.
Type: Bonus Lieutenant
Base Cost: Special Type: Bonus
Base Success: DC 10 (Automatic, see below) Base Cost: 1 GB
This domain action is used by regents who wish to reward Base Success: Automatic
helpful servants with titles or gifts of wealth. Typically, this is The regent raises a retainer or henchman NPC to the status
used when resolving a domain event that requires the of a lieutenant. A lieutenant can be another player character if
appointing or appeasement of a government official. It can that player character is not themselves a regent. Anyone can
also be used to give another regent money from your treasury be a lieutenant, whether they possess a bloodline or not. The
in the form of Gold Bars. lieutenant typically possesses character levels and may
undertake missions in the regent’s stead. NPC lieutenants
require upkeep, and are paid on the Maintenance Costs phase
of the season.
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Lieutenants are extremely useful in that they provide the If the type of unit a regent musters is a Levy, it comes with
regent with a single additional bonus action that may be used an additional cost. The province level is temporarily reduced
at any point in the action phases of the season, provided the by 1 each time Levies are mustered from that province (see
lieutenant is within the boundaries of the regent’s domain at the section on Armies for more details). The rating is restored
the time. Once this bonus action is used, it cannot be used when the unit is disbanded, but if those units are ever
again on any subsequent turn in the round. The regent cannot destroyed in combat, the province level is permanently
benefit from having multiple lieutenants in this regard, but reduced. Levies cost nothing to muster, but are dangerous to
many regents keep additional lieutenants around in case one use for this reason.
becomes occupied. Realm Magic
Some random events may require the use of a lieutenant to
adjudicate outcomes, thus consuming the lieutenant’s Type: Action
attention for the season. This forfeits any bonus action they Base Cost: Special
would have otherwise granted, unless the regent has another Base Success: Special
lieutenant handy. Through this action, a powerful spellcaster can invoke
For example, Erin Velescarpe raises up her brother, Eist, as realm magic that affects entire provinces. Only blooded
a lieutenant. While he is not a regent, he acts in her stead spellcasting regents can cast realm magic, and each realm
where she cannot. She uses him several times to perform spell has its own entry for success and failure considerations.
Decrees while she tends to more pressing matters. Realm magic can only be used in provinces where the regent
Eventually, an event arises within Erin’s domain requiring possess a temple holding (for divine casters such as clerics,
the personal attention of the regent. Instead, Erin dispatches druids, paladins and rangers), or a source holding (for arcane
Eist to settle the matter, and does not gain his bonus action spellcasters of all stripes).
this season.
Move Troops Type: Bonus
Type: Bonus Base Cost: 1 GB
Base Cost: 1 GB Base Success: Automatic
Base Success: Automatic With this action, the regent may relocate to another point
Using this domain action, the regent orders any number of within their domain. The cost involved allows the regent to
loyal troops to another location within their own domain. bring their courtiers, lieutenants, and other present player
Financing the movement of the troops costs 1 GB for every 10 characters with them to the new location. A regent and their
units or provinces; for example, 1 GB can move a unit across court can only be moved in this way once per season.
10 provinces, or 10 units across 1 province, or any
combination that can be mathematically derived. The troops Research
are not available for use while moving, and the movement Type: Action
completes at the end of the action round, whereupon they Base Cost: Special
become available for battles waging in that province.
If the regent’s domain is invaded during use of the Move Base Success: Special
Troops action, they can abort any movement that is in This action may be used by any regent to perform extensive
progress to come to the defense of an invaded province, but research on a topic of choice, or to perform other long-term
forfeit any GB spent. activities of a scholastic nature. Spellcasting regents may use
this action to perform the magical research in order to create
Muster Armies magical items or discover realm spells. As most regents are
already extremely wealthy compared to most characters from
Type: Bonus normal campaigns, it is assumed that the regent has access to
Base Cost: Special appropriate laboratories and libraries.
Base Success: Automatic The Game Master sets any target numbers and determines
The regent calls up his provinces to war, or raises troops in any special requirements for the discovery of realm spells.
any province where they maintain a holding. This can take the
form of raising peasant levies, drawing up trained soldiers, or Rule
hiring mercenaries. They must pay the GB cost of any unit, as Type: Action
listed in its entry. A province can raise a number of military Base Cost: Varies
units equal to its level in a single season. If the troops are
being raised in a province you do not control, the owning Base Success: DC 10
regent can automatically deny you this action. Regents who devote time to ruling their domain may
Units cannot be used in the same action round in which increase the levels of provinces and holdings. They are
they are mustered, unless those units are mercenaries (which actively managing the minutiae of their realm with the express
can be used immediately, but mercenaries come with their purpose of expanding it and drawing a larger population
own risks). under their banner.
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Firstly, a regent may use this action to increase the level of any This action can create multiple trade routes at once, so long
single holding or collection of holdings. They must pay RP as they all originate from the same province. The regent must
equal to the new level of all holdings affected, as well as 1 GB pay each cost separately, but only one domain action check
for each affected holding. Only one domain action check need be made. Provinces up to level 3 can only be the source
needs to be made to increase the level of all holdings. of one trade route, provinces between 4 and 6 can be the
Remember that the total level of all holdings of a given type source of two, and provinces of level 7 or higher can support
cannot exceed the level of the province in which they are three.
For example, Ashira al-Sumari wishes to grow her holdings.
She has a Law (3) holding, a Guild (4) holding, and a Source
(2) holding that she wishes to improve. Ashira must spend 3
GB and 11 RP (4 + 5 + 3) and then make her domain action
Secondly, a regent may elect to rule a province; only one
province can be ruled at a time by this action. The cost to rule
a province is equal to RP and GB equal to the new level of the
affected province, and the regent must succeed at a DC 10
domain action check.
For example, Calimor the Magnificent wishes to increase
the level of a province, currently rated at level 3. He must pay
4 RP and 4 GB and succeed at his domain action check.
One important exception exists: elven regents ruling elven
domains pay double the normal amount to rule provinces and
increase their levels. It is more difficult to steer the free-
spirited elves into one place to settle, and the extreme care
they take in developing their societies also means that they do
not reduce a province’s source rating when its province level
Critical Success: The efforts of the regent are incredibly
effective, and the domain or holding increases its level by two.
