EN 13432 Compostable Products and Packaging

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Concise guide to Compostable

Products and Packaging

UK Local Authority Guidance

Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

Introduction 2

Compostable Products and Packaging 3

End of life terminology 5

BS EN 13432 Industrially compostable 6

Certifying Bodies 8

Distinguish certified from uncertified 9

Home Compostable Certification 11

Differences - Home & Industrial Certification 12

European Compostable Logos 13

Making the compostable choice, correctly 14

Steps to Take 15

Progressive landfill costs, the need for diversion of waste to more environmentally
sound treatment facilities, negatives of using a fossil based material (finite resource)
and the problems with recycling certain items are impacting on the way we design and
manufacture packaging and certain product items.

The growing importance of compostable products is a direct reflection on the

increasing petrochemical costs and a requirement for manufactured packaging and
products to depict environmental credentials. The need for concise understanding of
what is compostable has become more of an issue due to the variety of materials now
available on the market.

Composting as a waste recovery/processing option along with home composting and

anaerobic digestion is developing consistently in the UK and is expected to increase
over the next decade. With an improved waste management infrastructure along with
technological advancements in compostable products a closed loop scenario for
packaging and products is coming to fruition.

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The Association for Organics Recycling landfill. AfOR promotes the targeted use
(AfOR) of „compostable packaging‟, with any
such claims backed up by independent
As the UK‟s leading trade organisation for certification through a suitable
the biodegradable waste industry AfOR is certification body.
committed to every avenue of the organics
sector, with its reach now extending to a Further strategies are in operation to
wide variety or processes and designations. sustainably manage and develop the state
AfOR works primarily on behalf of its of packaging in the UK, they act as another
members to raise awareness of the benefits approach to dealing with packaging waste
surrounding the recycling of biodegradable and work alongside compostable packaging.
resources. It aims to act as an advocate for The Courtauld Commitment is one such
the wider composting and biological strategy; it aims to improve the resource
treatment industries whilst representing their efficiency of the grocery retail sector while
views in terms of constructive dialogue with reducing the carbon and wider
policy makers. The Association envisages environmental impacts of packaging. Having
an industry in which best practice is shared, achieved some very positive results in its
standards are maintained and surpassed completed stage 1 phase, the commitment
and which makes a positive contribution to is now also having great success in phase 2
safeguarding the environment. which has moved away from solely weight-
The state of packaging in the UK based targets explored in phase 1. Phase 2
aims to achieve more sustainable use of
In 2008 the UK disposed of an estimated resources over the entire lifecycle of
10.7 million tonnes of packaging waste1, products, throughout the whole supply
65% of this was recovered. An estimated chain.
4.7m tones (one fifth) of the household
waste stream in 2008 was accountable to Further information on the Courtauld
packaging - around 5% of all waste sent to Commitment is available from:
landfill. The level of packaging recycling http://www.wrap.org.uk/retail/courtauld_com
has increased substantially over the last mitment/
decade; with recent 2011/2012 targets been
set at 74% recovery and of this 64% must This guidance document is mainly
be recycled. When highlighting plastics targeted at Local Authorities and aims
targets specifically 32% is to be recovered to:
both in 2011 and 2012 leaving a  provide clarity on the terms
considerable figure for alternative disposal biodegradable, degradable and
routes including landfill. compostable that are often used
incorrectly and in a misleading way,
Compostable packaging and products particularly when the media discusses
have the potential to reduce a proportion packaging and carrier bags; and
of the packaging waste which is  assist local authorities to identify which
currently not recovered or recycled and products and packaging items are really
is deemed in many circumstances for compostable, based on the information
printed on the items.
Defra Packaging:
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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

Bio-based materials are derived in part or end products which meet the specification
Compostable Products and Packaging
wholly from biomass, with biomass for compostability (BS EN 13432). An item
originating from plants and animals. With based on a renewable source should not be
sustained growth over the past decade the assumed to be compostable unless
bio-based market is set to continue this certified; similarly there are synthetically
trend into the distant future. The driving based plastic resins which will meet the EN
forces behind this situation and the 13432 standard.
progression of compostable products can be
attributed to the development of larger
manufacturing plants producing bio-based
materials that are leading to more
comparative costs against fossil based
equivalents. In addition there is increased
demand for more environmentally sound
products from consumers and manufactures

