Custom Actions Development
Custom Actions Development
Custom Actions Development
Version 9 Release 0
IBM Datacap
Version 9 Release 0
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 9.
This edition applies to Version 8 Release 1 of Datacap (product number 5725-C15) and to all subsequent releases
and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014.
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with IBM Corp.
Contents and related resources. . . . . v RRX XML file structure for custom actions . . . . 5
How to send your comments . . . . . . . . . v rrx attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi com attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
method attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Create custom actions . . . . . . . . 1 p attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Optional formatting tags . . . . . . . . . 6
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Sample rrx file . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Installing the project components . . . . . . . 1
Create an actions library . . . . . . . . . . 2
Creating a project by using the Datacap Custom Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Action Library template . . . . . . . . . 2 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Object model within the Datacap runtime Privacy policy considerations . . . . . . . . 11
environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Deploying the DLL on other Datacap computers . . 5 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
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You can create custom actions for your Datacap applications by using Microsoft
Visual Studio 2010. Action libraries are written in C# .NET, implemented as COM
DLLs. The libraries are made available to your Datacap applications through a
datacap.rrx file that describes the public interface of the library. You add the
actions that you create to your Datacap installation to make them available for use
in your Datacap applications. The custom actions are provided in Datacap Studio.
You can add these actions to rulesets in the same manner as standard actions.
The following users can create custom actions for their Datacap applications:
v Datacap application support staff that does custom implementations
v Reseller application support staff that does custom implementations
v Customer IT staff responsible for Datacap implementations
To create custom actions, you must be experienced with the following disciplines:
v Datacap Studio
v Datacap document hierarchies (DCO)
v Microsoft Visual Studio
v C# programming
You must ensure that the required software is installed and running on your
Datacap system before you can create custom actions.
The TM 9.0 NET 2.0 Action Library and TM 9.0 NET 4.0 Action
Library templates allow you to create new custom action DLLs that
You can download these templates from the Datacap Development Kit page on
IBM® developerWorks® at
You use the Datacap Custom Action Library template to create a new project for
your actions. The template creates the action framework which you can expand to
add more custom actions. The framework also contains a sample action with code
that illustrates how to access DCO objects, update the DCO, write to the log, and
so on.
Ensure that you installed the action template by copying TM 9.0 NET 4.0 Action
Library, TM 9.0 NET 2.0 Action Library, etc. to
C:\Users\<userid>\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\
ProjectTemplates\Visual C#. For instructions, see “Installing the project
components” on page 1.
For instructions on deploying your custom actions, see “Deploying the DLL on
other Datacap computers” on page 5.
If you need a library that is compatible with .NET 2, use the .NET 2 template
instead of .NET 4.
The following diagram shows the Datacap objects that are populated by
Rulerunner and accessible from any actions in the COM DLL.
Your COM DLL must declare an interface for each of the five objects that are
shown and must implement a set property for each. The code to declare an
interface is included in the Datacap Custom Action Library template in the source
file RRSExpected.cs.
Enabled True BatchDir C:\Datacap\...
Filename C:\Datacap\... Filename C:\Datacap\...
Write() Write() Vscan
etc. etc.
Log object Pilot Properties object
1 2 3 4 5
1 Rulerunner populates the initial runtime DCO. Actions are responsible for
updating the DCO XML as necessary. In vScanSample, the myact_scan()
action adds page information to the runtime DCO for each image in the
application images folder. When the ruleset completes, Rulerunner writes
the DCO object to the batches folder in the profile.xml file.
