Column Instrumentation Basics
Column Instrumentation Basics
Column Instrumentation Basics
Q is the volumetric flowrate, C is a con-
stant, P is the pressure drop across
the orifice, and is the fluid density.
To obtain an accurate flowrate, an ac-
curate fluid density must be known.
Temperature and pressure compen-
sation are required for vapor or gas
applications and may be required
for some liquids. Figure 9 shows the
equipment arrangement for an orifice
flowmeter with temperature and pres-
sure compensation.
Typical turndown for orifice plates is
10:1. Below 10% of span, the measure-
ment is extremely erroneous because
the volumetric flowrate is proportional
to the square root of the P. At 10% of
span, the meter is only measuring 1%
of the P span (Figure 10).
Multiple meters can be used to
overcome the turndown ratio when
high accuracy is required over the
entire span. This is often worth the
effort when measuring the flowrate
of raw materials or final products. At
one plant, three orifice plates in par-
allel were used to measure the plant-
boundary steam flowrate due to the
large span and the accuracy required
at the low end of the range. This re-
sulted in a very complicated system.
There are many common problems
that lead to error in the orifice plate
measurement, including inaccurate
density, impulse-line problems, erosion
of the orifice plate, and an inadequate
number of pipe diameters upstream
and downstream of the orifice plate.
An accurate density is required to
obtain an accurate flowrate. In a plant
that has a process feed that varies
from as low as 12% to as high as 30%
water, the density changes signifi-
cantly, and therefore an orifice meter
will not provide an accurate reading
without density compensation.
Impulse line problems include
plugging, freezing due to loss of elec-
tric heat tracing, and leaking. Con-
densate filling the impulse lines in
vapor/gas service and gas bubbles
in the impulse lines in liquid service
are also commonly cited. Figure 11
shows a pipe just upstream of an ori-
fice that was in clean water service
for two years. There was a filter just
upstream of this section of pipe. The
Feature report
52 ChemiCal engineering www.Che.Com marCh 2008
Orifice PIate Square Root Function
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
BeIow 10% of scaIe, error is high for
fIow sensor and dp measurement
Orifice pIate pressure drop (in H2O)
Figure 10. Volumetric flowrate is proportional to
the square root of the P, causing high error at less
than 10% of span
Figure 11. Due to impulse
line problems, this "clean" ser-
vice did not meet standards
impulse lines to the orifice plate flow-
meter were completely plugged. This
section of pipe was removed and a
Teflon-lined magnetic flowmeter was
installed instead.
Orifice plates can erode, especially
in vapor service with some entrained
liquid. This is common in steam ser-
vice, and orifice plates should be
checked every three years for wear.
Orifice plates generally need 20
pipe diameters upstream and 10 pipe
diameters downstream of the orifice
plate for the velocity profile to fully
develop for predictable pressure-drop
measurement. This requirement var-
ies with the orifice type and the piping
arrangement. This is rarely achieved
in a plant, which introduces error in
the measurement.
The instrument accuracy of orifice
plates ranges from 0.752% of the
measured volumetric flowrate. Vari-
ous problems are encountered with
orifice plate installations, and they
have the highest error of all flowme-
ters. Orifice plates are, however, quite
sensitive to a variety of error-induc-
ing conditions. Precision in the bore
calculations, the quality of the instal-
lation, and the condition of the plate
itself determine total performance.
Installation factors include tap loca-
tion and condition, condition of the
process pipe, adequacy of straight
pipe runs, gasket interference, mis-
alignment of pipe and orifice bores,
and lead line design. Other adverse
conditions include the dulling of the
sharp edge or nicks caused by corro-
sion or erosion, warpage of the plate
due to water hammer and dirt, and
grease or secondary phase deposits
on either orifice surface. Any of the
above conditions can change the ori-
fice discharge coefficient by as much
as 10%. In combination, these prob-
lems can be even more worrisome and
the net effect unpredictable. There-
fore, under average operating condi-
tions, a typical orifice installation can
be expected to have an overall inac-
curacy in the range of 2 to 5% AR (ac-
tual reading) [6].
