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STAR FRONTIERS The War Machine Lan BU CRU OCU Race Dee eNO oN eee rca oa toe eee ae STAR FRONTIERS’ KNIGHT HAWKS ADVENTURE The War Machine by Ken Rolston Table of Contents ALPHA SECTION: Epsilon 2 Contact withthe Resistance . 12 INTRODUCTION 2 Eilon |3 Grave But Desperate Ales 12 Alpha 1 Briefing Epsilon “4 Experience Awards a Alpha 2 Abbreviations 2 ZETA'SECTION: BETA SECTION: THE WEAK LINK 4 HOSTILE CRAFT APPROACHING! 3 Zeta I History ofthe War Machine’ |. 14 Beta 1 Campaign Adjustments 3 Zeta (2 The FS 40 1MPP a Bela .2 Alen! Unidentified Zeta “3 Preparing Characters for Plant c Ships Approaching 3 attacks 14 Bela 3 Experience Awards 4 Zeta 4 Approaching a Processing Plant 15 EDITOR: Tom Wooden GAMMA SECTION: Zeta “5 Scouting the Plant 15 COVER ARTIST: Jeff Easley AN ENIGMATIC MESSENGER 5 Zeta 16 Attacking a Processing Pant |. 15 INTERIOR ARTIST, Dave Trampier Gamma <1 Warning! Unidentified Zeta 7 Improved Defenses Against Later MAPS: Diesel Object Approaching 5 Plant Attacks GRAPHIC DESIGN: Ruth Hoyer Gamma .2 The Rocket 5 __Zeta_8 Experience Awards we ‘Sathar Operations 1 Theta .2 Space Station: Shuttle Deck td. Diane tothe ty and bobby ad Delta 7 Experience Avards Tl Theta 3 Securing the Space Station 1.23 NNS3147 United Kingdom Table 1. Mhemnne Response to PCs and Proposals 9 Table 2, Sample PC Actions!Propole and Point Awards & Penalties 9 Table 3, Starting Posttons for Operations Cracker and Ferret, 9 Map 1. Sathar Processing Plant inside Cover Map 2. Station Hub- Side View inside cover Map 3. Shutle Docking Deck inside cover Map 4. Shutle Crew Deck inside cover sion Map 5. Sathar Administration Deck inside cover ISBN 0-38038-148-5 7812 ALPHA SECTION: INTRODUCTION The War Machine can be played by itself or as the third of three modules in the Beyond the Frontier series, ‘This module is written for the game referee participate as a player, don't read any further. Alpha .1 BRIEFING Before starting to play, read this booklet careiully. Review the STAR FRONTIERS? Alpha Dawn and Knight Hawks rules aso, i necessary Uf players (PCs) are continuing the adven ture begun in Mutiny on the Eleanor Moraes and Face of the Enemy, they should keep using their established characters. li rot, use the pregenerated characters on page 13, of other characters with similar Skills, The PCs in this adventure should have enough spaceship skillsto operate the Eleanor Moraes, the Osprey, and the Back door In the middle of this adventure book are several removable sections, including the System Brief, pregenerated characters, ship rosters, and the Players’ Background Report. To remove these sections pp. 11 18), bend the staples out with a blunt object, and pull the sheets from the book. Then bend the staples back down. You will also need the color maps from the Alpha Dawn and Knight Hawks games. As you run the adventure, read all boxed text tothe PCsas they have encounters. The rest of the text given for an encounter is for your eyes only; reveal the details as you see Before stantingthe adventure, read the Play fers! Background Report and the System Brie. | your players haven't participated in the frst two adventures of this Series, make sute they Understand all of the events that lead up t0 The War Machine. When you are ready to begin, give the players the background report and the UPF crew and ship rosters. Alpha .2 ABBREVIATIONS STR. Strength STA Stamina DEX Dexterity _-RS-_ Reaction Speed INT Intuition LOG Logic PER Personality LDR Leadership PS” Punching MV Movement ‘Score ATT Attack DAM Damage IM Initiative Modifier RW’ Ranged Weapon Attack Score M_— Melee Attack Score MR Maneuver Rating, HP Hull Points LC Laser Cannon T Torpedo MS Masking Screen LB Laser Battery AR Assault Rocket RB Rocket Battery ADF Acceleration/Deceleration Factor DCR Damage Control Rating RH Reflective Hull ICM. interceptor Missile BETA SECTION: HOSTILE CRAFT APPROACHING! Beta. CAMPAIGN ADJUSTMENTS Your PCs’ resources for this adventure are dependent upon the outcome of Face of the Enemy (if the PCs took part in that adventure). If the PCs haven't completed Enemy, they have the following resources: 1, UPF Eleanor Moraes, an armed research vessel 2. CMS Osprey, an assault scout of the Clarion Royal Marines, temporarily attached to the Frontier Expeditionary Force: 3, UPF Backdoor, an unarmed Sathar scout ship captured by the LPF. Al of these ships are undamaged and carry their full load of munitions. Each has ‘made one interstellar jump since overhaul lithe PCs have finished Enemy, however, they may have more (or fewer} ships, in varying states of serviceability. The Moraes and Osprey at least should be in good con: dition. The Backdoor, however, may have been damaged or destroyed in the assault Con the Sathar mothership. The PCs may also have a second captured Sathar scout ship. Finally, irthe PCs were wildly successful in Enemy, they may have captured the Sathae ‘mothership as well At your discretion, the PCs can have the Backdoor repaired. Use the "Repait” rules from the Knight Hawks Campaign Book The PCs cannot have the mathership repaired. Its laser batteries, ICMs, and _masks may still be operational, however. In this case, the UPF forces may desiga theie deiense around the mothership as iit were a friendly space station—immobile, but possessing offensive and defensive weap- fons, (OF course, for this strategy to work, skilled PC oF NPC weapons operators must bbe spared from the other ships.) Beta .2 ALERT! UNIDENTIFIED SHIPS APPROACHING! The videocom flashes to life, showing Dentin’s grim expression. As he briels his ships, a computer graphic displaying, the approach of enemy craft wavers behind him. ‘We've got Four Satharstyle fighters approaching. Current speed: 120,000 kilometers per minute, Deceleration at 2 8s. I they maintain this constant deceler- ation on the same course, they should arrive here in less than an hour, “The Moraes doesn’t have enough legs to outrun a fighter, so we'll have to stand and fight. Each ship will operate independently. Stay out of range of their assault rockets; exploit the superior range of your laser batteries. Conserve your rockets if possible; we're a long ‘way from resupply here. Staying within the asteroid belt works in our favor: it breaks up their order of attack, Finally, we'll probably have to take some risks in order to win, but don’t push your luck until you've had a chance to feel out their weaknesses, With any luck, they'll make some mis takes we can exploit. We, however, can not afford to make any mistakes. ‘That's it, Good luck” SETTING UP THE STAR MAP Use 60 upside-down counters as asteroid markers, Distribute them randomly in a band 16 hexes wide across the center of the ‘map (covering the area inside hexes 2001 3601, 2039, and 3639). Place each counter ‘on the intersection of three hexes, Place a Sathar assault cartier counter on hex 2720 to mark the location of the mothership (where the PCs’ forces start. Place two different-colored assault scout counters (the Moraes and the Osprey) at the Mothership. Ifthe PCs are using the Back: door and another Sathar scout ship, place markers on the map to represent these ships. Though these ships are unarmed, the. PCS may use them as decoys, Four hostile fighters enter the map on ‘Turn 1. Their speed is 12 hexes per turn ‘Sathar Fighter Counter A: hex 0520, Meme pilot® (level 2) Sathar Fighter Counter B: hex 0524. Mhernne pilot? (level 21 Sathar Fighter Counter C: hex 0120. Sathar pilot (level 3) Sathar Fighter Counter D: hex 0124 Sathar pilot (level 4, Squadron Com: ander) * Mhemne pilots cannot use an ADF or MR of more than 3 without decreasing their skills and running the risk of blacking out, as Mhemne have poor tolerance for high-G. ‘maneuvers. The results of ADE or MR of more than 3 are as follows: ‘ADF or MR of 4: Reduce all skill and attack percentages to one-half normal. There isa 20% chance of blackout per tu. ADF of MR of 5: Reduce all skill and attack percentages to. one-tenth normal. There isa 50% chance of blackout per turn Ira pilot blacks out, a dead-man’s switch automatically reduces acceleration to ADF 2. The pilot then regains consciousness in fone turn. The ship maintains its last course during the pilot’ blackout HOSTILE FIGHTER TACTICS Sathar consider the two Mhemne pilots and ships to be expendable. The two Sathar pilots are responsible for training the other Mhemine system defense pilots: they are the nly skilled fighter pilots in the system, and they are by no means expendable! The purpose of the. Sathar/Mhemne attack is to: 1) discover the identity of the intruders, and 2) determine the quality of the intruders’ ships and pilots, The Sathar squadron commander orders, fighters A and 8 to engage in combat, He and the other Sathar pilot keep out of range {at least five heres away trom the PCS shipsi. If any of the PC ships flee, the com. mander orders the Mhemne pilots to pur I the PCs don't destray fighters A and B within 5 turns of the start of battle, the Sathar commander orders the Mhemne to use full acceleration/deceleration and maneuver power (thus decreasing their skills and creating the risk of blackouts). I the PCs destroy either fighter before one of their own ships is destroyed, the Sathar turn and run for home at full acceleration. Any remaining Mhemne pilot also retreats. RUNNING THE BATTLE Let your players determine UPF strategy fan their own, Be fair in how you fun this battle, as the odds are in the PCS’ favor. Keep in mind that if you finish off the PCs, your game is over pretty quickly! Don’t let them get away with foolish mistakes, though. Ifyou feel the PCs need some assistance, keep the Sathar out of the battle and have them run at the fist sign of danger, Also, you can oifer advice through Captain Den: tin, AFTER THE BATTLE Dentin forbids the PCs from chasing any fleeing Sathar fighters. He orders the PCs to make repairs and ready defenses for further attacks. Ir-the PCs inspect the wreckage of a hos tile ship, the only interesting find is the body ofits Mhemne pilot. (The UPF forces, may have discovered a partially-dissected Mhemne body in Face of the Enemy. The resemblance is unmistakable.) I a PC's comments indicate that he noticed the Mhemnes’ inability to handle high-speed maneuvers, make a secret Logic check for that PC. Any PC with piloting kill would have noticed this about the Mhemne, so you should automatically ‘make a Logie check far those PCs. Iacheck succeeds, have the PCs rerun the computer recordings of the combat. These recordings reveal that the fist two fighters didn’t use. ADF of MR of more than 5 during the first 50 minutes of combat. If either Mhemne pilot suffered diminished skills or a black ‘out during the fight, the recordings will aso show these, Beta 3 EXPERIENCE AWARDS 1.3 Experience Points, Give maximum awards to parties that defeat the attackers, expend no more than. two assault rockets, and sustain no ship damage Give average awardsto parties that defeat the fighters and keep their ships from being destroyed. fe minimum awards to parties that dleieat the fighters and sil have at least one LUPF ship in working condition, GAMMA SECTION: AN ENIGMATIC MESSENGER Gamma .1 WARNING! UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT APPROACHING! The UPF forces spend the next 40 hours ‘overhauling the atomic engines fin case they need to escape quickly}, eepairing any ‘damage caused by the attackers, and catch: ing up on sleep. A shrill alarm shatters the stillness Within seconds, everyone is scrambling, for his battle station as the computer squawks out new information. Captain Dentin’s face suddenly appears on the videocom. He looks puzzled ‘don’t know what we've got here, We're tracking a small, slow-moving ‘chemical rocket that’s approaching our location. We've analyzed its thrust gas femissions, and it looks like the racket is, of fairly primitive design—not consistent with Federation or Sathar technology. Isto slow for an attack missile and too small 10 carry a messenger... . well scratch that. Who knows what we might run into out here? “want to send a couple of volunteers, ‘outto pick this rocket up, so we can take 2 good look at it. need people exper fenced with space armor and rocket packs. I'll be on the bridge. Over” You should strongly encourage the PCs to volunteer for the retrieval party, Not al of them have to go, however, Two or three PCs can handle this job, RETRIEVING THE ROCKET The rocket is no longer under thrust when the PCs get tot. Rather, its driting at 4 constant 250 meters per turn toward the location of the mothership (where the UPF forces have been for the last two days) Dentin takes the volunteers aboard the Osprey and matches the rocker’s course and speed, following at a constant 500 meters behind the rocket, Dentin won't take the Osprey closer to the rocket, “just MAP SETUP: Use the Knight Hawks hex map. Each hex equals 50 meters, Place a ship counter in hex 1027. The PCs start here. Use another ship counter to represent the rocket, and place it in hex 2027. Both the ship and the rocket drift 250 meters per turn, so the distance between them doesn’t change Place four counters (representing the PCs) in hex 1027, with the ship counter. The PCs must move to the rocket, examine it to see if it's safe, and (if safe) bring it back 10 the Osprey. ‘The PCs must specify what equipment they'e taking along before they leave the (Osprey. Dentin gives each of them one suit of space armor and one rocket pack, Under no condition does he give them extra rocket pack fuel. (Denti’s tying to enforce conser vation of resources) The PCs may request ‘other gear from the list on the Players’ Back sground Repor, Clever PCs will choose mag netic shoes, spacesuit anchors, and cable (7,000 meters}. The PCs can use the cable to drag the rocket back to the ship, USING ROCKET PACKS EFFECTIVELY Before you run the PCs through this encounter, review the rules on spacesuits and rocket packs (Knight Hawks Campaign Book, pp. 28-29) To successfully complete their task, the PCs must: 1. accelerate toward the rocket decelerate and stop at the rocket: 3. accelerate the rocket and themselves back towaed the ship; 4. decelerate and stop the rocket (and themselves) atthe ship. The rocket has 10 times the mass of a PC. ‘The PCs must maneuver the rocket by using, bursts from their rocket packs. Each 10 bursts from a rocket pack change the speed ‘of the rocket (and only the rocket!) by 50, meters per turn, Therefore, the PCs must reach the rocket with enough fuel leit to fire at least 20 bursts (10 to accelerate the rocket toward the Osprey at one hex per turn and 10to decelerate t again) plus two bursts per PC. Alot of things could go wrong with this ‘exercise, such as: 1. overshooting the target because of a failed dexterity check failing to decelerate when approaching the racket 3. misjudging the fuel needed to complete the task 4, forgetting that anything accelerated toward a target (uch as a rocket accel: erated toward a scout ship) must be decelerated before it reaches its destina tion: 5. forgetting that fuel is needed to acceler ate and decelerate the PCs as well as the rocket 6. expecting to use tools in freefall, where there's nothing to brace against when applying force, Even ifthe PCs are very unlucky with their Dexterity checks in this maneuver, they have a large margin of safety to play with, if they are careful! The spacesuits have 20 hours of air. The worst that should happen is that someone might have to be rescued, Fouling up such a simple mission is certa to get a PC a few minutes “on the carpet before Dentin, not to mention endless nee- diing irom colleagues, Gamma .2 THE ROCKET Read the following boxed text as a PC approaches the rocket: The rocket is a 6-meterlong cylinder. It has no fins or appendages. Large brown ‘markings are painted on the rockets dull, metalic hull. The markings are repeated on both sides. Other, smaller ‘marks also are visible on