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13 January 1991
12 September 1968



This speclflcatlon has been approved for use by all Departments

and Agencies of the Department of Defense.


1.1 Purpose. This specification covers the heat treatment of titanium and
titanium alloy products, including wrought and cast products, by material
producers. This specification also covers furnace equipment requirements,
test procedures, and general information for heat treating procedures, heat
treating temperatures, and material test procedures for the heat treatment of
titanium and titanium alloys. It also describes procedures which, when
followed, have produced the desired properties within the limitations of the
respective alloys.

1,2 Heat treatments. The heat treatments covered by tnis specification

Anneal Solution heat treatment
Beta anneal Beta solution heat treatment
Recrystallization anneal Age
Duplex anneal Stress relief

1.3 Alloys. In addition to Commercially Pure Titanium (Ti40, Ti55, and

Ti70), the following titanium alloys are covered by this specification:

Alpha alloys Alpha-Beta alloys Beta alloys

6A1-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo 6A1-4V 13V-llCr-3Al

5A1-2.5Sn 6A1-4V ELI 3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr
5A1-2.5Sn ELI 6A1-6V-2Sn 15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn
6A1-2Cb-lTa-O.8Mo 3A1-2.5V 10V-2Fe-3Al
8A1-lMO-lV 6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo
llSn-5Zr-2Al-lMo 6A1-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-O.25Si

Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent

data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:
Commanding Officer, Systems Engineering and Standardization Department (Code
53), Naval Air Engineering Center, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100 by using the
Standardization Document Improvement ProDosal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the
end of this document or by letter. - I


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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2.1 Government documents.

2,1.1 Standards and handbooks. The following standard forms a part of

this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the
issue of this document shall be that listed in the issue of the Department of
Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto,
cited in the solicitation (see 6.2).



MIL-STD-45662 Calibration System Requirement

(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications,

standards, and handbooks are available from the Standardization Documents
Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. )

2.2 Non-Government publications. The following document(s) form a part of

this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise
specified, the issues of the documents which are DOD adopted are those listed
in the issue of the DODISS cited In the solicitation. Unless otherwise
specified, the issues of the documents not listed in the DODISS are the issues
of the documents cited in the solicitation.


ASTM E 3 Metal lographic Specimens, Preparation of.

ASTM E 8 Tension Testing of Metallic Materials.
ASTM E 146 Chemical Analysis of Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys.
ASTM E 290 Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Metallic

(Applications for copies should be addressed to the American Society for

Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187. )


(Aerospace Materials Specifications)

AMS-2750 Pyrometry
AMS-2801 Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy Parts

(Applications for copies should be addressed to SAE, 400 Commonwealth

Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.)

(Non-government standards and other publications are normally available from

the organizations which prepare or distribute the documents. These documents
may also be available in or through libraries or other informational services. )

2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of

this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document shall

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take precedence. Nothing in th s document, however, shall supersede

appl cable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.


3 1 General. All heating and quenching equipment and procedures applied

shal yield products complying with the requirements of appropriate
acqu sltlon documents. Equipment and procedures shall be designed to minimize
the introduction of hydrogen: oxygen, nitrogen or other contaminants and in
any case shall not allow introduction beyond levels established by the
acquisition documents. Deviation from process requirements specified herein
or the application of processes different from those contained herein, may be
used provided that compliant products result, these exceptions have been
proven satisfactory, and that they are made known to the purchaser with
accompanying data or other justification to support the deviation prior to
application of the deviant process.

3.1.1 Heat treatment of mill products and titanium alloy parts. The
requirements sr)ecified herein are aI)t)liCableto the heat treatment of mill
products (see 6.4.1). Parts (see 6“,4.2) may be heat treated in accordance
with the requirements of AMS-2801. When parts are heat treated as specified
herein, bend properties (see 3.7.2) and bend tests (see 4.7.2) shall not
apply. The rework of parts, when applicable, shall be in accordance with