In the plastics industry the awareness of the

current and future oil concerns e.g. price,
carbon, and GHG emissions has influenced The environmental benefits of compostable
a 40% growth of bio-based plastics between packaging centre around the use of
2002 and 2007 to 0.36million tonnes. A renewable feedstocks and the benefits
projection for the capacity of bio-based associated with their Life Cycle
plastics worldwide (including compostable) Assessment. There are also growing
is around 2.32 million tonnes by 2013. In legislative/policy drivers for the adoption of
Europe alone the capacity is estimated to be compostable and bio-based
in region of 1.65Mt by 20202. products/packaging:

Bio-based plastics and materials should not  Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive
automatically be assumed to be (94/62/EC)
compostable. Bio-based only refers to the - Packaging Waste Regulations
sources of the raw material used to - The Producer Responsibility
construct the product, it does not Obligations (Packaging Waste)
automatically mean the product will Regulations 2007 (as amended)
biodegrade or compost. This is dependent - Packaging Recovery Notes (PRN)
on the molecular structure of the materials  European Commission – Taking bio-
themselves. „Compostability‟ should always based from promise to market.
been seen as a functionally property not an  Making the most of Packaging – A
inherent one related to bio-based content. strategy for a low-carbon economy
When compostable products or packaging  The Landfill Directive
items are discussed it specifically refers to
Local Authorities should look to adopt and
Shen et al 2010 „Present and future accommodate compostable products into
development in plastics from biomass‟ their collection and disposal remit as the
available from: benefits of doing so can be substantial.
These materials and products can
themselves be diverted away from landfill to
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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

either industrial and/or home composting more complex packaging structures which
systems (if certified correctly). Compostable are acting as viable alternatives to the
products have been shown to increase the conventional fossil based choices.
amount of biodegradable material (food and
green waste) which is additionally collected These structure changes are allowing
thus improving the ease of comingling food packaging converters etc to use these
and packaging waste for disposal. With an materials for existing and new innovations.
increasing cost of sending all waste types The once unobtainable compostable
including biodegradable materials to landfill certification for multilayer films etc has now
– currently rising £8 tonne until 2014 where being overcome and as a result the
it will reach a baseline of £80. Having an properties which are often required from
additional means to divert a greater quantity manufactures can be met and exceeded.
of this material away from landfill should be
capitalised on.

2.1 Compostable industry developing

Innovation in the compostable product

market is continually developing, new
materials which arise from the utilising novel
feed stocks are driving R&D at all stages of
product design and manufacture.
„Compostable Products‟ have extended in to

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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

The following definitions are designed to sufficient meaning about suitable ways to
End of Life Terminology
clarify the often confusing terminology recover it after it has become waste.
associated with end of use packaging
designations. The level of industry and
pubic confusion is often compounded by the
fact that certain products are being
incorrectly marketed without any certified
evidence to substantiate their claims.
Through the provision of clear guidance to
consumers the contamination issues that
currently affect both recyclers and
composters can be countered leading to a
much improved situation.
[Oxo-, Oxy- or Oxobio-]
degradable – These materials (plastics)
Compostable – materials which contain an additive (pro-oxidant) which is
biodegrade in a composting process intended to break the molecular chain within
through the action of naturally occurring the polymer and makes it (bio)degrade. The
micro-organisms and do so to a high extent material – in an undefined time frame – will
within a specified timeframe. The fragment into smaller particles when
associated biological processes during exposed to heat or ultraviolet light. There
composting will yield C02, water, inorganic has been a substantial amount of resistance
compounds and biomass which leaves no to the adoption of oxo-degradable plastics
visible contaminants or toxic due to the length of time required for
residue/substances. degradation (partial/complete) and the
extent to which very small particles remain
Biodegradable – materials which can in the environment. Oxo‟s are not suitable
be completely biodegraded (bio-assimilated) inputs into UK composting systems and thus
by micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi cannot achieve EN 13432 status. This type
and algae. On its own the term is to a of material is also unsuitable for recycling
degree obsolete as most materials will due to the additive having a potential
biodegrade given time. There are no detrimental effect on the quality of the end
defined time limits for the term product. WRAP have also indicated that
„biodegradable‟, thus the use of this word Oxo-degradable / degradable films Oxo-
can be potentially confusing to the general degradable „are a potential contamination of
public both in terms of where to dispose of it plastic recycling stream if arising in large
and what happens to it once discarded. Not quantities.
all biodegradable materials or products will
be compostable as the time needed from
them to biodegrade may be outside that of
industrial or home compostable criteria. This
is coupled by the fact that the temperatures
often needed to induce biodegradation may
not be reached through a non-composting
environment. If a packaging or plastic
material is described or labelled as simply
„biodegradable‟, this does not convey

