Last Stand at Dragon's End - Keys of Wonder Lore
Last Stand at Dragon's End - Keys of Wonder Lore
Last Stand at Dragon's End - Keys of Wonder Lore
Fallout of The Dragon War Egelstead was a humble village that was caught
in the crossfire of the Dragon Wars. When
Urax’s mother sought to claim the nearby cliffs
After the evil dragon Mouyld, one of the as an aerial command post for her conquest,
Greenwold’s greatest threats, was vanquished, the people of Egelstead did not flee, nor con-
civilization flourished. However, unbeknown cede. Despite their ragtag army, and a modest
to the rest of the world, the vicious dragon left bolstering of trained soldiers and warriors
offspring behind. As the years passed, Urax, one from surrounding regions, the Egelstead forces
of Mouyld’s descendents matured to adulthood. made a mighty stand!
For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:
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Written by Chad Sk iles. Edited by D a vid Crennen.
Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-
ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.
Unthinkably, a great hero - the elven
warrior Maeklun Evenwind - dealt a killing Excelling as Leaders
blow, slaying Urax in the battle! Egelstead Many player classes and archetypes are
was renamed to Dragon’s End, and a statue particularly well-suited for leading and
depicting Maeklun’s triumphant moment was supporting others - which will prove
carved into the Cliffs of Victory, as they would especially beneficial to the story and
be dubbed. The story became a legend that theme of this adventure. Some examples
would grace many bards’ tongues, and books, include:
and campfire tales. • The College of Valor Bard
However, Dragon’s End, despite the new • The Battlemaster Fighter
name, has returned to what it was before in the
many years since its famous dragon slaying: • The Banneret Fighter
a peaceful village, mostly filled with humble • The Mastermind Rogue
fishermen and farmers. The current town reeve • Any character with the Inspiring Leader feat
is Falendra Evenwind, a descendent of Maeklun
the Mighty’s. For characters with these features (or
When the adventure begins, Falendra similar ones), a unit counts as an individ-
makes haste to prepare the town against ual target, and they gain the full benefits
looming danger - as Urax’s underlings raid described by the ability. A larger-scale
surrounding settlements and pave the path battle is the perfect opportunity to let
for the dragon’s destructive strike. these player features and abilities shine in
ways they might not ordinarily do through
conventional encounters, so the GM is en-
couraged to make rulings that maximize
Commanding Battles the use of these features.
This adventure introduces a new rules system
for staging larger battles, which can be incor-
porated into other 5e gaming sessions. Refer
to the Commanding Battles andsediA reyalP
included in your box.
Below are ways the GM can incorporate the
bonus stat blocks - included on the handouts
- into the adventure module.
• During the Cursed Mines journey (see
booklet, pg. 7-8), if the party awakens
the dwarven spirits, they may be able to
convince them to join their cause. If a
character makes a convincing speech and
succeeds on a DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion)
or Intelligence (Religion) (made with
advantage if the character is a dwarf ), the
spirits agree to help the party defend the
town. They use the statistics of a ghost
army unit (see Player Aid).
• The party may help build any of the siege
terrain units (see Player Aid) during the Build
It Up phase (see adventure booklet, pg. 6).
The duration for each is 2 hours. To maintain
a challenging difficulty, the GM is encouraged
to add one enemy mage unit to Urax’s forces in
the final encounter for every 1-2 siege terrain PN AN
constructs the party builds.
• Optionally, the random encounters (found
on the table in the adventure booklet, pg. 7)
may be replaced with a commanding battles If you are using the SRYEFDKONW cam-
encounter. For example: paign setting, you may use this plot hook in
• 3 orc units are mid-fight against 3 militia place of, or in conjunction with, those found in
units, having ambushed their scouting the adventure booklet.
camp! The party may spring into attack The plot hook can occur when the party has
to help command the militia to defeat the revisited Maestro Hewert at his tower, or it may
orcs. If they are successful, any militia units be modified to be presented as a visit from the
that survive are automatically upgraded to Maestro during their travels, or as a flashback.
elite militia units (without consuming any
Read the following aloud:
Maestro Hewert stares into a roaring fire,
• The party stumbles across an allied militia his eyes affixed for a moment. He snaps out of
outpost. Word was sent to the Alabaster
it, with that unmistakable look of excitement in
Academy, seeking reinforcements to help
repel Urax’s raiders. Mages have since his eyes. “A dragon’s roar,” he says. “One of the
arrived at the outpost. If the party takes mightiest sounds - dating back to the dawn of
a short or long rest at the campsite, each creation. There is a special sort of power in it.”
character also gains 10 temporary hit The gnome unfolds a parchment letter with
points when they finish the rest, and a bit of a tremble in his hairy hands. “Word from
the mages present will perform any the south. It is not good, I fear. History has a way
spellcasting services (PHB, pg. 159) for
of repeating itself, and it sounds as if a vengeful
free. After some time, the campsite is
attacked by 1 dragonkin unit and 2 dragon intends to complete the grim work of
assassin units (see Player Aid). The party his ancestors. But you - you can stop it. And…”
commands: 1 militia unit, 1 elite militia The gnome stops to take a hissing kettle
unit, and 2 mage units of tea out of the fire. “...while you’re at it,” he
continues. “If you defeat the dragon, you can
capture its dying roar into the tuning fork.
In doing so, we can restore one of the Grand
Calliope’s grandest lost keys!”
He sips the tea with satisfaction, offering to
pour some to all of you as well. “And besides,
what could be me worthy of a song than dragon