Grimoire of Atlantean Teachings
Grimoire of Atlantean Teachings
Grimoire of Atlantean Teachings
By Frater Vicis
Blessed Be.
What do you see, O Man, when you look around you?
What is it?
The first thing you do before all else, when you begin on the Path, is to
question EVERYTHING.
Believe nothing. Not with your five physical senses, not until you have
firmly created your own ‘perfect’ world or reality.
Truth is defined as how YOU see things, how YOU believe things, and
when YOU decide to accept whatever it is that YOU choose to be Your
ultimate Reality.
Only time will tell as to whether you become more than human, or revert to
your basic animal nature.
The Power you crave, the Power latent in every human, is a mighty weapon.
A weapon to wield as you would a sword, a spear, a knife, a club.
What once was scattered will now be drawn together. As a bodily limb is
cut, and the edges of that cut part, so the wound that is scattered majick shall
be drawn together, healed, and made whole.
Majick is neither Good nor Evil. It is the intent of the User that will decide
which of these two outcomes are made manifest.
Before you read more, go now. Eat and drink. Take care of any bodily needs.
Be grounded so that your Imagination not distract you.
Chapter I
“When you have mastered walking in darkness, only then will you
have found the Path toward the Light.”
You wonder, do you not, Seeker, why I have said, ‘Believe nothing,
Question everything?’
Only YOU can and must discover that ‘Truth’ that you have been seeking
through all of your lives. You must lead where others are content to follow.
Those who are the followers are not to be denigrated. That is the choice they
have made. These are those not ready yet to awaken and ‘see’ the future path
that is their birthright.
The Path to the Temple of the Gods is and can be a perilous and, yes, a
dangerous Way.
Once you enter the Realms of Possibility, nothing is, or can ever be, the
same. You cannot simply quit then fade into the background and hide away.
Do you think, poor Seeker, that you are unnoticed? Do you think, that even
in your darkest moments, you are alone?
Who do you think you really are? How old do you honestly believe you are?
Where do you guess you originally come from?
Before this missive is done, Seeker, the answer is going to surprise and
shock you.
Take the opening verse of the Gospel of John, in the Christian bible.
‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God…’
Now, the Christians have corrupted this passage, as they have done for every
thing to ‘prove’ the existence of their mythical Godling.
‘And the Word was like unto God…’
This ‘Word’, was the ‘Word’ that created all that we know and see around,
above, and below, us.
The act of creation flowed out from the Creator like a wave of pure thought,
stars and moons and worlds and galaxies appearing in an instant. Life began
that had no beginning. A shower of pure Spirit exploded outwards,
populating, inhabiting, creating yet again what was not there a moment
A single Word.
You and I, the Sun, Moon, and the stars came into Being. Plants and
animals. Seas and land masses. The Seen and Unseen became as One in a
blinding flash. If the Act of our Creation were slowed down, in the time it
takes to read this, you would have ‘seen’ it as an explosion of fireworks such
as no man could put together.
The colors of the Creation would be, and are, indescribable. The purity of
those colors would shame the sum total of artists that ever were, and ever
will be.
For when the Creator became Self Aware, Universes without measure came
into being. There is no limit to the vastness of Imagination.
And before you ask, argue, or speculate, WHO CARES who or what the
Creator could have been/might have been before the Event!
Grow up!
The responsibility for your growth from here on in, Seeker, is now firmly on
your shoulders.
You cannot fail. For if you fall asleep in this lifetime, then there is always
hope that you will awaken in the next. You do not fail. You lapse. You get
distracted. Stay focussed, remain awake and learn.
You have heard or read about ‘auras’. We draw our aura around us like a
safety blanket, a protection from without, so that we ‘see’ the aura as a set of
armour against the ‘attacks’ of others around us.
Push your aura outward. Expand your aura so that you can feel it at least
three feet around your body.
Why? Because you are too ‘uptight’, as it were. Too self-involved. You are
so used to hiding within that you have a very real fear of someone else
seeing you as you really are.
You, as your first act of awareness, are going to STOP wondering what
others are going to think about you. STOP living in fear of rejection and
slander. STOP trying to be someone you are not, or what someone else is
trying to get you to be.
You have to stop being a hider, and start being a do-er, a live-er.
True power is given to those deemed worthy of it. You have to start
somewhere, Seeker.
I used an interesting word, earlier.
That’s what each living being had, and has. Everything, animate, and
inanimate. I dare you to name something that has not had an inception.