Vortex shedding meters
Vortex shedding meters contain a
bluff body, or a shedder bar, that cre-
ates vortices downstream of the object
when a fluid flows past it. The meters
utilize the principle that the frequency
of vortex generation is proportional
to the velocity of the fluid. The whis-
tling sound that wind makes blowing
through tree branches demonstrates
the same phenomenon.
The fluids density and viscosity are
used to set a k factor, which is used
to calculate the fluid velocity from
the frequency measurement. The fre-
quency, or vibration, sensor can either
be internal or external to the shedder
bar. The velocity of the fluid is con-
verted to a mass flowrate using the
fluid density. Therefore, accurate fluid
density is important for accurate mea-
surements. Vortex meters work well
both in liquid and gas service. They
are commonly used in steam service
because they can handle high tem-
peratures. They are available in many
different materials of construction and
can be used in corrosive service.
Vortex meters have lower pressure
drop and higher accuracy than orifice
plates. A minimum Reynolds num-
ber (Re
) is required to achieve the
manufacturers stated accuracy. Vortex
meters exhibit non-linear operation
as they transition from turbulent to
laminar flow. Typical accuracy above
the Re
is 0.651.5% of the actual
reading. In general, the meter size
must be smaller than the piping size
to stay above the Re
the desired span. The requirements
for straight runs of pipe upstream and
downstream of the meter vary, but
both are usually longer than for orifice
plates. In general, 30 pipe diameters
are required upstream and 15 pipe
diameters downstream. The upstream
and downstream piping must be the
same size pipe as the meter.
There are only a few problems com-
monly encountered with vortex me-
ters. Older models may be sensitive to
building vibrations, but newer models
have overcome this issue. If the shed-
der bar becomes coated or fouled, the
internal vibration sensor will cease to
work. This can be avoided by using an
external vibration sensor. The most
common issue is failing to meet the
requirements over the desired
span. At one plant, every vortex meter
was line-sized, which means it was
the same size as the surrounding pip-
ing. The flow went into the laminar
region in the desired measured range
in every case. The flow read zero when
it transitions to laminar, making the
meters useless.
Example. Another good example of
failing to meet the Re
ments over the desired span hap-
pened on a project where a tower that
had been out of service for some time
was recommissioned. The distillate
flowrate was substantially lower than
the original tower design and was in
the laminar flow region over the en-
tire operating range. The distillate
flow was a major control point on the
tower, but the vortex meter could not
read the flowrate. The control strat-
egy had to be changed to work around
this issue until an appropriate meter
could be installed.
Magnetic flowmeters
Faradays law states that the voltage
induced across any conductor as it
moves at right angles through a mag-
ChemiCal engineering www.Che.Com marCh 2008 53
Figure 12. Vortex meters contain a shedder bar that creates vortices down-
stream when fluid flows past it (left). Depending on the application and pipe size,
vortex shedding meters are available in a range of sizes and shapes (right)
Figure 13. The magnetic flowmeter prin-
ciple states that the voltage induced across
a conductor as it moves at right angles
through a magnetic field is proportional to its
netic field is proportional to the
velocity of that conductor. This
is the principle used to measure
velocity in magnetic flowmeters,
which are commonly referenced
to as mag meters (Figure 13).
Mag flowmeters measure the
volumetric flowrate of conduc-
tive liquids. Fluids like pure
organics or deionized water do
not have a high enough conduc-
tivity for a mag meter. An ac-
curate density is required to convert
the volumetric flowrate to a mass
flowrate. The meters are line-sized,
but they have a minimum and maxi-
mum velocity to achieve the stated
instrument accuracy. A smaller line
size may be necessary to achieve the
velocity requirements throughout
the desired span. The instrument
accuracy is quite good, generally
at 0.5% of the actual reading. The
error is very high below the mini-
mum velocity. Turndown for newer
mag meters is 30:1, but older models
will be closer to 10:1.