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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging
BS EN 13432 Industrially Compostable
The EN 13432 standard: „Requirements for originally certified. A product family is
packaging recoverable through composting designated in this situation whereby only the
and biodegradation – test scheme and products dimensions (not exceeding max
evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of thickness) are different. The product is still
packaging‟ has been in place since 2000 comprised of the exact same materials,
and resonates the requirements stated in constituents and additives as the originally
the Directive on Packaging and Packaging certified product.
Waste (94/62/EC). For other plastic items
such as organic waste bags and agricultural Natural materials – A chemically
mulch films the equivalent standard is BS unmodified material of natural origin shall
EN14995. This standard contains exactly not be required to undertake biodegradation
the same criteria as BS EN13432 but is testing as it is automatically considered to
different in scope. If a material is certified to be organically recoverable. It is still the
BS EN13432 then it should also be viewed requirement that the material be tested by
as certified to BS EN14995 and vice-versa. means of disintegration, chemical analysis
For a product to achieve certification to BS and compost quality. Natural materials
EN 13432 or BS EN14995 all materials include: wood, natural wool, cotton fibre,
have to be biodegradable. The addition of paper pulp and jute.
materials which are not biodegradable will Additive (significant organic
deem the product unsuitable for the BS EN compounds) – for each additive which is
13432 or BS EN14995 criteria. Home present in a product that does not exceed
compostability is not the same as industrial 1% by mass only a designation of suitability
compostability and should never be seen as
to a composting process by way of Material
an equivalent, this issue is discussed later in Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and quantitative
the document. heavy metal analysis is required. If the
amount of additives exceeds 1% by mass
then chemical testing, chemical composition
and ultimate biodegradability results will be
required. If the amount of additives or
significant organic compounds exceeds 5%
by mass of the final product applicability to
composting has to be proven.

The framework outline in EN 13432 allows a

product to be defined as compostable if it
passes the 4 testing parameters set out.
These are outlined on page 7

4.1 Special requirements/exemptions

Equivalent form (product family) – A

product or packaging item which has
already been certified as compostable will
also be considered so in another form as
long as its composition and mass to surface
ratio or wall thickness is the same or less as

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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

Test Criteria Overview Test Method(s) Test Requirements

Biodegradability Test is a measure of the extent to Biodegradability shall be demonstrated Test is carried for a maximum of 6
which the product is converted to through laboratory testing and carried months (dependant on how
water, carbon dioxide and/or out to the correct methodology i.e. susceptible the product is to
biomass by means of microbial ISO: composting conditions) by which
action. Requires that every product 14855 - biodegradability under time the amount of carbon dioxide
component, material or item be controlled aerobic composting release must be at least 90% as
biodegradable. conditions much carbon dioxide given off by a
14851 – aerobic degradability in water reference/control sample.
(oxygen demand)
14852 – aerobic degradability in water
(evolved carbon dioxide)
Disintegration Test designed to quantify the Test is carried out on the end product The standard requires that at the
„physical falling apart into small specification or as close to an end end of the period at least 90% of
fragments of packaging and specification as feasible. The use of a material must pass through a 2mm
packaging materials‟ . pilot-scale test is utilised to recreate an sieve.
industrial composting system. A
sample of the test material is added to
an organic waste fraction and is then
sustained under relevant pilot-scale
testing condition at 58°C for 12 weeks.
Ecotoxicity The residue from disintegration Comparison of samples, one with and The number of grown plants and the
testing is utilised for ecotoxicity one without product material, which plant biomass within the sample and
analysis the aim of which is to have gone through the disintegration control sample are compared.
highlight any potential negative tests are used to determine any Percentage is provided against the
affects on the compost material. negative toxicological affects e.g. pH, blank compost. The percent should
volatile solids, salinity, magnesium, be no less than 90% of the blank
N,P,K and ammonium nitrogen. The sample.
use of two higher plants tests which
conform to the requirements of the
OCED 208 “Terrestrial Plants, Growth
Chemical Analysis Heavy metal concentrations are Disclosure of all chemical element The 11 chemicals must be under the
used to indicate any potential concentrations must be given to the stated threshold concentrations
negative affects of the end compost certifying body as a way of disclosing shown in the EN 13432 standard.
quality. Especially important to the presence of hazardous
composters going down a quality substances. Analysis of heavy metals
route i.e. PAS 100 / compost quality is normally undertaken by
protocol. manufacturer of each constituent.
EN 13432 Requirements for packaging recoverable through
composting and biodegradation – test scheme and evaluation
criteria for the final acceptance of packaging‟ standard
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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

