Occult Dictionary 01
Occult Dictionary 01
Occult Dictionary 01
Related link ABYSS - Bottomless/anything too deep for measurement. Related Webpage ACTAEON- Stag horned God of the Forest. (WOTS)Related Page ACUPUNCTURE - Healing art developed in China based on inserting needles in various parts of the body to relieve pain and released blocked life energy (NAD) Related Page ADEPT - An individual through serious study and accomplishments is highly proficient in a particular magical way. e.g. Egyptian magickal practices but a failure with Kitchen magick practices. (TRASB) Spiritual Master (NAD) AFFIRMATION - a positive statement of being affirming or asserting something in order to help manifest it in the physical world (NAD)Related Page AGE REGRESSION Recalling under hypnosis or in meditation events from ones present or past life. (NAD)Related Page AGNOSTIC - one who believes nothing is impossible to know if God exists.Related Page AIR - One of the four creative elements, associated with the east & with the ritual wand. (WOTS)Related Page AIR SIGNS - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, associated with mental energy (NAD)Related Page AIRTS, the four - an old Gaelic term for the four points of the compass; north, south, east & west. The Gaelic Airts traditional association of colours attributed to them are: the east took the crimson of dawn; the south, the white light of high noon; the west, the brownish grey of twilight & the north, the black of midnight. (ABC)Related Page AJNA - Point between the eyebrows, third eye, sixth chakra (Sanskrit) (NAD)Related Page AKA - Cord between the physical and astral bodies (Hawaiian) (NAD) AKASHA - the fifth & primary element of nature. Akasha represents the power of spirit found in all things of this universe & perhaps others.Related Page AKASHIC RECORDS - 1. famed psychic Edgar Cayce brought the thought form of akashic records to general society. it's an giant data base that can be accessed with info about past lives, healing and other magickal practices and spiritual practices. That it can only be accessed with the mind of a psychic/Witch. Through Universal Connections (TRASB) 2. Celestial medium on which every thought and action of the material world is available to psychic observation (from Sanskrit) (NAD)Related Page ALL POWER - One of the many creative names which is used to refer to the one great power life source of which the Goddess and God are both and part. (CMM) ALPENO - Guardian of the Eastern Portal between the Worlds. (WOTS)Related Page ALTAR - a table where tools are placed for use during ritual. An altar is generally not a permanent structure, but is set up for each ritual a new.Related Page ALTER - special, flat surface exclusively for magickal working and religious acknowledgments (TRASB) AMPLICATION - Elaboration and clarification of a dream - image by means of directed association and of parallels from myth and legend (Jung) (NAD) AMULET - 1. object of protection that has been charged to deflect negative energies/thought forms. Made of feathers, plants, beads, etc. (TRASB) 2. Object that naturally produces certain effects. (NAD) 3. A natural object which is reported to give protection for the carrier. Amulets are such things as stones or fossils and one not to be confused with person made talismans. Stones with natural holes in them were popular Celtic amulets. (CMM)Related Page ANAHATA - Heart chakra, symbolized by a 12-petal lotus (Sanskrit) (NAD)Related Page ANAMNESIS - 1. Ecstasy - causing reminders. e.g. music of the spheres (Greek) 2. recovery of buried memory, both individual and collective (Jung) (NAD)Related link ANCESTRAL LAND - Taoist term for third eye. (NAD) ANCESTRESS - Goddess as old Grandmother or Wise Women (NAD) ANGEL - 1. messenger, heavenly envoy (Greek) 2. someone who understands and manifests the Order of the Universe in daily life (Michio Kushi) (NAD)Related link ANIMA - Personification of the masculine nature of a woman's unconscious (Jung) (NAD)Related link ANIMUS - Personification of the masculine nature of a woman's unconscious (Jung) (NAD)Related link ANKH - Egyptian hieroglyphic. A symbol of life, love and reincarnation. It a cross with a looped top (TRASB)Related link ANKH-KA - the ankh framed by a pair of upraised arms joined together at the shoulders. A symbol of the Great Rite. ANTIPATHY - Disharmony between two planets that rule or are exalted in opposite signs in astrology. (NAD)For example, the Sun which rules Leo has an antipathy for Saturn which rules the opposite sign Aquarius ANUBIS - Egyptian jackal-headed God of the Underworld and Opener of the Ways (NAD)Related link APERTURE OF BRAHMA (brahmarandhra, Sanskrit) - spot on top of the head where the consciousness departs from the body at death (Sanskrit) (NAD) APHRODITE - "from foam', Greek Goddess of Beauty and Love. (NAD)Related link APIS - Bull headed Egyptian deity. (NAD)Apis in Greek is called Epaphus. Related link APOLLO - Greek Sun God, chief physician of life and father of the Muses. (NAD)Related Link APULEIUS, LUCIUS - the author of 'The Golden Ass', one of the most famous romances in the world, contains the story of Cupid & Psyche. 'The Golden Ass;' is a romance of witchcraft and illustrates the beliefs which were held about witches in pre-christian times. (ABC)Related link AQUARIAN AGE - era of coming peace, wisdom and group effort. ca 2000-4100 (NAD)Link ARACHNE - 'the spider', reputed 13th sign of the zodiac, between Taurus, and Gemini, governing intuition (Greek) (NAD)Link ARADIA - Italian Goddess sworn to protect her people against aggression of masculine faith and its persecutors during the reign of medieval terror. Aradia was a female Christ figure in Italy who taught around 1353. She was imprisoned more than once, escaped and eventually disappeared. Second Aradian is Leland's Aradia, a book with info from an Italian Gypsy Witch. Third Aradia, daughter of
Diana and Lucifer (God of the Sun), considered Queen of the Witches. (TRASB) A Holy woman whole lived in 14th Century Italy, taught Witchcraft & is considered an Avatar. (WOTS)Related link ARIDIAN - One of several traditions of Italian Witchcraft. Separated from the Triad Clans in 1981 & became the 1st independent Italian tradition in America. It is a rejoining of the Triad Traditions into one complete tradition. (WOTS)Related link ARCANA - two halves of a Tarot Deck. The major Arcana consists of 22 trumps depicting dominant occurrences in life. Minor Arcana consists of 56 suit cards (lesser Arcana) that assist in fleshing out the trump situation, smaller occurrences in our lives. (TRASB)Related link ARCHETYPE - 1. Archetypes are universal symbols defined by Funk & Wagnall as a "standard pattern" or a "prototype". Archetypal symbol speaks to all of us in the ecumenical language of the subconscious. They are the images which cloud our dreams, they are the inherent power of our deities and they are the machinery which makes all forms of divination possible. Archetypal images are used heavily throughout path working for this is the only language our subconscious (sometimes called our super-conscious or deep mind) can understand, utilize and with which it can communicate back to our conscious minds. (CMM) "basic type for form" 2. an ideal pattern or form to which all things of a certain type conform (Plato) 3. unrepresentable, unconscious, preexistent from in the psyche that can nevertheless express itself personally or collectively in forms conditioned by the times (Jung, from Greek) (NAD) ARIES - the Ram; first Zodiac sign; ruler Mars of the fiery elements; key words: activity, intellectual energy. (NAD)Related link AROMATHERAPY - the art of healing & wellness using essential oils and oil blends. Depending in the remedy, application may be internal, external or as an inhalant. Related link ARTEMIS- 1. Greek Goddess of the Forest. 2. symbol of wilderness in women which is not to be lost (Robert Bly) (NAD) The Greek version of the classical moon-goddess, whom the Romans called Diana. Artemis may mean: Height Source of Water; as the moon was anciently supposed to be the source and ruler of all waters. (ABC)Related link ARTIFICIAL REINCARNATION - assuming the identity of someone else under hypnosis (NAD)Related link ARTIST - 1. a master of metaphorical language who reawakens the heart and eye to wonder (Joseph Campbell). 2. The true seen and prophet of his/her century, the justifier of life and a revolutionary for more fundamental than an idealist or activity (Joseph Campbell) 3. one who works with rhythms or patterns of energy. 4. one who masters and goes beyond all of the conditions, techniques, technologies, practices, transmissions, histories, traditions, teachers, lineages and gets back to the creative base (Gary Snyder) 6. one who pays attention to his/her life, does not try to much, goes step by step, avoids shortcuts, does the work well and sticks with/builds community (Gary Snyder) (NAD) ASCETICISM - 'exercise training', science of self knowledge through discipline of mind and body (Greek) (NAD)Related Link ASOMATIC - adj. out of the body, bodiless. (NAD)Related link ASPECT - The particular principle or part of the Creative Life force being worked with or acknowledged at any one time. For example. Brid is a Mother aspect of one Goddess, Lugh is one aspect of the God and both are merely single aspects of the Creative Life Force (CMM) Measured relationship between planets, or planets and the ascendant or mid heaven (NAD) ASPERGER - A vessel or a bundle of fresh herbs used for sprinkling an area with water for ritual purification. ASTRAL - adj. 1. star. 2. subtle realm beyond the physical (from Greek) (NAD) Another dimension of reality. 'dreamtime' reference from Australian Aboriginal and their teachings. (TRASB) ASTRAL BODY - subtle or dream body that disengages during sleep/through consciousness techniques; exact replica of the physical body with a higher frequency of vibration. (NAD)Related link ASTRAL ENERGY - the energy of consciousness, of thoughts, dreams, fantasies, mind. (SD) ASTRAL LIGHT - auric/nonphysical light perceived as vibrations surrounding beings or objects. (NAD) ASTRAL PLANE - The level of being & consciousness on which the astral body functions. It covers from the lower astral to the upper astral. ASTRAL TRAVEL/PROJECTION - separating astral body from physical body to travel in the astral plane or dreamtime (TRASB) Leaving the physical body and traveling to another location or reality (NAD)Related Link ASTROLOGICAL BIRTH CONTROL - method developed in Czechoslovakia to determine a woman's fertile period according to birth data and sun and moon phases (NAD) ASTROLOGY - 1. The study of and belief in the effects the movements and placements of planets and other heavenly bodies have on the lives and behavior of human beings. (CMM) 2. science of mapping and interpreting stars, planets and other heavenly influences on life on Earth. 3. the study of celestial order based on the cosmic tones/celestial music. (NAD)Related link ASTROMYTHOLOGICAL - adj. relating to the stars and mythology (NAD) ASTRONUMEROLOGY - science relating mental and emotional therapy to a horoscope. (NAD)Related link ASTROPSYCHIATRY - science relating mental and emotional therapy to a horoscope. (NAD) ASTROSOME - astral element; voluntary conscious leaving of the physical body (NAD) ASTROTWINS - two people born on the same day, not necessarily related/known to each other. (NAD)Related link ATHAME (ATH-aah-may) - 1. The ritual knife often associated with the elements of air and the direction of the east, through some traditions attribute it to fire and the south. The knife was traditionally black-handled, but many modern Pagans now seek handles of natural wood. In some Celtic Circles, the athame is called the "Dagger" or "Dirk". In Ireland it is known as the scian. (CMM) 2. Cleansed and Consecrated ceremonial knife used in ritual work. Never used for blood-letting and rarely used to cut anything on the material plane. (TRASB)Related link ATHENA (Athene) - 1. Greek Goddess of Wisdom and held back the dawn for Odysseus and Penelope. 2. a feminine archetype expressed by a women interested in a kind of male power, philosophy and consciousness (Robert Bly) (NAD)Related link ATHO - Is the name given to a carved head of the horned god of witchcraft owned by Mr. Raymond Norfolk. (ABC) ATLANTIS - sunken continent of myth and legend, generally located in the Atlantic Ocean, believed to have self-destructed through misuse of high technology ca - 10,000, 12,000; originally based on Plato's account in the Timeas and Crito, - contemporary accounts are based on psychic sources and visitors, as the search for material evidence continues (NAD)Related LinkLink
