Reluctant Enemies Errata
Reluctant Enemies Errata
Reluctant Enemies Errata
Starter Guide 9. The Combat Unit Recovery rule has been confusing
1. There were a few errors which have been corrected for some players. The procedure is pretty simple, but
with both an errata sheet and a complete revised requires a record of how many rebuildable ground units
booklet. These are on The Gamers Archive (they are not have been lost during the game. Since one unit is
repeated here). returned per three lost, I suggest keeping a written
record of losses in groups of 3, and then putting a line
through each complete group when a unit has been
Clarifications returned. So this is how 8 losses (a catastrophe!) would
1. The TEC’s “Note 4” is not needed. Per OCS 6.2a, road look, before and after recovery of two units:
costs always trump the regular cost of hex and hexside Before: III III II After: III III II
terrain. Note that the “fractions” carry over, so the player is
2. The counter mix for airbases is tight. Use the form on 2/3rds of the way to another return.
p. 48 of the series rules if you want to build more and 10. An escarpment hexside (34.14/35.14) near Lake
don’t have extras from other games. Hula is not completely rendered (it lacks the brown
3. This was a small campaign, so the counter mix layer).
includes 1T and 2T Truck/Wagon Points in addition to 11. For Combat Unit Recovery, an “appropriate” HQ is
the normal variety that carry 1 SP or more. Within the one meeting requirements of OCS 13.5a.
counter mix limit, the various truck (and wagon) points
can combine and divide much like supply points and 12. Hex 24.27 should be a Clear hex. Ignore the terrain
tokens. Otherwise, these transport points are handled sliver north of the river in this hex (an exception to the
normally. normal rule about “nubs”).