If this is not possible, say because a holding would level past
its province, the cost is instead refunded.
Trade Route
Type: Action
Base Cost: 1 RP, 1 GB
Base Success: DC 10
Creating trade routes is a surefire way to greatly increase
seasonal income for a regent. In order to create a trade route,
the regent must own a guild holding in the home province and
have permission from the owner of the target province, (either
through Diplomacy or if the target province is owned by a
friendly player regent), who must also possess a guild holding
there. Further, the two provinces must be connected either by
sea or by provinces with an appropriate network of roads,
which are constructed via the Build action.
Each season, both regents draw Gold Bars equal to the
average of the levels of the two connected provinces. Trade
routes cease to generate income if the provinces or guild
holdings at either end of the trade route become contested or
Creation of a trade route can be challenged by regents who
own law holdings in either end of the route. They may
contribute RP to increase the DC of the domain action check
accordingly. Both the regent making the check and the regent
at the other end of the connection can contribute GB to add a
bonus to the roll as usual.
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Waging War
or all of the complexity of politics and
management of realms, sooner or later a regent Castle Garrison
will find themselves embroiled in bitter conflict Castles may have troops stationed there, but even a Castle U
with rivals, brigands, or swarms of marauding with no inactive units garrisoned will have a skeleton crew of A
monsters. Such battles are rarely limited to the guards and soldiers who maintain and defend the structure.
adventure scale, and regents will need to muster These troops do not tend to number more than ten per level of Ar
armies to come to the defense of their domains, the Castle, and if they are ever ordered away or killed, the C
or those of allies. Castle is considered neutralized until they return or are I
Armies Infa
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Archers Mercenary Cavalry
As to be expected, archers are a ranged combat unit. They are Identical in makeup to standard cavalry units, mercenary
useful for attacking flying opponents and other enemy units cavalry are quick to muster and swift to ask for payment when
from a safe distance, but are easily overrun by superior melee the time comes.
units. A unit of archers contains 200 troops. Longbows,
padded or leather armor, and a single hand weapon are what Mercenary Infantry
archers bring to battle. As with cavalry, mercenary infantry are identical to their
standard counterparts. Their advantage comes in their
Artillerists quickness to muster when the promise of gold is there to
When attacking fortifications of any sort, artillerists are motivate them.
necessary. A unit of artillerists typically numbers about one
hundred troops with component siege weaponry. If forced to Mercenary Irregulars
defend themselves, artillerists bring but a hand weapon and The cheapest of the mercenary units, irregulars are very little
padded armor to battle. in the way of organization and can be tough to command.
They are otherwise identical to standard irregular units.
One hundred troops comprise a unit of cavalry, with Pikemen
accompanying mounts. They are not as sturdy as heavier A specialized melee unit, pikemen are advantageous against
cavalry-class units, such as knights, but are capable of cavalry units and other troops that have long reach. A unit of
mounted charges and giving chase to fleeing forces. A typical 200 pikemen is a bristling hedge of steel that only fools
cavalry soldier has a light warhorse, a lance, a longsword and charge headlong into. They do have regular hand weapons
shield, and chainmail. and ring mail to sustain them when the foes get too close, and
do have a disadvantage against standard infantry units.
The mainstay of any army, infantry units march in formation, Scouts
have decent morale, and are an affordable and sturdy buffer A unit of scouts is essential for any army to determine the
for other specialized units. Infantry units are composed of 200 makeup of enemy forces before engaging them in battle.
troops and typically come equipped with a two-handed Scout units number 200 troops and carry shortbows or light
weapon and ring mail. crossbows paired with hand weapons and light armor.
Infantry, Elite Special Units
Better equipped and trained, elite infantry units can be Expensive and dangerous, these units are typically the most
expensive to maintain. A unit of elite infantry is 200 soldiers powerful forces available to regents. Goblins and gnolls, while
strong, armed with heavy melee weapons, chainmail or respectively cheap and savage, are dangerous to keep in one’s
banded mail, and a backup weapon of some kind. employ and almost always elicit a negative reaction from other
Irregulars regents even when kept in check.
While they are actual trained combatants as opposed to the If the regent is not a member of the race listed in the
peasant mob that makes up a levy, irregulars have poor requirements column, the unit acts as mercenaries (that is,
discipline and mediocre equipment. A unit of irregulars, 200 they become brigands if left unpaid). Elves are never able to be
troops strong, might be comprised of berserkers, hill folk, or hired as mercenaries, but have the most powerful standard
goblin warriors not trained to fight in formation. units on a given battlefield.
Knights Dwarf Guards
Typically the heaviest units available to most regents, Steadfast dwarf guards are a cut above their standard infantry,
“knights” can really be any mounted warrior that is superbly clad in chainmail and shield, carrying heavy battleaxes into
armored and equipped. Examples of other troops that are combat. They have superior morale and unit cohesion, with a
considered knights are Khinasi mamluks, dwarven ram- single force consisting of 200 individuals.
riders, or elven heavy cavalry. A unit of knights is 100 soldiers Dwarf Crossbows
with accompanying mounts, clad in plate armor with shield Though neither as tough as their infantry or nimble as regular
and carrying a veritable arsenal of melee weapons. archers, a unit of 200 dwarf crossbows can pull double duty
Levies as infantry units in a pinch due to their selection of
The humble peasant levy is not the sign of a wealthy or armaments. Their primary weapons, of course, are their heavy
influential regent. Peasants have poor morale, little training, crossbows; a volley of bolts can cut down a charging rank of
and laughable equipment, but they are cheap to muster and infantry, after which they switch to swords and finish the job.
sometimes a mob is better than taking the field alone. Levies
wear padded armor and carry whatever weapons are at hand;
typically spears, small axes, or tools that easily double as
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Dwarf Engineers Halfling Scouts
Not only are dwarves good at building things, they’re also The easily-overlooked nature of halflings makes their scouts
experts at taking them apart. Dwarf engineers are a superior some of the best available, even above elves. They are rare on
class of artillerists that bring heavy trebuchets, catapults, and a battlefield, as halflings prefer guile and avoidance to mass
rams with them onto the field. Like their standard combat, but barrage enemy units with slings and arrows
counterparts, a unit of engineers is about 100 dwarves strong before escaping to safety behind other, more robust units. A
and is not sturdy enough to withstand a prolonged attack. unit of halfling scouts is 200 strong.
