DISS Week 11 JermieSotero
DISS Week 11 JermieSotero
DISS Week 11 JermieSotero
Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
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Management Team:
Activity 1: Recall Me! The result will determine your prior knowledge.
Social scientists have always been preoccupied with basic questions such as
how people and why people behave the way they do, why institutions and policies
change, and why certain actions produce or result in different outcomes. The
search for answers and explanations on these questions brings out different factors
and forces that would account for a particular behavior.
The beginning of the rational choice theory (RCT) can be traced back to the
behavioral revolution in American political science of the 1950’s and the 1960’s
(Ward 2002) instigated by behavioralists or scholars following the behavioral
tradition or persuasion, and hence, the name behavioral movement.
worst, and choose according to what is best for them given their own preference or
tastes (Lalman et al. 1997; 79).
Nonetheless, RCT has been a target of criticism not only forms political
science but also from other disciplines in the social sciences. Ward (1995 & 2002)
grouped these criticisms into four modes, namely:
1. The “heretics” critique who wish to emphasize bounded rationality;
2. The sociologists critique of RCT’s tendency to play down social
structure and holistic modes of explanations;
3. The psychologists critique of RCT’s main assumption that individuals
often act rationally; and
4. Critique from mainstream political science on the basis of the
implausibility of the assumptions made and the predictive failures of
the model.
On the work of
Herbert Simon on bounded
rationality, some rational
choice theorists question
the highly implausible
assumptions of RCT about
the rational capacity of
individuals. Given limited
information, time, and
cognitive capacity to
process information, Simon
believes that individuals
use standard operating
procedures as a heuristic device and as a shorthand guide to rational action. For
Simon, an action is procedurally rational if it is based on beliefs that are
reasonable given the context the actor is in (Ward 2002 &1995).
Since individuals cannot have all the rational capacity, time and emotional
detachment necessary to choose the best course of action, individuals resort to a
range of heuristic in dealing with any problems. Individuals can copy the methods
used by those who are more successful.
Overarching Questions
What is the differnec between old and new institutionalism? Do institutions and institutional contexts matter
The behavioral revolution in the 1960s and 1970s sought to understand how
and why individuals acted as they did in real life.
The rational choice model also in the 1960s and 1070s explained politics in
terms of the interplay of the individual’s self-interest. The major contention of
rational choice theorists is that when faced with several courses of action, people
usually do what they believe is likely to have the best overall effect.Neo-Marxists
focused on how systemic power largely derived from capital-labor relationship play
in the structuring of government.
al-legal methods in the study of political institutions is constitutional analysts
studies before the 1980s
(Rhodes 1995)
believed that there was more to politics than
the formal arrangements for representation,
decision-making, and policy implementation.
Others also continued to practice their art
on the assumption that “you need to sit still,
it all comes round again”.By the 1980s institutionalism emerged with more potency
and rigor. Institutionalism is now used to examine systems ranging from micro
interpersonal interactions to macro global frameworks.As such the classical
institutional approach systematically describes and analyzes phenomena that have
occurred in the past and explain contemporary political phenomena with reference
to past events. The goal is to explain and understand but not to formulate laws
(Kavanagh 1991, 482 in Rhodes 1995, 42).
It deals with the deeper and more resilient aspect of social structure
It considers the processes by which structures, including schemas, rules
and norms and routines become established as authoritative guidelines for
social behavior.
It inquires into how these elements are created, diffused, adopted and
adapted over time and space, and how they fall into disuse and decline.
Institutions are regular, stable, recurring patterns of behaviour.
Institutionalism is an approach to the study of political institutions, a set of
theoretical ideas and hypothesis concerning the relations between
institutional characteristics and political agency, performance and change.
Institutionalism is considered the “historic heart” of Political Science and
part of the toolkit of every political scientist.
Institutionalism covers the rules, procedures, and formal organization of
Embedded in the definition of institutionalism is a formal structure whose
existence has both symbolic and action-generating properties.
Formal structure include mission statements, structural arrangements, and
top level, members
Formal structures also signal the commitment of an organization to rational,
efficient standards of organizing, etc.