the surface, Just behind the rockets nose is a rmetersquare access panel. The panel appears to be sealed with some sort of plastic Any technician examining the rocket dis. covers that itis dead, although a faint hum: ming can be heard i someone presses his helmet against the access panel. The plastic covering to the access panel is very hard, so the PCs must use force to 6 ‘open the panel. ifthe PCs brought along a tool kitcontaining electrosnips, a laser seal pel, or an omnidil, they can open the panel easily. I anyone tries to force the panel open in zero gravity, he suffers a-50% ‘modifier against his Strength rating or a 5% chance of success, whichever is higher. Also, each time a PC falsto force the panel, hhe must make a Dexterity check. If the ccheck fails, the PC slips and huttles off into space in a'random direction at 50 meters per second, A laser shot at setting 4 melts the plastic that covers the access panel. If other weap- ‘ons are used, the panel has 35 structural points Ie the PCs wait until the rocket is inside the Osprey to open the panel, they have no trouble getting it open. ‘When PCs open the panel (in space or on board the Osprey), read the following boxed text to the players. ‘A single piece of etched metal rests behind the access panel, The design resembles a view of astellar system from above the orbital plane. The rocket is extremely crude by Federation standards—just a sold fuel booster and a simple, gyroscopic guidance system, Gamma .3 ‘THE MESSAGE IN METAL As the PCs study the metal plate, show them the “Message” illustration in this sec- tion. Don't hint atthe plate’s meaning: let the PCs figure it out for themselves, ‘The plate is a representation of the FS 30 star system. The "X” in the asteroid belt (at the end of the soli, curved line) represents the mothership. The solid line corresponds roughly tothe trajectory of the UP ships as they entered the system. A line of arrows, drawn at a right angle to the mothership’s extended trajectory, points to another loca- tion in the asteroid belt. This location is marked on the plate by a six-pointed star. The plate is actually a map that shows a proposed rendezvous ata hidden space sta tion approximately 100 million kilometers away. The plate contains no indication of ‘who is proposing the meeting or why. The map on the plate contains a mislead ing feature designed to prevent its use by ‘anyone other than UPF vistors. This feature has also been set up as a sort of test if the outsystem visitors can’t deduce it, they aren't worth talking to. lia PC with astrogation skill examines the plate, he determines thatthe solid line cor responds to the UPF ships’ trajectories as they entered the system and approached the mothership. He also notices, however, thatthe trajectories seem to be inaccurately represented. If a PC doesn’t have astroga: tion skill, but still expresses some degree of doubt (see following examples), he also notices the discrepancy between the dia ‘gram and the UPF ships’ trajectories, PCS discussing the map don’t have to be very specific about this; i they're being cau- tious, they're not likely to overlook any dis ‘crepancies, Some of the comments the PCs might make are: “Is this map accurate?” “ls there anything funny about this map?” “Let's let the computer take a look at this” Maybe this map has a coded message” “Why would someone risk having this ‘map fall into the wrong hands? ‘What if we go to the spot indicated and there's nothing there?” ‘The UPF trajectories are indeed inaccu- rately represented on the map; they are off by about 10 degrees. Ifthe PCs correct the angle, the line of arrows drawn perpendicu- lar from the extended trajectory now points toan entirely different location: the correct rende2vous point! FAILING TO UNDERSTAND THE MAP If the PCs don’t figure out the maps meaning, Dentin radios Reider, whose experts suggest that the line of arrows on the map points to some kind of meeting, place. Then allow the PCs a chance to ask {questions about the map’s correctness. Hi the PCs don’t figure out the hidden meaning behind the inaccurate trajectory, they may still decide to go to the marked location. Don't try to correct the PCs’ mis- take at this point, Instead, go to Delta .1 Going to the Wrong Rendezvous. Gamma .4 MESSAGE FROM REIDER ‘Once Dentin understands that the plate points to a rendezvous with a presumably intelligent race that may be native to this system, he radios Reider for orders. Reider delivers these orders personally, by way of videocom transmitted over subspace radio: A distorted, snowy picture erupts on the videocom, but the voice comes through loud and clear. Ws Reider. "Gentlemen, within five days the assault scouts k’riss and Doboru will join ‘my frigate and flagship, the Flying Cloud, here at Clarion Base. As soon as they arrive, we proceed immediately to support your operation. However, we won't artive for at least two weeks, You ‘must continue on your own to find out as much as possible before we get there. “It mow seems likely that the FS 30 sys. tem is infested with Sathar. There are also indications that the system may be inhabited by another intelligent race. The message you received is a sign of hope. Perhaps this race will be willing to help usin the struggle against the Sathar. We must do our best 10 elicit their help. Together, we may be able to rub out those lousy worms! The blurry videocom picture shivers for a moment as Reider calms himselt. Then, in a quiet voice, he continues. "You must be ambassadors of the United Planetary Federation ...|imag- ine the Federation would prefer to have professional diplomats on an operation like this, but I'm confident you'll do what has to be dane. 'idon't have to tell you how impor tant your mission is. Your orders are to proceed to the proposed rendezvous, make contact with representatives of the native race, enlist theie aid against the Sathar, and offer whatever assistance | they may require in return. Also, when: ‘ever itis consistent with your primary mission, you are to gather intelligence fn the strength, disposition, and objec: tives of the Sathar in the F5 30 system, ‘Twish you luck. We have been pre: sented with a marvelous opportunity here. We must not fail to exploit it Gamma .5 EXPERIENCE AWARDS, Each PC ears 1 Experience Point for helping to retrieve the rocket. If the PCs perform in a particularly eificient and ele: ant manner, award each of them 2 points. ‘Award each PC 1 bonus point ifthe PCS decipher the map’s hidden meaning (the Inaccurate trajectory) DELTA SECTION: THE MHEMNE In this scenatio, the PCs must meet and confer with representatives of the Mhemne, an intelligent race inhabiting the FS 30 sys tem. The PCs must earn their trust and ‘cooperation. As the players run their char- acters. through this diplomatic. exercise, you'll be responsible for running the repre sentatives from the Mhemne race. Before you run this scenario, make sure you have a firm grasp on the Mhemne back- ‘ground. You should also understand what kind of diplomatic hurdles the PCs face. Delta .1 PREPARING FOR THE RENDEZVOUS The correct rendezvous point indicated by the map (discovered in the Gamma sec- tion) is located 100 million kilometers from the UPF ships’ current location, The trip takes 40 hours GOING TO THE WRONG RENDEZVOUS If the PCs don't read the map properly, the UPF ships travel to the wrong rendez vous. Dentin orders a search of the area. After 8 hours of fruitless search, Dentin, reports to Reider. Reider’s experts then reexamine the map and discover the error. Reider then relays the rendezvous loca tion’s correct coordinates to Dentin, along with a severe dressing down for wasting valuable time. Dentin then calls a meeting of the various crews in the Moraes conference roam to explain the crews’ costly miscalculation, Forthis meeting, address the PCs in the role of Dentin, and make sure you show how irritated Dentin is about being humiliated before his superior. The trip to the actual rendezvous point takes another 8 hours, APPROACHING THE CORRECT RENDEZVOUS ‘As the UPF ships approach the rendez. vous point, the PCs detect a faint radio bea- con. Dentin selects a party to proceed in the Moraes to the rendezvous point. This party should include all of the PCs and at least one NPC to serve as your mouthpiece for giving hints, if needed, Dentin orders the Osprey to stand off ata range of 10 kilo: meters in case the rendezvous isa tap. PC PREPARATIONS: Before the PCs leave for the rendezvous, they should explicitly list everything they are taking with them, The UPF manuals concerning first contact with aliens recommend the following equipment videocom cameras and displays computer display terminals poly-vox chronocom radiophone sits trade samples Pay careful attention to what personal ‘weapons and techkity, if any, the PCs take with them, Have the PCs make up a list of items they intend to take as gifts and trade samples. Also check to see how the PCs carty their equipment. For example, a ready weapon is an insult to the Mhemne’s hospitality, Buta weapon carried ina closed package (intended asa git or trade sample) is perfectly acceptable. DENTIN’S ORDERS FOR THE RENDEZVOUS PARTY “Leave a radio channel open to the Osprey so we can monitor the progress of the meeting, “Avoid gunplay at all costs—even at the risk of your own lives! You can’t know what kind of tragic consequences could ensue from bloodshed during frst contact with aliens. “Reider’s guidelines on your authority to commit the UPF to treaties and other agreements are as follows: ‘Any agreements involving a total expenditure of ess than 2 million credits are authorized under the ‘Federation Emergency Aid to Allies’ Act. | Also, any general treaty agreeing to | ‘mutual aid in the war against the Sathar | will be acknowledged by the Federa tion. Specific provisions must await fur ther authorization by the Federation, but Reider gave me permission 10 assist in any way I choose as long as it doesn’t directly interiere with FEF orders Though you have no authority to contract trade agreements, you're free to outline proposals for beneficial trade—subject, of course, to later approval by the Fed Delta .2 OUTLINES FOR NEGOTIATING Use Table 1: Mhemne Response to PCs and Proposals to determine how well the PCs do in their negotiations with the Mhemne, Table 2: Sample PC Actions/Proposal lists some things the PCs may try. The number of points awarded or penalized ior each faction are aso listed, When applicable, the point totals refer to the number af points awarded or penalized per character for a Specific action, For example, if two PCs carry ready weapons into the meeting, the PCs are penalized two points (1 for each, see frst entry on Table 21 ‘Of course, the instances listed on Table 2 are only examples. The PCs could commu: hicate and negotiate in any number of ‘ways. Use Table 2asa guide for the number Cf points a specific action should be worth. Only the first five instances of an action oF proposal count toward point avvards and penalties. For example, the PCs would receive points far the fist five gifs of tech: nology they present to the Mhemne. Asith sift would be worth no points. Similarly the PCs can lose no more than 5 points for car tying weapons into the conierence. More examples of proposals and actions that could be worth points are given throughout the rest ofthis section. ‘Make sure you give the PCs feedback on the effectiveness of their attempts at diplo- macy. You can do this through the Mhemne, as they are compulsively frank and honest. They candidly deseribe their personal feelings and opinions about the PCS’ proposals and actions 9 USING PSYCHO-SOCIAL SKILLS The PCs may use their psycho-social skills empathy, communication, and persua sion} to great effect in their negotiations. When a PC is conironted with a situation in which trust poinis are at stake, he may use ‘empathy to get hints about how to behave. Successiul use of empathy also gives hints fon how the Memne are different from other Frontier Sector races, The PCs can use the communicate subskill to solve any negotiation problems that might arise between them and the Mhemne, The PCs can use the persuasion subskill to gain hints on how they can persuade any ‘overly.suspicious Mhemne. When aPC Uses this subsill successfully, the Mhemne are more likely to accept the PC's words as truthful and accurate, even in the absence of solid proof TABLE 1, MHEMNE RESPONSE TO PCs AND PROPOSALS, confident trust; willingness to consider all proposals, even if they present cautious; insist on conclusive evidence for all uncertain and suspicious, but willing to consider specifics clearly in the interests of both parties: unwilling to reveal anything about their culture Trust Ps. Mhemne Response 60 oF more risks 58t0.20 limited approval of PCS; sti Statements 19t0-19 20 0F less dissatisfaction with PC actions: will consider proposals only with ironclad Security for Mhemne: regard PCs as potential enemies TABLE 2. SAMPLE PC ACTIONS/PROPOSALS AND POINT AWARDS & PENALTIES. Actions/Proposals, Points “Minor Details of Courtesy & Culture Carrying ready or holstered weapon into meeting 4 Refusing to surrender weapons on request 1 Showing disrespect to hosts a Giving gift of superior technology n ‘Willing fo openly admit to faults and limitations of a proposal 4 Major Details of Immediate importance Proposing attacks on Sathar that are short-sighted and may cause Mhemne to sulfer reprisal 5 Proposing use of Mhemne as shock troops 5 Proving ability to defeat Sathat +5 Proposing well-planned raids or attack on Sathar +5 Trading weapons for information about the Sathar +5 ‘Major Details of Long-term Importance Making practical proposal of trading UPF - built agricultural station for limited mineral rights in asteroid belt +10 Negotiating tzeaty against Sathar (promising weapons, training, technology, and UPF fleet support) +10 Trading spacedrive and astrogation technology for a long-term agreement 10 produce trade goods for UPF +10 Misrepresenting intentions or being dishonest 10 Implying contempt for the Mhemne’s inferior level of technology 10 Consistently failing to appreciate the Mhemne’s insistence on proof rather than trust 10 ROLE-PLAYING THE MHEMNE The PCs will be negotiating with the divi sion of the Mhemne race known as Belters (see the System Briel for details). The Mhemne have many good traits, although they have a few not-so-admirabie ones as well, To allow the PCs to display theie dipla: matic skills, you should try to give the Bel: ters as much personality as possible The Belters are hard-hearted realists, They must be to survive in the harsh envi ronment of the asteroid belt, They are a very logical and reasonable race. The only emotions they are likely 10 display in public are anger, resentment, and suspicion. In private, however, the Belters are tender, trusting, and generous. The Bel ters never reveal this side of their personal ity in public, however, and they are uncomfortable with any race that does “The Belters are also conceited and sel centered, mainly because these teats help them deal with the humiliation of discover: ing they are an “inferior” race, Though they hate to admit it, they know they car: not defend themselves against the Sathat without help. At first, the Belters are openly skeptical and distrustful of the UPF vistors: their past experiences with aliens have been very bad, They are also sharp traders by temper ament, The Belters don’t mean to offend: they're just used to driving hard bargains, ‘The Beltexs have a cultural tradition of ruth Jess warfare and revenge that makes them seem bloodthirsty and crue! in contrast with the Iceworlders and the Confederacy Delta .3 STARTING THE CONFERENCE Remember that this section deals with role-playing and problem-solving. Don't scare the PCs into tesorting to gunplay. The Mhemne are very cautious. very polite though suspicious), very honest, and very unarmed. ‘As the PCs prepare for