AUBREY HOLES - diggings at Stonehenge that provided a system for counting the years and predicting movements of the Moon. (NAD)Related link AUM (Om) -a sound that vibrates the whole spiritual channel, changes all the chakras and harmonizes mind and body; traditional chant (Sanskrit) (NAD)Related link AURA - subtle light surrounding a person or object adj. auric. (NAD)Related link AURA BALANCING - technique for clearing, smoothing or harmonizing the auric field around a person's head/body. (NAD) AURORA - 1. Roman Goddess of the Dawn. 2. root or mother of philosophy (Boehme) (NAD)Related link AUTOGENIC TRAINING (AT) - various methods of meditation, visualization or biofeedback training used to modify behavior and consciousness. (NAD)Related link AUTOMATIC WRITING - writing produced when a person goes into an altered state and a spirit entity takes over the person's writing arm and hand to communicate. (NAD)Related link AUTOSCOPY - 1.vision of one's image outside the body. 2. vision of one's internal organs adj.; autoscopic. (NAD)Related link AUTOSUGGESTION - sending mental messages to the unconscious, self programming (NAD)Related link AVALON - "Land of Apples"; beautiful lake and rock island when Arthur received the sword Excalibur. (NAD)Related link AWARENESS - spiritual or higher consciousness. (NAD) AWARENESS TECHNIQUES - methods to visualize past reincarnations while fully conscious. (NAD) BALANCE - the belief that we need to keep our lives on an even keel including that of the spirit. It means knowledge of the light & dark of all things. BALEFIRE - 1. Function is both magickal & practical. Used during Holidays: Beltane, Midsummer, Lughasadh & Mabon. (TRASB) 2. The tradition communal bonfire of the Sabbats. The name is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word boon meaning a gift or something extra. The modern word Bonfire is synonymous with balefire, through it often has no religious significance. (CMM)Link BANE- evil, bad, destructive. (TRASB) BANISH - to magickally end something/exorcise unwanted entities. BAPHONET - this name was given to the statue of a mysterious deity alleged to be worshipped by the Knights Templars. It is a horned and winged figure bearded but having female breasts; & sits cross -legged. (ABC) BARDS - the bards (bardoi) were a class of Druids who were the poets & singers who kept alive valuable oral traditions through song. These songs (called cetel in Ireland and lay in Brittany) could also be used as magickal spells to curse or bless. (CMM)Link BAST - 1. (Bastet) Egyptian Cat Goddess. 2. (l.c) spiritual expansion (Arabic) (NAD)Link BCE - Before common Era. The non - religious equivalent of BC.Link BEFANA - the 'good witch' who brings presents to children on Ephphany. Remnant of the Goddess Fana. (WOTS)Link BEFANO - Consort of Befana. Remnant of the God Faunus. (WOTS) BELTANE - a Wiccan & Pagan festival celebrated on April 30th or May 1st, deppendingupon tradition. Also called May Eve or Walpurgisnacht.Link BENANDANTI - "Good Witches" who fought ritual battles over the fate of the harvest against the Malandanti. (WOTS)Link BENTEN - Japanese Goddess of Music, Arts and Beauty.Link (NAD) BESOM (BEE-sum) - the witchs broomstick. European folklore, has witches riding their brooms through the sky, which many feel is an uninformed explanation of astral projection. As a tool, the broom is used to sweep a sacred cross, ground a circle, or to brush away negative influences. Besoms were often mounted and ridden over crops in fertility rites- though this word is Old English. Gaelic speakers sometimes pronounced it in a Gaelic-ized manner, BAYSH-um. (CMM) SEE BROOMSTICKLink BETA BODY - astral body. (NAD) BETA WAVES - brain waves indicating normal waking state with consciousness directed to the external environment. (NAD) BIOAUTOMATION - hypnotic programming of biological self development (Peter Murke) (NAD) BI-LOCATION - 1. astral projection to travel in everyday reality by retaining the capability to be aware of your present surroundings. Over-looking and mind travel. (TRASB) 2. to be in two or more places at once through the use of higher consciousness techniques. (NAD) BIND - magicakally restrain something or someone. (TRASB) BIOCOMMUNICATION - 1. modern Soviet for telepathy. 2. conscious or unconscious exchange of energy between two living organisms. (NAD) BIOCOMPUTER - human consciousness principles; the brain or unconscious mind or the unconscious or subconscious mind operating like a computer to process, program and categorize information from the environment. (Lilly) (NAD) BIOLOGICAL PLASMA BODY - Soviet term for the astral body. (NAD) BIOPHYSICAL EFFECT METHOD - (BPE) - Soviet term for dowsing. (NAD) BIOTELEPATHY - supportive relation between two or more living organisms of a distance. e.g. resonance of twins. (NAD) BIRD GODDESS - Neolithic Goddess appearing with wings, a beak or a birds body. (NAD) BIRTH PATH NUMBER - in numerology derived from month, date and year of birth. (NAD) BLESSING - the act of conferring positive energy upon a person, place or thing. It is usually a spirtual or religious practice. BLIND SPRING - place where ley lines cross. (Guy Underwood) (NAD) BLOOD OF THE MOON - menstrual cycle occurring at a Full or New Moon. More powerful during that time of the month, as long as acknowledged this strength within herself. If feeling spacy, try grounding. (TRASB) BLUE PRINT - life pattern imprinted in the psyche, which an individual follows out on the earth plane. (NAD) BO (gathering point) - point on the front of the body where energy that has flowed through the organs comes out and gathers to go toward the arm and leg meridians. (Japanese) (NAD) BODY CLEANSING - a program of fasting and elimination of toxins to maintain body health. (NAD) BOJI - a stone used to take away pain by closing holes in the energy field of the human body. (NAD)
BOLLINE - curved, white-handled knife for practical magickal purposes such as cutting. e.g. to harvest herbs, cut a branch for a wand, inscribe Candles, etc. (TRASB) BONFIRES - a favourite Pagan method of celebrating a festival. (ABC) BOOK OF SHADOWS (BOS) - 1. collection of info in book form for reference. Like a magickal cookbook. Grimoire. (TRASB) 2. (Also called Book of Lights and Shadows) BOS is the spell book, diary and ritual guide used by an individual witch or coven. Some say the name come from having to hide the workings from church authorities and others say it means that an unworked spell or ritual is a mere shadow, not taking form until performed by a Witch. (CMM) BOSCHETTO - a grove, Italian word for a coven of witches. (WOTS) BRAN - 1. raven, mythical British King. 2. Celtic God of the Underworld. (NAD) BRIGID - Celtic Goddess of Rivers and Water. (NAD) BROOMSTICK (besom) - a phallic symbol used in rituals and cleansing. (ABC) BUFFALO - great being who stands at the western gate of the universe and holds back the waters that periodically in undate the earth in the Lakota system of ages; every year the buffalo loses a hair on one of its legs; every age it loses a leg; when all legs are lost; the world is flooded and renewed. (NAD) BURNING TIMES - 1. The time from the Spanish Inquisition through the last outbursts of persecution and witch killings in the midnineteenth century (through murderous persecutions began as early as the 12 century). The last known capital sentence for witchcraft in the West took place in Scotland in the early 1800s. Figures vary on how many were killed during the hysteria, estimates range anywhere from 50,000 to as many as 9 million. (CMM) 2. from 1000 CE through the 17th century. 9 million people tortured and burned by church and public officials on the assumption of being a Christian version of a witch. Profitable venture: land and property seized from accused and portions give to accuser (reward), remainder went to church officials. Majority: women and children. (TRASB) BURMESE POSITION - form of cross-legged sitting in which the feet are not placed over the thighs, but are both resting on the sitting surface. (NAD) CABALA/KABBALA/QUABALA - 1. Hebrew magickal system. (TRASB) 2. spelling usually employed when discussing the spread of Kabbalistic teaching and symbols into Christian circles during the Renaissance. (NAD) 3. KABBALA - traditional Jewish mysticism; chain of inter transmission of the secrets of esotercism (Hebrew) Soul aspect: yehida.....archetype neshamah.....thought, principles nefesh.....species, animal soul. hayah.....divine emanation rvah.....spirit Ten Emanations (Sephiroth) briyah.....creative world Nezah.....Victory-Right of Pelvis Kether....Crown - Top of Head assiah.....world of object. Hod.....Glory-Left of Pelvis Hockman.....wisdom -Right Brain Yesod.....Foundation-Genitals Binah.....Understanding - Left of Brain Halkhut......Kingdom-Genitals. Hesed.....March - Right Arm Worlds - azilut.....world of emanations Pechad.....Strength- Left Arm yzirah.....world of forms Teferet.....Beauty-Heart Levels of Interpretation Psnt.....literal Drsh......intuitive Rmz.....symbolic Sud......spiritual. CADENT HOUSES - third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses in astrology representing compromise. (NAD) CAILLEACH - In Scots & Irish Gaelic this literally means old woman. At one time it was, a term most likely used reverently to refer to the Crone Goddess. Today, it is most likely to be used derogatorily except in Pagan Circles. (CMM) CALL - Invoking Divine forces. (TRASB) CALLANISH - megalithic stone circle in Scotland. (NAD) CALYPSO - nymph who detained Odysseus for seven years in Ogygia island. (NAD) CANCER - (karkinos,crab, Greek) the crab, fourth zodiac sign; ruler, the Moon; of the watery element; key words: tenacity, nurturing energy. (NAD) CANDLE MAGICK - burning candles of special colors, shapes and aromas to achieve magickal ends. (NAD) CANDLEMAS - Festival held on Feb 1st. One of the Celtic "Fire Festivals". Celebrates the first signs of spring & the return of the sun. CANON EPISCOPI - an important document in the history of witchcraft from before the 15th C. AD. For centuries it was the official teaching of the Christian Curch about Witchcraft. It describes withces as deluded heretics, who worship "Diana, the goddess of the pagans." CAPRICORN - sea-goat, tenth zodiac sign; ruler Saturn; of the earthy element; keywords: deity, concentrating energy. (NAD) CARDINAL DIRECTIONS - East, South, West, North. (NAD) CARDINAL SIGNS - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn signifying pioneers, activists, initiatory energy. (NAD) CARMING GADELICA (Car-MEEN-ah Garw-DEL-ee-cah) - a collection of Gaelic lyric poetry and lore with a Pagan emphasis, collected from oral sources in the late 19 century by musicologist and folklorist Alexander Carmichael. It is also a primary source for knowledge about Celtic folk magick. This work compares with the famous Carmina Burana in scope and worth. (CMM) CAROLE - dance circle in which participant hold hands and concentrate on linking with all humanity and raising human consciousness. (NAD) CAULDRON - linked to witchcraft in the popular mind, this is a primal Goddess image used like a chalice/cup. This was the common magickal instrument in the Celtic traditions because it was a practical object as well, one which could be used for cooking or washing as well as making brews and magick potions. In many of the mythological stories from Ireland and Britain the cauldron is symbolic of the worm of the Mother Goddess in which all life begins, ends and regenerates. The Irish word for cauldron is caire and the Welsh is pair. (CMM) CAYCE, EDWARD - (The sleeping prophet) trance therapist, philosopher, healer. A search for God 1877-1945 (NAD)
(TRASB) 2. wheel, spiritual energy center (Sanskrit) 1. Muladhara- base of spine 2. Svadhisthana - lower abdomen. 3. Manipura - navel 4. Anahata - heart 5. Visuddii - throat 6. Ajna - third eye 7. Sahasrara - crown of head (NAD)
C.E. - Common Era, the non-religious equivalent of A.D. CELTIC CROSS - Tarot reading in which cards are laid out in the form of a cross. (NAD) CENSER - an item, usually of metal, used for burning incense. CENTER - 1. physical, emotional, mental, psychic or spiritual region of the body or energy space e.g. a chakra. 2. spiritual home. 3. an educational, learning or healing center. 4. to find a calm and comfortable space within one self. (NAD) CENTER OF SILENCE - neutral space in absolute silence from which clarity of seeing can be manifested on all planes (Le Centre du Silence). (NAD) CEREMONIAL MAGICK - also called High Magick. It is a precise method of working magick to achieve a certain end. It is not a religion, rather a magickal practice. CERES 1. Eleusinian Goddess of Grain. 2. a planetoid between Mars and Jupiter. (NAD) CERIDWEN - Celtic Goddess, symbol of the aspiring soul. (NAD) CHAKRAS - 1. Seven energy vortexes on the human body associate with a color. Crown - white. Forehead (3rd eye) - purple. Throat - blue. Chest - pink/green. Navel- yellow. Abdomen - orange. Groin - red. Smaller vortexes are in the hands and feet.
CHALICE - the chalice or cup as a ritual tool represents water and the west and it is also representation of the feminine principle of creation. (CMM) - symbol of partnership society, especially the unstratified, equalitarian era of the Goddess (Riane Eisler) (NAD) CHACTONBURY RING - In England it is one of the time honoured meeting places of the Sussex Witches. (ABC) CHANDRA - Sanskrit: The Moon. CHANNELING - 1. New Age where a disincarnate entity borrows your body to speak to others, either writing or verbally. Edgar Cayce was a medium. (TRASB) 2. process in which a person communicates messages from a discarnate source. 3. communicating with the higher self or spiritual guardians. (NAD) CHANNEL, CLEAR - one who does not interfere with transmissions. (NAD) CHANNEL, COMMUNICATIONS - one who is able to relay messages from this and higher planes. (NAD) CHANNEL, OPEN - one who is able to receive communications but is not attuned to their source. (NAD) CHANNEL, PURE - one who receives transmissions without interference. (NAD) CHANTING - rhythmic repetition of sound, such as a mantra, in which vibration energy is received and discharged. (NAD) CHAOS THEORY - science that focuses on sudden and fundamental change. (NAD) CHAPLET - a crown for the head usually made of flowers and worn at Bealtain. Chaplets can also be made of vines and other natural material. (CMM) CHARGE, THE - 1. modern form written by Doreen Valiente. A message from the Goddess to her children. (TRASB) 2. To impart psychic energy to. (NAD) CHARGING - 1. the act of empowering an herb, stone or other magickal object with ones own energies directed toward a magical goal. Charging is synonymous with enchanting or empowerment. (CMM) 2. one of the basic processes of change in the universe (Walter Russell) (NAD) CHARMS - an amulet or talisman that has been charmed by saying an incantation over it and instilling it with energy for a specific task. (TRASB) CHI 1. universal life energy (Chinese ) 2. an inherent oxygen in the body which gives stamina and vitality and ultimately brings one to the pliability of an infant (Master T.T. Liang) 3. breath of nature which accumulates in mountains and rivers of the Earth producing a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere of desire and understanding that enters the factus from the influence of the environment, the mother and the place of birth. (Japanese) (NAD) CHURCH OF ALL WORLDS - 1. group founded by Michael Smith in Heinleins Stranger in a Strange Land. 2. a group based on the novel founded in Missouri, 1961.
