ITEE004 - Digital Audio - Video Authoring

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6 Kingfisher Corner Skylark Streets, Zabarte Subdivision
Novaliches, Quezon City 1123 Philippines
Telephone : 939-6983 / 939-91-36 Telefax : 930-57-85


I. Course Code : ITEE004

II. Course Title : Digital Audio/Video Authoring

III. No. of Units : 3

IV. Pre-requisite : ITEO010 (Multimedia Development)

V. Course Description:

In order to take this course, you need to be familiar with the Flash 8 environment. You
may want to draw, paint, and manipulate objects, and even add text. In this course, you will
explore the drawing and painting tools in the Tools panel and use them to manipulate objects and
add text. Knowing the basics of commonly used objects in a Flash project is a prelude to
understanding more complex components and objects. This course provides an overview of the
drawing and painting tools in Flash, and how to use them to manipulate objects and add text. You
will also learn to create custom colors, gradients, and line styles, and you will also learn to identify

VI. Objectives :

After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1. Exploring the drawing and painting tools in the Tools panel.

2. Know the fundamentals and techniques in creating objects, text, and colors.
3. Understand the use of Action Script.
4. Apply animation by creating motions and inserting sound to form a video.

VII. Course Outline:

At the end of the

WEEK HOURS TOPICS lesson, the students
are expected to:
 Hardware and Software Requirement  Know the
of Macromedia Flash hardware and
 Flash Fundamentals  software
1. Navigating the Stage Area requirements
2. Accessing & Organizing Panels before installing
3. Saving, Exporting & Testing and using flash.
4. Selecting a Flash Player Version  Familiarized the
1 3 for a New Project environment
5. Introducing Layers and uses of
6. Creating New Layers & Moving each tools.
Items Between Layers
7. Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts
& Locking Layers
8. Using Outline Mode, Layer
Folders & Properties
2 3  Drawing with Vectors   Use the pencil
1. Comparing Vectors & Bitmaps tools and draw
2. Working with the Pen Tool different shapes
3. Drawing a Heart Shape with the and curves for
Pen Tool initial design
4. Where to Put Points & How Far to using different
Drag Handles tools.
5. Practicing Your Vector Drawing
 Chapter 4: Flash Natural Drawing
1. Setting Up the Drawing
2. Exploring the Pencil Tool Options
3. Using the Line & Paint Bucket
4. Distinguishing Between Strokes &
5. Modifying Vectors Using the
Selection Tool
6. Snapping & Modifying Curves with
the Selection Tool
7. Altering Drawings with the
Selection Options
8. Using the Brush & Paint Bucket
Tools to Fill
9. Painting Using the Various Brush
10. Working with a Stylus & a Tablet
11. Drawing with the Rectangle Tool
12. Drawing with the Oval Tool
13. Drawing with the PolyStar Tool
14. Working with the Eye Dropper
15. Working with the Ink Bottle Tool
16. Working with the Eraser Tool

 Advanced Vector Drawing   Understand

1. Intersecting Shapes within a vector drawing
Single Layer to create object-
2. Using the Selection Tool based drawing.
3. Creating Complex Shapes with  Apply color and
Intersecting Lines color mixer for
4. Combining Tools to Create styling and
Detailed Curves designing drawn
5. Vector Drawing Techniques objects.
6. Grouping Vector Shapes
7. Editing the Contents of a Group
8. Creating & Arranging Groups
9. Object-Based Drawing

 Setting Colors in Flash 

3 3 1. Introducing Advanced Color
2. Working with the Color Mixer
3. Creating Transparency &
Sampling Colors
4. Using the Color Swatches Palette
5. Applying & Stylizing Strokes
6. Adjusting Cap, Join & Other
Stroke Properties
7. Applying & Transforming
8. Saving & Locking Gradients
9. Choosing a Gradient Overflow
10. Adding Transparency to a

4 3  Bitmaps in Flash   Import bitmap

1. Importing Files to the Stage & and transformed
Library it into new look
2. File Compression Settings, Size and design.
Report & Use Count
3. Compressing Individual Files
4. Importing an Image with a
Transparent Background
5. Using Trace Bitmap to Change a
Background to Vectors
6. Changing a Foreground Item to
7. Using the Optimize Curves
8. Grouping an Image & Using the
Transform Tools
9. Performing Transformations
10. Working with the Free Transform
11. Working with Bitmap Fills inside
a Vector Shape
12. Using the Break Apart Command
& the Magic Wand Tool