the rendezvous, read the following boxed text to the players. “The Moraes slowly approaches the site of the rendezvous. The radio beacon leads ‘you to a slowly rotating asteroid, which is about 100 meters in diameter. A 30-meter. ‘wide door opens out oi the asteroid, revealing a docking bay that runs through the asteroid along its axis of rotation. Four cylinders, resembling work pods, emexge from the docking bay 10 ‘As the Moraes matches the rotation of the asteriod, the work pods move out to help the UPF ship enter and dock, The asteroid's bay is outited to dock several small spaceships, but the docking areas are unoccupied. Eight figures in bulky spacesuits float toward an airlock in the center of the docking bay. The airlock door slowly opens, The eight figures wait for the PCs to emerge fom the Moraes and enter the airlock. The PCs should move ahead of their hosts, pre senting their undefended backs to prove that they trust the Mhemne. Ifa Mhemne has 10 point out the obviously open airlock door, penalize the PCs I test point ‘ter the PCs have entered the airlock, the eight figures in spacesuits follow behind them land close the airlack door. Ai rushes into the airlock, Suit monitors indicate that the air is safe to breathe. The Mhemne wait for the PCS to remove their suits. If the Mhemne have 10 ‘este to the PCs to take off their suits first, penalize the PCs 1 trust point, ‘Alter the PCs have removed their suits, read the following boxed text to the players. The eight figures before you remove their suits, revealing humanlike anato- rmies and features, Their bodies are cov- fered with short, rec-brown hair. Their pale red, translucent skin is visible only fon their faces and hands. Their gar ‘ments, made of a blue, synthetic mate- rial, are skin-tight The figures don't appear to be carry ing any weapons. Each wears a small fabric belt pouch, Aiter all eight figures have removed their suits, one of them touches a control panel on the wall, A hatch opens onto a 4 meter by 4 meter corridor that leads away from the docking bay. The corridor Stretches for 10 meters, ending at two hatches. The figures stand back, apparently waiting for you to enter the corridor first, ‘As you approach the end of the corri- dor, the hatch on the spinward side opens onto another 4 meter by 4 meter corridor. You walk another 10 meters, and are met by a ninth figure dressed in a skintight blue garment, A door opens off the corridor’ left side. ‘Again, the figures pause, expecting you to move firs. ‘A 10-meter-square room lies beyond the door. A raised platform, about 60 cen- timeters higher than the rest of the room, takes up the far half of the room. A large, semicircular table, surrounded by 12 fempty chairs, stands in each half of the room, The two tables face an open, circu lar atea in the center of the room, Large video display screens are ‘mounted in the walls behind each table, ‘A.computer keyboard and videoscreen rest before each chair. The keyboards reflect no familiar language. ‘The table inthe raised half of the rooms for the Mhemne. lithe PCs sit at that able, penal: ize them 1 trust point. The Mhemne don’t star the conference until the PCs have taken the seats in the lower hal ofthe room, The nine figures enter the room and take seats at the table in the raised half of the room, The central igure stars talkingin an Unfamiliar language. A translation blares (out from speakers set into the walls. ‘Computers learn speech in radios. Visitor is welcome. You name me Khgree. Race is Mhemne. Mhemne reed Sathar gone, food production, and atomic drives. What need you?” So now the PCs know where the Mhemne stand. The aliens expect the PCs to be just as clear about what they want. Until the PCs outline their needs, the Mhemne ignore everything else they say. For each statement the PCs make that doesn’t answer Khgree’s question, penalize the PCs 1 trust point. ‘When the PCs say what they want, Khgree continues. “We offer you Sathar knowledge, valu: able substances, and skilled labor. What offer you” “The PCs must now outline what they can offer the Mhemne in return. Again, the Mhemne aren't interested in any small talk, and they ignore all statements that have nothing to do with the PCs’ offer, For each statement the PCs make that doesn’t answer Khgree’s second question, penalize the PCS 1 trust point Delta .4 BARGAINING WITH THE MHEMNE After the PCs and the Mhemne have stated what they need and what they can offer, the bargaining process can proceed more informally. The Mhemne are willing to answer any relevant questions about possible trade agreements between them. selves and the UPF COOPERATING AGAINST THE SATHAR, ‘The most important aspect of these nego: tiations for the Mhemne is obtaining help in the fight against the Sathar. No matter how badly’ the PCs periorm their diplomatic tasks (short of starting a battle), the Mhernne at least give them the information listed in Delta 5. The Mhemne accept almost anything in return for this, information—even an unsupported prom: ise to attack the Sathar. The Mhemne hold ‘out as long as they can for weapons, how: ever (beam weapons in particular). They aren't concerned withthe numberof weap: ‘ons they can obtain, as long as they can get a working model. The Mhemne are conf dent they can reproduce almost anything, given time to study it. The Mhemne hope 10 trade one piece of information from Delta 6 for each unique beam or gyrojet weapon they receive. (They would settle fora single laser pistal forall the information, but they ‘would resent such uniaie trading.) The amount of help the Mhemne offer in later encounters depends on how favorably they receive the PCs. Atthe very least, they help the PCs get to Snowball a planet in the F530 system) to contact the resistance. gree also asks that he be allowed to accompany the UPF forces as a Mhemne Fepresentative, observer, and tanslator. It the PCs refuse 10 agree to even this condi> tion, the conference is abruptly terminated, In this case, the Mhemne help the PCs get to Snowball, but that is all, The PCs have no chance of contacting the Mhemne resist ance there. Go to Epsilon .2 and follow the directions that outline how the PCs should proceed if they fail o establish contact with the Mhemne resistance. ‘TRADING ATOMIC DRIVES AND PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY ‘Though these needs are secondary, the Mhemne still negotiate with the PCs to acquite atomic drives and production tech: nology. Other commodities that interest the Mhemne are medical information and equipment, astrogation, robotics, and industrial technology. For these commodi ties, the Mhemne can offer three things: valuable mineral rights, skilled technical Taborers and craftsmen, and superior com: puter technology (in terms of miniaturiza tion and artificial intelligences, 11 The outcome of bargaining for these commodities won't affect later episodes in this adventure, so don’t worry about the specific results of these negotiatians, How. fever, ifthe PCs can sell the Mhemne on the enrichment that a healthy tade hetween them and the UPF could bring, the Mherne will be more cooperative with the LUPF now and in the tuture, Delta .5 INFORMATION ABOUT SATHAR OPERATIONS This information is the most valuable thing the Mhemne have to offer in these negotiations. The information relates. to Sathar operations in and around the space stations and the moon of the planet Snow: bal. The Mhemne also have some resources they can use in the fight against the Sathar. The FEF will need theie help if they are 10, deteat the Sathar. Following is.a list of critical information about the Sathar that the PCs should get from the Mhemne, 1. Sathar system defenses are based on Snowball’s moan (Akhala). The moon bases are heavily guarded by Sathar ground ‘weapon systems, The Sathar fleet gartison includes at least six fighters, one heavy cruiser, and one recently constructed assault carrier capable of carrying eight fghers. The cartier may not yet be opera tional 2. The Sathar_have expanded two Mhemne space stations to provide shipyard facilities for warship construction. Station 4 produces destroyer-class starships. Four (these ships are under construction: two may be operational. Station L3 produces assault carriers and fighters. One of the assault carriers is under construction and may be operational. The Mhemne aren't sure how many fighters are_ under construction—there are at least 20, and some of these may be operational. Neither (these stations appears to be defended, ‘except for ICMs and 2 few rocket batteries, 3. There are 10 robot factories on the suriace of Snowball that provide organic materials and other resources for the ship- yards. These materials are processed at the factories and then shipped by system shut- tle to the space station shipyards 4. The bulk of the metals used in the shipyards are mined in the asteroids and on Akhhala. Magnetic slingshots fire unpow- ered containers of raw materials tram the ‘moon and asteroids into the space stations, There they are picked up, decelerated, and delivered to the factories and shipyards at the stations, 5. The main concentrations of Mhemne population are: ‘Akhala (2 million} stations Ld and L5 (10,000 each asteroid belt (500,000 Snowball’s surface (1,000-2,0002) 6. Mhemne resistance to the Sathar is strongest in the asteroids. Akhala and the space stations ate firmly in the hands of Mhemne factions controlled. by Sathar. Most Mhemne resistance an Snowball has been eliminated, but small groups stil su. 7. The Mhemne have no information about the defenses on the surface of Snow: ball, They aren't able to make regular con tact with the resistance based there, The resistance groups don’t respond to radio signals. No Mhemne ship has made it tothe surface of Snowball in 100 years. The only inkling that some resistance still remains there comes from radio contact with agents, inthe space stations. Apparently, the planet resistance occasionally disrupts shuttle mis: sions to the planet and sometimes battles ‘with shuttle pilots. The Mhemne are unable {0 substantiate these reports, however. 8. Most of the Sathar system defense ships are piloted by Mhernne, 9, Mhemne have a low tolerance for high acceleration maneuvers, 10, The Mhemne don’t know how many Sathar are in the system, but they believe the number to be relatively small. Most high technology on Snowball, Akhala, and the space stations is automated, The Sathar are training the Mhemne to be pilots and gun: ners for the Sathar ships produced at the shipyards. Astrogators and engineers are presumably offworlders, since the Sathar carefully guard the secrets of spaceship engineering and construction. Most Mhemne system ships are 2,000-yearold antiques powered hy chemical drives, The Mhemne do have a few relatively new ion drive ships available in the asteroids, The Mhemne explain that they haven't had the ‘surplus resources or production capacity to build many spaceships. Delta .6 FINDING THE WEAKNESS. IN SATHAR DEFENSES Ater the PCs have gotten infermation from the Mhemne, their hosts suggest a recess or food and relaxation. At this point, the PCs should return to their ship, Dentin reports the information irom the Mhemne to Reider. Reider's task force is still 13 days away at this point.) Since there is little information abaut the situation on the suriace of Snowball, Reider orders Den- tin to visit the planers surface, make con. tact with the resistance, and evaluate its strength (as well as the strength of the Sathar planetary defenses). Dentin’s team should also check out the nature of the planetside factories that provide materials for the shipyard, Dentin accompanies the diplomatic party to the next meeting with the Mhemne. He explains Reider’ orders to the Mhemne And asks for theie help in carrying them out. The Mhemne offer to use ane oftheir ion drive ships to create a radar window. The UPF ships can remain inside the radar win. dow until the last minute, then dash to the planet’s surface beiore any Sathar fighters ‘can pursue. In return, Khgvee asks that the UPF tuen over at least one Sathar atomic shuttle, ifthe UPF is able to capture one on Snowball, Dentin immediately authorizes this agreement gree also offers blower devices that will cover the UPF ships with snow when they have reached Snotvball’s surlace, pro: viding caver from aerial searches gree himseli will accompany the UPF forces and direct them to a place where they may meet up with the resistance Delta .7 EXPERIENCE AWARDS 1-3 Experience Points. Maximum Award: Give maximum awards to partes that earn the Mhemnes! trust and learn their background and val: Average Award: Give average awards to parties that establish neutral relations with the Mhemne, obtain necessary information about the Sathar, and obtain an agreement with the Mhemne to provide material assis: ance and information in operations against the Sathar. Minimum Award: Give minimum awards to parties that avoid serious conilict with the Mhermne and obtain information about Sathar operations in the system. EPSILON SECTION: THE RESISTANCE Epsilon .1 THE HOSTILE HOVERCRAFT Two Sathar fighters detect the UPF ships asthey approach Snowball. The fighters ate Sent t0 intercept. The UPF ships, however, are able to evade the fighters and enter Snowballs atmosphere without being dam aged. Khgree gives directions to the place ‘where he hopes to contact the planetary The ships head for the landing site indi cated by Khgree. As you approach, you can't see any sign af Sathar or Mhemne ‘occupation anywhere on the suriace of the planet. There are only broad plains ff ice and snow, broken occasionally by frozen, jagged mountain range. khgree points you in the ditection of the south pole. The ships touch down on a high plateau in a-mountain range there. ‘Though the landing goes smoothly, you immediately eel the ship. settling into the ice, which was melted by the heat of your ship, ‘seconds later. the rade comes alive. A blip slides slowly across the screen, indi caling some kind of craft 5 kilometers away. I's approaching at fow altitude and is moving at 200 kph. The blip is a Sathar Ravager, a cabot attack hovercraft (See p. 11 for description and statistics. The craft reaches the landing Site 2 minutes (20 turns) after itis spotted, A itapproaches the landing site, it slows to turn speed (70 meters per turn). The craft moves in a I0-meterdiameter circle around the landing site and fires its heavy laser. The Ravager keeps iting until its destroyed. Because itis out of contact with, its base, the erat uses standard Ravager tac Epsilon 2 CONTACT WITH THE RESISTANCE A Mhemne resistance unit is located nearby in. an undergeound lactually tunderice") installation. The Mhemne have monitored the UPI landing and the baitle with the Ravager. The destru the Sathar ship gives the resistance: hope that the offworld visitors may be allies, Under no circumstances do the tesislance members fire theie weapons oF make any threatening gestures, even 10 defend themselves, They'll let themselves be killed beiore they risk fouling up the irs contact they've had with friendly of ‘worlders in 100 years, Ws been 4 hours since the Ravager attacked you, and there is still no sign of the Mhemne resistance, Suddenly, you pick up a weak radio signal. The poly Vox translates the message: | We hope you come in peace. We desperately need your help. We come without weapons. We are prepared 10 dlieif youattack us, butt you are friend, we are ready to conduct you to the entrance to our hidclen installation, ‘We must trust you. We are ataid of a trap, but we cannot afford to miss this opportunity. If you are Sathar agents then we are doomed. IF you are allies | against the Sathae, then pethaps. you [ bring us hope.” Ii any PC is suspicious, Khgree indicates that this message most certainly came from the resistance fighter, ‘A few moments later, three kceworlder Mhemne approach an foot. They are clothed in primitive gear, They