Grounding Knowledge and Normative Valuat PDF
Grounding Knowledge and Normative Valuat PDF
Grounding Knowledge and Normative Valuat PDF
Catherine Kendig
1 Introduction
For research within the philosophy of science in practice and sociology of science in practice, see
for instance the work of Hacking (1992, 1995), Dupré (1993), Chang (2004), Rouse (1996, 2003),
Rheinberger (2005), De Regt et al. (2009), Soler (2012), Soler et al. (2014), and Kendig (2016b, c).
C. Kendig (*)
Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University,
503 South Kedzie Hall, 368 Farm Lane, East Lansing 48824-1032, MI, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
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sociology.2 Within philosophy, there was no worse criticism than the suggestion that
what one’s putatively philosophical research was up to was not philosophy but was
instead sociology. For many in philosophy, the criticism amounted to disciplinary
slur, and one to be avoided. This active avoidance by philosophers of science to
engage with sociology of science meant that rather than crossing the divides between
philosophy and sociology, many were instead burning any bridges that remained
between them in an effort to protect the discipline from invasion.
Rather than seeking a purely theoretic approach to knowledge or wholly analytic
approach to explanation, a philosophy of science in practice approach focuses on
the activities required in theory-making, knowledge-making, and explaining. Why
is this important? Focusing on an activity-based analysis allows us to “go beyond
thinking about scientific explanation in terms of logical relations between explanan-
dum and explanans, [and] we can consider how the act of explaining arises and how
it is best performed” (Chang 2011: 208). So called pure theoretic approaches that
omit reference to practice succeed in doing so only by assuming science and knowl-
edge acquisition to be a subjectless state of affairs—activities with no actors, under-
standing with no one who understands, and modelling with no modellers. Chang
suggests the solution to this problem is for us to go against the convention of avoid-
ing the second person familiar “you” in our discourse, explanations, and discussions
(Chang 2011). We should (as philosophers, sociologists, and scientists) recover the
importance of what knowledge is as something you or I understand or explain,
rather than as disembodied subjectless answers to questions (Chang 2011, 2016).
Implementing a science-in-practice approach, my aim is to turn attention to the
work of practitioners reengineering metabolic pathways within chassis organisms
such as E. coli. I ask, what, if anything, doing so can tell us about the relationship
between the metaphysical, epistemological and ethical knowledge-making activi-
ties. As such it constitutes an activity-based analysis of scientific explaining and
normative ethical thinking. If successful, it would suggest that an examination into
the practice of science may also provide answers, (or at least more informed lines of
questioning), for other long-discussed problems in philosophy.
I begin with a brief metaphysics and epistemology of classification. Disciplines
have a system of classification that specifies the kinds of things that are the subject
of study for that discipline, e.g. the periodic table of elements, plate tectonics, the
DSM (Dupré 2006). Synthetic biology is no different. To understand the classifica-
tion system one must focus on the processes by which it is used and made. Our
behaviour is informed by what kinds of things we (presuppose) we are interacting
with as well as the goals and values we rely upon in our investigation. In the first
half of the chapter, I examine the nature of scientific inquiry and how the manipula-
Chang has also pointed out the tendency of traditional philosophers of science as well as analytic
philosophy in general to use the “just sociology” claim as criticism of practice based approaches
to philosophy: “In the typical analytic philosopher’s picture, the scientist only enters as a ghostly
being that either believes or doesn’t believe certain descriptive statements, fixing his beliefs fol-
lowing some rules of rational thinking that remove any need for real judgment. All the things that
do not fit easily into this bizarre and impoverished picture are denigrated as pieces of “mere”
psychology or sociology” (Chang 2014: 70).
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Grounding Knowledge and Normative Valuation in Agent-Based Action and Scientific… 43
tion and use of different techniques within synthetic biology has metaphysical
implications for the notion of parts and wholes, modularity, biological organization
and function. The second half explores the social aspect of scientific inquiry in an
attempt to reveal how normative valuations and ethical judgements are formed
within and across synthetic biology communities. It concludes with a suggestion for
how the epistemological, metaphysical, and ethical modes of inquiry are connected
in networks of practitioners working together as moral agents—and that kinds of
moral objects, epistemic objects, and metaphysical objects are made kinds through
the activities of practitioners within these networks.
