IT 313 Object Oriented Programming
IT 313 Object Oriented Programming
IT 313 Object Oriented Programming
Excellence in producing globally competitive graduates in the field of Information
and Communications Technology responsive to the changing needs of the society.
To provide quality education by ensuring efficient and effective delivery of
instruction through appropriate adoption of technological innovation and research in
carrying out extension services.
To realize its mission, the College of Information and Communications Technology
will explore to:
1. Produce globally competitive graduates by providing comprehensive programs
and up-to-date trainings.
2. Sustain faculty and staff development through relevant seminars, workshops,
and scholarship grants.
3. Establish strong linkages to students, academe, and industry through the
availability of resources and facilities and community partnership.
4. Contribute to the development of society through research, extension services,
and technology transfer based on industry standards.
1. To provide students with holistic training by introducing new technologies in
Information and Communication Technology and allowing them to experience
actual workplace environment.
2. To inculcate discipline towards the achievements of professional competencies,
integrity, moral and ethical values.
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
To produce students knowledgeable in programming, networking,
database management, and with expertise on systems analysis and
design by providing appropriate trainings and laboratories.
3. To promote culture of teamwork, discipline, good study habits and standards of
learning by exploring hardware and software technology in an environment
conducive to learning.
oriented programming such as reusing codes, constructors, action listening,
threading, event-driven programming, etc using Java platform, Standard edition
(J2SE) as the programming language. Specific Java component technologies to
be used are Swing, AWT, and Applet.with the fundamental understanding of
object-oriented programming using Java. It introduces the different concepts
that are commonly associated with object programming.
Learning Outcomes
1. Discuss the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the college.
2. Explain the concepts of getters and setters.
3. Create Java code snippets that utilize the use of collection framework such as
lists, vector and stacks.
4. Illustrate the use of Java 2D for creating multimedia application, running applets
and support threading.
5. Apply the three of the open source JAVA reporting tools, namely JasperReports,
iReport and JFreeChart.
information manifests full manifests full manifests does not
system and proper and proper partial manifest any
security in security in security in kind of security
front-end and front-end but font-end and in font-end and
back-end. partially loose back-end. back-end.
security in
the back-end.
Interface Design The interfaces The The The interfaces
of the interfaces of interfaces of of the systems
systems allow the systems the systems do not allow the
the user’s to allow the allow the user’s to take in
take full user’s to take user’s to control due to
control. in control but take in ambiguity and
needs little control but complexity.
assistance requires
from the much
developer. assistance
from the
excellence in
Generalize the
Using the ArrayList 2-4 Lecture
concepts of advance Class Discussion
java programming Creating and Using Oral Recitation
starting with ArrayList
Enumeration Quiz
and LinkedList. Using the LinkedList Laboratory
Creating Generic
Collection Classes
Discuss the use of Using File Class 5-8 Lecture
Files Class and it’s Creating a File Object Discussion
spplications Creating and Oral Recitation
Appending file Quiz
Renaming files Laboratory
Deleting a file
Files Manipulation in
a Swing Application
Using File Streams
Explain and give SQL Statements 10 Lecture
examples of the use Creating a SQL Discussion
of SQL Commands Database Oral Recitation
Querying a Database Quiz
Playing sounds in an
Write a multithreaded Understanding 17 Lecture
application using Java Threads Discussion
Creating and Oral Recitation
understanding the Quiz
Thread class Laboratory
Extending the Thread
Creating and starting
a thread
Implementing and
Using the Runnable
Creating a class that
implements Runnable
1. The University rules and regulations will be observed.
3. Assignment due dates must be adhered to. Each assignment will cover
concepts/principles that will be discussed in the weeks following its assigned
4. All homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class unless
otherwise stated. Late homework assignments will not be accepted.
5. Any form of dishonesty or cheating is not tolerated. While all students are
encouraged to openly discuss and ask questions, the final work to be submitted
must be the student’s own.
6. Any form of copying or plagiarizing from past or current students’ project code or
report will result in disciplinary action and automatic FAIL grade for an entire
group, or student(s), involved.
7. In case of illness, emergencies, etc., students are required to give excuse letter
signed by their respective guardian. A valid ID must also be presented for
verification of the signature.
8. Cleaners (to be assigned).
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