are looking, for some kind of encouraging sign from the PCs, but they continue to approach whether the PCs give them a sign or not Khgeee signals to them as soon as they ate insight (unless the PCs forbid this, for some reason}. The resistance fighters then offer to lead the party to their underground installa- tion, FAILING TO MAKE CONTACT lithe PCS refuse to make contact with the resistance fighters, the Iceworders hesitate then step back, The mission to contact the resistance has then failed, The Iceworlders spread word throughout the resistance net work thatthe offworld visitors have refused to make contact. From this point on, no ‘other Mhemne an Snowball makes any attempt to communicate with the PF team, Ii the PCs fail to make contact, Dentin bawls them out severely. Then he orders them to find a processing plant, scout i enter it, and then follow through with a detailed repon on its operation. The PCs ‘must then destroy the plant and search for another one to attack, Ifthe PCs search for plants, they find one on Day 5, Day 9, and Day 11. (See Zeta Section tor details on attacking processing plants.) Epsilon .3 BRAVE BUT DESPERATE ALLIES ‘The resistance movements hidden insta: lation is an ancient research siation, pow ered by a nuclear generator, The 300 Iceworlders living there are descendents of the station’ original sta ‘Only five other resistance installations of this size still exist on Snowhall. Several smaller groups survive in considerably less comfortable conditions. The remnants of the once-large Mhemne population on Snowball stay in touch by radio, but there is litle to report. There are few weapons and ‘no means by which more can be manulac tured, So much time and efion must be devoted to staying alive that there is little ‘opportunity to attack the Sathar ‘Over the past 10 years, however, the resistance fighters have learned a great deal about Snowballs Sathar rabot processing plants and their detenses, Read the follow: ing computer translation of a Mhemne leader's statement to the PCS We know three plants. Plants are same. | Most par plans is buried ice, Some surface buildings. Plant have four shut tes, One launches all day. One lands all | ay. Plant have. 100 dig vehicles. Dig | vehicles carry minerals. Plant have 10 | laser vehicles, Laser vehicles move ar. Robots ha Towers have lasers Robots have lasers: Sathar are. few theme ae The Mhemne are brave, but are inade 13 quately outfitted to attack a Sathar plant The PCs should give whatever surplus weapons they have available on their ship, to Mhemne volunteers (of which there are 20-see p, 11 for Iceworlder statistics). the PCs take a few days to train these volun: teers, the Mhemne could ably assist in an attack led by the PCs. The Mhemne are very enthusiastic about being given the chance to strike back at the oppressive Sathar and will be very grateful to the PCs for giving them the opportunity. PLAN OF ATTACK Dentin reports to Reider by radio, Reider crders the UPF force to destroy as many processing plants as possible during the 12 days remaining before his task force arrives in the system. Reider feels that such attacks should distupt the shipyards and force the Sathar to use their starships to defend the operations on Snowball. Such a strategy should weaken the defenses on Akhala and the space statians, which Reider intends to attack as soon as he arrives Reider also tells Dentin to have his team try to capture at least one of the shuttles, used by the Sathar to ship materials to the space stations. If the PCs are able to arm enough resistance fighters and can tans port them via stolen shuttles to one of the space stations, the resistance may be able to recapture a station during the contusion created by Reider’s attack, Reider hopes that ifthe Sathar lose one of the space sta- tions, they will be forced to abandon their ‘operations in System FS 30. Epsilon .4 EXPERIENCE AWARDS 1-2 Experience Points aximum Award: Give maximum awards to parties that destroy the Ravager without allowing any UPF ships to sustain any dis abling damage, and sustain no PC casual- ties. They must also contact the resistance gain their cooperation, and get descriptions and locations of Sathar robot plants feom them Minimum Award: Give minimum awards to parties that destroy the Ravager but ial to ccontact the resistance and gain their coop: eration ZETA SECTION: THE WEAK LINK Zeta 1 HISTORY OF THE “WAR MACHINI The “war machine" located in the FS 30 system is actually a network of robotic min: ing and. processing plants, This network (dubbed an Independent Materials Process: ing Plant, or IMP, has been operating in F530 fora least 10 years. IMPPs are enormous, fully-automated starships that are sent to uninhabited star systems, where they turn the abundant mineral resources of planets and planetoids into another generation of mining, trans: port and processing machines, This second ‘generation of machines becomes a mam ‘moth industrial complex that prepares val able raw materials and industrial products These materials are then shipped back to the culture that originally sent out the IMP. In theory, the IMPP was a dream. The complexes should have produced an almost endless supply of raw industrial materials for no more than the cost of the ‘original IMPP starship. Still, the cost of ini tial setup was quite high and engineers ran into dozens of roadblocks in designing the ‘complex systems, Ad to that the possibility of unintentionally destroying habitable worlds, as well as threatening intelligent races with extinction, and the Frontier Sec tor hada huge controversy’ on its hands Finally, a full-scale war broke out between a Vrusk colony and the machines (of a particular IMP. In the wake of al this, the UPF ordered that all IMPP projects be destroyed or abandoned, The history of the IMPP in Sathar culture has been somewhat different, The Sathae never intended their IMPS to be indepen: dent. Only a few Sathar robots and com: puter technicians are needed to run an IMPP, but these Sathar retain complete con: trol over the operating system, ‘Tomee! the needs of the Sathar military in their war with the Frontier Sector, the Sathar have established a large number of IMPPs in unexplated regions adjacent to the Frontier. These IMPPs are designed to produce starships and war materials. These systems are not completely automated, Technologically-advanced subject races provide skilled labor where automation proves impractical Zeta 2 THE FS 30 IMPP There are three basic components to the IMPP located in FS 30, The fists a group of robot ships that mine resources from the ‘moon and asteroids surrounding Snowball The second component is a series of 10 processing plants on Snowball’s surface that provide mineral and organic resources rot available on the moon or in the ast: roid. The third component isa pair of star. ship yards located at the Mhemne-built L4 and 5 space stations. The first two components are mostly automated: small technical crews supervis ing hundreds of robots, The space stations, however, requite large numbers of tained technicians and laborers. These workers are provided by the Sathar-dominated -Mhemne population an the space stations. For the past decade, the FS 30 IMP has produced over 20 percent of all the Sathar warships encountered by the Frontier forces in the Second Sathar War. If this IMPP were disrupted or destroyed, the Sathar war effort would suffer a serious set back. Unfortunately, the Mhemne haven't been able to overcome the Sathar’s military and technological superionty, IMPP DEFENSES The Sathar have set up adequate defenses for the robot mining ships and the starship yards. The processing plants on Snowballs Surface, however, are the weak spots in the system. The shuttles based there are sophis: tieated but unarmed ‘Much of the plants themselves are buried deep beneath the planet’s surface, but the administration buildings, as well as the shuttle hangars and landing areas, are on the surface, Security robots, fixed batteries, and robot hovercraft (ravagers) are all that defend these areas, These defenses are more than adequate for turning away Mhemne resistance, buta force of UPF and Mhemne, supported by modern warships and firepower, could easily knock out the Surface areas of Snowball’s processing plants Zeta 3 PREPARING CHARACTERS FOR PLANT ATTACKS (See Map 1 The layouts of the 10 IMPP processing plants on Snowball are identical. Keep in ‘mind that the defenses of all other plants will be improved atter the PCs attack the first plant. If you averlook this detail. the Sathar will seem implausibly stupid to the PCs, and the challenge of attacking a string ‘of plants will be los. The Mhemne resistance knows the loca tions of three processing plants. The PCS ‘can use UPF ships or captured shuitles to search for more plants, if they want, They then locate a new plant every tour ays. I the PCS search fram orbit, they run the risk 6 being intercepted by Sathar fighters. The PCs can use any ships they have to support the attacks on the processing plants. Khgree and 20 Mhemne leeworlders ako take part in the attacks. The PCS may ‘outfit the Mhemne with weapons and defenses irom their ships, The PCs should keep track of the number ‘of shuttles they capture and the number of Mhemne pilots they free, The shuttles and pilots may play a part in subsequent plant attacks and the attack on L4 Station The PCs can continue t0 attack plants Lunt 12 days after landing on Snowball. At that time Reider’ task force arrives and the LPF forces receive new orders, MAP NOTES Map 1 shows the above-ground portion ‘of a Sathar processing plant. For tactical dis plays to the players, use the 4-color Town Map from the Alpha Dawn game. Then note these changes and additions to that map betore play: 1, The top of the map is noth, 2. The scale is | hex = 4 meters, 3. An Bmeter gate stands in the western 15 security perimeter adjacent to building 8 {the ravager hangar). The ravagers enter through this gate, Double hangar doors (each 4 meters wide) stand at the western corner of building 3, ‘A 24-meter gate stands in the northern security perimeter adjacent to building 5 (the shuttle hangar). The shuttles enter through this gate. Double hangar doors (each 12 meters wide) stand in the northern side of build ing 5. A deter door stands in the southeast corner of building 5 8. A 2-meter door slands in the northwest corner of building 5 Zeta.4 ‘APPROACHING A PROCESSING PLANT The party can approach a plant on foot or in the explorer vehicle from the Eleanor Moraes. Ifthe PCS use the explorer, hunter units detect the valuable metal in the vehi Cle and try to “mine it; that i, the hunters attack the explorer as ifit were a valuable ‘re deposit. The PCs’ metallic gear does not attract the hunters, however, Wi the PCs are transported to a plant ina ship. they don't encounter the hunters, THE HUNTER UNITS The remote mining/transport machines (ee p. 11 for statistics) provide raw materi als to the processing plant. Over 1,000 hunters roam within a’ 10-kilometer area around each plant. The PCs see only about 100 of them moving slowly across the sur face near the plant; the rest are burrowing deep under the frozen surlace in search of deposit ‘A hunter looks like a giant, streamlined dump teuck mounted on tank treads. Drills and digging tools are mounted on its rant. An armored blockhouse near the iront holds the Computer and sensor devices, The cargo con tainer takes up most ofthe rest ofthe vehicle, Three extending, mechanical arms reach out (of the rear container. One has a grasping ‘clamp hand, one has several drils, and ane has sample collectors, A robot technician may take over a hunter unit by altering its mission and func tions, (Because oj the hunter’ alien design modify checks by -20,) PCs can use a con. trolled hunter asa battering ram ras trans port. A hunter holds 10 characters and their Bear in its cargo container. Zeta 5 ‘SCOUTING THE PLANT The PCs probably will want to approach and observe a plant before attacking. To avoid losing the advantage of surprise, the PCs must not reveal themselves to the plants security systems. If PCs use stealth and concealment subskills, apply the fol: lowing modifiers as they try 10 avoid being, detected, 1. If PCs wear white camouflage gear {available from Iceworlders), reduce the chance of being detected by video scanners by 20% 2. If PCs wear or carry heat shielded ‘objects like spacesuits} reduce the chance (of being detected by infrared sensors by 30%, 3. If PCs approach a plant inside or behind a hunter unit, they can’t be detected at extreme or medium range. Roll for detection for each character or vehicle only once for each detection system (video, infrared, and teipwire) when enter ing a detection zone. DETECTION ZONE: EXTREME RANGE (over 1 kilometer) Video scanners on security towers (see 2 fon Map 1) can distinguish intruders from hunter units (100% chancel at a range of 3 kilometers in daylight or 500 meters at night. The chance of detection can’ be reduced through use ot environmental skills or camoutlage. If PCs ate detected, alarm sirens and defenses are activated, DETECTION ZONE: MEDIUM RANGE (less than 1 kilometer but more than 100 meters) Infrared scanners on security towers (see 2 on Map 1 can distinguish intruders from hunter units (100% chance) ata range of 1 kilometer. Video scanners distinguish intruders (100% chance) at 1 kilometer in daylight, 500 meters a night. The chance of detection can be reduced through vse of environmental skills or camouflage. If PCs enter from the southeast moving theough the vapor clouds that come irom the coo}: ing towers), reduce the effectiveness of video scanners by 50% and inirared sensors by 90%. If PCs are detected, alarm sirens and defenses are activated. DETECTION ZONE: CLOSE RANGE (less than 100 meters but outside the secu: rity perimeter) Video and infrared scanners operate the same as they do at medium range. Pressure sensitive wires (level | system) are buried 100 meters from the security perimeter Reduce a technician's chance ot detecting these well-hidden wires by 30%, The cchance of deactivating the wires, however, stays normal. Gaps at the gates adjacent to building 5 (shuttle hangar) and building 9 hunter access shed) permit shuttles, hunters, and intruders to approach without setting off alarms, I PCSare detected, alarm sirens and detenses are activated. DEFENSE RESPONSE TO DETECTION AND. ALARMS, 1. Half of all available ravagers move to intercept and attack the intruders. The ‘ther ravagers patrol the security perimeter a 70 meters per turn, 100 meters from the perimeter 2. Security robots patrol inside the secu sity perimeter 3. Heavy lasers mounted in the security towers fire on intruders at the iollowing ranges: ~~ For the first plant attacked: lasers open fire at close range only — Forthe second plant attacked: lasers fire at medium andl close ranges. = For third and subsequent attacked: lasers fie at all ranges. INFORMATION PCs CAN GAIN DURING SCOUTING Show the Town Map to the PCsas you run them through the scouting phase of theie mission, Ateach range (extreme, medium, and close), they can learn certain iniorma tion. The plants are lit by tloodlights, so the PCs aren't hampered by darkness even ‘without IR gomgles. Give this information to the PCs as you see ii, Ii they are obviously being careiul and observant, they should learn all of this information EXTREME RANGE 1. Hunters move in and out of the south gate at a rate of between one and six per hour. They enter and exit a hangar that is too small to hold them all. 2, Large clouds of vapor drift southeast in the prevailing winds. The clouds come from the tops of two towers, 3. Towers outited with sensors and laser batteries stand at each corner of the secu: rity perimeter. (These weapons could be celiminated at long range with grenade launchers, recoilless rifles,» rocket launchers, or ship's lasers. The tower wea pons’ effects can be minimized by Approaching under cover ar in a hunter's ‘cargo container.) 