3.2 Heating systems.

3.2.1 Batch furnaces. General requirements. Such furnaces may employ electrical heating

elements or fuel combustion as heat sources. Muffle furnaces and retorts are
also allowed. Allowable environments surrounding the furnace charge during
heating are: inert gas (argon or helium), vacuum, slightly oxidizing mixtures
resulting from the combustion in air of hydrocarbons (gas or oil), and air
itself. When removal of surface contamination is not feasible, inert gas or
vacuum environment shall be employed. The selection of an atmosphere shall be
such as to establish conformance with 3.1. Inert gases. Inert gases within the furnace shall be circulated
as necessary to protect all surfaces of the workplaces comprising the furnace
charge. The dew point of the inert gases shall be minus 65°F (-54°C) or
lower. This requirement shall be met during all stages of a heating, soaking
or cooling cycle. Ducts and zones which are to contain furnace charges shall
be so sealed as to prevent contamination of any charge to the degree that it
is reidered nonconforming to specified material requirements. Vacuum. Vacuum furnaces used for outgassing hydrogen shall be

capable of reducing hydrogen concentrations within the charge to levels
complying with 3.1. Vacuum furnaces and retorts used for prevention of
surface contamination shall be capable of yielding product conforming to 3,1. C~busted hydrocarbons. Furnaces heated by the combustion in air

of gas or oil shall contain a slightly oxidizing gas mixture. There shall be
no impingement of flame upon the furnace charge.

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MIL-H-81200B Prohibited atmospheres. Endotherm~c, exothermic, hydrogen, and

cracked ammonia atmospheres shall not be used during any heat treatment
operation. Furnace purging. Prior to thermal treatment of workpieces, each

furnace which has contained an atmosphere unacceptable for heat treating (see shall be purged with air or inert gas, as applicable.

3.2. 1.6.1 Purging prior to Introducing air or combusted hydrocarbons. The

volume of purging air introduced shall be at least twice the volume of the
furnace chamber. During purging, the minimum ’temperature within the chamber
shall be the intended soaking temperature of the charge. When air-flow
purging Is impractical, the furnace temperature shall be set at 200’F above
the intended soaking temperature, and be held at that temperature for a
minimum of four hours. Following purging, the furnace shall be stabilized at
the required temperature, charged, and the charge heated and soaked in
accordance with, as applicable. Following the thermal treatment and
any subsequent cleaning, pickling, or other process which may introduce
hydrogen contamination, specimens shall be taken from the charge and subjected
to the test specified in 4.7.3. Results shall show compliance with 3.6.5, as

3.2.1 .6.2 Purging prior to introducing inert gas. Procedures for purging
shall comply witb 3.? .1.2. The ~]~lu~e of gas intr~d~ced ~h~ll ~~ at ~~ast
twice the volume of the furnace chamber. Furnaces shall be charged while
cold, and then purged and filled with inert gas. The charge shall then be
heated and soaked in accordance with, as applicable. Following the
thermal treatment, samples shall be taken from the charge and subjected to the
test specified in 4.7.3. Results shall show conformance to 3.6.5, as
applicable. Additionally, samples shall be taken from the charge and examined
in accordance with Results shall show conformance to 3.6.6. Temperature uniformity. Batch furnaces shall be so controlled

that, during heating and soaking periods, temperatures at all points within
the working zones are less than-the maxima of’the ranges specified in Tables
I, III, IV, and V, as applicable to the product. After a charge has reached a
pre-selected soaking temperature throughout its thickness within a specified
range, the temperature at any point in the working zone shall lie within the
limits specified below, as applicable to the thermal treatment intended.
Regardless of temperature tolerances, no soaking temperature during any
thermal treatment shall be higher han the applicable maximum, nor lower than
the applicable minimum of the-spec fied range.

. Heat treatment Temperature tolerance

“F ‘c
Annealing *25 *14
Beta annealing or beta soil tion heat treating *25 *14
Recrystallization annealinq *25 *14
Duplex annealing *25 *14
Solution heat treating *25 t14
Stress relieving *25 *14
Aging *15 *8

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3.2.2 Continuous furnaces. General requirements. Such furnaces may be heated by radiation

from electrically-energized heating elements or by combusted hydrocarbons. Temperature control. A temperature profile from furnace entry to

exit shall be so developed and maintained that the charge within the working
zone experiences the appropriate thermal cycle to the degree necessary for
eventual product acceptability in terms of specified requirements. Continuous vacuum furnaces. Continuous vacuum furnaces shall be

so sealed as to minimize hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen absorption of the
product and in any case shall not allow absorption beyond levels established
by the acquisition documents.