 Using Text in Flash  Use and format

1. Auto-Sizing, Auto-Wrapping & text as part of
Selecting Text the design using
2. Changing a Font, Picking a Color different panel
& Checking Spelling and tools.
3. Using Rulers, Guides, Grids &
4. Aligning, Distributing & Spacing
5 3 5. Working with Device Fonts
6. Editing Files with Missing Fonts
7. Anti-Aliasing Text for Better
Quality & Readability
8. Paragraph & Character Formatting
9. Using Text as a Design Element
10. Text on a Path, Guide Layers &
the Transform Panel

 Symbols   Create and

1. Introducing Symbols modify symbol
2. Creating & Reusing a Symbol and organized it
3. Editing a Symbol in Place in the flash
4. Editing a Symbol in the Library library.
5. Modifying an Instance of a Symbol
6. Nesting Elements inside a Symbol
7. Adjusting the Color & Opacity of a
6 3 Symbol
8. Deconstructing & Reordering
Symbol Parts
9. Taking Advantage of Logically
Ordered Layers
10. Organizing the Library
11. Looking at Symbols as a Movie
inside of a Movie

7 3  Symbol Effects: Filters & Blends  Use the

1. Applying Fader Gradients symbols drawn
2. Adding Text & Graphics to a and put some
Background effects on it.
3. Converting Text to Symbols
4. Using Drop Shadows with Text
5. Using Drop Shadows with
6. Applying the Blur Filter to Text &
7. Customizing Glow & Bevel
8. Disabling Filters & Using the
Gradient Bevel Filter
9. Stacking Order & Other Filters &
10. Saving & Using Filter Presets
11. Understanding Blend Modes
12. Using the Normal, Darken &
Multiply Blend Modes
13. Using the Lighten & Screen
Blend Modes
14. Using the Overlay & Hard Light
Blend Modes
15. Using the Add, Subtract,
Difference & Invert Blends
16. Building a Mask without Blend
17. Building a Mask Using Alpha,
Blend & Layer Modes

 Animation in Flash  Familiarized

animation tools
Introduction to the Timeline  and
1. Introducing Frame-Based environment.
Animation  Know the
2. The Timeline Window importance of
3. Understanding Keyframes timeline for
4. Animating Your Elements Using animation
8 3 Keyframes creation.
5. Practicing Your Animation
6. Using Onion Skin View
7. Facial Animation
8. Replacement Animation
9. Rotoscoping

 Shape Tweening   Understand

1. Doing a Simple Shape Tween shape tweening
2. Getting Your Tween to Behave and segmenting
Properly a graphic
3. Distributive & Angular Blending
4. Working with Shape Hints
5. Modifying a Graphic for a Better
6. Choosing Shape Hint Location for
9 3 a Complex Graphic
7. Segmenting a Graphic for
Smoother Tweening
8. Tweening Facial Expressions
9. Using Shape Hints for
Sophisticated Tweening
10. Fine-Tuning Facial Animation
11. Setting Up a Tween with Text
12. Adjusting a Text Tween &
Making it Loop
10 3  Motion Tweening   Apply motion
1. Differences in Structure of Shape tweening in the
& Motion Tweens project and
2. Converting an Object to Symbol & determine the
Motion Tweening problem in
3. Scaling & Rotating Motion motion
Tweening tweening.
4. Adding a Background Color &
Making a Cloud Layer
5. The Problems with Motion
Tweening a Shape
6. Problems with Using the Create
Motion Tween Option
7. Setting Up the Traveling Cloud
8. Simulating the Camera Flying
Down to the Ground
9. Animating the Airship Landing
10. Creating an Elastic Landing
11. Replacing Grouped Ship with
Ship & Canopy
12. Animating the Alien Hopping out
of the Ship
13. Motion Tweening Individual Text
14. Adding Randomness to Text

 Advanced Animation Techniques   Apply additional

1. Fading In a Background techniques in
2. Animating a Banner with Filters & motion
Text animation,
3. Animating a Title with a Blur Effect background,
4. Animating Navigation Buttons into and control the
View attributes of the
5. Fading In a Block of Text object.
6. Tweaking the Timing of
7. Setting Up a Motion Guide Path
8. Orienting an Object to a Motion
11 3 Guide Path
9. Controlling Speed, Snapping &
Registration Point
10. Reconfiguring Your Workspace
11. Adding & Swapping Facial
Expression Symbols
12. Modifying Elements to React with
One Another
13. Creating a Stretch & Squash
14. Tweening & Shifting Keyframes
to Exaggerate Motion