The UK is primarily certified to EN 13432 by two European certification bodies Din Certco (Germany)
Certifying Bodies
and Vinçotte (Belgium). Both organisations operate two individual schemes and have adopted
separate logos for recognition of compostability. AfOR has a long running cooperation agreement
with Din Certco the aim of which is to assist companies in the acquisition of EN 13432 certification.

Vinçotte – OK Compost
Running for 15 years, Vinçotte‟s OK Compost has established itself in Europe as a recognised
certification scheme which has now developed into a range of end of waste certification
classifications: OK Compost HOME, OK Bio-based, OK biodegradable SOIL and OK biodegradable

Figure 1.0 – OK compost logo

More information on Vinçotte‟s OK Compost can be obtained from:

Din Certco:
As a certification organisation it has been operating for more than 30 years. They are licensed to use
and supply the „Seedling Logo‟ from European bioplastics which is internationally recognised and
denotes certification to EN 13432.

Figure 2.0 – Seedling logo

Din Certco operate a testing, assessment and surveillance service and can accommodate
manufacturers wanting their material, intermediate and/or additive registered and products certified.
Din Certco now also operate a Bio-based scheme which indicates the renewable content of a product.

More information on Din Certco can be obtained from:


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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

Specific codes are used by Din Certco and substantiated. Therefore it is imperative that
Distinguish certified from uncertified
Vinçotte to differentiate between products, both purchasers and end users i.e. composters
materials, intermediates and additives. check that the actual product they are receiving
Certified compostable „products‟ will either is certified, particularly if the product is
display a valid 7P (Din Certco) or Sxx destined for a composter who is operating to
(Vinçotte) code, only these two code the PAS 100 specification.
combinations represent certified final products.
The following codes represent registered The codes also represent a secondary primary
items under the Din Certco scheme – they are function, that of verification and conformity
not products: checks. As a products certification code is
held on one of two online data bases the
7W…. = Material possibility exists to check if the number shown
corresponds to the correct product, acting as a
7H…. = Intermediate register for traceability. Information is held
7Z…. = Additive about each individual product by the
certification body and so if a non-conformity or
A product displaying one of the three above product discrepancy is expected by using the
codes has not been certified, only registered. code detailed checks can be made to confirm
(Note: Please check that a displayed Sxx the product is compostable.
code is for a final product by asking to see
the manufactures certificate or by checking
Vincotte‟s online database. Vincotte do not
differentiate between base materials and
end products.) Similarly, a product which
does not display a valid 7P or Sxx code, but
just one of the logos on page 13, has not been
certified. The product manufacturer may be
utilising individual materials which have been
registered as „compostable‟ but may also be
adding materials or additives that are not thus Product Certificates – Checking the validity
the final product would not meet the of claims
requirements of EN 13432., This is often found Requesting to view a manufacturer or
with additives i.e. coatings and printing inks. supplier‟s product certificate is something

Coatings can often inhibit the rate of which is strongly advocated before any further
biodegradation and disintegration of the commitment to purchase is taken. A company
materials coated. Additionally printing inks can should provide their valid certificate which in
contain PTE‟s which may lead to the final turn will give reassurance through the
product exceeding the ecotoxicity / heavy identification of a 7P or Sxx code that the
metal limits set in the EN 13432 standard. product in question is certified as
It should always be assumed that a non- „compostable‟. This will also positively
certified final product may well have been – influence the link between supply, use,
potentially significantly – altered from the disposal, collection and recycling (composting).
original certified materials used to manufacture Guaranteeing to both waste collectors and
it, thus claims of compostability have not been composters that the product has been checked
and verified to be compostable will elevate

