Ipcrf Development Plan
Ipcrf Development Plan
Ipcrf Development Plan
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
1. Applied knowledge of content 1. Applied a range of To learn different To attend seminars or Year-round Use of ICT,
within and across curriculum teaching strategies to innovative teaching webinars and apply what I Learning Activity
teaching areas develop critical and strategies in developing have learned using ICT for Sheets, Lesson
creative thinking, as critical, creative, and blended and online learning Exemplar,
well as other higher- higher-order thinking and preparing learning activity Resource person
order thinking skills skills among learners. sheets for modular learning
that includes non-routine
problems and skills in
problem-solving that will
develop the learner's critical,
creative, and higher-order
thinking skills.
2. Ensured the positive use of ICT 2. Communicated To develop a plan in To conduct physical or online Year-round Use of ICT, Agenda,
to facilitate the teaching and promptly and clearly the communicating the orientation by connecting Parents/Guardian
learning process learners’ needs, learner's needs, stakeholders such as and Teacher
progress, and progress, and parents/guardians in a group
achievement to key achievement to the chat, google meet, group
stakeholders, including parents and guardians message, and other means to
parents/guardians using any means communicate the learners'
available promptly and needs, progress, and
clearly. achievements.
3. Planned and delivered teaching 3. Performed various To pursue a master's To actively participate in write Year-round Use of ICT, Lecture
strategies that are responsive to the related works/activities degree or doctor's shops/workshops/contests, notes/handouts or
special educational needs of that contribute to the degree, attend seminars seminars, LAC sessions, or files, Resource
learners in difficult circumstances, teaching-learning or webinars and webinars in the new normal person, Financial
including: geographic isolation; process participate in different education related to the
chronic illness; displacement due to activities to contribute to subject being taught and other
armed conflict, urban resettlement, the teaching-learning related works.
or disasters; child abuse and child process. To continue schooling in
labor practices master's or doctor's degree
and finish academic units.
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)
1. Undertakes personal actions and 2.Uses ingenious Using the available To be part of the schools' Year-round Learning
behaviors that are clear and methods to accomplish resources effectively in Learning Continuity Plan by Continuity Plan,
purposive and considers personal responsibilities. teaching the subject, attending faculty meetings. Intervention
goals and values congruent to that Demonstrates such as Modules, To be aware of the different Program, Modules
of the organization. resourcefulness and the Learning Activity Sheets, guidelines and memorandum and Learning
ability to succeed with Assessment Tools, and for the opening of the school Packets/LAS/
minimal resources. other Learning Packets year. Assessment Tools
will demonstrate
resourcefulness and the
ability to succeed with
minimal resources.
2. Maintains professional image: 2. Delivers error-free To be an effective and To attend LAC sessions and Year-round Minutes of the
being trustworthy, regularity of outputs most of the efficient teacher in faculty meetings regarding Meeting, Guidelines
attendance and punctuality, good time by conforming to submitting error-free schoolwork and reports. and Memos,
grooming and communication. standard operating school reports and Resource Person
procedures correctly quality output in terms
and consistently. Able of usefulness,
to produce very acceptability, and
satisfactory quality of completeness with no
work in terms of supervision required by
usefulness/acceptability conforming to standard
and completeness with operating procedures
no supervision required. correctly and
The Individual Performance and Commitment Review Form Development Plan (IPCRFDP) is important for developing a range of teaching strategies and improving
the teacher's critical and creative abilities. It is also significant for application to students and the community.
This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form and Mid-year Review
Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.