CIMARUTA (cima di ruta) - is an unusual & beautiful amulet pertaining to Italian Witch lore. (ABC) CIRCLE - 1. the sacred space where in all magick is to be worked and all ritual contained. The circle both contained raised energy and provides protection for the witch and is created and banished with his/her energy. (CMM) 2. symbol of the cosmos and heaven (Plato) 3. witches coven 4. mediumistic or healing group. (NAD) CIRCLE OF BEING - in Druidic philosophy both the macrocosm and microcosm are divided into three circles of being. The inner circle is abred, the middle is gweynfd and the outer most on is ceugant. The inner most circle is often represented by the magick circle where in all magick and ritual is performed. (CMM) CLAIROVOYANCE - extra sensory data perceived as heightened sight, especially of future events. (French) (NAD) CLEANSING - purification of Earth changes. (NAD) CLEAR 1. v. to remove blocks or complexes in the unconscious or subconscious mind. 2 v. to purify a crystal or other object used in healing or meditation. 3. n. practitioner who functions at a high level and has mastered the survival of self (Scientology) 4. adj. not attached or divided embracing everything (Michio Kushi) (NAD) CLIMAX - an optimum condition of diversity and stability whether in a forest, culture or ecosystem where half of the energy flows in the system does not come from annual growth but from recycling of dead growth. (NAD) CLOCKWISE - the traditional form of movement in positive magic. COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS - 1. a term used to describe the sentient connection of all living things, past and present. It is synonymous with the terms deep mind and higher self. This is believed to be the all knowing energy source that contains the entire sum of human knowledge and experience which is tapped through divination. 2. universal storehouse of knowledge with everyone (Jung) (NAD) COMMUNITY - 1. people defining a unity of being together; working a commitment to stay together as a whole, correcting their use of energy and finding a way to be mutually employed; sharing a commitment to place; coming into right relation to nature; the natural unit of play (Gary Snyder) 2. weaving the mantle of the Goddess. (Starhawk) (NAD) COMPONENT - in spells, this is some type of verbal prologue, physical gesture or material element used to help focus magickal energies. CONCAVATION - tunnel effect experienced leaving the body during an astral projection. (NAD) CONE OF POWER - 1. psychic energy raised and focused by an individual or group to achieve a purpose (TRASB) 2. the ritual raising of a cone of energy within the circle by an individual or by a coven. When the energy reaches its peak, it is released to do its work. Dancing deosil while chanting or singing is the most common method for raising the cone. (CMM) CONJUNCTION - coincidence of two planets in the same zodiacal degree by longitude, usually within seven degrees: generally or favorable major aspect. (NAD) CONSCIENCE - the balancing point: One infinity evaluating and judging our day to day behavior; an awareness lost if we forget our eternal; source, if sick or blocked or eating poor quality food. (Michio Kushi) (NAD) CONSCIOUS MIND - that part of the brain which we have access to in the course of a normal waking day. It is the part of the mind which holds retrievable memory and other easy to recall information. (CMM) CONSCIOUSNESS - 1. The created changing image and vibrational exchange moving between the poles of one infinity and the infinitesimal one; received in the form of waves given to all cells of the body like a TV station and interpreted into images including intention, well desire, thought; the capacity of all things, galaxies, people, animals and plants to interpret according to their quality, capacity and structure; changing according to yin and yang and governed by our environment and way of living, especially way of eating.(Michi Kushi) 2. awareness, wakefulness. 3. totality of ones perceptions, thought and feelings. 4. state of illumination. 5. spectrum of mindfulness ranging from unconsciousness to dream consciousness to waking consciousness to enlightened consciousness. 6. one of the skandhas in Buddhism. 7. divine attribute manifesting with truth and bliss in Hinduism. 8. one of 89 mental states in Buddhism including the trances of the realm of the infinity of space, the infinity of consciousness, state of awareness, described in the Upanishads. (Sanskrit): jagrat - waking state svapna - sleep, dream, after-death shushupti - dreamless sleep turiya - at one moment with God... (NAD) CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING - n or adj. inspiring radical ecological, womens, gay or spiritual awareness in self or others. (NAD) CONSECRATE v. 1. make holy. 2. imbuing sacred symbols with the power of the four elements in ceremonial magic. (NAD) CONTACT- connection with someone else on this or another plane of existence. (NAD) CONTACT-HIGH - elevated feeling from someone elses vibrations. (NAD) CONTROL - discarnate spirit that seems to take physical control of a medium. Some celebrated psychic control and the mediums through whom they communicate. (NAD) CORD - is the symbol of binding, of belonging to a particular coven. (SD) CORN DOLLY - a figure, often human shaped, created by plaiting wheat or other grains. It represents, the fertility of the Earth & the Goddess in Early European Agricultural rituals & is used in Wiccan Corn Dollies aren't made from cobs or husks, corn originally referred to any grain other than maize. COSMIC CROSS - two planets in opposition, each squared by a third one making a T-square or T-cross. (NAD) COVEN - 1. a group of witches who worship and work together. A coven may contain any number of witches, both male and female but the traditional number of members is thirteen, which reflects the thirteen moons in the solar year or three persons for each season plus a priest/ess. (CMM) 2. group of thirteen or fewer Witches that work together in an organized fashion for magickal endeavors or religious ceremonies. (TRASB) COVENSTEAD - meeting place (TRASB)
COWAN - Used in Wicca & Witchcraft to mean a non-Wiccan/Witch in much the same way gentile is used by Jew to designate a nonjew. Adapted from a Masonic term that means someone who doesn't mortar between their stones/bricks. COYOTE ENERGY - trickster energies. Name for the American Indian Trickster Coyote who tricks man into learning what he needs to learn. Applies to one who constantly jokes and clowns. Also applies to the concept of "Holy Fool" in many traditions. CRAFT - The Wiccan, Witchcraft or other folk or natural Magick. CRAFTSMAN GOD - the God who fashions the world; the divine smith who governs metallurgy and the sacred sciences. Demiurge - Greek Wayland the Smith - English Hephasius - Greek Ptah, Khnun - Egyptian Vulcan - Roman Enki, Ea - Sumerian (NAD) CRANE - bird that symbolized longevity and wisdom in Taoism. (NAD) CRANIAO SACRAL THERAPY - holistic technique that evolved out of osteopath and focuses on the neck and back. (NAD) CREATION MYTH - myths about the origins of the world, often falling in one of four types. 1. creation from nothing in which God fashions Heaven and Earth from sound, word/thought. 2. creation from a cosmic egg in which the universe arises from complementary opposite principles. 3. an Earth diver story in which an emissary from the heavenly realm plunges into the chaos below and brings up clay or mud to fashion the Earth. 4. an emergence myth in which the first people emerge into the world of light from the underworld below. (NAD) CREATIX- the mother Goddess (NAD) CRESCENT - Goddess symbol of becoming, symbol of the start of the lunar cycle. (NAD) CROMLECH - structure of three or more upright stones with a flat, unhewn table stone resting on them. (NAD) CRONE - that aspect of the Goddess that is represented by the old women. She is symbolized by the waning moon, the carrion crow, the cauldron, and the color black. Her Sabats are Mabon and Samhain. (CMM) CROSS-QUARTER DAYS - a name sometime given to the Sabbats not falling on the solstice and equinoxes. CROWLEY, ALEISTER - was a pagan, a poet, a mountaineer, a magician and a poet. The magic he practices or "Magick" as he preferred to call it is Quabalistic Magick (Order of the Golden Dawn). Also known by the Press, as the "The Wickedest man in the World." CRYSTAL - a mineral capable of receiving storing, transmitting or amplifying vibrational energy and often used as a tool for healing prophecy or communication. (NAD) CRYSTAL GAZING - the use of a candle flame, a crystal ball, a black mirror, a dark bowl of water or a bright sword for divination. (SD) CULT - by Webster's II New Riverside dictionary is defined as 1) a system of religious worship. 2) Obsessive & faddish devotion to a principle or person. cults seeks converts, exercise control over their followers etc. Wicca is not a 'cult'. In fact, most cults are based on Christianity or an "Eastern Religion". CUP-MARKS - worldwide strings of cuplike impressions in rocks of unknown origin. (NAD) CUPPING - Oriental healing technique of placing glass cups on specific meridians and points to cleanse, tonigy or reduce tension. (NAD) CUPS - Tarot suit associated with love or wisdom. (NAD) CUSP - line or interface between two houses of a horoscope adj. arspal exhibiting some qualities of both signs. (NAD) CYCLES (life, death, rebirth) - In Wicca & Paganism, there is a belief that all life follows the specific cycles manifested in nature: birth, life, death & rebirth. DAEMON 1. supernatural power 2. demi-god who inspired Socrates (Greek) 3. the moving part of our lives. (Joseph Campbell. (NAD) DANCHU - acupoint on the sternum, near the heart chakra (Japanese ) (NAD) DANU - the daughter of the Tuatha DeDanuan, Supreme Being of the Druids. (NAD) DARK MAN - another name for the New Moon, usually a time of rest before labours. DAYS OF POWER - (Sabbats), considered days of power. Triggered by astrological occurrences, my birthday, menstrual cycle (Blood of the Moon) or dedication/initiation anniversary. (TRASB) DEATH 1. lifes other side, afterlife, discarnate realm of existence. 2. end of this life, cessation of the vital functions. 3. Tarot #13; transformation. 4. sleep; field of service and learning; entrance into fuller life; freedom from the handicaps of the fleshly vehicle; continuance of the living process in consciousness and carrying forward of the interests and tendencies of the life (Bailey) 5. that which is fixed, petrified, attached (Joseph Campbell) 6. process of dissolving ourselves to become more harmonious on another level (Michio Kushi) (NAD) DEDICATION - acceptance of the Craft as my path and vow to study and learn whats necessary to reach adeptship in a given tradition. Accepting something new, regardless of highs and lows it may produce. (TRASB ) DEEPENING - reclaiming the dark; the fertile Earth where the hidden seed lies unfolding, the unseen power that rises within us, reclaiming all the lost parts of ourselves; as opposed to enlightenment. (Starhawk) (NAD) DEITY - a Diven entity, God/Goddess honored in a religious "doctirine". DEMATERIALIZE - v. to change the rate of frequency vibration so as to disappear from third dimensional range of Earth plane sensing. (NAD) DEOSIL 1. clockwise movement for rituals and ceremonies and spells. (TRASB) 2. the act of moving, working or dancing in a clockwise motion. This is the traditional direction one works with for creative magick. Deosil is also called Sunwise (CMM) DESTINY - life course; the point of collision between energy coming in and out. (Michio Kushi) (NAD) DESTINY NUMBER - number in numerology derived from adding the name and birth numbers. (NAD)
DEVA 1. (f. devi) gods, heavenly beings. 2. heaven. 3. great people who know and lead others (Sanskrit) (NAD) DEVIATION - amount an observed number of hits or an average score in an ESP test varies from chance expectation. (NAD) DEVIL - Tarot number 15: disease, great strength. (NAD) DHARA NA - concentration; sixth step on Yoga. (Sanskrit) (NAD) DHARANI - mantra in written form, usually visualized as a series of shining syllables revolving in a circle. (Sanskrit) (NAD) DHARMA (fa, Chinese, ho, Japanese) 1. law, truth, way, right in Hinduism 2. teaching of the Buddha and Patriarchs in Buddhism. 3. Second of the three refuges in Buddhism. 4. thing. e.g. All dharmas are empty in Buddhism (Sanskrit) 5. the grain of things in the larger picture, living close to Earth, living more simply, living more responsibly (Gary Snyder) (NAD) DIANA traditionally the Goddess of all Witches in Italy. (WOTS) Roman name of the goddess of the moon, whom the Greeks called Artemis. (ABC) DIANIC WITCHCRAFT - a sect of Witchcraft that gives far more prominence to the female principle than the male. (SD) DIANUS - Horned Bod of the woods, consort of Diana. (WOTS) DIRECT VOICE - speaking by a spirit without using the vocal cords of a medium. (NAD) DISPLACEMENT - ESP responses to targets other than those for which the calls were intended. (NAD) DIVIDED CONSCIOUSNESS - ability or state of performing two or more tasks simultaneously. (NAD) DIVINATION - using magickal tools and symbols to gather information from the Collective Unconscious on the nature of people, places, things and events in the past, present and future. (TRASB) DIVINE LIGHT - celestial radiance perceived by the third eye, eternal effulgence within all beings brighter than the Sun, realized by turning away from the physical senses and looking within and whose mystical union confers truth, consciousness and bliss. o bhargo - Hindus o Inner Light - Quakers o Noor-e-llahi - Sufis (NED) DIVINE POWER - the natural power of the Gods. This force permeates holy places & peo;e, & can be drawn upon by the followers of each dieties. DIVINE SOUND - (shabd, Sanskrit) eternal vibration within all beings that is realized by chanting or focusing the breath activating the inner ear. (NAD) DIVYA - divine, celestial, heavenly, luminous. (Sanskrit) (NAD) DO-IN - a form of Oriental self-massage based on harmonizing the energy flowing through the meridians. (Japanese) (NAD) DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES - theory that flowers, herbs, plants and other living things have a unique quality, vibration or signature: e.g. love for a rose. (NAD) DOLMEN - a huge megalithic stone balanced on several small stone supports. (NAD) DOWSING - 1. using a pendulum or stick to find a location of a person, place, thing or element. Answering yes or no questions. Holding a pendulum over a chart to answer specific questions on life patterns. (TRASB) 2. practice of locating water, minerals or other objects through the use of a rod, pendulum or other object. (NAD) DRAGON (lung, Chinese, rong, Vietnamese, ryu, Japanese, naga, Sanskrit) - 1. great beneficent being in Far East mythology which guards hidden treasures and heavenly mansions, presides over the weather and bestows rewards on deserving persons; traditionally represented with the horns of a deer, the head of a camel or horse, the eyes of a prawn or devil, the neck of a snake, the belly of a giant clam, the scales of a fish, the claws of an eagle, the feet of a tiger and the ears of a cow; symbol of Heaven, yang, energy, fortune, the Tao, virtue. 2. symbol of the defender of the Dharma in Buddhism. 3. one of an superhuman race of serpents in Hinduism. 4. dreadful beastie in Western mythology, which is forever carrying off maidens or laying waste the countryside, as in the tales of St. George, Perseus, Jason, Siegfried. 5. symbol of wisdom in the hermetic tradition and alchemy. 6. symbol of that which encloses and turns the psyche in on itself. (Joseph Campbell) (NAD) DRAWING DOWN THE MOON - 1. Ancient Pagan ritual enacted at the Esbats to draw the powers of the full moon, in her aspects as Great Mother Goddess, into the body of a female witch, Esbats and Sabbats can co-exist, but these conjunctions are rare. (CMM) 2. ritual during Full Moon to empower yourself and unite their essence with a particular deity usually the Goddess. (TRASB) DRAWING DOWN THE SUN - same as drawing down the moon, but invoking the God instead of the Goddess through you. DREAM 1. view, goal or purpose in life. 2. sleeping consciousness. 3. a private myth. (Joseph Campbell) 4. v. to awaken to the numinous powers ever present in the phenomenal world about us and whose powers possess us in our high creative moments. (Thomas Berry) (NAD) DREAM GLOSSARY - notebook to jot down dreams and symbols (NAD) DREAM JOURNAL - diary in which dream are recorded or analyzed. (NAD) DREAMING TRUE - possession of control and consciousness in the dream state. (NAD) DREAMSCAPE - archetypal space or landscape encountered in dreaming. (NAD) DREAMWORK - systematic inquiry into or therapeutic use of dreams fro growth and self development. (NAD) DRESSING A CANDLE - Anointing a candle from the center outwards, with scented oil for ritual use.