I hear those among you think, ‘Aha! One comes to mind! God! Alpha and
Omega, beginning and end, blah, blah, blah.’
Even God has had an Inception, a beginning. Had you not understood what I
have said?
Every God has had a start somewhere. The Gods we worship now began as
a thought in someone’s mind, somewhere.
All too often, though, a spark of truth has led to the creation of a full-blown
religion, destroying ultimately the original fragment of truth.
It Is, or Is not.
It Is, or it Is not.
You can play this game until the breath leaves your body, but what good will
it do you if you don’t understand the rules?
Believe in yourself. Until you do, nothing at all will make the slightest bit of
difference. Believe that everything you do is the Right Thing to be done.
You cannot fail. You are successful in all you do. Every word you say, every
deed you do, every thought you think, is the right thing at the right time.
Take responsibility for your actions, and for in doing so, there is no blame to
be had, not for you, not for any body or any thing.
You are the final authority in everything that has to do with your life.
Everything Is.
Time does not exist.
The true Mage knows this. ‘Time’ is merely another construct created by
fearful souls. We have plenty of ‘time’. When you rush, rush, rush about and
around, ‘time’ as you call it will run out and away like ‘sands through the
hourglass’, and before you know it, the day is over and nothing of any
consequence has been done.
Slow down. Is what you are doing really that important? Can that thing not
wait until a more opportune moment? Does that wealth you chase really
need to be in your hands this instant?
When was the last time you stopped and looked at the sun as it rises?
What about that delicate flower that waves at the side of the road, or that
insect that you almost stepped on?
Can you ‘see’ now, Seeker, what you are missing out on?
I ask again.
The five senses of the human body; taste, touch hearing, smell, sight.
We take each of these for granted. It is not until we lose them individually,
or are born without them, that we feel the lack.
The body compensates for the loss of a sense. One or another sense then
becomes more sharper, more able to take the place of the missing part.
It is unfortunate that we are not taught from birth to sharpen and hone the
five senses, for then and only then could we integrate the sixth sense and be
a whole person. Then we could ‘become’ that we are truly meant to be.
(The answer to your question lies within you. Heed your Higher Mind. It has
the answers you seek.)
You exist on more than one dimension and reality at a time. You co-exist as
it were on and in worlds too numerous to mention.
You are not scattered across Time and Space, you are a whole Eternal Entity
in your Being.
I feel your mind shying away from the inevitable conclusion. Be strong.
‘Hang in there’, so to speak.
You have it within you to alter the fabric of time and space.
You have the ‘power’ to become anything, anyone, any ‘time’, anywhere,
anywhen, you choose to be.
Find the courage to answer that question, and you have begun to find your
destiny among men.
Chapter II
Gods come, and Gods go. Gods are replaced, one after another, and so on,
and so forth. You wander around, blind, deaf, dumb, seeking and searching
for the elusive quick fix that never comes.
You cry, ‘I’m thirsty!’, while grasping a full cup of water. You stumble
around, blind, with your eyes wide open.
You want to Believe. I know this. I created you, so I know your heart. Why
do you not put your full faith and trust in Me? I love you and yearn to care
for you. Know Me.
With all your heart, seek me and I shall make myself found. Call out to me,
and I will listen, and reply. Know My name, call it, I will be there for you.
I speak to you in the darkness of your souls. I comfort you when comfort is
needed. I desire only that you come to me with a pure heart and a willing
I too get lonely for contact. Once, I walked among you and held you dear.
Now, your world has no place for your Creator. I will not punish or destroy
you. You do a good enough job of that yourselves.
As my instrument writes this, I confess I am tired. I long for the days when
my disciples walked the land. They would go at my behest, visiting towns
and strongholds alike, spreading My words and righting wrongs. I have had
many disciples and prophets in the past, good strong men and women both.
Start at the Beginning.
Close your eyes and see yourself back, way back when, at your very
Go back, way back beyond any thought of past lives, right back to when you
started to live your first as Spirit.
I AM a Spirit, a created, yet creating, being, First and Last, and everything
in between.
I AM a child of God.
I AM a co-heir with God.
I AM a co-creator with God.
The time of childhood is over. I told you, did I not, that: “You, the Seeker,
have now so subtly changed, that you are no longer the same person you
were when you opened the first page and started reading”.
The power that words have is as powerful as an exploding star. You can heal
or hurt, build up or destroy. Listen, learn, take this in.