Runtime DCO XML before Scan():
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="..\..\dco.xsl"?>
<B id="20100029.004">
<V n="TYPE">MyApp</V>
<V n="victim">yes</V>
Runtime DCO XML after Scan():
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="..\..\dco.xsl"?>
<B id="20100029.004">
<V n="TYPE">MyApp</V>
<V n="victim">yes</V>
<P id="P1"
<V n="TYPE">Other</V>
<V n="IMAGEFILE">tm000001.tif</V>
2 Rulerunner writes information to the profilerrs.log file in the batches
The .NET action template provides access to the dcSmart object. One of the
methods available in this class is MetaWord. MetaWord takes a string as a
parameter and returns a string. MetaWord allows your custom actions to accept
smart parameters. Passing a parameter string to MetaWord resolves any smart
parameters in your input string. It also returns the result that can be processed by
your C# code. If the input parameter does not contain any smart parameters, it
returns the original input string.
Important: Custom actions cannot decrypt built-in Datacap secure values from the
.app file, like database connection strings, passwords, or Advanced Values. For
example, MetaWord, when called on @APPVAR(*/lookupdb:cs) returns the secured
string [secured]011da7544c0b852139730dd582683b8c82a80466dfcd817[/secured].
Custom actions cannot decrypt the secured string.
The <ap> tag is not typically used because you can insert the help text into the
parameter definition by using the qi attribute. However, <ap> tags are still needed
if there are no parameters so you can explicitly state that there are no parameters.
For an example, see the convert.rrx file, in c:\datacap\rrs.
rrx attributes
The rrx attributes in the RRX XML file structure for COM actions are namespace
and version.
The namespace that is displayed in the Datacap Studio Actions Library pane
v Version number (optional)
com attributes
The com attributes in the RRX XML file structure for COM actions are ref and qi.
<namespace>.<class_name> as specified in the actions library (required)
qi Description that is displayed in the Datacap Studio Action Library information
window (optional)
method attributes
The method attributes in the RRX XML file structure for COM actions are name and
Method (action) name (required)
qi Description that is displayed in the Datacap Studio Action Library information
window (optional)
p attributes
The p attributes in the RRX XML file structure for COM actions are name, type, and
Parameter name (required)
Parameter type (required)
You can use the following formatting tags in any of the field in the help text:
is output as
Hello Fred .
The following sample defines the myactions namespace that includes the methods;
myact_set_folder and myact_scan.
v myact_set_folder Contains the parameter folderpath of type string.
v myact_scan Contains no parameters but includes more help text options.
<?xml version=’1.0’ ?>
<rrx namespace="myactions" v="7.5.1">
<com ref="MyAction.CDCMyAction" qi="Sample actions">
<method name="myact_set_folder" qi="Specifies the folder to search">
<p name="folderpath" type="string" qi="path to folder"/>
<method name="myact_scan" qi="Poll the specified folder for image files">
<lvl>Batch level Open event only.</lvl>
<ret>False if failed; otherwise True.</ret>
<h>Details go here<br/>
<e>Example script goes here<br/></e>
The resulting Datacap Studio help text for each action is:
Requirement: All action methods must return a Boolean so the bool return value
is not specified in the RRX but is displayed by default.
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optional formatting tags
com attributes description 6
description 6 RRX XML file structure for COM
RRX XML file structure for COM actions 6
actions 6
custom action libraries
creating 2
RRX XML file structure for COM P
actions p attributes
com attributes 6 description 6, 7
method attributes 6 RRX XML file structure for COM
optional formatting tags 6 actions 6, 7
p attributes 6, 7 prerequisites
rrx attributes 6 custom actions 1
RRX XML file structure for custom installing for custom actions 1
actions project components
syntax 5 installing for custom actions 1
custom actions projects
actions libraries 2 creating 2
creating 1 starting 2
creating actions libraries 2
creating projects 2
Datacap object model 3 R
installing prerequisites 1 rrx attributes
installing project components 1 description 6
prerequisites 1 RRX XML file structure for COM
project components 1 actions 6
RRX XML file structure for COM RRX XML file structure for COM actions
actions com attributes 6
com attributes 6 method attributes 6
method attributes 6 optional formatting tags 6
optional formatting tags 6 p attributes 6, 7
p attributes 6, 7 rrx attributes 6
rrx attributes 6
RRX XML file structure for custom
syntax 5