DRUID - oakwise member of an order of Celtic priests, poets, healers and judges in pre christian Britain, Ireland and France. (NAD) DRUID NEW MOON - First day in the Moons second quarter. (NAD) DT (DOWN THROUGH) - clairvoyant technique of naming the cards of a deck before any are removed or checked. (NAD) DUALISM - separation, absence of love; seeing oneself as different from the sacred universe. (NAD) DUALISTIC MONISM - philosophy or view of life in which the One appears as two or polarity. (NAD) DWARF - custodian of gems and metals in Norse and Germanic legend. (NAD) DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD - an initiate facing his or her past karma and advancing to higher consciousness. (NAD) DYAD - twin objects, energies or bungs. (NAD) DYADIC EYE FIXATION - meditation technique of mutually gazing into one anothers eyes. (NAD) DYLAN - Celtic Sea God. (NAD) EARTH 1. the nest of humanity. (Dante) 2. third planet from the Sun, generally represented in world mythology as a feminine being of high consciousness, through a masculine being in Egyptian tradition. 3. Grandmother or Mother of all beings (Sioux and other traditional Peoples) 4. Gaia (the Greek Goddess of the Earth), a living self regulating organism. 5. planet for our training our playground in preparation for the next life in the vibrational world. (Michio Kushi). 6. the primary scientist, the primary educator, healer and technologist, the primary manifestation of the ultimate mystery of things. (Thomas Berry) (NAD) EARTH DEITIES - Asasaya (Ashanti), Bhumi (Sanskrit), Coatlicue (Nahuatl), Estanatlehi (Navajo), Gaia (Greek), Geb (Egypt), Geo (Greek), Jord (Norse), NuWa (Chinese), Tara (Tibetan). (NAD) EARTH LINK - event or happening linking ecological or spiritual consciousness of the planet as a whole. (NAD) EARTH MAGICK - magick where power and forces of Earth Mother are used to conduct magickal working or celebrations. Items associated with the Earth and nature hold a significance in a ritual or spell. (TRASB) EARTH MOTHER - 1. the Goddess in a form symbolizing the fecundity of women and the Earth. 2. a women who nourishes and cares for others. (NAD) EARTH PLANE - material existence, state of incarnation on earth. (NAD) EARTH POWER - the power inherent in the Earth & nature. Connected with both & Akasha. EARTH RELIGION - A religion wherein the wroshipper strives to be in harmony with the Earth & with all life forms. These religions are opposed to the Christian view that the world is a resource to be subdued & exploited or the humans have the right to dominate and/or subjugate other life-forms. EARTH SIGNS - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. (NAD) EARTH SONG - song or spirit of the Earth. (NAD) EARTH SPHERES - geosphere- core rock; hydrosphere-water; atmosphere-air; biosphere-life; naosphere-mind, consciousness. (NAD) EARTH STEWARD- ecologist or wise guardian of the Natural world. (NAD) EARTHWRIGHT - geomancer or one versed in the natural energy of the Earth. (NAD) EAST POINT - nodal axis of the Earth; point where the Earths equator conjourns the ecliptic, symbolizing self expression in social terms in Uranian astrology. (NAD) ECLECTIC - n. or adj. believer in the truth of opposing schools, a synthesizer. (NAD) EGO 1. self; feeling of I, me, mine. 2. subjective made of consciousness that differentiates itself from the objective world. 3. identity maker, giver of names and forms. 4. architect who identifies, between the primitive impulses of the id and the demands of society. (Freud). 5. Higher self, individuality, soul; that which bends every effort to quicken vibration and to force the off rebelling lower vehicle of personality to respond and measure up to rapidly increasing force. (Bailey) 6. futile effort to secure happiness and maintain itself in relation to something else watcher of egolessness (Trungpa) 7. veil between the self and God in Hinduisms. 8. succession of confusions producing an illusory sense of self in Buddhism. 9. the evaluating and judging principle. (Joseph Campbell) (NAD) EGOLESSNESS - 1. absence of any preconceptions, philosophy, reference points, landmarks and sense of identity of what is and what should be. 2. recognition that ego is impermanent and the absence of the concept of egolessness. (Trungpa) (NAD) ELDER - oversees the operations of the church and its functions. Positions are held by those that have education, experience, magickal adeptship and counseling. (TRASB) ELEMENTS - 1.the four alchemical elements once thought to make up the entire universe. These are Earth, Air, Fire and Water plus the fifth element of pure spirit in, of, and outside them all. Each Pagan tradition has their own directions, tools and correspondences for each of these. (CMM) 2. Earth, Air, Water and Fire including also Spirit/Akasha. Each has a direction within a circle or working: East-Air, South-Fire, WestWater, North-Earth, Center-Spirit/Akasha. (TRASB) 3. fundamental constituents of the material world, earth, air, fire, water and sometime ether. Substance that cannot be separated into different substances except by nuclear disintegration. Frequencies of energy found in all living things. Atoms and compounds, the orderly manifestation of subatomic particles into spirallic atomic structures. (NAD) ELEMENTALS - Archetypal spirit being associated with one of the four element. (CMM) ELIXIRS - the liquid that a crystal/gemstone has been placed in over a period of time. When the stone/crystal is removed, the liquid is said to carry the essence of it. Elixirs, also known as tinctures, are usually used for healing purposes by drinking it.
EMPTINESS - (nothingness) 1. that which serves for effectiveness, like the hub of a wheel, the hollow of a clay pot, the open doors and windows of a house, the flute-like space between Heaven and Earth (Lao Tzu) 2. condition of opening oneself and receiving energy and vibration; attracting things when void. (Michio Kush) (NAD) EMPOWERING - the act of moving energy into an object. ENACTMENT - finding ones voice and living on behalf of the planet; connotes movement, action, change. (NAD) ENCOUNTER GROUP - sensitivity training and experience movement devoted to interpersonal relationships, contact and sharing with others, direct experience of feelings. (NAD) ENCHANTMENT - magickal object that must be kept secret or hidden from human eyes and affect a hidden aura. Must be charmed first. Gems and magickal items can be hidden. (TRASB) ENERGY 1. eternal delight (William Blake) 2. life force, cosmic ether, healing medium, vitalizing force, primal juice, cosmic electricity. 3. mc: mass times the square of the speed of light (Einstein). 4. that which is always conserved. 5. vim, vigor, health, growth. 6. quality that can take a great variety of forms and constitutes a measure of the capacity to overcome inertia. 7 electromagnetic fields consisting of positive, negative and neutral charges which build and sustain the human body and all other matter. (NAD) ENLIGHTENMENT (bodhi, Sanskrit) - 1. universal consciousness;; traditionally compared to a mind full of light like the moon in a cloudless sky or a mirror without any dust on it. 2. awareness that you are a manifestation of one Infinity, always moving according to yin and yang and the Order of the Universe. (Michi Kushi) 3. seeing not an alienated world to be gotten out of but a realized world in which we know that all plays a part. (Gary Snyder) 4. enlightenment experiences are described as; aha experience, awareness, born-again, conversion, cosmic-consciousness, convictional event, deep knowing, divine intervention. Eureka, felt shift, flash point, gestalt formation, getting it, gift of the guru, gnosis, grace, greater reality, illumination, inner feeling, inner voice, insight, awareness, left-right brain shift, miracle, moment of clarity, moment of truth, mystical experience, peak experience, quantum leap, religious experience, satari, spiritual awakening, sudden decision, surrender, transformation, turning point EPHEMERIS (pl. ephemerides) calendar, 1. table showing the daily places of a planet. 2. almanac of such tables. (Greek) (NAD) EGO 1. self; feeling of I, me, mine. 2. subjective made of consciousness that differentiates itself from the objective world. 3. identity maker, giver of names and forms. 4. architect who identifies, between the primitive impulses of the id and the demands of society. (Freud). 5. Higher self, individuality, soul; that which bends every effort to quicken vibration and to force the off rebelling lower vehicle of personality to respond and measure up to rapidly increasing force. (Bailey) 6. futile effort to secure happiness and maintain itself in relation to something else watcher of egolessness (Trungpa) 7. veil between the self and God in Hinduisms. 8. succession of confusions producing an illusory sense of self in Buddhism. 9. the evaluating and judging principle. (Joseph Campbell) (NAD) ESBAT - the monthly pagan holy time which coincides with the full moon. The word if from the French esbattre meaning to gambol or frolic. (CMM) ESSENTIAL OILS - Fluid extracts from botanical sources & preserved in pure form Some are poisonous when taken internally & many report irritations when applied directly to skin. Used in Aromatherapy usually in blends diluted with basic carrier oils. ESOTERIC - Hidden, secret, inner, concealed. ESP 1. extra sensory perception; knowledge beyond the five senses. 2. elementary spiritual powers. (Mark Age) (NAD) ETHERIC FORMATIVE FORCE - creative force of the living world raising matter upward, steaming in from the universes periphery counter to physical forces. (Steiner) (NAD) EVIL - the opponent of morality. attachment of ego & loss of remembrance of own divinity. a way to experience duality. EVOCATION 1. calling something out from within. (TRASB) 2. the act of summoning the presence of deities, friendly spirits or elementals to your circle or home. (CMM) EXTRASENSORY - apart from or in addition to normal sense perception. FAMILIAR- 1. an animal with a spiritual bond. It can also be entities who are created to protect home from astral. (TRASB) 2. a witch co-worker that is of a non-human existence. Animals are the most common familiars, thus the popularity of the witchs cat. But familiars can also be discarnate spirits, spirit guides or elementals. The choice of having a familiar or not is a singular one, but most also respect the conscious choice of the being involved. (CMM) FAMILY 1. the Earth/humanity as a whole. 2. a spiritual community. 3. a biological unit consisting of parents, children and other relatives. 4. the spirit that comes from eating together and developing a similar quality and dream. (Michio Kushi) 5. the Practice Hall for achieving Dharma or enlightenment. (Gary Snyder) (NAD) FAMILY TRADITION - a term used to describe people who have Craft lineage before the 1950's that has been handed down in their families or people who have been taught by them. FANA - Goddess of the forests & wildlife. (WOTS)
FANTASY - 1. literary genre in which an imaginary dream world is portrayed not necessarily consistent with any known or imagined scientific laws. 2. various techniques of tapping into the unconsciousness for insights into personal development. (NAD) FARRAR, STEWART & JANET - students of Alex Sanders. Janet & Stewart are teachers of the craft, authors, journalists & lecturers. FASCINATION- mental effort to control another animal or persons mind. Mind Bending Only to be used when you find yourself in a unsafe situation where your person (friend, family) is in physical danger. (TRASB) FAST - n or v. to purify mind and body, especially by reducing food and drink. (NAD) FATA - Italian word for Faeries/Fairies. (WOTS) FAUNUS - God of the forests & wildlife. (WOTS) FEMININE - n. or adj. more yin qualities characteristic of females but found in both sexes; bring more receptive, cooperative, introspective, gently, nourishing, spatial, seasonal, spontaneous. (NAD) FEMININE SIGNS - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. (NAD) FIFTH HOUSE - segment of the horoscope ruling love, children, speculation. (NAD) FIRE - the third element of the alchemical tradition Fire is a purifier, an element of change. It stands in the Southern point of the magick circle. Animals alligned with fire include lizards, many dessert creatures & the fabled Dragon. Magick employing Fire as a symbol is often centered around energy. FIRE SIGNS - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. (NAD) FISH GATE - the chakra at the base of the spine. (NAD) FIVE FOLD KISS, FIVEFOLD SALUTE - the Witches ritual salute, with Kisses (1)on each foot. (2)on each knee (3) above the pubic hair (4)on each breast and (5) on the lips. Really 8 kisses in all. It is only used within the Circle, but the words that go with it are the origins of "Blessed Be" FIVE TRANSFORMATIONS (5 elements, 5 phases) - the stages that the process of change goes through as elechomatic energy or vibration in generated between poles of centripetal and centrifugal forces. o tree-upward energy o fire-active energy o soil-downward energy o metal-gathering energy o water-floating energy o (NAD) FLOROMANCY - art or belief in the consciousness of plants. (NAD) FLOWER ESSENCE THERAPY - the use of extracts from flowering plants as a healing method. (NAD) FOLLETTI - spirits of the air, similiar to faeries/fairies. (WOTS) FOLK MAGICK - the practice of magick utilizing personal power, inconjunction with natural tools, in a non-religious framework to cause positive change. FOOL - Tarot number 0 or unnumbered signifying folly, inspiration, enlightenment, the beginning and end of path. (NAD) FOURTH HOUSE - segment of the horoscope ruling home and parents, property and savings. (NAD) FREE ASSOCIATION - technique of evoking spontaneous references or ideas to word or symbols, especially in dream interpretation. (Freud) (NAD) FREYA - lady, Scandinavian Goddess of Love. (NAD) GAIA/GAEA1. the Greek Goddess of the Earth. 2. seeing the Earth as one giant self regulating organism of which we are a inextricable part; hypotheses that treats the planet as a living being. (James Lovelock & Lynn Margolis, 1972) 3. adj. Gaian of humanity as one body. (NAD) 4. Greek Goddess, (Earth Mother or Mother Earth). Environmental action group use this term. (TRASB) GARNER, GERALD - has been called the founder of neo-pagan movement. Also founder of the Gardnerian tradition, initiated by Dorothy Clutterbuck in 1939. GARDNERIAN - those contemporary Witches who stem from the revival movement of the late Dr Gerald Gardner. GEMINI - turns; third sign of the zodiac; of the airy element; ruler Mercury; key words: awareness, communicating, energy. (NAD) GEH - (balancing points) point located near the wrists and ankles that functions as the midpoint of the meridian in the terms of the number so sections on the arm or leg. (Japanese) (NAD) GEOMANCY 1. divination by tracing figures on the ground. 2. feng-shui: Oriental science of sitting placement and home and environmental arrangement. (NAD) GNOME - a primitive entity of the realm of the Earth element. GO - (meeting of energy points) point located near the elbows or knees, along the arm and leg meridians which helps regulate the flow of energy through the meridians. (Japanese) (NAD) GODDESS 1. Supreme being of matriarchal avilizations. 2. an internal set of images and attitudes. (NAD) GOLDEN DAWN - the most important western occult movement of the late 14th century & early 20th century, form which most modern ritual derives. Aleister Crowley, Dion Fortune, W.B. Yeats. S.L. macGregor & A.E. Waite were among the best known leaders. GREAT FATHER - the chief deity during patriarchal times; or masculine heavenly or sky god. (NAD) GREAT GODDESS - the chief deity during the prehistoric or megalithic period exhibiting creative, destructive and regenerative powers. (NAD) GREAT MOTHER - mother with exaggerated breasts and hip, who gives birth to and nourishes all beings; often represented in art and design holding a child in her lap. (NAD)