3.2.3 Continuous induction heating. Such a heating method shall be

applied only to the annealing of thin-walled tubing and extrusions of thin
sections. The technique shall be such that the workpiece being heated is of
uniform temperature around the perimeter of its cross-section. Prior to
production, values of the process parameters which produce acceptable product
shall be determined and documented.

3.2.4 Pyrometry and furnace temperatures control. The requirements and

procedur?x for contro! 3nd testing of furnaces, ov~n$, V?I u!!mflflrnace$and
allied pyrometric equipment used for heat treatment shall be in accordance
with AMS-2750. System accuracy. Each system shall be set to control working

temperatures and be corrected to within the applicable to erances specified

3.3 Quenchinq facilities and media.

3.3.1 Quenching baths. Quenching baths holding water or oil shall be of

such dimensions, volume, and construction that products quenched therein will,
upon aging, develop the properties specified within applicable product
documents. Mechanical stirring of the bath may be applied when necessary.

3.3.2 Spray or flow quenching. Continuous furnaces discharging solution

heat treated alloy sheet, plate, and strip may be equipped with a quenchant
system which directs a spray or streams of quenchant onto the product as it
emerges from the furnace. The spray or flow of quenchant shall be applied
evenly over the workpiece width, top and bottom surfaces, over a period of
time and at a volume rate such that the resulting product will upon aging
develop properties meeting specified requirements.

3.3.3 Location of quenching facility. Quenching and handling facilities

shall be located such that contact between quenchant and workplaces occurs
within the time required for compliance with 3.1 and for the Ti-6Al-4V and
Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloys, within the limits specified in Table 11.

3.3.4 Quenching media. Use of molten salt baths for quenching is


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3.4 Ancillary equipment. Jigs, fixtures, trays, hangers, racks,

ventilatfis, etc. shall be so designed and constructed that each workpiece can
be processed in accordance with this specification.

3.5 Thermal treatment parameter values. The parameters (ie. temperatures,

times, etc.) for the various thermal treatment processes shall be as specified
herein, except where deviation has been accepted by the purchaser in
accordance with 3.1 (see 6.2).

3.5.1 Solution heat treatinq. Solution heat treating of parts, mill

product, castings, and forgings shall be as specified in Table I, as

3.5.2 guenching. All heat treatable titanium alloys, except alloys which
can be cooled in air or inert gas, shall be quenched by complete immersion in
water or oil, as applicable, or by water spray or flow when applicable to
quenching sheet, strip or plate. Maximum delay times for Ti-6Al-4V and
Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloys shall conform to Table II, and for other alloys shall be
as necessary to develop required properties.

3.5.3 Aging. Solution heat treated alloy workplaces shall be aged in

accordance with Table III, as applicable. Workpieces shall be cooled from the
aging temperature in air, an inert gas, or in the aging furnace.

3.5 4 StreLT-relievinq treatment. Time- tempcr~t::re cycles for stress

reliev ng fiall be as specified in Table IV, as applicable. i40rkpieces may be
coolec!from the stress relieving temperature in air, an inert gas, or in the
stress relieving furnace.

3.5 5 Annealinq. Time-temperature cycles for annealing shall be as

specif ed in Table V, as applicable. For duplex annealing of Ti-6Al-4V and
Ti-6Al. 4V ELI alloys, see Table V, note ~/.

3.5 6 Beta annea~. Hhen such annealing or beta solution heat treatment
is specified (see 6.2), a lot of workDieces of Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-4V ELI,
Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn, or other alpha-beta al”loy shall be soaked-at a temperature
which is 50 t 25°F (30 * 15°C) above the determined beta transus of the lot
(see The soaking time shall be such that all portions of the
furnace charge and of each workpiece including midsection are soaked for at
least 30 minutes. Following soaking, the lot shall be cooled in air or inert
gas to ambient temperature. Furnace cooling is not permitted. Water
quenching shall not be performed, unless specified in the contract or on the
drawing. Hhen water quenching is specified, the products of Ti-6Al-4V,
Ti-6Al-4V ELI, and Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn shall be given a second anneal between 1350”F
(732”C) and 1400°F (760°C) for 1 to 3 hours.