Elf Archers Special Units
Elvish archery prowess is the stuff of legends for a reason. A Muster
unit of 200 elf archers has high mobility and superb accuracy, Cost Maintenance
making them the strongest ranged unit available. Custom- Unit Type (GB) Cost (GB) Requirements BCR
made elven longbows, light and flexible chain shirts, and Dwarf L4 and Dwarf, or
elegant swords are what they carry into battle. Guards
4 2
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In the unlikely event a dragon deigns to serve a regent, there Monstrous Units
must be a clear understanding of the power relationships Muster
between the two or else the dragon will go rogue on the Unit Cost Maintenance
following season. A regent that gains control of a dragon Type (GB) Cost (GB) Requirements BCR
immediately increases the loyalty of all of their provinces by
one. A dragon unit consists of a solitary wyrm, and no dragon Dragon 30 10 Mercenary 15
will work with any other dragon as part of a regent’s forces -- Giants 10 5 Mercenaries 10
the beasts are far too territorial.
Ogres 6 3 Mercenaries 5
Giants Cannot be in
Most giants are reclusive and rarely emerge from their Orog the same
enclaves to join with armies. However, they can sometimes be Infantry
4 2
force as
found as the heavy artillery of monstrous armies. Giants count dwarves
as a unit capable of assailing fortifications, and a unit of giants Summoned
consists of no more than 3 of the creatures. The unit can be Undead through legion
comprised of any of the Cerilian giant types -- hill, stone, Troops
n/a n/a
of the dead
forest, or mountain. Only rarely do ice giants gather in realm spell
numbers sufficient to serve in armies.
5 in cold or
Ogres Varsk
6 3
L2 and Vos, or mountainous
More common than giants and easily convinced to fight for Cavalry Mercenaries terrain, 3 in
gold, ogres are undisciplined brutes who are good at smashing all others
lines of pikemen and cavalry, but fall quickly under the steady
formations of infantry units. Ogre units consist of about 30 Commanders
individuals. Each unit in an engagement is considered to have its
Orog Infantry sergeants, standard bearers, and other necessary roles
The gruesome orogs sometimes marshal units in heavy armor already included. A unit may be bolstered through the
with huge chopping weapons to butcher enemies. Like other presence of attached commanders, which may be NPC
units of their makeup, they number around 200 troops, but lieutenants recruited by the regent, other player characters, or
are poor combatants in daylight and prefer to fight at night or the regent themselves.
underground. When forced to battle in daylight, roll twice for The presence of a commander increases the relative
resolution effects and take the worse of the two rolls. strength of a unit (as outlined under the Resolving Battles
section), as well as increasing its Battlefield CR by 1.
Undead Troops
This is a catch-all unit of 200 skeletons, zombies, and other
massed undead raised through the realm spell legion of the
dead. It is mindless, never routs, and cannot be affected by
climate or fatigue. As such, they make cheap and durable
troops, if somewhat limited in combat capability.
Varsk Cavalry
While not monstrous in the strictest sense of the word given
their riders are Vos warriors, varsks are the fearsome furred
lizards of the bitter northeast. They excel at tests of stamina
and morale, though they are not quite as swift as regular
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Castles To
The War Move The presence of a Castle is a significant obstacle for invading
Part of each domain action phase is the War Move. All regents engag
regents. Any province that possesses a Castle asset that is unit o
with troops actively engaged in wartime have the opportunity manned by at least its skeleton crew prevents any further the en
to position units of soldiers based on their movement and the advancement through the domain until the Castle is
conditions of the provinces through which they move. neutralized or destroyed. The invading force can always
First, any armies that possess units with the Scout retreat the direction from whence it came, and is never
designation identify the number of units and composition of “trapped” within the province by the Castle.
those units for all troops in surrounding provinces at the
beginning of the War Moves phase. This allows a more Neutralizing Castles
educated course of action on behalf of the regent. In order to overcome a Castle’s inherent defenses, it must be
To move troops through a domain that is not your own, you surrounded and besieged. To do this, an invading regent must
must either Declare War or engage in Diplomacy to secure have a total number of units hostile to the Castle’s owner
the right of safe passage for your armies. The act of moving equal to the level of the Castle, plus any units stationed there.
your armies requires the Move Troops domain action, and Once a Castle is neutralized, any additional units may pass
moves happen in order of domain initiative. Armies move as through the province without being blocked.
far as they desire unless they encounter an enemy force, For example, Baron Gavin Tael has enough of Erin
terrain obstruction, or Castle asset controlled by an enemy Velescarpe’s constant stymieing of his efforts, and sends
regent. troops to attack her realm. Erin Velescarpe’s frontier Castle is
In the case that an army on the move encounters a hostile only level 2, but she has two units of troops stationed there.
unit, and that unit has not yet moved on this turn, that unit The Baron must commit four of his own units to that province
may immediately elect to retreat to a friendly adjacent in order to neutralize the Castle.
province (never to a hostile one, even if unoccupied). If the unit A neutralized Castle is considered besieged. For each
has already completed its move this turn, it cannot flee, even if season that a Castle is besieged and the besieging force
it has movement remaining. If the enemy unit retreats in this includes at least one unit of engineers, its effective level is
manner, the aggressor army may continue its move as though reduced by one at the end of the season. If the Castle is ever
it were not halted. reduced to zero, it is considered destroyed and any units
garrisoned there must come out to fight; they cannot flee to a
Terrain friendly province on the following season.
The type of terrain and presence of roads has a heavy impact Siege warfare is slow, exhausting, and expensive, and it is
on how far a unit can move. Each unit type has its own often more cost-effective to simply bypass the Castle while it
movement rate, and combined armies of different unit types is neutralized. Troops committed to a siege must be paid for
use the movement rate of its slowest unit. Roads and bridges and replenished as necessary; without a unit that is capable of
are useful for making provinces significantly easier to attacking the occupants directly, those troops are effectively
navigate. A unit can never be denied a single province’s worth sitting there waiting out the Castle occupants.
of movement, regardless of how difficult the terrain is to cross Dwarven fortifications are notoriously difficult to besiege,
or how low their movement rate. as they tend to be built partially or entirely underground. As
such, they cannot be fully neutralized unless completely
Terrain destroyed. See the Subterranean Fortifications upgrade under
Terrain Movement Cost per Province the Fortify action.
