DC Generator Characteristics
DC Generator Characteristics
DC Generator Characteristics
(ii) The connections of the field winding should be such that the field current
strengthens the residual magnetism.
(iii) The resistance of the field circuit should be less than the critical resistance. In
other words, the speed of the generator should be higher than the critical speed.
Armature Reaction in a DC
• The armature reaction simply shows the effect of
armature field on the main field.
• In other words, the armature reaction represents the
impact of the armature flux on the main field flux.
• The armature field is produced by the armature
conductors when current flows through them. And the
main field is produced by the magnetic poles.
• The armature flux causes two effects on the main field
➢ The armature reaction distorted the main field flux.
➢ It reduces the magnitude of the main field flux.
Armature Reaction (in other words..)
➢ The effect of magnetic field set up by armature
current on the distribution of flux under main poles
of a generator. The armature magnetic field has two
(i) It demagnetizes or weakens the main flux
Interpoles: Interpoles are the small auxiliary poles placed between the
main field poles. Winding on the interpoles is connected in series with
the armature. Each interpole is wound in such a way that its magnetic
polarity is same as that of the main pole ahead of it. Interpoles nullify
the quadrature axis armature flux.
Open circuit characteristics of Separately Excited D.C.
Internal Or Total Characteristic (E/Ia)
•An internal characteristic curve shows the relation
between the on-load generated emf (Eg) and the
armature current (Ia).
•The on-load generated emf Eg is always less than
E0 due to the armature reaction.
•Eg can be determined by subtracting the drop due
to demagnetizing effect of armature reaction from
no-load voltage E0.
•Therefore, internal characteristic curve lies below
the O.C.C. curve.
External Characteristic (V/IL)
•An external characteristic curve shows the relation
between terminal voltage (V) and the load current (IL).
Terminal voltage V is less than the generated emf Eg due
to voltage drop in the armature circuit.
•Therefore, external characteristic curve lies below the
internal characteristic curve.
•External characteristics are very important to determine
the suitability of a generator for a given purpose.
•Therefore, this type of characteristic is sometimes also
called as performance characteristic or load
Internal and External Characteristics
• If there is no armature reaction and armature voltage
drop, the voltage will remain constant for any load
current. Thus, the straight line AB in above figure
represents the no-load voltage vs. load current IL.
• Due to the demagnetizing effect of armature reaction, the
on-load generated emf is less than the no-load voltage.
The curve AC represents the on-load generated emf Eg
vs. load current IL i.e. internal characteristic (as Ia =
IL for a separately excited dc generator).
• Also, the terminal voltage is lesser due to ohmic drop
occurring in the armature and brushes. The curve AD
represents the terminal voltage vs. load current i.e.
external characteristic.
• During a normal running condition, when load resistance
is decreased, the load current increases. But, as we go
on decreasing the load resistance, terminal voltage also
• So, load resistance can be decreased up to a certain
limit, after which the terminal voltage drastically
decreases due to excessive armature reaction at very
high armature current and increased I2R losses.
• Hence, beyond this limit any further decrease in load
resistance results in decreasing load current.
• Consequently, the external characteristic curve turns
back as shown by dotted line in the above figure.
• The curve AB in above figure identical to open circuit
characteristic (O.C.C.) curve. This is because in DC
series generators field winding is connected in series
with armature and load. Hence, here load current is
similar to field current (i.e. IL=If).
• The curve OC and OD represent internal and external
characteristic respectively.
• In a DC series generator, terminal voltage increases with
the load current. This is because, as the load current
increases, field current also increases.
• However, beyond a certain limit, terminal voltage starts
decreasing with increase in load. This is due to
excessive demagnetizing effects of the armature
The above figure shows the external characteristics of DC
compound generators. If series winding amp-turns are adjusted so
that, increase in load current causes increase in terminal voltage
then the generator is called to be over compounded. The external
characteristic for over compounded generator is shown by the
curve AB in above figure.
If series winding amp-turns are adjusted so that, the terminal
voltage remains constant even the load current is increased, then
the generator is called to be flat compounded. The external
characteristic for a flat compounded generator is shown by the
curve AC.
If the series winding has lesser number of turns than that would be
required to be flat compounded, then the generator is called to be
under compounded. The external characteristics for an under
compounded generator are shown by the curve AD.
Applications of D.C Generators
Separately excited generators
i) These are used for speed control of D.C motors over a large range.
ii) These are used in areas where a wide range of terminal voltage is required
i) shunt generators :-
i) These are used as exciters for exciting the field of synchronous machines and separately
excited D.C generators
ii) These are used for battery charging because it’s terminal voltage are almost constant or
can be kept constant.
ii) series generators:-
i) These are used for series arc lighting
ii) Series incandescent lighting
iii) As a series booster for increasing the voltage across the feeder to compensate the
resistance drop of the line. because of their rising characteristic.
iv) Special purposes such as supplying the field current for regenerative breaking of
D.C locomotives (railway service).
v) Constant current for welding.