3.6 Process requirements other than .——

.———.. those— Fied in 3.5.

3.6.1 —.-—
General requirements. All heating, quenching and other processing
equipment used for thermal treating shall be capable of producing end product
conforming to 3.1. Al-1 units of a lot shall be heated uniformly and on the

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whole piece, never on a portion only. For coiled product heated within a
continuous furnace or straight product heated within an induction coil, the
product shall be heated uniformly in Its cross-section.

3.6.2 Surface cleanliness. Prior to thermal treatment, surfaces of

workplaces shall be free from heavy lubricants, halogen compounds, and other
fore”ignmatter, which will cause p}oduct to become noncornpl”iant. Prod~ct
coated with light oils need not be cleaned prior to thermal treatment,
provided that the oil either vaporizes or burns off during preheating.
Halogenated solvents (see sample list 6.3.5) and methanol shall not be used to
degrease workpieces, unless the workplaces are subsequently cleaned using an
alkaline solution or an acid pickle. Such cleaning shall be performed prior
to thermal treatment.

3.6.3 Holding fixtures. All racks, supports or fixtures contacting

workplaces shall be made of heat resistant metal such as 300 series stainless
steel or nickel base alloys. The use of ceramic or other suitable
non-reacting material is also permitted. Fixtures shall be designed to permit
free flow of heating and quenching media around each workpiece and to minimize
distortion of workplaces being treated.

3.6.4 Protective coatings. The use of coatings to protect against scaling

and to ease scale removal is permissible, on condition that resultant product
meets the reqllirements of 3,1 ~IIcll a ~nnrj!tigp ~h~~l be cj:rn:~s~r~~l~ ~y ~~$~

3.6.5 Hydrogen contamination. Hydrogen concentrations in workplaces which

are submitted for inspection, after all thermal treatments and manufacturer’s
processing, shall show no concentrations in excess of those specified in the
acquisition documents when tested for in accordance with 4.7.3. Control of
hydrogen absorption shall stem from control of furnace atmospheres,
cleanliness of workpiece surfaces, and acid pickling. Where maximum hydrogen
concentration is not specified in acquisition documents, the maximum allowable
hydrogen concentration shall be as agreed upon between the contracting
activity and the contractor.

3.6,5.1 Rework of product contaminated by hydrogen. An excessive hydrogen

concentration found in a lot may be reduced to an acceptable concentration by
heating the lot in a vacuum furnace conforming to Such action shall
be reported to the purchaser. Heating under vacuum which results in overaging
of a lot shall be cause for rejection of that lot. Salvage by re-solution
heat treating and aging shall be performed only with the consent of the
purchaser. Records of all re-heat treatments shall be prepared and maintained
in accordance with 4~8.4.

3.6.6 Surface contamination. Surface contamination after heat treatment

shall be removed by chemical or mechanical means. The surfaces of machined,
ground, blasted or acid-pickled workplaces shall not exhibit the effects of
absorbed oxygen or nitrogen to the degree that the surface contamination of
the product exceeds the levels specified in the acquisition documents when
tested in accordance with

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3.7 Product monitoring. Periodic monitoring of heat treated workplaces to

determine compliance to 3.1 shall include the evaluation of tensile and bend

3.7.1 Tensile properties. Specimens taken from thermally treated

workplaces in accordance with 4.6.3 and tested in accordance with 4.7.1 shall
exhibit tensile strengths, yield strengths, elongations, and reductions in
area in compliance with applicable requirements of acquisition documents.
Tension testing shall be performed in accordance with Table VII of this
specification unless otherwise specified in the acquisition documents.

3.7.2 Bend properties. Flat-rolled product of 0.187 inch (4.75 mm)

nominal thickness or less when sampled in accordance with shall
exhibit no cracks or separation in any direction when examined at 20X
magnification after having been tested in accordance with 4.7.2.


4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the

contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance
of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise
specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or
any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection
requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The
Go’:ernme:t reserves the right to perform any of the !nspect!ons set forth In
the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure that
supplies and services conform to the prescribed requirements.