The Words I speak to you are so real that you must meditate on them, study
them, memorise them until you feel you are going crazy. You will not forget
these words, Seeker. You cannot. You have read them and absorbed them.
You are lost to your past life. Nothing from now on will ever be the same for
you. Like a virus on your computer, these words have invaded your brain,
and are there to stay.
Chapter III
When starting at the basic level of training, your mind, your spirit, and your
body are full of ‘mindless’ junk. Empty yourself as a vessel pours out its
That means, let go of all your preconceived ideas, all of your old memories,
your present dietary habits, all of the stuff that you think makes up YOU.
You are now an empty vessel.
This of course will happen, slowly but surely. Do you have the self-
discipline to see it out? You, Seeker, have now put yourself into the hands of
something so powerful, so amazing, so awesome, that anything you did or
was before pales into nothingness from this moment on.
You, Seeker, have put your entire being into the hands of the most
wonderful Teacher any student could hope for. Remember the old adage:
“When the student is ready, the Teacher will appear?”
Guess what. The Teacher is here. The Teacher is your Higher Self. You are
the mighty, awesome, long-awaited-for Teacher. You just weren’t listening.
Well done.
The lesson for today is this:
Make a decision.
That’s it.
So simple, yes?
Well, here’s the hard part. You must cleanse your mind of all you have
learned. You must throw out all the old attitudes, all the old beliefs that have
shaped who you are. Start fresh. That’s your first lesson.
A book starts from a fresh page. As the old saying goes, ‘The journey of a
thousand miles begins with the first step’. You have taken the first step upon
a journey that will take you into a glorious future. Here is where your new
life begins.
So, the decision is this to make: Decide here and now that you want to
follow this Path. Decide that you want to do this. There are no half measures
on the Path to Self-realisation. Mountains and valleys are all one and the
same when following the Path of Majick.
If you decide to carry on, I will be with you. I will teach you to be the
greatest Mage that ever lived. My words are scattered abroad to be found by
Seekers such as yourself. I am You. We are One and the Same. When you
listen to Me, you are listening to your Self, your Higher Mind. We dwell
together in greatness.
‘To Know’ is to seek the path that will take you from the humdrum existence
that is your life. To come to a place where you know that something is
missing, and nothing you do will fill that void. You know there is something
out there that will make you complete, spiritually, emotionally, mentally,
physically, as a person. You’ll know when you find it. Could this be it?
‘To Dare’ is to step out of the rut you find yourself in. To find the courage to
walk away from the self-destructive habits that tie you into an endless circle
of pain and misery. To take up the mantle of your own greatness, not caring
about what other lesser mortals might think or say about you. Who’s living
your life anyway?
‘To Will’ means to make the decision to go forward toward your chosen
path. ‘I will…’ do this, make that, see this, say that, etc. You get the drift.
Even without saying a word, or thinking about it, whenever you do
something, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, you have ‘willed’ yourself to
do it.
‘To Keep Silent’ means, do not speak to anyone about your life who is not in
complete agreement with you. This is a hangover from the days of the witch
persecutions, when the wrong words in the wrong ears caused misery and
death for anyone suspected of being a witch. Also, in a modern context, to
speak of your decision to follow a different path from the fashionable leaves
you open to ridicule and heartbreak.
I N T E N T I O N.
When you first start out on your majickal Path, you come across a multitude
of books, articles, and even maybe advice on how, what, where, etc. Realise
this. It’s important to realise that those newbies setting out on the Way need
props. The grimoires, the pentacles, the cups, wands, athame’s, robes, etc ad
infinitum, are nothing but props.
When you become proficient in the Art, you find that these props fall away
one at a time, until there is only you and your Talent. Do not become hung
up on using all those props. They are not indispensable. Too many people
with the raw talent fail because they cannot, or will not, let go of their
favourite toys.
If anyone tells you that you must have them to succeed at a working, walk
away. This person is still at the baby level. Different strokes for different
folks, and all that, but please. You are all the equipment you need. Also, do
not get into the habit of using finger, hand, or facial gestures.
Why telegraph your intentions and let a possible adversary know what’s
Use the most powerful tool you have. Your Mind. Have you heard the
saying, ‘It’s all in your mind?’ Never before have such a pearl of wisdom
been spoken. You create with your mind. Are you beginning to understand
me now?
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I Will pursue my highest ideals.