Mag meters do not have a lot of op-
erating problems. They must be liq-
uid-full to get an accurate reading and
are often placed in vertical piping to
achieve this. They rarely plug as they
can be specified with Teflon liners and
are often used in slurry service. Mag
flowmeters are more expensive to
install because they usually require
110-V power.
Mass flowmeters
Mass flowmeters use the Coriolis effect
to measure mass flowrate and density.
A very small oscillating force is applied
to the meters flowtube, perpendicular
to the direction of the flowing fluid. The
oscillations cause Coriolis forces in the
fluid, which deform or twist the flow-
tube. Sensors at the inlet and outlet of
the flowtube measure the change in the
geometry of the flowtube, which is used
to calculate the mass flowrate. The os-
cillation frequency is used to measure
the fluids density. The temperature of
the fluid is measured to compensate for
thermal influences and can be chosen
as an output of the meter.
The original mass meters were U-
tubes, but several different shapes
are now available, including straight
tubes as shown in Figure 14. Mass
flowmeters have the highest ac-
curacy of all the different types of
flowmeters, usually 0.10.4% of the
actual reading. The measurement is
independent of the fluids physical
properties, making mass flowmeters
unique in that most flowmeters re-
quire the fluid density as an input.
Mass flowmeters are insensitive to
upstream and downstream pipe con-
figurations. Practical turndown is
100:1, although the manufacturers
claim 1,000:1. The density measure-
ment is not as accurate as a density
meter. Mass flowmeters are gener-
ally very reliable and only require
periodic calibration to zero them.
Mass flowmeters are on the expen-
sive end to purchase and to install.
They require 110-V power. Pressure
drop can sometimes be an issue, and
the meters are only available in line
sizes up to 6 in. Coating of the inside
of the flowtube will result in higher
pressure drop and can result in loss of
range and accuracy if the tube is re-
stricted. Wear and corrosion can result
in a gradual change of the mechanical
characteristics of the tube, resulting
in error. Zero stability was an issue
with older meters but this problem
has been solved in newer units.
Example 1. The reflux flowrate on
a final product column was an im-
portant measurement, and the reli-
ability of the existing flowmeter was
questioned. Product literature for
mass flowmeters promised high ac-
curacy and low pressure drop. The
plant-area engineer coordinated a
small project to replace the existing
orifice plate flowmeter with a mass
flowmeter. Column performance was
very poor after startup. The new
meter had to be bypassed to operate
the column normally. The overhead
condenser was gravity drained, and
the new mass flowmeter had enough
additional pressure drop to force the
liquid level into the condenser tubes
and restrict rates an expensive les-
son for a new engineer.
Example 2. Another tower had a
mass flowmeter installed on the bot-
toms flow, which was pumped but
not cooled. The mass flowmeter al-
ways had erratic readings and was
never believed. A closer examination
of the system revealed enough pres-
sure drop through the mass flowme-
ter to result in flashing in the flow-
tube. The two-phase flow caused the
erratic readings.
With a knowledge of the basics of
column instrumentation, the ques-
tion posed in the introduction should
seem trivial. Our experienced en-
gineer had concluded that the bot-
toms flowrate of the column had to
be erroneous, but the instrument
group had disagreed. The flowmeter
in question was a mass flowmeter in
relatively clean and non-corrosive
service. The other three flowmeters
on the column were orifice plates
and are known to have a myriad of
problems that introduce error.
Some basic knowledge of instrumen-
tation can be a very valuable trouble-
shooting and design tool. Gauging
whether an instrument installation
will ever give accurate readings or
whether it is an expensive spool piece
is useful in itself. Being able to assess
the relative accuracy of two measure-
ments will help determine from which
data to draw conclusions. Knowledge
of common instrument problems can
help in troubleshooting.