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44 C. Kendig
these but it also led to further metaphysical questions. For instance, what kinds are
the parts and processes to which these categories refer? And, what kinds of things
are the parts, modules, and systems used within the discipline of synthetic biology?
Pablo Schyfter3 (2012) suggests what he calls an initial “exploration into things and
kinds” offering a “first look analysis” of kindhood for the products of synthetic biol-
ogy and suggests that they fit imperfectly within both technological kinds and natu-
ral biological kinds. He is critical of synthetic biologists for not considering
kindhood and for using engineering as the model and exemplar on which to base
synthetic biology.
Determining what kinds (i.e technological kinds or natural biological kinds or
something else) exist in synthetic biology may ultimately rest on how the discipline
itself and how it is understood in relation to other biological and engineering disci-
plines. The discipline of synthetic biology is sometimes conceived of by practitio-
ners and detractors as a subset of functional biology and as such is characterized as
an application-based, or technology-based mode of understanding that seeks to
explain how something works (see Schyfter 2012 for problems with this view). It has
also been characterized as evolutionary biology due to its attempt (especially in pro-
tocell creation) to answer why-questions: seeking why (rather than how) biological
pathways, devices, and parts work. This difference in the attribution of goals, prod-
ucts, and techniques depending on what types of questions are being asked make the
categorization of synthetic biology as a hybrid or disunified discipline unsurprising.
Its growing epistemic and methodological toolkit seems likely to continue apace--
the result of sourcing and modifying techniques from biology, chemistry, computer
science, mathematics, and engineering (see Morange 2009b; Keller 2009; O’Malley
et al. 2008 for discussions of the discipline-building of synthetic biology).
But relying on this dichotomy of functional and evolutionary biology, of how-
and why-questions does not seem entirely justified—or at least is not always eluci-
datory—within synthetic biology. Knowledge-seeking questions within synthetic
biology do not focus purely on how-questions directed for the purpose of modifying
function. I suggest elsewhere (Kendig 2016a, b) that such dichotomizations fail to
identify the union of how- and why-questions, their mode of investigation, and cat-
egorization and kind-making (or what I’ve called “kinding”) practices typified by
synthetic biology. The making or constructing of material objects, mechanisms,
processes, or pathways; the theoretical construction of models and algorithms; as
well as the devising of repeatable methods and techniques being made in synthetic
biology are all instances of kinding—where kinding is understood as the epistemo-
logical and ontological activities within the practice of synthetic biology and by
which the categories of that discipline or subdiscipline are configured. The outputs
of these practices—the products of diverse synthetic biological research aims, are
exchangeable and repeatable activities that represent, explain, and further advance
Schyfter (2012) considers and evaluates the appropriateness of conceiving the products of syn-
thetic biological research as kinds of technological objects. The discussion here differs from his
insofar as I take a practice-based account of kinds that focuses on kinds of modules (see also
Sprinzak and Elowitz 2005; Keller 2009).
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Grounding Knowledge and Normative Valuation in Agent-Based Action and Scientific… 45
our understanding of the relation of parts and wholes, the manipulation of develop-
mental pathways, and the nature of biological functioning and organization. This is
exemplified in the engineered construction of functional parts, processes, pathways,
devices, and systems (Brent 2004; Endy 2005). For example, the current attempts to
modify metabolic pathways in bacteria, yeast, and algae to generate biofuels
(Dellomonaco et al. 2010; Georgianna and Mayfield 2012; Wang et al. 2013) rely on
the modification of metabolic pathways through design and testing of biological
systems and their component parts.
Understanding of these functional systems is born out in their decomposition,
manipulation, and co-option. The type of synthetic biology focused on the engi-
neered construction of functional parts, processes, pathways, devices, and systems
is in the business of producing standardized parts, devices, pathways and modules
with known functions. Standard biological parts with known functions are cata-
logued in a number of registries (e.g. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Registry
of Standard Biological Parts). Insofar as these parts are kinds, this practice is the
making of these parts.