GREAT RITE - the symbolic sexual union (also sacred marriage) of the Goddess and God which is enacted at Bealtine in most traditions and at other Sabbats in many others. It symbolizes the primal act of creation from which all life comes. The sexual union is symbolized by ritually placing the athame, a phallic symbol, inside the chalice or cauldron, a womb symbol. (CMM) GREEN MAN - (God), in his kingdom of the forest. (TRASB) GREEN TARA - Tibetan Goddess of Success and Salvation. (NAD) GRIGORI - Guardians of the portals between the worlds. (WOTS) GRIMAS - the director & guardian of a Tradition. (WOTS) GRIMOIRE (Greem-WARR) - a book of magickal spells and rituals. (CMM) GROUND - 1. place on the Earth where we were born in rootedness in our own culture, in physical work, in the body. (Robert Bly) 2. our native soul; the particular combination of climate, air, light and vibration coming from the earth through a certain kind of humus or sand or rock where intuition functions at its peak and the voice of the demiurgos comes through clearly. (Sherman Goldman) (NAD) GROUNDING - 1. living on the ground where you or your ancestors were born or near it. 2. going down into the psyche and bringing into consciousness what is now in the shadows and letting it mingle with the conscious mind. (Robert Bly) 3. the process by which electricity, poetry and the authentic life become possible. (Robert Bly) (NAD) 4. to disperse excess energy generated during any magickal or occult rite by sending it into the earth. It can also mean the process of centering ones self in the physical world both before and after any ritual or astral experience. (CMM) GUARDIANS - Guardians of the Watchtowers or Guardians of the Four Quarters. Some vision them as little biddies, lizards, dragons, etc. Other as angels (Michael, Ariel, Raphael & Gabriel ) (TRASB) GUIDED IMAGERY - an exercise to develop the imagination in which a guide leads people to visualize through suggestions and symbols. (NAD) GYROMANCY - divination by whirling in a circle marked with letters and spelling out a prophecy when falling down. (NAD) HALLOWEEN - also known as Samhain is the one of the Four Great Sabbats. Halloween is the festival of the dead, where a door is opened on to another life. (ABC) HALLOWS EVE - name used by some traditions for Samhain or Halloween. HANDFASTING - Wiccan/Pagan marriage ceremony. (TRASB) HANDMAIDEN - the Priestess assistant & replacement if the Priestess cannot attend ritual/ perform her duties. HARA - (tanden) bodys natural center of gravity located in the intestines about three fingers width below the navel; site of the second chakra or energy center. (Japanese) (NAD) HAVOC (haue oc) pagan war cry that is cited as the key to the original universal tongue in Cohanes the key. (NAD) HECATE - is the Ancient Green Goddess of Witchcraft. (ABC) HERB - any plant used in magick and healing. HERBALISM - the art of using herbs to facilitate human needs both magickally and medically. (CMM) HERMES - Greek God of Message, Commerce, Roads, Theft, Science, Invention, Herds and Cunning. (NAD) HERMETICS - science of magic; the occult. (NAD) HERMIT - Tarot #9; wisdom, prudence. (NAD) HERO - Greek priestess of love and beloved of Leander. 2. (lc) one who plunges into the darkest part of the wilderness where there in path to discover truth. (Joseph Campbell) (NAD) HEXAGRAM - six pointed star also known as the Seal of Solomon. HIGH MAGICK - as opposed to other forms of magick, this is a detailed, very ceremonial form, often in Egyptian traditions. HIGH PRIESTESS - Tarot #2; the female inquirer, the anima. (NAD) HIGHER MOON - one of three bodies between Mars and Jupiter, Jupiter and Saturn, Saturn and Uranus (Rudhyar) (NAD) HIGHER SELF - the belief that within each person there is a Divine Spark, a highly spiritual being whom we can listen to for guidance. HOLED STONE - megalithic stone that can be climbed through which confers the energy of renewal and health associated with the Goddess. (NAD) HOLISTIC (wholistic)- adj. 1. knowledge or approach that is simultaneously intuitive and rational, scientific and artistic. 2. whole, integrated, comprehensive. (NAD) HOLISTIC HEALTH - natural, integrative approach to health and well-being utilizing diet, exercise, meditation, chiropractic, acupuncture, macrobiotics or other non invasive therapies. (NAD) HOLY STREGA - a term of endearment for Aradia. (WOTS) HOMEOPATHY - (homeotherapy) science of healing based on the principle of like attracting like, utilizing tiny doses of natural elements and extracts. adj. homeopathic. (NAD) HOODED ONE - also known as the Green Man, Lord of Vegetation, Lord of the Green Wood. He who is hooded in the green. (WOTS) HORNED GOD - consort of the Goddess, the lord of animals and forests, associated with hunting and the forces of death. (NAD) HOROSCOPE - picture of the heavens at the moment of birth or progressed to any future time. (NAD) HOUSE - one of twelve divisions of a horoscope. (NAD) HU - 1. Sphinx (Egyptian) 2. last syllable of allahu, signifying the in most consciousness of God; Sufi chant (Aragic) 3. jade tiger. (Chinese) (NAD) HUMORS - qualities or primal nutritive forces that circulate in the body and whose balance produce health or sickness. o GREEK HUMOURS - Choler-fire, summer, liver; Melancholy-earth, autumn, lungs; Phlegm-water, winter, head; Sanguine-air, spring, heart. o INDIAN HUMORS - Kapha-Mucus; Vala-Wind; Pitta-Fire (NAD) HYPNOSIS - state of physical and mental relaxation, utilizing a subjects receptive made of consciousness for heightened suggestibility to acceptable information. adj. hypnotic. (NAD) HYPNOTHERAPY - hypnosis applied to psychological problems. (NAD)
ICON - object of uncritical devotion, sacred painting, mosaic or statue. ID - primitive impulses, unconscious forces of the psyche (Freud) (NAD) ILLUMINATOR - a display base for crystals consisting of a hardwood base with a light bulb. (NAD) IMAGE - awareness from the psyche that comes in various forms, such as words, a knowing or a vision. (NAD) IMBOLG - also known as Candlemas, Imbolc or Oimelc, observed on February 2, is a day which honors the Virgin Goddess as the youthful bride of the returning Sun God. (CMM) IMMINENT DIETY - a God or goddess who is seen as living within humanity rather than outside it. (CMM) IN BREATH - breathing in movement. (NAD) INCUBI & SUCCUMBI - the belief in the possibility of sexual intercourse between a spiritual being and a mortal person. (ABC) INFLUENCED WRITING - inspired psychic communication (NAD) INITIATION - 1. clear shine forth of the inner fire, transition to another, growing capacity to see and hear small planes, expansion of consciousness that admits the personality into wisdom attained by the Ego brief period of enlightenment where in the initiate sees that portion of the path that likes ahead and stares consciously in the evolutionary plan. (Bailey) (NAD) 2. an experience that transforms the individual that their concept of personal and worldly reality has been altered. Dedication is not the same. (TRASB) INNER BAND - team of spirits which helps an individual during his or her incarnation on earth. (NAD) INNER-HEAT YOGA - (tummo, Tibetan) yoga through which psychic energy is developed and controlled creating a source of inner warmth and resistance to extreme cold. (NAD) INNER PLANES - other levels of being & consciousness than the physical. INNER SPACE - consciousness, the mind. (NAD) INTEGRAL YOGA - system of yoga developed by Sri Aurobindo that stresses bringing supreamental power of divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mid, life and body to transform and create a divine life in matter. (NAD) INTERGRATION - yogic transmutation of the many personalities that constitute and individual (Aurobindo) (NAD) INTELLECTUAL JUDGEMENT - understanding of yin and yang creative inventive ability; the fourth level of consciousness. (George Ohsawa & Michio Kushi) (NAD) INTUITION - 1. undoubting conception of a pure and attentive mind which come from the light of reason alone. (Descartes) 2. harmonizing the self with totality, the infinite universe perceiving far away or future things seeing if someone can be healed or seeing his or her destiny; the judgment of the infinite working through us, received primarily by the mid-brain and the body as a whole. (Michio Kushi) (NAD) INVISIBILITY SPELLS - this type of magick has been widely misunderstood, through Celtic Druids did purport to have spells called fifth fath which rendered them invisible, most of the magic relates to working magick backwards in time to change present situation. The idea of this kind of magick gained popularity during the Burning Times when witches did not want to be seen going to meet their coven by night. This is probably a metaphor for astral projection. (CMM) INVOCATION - the act of drawing the aspect of a particular deity into ones physical self, the rite of Drawing Down the Moon is an example. (CMM) INVOKE - to call upon or appeal or summon. ISIS - 1. Egyptian Goddess of the Nile, sister wife of Osiris, mother of Horus. 2. trans neptunian planet ruling asperation; situated at the galactic center in 26.5 degrees Sagittarius. (NAD) JANA - Italian Moon Goddess. (WOTS) JANUS - Italian God of the Sun & of all Portals. God of all Beginnings & ends. (WOTS) JASON - planet postulated between Saturn & Uranus ruling inner freedom. (NAD) JOHREI - Purification of Spirit a method or teaching to heal the spirit through the channeling of light. (Japanese) (NAD) JORD - Norse Earth Goddess. (NAD) JUSTICE - 1. Tarot #11; force. 2. natural law the absolute joy of life revealed in every phenomenon at every moment. (George Ohsawa) (NAD) KALACHAKRA - 1. cycle of time 2. tantic deity, mystical aspects of the teacher, depicted with twenty four arms, embracing a consort. 3. name of this tantra. (Sanskrit) (NAD) KARMA - 1. the belief that ones thoughts and deed can be counted against or for them to their spirtual growth by counted against or for them to their spirtual growth during several life times in Sanskrit, it means action. Follow the law of cause and effect (TRASB) 2. action, measure of attachment, ones worldly circumstances, psychological development and level of consciousness, often distinguishes as good of bad Karma, though in Indian tradition, all Karma is to transcended: Imperfections that are washed or burned by yoga, meditation, service, cultivating the Dharma or other spirtual practice. That which is created so long as one doesnt realize ones original nature. (Bodhidharma) Consequences of a thought, word or deed; reaping what is sown. Sum of the consequences of ones thoughts, words, or deeds in this and previous lifetimes. Chain of moral cause and effect. Force generated by consciousness or actions that conditions this and future lives. Fate, the natural and necessary happenings of ones lifetime, preconditioned by ones past lifetimes. moral debt, worked out and repaid usually gradually, for past actions. That which the individual has instituted, carried forward, endorsed, omitted to do, or has done right, through the ages until the present moment mythical rock symbolizing peace and courage. (Vietnamese) (NAD) KIMNARA - fabulous beings, half-human, half-animal; musician of India (Sanskrit) (NAD) KITCHEN WITCH - someone who takes a Earth & home approach to the mystical & who takes tools from the home & employs them for magickal needs. This is a very simple & personal form of magick meant to reflect a unique vision of the Diveine & the individuals place in the greater scheme of things. KLESHA - 1. Karmic defilement, hindrance to enlightenment. (Sanskrit) 2. obstacles, poisons, mixed-up feeling, mean notions, angriness, sneaky exploitations. (Gary Snyder) (NAD) KATO-DAMA - (kotodama, kototama) spirit of words, one spirals of sound representing the powerful forces of heaven and Earth able to carry a true vision of nature and the universe. 2. science of the 50 sounds developed by Kuji Ogasawara. (Japanese) (NAD)
KUSHI, MICHIO - Japanese-born educator and macrobiotic teacher; One Peaceful World 1926- (NAD) LABRYS - a two-headed axe. Symbolized Goddess of Crete. LABYRINTH - maze, archetype of the circuitous quest for wisdom; the five great ones in antiquity were Crossus and Gortyna Crete; Lemos, Greece; Clusium, Etrusca; and lake Moerus, Egypt. Labyrinths have also been depicted on pillar scratches at Pompeii in floor tiles of Toussaints Abbey in France, 18th c. Rajasthani manuscripts, in traditional Zuni sand drawings, the notebook of Paul klee and among Chiriqui rock drawing in Panama, adj. labyrinthine (from Latin via Greek) (NAD) LAMMAS - August 1st. Witch festival - the old Celtic name for this festival is Lughnassadh. It is the Festival of the first fruits and is the 1st of the 3 harvests. This festival also marks the change of the Threefold Goddess energies from that of Mother to Crone. LAND - earth or soil serving as both Mother and father; receiver of seed, bearer and nurturer of the young, raiser of seed stalk, bearer and shredder of seed. (Wendell Berry) (NAD) LAPIS - (Lapis philosophorum) the stone or philosophers stone of alchemy the agent of transmutation of base metals into gold. (NAD) LARE - Ancestral spirits who are evolving within the Spirit world. They assist & protect members of the former Clan. They are worshipped in home shrines. (WOTS) LASA - Spirits of the Old Ways. In Tuscan witchlore they are the first spirits known in the world. They are protectors & helpers in the Spirit World & can be evoked for assistance. (WOTS) LAW OF RESPONSIBILITY - this is an often repeated corollary to the other laws of Paganism. It simply means that if you inadvertently violate someones free will or harm them in anyway, you will accept responsibilities for your action and seek to make restitution. This, does not apply in cases where you have used magick to protect yourself from someone to harm you. Also see Pagan Rede and Threefold law (CMM) LAW OF SIMILARS - principle that like shall be cured by the like. (NAD) LEADING HOUSES - first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses in astrology, signifying action and pioneering. (NAD) LEFT-BRAIN - more receiving, accepting consciousness analytical, rational, hemisphere of the brain that governs language, speech, mathematical and scientific reasoning and that controls the right-side of the body. adj. left-brained. (NAD) LEFT-HAND PATH - 1. people that feel justified in using magick for purposes that are not constructive to others. A self-serving individual. The right-handed path = positive in nature (TRASB) 2. tantric path, way of magic, occultism. (NAD) LEFT-HANDED SPIRAL - clockwise spiral that follow the path of the sun or hands of a clock. (NAD) LELAND, CHARLES GODFREY - writer of Aradia (Gospel of the Witches) 1899, Gypsy Sorcer & Fortune Telling 1862, etruscanRoman Remain in Popular Tradition 1892 and other 50 books. (ABC) LEO - the Lion, fifth zodiacal sign of the fire element; ruler the Sun; keywords: creativity, courage, energy. (NAD) LEVITY - upward, outward force the opposite of which is gravity. (NAD) LEY - (ley line) grassland straight road or path constructed in prehistoric times connecting ancient landmarks. (Alfret Watkins) (NAD) LIBATION - a portion of food or drink ritual given to a deity, natural spirit or discarnate. (CMM) LIFE - 1. energetic property of all living beings including mountains, rivers and valleys. 2. the passage of energy through changing forms. 3. consciousness awareness, the eternal play of freely creating and erasing images. (Michio Kushi) 4. infinitely amusing and wonderful adventure with awareness of absolute justice. (George Ohsawa) 5. the capacity for self-motion. 6. living system characterized by a comprehensive unity, incessant activity, the capacity to grow and develop its own parts increasing differentiation through time, the power of regeneration and repair, the ability to transform other materials into itself, the initiation of natural action from within and the ability to reproduce itself. 7 a self-organizing system characterized by an actively sustain low entropy and things bounded by walls, membranes, skin or waxy coverings; using energy directly from the sun and indirectly from food, incessantly acting to maintain their identity and integrity; even as they grow, change and reproduce and which do not lose their visibility, recognizable entities. (Lovelock) 8. sorrow (Buddha) 9. the ability to move upstream against the flow of time. (Schrodinger) 10. carbon fresh activated maintained by a genetic code. (modern view) (NAD) LIFE COLUMN - megalithic symbol of life energy rising from the womb, cave or water. (NAD) LIFE ENERGY - cosmic life force that animates and circulates throughout creation; natural electromagnetic energy of the infinite universe composed of waves, ray and vibrations that remain indected by modern science. (NAD) LIFE-LINE - series of lives. (NAD) LIGHT BEING - entity with a highly developed consciousness in one of the spiritual worlds. (NAD) LITHAS - an alternate name for summer solstice, June 12st. LILITH - the moon goddess Lilith is the archetypal seductress, the personification of the dangerous feminine glamour of the moon. She is also known in Jewish legends as the first wife of Adam. (ABC) LOCAL MEAN TIME - true time at the place of birth. (NAD) LOCALE I - the region of the astral world similar to the Earth world. (Robert Munroe) (NAD) LOCALE II - that region of the astral world that is governed by different laws and inhabited by different beings. (Robert Munroe) (NAD) LODGE - esoteric organization in the physical or astral world working on behalf of human evolution. (NAD) LOKA - world, on of six states of mind produced by the three fires of greed, hate and delusion heaven, human, animal, asura, hungry, ghost, hell. (Sanskrit) (NAD) LOOKING GLASS DREAM - dream involving message or subjective reactions to people and events in the external world. (Ann Faroday) (NAD) LOOKING INWARD DREAM - dram that shows us a picture of how we feel about our private, inner world. (Ann Faraday) (NAD) LOOKING OUTWARD DREAM - dream that provides valid information about people or situations in the external world. (Ann Faraday) (NAD) LORD OF MISRULE - is a character who portrays the problems or regrets of the closing year. He represents chaos and disorder as well as licentiousness. He is another sacrificial king. (WOTS) LUCIFER light Bearer 1. Venus as the morning star. 2. prince of the fallen angels. (NAD)