4.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. All items shall meet all

requirements of Section 3. The inspection set forth in this specification
shall become a part of the contractor’s overall inspection system or quality
program. The absence of any ~nspection requirements in the specification
shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all
products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with
all requirements of the contract. Sampling inspection, as part of
manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance
to requirements, however, this does not authorize submission of known
defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the
Government to accept defective material.

4.2 Quality conformance tests.

4.2.1 Periodic tests. Tests to determine conformance to the following

requirements are classified as periodic tests and, unless otherwise specified
by the contracting activity (see 6.2), shall be performed at the frequency
specified herein, as applicable to furnace type.

a. Daily check of the dew point of the inert gases.

b. Monthly test of furnace pyrometer systems accuracy (see 4.5.1)

c. Weekly checks for hydrogen pickup or contamination, except for
processes wherein every thermally treated lot is analyzed, or
for treatments in a vacuum furnace or in inert gas.

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d. At least one surface contamination examination weekly (see of product thermally treated In a vacuum furnace or
in inert gas, in order to detect possible leakage.
e. Quarterly calibration of furnace instruments as in 4.5.
f. Quarterly system accuracy tests and instrument calibration of
stress relieving as in 4.5.
9. Temperature surveys of furnace (see 4.3 for frequency).

4.2.2 Preproduction tests. Tests to determine conformance to the

following requirements are classified as preproduction tests and shall be
performed prior to any production heat treating:

a. Furnace temperature uniformity or distribution (see 4.4)

b. Pyrometer system accuracy as in 4.s.
Furnace instrument calibration as in 4.5.
:: Dew point of the inert gas when such gas is used.
Hydrogen contamination.
;: Leak rate.

4.3 Equipment Calibration and Tests.

4.3.1 Pyrometric calibration. Pyrometric equipment shall be calibrated in

accordance with AMS-2750.

4.3.2 Test procedures for equipment. Heat treating equipment shall be

tested in acco~dance wi~h-AMS~Z750. ‘-

4.4 Survey requirements.

4.4.1 General. Procedures for surveying furnaces shall be in accordance

with AMS-2750.

4,4.2 Furnace temperatures when making Initial surveys. Furnaces used for
thermal treatment shall be surveyed at the hiqhest and lowest service
temperatures anticipated as gove~ned by the f~rnace application and also at
one or more intermediate temperatures so that span between tested temperatures ~
does not exceed 600°F.

4.4.3 Survey requirements, batch furnaces. Number and location of thermocouples during initial surveys. In

the furnace, thermocouples shall be placed in accordance with AMS-2750, as
applicable. Thermocouples may also be attached to the furnace charges at
exposed surfaces and within the charges. The number and distribution of these
thermcicouples shall be subject to purchaser approval (see 6.2).

4.4.4 Survey requirements, continuous furnaces, all gaseous atmospheres. Furnace temperatures when making initial surveys. The maximum and
minimum temperatures within the working zones shall not exceed those specified
in 4.4,2, as applicable to the intended thermal treatment. Furnaces used for
more than one kind of thermal treatment shall be surveyed at the highest and

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lowest anticipated service temperatures. Number and locations of the thermocouples during initial surveys.

Thermocouples shall be placed in the furnace in the number and locations which
will enable the determination of entry-to-exit temperatures profiles at each
working temperature. A minimum of two thermocouples shall be attached to each
furnace charge and accompany the charge through the furnace.

4.4.5 Survey requirements, continuous furnaces, vacuum. Number and locations of thermocouples during initial surveys.

Thermocouples within the furnace shall be placed in accordance with Survey procedure. Except as otherwise specified herein, the

survey procedure shall conform to 4.4.2. When the furnace charge cannot be
wired with thermocouples without destroying the vacuum, the survey shall
entail inspections of product after thermal treatment. Such inspections shall
include, but not be limited to: tension tests (see 4.7.1), bend tests (see
4.7.2), determination of hydrogen concentration (see 4.7.3), and
metal lographic examinations (see 4.7.4). Such inspections shall be performed
on the first lot of each product passed through a new or refurbished furnace
(see 4.6.2 for lot definition).

