Methods of Improving Transient Stability

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The steady state stability limit is given by 𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝑽𝑬 /𝑿 . 𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 can be increased by increasing
either or both V and E and reducing X.
1)Use of double circuit Line – The impedance of a double line is less than that of a single
circuit line. A double circuit line doubles the transmission capability. It also maintains the
continuity of supply over one line with reduced capability when other line is out of service for
2)Use of Bundle Conductors .Bundling of Conductors reduces to a considerable extent the level
of reactance and so increases the power limits the line.
3)Series Compensation of the line reactance The inductive reactance of line can be reduced by
connecting static capacitors in series with line. It is to be noted that 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑉𝐸 𝑋 does not
increase indefinitely as x is reduced. The Optimum condition is X = √3 R X = Z = impedance
4)Use of Synchronous Phase Modifier It can be installed in intermediate substations to increase
the power limit
5)Use of Machine of low impedance. Machines of lower inherent impedances also enable the
transmission capacity to be increased


(i) The post-disturbance system reactance as seen from the generator: The weaker the
system reactance, the lower the Pmax will be.
(ii) The duration of the fault-clearing time: The longer the fault is applied, the longer the rotor
will be accelerated and the more kinetic energy will be gained. The more energy that is gained
during acceleration, the more difficult it is to dissipate it during deceleration.
(iii) The inertia of the generator: The higher the inertia, the slower the rate of change of angle
and the lesser the kinetic energy gained during the fault.
iv. The generator internal voltage: The lower the voltages, the lower the Pmax will be.
v. The generator loading before the disturbance: The higher the loading, the closer the unit
will be to Pmax, which means that during acceleration, it is more likely to become unstable.
vi. The generator internal reactance: The lower the reactance, the higher the peak power and
the lower the initial rotor angle.
vii. The generator output during the fault: This is a function of faults location and type of
1. Improved steady-state stability
 Higher system voltage levels
 Additional transmission lines
 Smaller transmission line series reactance
 Smaller transformer leakage reactance
 Transmission line series compensation
 Static VAr compensators (SVC) and other flexible ac transmission systems
(FACTS) devices
2. High speed fault clearing – fault clearing within 3 cycles
3. High speed re-closure of circuit breakers
4. Single-pole switching
5. Larger machine inertia - reduce angular acceleration and increase CCT
6. Steam turbine fast-valving: Steam valves are rapidly closed and opened to reduce the
generator accelerating power in response to a disturbance.
7. Braking resistors

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