Hoefelmann Et Al. (2006)
Hoefelmann Et Al. (2006)
Hoefelmann Et Al. (2006)
• Sleep is considered to be a key factor for learning and memory, and it is directly involved in
hormonal and behavioural regulation.
• Studies have demonstrated that there is a high prevalence of insufficient sleep duration and
poor sleep quality among young people, which may be due to the biological and maturational
factors that occur during adolescence, as well as behavioural changes such as increasing
school obligations, social activities and excessive use of electronic equipment.
• This study investigates the correlation between behavioural variables and sleep quality/
duration using cross-sectional data and prospective associations.
1. It was concluded that if it was perceived that quality of sleep was poor and
sleep duration was not enough that this perception remained stable over
2. The cross-sectional analysis shows that some behaviours are associated
with sleep quality and duration, this was not confirmed by the prospective
Strengths Weaknesses
This study had a large sample. The sample was 989 students Generalisability - However, this study had participants
which is likely to be representative of many teenagers in Brazil, originating only in Brazil, South America. Therefore, it cannot
Strengths and Weaknesses
and a large sample often cancels out any anomalies (rogue data)
of someone who sleeps a lot or very little.
be generalized to all teenagers across the world, who may be
exposed to different cultures (around sleeping patterns),
environments and light outside.
The same questionnaire was used first and then in the follow up However, there is the possibility of order effects and demand
study nine months later. This shows standardized procedures characteristics with any repeated measures design. This means
and consistency, which makes it reliable. that as the students have to complete the same measure again,
they may become tired and/or guess the aim of the study,
which impacts the validity of results
A randomized control trial randomly assigns participants into However, as is the case with any self report questionnaire,
either the control or experimental group. Random allocation in there is a large problem with honesty. Participants may not
a psychological sample that has many participants (like this one) answer honestly and therefore the result is an invalid result,
are likely to be an unbiased, representative sample of society this could be down to ´social desirability´ where a participant
reports not the truth, but what the Psychologist may want to
see or hear (i.e not feeding back on all the sugary food they
have been eating, due to embarrassment)
Supporting Studies: Peracchia et al (2018) found that prolonger Unsupporting Studies: A longitudinal study of adolescents from
exposed to video games resulted in insufficient and poorer sleep Minnesota (United States) completing a similar study showed a
quality reduction in the average sleep duration of approximately 30
minutes after 24 months of follow-up