Desert or Tundra 2 Scouts
Forest 2 (1 for elf units) Units that have the Scout quality can identify the number and
Mountains or Glacier 4 (2 for dwarf units) makeup of units in a one-province radius from wherever they
Hills 2
are stationed. This identification takes place at the beginning
of the War Moves phase. If no scouts are present in your
Plains, Farmland, and
armies, then you are unaware of the number and makeup of
Steppes enemy units unless you perform the Espionage action with
Swamps and that express purpose in mind.
Reduce movement cost by 1,
Resolving Battles
Roads Present
minimum 1 Herein is presented a method for quickly resolving
engagements with hostile units. The system is intended to be
Cross River Uses entire Move Troops action economical for time, based on automatic resolution
Bridge Present
Allows river to be crossed as normal contingent on the number of units present on each side as
for province well as their composition.
Wilderness Increase movement cost of terrain
Fortification Present by 1, even if Castle is neutralized
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Resolving Battles
Circumstance Modifier
Occupation and Conquest
In the event that hostile forces remain in a province
Enemy force has Archer-class units and your force
-1 unopposed and with no castles that remain unneutralized, the
has no Cavalry-class units province is considered occupied. The province generates no
Enemy force has Cavalry-class units and your
gold bars or regency for any regent that possesses holdings
force has no Pikemen or Cavalry-class units within it until the invading army is dislodged -- that is, no
Per 2 total BCR the enemy force exceeds your
hostile force remains within the province, and a friendly force
own (maximum penalty -3)
-1 remains to re-establish order.
As pointed out under the section for Seasons, an occupying
The unit has suffered at least 25% casualties
-1 force can collect Severe Taxation on occupied provinces
before the battle is joined during the taxation phase. This act permanently reduces the
The unit has suffered at least 50% or greater level of the province by one. Occupying forces act as a
casualties before the battle is joined
-2 temporary, overriding Law holding of a level equal to the
The unit has terrain advantage (elves in forest,
number of occupying units; this special form of Law can
dwarves in mountains)
+1 exceed the level of the province.
During occupation on the phase of the turn when War
Your force has established fortifications and Moves occur, in lieu of moving the occupying force, the army
defenses and enemy force has no Artillery or +1 can perform one of the following activities:
Engineer-class units.
Quash Law: You permanently reduce the level of all Law
Per 2 total BCR your force exceeds the enemy
force (maximum bonus +3)
+1 holdings they choose in the province to zero.
Disband Guilds: You permanently reduce the level of all
The unit possesses an attached commander. +1 Guild holdings they choose in the province to zero.
Raze Temples: You permanently reduce the level of all
On a result of zero or lower, the unit is destroyed. On a Temple holdings they choose in the province to zero.
result of 1, the unit has suffered 50% casualties; if the unit has Vandalize Sources: You permanently reduce the level of
already suffered 50% or greater casualties, it is destroyed. On all Source holdings they choose in the province by one.
a result of 2 to 5, the unit suffers 25% casualties, but survives Any holding damaged in this way can be leveled once more
the engagement. On a result of 6 or greater, the unit suffers through domain actions should the province be liberated, or if
no significant casualties. the occupying army’s regent invests the province and becomes
The side that suffers the most results of 1 or lower is its rightful lord.
considered defeated, and must retreat to a province with no
hostile force present on the same turn of its defeat. If the force
cannot be relocated in this way, it remains where it is. If the
defeated force is entrenched in fortifications of any kind (such
as a castle), it can choose not to retreat.
If neither side is defeated, the battle is a stalemate (though
all casualty results stand) and the forces clash again on the
following domain action. This continues until one force or
another is either defeated or destroyed.
In the event one force’s total BCR is at least twice that of the
opposing force, the other force is automatically destroyed and
no dice need be rolled.
Should a commander be attached to a unit that is destroyed,
the victorious force has the option to execute the commander
or take them prisoner. Ransoming commanders is a lucrative
option for some lords, typically forcing regents to pay 1 GB
per level of the individual to secure their release.
Merging or Replenishing Units
Units of the same type that suffer casualties can be merged
freely before battles commence. A unit can never be brought
above maximum strength without creating a new unit. For
example, a unit of pikemen that suffers 25% casualties
merges with a unit of pikemen that suffered 50% casualties.
One unit of pikemen is brought to full strength, but a unit of
pikemen remains that is at 75% casualties.
Units can also be replenished by mustering new forces at
half cost on the regent’s domain turn, provided the unit in
question is in a friendly province.
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Realm Magic
mong the most powerful magic available to Bless Army
mortals is realm magic. These spells, RP Cost: 1 per unit
exceedingly rare and difficult to cast, are rituals GB Cost: 1
of the highest complexity and expense that can Required Temple: 3
affect entire domains at a time. All blooded
scions that are sufficiently trained can learn and Duration: One season
cast one of these spells, but must have access to With this spell, the adherent can bless one unit and increase
a suitably powerful Temple or Source holding and have levels its BCR by 1 for the season. At 5th level, the adherent can
of a class capable of utilizing them. bless two units. At 11th, they may bless three units. At 17th,
No scion begins play knowing realm spells. They must be they may bless four units.
discovered using the Research domain action, and the Game Blight
Master determines what challenge await a regent attempting RP Cost: 3 per province
to discover one of these extremely powerful spells. GB Cost: 2
All realm spells have a number of requirements for the Required Temple: 3
casting, which typically include a minimum Temple or Source
holding level in the province in which the spell is being cast, Duration: One season
Regency Point expenditure, and/or Gold Bar expenditure. Whereas the bless land realm spell brings fortune, the
Casting a realm spell does not require that the spell be blight realm spell brings devastation. The targeted province
prepared, and known realm spells do not count against any suffers an intense and immediate misfortune, causing all
class’s spells known. They always take a great deal of time to regents who control a holding within the province to
cast, through use of the Realm Magic domain action. immediately lose 1 GB. The owner of the province itself loses
an additional gold bar, and the regent must succeed on a
Bloodline saving throw or the province’s loyalty is reduced by
Realm Spell Descriptions one grade.