4.4.6 Survey requirements, induction

— heating system>, Thermal treatments and workpiece temperatures. Only solution heat

treating, stress relieving, and annealing treatments shall be carried out by
induction heating. The temperatures in 4.4.2 shall be considered as
nonmandatory. Other temperatures appropriate to products to be heat treated
may be selected, provided that the requirements of 3.1 are met. Temperature measurement. To determine uniformity of temperature

around the cross-sectional perimeter of a workpiece, a minimum of four
thermocouples shall be attached around such perimeter approximately 90 degrees
apart. Survey procedure. 140rkpiece with thermocouples attached shall be

passed through the induction coil at a rate and power density which will
result in sufficient heating to accomplish the desired result. Temperature
readings need not be taken while the thermocouple hot junctions are within the
induction coil. Several workpiece passages at various rates and power
densities may be needed before proper conditions can be determined.

4.5 Calibration. Calibration of equipment as specified in 4.3 shall be

carried but in accordance with MIL-STD-45662.

4.5.1 Accuracy of furnace PY rometric systems. General requirements. The accuracy of such systems shall be

checked by procedures in accordance with AMS-2750, except as otherwise
specified herein. The test thermocouple, test potentiometer, and cold
junction compensation system shall within the previous 3 months have been
calibrated against National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
primary or secondary certified thermocouples and potentiometers to an accuracy

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of t 2°F (tl°C) of NIST true temperature. Special requirements. When the furnace construction Is such that

test thermocouples can not be placed adjacent to working thermocouples, a plan
for the calibration of pyrometric systems shall be adopted by the party
responsible under contract for heat treatments administered. This plan shall
be subject to disapproval by the contracting activity (see 6.2).

4.6 Sampling for product monitoring. Such sampling shall be for

inst)ection for conformance to 3.1. The samolincl requirements of the
subparagraphs herein shall not apply to a p~odu~t covered by a sampling plan
within a product specification. Subject to the contracting activity’s
approval (see 6.2), product specification test results may be used to satisfy
any one of the inspections specified n section 4.7 to demonstrate conformance
to 3.1.

4.6.1 Unit of inspection. The un t of inspection shall be one piece of

rod, bar, sheet, plate, or shape, one coil of strip, or one forged or cast
semi-finished part.

4.6.2 Lot. A lot shall consist of a group of product units of the same
heat, mech~cally and thermally treated to substantially the same properties
using the same pieces of equipment, such treatment being applied to the units
as a batch, or to the qroup unit-by-unit over essentially a continuous time
interval not to exceed 8 hours, and inspected at the same time.

4.6.3 Specimen selection. Specimens for each inspection (see 4.7) shall
be selected in accordance with, 4,6.3.2,,,,, and, as applicable. Specimens of suitable dimensions shall
be removed from product where configuration and dimensions permit. 14here such
removal is impossible, specimens shall be taken from a sample piece of
appropriate dimensions and of the same heat as a product unit with which the
sample is heat treated. Wrought product except forged parts. Two specimens for tension
testing in accordance with 4.7.1 shall be excised from each lot of such
product after the final thermal treatment. In addition, from each lot of
product within the thickness range specified in 3.7.2, two specimens shall be
excised for the bend test specified in 4.7.2. Bars, billets, and blooms to be
manufactured into forged parts shall, when specified on the drawing, have test
blanks removed, forged into specimens simulating the forged parts to be made,
heat treated, and tested in accordance with 4.7.1. Forgings. Unless otherwise specified in product specifications or

other acquisition documents, each furnace charge of raw or rough-machined
forgings shall be accompanied by two blanks with comparable mechanical working
from the same heat as the lot being heated. These blanks shall be suitable
for machining into test specimens conforming to 4.7.1, as applicable, and be
from locations complying with product specifications or other acquisition
documents, as applicable. Standard components. When heat treating standard components, such

as nuts and bolts, for which the frequency of testing is specified, the

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applicable requirements of the component product specification shall take

precedence. Cast parts. Unless otherwise speclfled, each furnace load of cast
parts undergoing heat treatment shall be accompanied by three tension
specimens as specified In 4.7.1, poured within the same casting lot as the
parts represented unless specimens from actual castings are used.

