Ipcrf-Development Plan: Passi National High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Passi City
Passi City, Iloilo

Action Plan Resources
Strengths Development Needs Timeline
Learning Objectives Intervention Needed
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy (PPST Domain 1)
1.1. Displayed proficient 1.2. Applied knowledge of Acquire knowledge, a. Reading the PPST Year round Local Funds
use of Mother Tongue, content within and across strategies and resource package Resource Package
Filipino and English to curriculum teaching techniques on developing b. Attending seminars/ School Heads
facilitate teaching and areas. (PPST Indicator a personal improvement webinars Other Human
learning. (PPST Indicator 1.1.2) plan based on reflection c. Applying knowledge Resources
1.6.2) of one’s practice and gained from attending
1.3. Used effective verbal ongoing professional INSET/LAC/ Webinars
and non-verbal classroom learning.
communication strategies
to support learner
participation, engagement
and achievement. (PPST
2. Learning Environment (PPST Domain 2)
Established safe and secure 2.4. Applied a range Understand the a. Attending seminars/ Year round Local Funds
learning environments to of successful educational needs of the webinars Resource Package
enhance learning through strategies that learners especially those b. Applying knowledge School Heads
the consistent maintain learning who are in difficult gained from attending Other Human
implementation of policies, environments that situations and develop INSET/LAC/ Webinars Resources
guidelines and procedures. motivate learners to the appropriate teaching c. Connect with the
(PPST Indicator 2.1.2) work strategies or methods. students, parents and
2.3 Maintained supportive productively by assuming guardians
learning environments that responsibility for their
nurture and inspire own learning. (PPST
learners to participate, Indicator 2.5.2)
cooperate and collaborate
in continued learning.
(PPST Indicator 2.4.2)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Passi City
Passi City, Iloilo

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
3. Diversity if Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting (PPST Domain 3, 4, and 5)
3.3. Adapted and 3.2. Designed, adapted and Create an effective lesson a. Reading the PPST Year round Local Funds
implemented learning implemented teaching plan and efficiently use resource package and the Resource Package
programs that ensure strategies that are responsive the MELC’s to determine Most Essential Learning School Heads
relevance and to learners with disabilities, and implement the Competencies (MELC’s) Other Human
responsiveness to the needs giftedness and talents. (PPST learning delivery Guidelines Resources
of all learners. (PPST Indicator 3.3.2) approaches that are b. Attending seminars/
Indicator 4.3.2) suited to the local webinars
context and diversity c. Applying knowledge
of learners. gained from attending
INSET/LAC/ Webinars
4. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development (PPST Domain 6 and 7)
4.1. Built relationship with 4.6. Set professional Utilize the assessment a. Reading the PPST Year round Local Funds
parents/ guardians and the development goals based on tools to evaluate and resource package Resource Package
wider school community to the Philippine Professional improve teaching b. Attending seminars/ School Heads
facilitate involvement in the Standards for Teachers. (PPST performance. webinars Other Human
educative process. (PPST Indicator 7.5.2) c. Applying knowledge Resources
Indicator 6.2.2) gained from attending
4.4. Apply a personal INSET/LAC/ Webinars
philosophy of teaching that
is learner- centered. (PPST
Indicator 7.1.2)
B. Plus Factor
5.1. Performed various related Acquiring personal and a. Active participation in Year round Local Funds
works/activities that work development by school and school-related Resource Package
contribute to the teaching- taking part in on-site, community works School Heads
learning process. off-site and online b. Reading the PPST Other Human
activities related to resource package Resources
teaching-learning c. Attending seminars/
process. webinars
d. Applying knowledge
gained from attending
INSET/LAC/ Webinars
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Passi City
Passi City, Iloilo

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
C. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)
Self-management Professionalism and Ethics Enhance work a. Create list of priorities Year round Local Funds
Maintains a professional productivity and develop per day Resource Package
Teamwork image: being trustworthy, good work habits and b. Attending seminars/ School Heads
regularity of attendance and time management skills. webinars Other Human
Innovation punctuality, good grooming c. Applying knowledge Resources
and communication. gained from attending
INSET/LAC/ Webinars
Results Focus Master the checking of a. Ask for assistance if Year round Local Funds
Delivers error-free outputs forms and avoid errors in correction is needed Resource Package
most of the time by any form in reports and b. Attending seminars/ School Heads
conforming to standard documents. webinars Other Human
operating procedures correctly c. Applying knowledge Resources
and consistently. Able to gained from attending
produce very satisfactory INSET/LAC/ Webinars
quality work in terms of
usefulness/ acceptability and
completeness with no
supervision required.
Service Orientation Develop awareness a. Actively engage during Year round Local Funds
Can explain and articulate regarding issues and meetings Resource Package
organizational directions, problems in the b. Attending seminars/ School Heads
issues and problems. organization, identify the webinars Other Human
causes and provide c. Applying knowledge Resources
effective solutions. gained from attending
INSET/LAC/ Webinars
Participates in updating office Developing a clear and a. Reading the PPST Year round Local Funds
vision, mission, mandates and achievable vision, resource package and Resource Package
strategies based on DepEd mission, mandates and memos or mandates School Heads
strategies and directions. strategies that focus on from DepEd Other Human
student needs based on b. Attending seminars/ Resources
the strategies and webinars
directions of DepEd. c. Applying knowledge
gained from attending
INSET/LAC/ Webinars
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Passi City
Passi City, Iloilo




This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form and Mid-year Review
Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.

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