4. There is one shuttle launch and one shuttle landing per day on the landing field north of the plant. The shuttles enter a hangar through a gate in the northern secu: fity perimeter. The hangar is 100 small to hold more than one shuitle MEDIUM RANGE 1, Robots move in and out of sheds in no apparent pattern 2. Humanoids travel between the shuttle hangar and a building in the northeast cor 3, Sathar travel between a central build ing and a building in the southeast corner, 4. Humanoid also travel from the north ‘east building to the central building CLOSE RANGE 1. The PCs can determine the function of all buildings in the plant, except for build ings 7 and 10. 2. The gates and hangar doors appar ently open automatically to admit hunters, 3. Humanoids ings 5, 6, and 10. 4. Sathar eeguiarly visit only buildings 10 and 11 larly visit only build: Zeta 6 ATTACKING A PROCESSING PLANT Aiter the PCs have had a chance to scout the processing plant, they must prepare a plan of tack. They may ask for advice from NPCs, but they should do the bulk of the planning themselves. Dentin vetoes any plan that is clearly foolish or unnecessarily dangerous. During the attack, the PCs are confronted by two types of personnel fin addition to robots): Sathar and Mhemne, The two races react differently to the PCs. SATHAR PLANT PERSONNEL: No Sathar will be taken alive! Sathar technicians don’t run or fight, They cower in terror until cap: tured; then they die instantly, killed auto: matically by a. post-hypnotic suggestion —_I For Sathar combat statistics, seep. 1 Sathar Administrators MHEMNE PLANT PERSONNEL: Rumors (of space combat in the asteroids have pre: pared the Mhemne pilots and technicians for revolt against theie Sathar masters. Any Mhemne NPCs encountered in the plant immediately suerender and otter to help UPFIMhemne team. All Mhemne a plant have cold weather gear, but no weap- ‘ons or military skills. The pilots store their spacesuits in building 5. PROCESSING PLANT ENCOUNTER KEY SECURITY PERIMETER (7 Wa PCtouches this 3.metersall electrified fence he suffers 3d10 points oi damage and sets off an alarm (level T security system See Zeta .5 for details on what happens when alarins are sounded The gates along the perimeter are also clectriied; they also have level 1 locks. The fence and gates can absorb 25 structural points of damage. 17 SECURITY TOWERS (2) Heavy laser turrets, which are robotically controlled, are mounted on these 5-meter: ralltowers, Thelasers have a 60% chance to hit. They cause 810 points of damage. If the lasers fie into the vapor clouds that come from the cooling towers, the lasers are diffused and their damage is reduced by hall. These lasers tire upon intruders only as ‘ulin in Zeta 5, They cannot aim or fre at largets inside the perimeter, Make sure the PCs are properly respectful ofthese laser batteries, oF this will be a very short adventure, Video scanners and infrared sensors are ‘mounted on the tower roo, COOLING TOWERS (3) These towers rise 30 meters above the plant. Clouds of condensing vapor are con: Stantly drifting from these towers. The pre vailing winds catch these clouds and carry them toward the southeast. The clouds teduce laser damage by hal. MAINTENANCE AND SECURITY ROBOT SHEDS (4), The doors to these sheds aren't locked. Each shed contains 29 heavy-duty work robots and 30 utility robots. None of these robots can engage in combat Each shed also contains five cockroach security robots (see p. 11 for statistics), The defense computer operator uses these robots to defend the plant if an alarm goes off. The operator uses the robots’ remote sensors to define the target. The robots then pursue and attack theie target until the oper ator changes their orders. Since the opera- tor defines targets, the PCs won't have much luck confusing these robots, SHUTTLE HANGAR (5) Thisbuilding is really only a sheker for the ‘levator that lowers the shuttle to a 200: metersquare underground hangar, The southeast door and hangar doors ate unlocked. Four shuttles are parked in the under. ground hangar. Two are standby ships, fueled and ready to go. Robot technicians ‘are working on the third shuttle, svhich recently returned from a fun, Work robots are loadingthe fourth with processed mate: Tials for delivery to the space stations. The work robots do not interfere with PC o NPC intruders. There are no Mhemne or Sathar here, A\ pilot ready-room holds 20 Mhemne- style spacesuits and 10 Sathar-style space. suits, ‘A technician can figure out how to oper ate the elevator, which then brings a shuttle ‘up 10 the upper hangar in (10 - skill level ‘minutes. APC can open the hangar doors in {6 - skill level) minutes. A PC must make a Detect/Defeat Security check and an Open Lock check (level T device) to open the security perimeter gates. The PCs may also. blast open the doors and gates. The hangar doors have 50 structural points. The gates have 25 structural points, SHUTTLE Hull Size: 2 Length: 25 meters Width: 5 meters (hull diameter) Wingspan: 20 meters Hatches: 1 Engine: | atomic, A-rated Fuel: 1 loaded, Tin reserve ADEIMR: 4/4 DCR: 26 Weapons: None Defenses: None Main Life Support: 4 Backup Life Support: 4 Communications: videocom, radio Detection: radar Computer Programs: Life Support ‘Atomic Drive; Astrogation (in system only) Notes: Only pilot skill 1 is necessary to ‘operate this shuttle, The cargo bay can bbe rigged with improvised acceleration couches to carry 30 passengers, if they provide their own life suppor. Mt MINE QUARTERS (6) All doors here are unlocked. The specific rooms and the Mhemne found there are listed below. All of the Mhemne are Unarmed; they surrender immediately and cooperate unilaggingly with the UPF and the resistance forces. Statistics for the Mhemne are on p. I LOUNGE (6a) pilots are here, Three Mhemne shuttle DINING AND AUTOMATIC KITCHEN (Gb): Unoccupied. ENTERTAINMENT (6c): Unoccupied. PILOT BARRACKS (6d-6h): Six Mhemne shuttle pilots and four technicians are in these rooms, STORAGE (6i): Unoccupied. POWER PLANT CONTROL (7: The doors to this small building are not locked. This building holds control panels and gauges for the atomic power generator that is buried deep beneath the factory. Even if PCs sabotage this building, auto- matic systems take over and maintain its proper function. (The PCs cannot desteoy this power plant.) RAVAGER SILO (8) The doors to this building are not locked: Ian alarm issounded atthe plant, all vag. ers in this hangar are automatically sent out to track down the intruders, Othenwise, there ate two ravagers parked in the silo at the frst plant the PCs attack. At the second plant attacked, there are three ravagers here. At the third plant, there are four rav agers here. If all ravagers are out scouting for intruders, only work robots remain behind. This building can withstand 300 points of structural damage. Ifthe building is demol- ished in | round, the ravagers are buried beneath the collapsed walls the PCs may dig them out and reprogram them). ithe building is attacked but not destroyed, the ‘avagers emerge undamaged, HUNTER ACCESS (9) ‘One to six hunter units approach the shed's southern gate. 4 radio signal ident fies the hunters, and then the gate and shed doors open. The hunters then lumber through the security perimeter and into the shed. ‘The elevators inside the shed lower the hunter units to the area where they are loaded and serviced. This vast_under- ‘ground area extends 1,000 meters beyond the southern security perimeter on the sur: face. i PCs take an elevator down to this area, they can't leave until the elevator ‘automatically goes back up to deliver or Feceive another hunter unit (6d 10 minutes) ‘When a hunter approaches the elevators (at either level, the elevators automatically begin to function. The PCs themselves can: rot control the elevators. 18 ‘SATHARIMHEMNE ADMINISTRATION AND PLANT HEADQUARTERS (10) SATHAR ADMINISTRATION (10al: One mmiddle-caste Sathar is here, Armed with a laser pistol, this Satharights to the death. This room houses plant production records, PLANT DEFENSE AND SECURITY (108): There are two Sathar inthis room, One is a middle-caste administrator and is armed with a laser pistol. He fights to the death to keep the PCs from entering, The other Sathar is a lower-caste techni cian responsible for operating the com puter defense system. Hes unarmed. W the PCs threaten to capture or wound the Sathar, he automatically dies, The plant's defenses are controlled from this room, IF the PCs destroy the control panel, the coordination of defenses breaks down, and each element of the system fol Jows its programming or its own last order. lithe PCs manage to reprogram the defense computer, they can take over the plant’s defenses, including the robots. The computer in this room is a level 3 defense and security computer. It runs the following programs (all level 3): robot man: agement, instalation security, computer security, and computer lockout. The com: puter i protected by a level 3 alarm/self destruct mechanism. If the computer is accessed without a special code (known ‘only by the Sathar technicians, who do not reveal it), the self-destruct mechanism is activated (signalled by an alarm and a green, blinking light). The computer sel desiructs in two minutes; the ensuing explosion causes 12d10 points of damage to anyone in the room itreat as damage from fragmentation grenade) PLANT CONTROL (110¢-10e}: Twwo unarmed Sathar technicians are in each ofthese rooms, They offer no resistance. If the PCs capture oF ‘wound them, the Sathar die automatically ‘These rooms hold the monitors and com- puter links for the entire processing plant There are two level 6 computers in each of these rooms. Ifa computer technician can reprogram these computers, he can take over the entire processing plant. lithe PCs use 100 grams of explosives (or ia computer technician works to sabotage the computer for 15 minutes), the com: puter is destroyed and the plant automat cally shuts down, These level 6 processing plant computers use the following programs all level 6): robot management, industry, maintenance, transportation, computer security, and ‘computer lockout, The computers are pro: tected by a level 6 alaemiself-destruct mechanism. Ii any computer is accessed ‘without a special code (known only by the Sathar technicians, who do not reveal it), the seltdestruct mechanism is activated {signalled by an alarm and a green, blinking light). The computer self-destructs in two minutes; the ensuing explosion causes 12410 points of damage to anyone in the room (treat as damage from a fragmenta- tion grenade). HUNTER CONTROL (109: One unarmed Sathar technician is here, He offers no resistance. If the PCs capture or wound him, he dies automatically. This room houses the computer that con- trols the hunter units. The computer is simi- lar to. the plant control computers (Voc-10e); it is defended by the same securityiself-destruct mechanism, WORKSHOP (10g): Two Mhemne techni cians are in this room, They surrender immediately when the PCs enter. Equipment and tools used to repair the plant's computers are stored here. SHUTTLE ADMINISTRATION (10h): One Mhemne technician isin this room, He sur renders immediately when the PCs enter. ‘A schedule of upcoming shuttle launches and arrivals is posted here. There are also ‘manuals here that describe the procedures for docking at the space stations. SATHAR QUARTERS (11) SATHAR ADMINISTRATION. QUARTERS (1a-11b): Unoccupied. SATHAR TECHNICIAN QUARTERS (ITc- Mf: Unoccupied SATHAR TECHNICIAN QUARTERS (1g: ij): The PCs find one Sathar sleeping soundly in a fluid bath in each of these rooms. Ifthe PCs awaken a Sathar, he dies instantly. Zeta.7 IMPROVED DEFENSES AGAINST LATER PLANT ATTACKS WHEN CHARACTERS ATTACK A SEC- OND PLANT: Heavy lasers in the security towers fire on inteuders at close and medium ranges. Two ravagers patrol the perimeter, while three ravagers wait in their hangar. All 15 security robots are on patrol inside the perimeter (scattered randomly), All doors leading into buildings are locked with level 3 locks Both Sathar administrators are in room 10b, ready to defend the defense computer. All Mhemne pilots and technicians are locked in their sleeping quarters. The shuttles are destroyed by incendiary explosives to prevent their capture, lithe PCs used a specific trick when they gained entry to the first plant, that trick is wel-guarded against WHEN CHARACTERS ATTACK A THIRD PLANT: Four rocket batteries have been installed on the shuttle hangar roof 10 defend against air attacks by UPF ships or captured shuttles, Heavy lasers mounted in the security towers fire on the inttuders at close, ‘medium, and long range. Four ravagers patrol the perimeter while four ravagers ‘waitin their hangar. Ten security robots are ‘on patrol inside the perimeter, Four security robots protect the approaches to plant headquarters (building 10), ‘All doors leading into buildings are locked with level 3 locks. Both Sathar administators and one secu rity robot are in room 10b, ready to defend the defense computer, The defense com- puter is programmed to self-destruct if iis about to fal into enemy hands, All Mhemne pilots and technicians have been executed. The shuttles are destroyed by incendiary explosives to prevent their capture. lithe PCs used specific tricks to get inside lther plants, those tricks are well-guarded against here. Each subsequent attack should be more difficult for the characters than the previous Zeta.8 EXPERIENCE AWARDS. 246 Experience Points per plant captured or destroyed. Maximum Award: Give maximum awards to parties that sustain minimum casualties, use clever tricks to gain entry, defeat secu: rity, and take control of plant defense sys- tems. ‘Average Award: Give average awards 10 parties that capture or destroy a plant, cap: ture shuttles, and sustain minimum PC casualties Minimum Award: Give minimum awards to parties that destray a plant. ETA SECTION: OPERATION CRACKER—ATTACKING THE SATHAR DEFENSE FLEET Eta.1 REIDER’S ORDERS Twelve days after the UPF forces land on Snowball, Commander Reider enters the system, As he passes the asteroid belt on the final approach, he radios the forces on Snowball. He wants to coordinate his attack on the Sathar system defense fleet with the allied UPEMhemne attack on La slation, Read Reider’s orders to the players ‘Operation Cracker isthe code name for ‘our attack on the Sathar system defense fleet. The frigate Fiying Cloud and two assault scouts—K'riss and Doboru—will tenter Sathar energy detector range at be Snowballs moon. We're using a slow approach to give the Sathar time to reveal and commit their forces. At 10:30, we'llbe 50,000 kilometers from Akhala, and we'll bbe moving at 10,000 per minute. If the Sathar haven't already engaged by this time, the squadron will turn and attack L5 station, We won't isk coming within range of their moon base detenses— they're to0 powerful The main objective of Operation Cracker is to draw off system defense ships so you can go ater Ld station. The secondary objective is to damage or destroy as many Sathar ships as possible without risking our own ships, ‘Operation Fereet is the code name for the joint UPFMhemne attack on L4 station. At 09:30, the UPF ships and cap: tured shuttles will lit off at 3 ADF on course for L4, That should put you in position to attack at 10:30. By that time, the Sathar system defense ships should have been committed to meeting our squadron as we approach. Use the Moraes and the Osprey to spearhead your attack, Keep in mind that you should use the superior range of your lasers to knock out the rocket batteries, which are the only defenses at L4. The Osprey and Moraes should then lead the shuttles into the space station's docking. bay. Each UPF ship should carry its regu- (09:00 hours. The apparent destination will | lar erew and as many armed Mhemne as lite support ‘can handle. The shuttles should carry the rest of the Mhemne fighters recruited from the resistance installations, “The main objective of Operation Fer: ret is to put the spaceship yards on La ‘out of commission. You should still be able to manage this even if you can’t completely capture the station. The sec ‘ondary objective is to actually return ‘control of the station to the Mhemne, Good luck! I’m buying when this You may run this section betore you run Theta section (Operation Ferret), or you ‘may run the two sections simultaneously. Eta.2 SETTING UP OPERATION CRACKER SHIP ROSTER AND SETUP The setup listed below (using the hex map from the Knight Hawks game) repre. sents the locations of UPF, Mhemne, and Sathar forces at 09:20, 2 turns after the FEF squadron enters energy detection range. {Use appropriate counters to mark the loca: tions of the following planets and stations ‘TABLE 3: STARTING POSITIONS FOR OPERATIONS CRACKER AND FERRET Ship Hex (FOR OP CRACKER) Flying Cloud 0236 Kriss 0236 Doboru 0236 (FOR OP FERRET) Osprey 4510 Eleanor Moraes, 4510 (SATHAR SYSTEM DEFENSES: Fighter 3025 Fighter 3025 Fighter 3025 Fighter 3025 Fighter 3025 3025 Fighter 3025 Fighter 3025 Heavy Cruiser 3025 Assault Cat 3025 Fighter I## (Assault Carrier A) Fighter J84 (Assault Carrier A) Fighter Ki## (Assault Carrier A) Fighter L## (Assault Carrier A) Fighter Mes (Assault Catrier A) Fighter Nes (Assault Carrier A) key: he Nacho fe Saat Ship Roster or ets 1 Inexperenced plot centages by SO, ate asault cout counter Afr the Eleanor M los cxonot sean ADF or fof moe Then 3 ethout fering dcrese in skis and p Spd Cate Heading B A Abkala B 8 ‘Akhala B c Akhala ° D l4 0 . 