In response to Schyfter (2012), I suggest that the imperfect fit of the parts and
processes of synthetic biology into technological or biological kinds is because that
which is kinded is epistemologically heterogeneous. If synthetic biology provides
knowledge of how systems work, then the explanations of nature it provides (e.g.
about how to re-engineer and manipulate them) suggest that it may be more profit-
ably conceived of as a discipline that is epistemologically, ontologically, and meth-
odologically hybrid. In the next section, I characterize the practice of part-making
in metabolic engineering. I suggest that this practice can be couched in terms of
different kinds of modularizing. It can be understood as a study of kinds of synthetic
biological objects in the making and the nature of those things that make up the
discipline (and subdisciplines) of synthetic biology.
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When referring simultaneously to “Modularity” and “modularity” I will use the admittedly awk-
ward “M/modularity”.
Each of these claims can be either conceived of from a realist, antirealist, operationalist, or prag-
matic view as well as either one of monism or pluralism. For instance, one might suggest
Modularity is a pragmatic methodology (and that we can be agnostic about whether the world is or
is not really Modular). Someone may justify this claim that it is Modular insofar as our best knowl-
edge comes from a working hypothesis of Modularity that is a heuristic guiding synthetic biology
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theses of M/modularity apply, and the referent to which they apply (e.g. processes,
objects, relationships, and properties).
The claim of modularity is a claim specific to the compositional structure that parts
and wholes exemplify in a particular system. As such, modularity is an answer to
questions concerning: What is the nature of parts in that particular device or
An extended discussion of modularity based on this example is contained in Kendig and Eckdahl
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48 C. Kendig
pathway?, How are they organized?, or What is the relationship of the composi-
tional structure of them to the whole in question? It characterizes the property and
nature of modulehood. This second kind of modularity avoids the problems that
befall Modularity regarding different assembly methods. The things that are catego-
rized as modular are numerous and may come about due to differing processes of
assembly or categorization. This kind of modularity defines modules by the action
of modularizing. The assembly method used makes parts into modules insofar as
they are chosen by practitioners to be connected or separated from other parts. What
counts as a module (variously understood) and the criteria for modular kindhood
may not be the same for all modules. That is, modularity may not be a property that
can be univocally expressed for all parts—modularity allows for this.
This kind of modularity is not without problems. To say something is a module
or part has typically meant that it bears some sameness relationship, family resem-
blance, or overlapping shared homeostatic set of properties to another part qua
module. In this way, being a module—insofar as it is understood to be a property—
means that it is a property that is instantiable in one way. This means that all modules
insofar as they are modules are homogeneously so. I think this is a mistake. This
modulehood may be a kind differently instantiated. That is, modulehood for one
thing may not be the same as modulehood for another in a radical and non-
comparative way. Some might suggest that this brings into question the legitimacy
of what it is that we refer to when we claim something is a module if there is no
unifying claim. When faced with this proposition, they may prefer to dispense with
all claims of modularity and become eliminitivists. Alternatively, they may embrace
the heterogeneity of modulehood and allow that modulehood may be radically
heterogeneous across all metaphysically parcelled out stuff. Despite its initial
simple understanding, all modules may not belong to the same sui generis category—
modularity may not be something that is univocally expressed.
4 Evolvability
I move now from mapping out some of the conceptual terrain of modularity within
synthetic biology to that of evolvability. How can evolvability be characterized in
synthetic biology7? I suggest that it may be best understood as the capacity of a
population, organism, device, part, or pathway to change over time—that evolvabil-
ity is the facilitated variation of self-organized systems (cf. Calcott 2014). Conceived
in this way it can serve as an umbrella term under which natural, artificial, and
synthetic change over time can be covered.
Evolvability relies on phenotypes being both plastic and stable. Phenotypes of
organisms are plastic insofar as they are responsive to the continual variation within
their environment. Phenotypes of organisms are stable insofar as they may develop
For a recent discussion of evolvability and synthetic engineering that is complementary to the one
presented here, see Calcott (2014).