Alchemy The regent may affect only one province with this spell at
RP Cost: 4+ first. At 5th level, they may affect two provinces. At 11, they
GB Cost: 0 may affect up to three provinces. At 17th, they may affect up to
Required Source: 3 four provinces.
Duration: Permanent Death Plague
This realm spell allows the invoker to create wealth from RP Cost: 1 per target province level
inert materials. By expending 4 RP, the caster creates 1 GB of GB Cost: 2
wealth added immediately to the treasury of either the caster Required Source: 5
themselves or the regent they serve. This spell can only be Duration: Permanent
invoked once per season, as the strain on the caster is great, By invoking this terrible realm spell, the caster creates a
but there is no upper limit to the value of gold that can be plague to befall a target province. The sickness spreads
transmuted in a single casting of this spell so long as quickly and terribly throughout the month of its invocation,
sufficient RP is available. reducing the target province’s level by 1.
Bless Land As the caster grows in power, so does the potential
RP Cost: 3 per province destruction of this spell. Upon reaching 5th level, the caster
GB Cost: 1 can spend additional RP to affect a second province that is
Required Temple: 1 adjacent to the initially targeted province. At 11th level, they
Duration: One season may affect a third in the same manner, so long as it is in some
With a holy ceremony, the adherent invokes the blessing of way connected to one of the first two. At 17th, the caster may
their deity upon a province. Each non-Source holding within affect four connected provinces. Only the initially-targeted
the province, and the province itself, immediately generate an province need be one in which the caster possesses a Source
additional gold bar of revenue for their controlling regents. holding or suitable ley line connection.
The province also improves its loyalty by one grade. For example, the vile lich Manentorok, an awnsheghlien
The regent may affect only one province with this spell at that is effectively an 18th level wizard, maintains a frightened
first. At 5th level, they may affect two provinces. At 11, they and meager populace of peasants to tend his land and fuel his
may affect up to three provinces. At 17th, they may affect up to experiments. A Vos lordling expands territory near his
four provinces. borders, an affront that the lich cannot abide. He casts the
death plague realm spell using ley lines he controls in the
lordling’s territory, just over the border, reducing the
province’s level from 2 to 1 and reminding them of who holds
sway in the valley.
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Since Manentorok has plenty of RP to spare and is capable of Honest Dealings
casting powerful magic, he elects to spread the plague to RP Cost: 3 per province
three additional provinces (a level 3, a level 2, and a level 1), **GB Cost:**3
stretching deep into the rival lordling’s territory and Required Temple: 3
decimating his people. The lich expends a total of 8 RP for the
casting. Duration: One season
The effects of the death plague can be countered in a single By invoking a sense of honesty and fair play upon the
province by the effects of a dispel realm magic or bless land denizens of a targeted province, an adherent can cause all
realm spell, but only if it is cast on the same domain action. Agitate and Espionage actions upon the province to fail for a
period of one season. Any individual within the province that
Demagogue attempts to use the Deception skill or steal from others using
RP Cost: 5 per loyalty grade Sleight of Hand suffers disadvantage on the skill check.
GB Cost: 1 The regent may affect only one province with this spell at
Required Source: 3 first. At 5th level, they may affect two provinces. At 11, they
Duration: See description may affect up to three provinces. At 17th, they may affect up to
A devious enchantment woven over a realm, the demagogue four provinces.
spell enables a regent to affect the loyalty of provinces for Investiture
better or worse. By expending 5 RP per grade, the caster can RP Cost: Special
increase or decrease the loyalty of the target province. Thus, a GB Cost: 1
wizard regent can charm a rebellious province to increase the Required Temple: 1
loyalty of its people to high by expending 15 RP. If this spell is
cast on an opposing regent's domain, that regent is entitled to Duration: Permanent
a Bloodline saving throw to avoid the effect. Through this holy ritual, an adherent can transfer regency
Beginning at 5th level, the regent can target up to two between any two characters. This may be used to sever the
provinces with this spell, but must pay the cost for each link between the land and one regent to give to another, or
province and loyalty grade they wish to affect. At 11th level, transfer holdings accordingly, as outlined under the domain
they can affect up to three provinces. At 17th, they can affect action of the same name. The adherent casting this spell, as
four provinces. well as both individuals who are part of the ritual, must
expend their domain actions to be present for the spell to do
Dispel Realm Magic its work.
RP Cost: See description Legion of the Dead
GB Cost: 1 RP Cost: 4 per unit
Required Source: 1 GB Cost: 1 per unit
Duration: See description Required Source: 3
By weaving a powerful abjuration, a caster can use this Duration: One season
realm spell to remove the effects of harmful realm spells or Through the use of this terrible necromantic realm spell, a
protect it from possible attack by realm magic. If used to
remove an existing effect, the regent pays 2 RP per level of the regent may raise armies of undead for use in war. Undead
realm spell being dispelled. units have no maintenance cost, can march day and night
If used in a protective manner, the regent may expend RP of without rest, and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.
a value equal to twice their level. For the remainder of the The caster must remain within the same province as the
season, the dispelling effect will automatically trigger against undead legion or the summoned units immediately disband
any realm spell cast against the target province. If the cost of and are destroyed.
the triggering realm spell is equal to or less than the value bid, The caster may summon one unit of undead with this spell.
the spell fails and the costs are still incurred. Upon reaching 5th level, they may summon two units, but
At 5th level, the protective use of this spell lasts two must pay the cost for each. At 11th level, they may summon
seasons. At 11th level, the protection lasts for three seasons. three units, and at 17th level they may summon four.
At 17th level, the effect lasts for an entire year. The protection Mass Destruction
is not broken upon blocking a given realm spell, but may itself RP Cost: 10 per unit
be dispelled. There is no way to determine without Espionage GB Cost: 5
or magical divination whether a given province is protected by Required Source: 5
use of this spell.
Duration: Instant
Calling down rains of fire, explosive storms, or poisonous
winds, the caster can obliterate enemy armies within the
target province. By paying the listed cost, the regent may
attempt to destroy any single unit in the target province. Upon
reaching 5th level, they may affect two units. At 11th, the
regent can instead affect three units. At 17th, they may affect
four units. The regent must pay the RP cost for each unit
affected, and must be able to see the units being affected.