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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

barriers currently restricting the wider operating to PAS 100. Composters that are
acceptance of these materials. As further taking non certified items may fail to achieve or
reassurance and as part of the certification renew their certification to PAS 100.
process, AfOR and its partners undertake
annual checks and tests on products actually in Logo Use – What is expected
the market to ensure they have not been
altered since their initial certification. Use of the European Bioplastics „Seedling
Logo‟ or Vinçotte OK compost / OK Home logo
Composters currently operating down a quality shall adhere to the following requirements.
route – PAS 100: 2011 and/or Compost Quality Any misuse should be taken as an illegitimate
protocol – are directed in the associated claim to compostability and further checks
specification to only take products certified to should be undertaken to confirm that the
EN 13432/14995. “Biodegradable polymers, product is actually certified as compostable.
bags and packaging or other products made of
such material are permitted input materials 1. The logo can only be placed onto
only if they are independently certified as products which have been successfully
conforming to the ‘compostable’ criteria within certified to the Din Certco or Vinçotte
quality standard BS EN 13432, BS EN 14995, schemes.
DIN V 54900, ASTM D6400 or any variation
upon these for ‘home compostable’ packaging 2. The logo shall remain in its original
or plastics, agreed suitable between the form; if the logo has been altered so
regulator, WRAP and AfOR”. that its appearance is no longer in
conformance with figures 3.0 to 6.0 the
product may not be legitimately

3. Size of the logo should only be

changed proportionally in order that the
certification code is readable.

4. A product certificate number shall be

present in close proximity to the logo. If
a product does not show a 7P… or
PAS 100 and CQP logos for compost specification Sxx… code the product itself is NOT
certified to EN 13432 and does not hold
Based on the requirements of PAS 100 (and
the right to display the logo. The
AfOR Certification Scheme for composters),
certificate number can be used with this
composters shall NOT knowingly accept
guide to verify the correct product is
biodegradable polymers, bags, packaging or
other products unless they are CERTIFIED to
one of the standards listed.
5. The word „Compostable‟ must be
Hence, it is imperative that both purchasers
placed under the seedling logo without
(e.g. local authorities) and end users i.e.
composters check that the actual products they
6. The code of another material used to
are receiving are certified, particularly if the
create an end product may not be used.
products are destined for a composter who is

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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

Products can also be certified as „Home the resources, costs and carbon related
Home Compostable Certification
Compostable‟ i.e. for direct inclusion in a home impacts associated with kerbside collection,
composting bin along with other organic waste. treatment and disposal of household wastes.
There are some significant benefits of being
able to home compost certain products and
packaging items. With fresh produce the
option to dispose of the often contaminated
packaging in a safe and flexible composting
system will restrict the amount of packaging
which would normally be destined for landfill.
Certification to „Home Compostable‟ is
achievable through Vinçotte‟s „OK compost
HOME‟ and/or AfOR‟s UK „Home
Compostable‟ schemes. Logos for both Home
schemes are similar to industrial ones and are
displayed by figures 3.0 & 4.0.

The clear „Home Compostable' message

carried by packaging and plastic products of
this kind should encourage householders to
home compost them instead of putting these
items in their organics, dry-recyclable or
residual waste bins for collection at the
kerbside. Whilst „home compostable'
packaging / plastic waste can be commercially
composted, it is anticipated that the
certification mark(s) will direct this material into
home composting bins, thus helping to reduce

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Differences - Home & Industrial Certification Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

Due to industrial composting processes the testing requirements for „Home

operating at significantly higher (thermophilic) Compostable‟ certification are different.
temperatures than the lower (mesophilic)
temperatures found in home compost systems These differences include:

Home Industrial
Biodegradability – Undertaken at temperatures Biodegradability – Undertaken at 58°C (+/- 2°C)
between 20-30°C for a maximum of 12 months. for a maximum of 6 months. The level of
The level of biodegradation must reach 90% of biodegradation must reach a level 90% of the
the products mass. products mass.

