Course Introduction (Applied Social Sciences)
Course Introduction (Applied Social Sciences)
Course Introduction (Applied Social Sciences)
Fill out the columns by identifying what you already know, what you want to
learn, and at the end what had you learned about the first phase of the
applied social sciences course. (5 minutes)
Activity 2: Think, Pair, and Share
Look for a partner to discuss the following inquiries about Social Sciences. (10
The Social Science
Watch the video “An Animated Introduction to Social Science” and jot
down notes on important concepts discussed.
C:\Users\USER\Desktop\DIASS\An Animated Introduction to Social Science.mp4
Activity 3: Pair, Share, and Repeat
From your gathered answers from the Activity 2 plus your thoughts from the animation,
look again for another partner and share your answers to conclude your ideas about
Social Sciences within 5 minutes. (There will be selected students that will discuss your points in the class.)
Definitions of Social Science
The study of humans. Includes four fundamental
subdisciplines, namely: archeology (study of past
human culture and behavior), physical or
biological anthropology (study of human
evolution), sociocultural anthropology (study of
human social or cultural organization), and
linguistic anthropology (study of human
Is the study of production, distribution, and
consumption of resources, goods, and services.
An Overview: Discipline of Social Science
History Study of the human past.
Psychology Study of human mind and behavior.
Study of the theories and practice of politics. It
Political Science involves an analysis of political systems and
Study of the land, features, inhabitants, the
phenomena of the Earth.
Is the scientific study of human languages. It
Linguistics focuses on three aspects of language: form,
meaning, and context.
Study of human social behavior, relationships,
institutions, and societies
Another Disciplines
Pure Social
Social Science
Applied Social
The Applied Social Sciences
Applied Social Science is the study that uses the knowledge base theories,
principles and methods of interdisciplinary disciplines of basic social
science to understand the society and to help address or solve a social
problem or a practical problem in society.
Is an integrated science cutting across and transcending various social
science disciplines in addressing a wide range of issues in a contemporary,
innovative, and dynamic way.
It aims at presenting a well-developed understanding of social systems,
social theory, and social policy.
Practical application of social science knowledge.
There are three representative fields under applied social sciences;
areas are appropriate considering that they are all interdisciplinary
and deals with the application of theories.
The Applied Social
Gouldner (1980) provided a more detailed
explanation of applied social science.
Use of loose concepts rather than
generalized propositions.
Not all concepts or theoretical models are
equally useful to applied social science.
Borrow basic disciplines which can aid
applied social scientist in understanding
When the basic discipline doesn’t provide
systems or concepts to aid applied social
scientist to deal with change, the latter will
develop these himself.
The new concepts will exert pressure to
produce modifications in the theories of the
basic disciplines. Alvin Ward Gouldner
Is a broad field that draws on different social theories and
perspectives and combines theory and practice drawn
from different social disciplines that highlight the complexity
of social issues.
Seatwork #2
MODIFIED TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect. Explain your
Provides an understanding of an individual, group,
or institutional finances, including budget and cost
Accounting analyses, payroll, auditing, and taxes, among
Provide an opportunity to work towards a more
satisfying and resourceful life.
Focuses on study of crime, criminal behavior, and
the legal system.
Provides professionals in health institutions focused
on training required to handle the unique
Healthcare Management
management challenges of the healthcare
Provides background in personal management,
Human Resources and Organizational staff training and development, and the crafting
Development and institution of an organization’s policies and
The Fields of Applied Social Science
Specializes in the administrative knowledge
needed to meet the demands of corporate
Information Technology Management
technology systems including problem solving,
resource allocation, networking, and security.
Includes promotion, creative services, public
relations, research, consulting, communications,
advertisement, strategy, branding, and much
Combination of policy analysis and program
evaluation; it involves the systematic study of
Policy Studies
nature, cause, and effects of alternative public
The Fields of Applied Social Science
Concerned with the implementation of
Public Administration government policy and prepare civil servant for
working in the public service.
Both professional and academic discipline that
seeks to improve the quality of life and well being
Social Work of an individual, group, and etc. Is known for its
critical and holistic approach to understand and
intervene social problems.
Concerned with the use of land, protection and
Urban Planning use of the environment, public welfare, and the
design of the urban environment.
Activity 4: Infographic Reading and Advocacy
Campaign Making
Goal: To explain clearly public perceptions about the work of pure social science and
applied social science practitioners within 20 minutes.
Using the map on the Depression Rates around the world, try to understand the rate of
depression around the world by answering Worksheet.
From the practitioners you answered from assignment, identify how they can help address
or manage depression.
Plan for an advocacy campaign on how can fields of applied social sciences help address
individual or societal issues like depression.
Activity 4: Infographic Reading and Advocacy
Campaign Making
Guide Questions
What can you say about the rate of depression around the world?
In what ways pure social sciences and applied social sciences practitioners
differ in terms of how they will approach the increasing number of people
experiencing depression?
In what ways applied social science practitioners can help address the issue
of depression?
Activity 5: Where Do I Belong
Game. (Opinion Line-up)
The teacher will ask questions to the learners and instead of writing
down or reciting, they will fall in line under the category or their
Quiz #1
11. The science that uses the knowledge base theories, principles,
and methods of interdisciplinary disciplines.
12. One of the fields of applied social sciences that is concerned
with the use of land, protection and use of the environment, public
welfare, and the design of the urban environment.
13. Study of human social behavior, relationships, institutions, and
14. It aims at presenting a well-developed understanding of social
systems, social theory, and social policy.
Quiz #1