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Targeted units are destroyed unless the controlling regent If the spellcaster is willing to pay double the RP cost, the
succeeds on a Bloodline saving throw, which allows the unit to castle can be made permanent, though this act is extremely
only suffer 25% casualties instead. taxing on the spellcaster and ages them 10 years. It will not
A dragon unit cannot be affected by this spell. Attached destroy itself if the caster is later killed or dies of natural
commanders on a unit that is destroyed suffer 5d10 points of causes.
damage, typed according to the caster’s wishes. The caster Subversion
can select the type of damage at the time the spell is invoked RP Cost: See below
from among acid, fire, cold, force, lightning, poison, or thunder. GB Cost: 2
The aftermath of the destruction lays waste to the Required Source: 1
surrounding countryside. The populace suffers an immediate Duration: One domain action
degradation of loyalty whether or not any units were Using powerful enchantments, a spellcaster can take
destroyed. temporary and subtle control of a holding, province, army, or
Raze lieutenant under the command of another regent. The caster
RP Cost: 10 per structure level may then cause that unit to take an immediate domain action,
GB Cost: 2 per damage level inflicted even if the target is not normally capable of taking domain
Required Source: 5 actions.
Duration: Instant Taking command of a holding or province allows you to
Powerful spellcasters can use this realm spell to devastate Agitate or Contest in your favor with an automatic success. An
castles and similar fortifications. The more expansive the army may be used to attack their once-allies. A lieutenant can
castle, the more expensive this spell is to cast, even if the force an immediate Assassination event upon their controlling
damage you intend to cause is not equal to the level of the regent (provided they are in the same province as the regent
castle. For example, a level 4 castle costs 40 RP to target with at the time the spell is cast).
this realm spell, though you may only have enough gold bars In any case, the cost is 3 RP per level of the target holding,
to damage it up to three levels. Sometimes it is simply enough province, or level of the lieutenant. If the target is an army, the
to send a message rather than obliterate a castle outright. cost is 5 RP per unit affected, and all affected units must be in
The damage caused happens instantaneously, but the caster the same province. Only one type of target can be affected per
must be within sight range of the castle being affected casting of this realm spell.
throughout the period of time the spell is being cast. As such, Summoning
this realm spell is typically invoked while a regent’s armies are RP Cost: 5 per unit
laying siege to a province. The regent that owns the castle GB Cost: 2 per unit
may attempt a Bloodline saving throw to halve the damage to Required Source: 3
the castle in question. Duration: See below
Scry The spellcaster invokes this realm magic to conjure forth
RP Cost: 5 plus 3 per province of separation hordes of monsters to do their bidding. These monsters arrive
GB Cost: 1 from all around to join under the regent’s banner and fight for
Required Source: 1 one season. At 5th level, the duration of the spell is two
Duration: Instant seasons. At 11th, the duration is three seasons, and at 17th
By invoking this realm spell, a regent may perform the the duration is one full year (four seasons). At the end of this
equivalent of an Espionage realm action on the targeted duration, the spell expires and all monstrous units become
province, but only for the purposes of gathering information. brigands in the province where they are currently present.
The caster need not make a domain action roll; the spell is The regent does not need to pay the mustering costs for
automatically successful and carries no risk of failure. these troops, but must pay their upkeep. Failure to pay upkeep
A spellcaster whose realm is protected by a dispel realm for a unit breaks the spell’s effect upon it, and the unit
magic spell automatically knows the source of the scrying immediately turns to brigandage in their current province.
attempt. The caster may summon one unit of monsters with this
spell. Upon reaching 5th level, they may summon two units,
Stronghold but must pay the cost for each. At 11th level, they may
RP Cost: 6 RP per castle level summon three units, and at 17th level they may summon four.
GB Cost: 10 The type of monsters summoned is also contingent on the
Required Source: 7 level of the invoker. Initially, the caster may summon only
Duration: One season per caster level Goblin Infantry with this spell. At 5th level, they may instead
The invoker of this realm spell bends the land to their will summon Gnoll Infantry or Goblin Cavalry. At 11th level, they
to conjure a fortress in the target province. The RP cost is may instead summon Orog Infantry or Gnoll Marauders. At
equivalent to constructing a fortress with gold (6 RP per 17th level, the caster may summon Ogres.
castle level), but the result is happens over the course of
minutes rather than months. The fortress remains for one
season per level of the caster, and crumbles to useless debris
at the end of that period or if the caster dies.
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RP Cost: 4 per unit
GB Cost: 1
Required Source: 5
Duration: Instantaneous
This powerful spell allows a regent to move troops from one
province to another without needing to pay exorbitant
relocation costs. The regent must be able to trace a path of ley
lines between the starting and ending provinces in order to
transport them, but the process is instantaneous and the units
may also move during the War Moves phase.
The invoker may also use this spell on enemy units they can
see, but the RP cost is doubled. The enemy unit and all
lieutenants and commanders are harmlessly transported to
the target province. The end point location cannot be in a
lethal location (such as in the middle of a sea or in a volcanic
RP Cost: 5 per province
GB Cost: 2 per province
Required Source: 5
Duration: See below
It may occasionally behoove a spellcasting regent to prevent
entry into or exit from a target domain. By invoking this realm
spell, a regent may conjure a misty barrier to envelop the
borders of a targeted province (or multiple provinces). No
units may cross the border, and find themselves turned
around and arriving back in the province should they attempt
to pass the mists.
This also prevents any trade or diplomacy with the targeted
provinces. Trade routes with a terminus in the affected
province do not generate gold bars for their regent, and the
provinces (and the holdings within it) are immune to the
Agitate or Contest actions if their owners are not within the
boundaries of the mists.
The caster of this spell is immune to the effects of the mists,
as are any individuals or units they accompany. In this way, the
spell can be used on an isolationist domain for protection.
The caster can affect one province with a casting of this
spell. At 5th level, they may affect up to two provinces, which
need not be adjacent. At 11th level, they may affect three
provinces. At 17th, they may affect four provinces.