4 (Hex no) ° At 0236 0 Be 0236 ° ce 0236 0 OF 0236 0 eh 0236 ° Fe 0236 0 G 0236 0 H 0236 0 A 0236 ° A 0236 feos capable cf handing the Fahters 3s system shi. In space combat, ut se tach pe 20 Planet Snowball: hex 4510 ‘Moon Akhala hex 3025 (fortress counter) L5 station: hex 1906 (station counter) La station: hex 5035 (station counter) Use appropriate counters to mark the start ing locations of the ships and fortresses involved in the atack, as noted on Table 3 Eta.3 SATHAR STRATEGY When the FEF squadron entersthe map at hhex 0236, the Sathar have al of their oper ating ships prepared for batle. The Sathar forces mass between the FEF squadron and its apparent destination —the ‘moon Akhala. The Sathar then execute a fighting withdrawal, trying to draw the FEF squadron within range of heavy planetary or satelite defenses, AAL 09:40 (or the firs turn after the Sathar detect Operation Ferrets lftall from Snow ball), Sathar fighter counters A and B sepa: rate from the rest of the Sathar forces and move to intercept Operation Ferret, After 2 turns, these two fighters are called back to the Sathar main force. The Sathar com: mand actualy decides thatthe assault on L4 slation i a diversion, ‘Ascommander of the Sathar forces, try to limit your defensive strategy to fit the inex: perience and poor crews of the Sathar ships. The Sathar simply lack a theory of mobile defense. The Sathar haven't had much of a chance to develop elfective defensive strategies. Even if they outnum: ber their attackers, the Sathar defense is dis. organized and sluggish This scenario is your opportunity to give your players a litle turkey shoot. Allow them to outmaneuver and shoot up the ‘green Mhemne fighter pilots. Let them dance out of range of the heavy cruiser and the assault cartiers bigger weapons. Don’t make it so easy for the PCs that they don’t have fun, though! Ate a spirited (and generally one-sided) battle, the remnants of the Sathar forces withdraw to the protection of Akhala For tress. The PCs should know better than 10 attack this fortress. If they are so foolish don’t hesitate to blast them, Eta.4 UPF STRATEGY The PCs should follow Reider’s orders Operation Cracker depends on the actions Of the Sathar system defense fleet so those orders are open to interpretation Fta.5 EXPERIENCE AWARDS 1-3 Experience Points Maximum Award: Give maximum awards to partes that destroy 45 hull points worth ‘i Sathar ships. Average Award: Give average awards to parties that destroy 25 hull points worth of Sathar ships without losing a UPF ship. Minimum Award: Give minimum awards to parties that destroy at least two Sathar fighters, keep the Sathar forces too busy 10 defend L4 slation, and lose no more than fone UPF assault scout in the fight THETA SECTION: OPERATION FERRET— ASSAULT ON L4 STATION Thissection outlines the battle for control of the LA space station. In preparing for this battle, have the PCs give an accounting of the number of shuttles, trained pilots, and armed Mhemne resistance fighters. they have before they lift off irom Snowball Even though there may be a small num ber of Mhemne resisiance fighters taking patt in this battle, the PCs should take the lead. They are better equipped and trained than the Mhemne; they also have more experience in fighting the Sathar. Most important, you shouldn't let the PCs get Upstaged by the NPCs in the battle, All Sathar trooper, administrator, and technician statistics are listed on page 11 Theta. BRIEFING ON STATION DEFENSES The PCs can learn the following informa tion from Mhemne shuttle pilots liberated in the processing plant attacks (see Zeta section) 1. The Mhemne can lay out the floor plans of the Shuttle Docking Deck (Map 3), the Shuttle Crew Deck (Map 4), and the Sathar Administration Deck (Map 5} for the PCs, iLet the players study the maps inside the adventure booklet cover.) Usethe Com: mercial Deck Section from the Knight Hawks color map ior a tactical display of the Shuttle Crew Deck (modifications are listed in subsection Theta .4). Give the PCs this map from the Knight Hawks game and explain the modifications to them, 2. Security devices are usually of level 3 or higher. 3, The only access tothe Sathar Adminis tration Deck is through the Shuttle Crew Deck, 4. The station security garrison consists of about 20 well-trained and well-equipped Sathar toopers. Since Mhemne have only projectile weapon technalogy, most Sathar screensand defense suits may be geared for that type of attack 5. Security robots may be found on the Sathar Administration Deck, They are simi lar to the security robots at the processing plants, except that they move on air cush: Tons and are somewhat faster 6, Depressurizing a comparment on the space station may kill unprotected Mhemne inside. The PCs must avoid using depressuri- zation asa tactic at al costs. The Sathar, how. ‘ever, know of the Mhemne vulnerability to such a tactic and do not hesitate to use it) Theta .2 SPACE STATION: SHUTTLE DECK (See Map 3.) The approach to L4 goes as planned (this may change, depending on the outcome of, ‘Operation Cracker—Eta section). No Sathar defense ships attack the UPEMhemne force. The PCs can use laser fire from a dis. tance and easily destroy the station’s rocket batteries DOCKING AT THE SHUTTLE DECK If PCs have captured Mhemne shuttle pilots and shuttle operations manuals, this procedure should be simple. If the PCs don't have shuttle pilots or manuals, the docking still goes normally, but each pilot ‘must rll lower than 40% + (his pilot skill x 10%). Ifthe pilot falls at this roll, he causes 145 points of hull damage to his ship during the docking procedure. Ifthe pilot takes an ‘extra 10 minutes to dock, he does not dam: age the ship. The two docking bays opposite airlocks 2 and 8 are unoccupied. The UPEMhemne. Ships need not dock to unload passengers. If the PCs use this tactic, however, they ‘must fix some sort of anchor to the ships 10 keep them from drifting away or damaging. ther ships This deck isin fee fall. All coms and cor ridors here are pressurized and brightly lit. The docking bays are not pressurized, AIRLOCKS (1-8), Each airlock hatch is locked with a level 3 alarmilock system. Each hatch can take 150 points of structural damage. SHUTTLE CREW READY ROOMS (9-16) These rooms contain shutlle pilot gear. Allof the rooms are unoccupied. There are four spacesuits in each room, however. CORRIDOR (17) ‘One Squad A Sathar trooper stands out side each hatch that opens onto this cor: dor. The troopers are prepared for attack the PCs can’t surprise them. They fre at the first creature that comes through a hatch, Then they withdraw, fighting defensively and covering one another, until they reach hhatch 4a or 4b, The troopers then move to defend the corridors (18) that lead to the elevator (2)-Atthis point, the troopers stand their ground and fight to the death ELEVATOR CORRIDOR (18) ‘One Squad A Sathar trooper stands out side each of the two hatches that lead toward the elevator. These hatches are not locked. The troopers are prepared to fire a massed volley at the first non-Sathar that looks in through a hatch (+ 15 for careful aim). These troopers let other Sathar move through the hatches to take up positions in defense of the elevator corridor. These troopers do not retreat; they fight 10 the death ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES (19) The doors in this area are locked and guarded with level 3 security alarms. There is nothing in any of these offices but paperwork COMPUTER CENTER (20) The doors here are locked and wired with level 5 security alarms, The rooms are unoccupied. The level 3 computer housed here controls docking approaches, mainte: ‘nance robots, and lite suppor for this deck. Ins. programs include Computer Security and Computer Lockout. TRACKING CENTER (21) The door into this area is locked and wired with a level 3 security alarm, The room was evacuated when the PCS’ ships Unapproached. This room is designed for 22 monitoring shuttle approaches and han- dling communications with surface bases and approaching ships. ELEVATOR TO SHUTTLE CREW DECK (22) This elevator is locked and guarded with 4 level 3 security alarm. It operates nor ‘mally Theta .3 SHUTTLE CREW DECK (See Map 4) Use the Commercial Deck Section from the Knight Hawks color map when display: ingthis area to the PCs. You should use Map 435 your guide when running PC adven: tures on this deck, Lay the Knight Hawks map out for the PCs and point out the fol lowing modifications to them 1. The “Frontier Lounge! Entertainment Center 2. The “Spacer Club Refreshment Center! 3. The “Clothing Store” “Library” 4, The “Jewelry Store” becomes the ‘Department of Information.” 5. Located off the map to the right and left are living quarters for Mhernne pilots, technicians, and service personnel becomes the becomes the becomes the This area is pressurized, and has ts nor imal gravity. All corridors are brightly lit. All rooms are dark, but PCs need only flick on the wall switches to light these rooms. All doors are locked with level 3 security devices, All of the Mhemne living quarters along the rim (not shown) were evacuated ‘when the PCs approached. There is nothing ff value in the living quarters, ELEVATORS FROM HUB (1) Elevator 1a carries passengers to the Sathar Administration Deck (Map 3). Eleva: tor Ib and 1¢ carry passengers to and from the hub. “wo Squad 8 Sathar troopers wait in each of the three elevators. They fire on anyone who enters the elevator, CORRIDOR (2) ‘Two Squad B Sathar troopers stand at the points marked A and B (on Map 4) in this cortidor, They are hiding behind ornamen. tal shrubs and dining tables, The troopers fire a massed volley into the first non-Sathar that tries to leave elevator Ibor le (+ 13 for careful aim), The Sathar fire from under cover. ithe PCs move in to fight, the tro0p- fers switch to their stunsticks. These r00p- cers do not retreat; they fight to the death. KITCHEN @) This area is unoccupied. REFRESHMENT CENTER (4) This area is unoccupied. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER (5) Four Squad 8 Sathar troopers hide at the point marked C (on Map 4) in this area, They fire a massed volley at any non-Sathar that tries to get off elevator 1a, They use the tables and doorjambs to steady their weap- fons (+15 for careful aim) and as hard cover. the PCs move in to fight, the troop- fers switch to their stunsticks. They do not retreat or suirender, and they chase fleeing PCs, The PCs can make Intuition checks 10 avoid being surprised. Ia check succeeds, the PC hears a metallic click from inside the entertainment center. LIBRARY (6) ‘This area is unoccupied MEDIA CENTER (7) ‘This area is unoccupied, DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION (8), This area is unoccupied. CORRIDORS/DOORS TO SHUTTLE PER 'SONNEL LIVING QUARTERS (9) These areas are unoccupied. Theta .4 SATHAR ADMINISTRATION DECK [See Map 5) This area is pressurized, and has '/s nor mal gravity, All rooms and corridors are brightly lit All doors are locked and wired with level 3 security alarms. ELEVATOR FROM SHUTTLE CREW DECK (1), Two security robots ("cockroaches,” see 1p. for statistics) dodge around this room when PCS enter, firing aimlessly (-20% to hit and to be hit). Since there is no operator directing these robots at a target, the PCS may easily decoy them, CORRIDOR (2) Four Squad C Sathar troopers fire at the PCs from behind a jumble of metal boxes that are piled across the corridor, This makeshift barricade is | meter high and stretches across the corridor. blocking access to door 2a, The troopers, who are wearing defense screens, fire at anyone who enters the corridor from door 1a oF 3a The Sathar troopers have soit cover and can use caretul aim lithe PCs head toward room 3, the troop. ers follow them. The PCs must unlock door 3a while under fire. Door 2a leads to Sathar troop quarters, which are unoccupied. OUTER OFFICE (3) When PCs enter this room, two Squad C Sathar troopers fite from behind a I-meter: high counter to the left. The troopers are dressed in defense screens and skeinsuit. Two security robots ("cockroaches.” see p. 1) are dodging and firing atthe PCs from in front of the counter tothe lef. Two more Sathar troopers are fring from behind cover inside doar da at the opposite tend of the room. A Mhemne body les in front of door 7a along the wal tothe right. The two security robots are identical to the ‘ones in the elevator from the shuttle crew deck (room 1). Alliour Sathar troopers have ‘2+ 154% modifier to hit for careiul aim, The characters suffer a -20% modiier to hit the Sathar, who are behind hard cover. ‘A message is scrawled in blood on door 7a, The message reads, "We have 15 Mhemne technicians held hostage in here anyone comes through this door, we will begin killing them, This is the com where the Sathar receive reports irom the Mhemne collaborators who tun the station for them. (These Mhemne have otfices in the residential aea ff the space station.) The only. Mamene permitted beyond the counter in this room, are the technicians who work in the space: Ship yatd monitor room (toom 7) Door 3b opens onto the corridor that leads to the rest of the station. Door 4a stands open CORRIDOR (4) Two Squad D Sathae troopers stand befare doors 5a and 6 in this corridor, They are wearing defense screens and skeinsuits Asall other Sathar here, they do not retreat and they fight to the death This corridor leads to the Sathae’s inner offices. Door 4b leads to the private quar- 23 ters ofthe Sathar administrators and tech ‘A message is scrawled in blood on door 7b. It reads, “We have 15 Mhemne techni cians held hostage in here. Ifanyone comes, through this door, we will kill them INNER OFFICES (5 & 6) The Sathar administrators ran the space station and starship yards from these offices. These raoms are unoccupied, Piles of burned records are still smoldering when, the PCs enter these rooms, STARSHIP YARD MONITOR ROOM (7) This is the room where the Sathar are holding 15 Mhemne technicians hostage. By the tone ofthe Sathar’s message, the PCS should know they must give some thought, fo theie plan of action before bursting into this com, There are two Sathar administrators, four Sathar technicians, four squad C Sathar troopers, and 15 Mhemne hostages in the room, Only the administrators and troopers are armed Obviously, there aren’t enough Sathar to prevent the station from being captured. Their only hope is to stall until help arrives irom Akhala base. Ifthe PCs can't figure out a way to free the hostages, the Sathar hold out until their reinforcements arrive. The Sathar are arranged in this room with their backs to the wall opposite doors 7a and 7b, The Mhemne are lined up in front of them, facing their captors, The Sathar have told their prisoners that if they make a single move, they will be killed. The one Mhemne body in the outer office is an assurance to the Mhemne that the Sathar mean business, SOLVING THE HOSTAGE PROBLEM The PCs may decide that sacrificing the lives of the hostages is justifiable under these circumstances, particularly since skillful medical attention might revive all but the most horribly injured. 