LUGHANASADH (LOO-has-sah) - also, known as Lammas and August Eve. This Sabbat celebrates the first harvest. The date is August 1 or 2nd depending upon tradition. (CMM) LUNAR MONTH (synodic month)- interval between two moons, 29,531 days; time of one revolution of the Moon around the Earth. (NAD) LUNA - Roman Goddess of the Moon. (NAD) LUNAR MANSION - one of the 28 divisions of the Moons path. (NAD) LUNAR YEAR - twelve lunar months, 354.3 days. (NAD) LUNATION - new moon. (NAD) LUNG-GOMPA (lum-gompa) - runners who can span long distances effortlessly through meditative and breathing techniques. (Tibetan) (NAD) LUNG-MEI - dragon-paths, ley lines or paths that run between astronomical mounds and high mountains. (Chinese) (NAD) LUPERCI - priests of the God Lupercus. (WOTS) LUPERCUS - the Wolf God of winter. symbol of the waning power of nature. (WOTS) MAAT - Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Justice portrayed with a feather. (NAD) MAB - Queen of the Fairies in English mythology. (NAD) MABON (MAY-bone) - Sabbat named for a Welsh God associated with the Arthurian myth cycles. This is the Sabbat observed at the Autumn Equinox and celebrates the second harvest, wine and balance. (CMM) MACROCOSM - 1. the World around us (TRASB) 2. the order of the universe (NAD) MAGICK - 1. the art and science of focusing your will and emotions to effect change in the world around and within you. Its neither good or evil, positive nor negative. You determine the power and path it will take. (TRASB) 2. spelled with a k to differentiate it from the magic of stage illusion. The best definition of magick was probably invented by infamous ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley; Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity to will. Magick is work and work is forbidden of the Sabbats. (CMM) MAGICK CIRCLE - a circular boundary drawn invisionary blue flame or white light that protects you from outside forces while conducting rituals. Never step outside the circle while performing the ritual unless precautions have been taken like a door being cut. Nobody should step in during a ritual, unless they are following a pathway made for them. Door is cut by athame or wand. Circle should never be left hanging after ritual. Must be closed as it was opened ceremoniously. It is considered the doorway between worlds and allows us to move between the two. Some circles can be permanently or physically or temporarily with herbs, sand, salt, chalk or nine foot cord. Circle is cat with blue or white light. Before area is used; clean the area, cleansing, consecrating and make sure necessary supplies are there. (TRASB) MAGICKAL SYSTEMS - basic sets of guidelines relating to specific Gods and Goddesses or cultural traditions. (TRASB) MAIDEN - an assistant to the High Priest/ess in a coven. MALANDANTI - "Evil Witches" who fought ritual battles over the outcome of the harvest. Their war against the rich Feudal Lords & the Church, but more often than not, this caused harm to the peasants. (WOTS) MALOCCIO - Also know as "the evil eye" or the "overlook". (WOTS) MANDALA - intricate pattern of concentric circles, squares, polygons and other geometric or artistic symbols representing the Circles of the Universe used for instruction or meditation. (Sanskrit) adj. mandalic. (NAD) MANI - Scandinavian Moon God. (NAD) MANIFESTATION - the appearance to an observer's consciousnedd of any non human entity or force. MASCULINE - as opposed to feminine energy, this is the radiant sun, strenght, intellect & logic. The masculine form is the Horend God (Pan) who reminds us of our link to nature & who is represented by the sun. MASIONS OF THE MOON - the daily placement of the Moon as it passes the constellations. In a cycle of 28 days. (WOTS) MANTLE - a cloak worn by the Celts whose color, fabric and condition was often an outward sign of wearers rank in society. Also a vestment of power, hence the Celtic - expression inheriting the mantle. A mantle is often referred to as a Kersey in Scotland. (CMM) MANTRA (mantram) - formula composed of syllables (meaningful or meaningless) whose sound produce psychic or spiritual effects; sacred sound. (Sanskrit) adj. mantric. (NAD) MAP DOWSING - locating water, oil, missing objects, etc. with a pendulum and map rather than actually being on the site. (NAD) MARK AGE - 1. period between the Old and New Age. 2. Earth plane aspect of the hieractical plan. (NAD) MARS - 1.Roman God of Health and Combat. 2. planet ruling force, energy, health, outgoing energy. (NAD) MASCULINE - n. or adj. characteristics that are primary yang but may appear in either sex including aggressiveness, competitiveness, logical thinking, fairness and going out on a physical or spiritual guests. (NAD) MASCULINE SIGNS - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius. (NAD) MASTER - 1. one who mastered a spiritual discipline and teaches or guides others. 2. (pl.) hidden teachers who rule the spiritual evolution of Earth (Theosophy). (NAD) MEANA - Guardian of the western portal between the Worlds. (WOTS) MEASURE - a piece of thread or cord cut to length of a postulant's body during first degree initiation. MEDICINE BUNDLE (medicine bag) - collection of stones, feathers, leaves or other personal objects of high electromagnetic vibration that can be used for healing or protection. (NAD) MEDICINE, ENERGETIC - medicine that deals with the blood and electromagnetic energy exchange through a change of diet; mental adjustment, physical exercises; preventive in orientation. (NAD) MEDICINE POUCH - a pouch designed to hold special stones or other items which act together like an amulet or talisman. MEDICINE WHEEL (Medicine Circle) - 1. Plains Indians way of life symbolizing a dynamic, spirallic understanding of the universe. 2. (l.c.) an ancient stone circle that has been used for thousands of years by Native people as a place for prayer, ceremony and self understanding. (Sun Bear) (NAD)
MEDITATION - n. or adj. 1. art and science of contemplation and concentration spanning Paleolithic hunting rituals. Neolithic mysteries and historic religious traditions East and West, especially Zen, Yoga, Sufism and Coptic, Carmelite, Trappist and Quaker Christianity. 2. contemplation reflection, intuition, doing nothing; in duration from a movement to a kalpa, through most frequently for periods of 10 minutes to several hours or days; performed anytime, anywhere or in any position or activity, through often setting on the Earth, floor, a chair, rock or pennacle standing straight or holding a posture, walling, dancing, jogging, making love; sometimes accompanied by chanting silently or aloud alone or with a group; focusing on the breath, the chakras, the mind, parts of the body, light, sound, God, a tutelary deity, symbols, archetypes, a candle or another internal, external or transcendental object. 3. practice leading to cosmic consciousness, enlightenment truth-consciousness-bless, developing body consciousness, rooting in the here and now perfecting harmony and balance with the Earth. 5. discipline of mind awareness and control of thoughts, emotions and states of consciousness. 6. return to the source or emptiness to erase delusions, refresh ourselves day to day and begin a new. (Michio Kushi). 7. exercise or practice of just being experiencing ourselves at whatever we are, without any extra thing added. (Gary Snyder) 8. going into the mind to see wisdom for yourself-over and over again until it becomes the mind you live in. (Gary Snyder) 9. space to work or fears, hopes, neurotic games, selfdeception. (Trungpa) 10. self-analysis, self-cultivation, self-enlightenment. 11. thought-form building, bring down to the concrete levels of the mental plane abstract ideas and intuitions and shattering of forms, establishing of a direct channel between the nomad and the purified personality and between the seven centers in the human etheric vehicle; freedom to work on any path (Bailey) 12. the Tao of cats n. mediator, meditativeness, adj. meditative. v. meditate (from meditari, Latin). (NAD) MEDIUM - intermediary, especially a trance psychic who serves as a channel for communication between the living and the dead. (NAD) MEGALITHS - the large standing stones of the Celtic countries which were probably erected as holy sites and for astronomical observation points. Stonehenge on Englands Salisbury Plain is the best known example of a surviving megalith. (CMM) MEJAZ - illusion that which makes nothing appears as everything. (Arabic) (NAD) MEMORY (spiritual memory) - recall of past lives or ancient civilizations (universal memory) recall of ones eternal journey and purpose on the Earth (yin( vision of the future. (yang) vision of the past. (NAD) MENHIRS - the standing stones from Celtic countries which are made of single stones or a circular series of stones. Menhir literally means long stones and surviving ones range in height from a few feet to as high as 64 feet. Brittany if famed for it many Menhir circles. (CMM) MERCURY - 1. Roman God of Communication 2. planet ruling commerce, language, writing and versatile, mental energy. (NAD) MICROCOSM- the World within us. (TRASB) MIDSUMMER - the Sabbat observed at the Summer solstice which honors the Sun God at the height of his power and the Goddess as the pregnant mother to be. This was not a Sabbat celebrated by the old Celts until they were influenced by the Norse. (CMM) MINERVA - Roman Goddess of Wisdom who filled the souls of the heavenly ship as Dante and Beatrice ascended to the sphere of the Moon. (NAD) MITHRAS - ancient Persian God of light and Truth. (NAD) MONTHLY NUMBER - number in numerology secured by adding the destiny number to the digit of any month and year. (NAD) MOON - 1. heavenly body orbiting a planet, especially the Earths signifying soul, fruitfulness, mother, magnetic energy. 2. Tarot #18; danger, enemies. 3. symbol of consciousness in time. (Campbell) (NAD) MOON MAGICK - any magick using the phases of the moon as a spell or ritual component. MORINUS - astrological house system based on equal division of the equator by hour circles. (NAD) MOTHER GODDESS - 1. natural mother of all things or mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of the powers divine, the principle of them that dwell in heaven, manifested alone and under one form of all the gods and goddesses, at whose will the planets of the sky, the wholesome winds of the seas and the lamentable silences of hell are dispersed. (Isis) 2. archetypal feminine aspect of the Godhead. 3. mediatrix, creator of forms, the celestial energy that gives birth to the world and all beings. 4. Mother Earth, Mother Nature. 5. space, the void field of consciousness. 6. time, who devours all her children. 7. Tao, way of gentle turning back (LaoTzu). Ala- Ibo Amaterasu-ami-kami-Shinto Anoba-Gaelic Aphrodite-Cypriot Asasa Ya-Yoruba Astarte-Phoenician Athena-Greek Bellona-Roman Benten-Japanese Brigid-Celtic Ceres-Eleusinian Ceridwain-Celtic Coatlicue-Nahuatl Chicomecoatl-Nahuatl Chom Lhari-Bhutanese Cybele-Phrygian Danu-Druidic Demeter-Greek Devi Sri-Balance Diana-Cretan Estanalehi-Navajo Fortuna-Roman Freya-Scandinavian Frigg-Scandinavian Gaia-Greek Hathor-Egyptian Hecate-Greek Hel-Norse Illamatecuhtli-Aztec Isis-Egyptian Ishtar-Babylonian Ixchel-Mayan Jord-Norse Juno-Roman Kali-Indian Kuan Yin-Chinese Lakshmi-Indian Lilith-Hebrew Luna-Roman Magan Mater-Latin Mary-Christian Mawu-Dahomean Mayahuel-Nahuatl Minerva-Greek Morgan Le Fay-Irish Nut-Egyptian Ostara-Germanic Pachamama-Incan Persephone-Greek Pi-hsia Yuan-chun-Taoist Rangda-Balinese Saraswati-Indian Sagarmathe-Himalayain Sophua-Gnostic Tara-Tibetan Venus of Menten-Neolithic Venus of Lespugue-Neolithic White Goddess-Druidic (NAD)
MOUND - megalithic site in Europe associated with the pregnant belly of the Mother Goddess. (NAD) MURRAY, MARGRET - one of the world's most famous & original writers on witchcraft. Author of 'The Witch Culd in Western Europe (1921)'. she was the first person to advance the idea that witchcraft is the Old Religion or to Call it 'the Diana cult' Also wrote 'the God of the witches (1933)' (ABC) MUSIC MAGICK - also called a Song Spell. This is a spell created in song, a popular Celtic method of spell casting seen used in the myths of many bards. (CMM) MYSTIC - n. or adj. 1. one who has experienced God directly. 2. believer in intuitive knowledge of God, especially through contemplation ad. mystical. (NAD MYSTIC CROSS - Kabbalistic pentacle with four arms with three circular convexities on each end. (NAD) MYSTICISM - 1. communication that God makes of his or her spiritual light of the depths of the human heart. (Dhun-Nun Misri) 2. absolute (Evelyn Underhill) 3. states characterized by ineffability, that of knowledge (William James) 4. feeling of union with all life. 5. awareness of a dazzling light that fills the mind and heart. 6. experience of being bathed in emotions of joy, awe, wonder. 7 intuitive flashes of awareness and understanding of the universe. 8. merging with the creation, creator, nature. 9. feeling of transcendental love and compassion for all living things. 10. renewed sense of energy and vitality and health. 11. sudden vanishing of suffering and fear of death. 12. enhanced appreciation of art and beauty and less attachment to material things. 13. appearance of ESP and enhanced intellect, gifts and powers. 