Get to know the instrumentation
Feature report
54 ChemiCal engineering www.Che.Com marCh 2008
1 2 3 No fIow FIow
Figure 14. Mass flowmeters use the Coriolis effect to infer mass flowrate from the mea-
surement of flowtube deflection
on your towers. Gather the manufac-
turers information so you can assess
the instrument accuracy. Keep in
mind that the manufacturers litera-
ture refers to the ideal instrument
accuracy, which is the accuracy of the
measuring device itself. There are
many other factors that contribute
to the accuracy of the reading that is
displayed on the DCS screen or in the
data historian. The total accuracy in-
cludes the instrument accuracy plus
all of the other things that contribute
to error in the measured reading as
compared to the actual value. Other
inaccuracies lie in digital to analog
conversions, density errors, piping
configurations, calibration errors, vi-
bration errors, and the list goes on
and on. Check the field installation
to see what types of problems your
meters will experience.
Get to know your mechanics and in-
strumentation experts at your plant.
Now that you know some of the lingo
of instrumentation, you can better
converse with your instrument engi-
neers and mechanics.
This paper is a compilation of in-
strumentation basics obtained from
the references listed below, of trou-
bleshooting experience from many
colleagues at DuPont, and of trou-
bleshooting examples from Henry
Kisters most recent book, Distilla-
tion Troubleshooting. Much of the
technical information and many of
the examples come from Nick Sands,
Process Control Leader for DuPont
Chemical Solutions Enterprise in
Deepwater, N.J. Nick has worked for
DuPont for 17 years and is a special-
ist in process control. In addition
to Nick, the following DuPont col-
leagues contributed their instrument
war stories, and the author is grate-
ful for their willingness to share their
Jim England, DuPont Electronic
Technologies (Circleville, Ohio)
Charles Orrock, DuPont Advanced
Fibers Systems (Richmond, Va.)
Adrienne Ashley, DuPont Advanced
Fibers Systems (Richmond, Va.)
Joe Flowers, DuPont Engineering
Research & Technology (Wilming-
ton, Del.)
1. Gillum, Donald R., Industrial Pressure,
Level and Density Measurement. Resources
for Measurement and Control Series. ISA,
2. Kister, Henry Z., Distillation Troubleshoot-
ing, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
3. Spitzer, David W., Industrial Flow Measure-
ment. Resources for Measurement and Con-
trol Series. ISA, 1990
4. Trevathan, V. L., editor. A Guide to the Auto-
mation Body of Knowledge. ISA, 2006.
1 2 3 No fIow FIow
Figure 15. With an under-
standing of the accuracies of
mass flowmeters and orifice
flowmeters, we revisit the
question Which flowmeter
is the most accurate?
Ruth Sands is a senior con-
sulting engineer for DuPont
Engineering Research &
Technology (Heat, Mass &
Momentum Transfer Group,
1007 Market St., B8218,
Wilmington, DE 19898; Phone:
302-774-0016; Fax: 302-774-
2457; Email: ruth.r.sands@ She has
specialized for the last nine
years in mass transfer unit
operations: distillation, extraction, absorption,
adsorption, and ion exchange. Her activities
include new designs and retrofits, pilot plant
testing, evaluation of flowsheet alternatives, and
troubleshooting. She has 17 years of experience
with DuPont, which includes assignments in
process engineering, manufacturing, and corpo-
rate recruiting. She holds a B.S.Ch.E. from West
Virginia University, is a registered professional
engineer in the state of Delaware, and is a mem-
ber of the FRI Executive Committee.
5. - 9. MAY
P. O. Box 98269
Raleigh, NC. 27624
Phone 001 - 919 - 341-5936
[email protected]
56x254_biocel_messe_usa_rz.indd 1 07.02.2008 15:36:39 Uhr
Circle 31 on p. 76 or go to
Most IikeIy to be most accurate, even at
Iow fIowrates. Insensitive to piping con-
figuration. UnIess fIow is erratic due to
fIashing in Iine or the tube is corroded or
severeIy pIugged, the orifice pIates are
much more IikeIy to have higher error.