1 the PCs make a decisive attack and manage to neu talize the administrators and troopers in the first few rounds, injuries to the hostages should be minimal, Even a sonic disruptor isn't likely to kill a hostage with a single shot, and any Sathar who i firing at a hos tage won't be able to fire at the attackers, 1 PCs yell “duck!” when they open fire the hostages may have a chance to get out ofthe way, oral least turn them into moving targets. Brave hostages may even attack their captors (see Running the Attack, below) The PCs may find the following tactics 10 be effective (have an NPC suggest some- thing ifthe PCs seem to be stumped. 1. Use synchronized demolition charges to blast through the walls and doors and surprise the Sathar. 2. Hurl doze grenades at the hostages, who will then slump to the floor, giving the PCS clear aim at the Sathar. 3. Use darkness (technician skill check needed to cut the circuits) or smoke gre rnades to reduce ranged weapon effective 4. Run directly into melee to force the Sathar to deal with the PCs eather than fire at the helpless hostages, RUNNING THE ATTACK Even ifthe PCs’ plan seems likely to cause some hostage casualties, give them credit fora well-thought-out plan. Ifthey properly execute their attack, the PCs stand an excel: lent chance of succeeding without losing a single hostage. Reward the PCs for ingenuity and com- ‘mitment 10 protecting the lives of the hos- tages. I's up to you to determine how ruthless the Sathar are in their dealings with the hostages. Balance the dramatic value of establishing the Sathar as cruel and inhu- man monsters against the heroic thrill the PCs should get from rescuing the hostages. Try to strike a balance that fits your players’ role-playing styles. if they like happy end- ings with ots of glory, spare the hostages. If they can handle darker, more tragic end: ings, have a few dying hostages thank the PCS for giving them freedom, even at the cost of theie own lives. If the PCs are having a tough time of this battle, you can carefully play up the actions, Of the NPC Mhemne resistance fighters as, they land their last, berserk blows for free dom, or of the hostages who recklessly attack or divert the attention of the Sathar. Theta 5 ‘SECURING THE SPACE STATION ‘Once the PCs have taken care of the Sathar administrators and troopers, they can easily liberate the rest of the space sta tion. Some Mhemne collaborators may resist the PCs (use Icewarlder statistics for these Mhemne), but they are armed only ‘with automatic pistols and wear no defense screens oF Suits. Most of the collaborators try to disappear: they are aware that, with ‘out the support of the Sathar. they face lynching and summary justice trom the cit zens of the station “The Mhemne aren't able ta take the sta tion ver without ttst taking care of a few problems, They must reprogram many of the computers, and they must also deact vate some of the security devices that are keeping some doors lacked. Stil these are problems the Mhemne can handie on their ‘own, The PCs may say and help get things ready in case the Sathartry to retake the sta tion, but they are iree to rejoin Reider and the task force, which is standing by close to 4 station, watching tor Sathar counterat tacks. Theta 6 EXPERIENCE AWARDS, 2.6 Experience Points Maximum Award: Give maximum awards to patties that capture the station with 3 ‘minimum of PC or Mhemne casualties, Average Award: Give average awards t0 partes that capture the station with a min ‘mum of PC casualties, and that manages to keep most of the hostages alive. Minimum Award: Give minimum avards to parties that capture the station with heavy loss, EPILOGUE: You may relay this information to the PCs in any way you feel i ‘At 15:20 the entire surviving 5. tem defense fleet launches ior L3 station. As the ships leave, the bases on Akhala ate destroyed by nuclear explosions. No Mhemne lunar cities are destroyed, much, tothe surprise of the UPF and Mhemne per sonnel {At 16:00 hours, a swarm of shuttles hits off from the Snowball processing plants that are still under Sathar control, Minutes later nuclear explosions rip through these bases, completely obliterating them {At 16:40, the system defense fleet and the shuttles rendezvous at L5 delay of less than 10 minutes, all op tional fighters at L5 station jain the Sathar fleet. A series of huge explosions demol ishes the unfinished assault carrier based at LS, The Sathar fleet then begins a steady acceleration out of the system. After waiting at L4 station until 16.00) hours to protect against a possible counter: attack, Reiders FEF squadron pursues the LIBERTY SYSTEM Sathar fleet until from Akhala, the -Mhemne, is Completely ree of Sathar domi nation, The FEF squadron remains in FS 30 sys tem, now known offically as Liberty Sys tem, for one month. They are waiting for the first of the UPF ships being sent to guard the Mhemnes’ recently won independence signed to the Liberty System or 1 10 the Frontier Sector. POSTSCRIPT: Two years later, the Mhemne produce their first interstellar star ships. The first two ships bore the very un- Mhemnelike names of Osprey I! and Eleanor Moraes HJ, in honor of the brave individuals who helped the Mhemne win their freedom and their ticket to the stars, NPC/ROBOT MASTER SHEET NON-PLAVER CHARACTERS Statistics for Sathar and Meme NPCs are listed on the Table 4: NPCs, Their equip: ‘ment and skill are listed belovs. Sathar Squad A: laser rifle, 5 powerclips, sonic knife, stunstick, skeinsut (beam weapons 3) Sathar Squad 8: sonic disruptor, power backpack, inertia screen, stunstick beam weapons 3) Sathar Squad C power backpack, sonic screen, skeinsuit, sonic sword (beam weapons 4, martial arts Sathar Squad D: sonic disruptor, power backpack, sonic screen, skeinsuit, sonic sword beam weapons 4, martial arts 2 Sathar Technicians: (technician 2) Sathar Administrators: laser pistol, power backpack, inertia sereen, beam weapons 1) sonic disruptor, leeworlders: (environmental 1-3 or psycho-social 1-2) Belters: (computers 1-3 or technician 1-2) Contederationists: (psycho-social 1-3 of technician 1) ROBOTS Statistics for Sathar cobots are on Table 5: Robots, Further notes are listed below RAVAGER When linked with a main defense com. scan be used in coordinated defense and attack maneuvers, When oper: ating independently (when more than 10 Kilometers from the plant or when its com: puterisn’t being run by skilled operators), a ravager’s tactics are predictable: it fires its laser as it moves around its target at 70 meters per turn in a 15-meter-diameter cir cle, Also, it fires randomly at unidentified moving or metalic objects. Ii a Ravager is attacked by gunfire or ‘explosives, use the Vehicle Damage Table fon p. 32 of the Expanded Game Rules. Add 210 the dice roll when using ths able for a ravager unit The tavager’s heavy laser is mounted in a turret with an all-around field tre Ravager’s have infrared, visible and radio detectors, light HUNTER UNITS Hunters are robotic mining and transport units, They are not programmed for attack or defense, but their detectors will see vehicles (95%) and characters carrying. metal gear ) as sources of highgrade ore to be mined, The unit's grasping clamp causes 6410 points of damage if it grabs a character. Itcan Hit 1,000 kilograms. The drill arm causes 10410 points of damage if it hits a character. Ia hunter is attacked with gunfire or explosives, use the Vehicle Damage Table ‘on page 32 of the Expanded Game Rules 10 determine damage. Subtract 10 from the dice roll when using the table. SECURITY ROBOTS These “cockroaches” have very low intelligence and simple programming, Decoys, camouflage, and. smokescreens ‘may fool these robots into firing ssildly at inappropriate or nonexistent targets, Security robots used on Snowball are Those used on the space stations are fitted with hover units, mounted on treads, Each cockroach has two laser turrets (equivalent 10 laser pistols: 10 shots each, 5410 peer shot) and two gun turrets (equiva lent to automatic pistols fring single shots, 20, rounds each) Accockroach has 73 Stamina points. A shot that hitsthe robot witha dice roll of 10or less ‘damages the central sensor turet and reduces the robot's basic chance to it to 5%. TABLE 4: NPCs Sathar Troopers Squad A Squad B» Squad C STRISTA 40180 sola DEUS 40/40 0140 INTLOG 45/45 45145 PERILOR 45/65 45165, Ps 2 2 I 4 4 Rw 50 a M 20 30 Sathar —Sathar Squad Tech Admin Mhemne ola soi 4545 ‘0i40 sora 45/5 45145 354455050 2 20 2 Table 5: Robots Ravager Hunter Security Level 3 3 2 Parabattery type 2 3 1 Accel. (mfturn) 80 60 40i80" Dee, fmituen) 40 40 40/80" Top Speed im! 250 60 440180" Turn Speed ten 70 50 40/80" Cargo (ks) 0 20,000 ° Cargo (cubie meters) 0 40 ° Initiative Mod, 6 6 5 Reaction Speed 60) 60 50 Attack 60 60 50 ‘Weapons heavy laser special 2laser 2 auto pistols Damage 8410 ecial 5d10. SYSTEM BRIEF sysTeM NAME ‘ederation Survey #30 STAR COLOR: Yellow HABITABLE PLANETS: Snowball UNEXPLORED STAR SYSTEM Federation Survey 30 i | SCALE: 1 Square ~ 40 million key (tr and PLANET BRIEF PLANET NAME: Snowball sheets of ice cover its poles, and a narrow asteroids struck during a war between set CLIMATE: Arctic: and masses and aceanie temperate zone rings the equator. Stil. tlements in the asteroid belt and the home areas covered with kilometersdeep ice elation and life forms flourished in this thin planet sheets temperate belt, culminatingin an intelligent Now only the highest mountain range ATMOSPHERE: 80% nitrogen, 17% oxy- hominid that ‘is strikingly similar tothe along the equator rise above the ice sheets, fen, 3% trace elements hhuman race—the Mhemne (MEM-nee The poweriul tides caused by Akhala tre RAVITY: 924 About 2,000 years ago a catastrophic dis» quently induce earthquakes in unstable DIAMETER: 12,000 kilometers turbance in Snowball’secosphere caused a regions, The harsh temperatures, high LENGTH OF DAY: 32 hours drastic, global drop in the temperature of winds, and long nights make this planets TEMPERATURE: -150 C at poles to 5 C at between I and 3degreesC per year. Within climate hostile to mos! lite torms, the equator a century, the entire planet was gripped in a MOONS: 1—Akhala, completes orbit planetwide ice age. Nearly all species of POLITICAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS every 23 days, inhabited plant and animal life became extinct SATELLITE SETTLEMENTS: 2—L4 Station although some hardy plants, simple ani and L5 Station imal, bacteria, and viruses survived in the By the time the temperature began to drop on Snowball, the Mhemne had PHYSICAL AND Thiseatsrophic disturbance wascaused THEY, bad bul major settlements on GEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS bythe Mhemme. The combed eitecs of AK? 0 large, atic satellites apa their industrialization and deforestation were finaly accelerated by nuclear war an deliberate oceanic asteroid strike. These Snowball has always be edge of her star’s Iie zone; substantial 17 worlders, the Confederacy, and the Belters. The Iceworlders retained an emotional attachment to their planet. They struggled in vain to forestall the inevitable collapse of civilization and extinction af life forms on Snowball. These romantics and visionaries wanted badly to reconstruct the planet ‘whose fate they had brought about through their shortsighted and self-destructive actions. Descendents of the Iceworlders have inhabited a few well-equipped research sations on Snowball, as well as several smaller settlements that aren't 50 well-established. Iceworlder culture is characterized by a communal socialism, pacitism, and an abiding concern for the miracle of lite. The typical Iceworlder is open, generous, friendly, and rugged enough to survive the harsh conditions on Snowball The Confederacy was a loosely: organized group of independent states set up on the natural and artificial satellites of Snowball. The Confederacy quickly aban: doned any hope of saving Snowball, and turned to the more immediate task of ensue ing the survival of Mhemne culture in space. They have been plagued with tuncontrolled population growth (a central principle of personal freedom) and a scar: City of food. Over the past 2,000 years, there have been no major technological advances in the Confederacy. The Mhemne here work hard to conserve the technology of the past. Since the already scarce resources must be distributed equally, there is no surplus to go for research Confederacy culture is characterized by unchecked population growth, and the fierce protection of their freedom-loving society, even though the substance of these freedoms is being eroded by poverty and social stagnation. The typical Confederate is formal, polite, humble, and sel. conscious of his status in society. ‘The Belters were the least affected by the ‘death’ of Snowball. They have continued to grow technologically over the past 2,000 years, though the scarcity of resources and the difficulty of survival in the Belt have slowed the rate of development, The Bel: ters are strongest inthe biological sciences, Computers, and electronics, Still, the Bel ters are far behind the Frontier societies in ‘most areas of science and technology. Since the Belters were responsible forthe asteroid strike that precipitated Snowball’s sudden ice age, they have borne the hatred of the rest of Mhemne society for the past 2,000 years. Though the generation of war lovers has passed, their descendents still feel a heavy burden of guilt, Belters get very tuncomiortable when the subject of Snow: ball’ climate change even comes up in ‘conversation; they change the subject or become sullen and uncommunicative. The Belter culture is characterized by old, emotionless application of science and logic to all problems. They are fiercely independent, Belters believe al intelligent behavior is motivated by self.interest, and they don’t trust anyone who pretends to be ‘motivated by generosity orcharity. They are extremely honest as well as proud and sel satisfied. IF itis suggested that they are in any way technologically inferior, Belters become hostile and uncooperative. They are shrewd and aggressive traders, and can Cleverly manipulate circumstance to give them every advantage in a bargain, MHEMNE RACIAL CHARACTERISTICS Apart irom a few superficial differences, the Mhemne are remarkably similar to the Humans ofthe Frontier Sector. In fact, later genetic studies will show that, ahough the two are indeed separate species, the Mhemne and Humans are genetically den- tical The Mhemne are tall, thin hominids cov- ered with an amber, downy inner fur and a reddish-brown, coarse outer lur. This outer furs about as long as that on a short-haired domestic cat. Their skin is a pale red, and nearly translucent. Itis exposed on only the hands, feet, and face, The Mhemne have wide-set eyes and narrow noses with tiny nostrils. Belter and Confederacy Mhemne are relatively weak-muscled, because they have adapted to free fall and low gravity environments, The Iceworlders are more robust and muscular All Mhemne are vegetarians, Food is pro: vided by hydroponics. Animals are rare, domesticated, and extremely valuable. IW shaved, a Mhemne could pass as a Human, although, upon close inspection the impostor would he revealed THE SATHAR INVASION Ten years ago. a powerful Sathar fleet entered the FS 30 system. The Sathar ruth: lessly destroyed every settlement they could find on “Snowball. They brushed aside the Confederacy’s defenses and accu- pied Akhaia and the two space stations. The Sathar left the traditional forms of govern: ment on these satellites as they were but placed Mhemne collaborators at the top of the power structure, The Sathar also destroyed the larger. more obtrusive setle ments in the asteroid belt, but they never completely pacitied this region The Sathar then established starship con. struction yaeds at the space stations. The Sathar brought in an IMPP (see Zeta section for details 10 set up mining operations on the moon and in the asteroid belt, These operations provided materials for the star shipyards, while automated processing plants on Snowball’ surface provided add tional mineral and organic resources not available in space. The Mhemne popula- tion in the Coniederacy became the Sathar’s subject race, providing them with technicians and craftsmen to man the war ship construction yard. Since the Sathar set up these yards. 