Part 4 - Idp
Part 4 - Idp
Part 4 - Idp
This sheet shall be accomplished during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; and ii) Phase
II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form and Mid-year
Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies
Applied knowledge of content Performed various related To perform various related Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
within and across curriculum works/activities that contribute works/activities that contribute national/regional/disctrict/scho teachers
teaching areas (PPST 1.1.2) to the teaching learning to the teaching learning ol-led
process process. INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
Coaching and Mentoring
Used a range of teaching Applied knowledge of content To apply knowledge of content Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
strategies that enhance learner within and across curriculum within and across curriculum national/regional/disctrict/scho teachers
achievement in literacy and teaching areas (PPST 1.1.2) teaching aread. ol-led
numeracy skills (PPST 1.4.2) INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
Coaching and Mentoring
Applied a range of teaching Used a range of teaching To use a range of teaching Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
strategies to develop critical strategies that enhance learner strategies that enhance learner national/regional/disctrict/scho teachers
and creative thinking, as well achievement in literacy and achievement in literacy and ol-led
other higher-order thinking numeracy skills (PPST 1.4.2) numerical skills. INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
skills (PPST 1.5.2) Coaching and Mentoring
Managed classroom structure Applied a range of teaching To apply a range of teaching Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
to engage learners, individually strategies to develop critical strategies to develp critical and national/regional/disctrict/scho teachers
or in groups, in meaningful and creative thinking, as well creative thinking, as well as ol-led
exploration, discovery and other higher-order thinking other higher-order thinking INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
hands-on activities within a skills (PPST 1.5.2) skills. Coaching and Mentoring
range of physical learning
environments (PPST 2.3.2)
Managed learner behavior Managed classroom structure To manage classroom Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
constructively by applying to engage learners, structure to engage learners, national/regional/disctrict/scho Teacher/Co- teachers
positive and non-violent individually or in groups, in individually or in groups, in ol-led
discipline to ensure meaningful exploration, meaningful exploration, INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
learning- focused discovery and hands-on discovery and hands-on Coaching and Mentoring
environments (PPST 2.6.2) activities within a range of activities within a ranger of
physical learning physical learning
environments (PPST 2.3.2) environments.
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Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
Used differentiated, Managed learner behavior To manage learner Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
developmentally appropriate constructively by applying behavior constructively by national/regional/disctrict/scho Teacher/Co- teachers
learning experiences to positive and non-violent applying positive and non- ol-led
address learners’ gender, discipline to ensure violent discipline to ensure INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
needs, strengths, interests andlearning- focused learning focused Coaching and Mentoring
experiences (PPST 3.1.2) environments (PPST environmenments.
Planned, managed and Used differentiated, To use differentiated Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
implemented developmentally developmentally appropriate developmentally appriate national/regional/disctrict/scho Teacher/Co- teachers
sequenced teaching and learning experiences to learning experiences to ol-led
learning processes to meet address learners’ gender, address learner's gender, INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
curriculum requirements and needs, strengths, interests and needs, strengths, interest and Coaching and Mentoring
varied teaching contexts (PPST experiences (PPST 3.1.2) experiences.
Participated in collegial Planned, managed and To plan, manage and Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
discussions that use teacher implemented developmentally implement decelopmentally national/regional/disctrict/scho Teacher/Co- teachers
and learner feedback to enrich sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching and ol-led
teaching practice (PPST 4.4.2) learning processes to meet learning learning process to INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
curriculum requirements and meet curriculum requirements Coaching and Mentoring
varied teaching contexts (PPST and varied teaching contexts
Selected, developed, organized Participated in collegial To participate in collegial Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
and used appropriate teaching discussions that use teacher discussions that use teacher national/regional/disctrict/scho Teacher/Co- teachers
and learning resources, and learner feedback to enrich and learner feedback to ol-led
including ICT, to address teaching practice (PPST 4.4.2) enrich teaching practice INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
learning goals (PPST 4.5.2) Coaching and Mentoring
Designed, selected, organized Selected, developed, organized To select, develop, organize Attending Year-round School Head/ Head
and used diagnostic, formative and used appropriate teaching and use appriate teaching national/regional/disctrict/scho Teacher/Co- teachers
and summative assessment and learning resources, and learning resources, ol-led
strategies consistent with including ICT, to address including ICT, to address INSET/LAC/seminar/Workshop
curriculum requirements (PPST learning goals (PPST 4.5.2) learning goals. Coaching and Mentoring
B. Core Behavioral Competencies
Professionalism and Ethics Self-Management To prioritize works taksks and Coaching/Mentoring Year-round School Head/ Head
schedules (through Gantt Attending INSET/LAC Next INSET/LAC Teacher/Co-teachers
charts, checklits etc.) to
Teamwork Results Focus To make specific changes in Coaching/Mentoring Year-round School Head/ Head
the Attending INSET/LAC Next INSET/LAC Teacher/Co-teachers
system or in own methods to 3
improve performance.Page 2 of
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
Self-Management Service Orientation To iniate activities that Coaching/Mentoring Year-round School Head/ Head
promote advocacy for men Attending INSET/LAC Next INSET/LAC Teacher/Co-teachers
women empowerment.
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