Disintegration – Undertaken at temperatures Disintegration – Undertaken at 58°C (+/- 2°C)

between 20-30°C for a maximum of 6 months. for a maximum of 12 weeks. The level of
The level of disintegration must be above 90%, disintegration must be above 90%, thus only a
thus only a maximum of 10% must not pass maximum of 10% must not pass through a 2mm
through a 2mm sieve. sieve.

The parameters for ecotoxicity and chemical

analysis are the same for both the industrial
and home schemes. They represent the Knowing what can go where
requirements set out in EN 13432 which EN 13432 is the overriding standard which
includes the test methods for all the testing dictates the testing parameters for both the
industrial and home compostable schemes. If
a product has been certified as Home
Compostable it will in some circumstances be
applicable to both industrial and home
composting processes, but please check with
AfOR to confirm this.

If a product is only certified as industrially

compostable it should not be viewed as „Home
Compostable‟. Many industrially compostable
products will not biodegrade or disintegrate in
the often low temperature found in a home
composting bin.

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European Compostable Logos Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

Home Compostable logos Industrial Compostable logos

SXxxxx 7Pxxxx
Figure 3.0 – AfOR‟s Home Compostable mark Figure 5.0 – Din Certco - Seedling logo
(Property of European Bioplastics)

SXxxxx SXxxxx

Figure 4.0 – Vincotte‟s „OK compost HOME‟ mark Figure 6.0 – Vincotte‟s 'OK compost‟ logo

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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

The scope of compostable products is now

Making the Compostable choice
relatively limitless, for most packaging items or
products made there is or soon will be a viable
compostable option. In the event and service
arena the technological and commercial
advances have placed prominence of the use
of compostable products as an alternative to
often non renewable, non-environmentally
friendly products. Examples include
Glastonbury festival who state that they only
allow compostable tableware and wooden
cutlery to be used on site.

Since there is an increasing demand for

compostable products there is inevitably
No food waste collection? It is high
misuse of statements which are detrimental to
anticipated that with an ever increasing
the industry, compost producers and the
infrastructure in terms of composting and AD
receiving environment. The following
facilities there will a viable route for certified
statements and phrases should not be
compostable products in the future. Home
considered valid unless supported by at least
compositing does offer an interim position until
one of the above logos and identifiable by
a time where there are sufficient industrial
means of a specific certification number:
facilities and collection routes in place to deal
 “Made from compostable materials” with this particular waste stream.
 “This xxxxx is 100% compostable” The general public may contact its local
 “EN 13432 compliant / conforms to authority for suggestions of where it can
EN 13432” dispose of compostable products and
 “Biodegradable and compostable” packaging if no clear disposal route is visible.
 “Can be composted” AfOR would urge all Local Authorities to
 Suitable for home composting and consider discussing with its collection /
not showing a home compostable disposal authorities the option of taking in EN
logo 13432 items if they are not already doing so.

Green wash on products is becoming more of

an issue as the public sees environmental
impacts becoming an important prerequisite to
many of the everyday decisions they make.
Sweeping statements of environmental claims
convey misguided information and although
sometimes valid are often not valid to the
products properties. Environmental spin often
conveyed by companies is driven by the view
that environmental credentials sell products,
but as is often the case the reality is in no way
representative of the claims.

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Concise guide to compostable products and packaging

There are two online databases which http://www.wrap.org.uk/retail/materials/

Steps to Take
represent all the certified EN 13432 and Home biodegradable.html
Compostable products available on the market
today. AfOR would stress the importance of  Biodegradable Products Institute
these two sites as a means to substantiate any (BPI)
claims of compostability. http://www.bpiworld.org/
Din Certco certified (Industrially
Compostable Only) – Further product details  British Plastics Federation (BPF)
can be found by clicking on the product you are http://www.bpf.co.uk/
interested in.

Vinçotte Certified (Industrial and Home

Compostable Only) – All products and details
are shown beneath the company and product
in question.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of

compostable products and packaging please
contact AfOR:

Address: 3 Burystead Place


Tel: 01933 446 450

Email: [email protected].

Useful Links:

 National Non Food Crops Centre:


 European Bio-plastics:

 Association for Organics Recycling:


 Waste and Resources Action


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