14. renewed sense of purpose and mission in life. 15. Change in personality and inner radiance. (NAD) MYTHIC CYCLE - a mythic cycle is an archetyped story seen throughout many pantheons. MYTHOS - the theology arising from all of the combined myths of Stregheria. (WOTS) OCCULT - n. or adj. hidden, secret. (NAD) OCCULTISM - science of secret knowledge. (NAD) OFFERING - the presentation of gifts to the God/dess in thankfullness, often given is fruit from the garden, grain or your commitment. OGHAM - 1. this was the ancient alphabet of the Celtic people which consists of series of marks in relationship to center line. It is used today in sacred writing and for divination. (CMM) 2. early Celtic writing based on Latin with perpendicular and oblique dashes above and below a straight line. (NAD) OLD ONE, the - A Wiccan term often used to encompass all aspects of the Goddess & God. OLD RELIGION - Witchcraft or Paganism that continued into the Middle Age. (NAD) OLD SOUL - one who has reincarnated many times and is more spiritually mature than most people. (NAD) OM - sacred syllable symbolizing the sun total of all energy: first course; omnipresent sound; lasting peace. (Sanskrit) voming chanting for peace (NAD) ORACLE - prophet, place, book, etc. relating the past, present or future. (NAD) ORDER - principle or law governing nature, the universe, and all of life. Dharma-Hindu & Buddhist li-Chinese logis-Greek neter-Egyptian rita-Hindu tao-Chinese (NAD) ORIENTAL ZODIAC - astrology system prevalent in the Far East, base on the order in which the animals arrived to pay tribute to the Buddha, the rat jumping off the oxs back to win. rat-April ox-May tiger-June rabbit-July dragon-August serpent-September horse-October sheep-November monkey-December cock-January dog-February bear-March (NAD) OSTARA (O-star-ah) - Also Eostra (Yo-stra). The Sabbat observed at the Vernal Equinox and often referred to simply as the Spring Equinox. This Sabbat celebrates balance and life renewed, but it was not a Sabbat for the Old Celts until the Saxons brought it to their attention around C.E. 600. Ostara is named for the Teutonic Goddess Eostre and is symbolized by the egg. (CMM) OSTURA - German Goddess from whose name Easter comes. (NAD) OTHERWORLD - A generic term for the Celtic Land of the Dead. Each Celtic culture had its own euphemisms for this place. (CMM) OUT-OF-THE BODY EXPERIENCE - awareness of the astral body detaching from the physical body, either voluntarily or involuntarily, awake or dreaming. (NAD) OUTER BAND - spirits in the astral world who assist humans in creative task and achievements. (NAD) PAGAN/NEOPAGAN- 1. Nature based Religion. (TRASB) 2. movement devoted to nature, worship, polytheism, Goddess worship ancient tribal religions. (NAD) 3. a generic term for anyone who practice an earth or nature religion. (CMM) PAGANING - presentation of an infant to the Circle & to the Gods. PAGAN REDE - this is the basic tenet of witchcraft. As ye harm none, do what thou will The Rede prohibits Pagan from harming any other living thing, or from violating any ones free will. Exactly when this tenet became a conscious part of Paganism is unknown. Also seen as Threefold Law and Law of Responsibility (CMM) PALM HEALING - natural healing method utilizing the palms of the hands to focus energy on various part of the body. (NAD) PALMING - exercise to correct eye problems by covering the eyes with the palms of the hands (Bates) (NAD) PALMISTRY - study of the lines on the palm, divination by the hand. Also known as chiromancy. (ABC) PAN - Arcadian God of Flocks. (NAD) PANTHEON - 1. collection or group of Gods and Goddesses in a particular religious or mythical structure. e.g. Greek Pantheon, Roman, Egyptian, Teutonic, Pantheon, etc. (TRASB) 2. the major deities in any religious system which make up the whole deity or the complete power source. (CMM)
PATHWORK - very similar to visualization, pathwork is a process during which one journeys withing to learn & grow. Pathwork often utilizes mythic cycles, sieties & elements as symbolism. PARANORMAL - n. or adj. faculties and phenomena beyond normally understood casual factors. (NAD) PARTNERSHIP SPIRITUALITY - cooperative male or female spirituality that preceded and surpassed historic religion and philosophy. (Riano Eisler) (NAD) PASSING OVER RITUAL - a ritual observed when a love one dies. Depending on ones tradition this ceremony includes keening and candle lighting, feasting and revelry, sitting up with the body, ritualized fare will speeches, drinking and storytelling. (CMM) PATHFINDER - spiritual guide, help or tool. (NAD) PENDULUM - dowsing and radionics instrument consisting of a bob suspended by a short cord held in the fingers. (NAD) PENTACLE - 1. a pentagram surrounded by a circle and carved on a circlet of wood or other natural object. The pentacle is used in some covens to represent the earth elements and is also called a Disk or Shield. It can be and often is embellished with other carvings of significance to the witch or coven which owns it. (CMM) 2. Tarot suit symbolic of fortune and enterprise. (NAD) 3. a circle surrounding a five-pointed upright star (pentagram). Symbol of beliefs and used in magickal workings and ceremonies. Each point has a meaning: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Never worn inverted, considered blasphemy. (TRASB) PENTAGRAM - the five pointed star which has come to symbolize western Paganism. It is an ancient symbol with multiple meanings, It is always seen with its apex up. It can represent the four elements headed by the fifth element of spirit or it can represent a human with its arms and legs spread to represent the creative principle over all creation. Sometimes it is encased in a circle and then it is properly called a Pentacle. Satanic cults often take the pentagram and invert it to signify matter over spirit in much the same way that thy pervert the meaning of the Christian cross. Pentagram is an alternate spelling. (CMM) PHASE - aspect of the Moon, Mercury or Venus. (NAD) PHOTOCHROMTHERAPY - color healing. (NAD) PICTS - small, dark people who came to Scotland and northern Ireland before 2000 BCE Their artwork and metalsmithing was the basic for these craft, among the Celts. (CMM) PISCES - Fishes; twelfth sign of the zodiac; of the watery element; ruler Neptune; keywords: sympathy, compassion, gentle energy. (NAD) POLARITY - means that everything has two sides or two forces within it that are not wholly separate. For example, we can draw power from our Gods for either good or evil as these diverse powers are not contained in two separate entities, but in one. (NAD) POWER OBJECT - object with the ability to call in spirit forces. (NAD) POWER POINT - (psychic vortex) spot or place along on Earth meridian with a capacity to amplify and transform energy, especially where two such paths interconnect. (NAD) POWER PLACE - site or place with strongly charged natural electromagnetic energy. (NAD) POWER PLANT - plant or flower with psycholiopic qualities or energies. (NAD) PRIEST- a male dedicated to both the service of his chosen deity(ies) and humankind. High Priest is a leader of a coven/organization and plays the role of the God is certain ceremonies. (TRASB) PRIESTESS - a female dedicated to both the services of her chosen deity(ies) and humankind. High Priestess is leader of a coven/organization and plays role of Goddess in certain ceremonies. A solitary can be a priestess by dedicating herself to a God or Goddess. (TRASB) PROJECTIVE HAND - the hand with which one "sends" energy. The projective hand is usually the hand with which one writes. PROVING- taking small doses of poisonous substances in preparation for healing in homeopathy. (NAD) PSYCHE breath 1. soul, spirit, mind. 2. mental or psychological structure of the personality. 3. (cap) young women beloved by Eros in Greek mythology. 4. second emanation of the One, world spirit in neoplatonism. (Greek) (NAD) PSYCHIC BEING - soul or spark of the Divine Fire supporting the individual evolution. (Aurobindo) (NAD) PSYCHIC SURGERY- healing or removal of diseased tissue without instruments. (NAD) PSYCHISM - the act of being consciously psychic, in which the Psychic Mind and Conscious Mind are linked & working in harmony. Ritual Consciousness is a form of psychism. QABALA - the ancient Hebrew system of esteric philosophy centering on the tree of life. Probably the single largest influence on the modern occult movement. QUARTERS - the four directions or elements used in creating a magick circle or sacred space. QUARTZ - mineral or rock Crystal, hexagonal in form, used in healing, weather control, dematerialization and protection from harmful electromagnetic energy. (NAD) QUINTESSENCE - the fifth element also known as Aether or Spirit. (ABC) RAY - one of seven channels through which all being in the solar system flows. (Theosophy) I - well, power V - scientific understanding II - love, wisdom VI - devotion III intelligence VII - ceremonial order IV - art, harmony, beauty (NAD) RE - (Ra) Egyptian Sun God (NAD) REBIRTHING - process of releasing repressed attitudes and emotions gained by deep breathing techniques and a reenactment of the birth process. (Elizabeth Lehr) (NAD) RECEPTIVE HAND - the hand that is aligned to accept energies from external sources, usually the 'off' hand. RECEIVER 1. Person receiving energy in palm healing. 2. channel in ceremonial magic. (NAD) REDE - rule or law. RE-ENTRY - return to ordinary consciousness after a psychedelic experience. (NAD) REFLEXOLOGY - a healing system based in the manipulation of reflex points on the feet or toes. (NAD)
REGRESSION - 1. a backward chronological movement of behavior patterns from mature to less mature (e.g. infantile behavior) (Freud) 2. a condition brought about by energetic forces of archetypes attempting unsuccessfully to find expression in conscious symbols. (Jung) 3. re-experiencing past events including emotions, behavior and general state of mind. (NAD) REGRESSION THERAPY - past life research and therapy. (NAD) REIKI - a Japanese art of hands - on/hands off healing energy. Rei meaning universal & Ki meaning life force or energy. it can only be transfered to the student by the reiki Master. REINCARNATION1. one has lived another lifetime. (TRASB) 2. rebirth in various bodies from one lifetime to the next. (NAD) 3. a basic tenet of Paganism, the belief that the souls of human beings return to the earth plane in another human body or even in another life form, after death. Celtic Paganism embraces portions of this belief, only without the ideas of karma (divine justice) operating in most other cultures. (CMM) RELIGION (from religare, to bind book, Latin) 1. way or ways that people orient themselves in the world with reference to both ordinary and extraordinary powers, meaning and values. (Catherine Albanese) 2. institution whose function is to protect us from an experience of God. (Jung) (NAD) REMOTE VIEWING - clairvoyance perception of a distant location. (NAD) REPRODUCTIVE TRINITY- Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. (NAD) RIGHT BRAINED - adj. creative, intuitive, mystical. (NAD) RIGHT-HAND PATH - journey to wisdom based on faith, light and avoidance of sensual pleasures; the perfections. (NAD) RIGHT-HANDED SPIRAL - counterclockwise spiral. (NAD) RIGHT-HEMISPHERE - brain region associated with creative, artistic consciousness, as opposed to the left-hemisphere associated with rational, analytical consciousness. (NAD) RISING SIGN - ascended; sign or the Easter horizon at the time of birth signifying the personality as viewed by others. (NAD) RITUAL - 1. focused mental or physical ceremony to honor or thank ones chosen pantheon or to perform magickal working or act. (TRASB) 2. Ceremony to restore balance with nature and the world and bring back lost harmony and sacredness. Periodic, repetitive behavior to create, recreate, enforce, reinforce certain tendencies and potentialities in the bio-psyche. (Gary Snyder) (NAD) 3. a systematic, formal or informal, prescribed set of rites whose purpose is to imprint a lasting change on the life and psyche of the participant. (CMM) RITUAL CUP - a vessel for holding sacred waters/wines during a rite. RITUAL TOOLS - a general name for magickal or ritual tools used by a witch or magician, also called by their Kabbalistic name, Elemental Weapons. (CMM) ROLFING - a stringent muscular realignment therapy used mainly for back and neck problems developed by Ida Rolf; structural integration v. Rolf to give a Rolfing session. (NAD) ROLL-IN - way of re-entering the body after an astral projection (Robert Munroe) (NAD) ROLL-OUT - turning over and over to leave the body in an astral projection. (Robert Munroe) (NAD) RONGO - Maori God of Agriculture and Peace. (NAD) ROOT CHAKRA- lowest energy center; sexual center. (NAD) RUNE- 1. letter in the old Scandinavian script. 2. divinatory system utilizing rune stones inscribed with a letter from the viking alphabet adj. runcic. (NAD) RUNES- set of symbols, used both in divination and magickal workings. Several different types of origins of Runes. e.g. Norse, Scandinavian and Germanic Runes. An integral part of a magickal system with its own pantheon. Function as an alphabet and useful in vision question, dream recall and controlling your environment. (TRASB) RAY - one of seven channels through which all being in the solar system flows. (Theosophy) I - well, power V - scientific understanding II - love, wisdom VI devotion III intelligence VII - ceremonial order IV - art, harmony, beauty (NAD) RE - (Ra) Egyptian Sun God (NAD) REBIRTHING - process of releasing repressed attitudes and emotions gained by deep breathing techniques and a reenactment of the birth process. (Elizabeth Lehr) (NAD) RECEPTIVE HAND - the hand that is aligned to accept energies from external sources, usually the 'off' hand. RECEIVER - 1. Person receiving energy in palm healing. 2. channel in ceremonial magic. (NAD) REDE - rule or law. RE-ENTRY - return to ordinary consciousness after a psychedelic experience. (NAD) REFLEXOLOGY - a healing system based in the manipulation of reflex points on the feet or toes. (NAD) REGRESSION - 1. a backward chronological movement of behavior patterns from mature to less mature (e.g. infantile behavior) (Freud) 2. a condition brought about by energetic forces of archetypes attempting unsuccessfully to find expression in conscious symbols. (Jung) 3. re-experiencing past events including emotions, behavior and general state of mind. (NAD) REGRESSION THERAPY - past life research and therapy. (NAD) REIKI - a Japanese art of hands - on/hands off healing energy. Rei meaning universal & Ki meaning life force or energy. it can only be transfered to the student by the reiki Master. REINCARNATION- 1. one has lived another lifetime. (TRASB) 2. rebirth in various bodies from one lifetime to the next. (NAD) 3. a basic tenet of Paganism, the belief that the souls of human beings return to the earth plane in another human body or even in another life form, after death. Celtic Paganism embraces portions of this belief, only without the ideas of karma (divine justice) operating in most other cultures. (CMM) RELIGION (from religare, to bind book, Latin) 1. way or ways that people orient themselves in the world with reference to both ordinary and extraordinary powers, meaning and values. (Catherine Albanese) 2. institution whose function is to protect us from an experience of God. (Jung) (NAD)