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reliably despite changes in the resources available to the organisms. Novel phenotypes
arise through the rearranging or recombining of ancestral phenotypes by the organ-
ism (West-Eberhard 2005: 6543). Organisms are able to coordinate the resources
used in their own development because they are:
richly endowed with a capacity for facilitating variation, a small input of random mutation
would lead to a large output of viable phenotypic variation … Instead of a brittle system,
where every genetic change is either lethal or produces a rare improvement in fitness, we
have a system where many genetic changes are tolerated with small phenotypic conse-
quences and whereas others may have selective advantages, but are also tolerated because
physiological adaptability suppresses lethality (Kirschner and Gerhart 2005: 226).
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50 C. Kendig
linkages, the organism would be arguably less fit to adjust to different environmen-
tal situations (Kirschner and Gerhart 2005: 136–7). In the course of evolution small
changes result in wide variability and novelty. Weak linkages can be formed in
many kinds of interactions, such as those between cells, cell populations, tissues,
organs, organ systems, and behaviours. In this way, they confer a standardized way
of connecting different modules to one another. Because these linkages are weak,
individual organs, cells, tissues, or behaviours may also change independently. The
exploratory behaviour of organisms is their responsiveness to different inputs and
outputs. In building such things as neural networks or circuits, the organism begins
by constructing a large number of alternative pathways. The best of these alternative
pathways are selected and stabilized.
A conserved body plan – one that is retained over a succession of individual
organisms – enables independent variation of some features without adversely
affecting others. It does so by compartmentation of the body plan into semi-
autonomous functional and structural parts. This modularity of the organism’s parts
increases its capacity for variation as changes in one subunit do not greatly affect
others and thereby reduces the possibility of lethal variations. The more modular
these subunits become, the greater the possibility of variation and specialization of
these structural and functional units within the organism. The generic capacity to
learn through exploratory behaviour provided certain motivating factors, such as the
absence or presence of certain resources needed in the construction of a particular
phenotypic trait or the performance of certain processes or behaviours (e.g. metabo-
lism, reproduction, locomotion, speech), enables the organism to vary its phenotype
over its lifetime in a range of different contexts. Organisms may learn about their
resources and environment by quorum sensing, by chemical cues or by virtue of
their sensory organs. They may manipulate the objects within their immediate habi-
tat, investigate new resources or interact with new organisms (e.g. prey, potential
mates, carers, symbionts) within this habitat, or search for a new one. Certain types
of activities associated with access to food, protection from weather, increased soci-
ality or reproductivity, or fitness may result in some benefit or detriment to the
organism). Activities that effectively increase or substantially decrease resources
are remembered and repeated or avoided. These generic capacities allow organisms
to vary their own development and the phenotypes they construct depending on how
resources are used (Kendig 2014a).
Building on the discussion of facilitated variation in the last section, I now use this to
return to discuss it in light of particular examples of metabolic engineering in microbial
organisms to explain how pathways can be maintained in synthetic biology. Metabolic
engineering depends on the discovery and investigation of natural metabolic
pathways and the genetic elements that control them, on using that information to
transform suitable host organisms for the desired orthogonal metabolism, and on
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For an extended discussion of this example see Kendig and Eckdahl (2017) and Eckdahl et al.
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52 C. Kendig
into a host organism, they can optimize metabolic output by taking into account the
variables they know, but must ignore all of the variables they don’t know and some
that they cannot know. Synthetic biology researchers also struggle with the difficulty
of trying to make sure that the organisms they engineer with the ability to carry out
orthogonal metabolism continue to faithfully replicate that genetic capacity. If the
production of the product or the maintenance of the pathway is too onerous for the
cell, the metabolic pathway will (after a number of generations) be disposed of.
Those organisms without the onerously produced product or taxing pathway will be
selected for in preference to those constructed to function by the synthetic biologist.
To sum up in one sentence: synthetic biology’s biggest obstacle is natural selection.
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Put stronger, perhaps evolutionary biologists have just been getting it wrong.