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Random Domain Events
andom events are things that can occur during The Game Master determines whether or not the
each season that may affect a regent’s provinces accusations are true, and the regent’s response determines
or holdings in one fashion or another. Not every the outcome. This may take the form of ordering and funding
season will have an associated event, and while an investigation, which costs 1d4 GB each season it
the Game Master checks only once for random continues, or calling all parties to court to deal with the matter
events, actions performed during the course of personally (which requires that the regent expended funds on
previous turns can cause multiple events to court costs this season).
occur simultaneously (such as severe taxation on an already
rebellious populace forcing an uprising). Diplomatic Mission (+1)
Each listed event has a modifier next to it in parentheses. The agents of a foreign ruler arrive in the regent’s domain and
This number is used to calculate rewards at the end of the expect hospitality and the attentions of the regent for at least
season. past of the season. If the regent does not have court costs for
this season, the mission leaves and the realm’s reputation
Assassination (+2) with that foreign regime declines.
An enemy of the regent, whether it be one they have feuded If the diplomats remain, they may ask a favor of the regent
with before or one that has an otherwise hidden grievance or offer some manner of mutual agreement, as determined by
with the scion, sends agents to extinguish their life. Typically, the Game Master. Typically, this involves a trade route request
this is played out as an encounter with an assassin, or group (which may require the regent build roads) or similar
of assassins, as determined by the Game Master. These events mutually-beneficial arrangement.
typically lead to further intrigue -- assuming the regent
survives -- as the organizer(s) of the attempt are sought. Festival (+1)
The regent and their party may also earn experience from A local festival springs up in one of the regent’s provinces, its
defeating the encounter if they are present during the exact nature determined by the Game Master. Possibilities
assassins’ defeat. include a religious holiday or a festival celebrating a local
hero. These kinds of events can net the regent great goodwill
Blood Challenge (+4) from the people if time and resources are expended to support
A blooded champion or an awnsheghlien comes looking for it, or better yet, attend in person.
the regent and issues them a challenge, in the form of a duel, The regent can ignore this event safely, or expend 1d4 GB
insult, or announcement of impending invasion. The ultimate to send gifts and support to the festival. Loyalty in the province
goal of this agent is to conquer the regent and usurp their increases by one grade if this is done.
bloodline by force.
Feud (+2)
Brigandage or Monsters Two influential forces collide in the regent’s domain.
Possibilities include religious leaders, local heroes, brawling
(+3) adventurers, or even foreign agents on holiday. Ignoring this
A group of bandits, a single monster such as a griffon or event has consequences in the form of damages to the realm
wyvern, or a similar threat manifests itself somewhere in the that cost 1d6 GB to fix, and may also cause loyalty to degrade.
regent’s domain. If left to fester without being tended to, the Addressing the problem can be trickier. Even if one side is
targeted provinces decline in loyalty by one grade for each grievously out of line, siding with one party or the other
season the threat is allowed to remain unchallenged. causes strain between the regent that the party that is ruled
To deal with this event, the regent may dispatch a lieutenant against. This party may become a future thorn in their side.
for the season to raise local adventurers to deal with the
threat (losing their provided bonus action) or issue a Decree
to that effect. If the danger is particularly severe, the regent
Great Captain/Heresy (+2)
may find themselves forced to raise a levy or dispatch units of A mighty individual rises to prominence in the regent’s
troops to deal with the threat. domain. The Game Master determines the traits and goals of
the individual in question; they may be a potential ally or
lieutenant, or a demagogue attempting to rally the people
Corruption (+1) against the regent. In the case of the former, this may lead to
An agent of the regent’s court, a high-ranking priest, or a an Unrest event on the following season.
devious guildmaster are publicly accused of corruption. A
particularly influential regent may be able to safely ignore this
accusation, but for a fresh, inexperienced ruler this may be a
stain they must scrub out immediately.
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Intrigue (+1) 5 - Supernatural Army (+4)
What’s a good story of lords and ladies without some court A previously unknown force emerges somewhere within the
intrigue? Gossip, rumor-mongering, or even a death by poison regent’s domain. A 1d3 units of monsters (typically of the
may be the impetus for this event, where the regent and their fiend or undead type) are summoned or tear their way through
court become embroiled in the affair. Poorly handled, this a rift into Cerilia and begin to occupy the province,
event can cause degradations in loyalty and reputation. slaughtering its people on each domain turn until nothing
The regent must determine a course of action when this remains but death and ruin. The force always moves together,
event arises, even if it is a simple Decree. If left unaddressed, and each season it remains without being completely
this event has a high chance of turning into a Feud or Matter destroyed allows another unit of the same type to manifest at
of Justice on the next season. the beginning of the following season.
6 - Dragon Awakens (+5)
Magical Event (+2 to +5) One of Cerilia’s few remaining dragons awakens in a province,
A supernatural event takes place somewhere in the regent’s tearing the earth apart in the throes of its fitful slumber. The
domain. The exact nature of this event varies depending on dragon begins devastating the local terrain until it can be slain
the events of the campaign and the Game Master’s whim, but or convinced to go elsewhere. Be warned: Cerilia’s dragons
some possible random outcomes are as follows. Roll 1d6 and are creatures of raw, elemental power and all are of ancient
consult the list below. strength. They care nothing for the politics of humans, elves,
or dwarves and will devour all indiscriminately in their
1 - Bizarre Weather (+2) elemental urges.
A supernatural storm, bizarre heat wave, or summer snow Matter of Justice (+2)
washes over a province in the regent’s domain. The source of
the event might be the result of a wizard conducting The regent is personally called upon to adjudicate a legal
experiments in secret with grave consequences, or the stirring matter, typically between greater powers in their domain or
of an elemental spirit long imprisoned. Loyalty and holding even other regents who require an impartial voice of equal
income is at risk until the situation is resolved. standing. The encounter should be played out, and the regent
must expend 1d4 GB to fund the proceedings in their realm.
2 - Mebhaighl Surge (+3) Successfully mediating the dispute causes the regent’s
Sources and ley lines run amok. Through the assault of a reputation with one or both parties to increase, depending on
distant mage-regent or the presence of a magic-devouring the ruling.
entity, Source holdings become tainted and ley lines sputter The regent may decline to preside over the affair if they
and atrophy in a random province until the source of the event wish with no ill effects, but a regent that repeatedly does this
can be dislodged. whenever this event arises may suffer the consequences of
their insular nature.