REMOTE VIEWING - clairvoyance perception of a distant location. (NAD) REPRODUCTIVE TRINITY- Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. (NAD) RIGHT BRAINED - adj. creative, intuitive, mystical. (NAD) RIGHT-HAND PATH - journey to wisdom based on faith, light and avoidance of sensual pleasures; the perfections. (NAD) RIGHT-HANDED SPIRAL - counterclockwise spiral. (NAD) RIGHT-HEMISPHERE - brain region associated with creative, artistic consciousness, as opposed to the left-hemisphere associated with rational, analytical consciousness. (NAD) RISING SIGN - ascended; sign or the Easter horizon at the time of birth signifying the personality as viewed by others. (NAD) RITUAL - 1. focused mental or physical ceremony to honor or thank ones chosen pantheon or to perform magickal working or act. (TRASB) 2. Ceremony to restore balance with nature and the world and bring back lost harmony and sacredness. Periodic, repetitive behavior to create, recreate, enforce, reinforce certain tendencies and potentialities in the bio-psyche. (Gary Snyder) (NAD) 3. a systematic, formal or informal, prescribed set of rites whose purpose is to imprint a lasting change on the life and psyche of the participant. (CMM) RITUAL CUP - a vessel for holding sacred waters/wines during a rite. RITUAL TOOLS - a general name for magickal or ritual tools used by a witch or magician, also called by their Kabbalistic name, Elemental Weapons. (CMM) ROLFING - a stringent muscular realignment therapy used mainly for back and neck problems developed by Ida Rolf; structural integration v. Rolf to give a Rolfing session. (NAD) ROLL-IN - way of re-entering the body after an astral projection (Robert Munroe) (NAD) ROLL-OUT - turning over and over to leave the body in an astral projection. (Robert Munroe) (NAD) RONGO - Maori God of Agriculture and Peace. (NAD) ROOT CHAKRA- lowest energy center; sexual center. (NAD) RUNE1. letter in the old Scandinavian script. 2. divinatory system utilizing rune stones inscribed with a letter from the viking alphabet adj. runcic. (NAD) RUNES- set of symbols, used both in divination and magickal workings. Several different types of origins of Runes. e.g. Norse, Scandinavian and Germanic Runes. An integral part of a magickal system with its own pantheon. Function as an alphabet and useful in vision question, dream recall and controlling your environment. (TRASB) TAGA - Guardian of the northern portal between the Worlds. (WOTS) TAGNI - the most ancient name for the God of Witchcraft. (WOTS) TALISMAN - 1. an object being magickally charged in order to bring something to the bearer. e.g. a gemstone to win a or a court case to put in your pocket to bring good luck. Incantation object charged with a specific mission. (from Arabic) (NAD) 2. an object which is refuted to offer protection or other magickal service to the carrier. t differs from an amulet by being constructed and charged by the witch rather than being found in nature. (CMM) TANA - the Star Goddess or universal aspect. (WOTS) TANTRA 1. action; the woof and warp. 2. set of books and methods utilizing the senses to go beyond the senses quickly. 3. meditative sexual union (the female in active, male passive, in Hindu tantra; the male active female passue in Buddhist tantra) 4. spiritual science divided into 4 divisions: Kriya, ritual; (arya, conduct; Yoga, meditation: Anuttara, wisdom.) (NAD) TANUS - the Star God, universal aspect, consort to Tana. (WOTS) TAROT CARDS - 1. Set of 78 cards which have pictures and symbols which is used to connect the diviner, with the collective unconscious. (TRASB) 2. used to determine the past, present and future of an event or person and can become powerful tools in magickal working and rituals. (NAD) 3. deck of 78 cards with archetypal symbols 15th C. (From Italian tarocchi) 0. The Fool-choice; folly/wisdom 1. Magician-creative power 2. High Priestess-hidden influence 3. Empress-material wealth 4. Emperor-leadership 5. Hierophant-organized rule 6. Lovers-choice between opposites 7. Chariot - conquest 8. Strength- courage 9. Hermit-opening of the path 10. Wheel of Fortune-destiny 11. Justice-harmony 12. Hanged Man-reversal, wisdom 13. Death-transformation 14. Temperance-growth 15. Devil-bondage to material 16 Tower-end of selfishness 17. Stars-hope 18. Moon-deception 19. Sun-success 20. Judgment-spirtual renewal 21. World-freedom, success (CMM) TAROLOGIST - one who is adept at the art and science of handling the Tarot. (TRASB) TAURUS - Bull: second sign of the zodiac; of the earthly element; ruler Venus; enduring, affectionate energy. (NAD) TELEPATHY - extrasensory awareness of the thoughts or actions of others. (NAD) THEURGY - a word meaning the magick union of a human being with a divine force. Invocation is an example. (CMM) THIRD EYE - organ of intuition, located between the eyebrows; sixth chakra divided into five categories by the Tibetans: 1. Eyes of Instinct, supernormal range of vision like a bird. 2. Celestial eyes taking in heaven, Earth, past and future birth. 3. Eyes of Truth, taking in world epochs. 4. Divine Eyes, taking in millions of world periods. 5. Eyes of Wisdom of Buddhas, taking in eternity. (NAD) THIRD HOUSE - segment of the horoscope ruling siblings, short trips, studies, correspondence. (NAD) THOR - Scandinavian God of Thunder, and Thursday. (NAD)
THOTH - Egyptian God of Wisdom. (NAD) THOUGHT FORM - Literally a thought image or desire that has taken form within the astral substance or astral dimension. (WOTS) THREE - the basic sacred number of the Celts. (CMM) THREEFOLD BLESSING - a Celtic custom in which the Triple Goddess blesses the feet, womb or genital area and head. (CMM) THREEFOLD LAW- the only karmic principle of Celtic Paganism. It states that any energy released by the witch (or anyone else for that matter), either positive or negative will return to the sender 3 Xover. (CMM) THYMUS - endocrine gland located near the heart; physical counterpart to the fourth chakra. (NAD) THYROID - endocrine gland in the throat; physical counterpart to the fifth chakra. (NAD) TIR NA NOG (TEER-nah-nohk) - Land of the Forever Young This is the Irish Land of the Dead or as it is usually called, the Otherworld. Tir-na-nog is presided over by the crone and her cauldron to which all life returns to await rebirth. (CMM) TISSUE CLEANSING - a program of fasting and elimination designed to remove accumulated toxins from the body. (NAD) TONING - use of the voice for healing, creativity and vitality. (NAD) TOOLS - these items used in ritual fro the purpose of ritual. Includes the Athame, Chalice, Wand, Pentacle, etc. TORQUE (Tork) _ a neck piece worn by Celts of high rank. Several have been excavated and have been found to be made of precious metals and embellished with jewels and or intricate Celtic designs. The Irish word for torque is spilled munice and the Welsh word is spelled mwnci. There are pronounced virtually the same. (CMM) TOWER - Tarot # 16; ruin, deception. (NAD) TRAD CRAFT - the word is used to differentiate between the practice of traditional/hereditary Witchcrafters & the practices of Wiccans. TRADITION - the branch of Paganism followed by any individual witch or coven. There are hundreds of these traditions, most drawn along ethnic or cultural lines, but several are modern amalgamations. The word is synonymous with Path E.g. Witta is but one tradition of Paganism. (CMM) TRANCE - mediumistic state of psychological disassociation in which the spirit entity takes over the persons voice or body to speak to human audiences. (NAD) TRANSCENDENT DIETY - a God or Goddess who is seen as dwelling outside, rather than inside, humanity. A non-invocable deity. (CMM) TREE CALENDAR, THE CELTIC - the system of reckoning the 13 lunar months of the year by assigning each a sacred tree which represents the character of the month. (CMM) TREE OF LIFE - the Qabalistic diagram of ten inter-linked spheres of Sephiroth representing the involution of the manifest universe from the unknown ultimate & its evolution back to its source. TRILITHON - a stone arch made from two upright slates with one lying atop these. TRIPLE GODDESS - the one Goddess in all of her 3 aspects: Maiden, Mother and Crone. The triple theme of feminine deity has been found in nearly every known culture on the planet. She is represented by the 3 phases of the moon; waxing, full and waning. (CMM) TUNE IN - v. to get in touch with ones deepest self or with others, to focus. (NAD) TWELFTH HOUSE - last segment of the horoscope dealing with hidden things, karma, solitude. (NAD) TWELVE - number signifying wholeness and completion. (NAD) ULTRACONSCIOUSNESS - mystical awareness. (Stanley Dean,1975) (NAD) UNCONSCIOUS (unbewussten, German) - that part of the psyche which does not , except under unusual circumstances intrude into awareness; in Jungian therapy, there is a personal and collective unconscious. (NAD) UNDINE - a primitive entity of the realm of the Water element. UNI - the most ancient name for the Goddess of Witchcraft. (WOTS) V - the emblem of the Bird. Goddess in ancient times, derived from the vulva a main sign in the script of Old Europe. (Marija Gimbutus) (NAD) VAK - Goddess of Speech, Music, Language and Intelligences. (Sanskrit) (NAD) VENUS 1. Roman Goddess of Love, Art and Beauty. 2. on of the Paleolithic representations of the Goddess, usually with swelling breasts and broad hips. (NAD) VIRGIN - the youngest aspect of the Triple Goddess also known as the Maiden. She is represented by the waxing moon and colors white and blue. Her Sabats are Imbolg and Ostara. (CMM) VIRGO - virgin, sixth sign of the zodiac; of the earthly element ruler Mercury; keywords: service, discrimination. (NAD) VISION - seeing without seeing. (Bodhidharma) (NAD) VISION QUESTING (Pathworking) - using astral protection, bi-location or dreamtime to accomplish a specific goal. (TRASB) VISUALIZATION - the process of forming positive thoughts or images, as a means of creating wellness. (NAD) VULCAN - Roman God of Fire and Craftsmanship. (NAD) WAKE - Aquintessentially Irish Passing Over Ritual still used among the Irish regardless of their religious affiliations. It is believed the wake grew out of an older Irish ceremony called fled cro-lighe. the feast of the deathbed. (CMM) WANDS 1. Tarot suit denoting enterprise. (NAD) 2. another ritual tool brought in to the craft through Ceremonial Magick. A wand can symbolize either, the elements of air and the direction of east or of south and fire. A wand is called a slat in Ireland and a hudlath in Wales. (CMM) WARLOCK - an antiqued term often misused in reference to a male witch. Warlock is a modern word akin to the word sorcerer and is generally not used in modern Paganism. Some male Pagans even find the word offensive. (CMM) WATCH TOWERS - Originally from the Enochian branch of Ceremonial Magick, now incorporated into many "Traditions"of Wicca, these are the four elemental "directions" or "quarters" (corresponding to the appropriate points on the compass) called to protect the Circle during its establishment. Each of them have a correspondence between the compass point, an element and (varing amongst different traditions) color associated with them.
WATER - the fourth element of the alchemical tradition, water is generally considered to be feminine in nature. Animals include fish, gulls & beavers. Magick pertains to healing, calm, soothing, fertility, emotions & replenshing inner strength. WATERY SIGNS - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. (NAD) WEBWEAVING - networking with magickal people to mutually assist each party in studies and life goals. e.g. conversation, writing, internet, etc. (TRASB) WHEEL OF THE YEAR - 1. one full cycle of the seasonal year, beginning with Samhain (TRASB) 2. a donceplitalization of the eternal cycle of time. In Pagan mythology the Goddess turns the Wheel of the Yar to symbolized by either a wreath, a ring, a snake holding its tail in its mouth or an eight-spoked wheel. (CMM) WHITE-HANDLED KNIFE - a normal cutting knife, with a sharp blade & white handle. It is used withing Wicca to cut herbs & fruits. Also See Bolline. WICCA - a neo-pagan religion based upon the love of Goddess, God and the Earth. WICCAN - one who follows the earth based religion known as Wicca. WICCAN REDE - the code by which most Wiccans live by: "And Harm It Done, Do As Ye Will." WIDDERSHINS 1. counter clockwise motion used in magick and ceremonies. (TRASB) 2. this word is from the Teutonic Tradition. It means to go backwards and is the act of moving, working or dancing counter - clockwise in order to banish, diminish or counter some negative force. (CMM) WITCH - usually a label reserved for Pagans of the Anglo-Celtic, Celtic and Southern Teutonic traditions. (CMM) WITCH'S BOTTLE - a container filled with sharp objects, vinegar & mirror parts that is kept near the home to protect against negativity. WITCHES LADDER - a string of forty beads or a cord with forty knots, used for auto-suggestion practices, to avoid the need for conscious counting. WOMANSPIRIT - feminist approach that combines womens myths, philosophy, psychology and spiritual development. (NAD) WORLD TAROT - # 21; happiness, harmony, enlightenment. (NAD) WORKING (Magickal working) - using magick to reach a desired positive goal. (TRASB) ULTRACONSCIOUSNESS - mystical awareness. (Stanley Dean,1975) (NAD) UNCONSCIOUS (unbewussten, German) - that part of the psyche which does not , except under unusual circumstances intrude into awareness; in Jungian therapy, there is a personal and collective unconscious. (NAD) UNDINE - a primitive entity of the realm of the Water element. UNI - the most ancient name for the Goddess of Witchcraft. (WOTS) V - the emblem of the Bird. Goddess in ancient times, derived from the vulva a main sign in the script of Old Europe. (Marija Gimbutus) (NAD) VAK - Goddess of Speech, Music, Language and Intelligences. (Sanskrit) (NAD) VENUS 1. Roman Goddess of Love, Art and Beauty. 2. on of the Paleolithic representations of the Goddess, usually with swelling breasts and broad hips. (NAD) VIRGIN - the youngest aspect of the Triple Goddess also known as the Maiden. She is represented by the waxing moon and colors white and blue. Her Sabats are Imbolg and Ostara. (CMM) VIRGO - virgin, sixth sign of the zodiac; of the earthly element ruler Mercury; keywords: service, discrimination. (NAD) VISION - seeing without seeing. (Bodhidharma) (NAD) VISION QUESTING (Pathworking) - using astral protection, bi-location or dreamtime to accomplish a specific goal. (TRASB) VISUALIZATION - the process of forming positive thoughts or images, as a means of creating wellness. (NAD) VULCAN - Roman God of Fire and Craftsmanship. (NAD) WAKE - Aquintessentially Irish Passing Over Ritual still used among the Irish regardless of their religious affiliations. It is believed the wake grew out of an older Irish ceremony called fled cro-lighe. the feast of the deathbed. (CMM) WANDS 1. Tarot suit denoting enterprise. (NAD) 2. another ritual tool brought in to the craft through Ceremonial Magick. A wand can symbolize either, the elements of air and the direction of east or of south and fire. A wand is called a slat in Ireland and a hudlath in Wales. (CMM) WARLOCK - an antiqued term often misused in reference to a male witch. Warlock is a modern word akin to the word sorcerer and is generally not used in modern Paganism. Some male Pagans even find the word offensive. (CMM) WATCH TOWERS - Originally from the Enochian branch of Ceremonial Magick, now incorporated into many "Traditions"of Wicca, these are the four elemental "directions" or "quarters" (corresponding to the appropriate points on the compass) called to protect the Circle during its establishment. Each of them have a correspondence between the compass point, an element and (varing amongst different traditions) color associated with them. WATER - the fourth element of the alchemical tradition, water is generally considered to be feminine in nature. Animals include fish, gulls & beavers. Magick pertains to healing, calm, soothing, fertility, emotions & replenshing inner strength. WATERY SIGNS - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. (NAD) WEBWEAVING - networking with magickal people to mutually assist each party in studies and life goals. e.g. conversation, writing, internet, etc. (TRASB) WHEEL OF THE YEAR - 1. one full cycle of the seasonal year, beginning with Samhain (TRASB) 2. a donceplitalization of the eternal cycle of time. In Pagan mythology the Goddess turns the Wheel of the Yar to symbolized by either a wreath, a ring, a snake holding its tail in its mouth or an eight-spoked wheel. (CMM) WHITE-HANDLED KNIFE - a normal cutting knife, with a sharp blade & white handle. It is used withing Wicca to cut herbs & fruits. Also See Bolline. WICCA - a neo-pagan religion based upon the love of Goddess, God and the Earth. WICCAN - one who follows the earth based religion known as Wicca. WICCAN REDE - the code by which most Wiccans live by: "And Harm It Done, Do As Ye Will."
WIDDERSHINS 1. counter clockwise motion used in magick and ceremonies. (TRASB) 2. this word is from the Teutonic Tradition. It means to go backwards and is the act of moving, working or dancing counter - clockwise in order to banish, diminish or counter some negative force. (CMM) WITCH - usually a label reserved for Pagans of the Anglo-Celtic, Celtic and Southern Teutonic traditions. (CMM) WITCH'S BOTTLE - a container filled with sharp objects, vinegar & mirror parts that is kept near the home to protect against negativity. WITCHES LADDER - a string of forty beads or a cord with forty knots, used for auto-suggestion practices, to avoid the need for conscious counting. WOMANSPIRIT - feminist approach that combines womens myths, philosophy, psychology and spiritual development. (NAD) WORLD TAROT - # 21; happiness, harmony, enlightenment. (NAD) WORKING (Magickal working) - using magick to reach a desired positive goal. (TRASB)