4.6,3.5 Induction heated product. Unless otherwise specified in

acquisition documents, two blanks to be made into specimens conforming to
4.7.1, as applicable, shall be removed from the first and the last workpiece
of the lot treated. Sampling for analysis of hydrogen concentration. Product heated

in air at temperatures equal to or less than 1000”F (540”C), or under vacuum
or inert gas need not be”sampled and analyzed after such treatments. From
product heated above 1000”F, two specimens shall be taken from each thermally
treated lot and tested in accordance with 4.7.3 for conformance to 3.6.5.
When the product is strip, one specimen shall be taken from each end of a
coi 1. The other product shall be sampled randomly. Sample for metal lographic examinations for surface contaminations.

Product heated at tem~eratures eaual to or less than 1000”F (540”C). need not
be :amp;?d aacl e,iamifi?d,unless OtllPrWi;e specified. Fid[ii pCC)dUCt h~dtE?d
above 1000”F, two specimens from each thermally treated lot shall be subjected
to the examination specified in for compliance with 3.6.6. 14hen the
product is strip, one specimen shall be taken from each end of a coil. The
other product shall be sampled randomly. For examinations for adequate
purging (see, only one sample need be taken from the furnace charge.

4.7 Test methods. Unless other test methods are specified in other
product acquisition documents, the test methods specified herein shall apply’.

4.7.1 Tension test. Specimens selected in accordance with 4.6, as

applicable, shall be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM E 8 for
conformance to 3.7.1. The rate of strain during testing shall be 0.003 to
0.007 in./in./minute until the yield strength at the designated offset has
been exceeded, after which the rate of strain shall be increased so as to
result in fracture within one additional minute. In case of dispute over
strain rates, a strain rate of 0.005 in./in./minute shall be applied until the
designated offset yield point has been exceeded, after which the crosshead
speed shall be a minimum of 0.1 in./minute until fracture.

4.7:2 Bend test. Specimens selected in accordance with shall be

tested for conformance to 3.7.2 by applying test procedures within ASTM E 290
as modified herein. Specimen edges in the width direction shall be free of
burrs. Deburring by any conventional technique is allowed. Specimen widths
shall not be less than one inch (25.4 mm), nor shall specimen lengths be less
than 2 inches (50.8 mm). Ouring testing, each specimen shall be supported as
a simple beam across a female die conforming to Figure 1; such die selected In
accordance with the specified bend to be imparted. Each specimen shall be
bent by a 3-point load resulting from the pressure of a male die centered over
the female die, the male die being manufactured in accordance with Figure 1,

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and selected for the test In accordance with the specified bend to be
impart~d. Bend tests may be performed on a power brake.

4.7.3 Hydrogen analysis. Specimens selected in accordance with

shall be analyzed by the hot extraction method specified in ASTM E 146 to
determine compliance with 3.6.5. Other methods may be used subject to the
approval of the contracting activity.

4.7.4 Metallographic examinations. Determination of beta transus. When beta annealing of an

alpha-beta alloy is specified (see 3.5.6), representative samples from the lot
to be so annealed shall be taken for solution heat treating and quenching.
Each test specimen shall be of such dimensions that its center will cool
faster than the critical rate during the quench. A range of solution heat
treating temperatures spanning the nominal beta transus shall be applied using
a different temperature for each specimen. Following quenching, specimens for
metal lographic examination shall be prepared in accordance with ASTM E 3, as
applicable, etched in a suitable solution, and examined at magnifications to
500X to determine the amount of primary alpha phase present. The temperature
at which this phase is no longer present shall be deemed the beta transus of
the lot. Such temperature may be determined by interpolation. In lieu of
metallography, a beta transus may be determined by means of a differential
thel-malalnalyzei-. Metal
—— lographic examination for surface contamination by oxygen and
nitrogen. Specimens selected-in compliance with shall be prepared
according to ASTM E 3, as applicable, etched in a suitable solution, and
examined at 200X or higher magnification to determine conformance to 3.6.6.

4.8 Records.

4.8.1 Retention of inspection records. Unless otherwise specified in the

acquisition documents, inspection records shall be on file for five years and
shall be available for examination by the contracting activity.

4.8.2 Records of calibration. Records of calibration shall be kept for

five years and shall be available for examination by the contracting activity.

4.8.3 Test results. Results of all tests required by this specification

shall be retained for five years after date of performance, and shall be
available for examination by the contracting activity.