10 Years ago, 20% ofall Sathar warships oper ating in the Frontier Sector have been built here. With the exception of occasional raids and attempts at sabotage by the Be! ters, the Sathar have met no resistance ‘The Sathar invasion has had relatively lit tle effect on Belter culture, apart trom the initial destruction of the larger population centers. Nevertheless, the Belters are ada: mantly resolved to avenge the deaths of their people, and have vowed to rid theie system of all Sathar. The Belters are no fools, though: they know they won't be able to accomplish this for several years. The Confederacy has sutiered even less under Sathar control. In iact, the material quality of life has improved somewhat, since the Sathar have enforced population Control and introduced improved tood pro- duction methods, However, the Canteder- ates have not abandoned theit taditional values, and they would welcome the Chance 10 overthrow the Sathars' puppet goverment and drive the aliens out The Iceworlders are most threatened by the Sathar, and are the most desperate 10 free themselves of the Sathar at any cost. The Sathar have been trying to eliminate al Mhemne from Snowball, and the Ice: worlders have the least resources with ‘which to resist, They have renounced their paciist doctrine, and they are fanatic in their resolution to destroy the Sathar, The Iceworlders are willing to cooperate with anyone who can help them. (They would even be willing to forgive the Belters, if there were a chance that the two groups together could destroy the Sathar) UPF CREW ROSTER Lt. Dentin isan NPC; all other characters listed here may be used 3s PescrnPes BACKDOOR CREW (Temporary Assignment) ABBREVIATIONS Roobor —Lappsod Bogan sihax ce Panes Momod Dog Daorem itz Drala Salt Aiiy Race Dials Dass Dials Veus saci Vezina Techn” eholoica Rink Let = Bioso—Benactal Sition Plot gio Cook/Nrin Marin R Ke oh Lieutenant Skits STRISTA, 70160 65/60 60180 40/50 Irtthmor atenan Comp—Computer Dexrs 5030 S050, Sab Theo pace INitoG $56 503343 Sova Station: Envi ital PERILOR ‘40 40/40 5040 50150 Engin —Engincer Eni Envionmentl bs i a i ; And. 2d Engineer Deoriareie Soe BWM dass Sas Astto~Astrogator Leena Spec. Abil. Per 2 Pers Com 37 Capin—Captain Baie DEST PSA Techn Techn. sit ‘Survey—Survey Team nwo Beam Weapons Skilly Tech Robot PrWpa Member piapeProeetie Com: Compe Gye Spe. Abi Special Abit ‘weapon Favs echt Rewp2 Com Comprehension co Pho Ena Se” bate Ro Brn? Per Perception “OSPREY CREW Gregor M'kix Rhanda——_Stann fecbe Tettes Many Dentin Rive kit Harts Red Hradem Labor Race Human Ves Human Human voor Nazir Human Rank teat yetr ire Staton Capin Engin Aston Mavi MarinvGunner 2dr) Medic SRSA bale 5040 G3 Saveo 20/50 4558 Deus S050 sis 50100 v3 estes tas INttOG ‘aso 300 Savas Savs0 Ssias PERIDR a3155 cos sone i53 ana rs ; : ; : i ew 4350 35133 So wa 303 Spe Abi Eom? ae Pa Techn echo Techn ait i stil Teche techs Comps Bmp Paps Comp Robo Pape Gap Gywp2 Gaps Robo? Bmp Gyn Maar sia Pios Comps nie Reve Emp Eng Engi Rep ELEANOR MORAES CREW Race Station STRISTA DEXIRS INTILOG PERILOR Ps ist Rwint Spe Abi PA skills Gratchw Hikes vazir eu Capin 45/55 soo 6 aR 10 Techn Techh Compe Bmivp2 Piloz Marnie Symmes Lieut Medic 50050 6 28/30 Bioso Meds BmWvpe Eniwp Terrence Fitzpatrick S540 7070 25/26 Bioso Enis Techs Comp Pilot lists Psshest Vrusk Techt Bmivne Demat ap Leonid Molokow SurveyiAsvo. 040 50170 é Techn Compo Robo Pradi Innesti vari Engin 30:50 45/50 30150 6 BR 15, Techn TechS BmWvp Comp CHARACTERS’ BKGD. REPORT Following is a summary of events that led Upto The War Machine adventure, It details the events that took place in the first two adventures of the “Beyond the Frontier Series: Mutiny on the Eleanor Moraes and Face of the Enemy. li your PCs haven't played these two adventures, they should be given this information before you start them on this adventure The events detailed here may differ slightly from the actual experiences your PCS had in the first wo adventures. The assault scout Osprey of the Frontier Expeditionary Force (an_ independent squadron of UPF Spacefleet and militia wae: ships under Commander Karl “Rough’ Reider) was dispatched on a rescue mission to the planet Mahg Mar. This planet les in an unexplored region of space beyond the Frontier Sector. The research vessel Eleanor Moraes had been damaged during the sup: pression of a mutiny and the Osprey was sent to render assistance and to investigate the circumstances of the mutiny. As the repairs were being made, Captain Dentin of the Osprey directed a’ party to ‘make contact with the Notui, the primitive but intelligent indigenous race of Mahg Mar. Dentin was obliged to do so under standing FEF orders to search for evidence of Sathar presence on unexplored planets. The Notui gave the party information that led them to discover and salvage a derelict Sathar scout ship, which was in operating Condition. The party found information in the ship's log and in its flight computer that pointed out the location of the Sathar Scout's base—an unexplored system listed in the Federation Survey as System FS 30. The scout ship, recommissioned into the UPF Spacefleet as the Backdoor, approached an asteroid belt in FS 30, where 4 Sathar mothership was being used as a ‘mobile scout base. The UPF was able to take the Sathar by surprise and board the ‘mothership, which was a lightly armed war ship about hal the size of an assault carrier The Osprey and Eleanor Moraes supported the crew of the Backdoor in this operation, The UPF crew did not achieve its primary objective (which was to take a live Sathar prisoner); still, overall, the mission was extraordinarily. successiul_and yielded a ‘great deal of unique information on the Sathar. The boarding of the mothership did not, however, go unnoticed. Immediately after the boarding operation was completed, a ‘group of four Sathar fighters was detected heading for the three UPF ships. The appar cently hostile ships would arrive in less than two hours, Lt, Dentin, the ranking UPF off ccer, ordered his tiny force to prepare for battle SHIP SPECIFICATONS UPF BACKDOOR: Sathar Scout Vessel Hull size: 3 Length: 30 meters Width 8 meters Wingspan: 24 meters Hull Points: 10 Hatches: 1 Engines: Zatomic, size A Fuel! 1 loaded, 1 reserve ADFIMR: —6I5 ‘Weapons: none Defenses: reflective hull Security: level 3 Lite Support ‘main & backup— capacity 6 Commun, videocom, subspace radio. Detection: radar Computer Programs ‘computer security installation security computer lockout damage contro} alarm astrogation lie support atomic drive NOTES: The full has 100+ 26100 structural points. The entte bridge has independent pr: pulsion and ie suppor, and can be detached in BACKDOOR PERSONAL GEAR ‘Most borrowed irom the Eleanor Moraes) {6 Sathar space suits with radiation pro: armored Sathar space suits Spare sult life support cannisters engineer tool box laser torch with power pack anchors, 1,000 meters of cable Spare suit patches robcom kit techkit envirokit radiophones standard equipment kits iniraired gogsles laser rifles automatic pistols (400 rounds) srenade riles each ofall six grenade types laser pistols 4 vibroknives 6 albedo suits 6 Skeinsuits 20 power clips © power backpacks UPF ELEANOR MOREAS: Research Ship Hull size: 3 Length 50 meters Width: 24 meters Wingspan: 24 meters Hull Points: 15 Hatches: 2 Engines: 2 atomic, size A Fuel 1 loaded. 1 reserve ADFIMR: 4/3 Weapons: 2 heavy laser turrets Deienses: _ feflective hu! Security: level 3 Life Support main & backup—capacity Commun videocom, subspace radio, radiophone Detection: radar Computer Programs: computer security installation security computer lockout damage control information storage robot management ‘maintenance Surface Crat explorer, survey blimp Robots: remote survey robot (level 4) alarm astrogation lite support atomic drive analysis language with heavy duty jetcopter chassis, two work limbs, laser batterylautomatic rifle turret; progeams include attackdefense, computer link, topographical survey, sample collection, photo survey, maintenance. 2 utility robots (level 3) with standard body: programs include maintenance and computer link, NOTE: Bridge section has emergency propul: sion and lie suppom and can be detached in ELEANOR MOREAS PERSONAL GEAR 16 space suits 2 radiation suits 20 spare suit life support cannisters 2 rocket packs 20 rocket pack fuel cannisters engineer tool boxes 1 laser torch with power pack 2 pairs of magnetic shoes 2 anchors, 1,000 meters of eable 10 spare suit patches 3 medkits, 20 freeze fields 2 gas masks 3 rabcom kits 3 techkits 3 envirokits 3 radiophones 12 poly-voxes 20. standard equipment kits 12 inirared gogales 20 laser pistols 4 laser rifles 2 grenade rifles, 20 doze grenades 30 angler grenades 20 smoke grenades 6 incendiary grenades 3. fragmentation grenades 2,000 grams of Tornadium D-19 2 stunsticks 16 skeinsuits 16 inertia screens 100 power clips 20 power beltpacks 12 power backpacks EMS OSPREY: Assault Scout Hull Size: 3 Length: 30 meters width TO meters Wingspan: 26 meters Hull Points: 15 Hatches) 1 Engines: 2 atomic, size A Fuel Toaded, 1 reserve ADFIMR: Sid Weapons: laser battery, 4 assault rockets Defenses: reflective hull Security: level 3 Life Suppor: main & backup—capacity 12 Commun, videocom, subspace radio Detection: radae, energy sensor Computer Programs: ‘computer security alarm installation sec astrogation computer lockout’ —__life support damage control NOTE: Sky bridge and lower bridge have emer: ‘gency propulsion and Me suppom and can be detached in emergencies. atomic drive ‘OSPREY PERSONAL GEAR 2 space suits 2 spare suit life support cannisters 2 armored space suits 2 rocket packs 2 pairs of magnetic shoes 2 anchors, 1,000 meters of cable 10 Spare suit patches 10. rocket pack fuel cannisters 2 engineer tool boxes laser torch with power pack 3 medkits, 20 freeze fields 2 gas masks 1 robeom kit 3 techkits 1 enviroki 3. radiophones 12 poly-voxes standard equipment kits inirared goggles electrostunners laser pistols laser rifles sonic disruptors sonic stunners heavy laser automatic rifles (400 rounds) ‘automatic pistols (400 rounds) reedler pistols (200 rounds) needlerriles (200 rounds) ‘machine guns (4,000 rounds) iyrojet pistols (200 rounds) Byrojet rifles (200 rounds) irenade rifles irenade mortars each ofall six grenade types rocket launcher (10 rounds) recoilles rifle (40 rounds) sams of Tornadium D-19 stunsticks eee ee eerie sess 4 vibroknives 12. military skeinsuits 12 albedo suits 6 albedo screens 6 inertia screens 6 sonic screens 100 pawer clips 20 power beltpacks 12 power backpacks MAP NOTE ON OSPREY: Use the large color ‘map from the Knight Havks game fora layout of the Osprey vith the fllawing modifications: 1, The sky bridge and lower bridge are rigged with emergency escape po! seat 2, The storage deck is now a boarding panty quarters, and has tour double-oceupancy cabins. 3, The weapons lockers onthe sky bridge FEDERATION EXPEDITIONARY FORCE SHIP ROSTER UPFS ELEANOR MORAES F<) (Energ 1: Symmes) ADF MR DCR Research Vessel [wes] tatenem sree ee) DEFENSES: RH DAMAGED SYSTEMS: (Other Crew Skills: Pilot 2 (Hakes); Engin 4(Innest); Astro 1 (Molokov) sree UPFS BACKDOOR ADF MR DCR Unarmed Scout Ship 638 DEFENSES: aH DAMAGED SYSTEMS Other Crew Sil: Plt 2 (Mo seeeo: CMS OSPREY tee (Woche head OF WR DcR Assault cout [ness DT ceneg 2: Hatin 54s pe FES DAMAGED SYSTEAS Other Crow Sills Filo 3 (Denn); Engin 3 (2 sto 2 Kas sree, UPFS FLYING CLOUD [ge we moc) ADF MR DCR Frigate cs | oct 5) +3070 , DEFENSES: Ri; 1M Le eenerg 3 ME iirc sie Le energ3) Other Crow Sil Plt 5 Engin; Ato 4 sero: UPFS K'RISS| — AR teacher 2) ADF MR OCR Assault Scout co Ua ners) S450 pa IE: DAMAGED SYSTEMS Other Crew Sil Pit 2; Engin 2; Aso 2 seeeo: UPFS DOBORU ———— (Rocket 2 AOF MR DCR Asso cout (wets even 5 4 50 er OSES eH DAMAGED SYSTEMS Other Crew Skil 2 Engin 2; Aso 2 sree: PCS shill f necessary SATHAR SHIP ROSTER SHUTTLE lw ] No Weapons ADF MR DCR ef ==] orm A DAMAGED SYSTEMS: G % Cre Sil Pt Vag sec: SATHAR SYSTEM DEFENSE FLEET SAV FIGHTERS A-F ; ae (Rocket 2 ADE MR DCR DEFENSES: RH ne ees DAMAGED SYSTEMS: ‘Other Ceew Sills: Pilot 2 SPEED: SAV RIPPER A AR (Rocket 2) ADF MR DCR Fighter G te 55 2 DEFENSES: RH DAMAGED SYSTEMS: Other Crew Skil: Pitot 3 seeeD: SAV REAVER ar (Rocket 3) ADF MR DCR Fighter H — a son DEFENSES: RH DAMAGED SYSTEMS: (ther Crew Skills: Pilot 4 SPEED: SAV FIRESTORM Taree Re (Rocket 5) ADF MR DCR Heavy Cruiser ues ly docket 5) 11 108 DEFENSES: RH; ICM. 1 (ener 5); LB (Emerg 5) DAMAGED SYSTEMS ‘Other Crew Skills: Pilot 6; Engings Astro 3 SPEED: SAV PREDATOR Assault Carrer DEFENSES: RH; 1M. DAMAGED SYSTEMS: ‘Other Crew Skills: Pilot 6; Engin 4; Astro 4 SPEED: 7s Rocket 5) ADF MR DCR {U8 (Energy; UB (Emerg 5) 21 105 SAV FIGHTERS FM. - AR (Rocket) ADE MR DCR {aboard Predator) wd ss DEFENSES: RH DAMAGED SYSTEMS: ‘Other Crew Skills: Plot 1°* SPEED: * Mhemne pilots cannot use an ADF or MR higher than 3 without suffering ski penalties and risking blackout ADF oF Mito &: Reduce al sill andl attack percentages to 50% of normal There ba 20° chance of blackout per turn ADF or MR ot 5: Reduce al skill nd aac pescentages to 10% of normal. There sa 0's chanee of blackoul per turn Ha ple blaeks out, a deacman switch automaticaly reduces the acceleration ADF 2. The pot teyains consciousness maintains its previous course while the pit is unconsc Inexperenced plots, suiler 30% meade wher attacking Bleohkal? MAP. 1. SATHAR PROCESSING PLANT security scurry AIR TIGHT DOOR Door TOOUNG 1Owy COMPUTER STATIONS, RAVAGE | CHAIR/DESK SATHAR COUCH SECURITY PERIMETER STORAGE em TUNTER ACCESS St secuRity TOWER aay SATHARQUARTIRS. oT SECORITY PERIMETER UB (SIDE VIEW) MAP 2: L4 STATION 7) IRLOCK| ia Ree) | oS ST 3} ~ fia Reapy ROOM any ROOM ttt Yass i3|_ [La Teominor LLaikicn LI [ Jo 4 A LAS Ale 7 2fs AN niRLOGe 9 Kt | i 2 auvny ) Cy Sa TT " Hees ROUX = ial] [3 Al 7 nao L k L [| tievarok (E! ~ [core 7 ian RACKING | } fore, L | ‘8 T ty] f CORRIOOR (nigtce SL TE READY ROOM, — Aimcock\ i [amon MAP 4. SHUTTLE CREW DECK RCHEN | TRIDOR “T RITCHEN MAP 5. SATHAR ADMINISTRATION DECK [oT tosariarte, fal [ide Quarregs cs aN ie) rpc ba STAR FRONTIERS’ | KNIGHT HAWKS ADVENTURE Bet-m Ela Erdal lal LOE Ore a ee te tured an intact Sathar spaceship. You had one (until forest uc amc eas ere nae ecoeantc ere eS en Reg a base in the FS 30 system, an unexplored star sys- Pes Ca Ru ae eRe amy cee CU ot eo cee Dont CU ee en a cg Ps eres eae ase aed ! Revere mec eee Rete eS rR ens cs Pe anes nt eee es bso p ng bya perience / SN eee ae Ceara ts ie ian ma mente TILEY cme Pets rele a ote ea ceca TU} oe Kingdom Card Nee eee 0 IM | 6 7812 868 7avaxxxt401

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