 Simulating Speed in your  Simulate the

Animations  speed by using
1. Understanding Speed in Flash the guide layer
2. Introducing Ease for motion
3. Easing In & Out of Motion Tweens position and
4. Improving Animations with Subtle rotation.
5. Using the Custom Ease In / Ease
Out Dialog Box
12 3 6. Easing within a Motion Guide
7. Customizing Ease for Position
8. Customizing Ease for Rotation &
9. Using a Gradient to Simulate
10. Applying a Motion Blur to
Simulate Speed

 Nesting Symbols for Complex  Apply nesting

Animation  symbols or re-
1. Introducing Timeline Effects use the symbols
2. Reviewing & Preparing for already made
Animation for complex
3. Working with Groups & Symbols animations.
4. Symbols, Nesting & Motion
13 3
5. Creating Nested Animations
6. Building Multi-Layered Animations
7. Creating Motion along a Path
8. Packaging Symbols
9. Understanding Graphic & Movie
Clip Symbols
14 3  Animated Masks & Filters   Apply masking
1. Using Open External Library to and filters by
Copy Assets copying
2. Animating a Mask Using a Shape assets/attributes
Tween of already made
3. Creating a Magnifying Glass Effect objects.
4. Animating a Signature Using
Stage Reveal
5. Working with Complex, Layered
Vector Artwork
6. Reproducing an Adobe®
Illustrator® Gradient
7. Animating a Gradient to Create a
Shimmer Effect
8. Combining Filters, Blends &
Motion Tweening
9. Creating a Kaleidoscope Effect
 Sound & Video   Apply sound
1. Importing & Adding Sound to the and video in the
Timeline presentation or
2. Working with Audio File Sizes animation being
3. Adding Effects to Sound & created.
Customizing Settings
4. Syncing Up the Sound with the
5. Working with Speech
6. Streaming Audio
7. Working with Frame Labels
8. Adjusting the Animation to the
Voice Over Track
15 3 9. Setting Up Audio for Lip Sync
10. Adding a Looping Mouth Movie
11. Fine-Tuning Specific Mouth
13. Importing Video
14. Editing Video Prior to Bringing it
into the Timeline
15. Selecting Video Compression
16. Adding Effects & Motion Tweens
to Video
17. Using Progressive Download &
Selecting the Skin
18. Using the Flash 8 Video Encoder

 Flash Buttons   Create simple to

1. Making a Simple Button complex flash
2. Using a Hit State buttons with text
3. Making Animated Buttons or images.
4. Adding Sounds to Buttons
5. Applying a Drop Shadow
6. Making Buttons Using Bitmaps
7. Using Blend Effects to Spice Up
16 3 Your Buttons
8. Adding a Message with the Status
Bar Feature
9. Using Buttons from the Common
10. Using Rollovers to Display
Images & Text

 Scripting Basics   Understand the

1. Setting Up to Use Action Script use and
2. Introducing the Actions Window & importance of
Script Assist action script and
3. Creating Buttons to Activate Action how to apply it
17 3 Script in the project.
4. Labeling Buttons in the Properties
5. Assigning Play & Stop Actions to
6. Organizing & Arranging Buttons
18 3 7. Using the Behaviors Window to Stop All
8. Using the Goto and Play Behavior
9. Modifying a Behavior & Adding an
Action Layer
10. Duplicating & Modifying Sequences
in the Timeline
11. Using Advanced Goto Behavior
12. Linking a Button to a Website

VIII. Grading System:

The following percentage distribution shall be followed :

Prelims - 25%
Midterm - 25%
Prefinals - 25%
Finals - 25%

The following are the required periodic grade components for this course

Class Participation 20%

Quizzes 30%
Periodical Examinations 50%

Case Study 70%

Laboratory Exercises 30%

IX. Course Requirements

1. Class Participation
2. Laboratory Exercises
3. Quizzes
4. Case Study
5. Major Examinations

X. References

1. Macromedia Flash MX 2004 for Absolute Beginners, Madrid-Hirata, Evangeline, 2006

2. Macromedia Flash MX2004, Shuman, Jim, 2006
3. Movie Making, Animation, and Multimedia with MS Moviemaker and Adobe Flash,
4. Movie Making Animation and Multimedia with Windows MovieMaker & Flash MX,

Prepared by:



Approved by:


Dean – College of Information Technology

Noted by:

Consultant – IT Department

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