Features of Traditional Institutional Approach
Structuralism- the contention here is that structure not only mattered but
also determined behaviour. It concentrated on the major institutional
features of political systems and undertook comparative analysis of different
political systems.
The over reliance on structure by old institutionalists leaves very little room
for the impact of individuals, which is not good enough.
The concentration of old institutionalists on whole systems as the basis of
comparison made generalization and theory building too difficult.
The concentration of traditional institutionalists on normative analysis
undermines the subject matter of political science. The institutionalists
concern with norms and values meant that this work could not be scientific
The focus on formal governmental institutions, constitutional issues and
public law was unpalatably formalistic and old-fashion
It was insensitive to the non-political determinants of political behavior and
hence to the non-political bases of governmental institutions.
New Institutionalism
into a coherent system. Institutions give order to social relations, reduce flexibility
and variability of behaviour, and restrict the possibility of a one-sided pursuit of self-
interest drives.
There are three main variants of the new institutionalism. These are:
1. Normative institutionalism
2. Historical institutionalism
3. Rational choice institutionalism
Normative institutionalism
Historical institutionalism
those basic components of institutional structures. The goal of rational
choice institutionalism is to uncover the laws of political behavior and action.
Scholars in RCI generally believe that once these laws are discovered, models
can be constructed that will help social scientists understand and predict
political behavior. RCI drew very useful analytical tools from the ‘new
economics of organization’ which emphasizes the primacy of property rights,
rent-seeking and transaction cost to the operation and development of
Human-Environment Systems
Humans have the capacity to interact with their environment. Humans and
the environment have “mutual” interaction with each other.. Humans have the
capacity to change or influence the balance of society. Humans always have the
capacity to adapt to its ENVIRONMENT; It is a complex of many variables that
surrounds man as well as living organisms. Environment includes water, air and
land and the interrelationships which exist among and SYSTEM; it may be
described as a complex of interacting components together with the relationships
among them that permit the identification of a boundary-maintaining entity or
process. HUMAN- ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM, it is also known as the Coupled
Human and Natural System, or (CHANS). It is an integrated scientific theory
4. HYDROLOGY It is the scientific study of the movement, distribution, and
quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the water cycle, water
resources, and environmental watershed sustainability.
Tile drainage
S It rests on the idea that individually and collectively, humans
can resolve
Enrichment Activity:
B. Enumeration:
Enumerate at least 3 concept of institutionalism that was discussed
Enumerate at least 3 concepts of rational choice theory that was discussed
Enumerate the 4 actions of humans to its environment
In line with our topic Human-Environment System Approach, you are to make a poster
and slogan about how to take care of the environment following the 2019 IP Month
celebration “Vital Wisdoms: Learning with the Indigenous Peoples” (Buháy na Dúnong:
Pagkatúto Kasama Ang Mga Katutúbo) Use long coupon bond and any prefer writing and
coloring materials. See rubrics below:
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Required The poster includes All required elements Few of the Several required
Elements all required elements are included on the required elements elements were
as well as additional poster & bookmarks. are included on missing.
information. the poster.
Picture The poster is The poster is attractive The poster is The poster is
and/or logo exceptionally in terms of design, acceptably distractingly messy
attractive in terms of layout and neatness. attractive though or very poorly
design, layout, and it may be a bit designed. It is not
neatness. messy. attractive.
Slogan Slogan is catchy and Slogan is weak but Slogan is catchy Slogan's meaning
supports the idea of supports the idea of but doesn't isn't clear and
the importance of the importance of our support the idea of doesn't support
our environment environment the importance of the idea of the
our environment. importance of our
B. ESSAY. Your answer will be rated based on the rubric provided below the
1. What is rational choice theory? What are the objections to or critiques of the
rational choice theory?
Rubric for Activity C
R- I- H- S-
A- N- U- Y-
T- S- M- S-
I- T- A- T-
O- I- N- E-
N- T- M-
A- U- E-
L- T- N- A-
I- V- P-
C- 0- I- P-
H- N- R- R-
O- A- O- O-
I- L- N- A-
C- I- M- C-
E- S- E- H
M- N-
T- T-
H- A-
E- L-
Answer Key