3 - Shadow Incursion (+3)
The Shadow World’s touch grows strong in a place within one Natural Event (+1)
of the regent’s provinces. A graveyard, battlefield, or blighted An earthquake, flood, landslide, or other natural disaster
temple all make good centers for the event. The incursion is strikes somewhere in the regent’s domain. The regent may
strong enough to allow creatures from the Shadow World to ignore the event and lose one level of loyalty in the affected
invade by night, ravaging surrounding villages and causing province. If the regent expends 1d4 GB or dispatches a
loyalty in the province to steadily decay until the problem is lieutenant to deal with the aftermath, this loss can be
dealt with. prevented.
4 - Starfall (+2)
A celestial object impacts somewhere within a random
province the regent controls. Loyalty in that province
immediately decays by one grade as fear and superstition run
wild in the land. The object may be a simple meteorite of
precious metals and iron (+1d6 GB) or a gruesome monster
long banished in the heavens. Either way, the situation must
be handled quickly before the populace’s fear gets the better of
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Trade Dispute (+1)
A trade route or guild holding that the regent owns or
connects to falls under dispute, and does not generate GB this
season. If the regent has no trade routes or guild holdings,
this instead counts as no event. As long as the regent ignores
this event, the effect persists.
The regent will need to engage in a Diplomacy or Grant
action in order to mediate the dispute and return the holding
or route to functioning order.
Unrest (+2)
Grave unrest takes hold in a random province within the
regent’s domain. The cause may be a rebel leader, the
antagonism of a distant ruler inciting rebellion, or other event
as the Game Master determines. The province immediately
drops in loyalty by two grades. If this results in the province
becoming rebellious, the province immediately raises as many
levies as possible, which are hostile to the regent.
These units will rampage across the regent’s domain until
quelled by force or negotiation. The loyalty effects endure
until the regent finds another way to return the province to its
previous state of affairs.
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Campaign Options
irthright, as presented in this conversion, is not Monstrous Races
necessarily bound by its conventions. There are
many ways to play in the setting without the These options are even more contentious in most campaigns,
need for certain restrictions or strict lines of but there are examples of every monstrous player race save
demarcation. For a given campaign or gaming orcs in Cerilia. Playing a goblin scion or a lizardfolk
group, some of the following options may useful. mercenary with a party of standard player character races
could be an interesting experiment, but tread with care here;
Additional Races such creatures are not welcome in "polite" Cerilian society.
While "pure" Cerilia has only those races listed earlier as Arcane Magic Options
suitable for the setting, there's nothing to say an inventive If you find that the presented restrictions are too severe on
group cannot make room for other races. who can be members of the sorcerer or wizard classes, or
Dragonborn magically-inclined fighter and rogue archetypes, you may
consider allowing this option.
Dragonborn may be the hardest sell of the core races to
include, and could exist as refugees from another, unnamed Unrestricted Archetypes, Magician
continent on the world of Aebrynis. Another possibility is they Wizards, and Unbound Sorcerers
are the reincarnation of some slain dragon from Cerilia's
distant past, or a mutant creature twisted by the power of the For this option, magically-inclined fighter and rogue
Shadow World. Dragonborn would be feared, at best, for their archetypes can be populated by unblooded characters, as their
comparatively monstrous appearance, and some would magic does not reach such heights of power that the setting
assume them to be a form of awnsheghlien. lore is particularly damaged. Furthermore, unblooded wizards
can belong to the Diviner and Illusionist wizard traditions
Gnome without similarly diverging from the intended experience.
An excuse could be made for the inclusion of gnomes by Sorcerers would be a special exception, as by their very
stating that they are fey creatures in secluded communities nature they are "blooded" in some supernatural way. While
deep within Cerilia's magical wilderness. Most uneducated their very existence means they possess the magical power to
humans would likely guess them to be a slender dwarf or a invoke true magic, they do not necessarily need to possess
particularly stout halfling, so they could pass largely unnoticed one of the divine bloodlines. Draconic bloodline sorcerers
in Cerilian society. Elves, of course, would know them gain their power from their draconic lineage, and other
instantly, and be protective of them due to their nature. sorcerers are pure mebhaighl given physical limitations.
None of these changes particularly damages the intent of
Half-Orc the setting and may be desired by groups who don't wish to
populate a party full of blooded scions, or those gaming
The fearsome half-orc is a possibility, but as most savage groups who want to play in Cerilia, but not interface with
humanoids are kept under the simple classification of "goblin" domain rulership at all.
(whether they be hobgoblin, bugbear, or actual goblin) then
this race could easily be reflavored as a half-goblin. It is likely Ignoring Bloodlines
that the half-breed would find a home only within their
community of their monstrous parent. A half-orog is also a If you prefer to use the systems presented for worlds other
possibility, as orogs (typically a stout breed of orc in other than Cerilia, there's nothing saying you cannot completely
settings) completely replace the niche of the orc in Cerilia. ignore the inclusion of bloodlines and blood abilities. In such
games, Regency Points become available to anyone with the
Tiefling power and wealth to command large business, temple, or
While not the newest of races to be introduced to the game, political enterprises. The currency is instead flavored as
tieflings as-written might be difficult to justify in some influence, and a given character's knack for making outcomes
campaigns. Demons and devils are relegated to the periphery work to their favor. Use Charisma as the ability score to
of Cerilia's supernatural threats, and usually come in some resolve domain action checks and earn regency points for
flavor of Shadow World monster. Tieflings could be the spawn such campaigns.
of such unholy unions of worlds, or the children of terrible Arcane magic and realm spells likewise can work just as
awnsheghlien. Azrai's bloodline takes to these tainted spawn well without requiring bloodlines, and it makes such
all too easily. spellcasters build secret cabals and wage magical wars to
claim powerful Sources.
Of course, in such worlds, you group will need to create the
campaign map and provincial borders of each realm, but in
such situations the possibilities are enticing.
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his document has only begun to scratch the
surface of what the Birthright setting holds.
Most of the text herein focused around the
copious rules and references one would need to
run a campaign in Cerilia, but it is concise and
To learn more about the cultures and kingdoms of the
world, one can find online retailers distributing PDFs of the
old books for reasonable prices. Whether it is the chivalric
romanticism of Anuire, the sweeping mystical deserts of
Khinasi, or the frightful wastelands of Vosgaard, these books
will satisfy your curiosity.
Go forth to unite or conquer a divided Cerilia!
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.