Natural evolvability is actually more like semisynthetic evolvability. So research
into the latter may yield understanding of the former. Judged according to Morange’s
second suggestion, the umbrella category of evolvability can also be viewed as
veridical insofar as it captures the heterogeneity of synthetic, artificial, and natural
evolutionary mechanisms as well as their concomitant epistemic categories.
In the foregoing, I have attempted to show that attending to the practices within
synthetic biology—in particular to the reengineering of metabolic pathways—
reveals the generation of knowledge-making categories and the delineation of mod-
ules within the manipulation of biological parts, processes, and systems. I now turn
to the social aspect of the practitioners’ work. Although the specific focus on meta-
bolic engineering is new, doing so relies heavily on Marjorie Grene’s much earlier
identification of the work of scientists as being not just the subject of epistemology
but also of ethical engagement. Writing in 1966, Grene states that scientists’ “work”
is “an instance of the recognition of responsible persons, a performance of the same
general kind as the recognition of patterns, individuals, or persons” (Grene 1966:
223). Grene refers to the social nature of science as work that takes place in “social
enterprises” (Grene 1985). But Grene is not alone in pointing to the ineliminability
of the social within scientific inquiry. It has been characterized more recently in
terms of “systems of practice” (Chang 2012), referred to in virtue ethics as “agent-
based” interactions (Swanton 2003), been described as “social cognition” (Longino
1990), and in some sense, it has been much earlier cashed out in terms of the con-
cept of “conviviality” (Polanyi 1962). I build on this formindable work, focusing on
the social aspect of scientific investigation and the notion of a system of practice in
order to identify the work of practitioners in a reticulated set of knowledge-making
Following Grene, I take the work of scientists to rely on protocols as sets of
explicit and implicit rules of action. The action of individual agents within the social
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54 C. Kendig
More recently, the pervasiveness of the social aspect of scientific enquiry as pre-
requisite for objective knowledge is later explored by Longino (1990). Longino’s
interest is in characterizing the nature of knowledge acquisition, but she cautions,
Because we think the goal of the scientist’s practice is knowledge, it is tempting to follow
tradition and seek solutions in abstract or universal rules. Refocussing on science as prac-
tice makes possible the second shift, which involves regarding scientific method as some-
thing practiced not primarily by individuals but by social groups (Longino 1990: 66).
The social nature of scientific practice that Longino suggests here emphasizes
the intimate connection between the character of inquiry as a social and is prerequi-
site for what she refers to as “social cognition”—the idea that scientific inquiry is
not simply an individual pursuit but an epistemic activity relying on the intersubjec-
tivity of critical dialogue within scientific study. In doing so, she follows Grene
(1966, 1985) in fleshing out the nature of what it means to be a social enterprise and
what I suggest Chang (2012) later identifies as a system of practice. According to
Chang, the search for an agent-free or context-free set of categories is simply one
that is ill-founded in philosophy. This is because knowledge is always something
bound within what he refers to as a “system of practice”:
A system of practice is formed by a coherent set of epistemic activities performed with a
view to achieve certain aims…[A]s with coherence of each activity, it is the overall aims of
a system of practice that define what it means for the system to be coherent. The coherence
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of a system goes beyond mere consistency between the propositions involved in its activi-
ties: rather, coherence consists in various activities coming together in an effective way
toward the achievement of the aims of the system (Chang 2012: 16).
In the remaining, I briefly consider how synthetic biology practice reveals valua-
tional as well as the epistemic and ontological categories of research. I suggest that
ethical categories, like the knowledge-making practices, are formed alongside these
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56 C. Kendig
I use this extended mind thesis to suggest how ethical decision making is inelim-
inably connected to the research practiced in groups—but these are groups of indi-
viduals capable of acting. I refer to “agency” in the description of the approach to
indicate that the role of the individual agent. This agent based view of action implies
that we, as agents, are the locus of our activities, e.g. measuring, mapping, or run-
ning gels, in order to effect changes beyond merely measuring, mapping, or running
gels. Agents act for and towards a purpose beyond those movements. They are able
to do so because they have certain causal knowledge of the result of the performance
of these actions.9 The agents’ activities are not reducible to the events of measuring,
mapping, or running gels because it is the person’s running a gel and not the gel’s—
to assume that these are the same thing is to reduce the agency of the agent to an
event. Keeping in mind the ubiquity of the social as expressed by Polanyi, Grene,
Longino, and Chang, extended agency ethics does not assume that intentionality is
the sole domain of the individual nor that the decisions of the individual are autono-
mous. Individual scientists’ work is generated through a social process and forms a
kind of interactive extended agency. That is, their research activities are extended
over the members of the research group and coordinated in virtue of their shared
intentionality in the form of extended cognition. These shared intentions provide the
grounds for normativity in scientists’ social research interactions. Robert Wilson
has recently suggested a view of extended agency akin to the one I have developed
here and elsewhere, (Kendig 2016a), but within a separate context.10 He provides a
I follow Hornsby’s account of irreducible agent causation here, (see Hornsby 2004: 11–14 for
further discussion of agency in philosophy of action and Lowe 2009: 196–201 for further distinc-
tion between agent causation and event causation).
Wilson’s (2018) discussion of normativity is given in the context of the eugenics movement and
in particular, within a critical analysis of the cognitive processes that lead to the marking of certain
human variation as deficient and other variation as preferred within scientific practice.
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In his pivotal paper, “Mixing humans and nonhumans together: the sociology of a
door-closer”, Bruno Latour, (writing under the pseudonym “Jim Johnson”), sug-
gests that studying the interaction between humans, machines, and tools should be
the remit of a more widely extended approach to the study of sociology of science.
He argues that if things we commonly refer to as a tool or a machine affect the way
we interact in the world, then they might also be considered social actors. Considering
them as such would blur the line that is often drawn between what is “purely technical”
and what is “purely social” (Latour 1988: 198). He shows by means of a series of
examples, (e.g. a hydraulic door closer and a red stop light), that some technological
objects prescribe the behaviours of humans who interact with these artefacts. He
focuses in particular on tools and technological objects that stand in for humans or
take on the work of humans, (e.g. the hydraulic door opener that takes on the job of
a human groom who opens the door for us, or a traffic light that takes on the job of
a police officer who signals that we should stop in traffic). Although they are not
human, the hydraulic door opener and the traffic light determine the norms of
behaviour considered appropriate when we encounter them and sets the normative
terms of interaction. That is, we interact with the non-human door-closer and the
traffic light in terms of the roles each occupies. Knowing the role these technologi-
cal objects play means that we also know what actions we should take in response
to them. They bring with them the norms for how to interact with them. That these
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60 C. Kendig
Latour uses “transcription” and “inscription” to explain the transition from a less durable dele-
gated agent to perform an action to a more reliable one. For instance, “the replacement of a police-
man by a traffic-light” is an instance where the traffic light is delegated the work that was done by
a police officer. In Latour (1988), the focus is on descriptions of meaning that these actors play
within a particular semiotic script. How actors are defined and what is meant by their roles in a
particular scenario.
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6 Concluding Remarks
Acknowledgements Research for this chapter was partially funded by the National Science
Foundation Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB), BIOMAPS: Modular
Programmed Evolution of Bacteria for Optimization of Metabolic Pathways, Grant No. MCB-
1329350, Amendment No. 001, Proposal No. MCB-1417799. Thanks to Todd Eckdahl, Jeff Poet,
Malcolm Campbell, and Laurie Heyer for sharing their insights and expertise in synthetic biology
with me during research for the project. Special thanks go to Phil Mullins for many lively discus-
sions about Polanyi and for encouragement in the early stages of writing this chapter. I am also
very grateful to Hauke Riesch, Brian Rappert, and Thomas Reydon for their feedback on earlier
versions of the manuscript.
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62 C. Kendig
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Hauke Riesch • Nathan Emmerich
Steven Wainwright
[email protected]
Hauke Riesch Nathan Emmerich
Department of Sociology ANU Medical School
and Communications Australian National University
Brunel University Canberra, Australia
London, UK
The Institute of Ethics,
Dublin City University
Steven Wainwright
Dublin, Ireland
Department of Social & Political Sciences
Brunel University London School of History, Anthropology,
Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK Politics and Philosophy
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast, UK
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