4.8:4 Furnace records. Records relative to the identification and history

of usage of each furnace shall be maintained as evidence of compliance with
this specification. Information recorded shall include as a minimum the
furnace number or description, size, temperature range of usage, type(s) of
thermal treatment applied (solution heat treatment, annealing, etc.),
temperature(s) at which uniformity was surveyed, dates of each survey, number
and locations of thermocouples during each survey, and dates and other
specifics of substantial repairs or alterations. These records shall be kept
for 5 years after the date of performance or as otherwise specified in the
acquisition documents.

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4.8.5 Records of hydrogen outgassing treatments. During a hydrogen

outgassing treatment, the working temperature, the soaktng time, and absolute
pressure within the furnace shall be recorded. Records shall be retained and
be available for review in accordance with 4.8.1.

4.8.6 Noncompliance. If any test result falls to meet the requirements

specified herein, the cause of failure shall be determined and the equipment
repaired if applicable. If tests indicate improper heat treatment, the
equipment and process shall not be used for heat treatment of titanium alloys
until the deviation(s) is corrected and satisfactory performance is
re-established. Questionable material shall. be investigated, categorized as
conforming or non-conforming and disposed of accordingly. Evaluation of the
equipment-and/or material shall be documented and the-appropriate corrective
action shall be aken and documented. The quality assurance organization
shall notify the contracting activity of nonconformance when previously heat
treated lots are suspect.

This sect on is not applicable to this document.

(This section contains nformation of a general or explanatory nature
that may be helpful but is not mandatory.)

6.1 intended use. This specification is intended for dev Iopment and
control 6f heat treatinq procedures applied to titanium and titanium alloy
wrought and cast produc~.

6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents must specify the


a. Title, number, and date of the specification.

b. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required, ‘the
specific issue of individual documents referenced (see 2.1).
c. Use of thermal treatment parameter values other than those specified
herein (see 3.5).
d. Use of beta annealing (see 3.5.6).
Frequency of periodic tests if other than 4.2.1.
;: Approval of number and distribution of thermocouples as in
;. Furnace construction approval as in
Whether product specification test results may be used, as in 4.6.

6.3 General information.

6.”3.1 Avoidance of contamination during thermal treatments. The following

paragraphs list those means which may be adopted to avoid contamination of the
heat treated product with hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Information on the
reactions between these elements and titanium and its alloys may be found in
MIL-HDBK-697, “Titanium and Titanium Alloys”. Hydrogen contamination. Such contamination of bare workplaces may

be avoided by heating within either a vacuum, or an inert qas of low dew
point. Avoidance may also be achieved by coating workpiec~s with an
impermeable mater al. Bare workplaces should not be in contact with

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dissociated hydrocarbons or cracked ammonia. Contaminated workplaces may be

salvaged by heating under vacuum. Oxygen and nitrogen contamination. Since contamination resulting

from contact with these qases during thermal treatment Is confined to a thin
surface layer, the contaminate may be removed by mechanical or chemical means,
as applicable. If the chemical means Is acid pickling, then care should be
exerted to avoid hydrogen contamination. Where surface removal can be
applied, considerable latitude in selecting atmospheric environments is
afforded. Where removal of contaminated layers is not feasible, contamination
may be minimized by either very brief contact w!th a contaminating atmosphere,
the application of a protective coating, or heating within an inert atmosphere
or vacuum.

6.3.2 Heat treating temperatures. The hardening heat treatments selected

for the alpha-beta and beta alloys are designed to provide the best
combination of strength, ductility, notch and fracture toughness. i4henever~b~
specified practice appears questionable, or if preproduction tests produce
erratic results, the heat treater is advised to consult the applicable product
specification to establish corrective action. Scaling of titanium and
titanium alloys starts at about 1000”F (540”C). Heating above 1000”F under
oxidizing conditions results in increasingly severe surface scaling as well as
diffusion of oxygen. Oxygen diffusion results in a hard, brittle surface
layer. If the solution heat treating temperature is below the minimum
specified, complete solution is not effected and the optimum mechanical
properties are not developed. The selection of solution heat treating
temperatures should be guided by beta transus temperatures, nominal values of
which are within Table VI.

6.3.3. Quenching. For the alpha-beta alloys, a rapid quenching after

solution heat treating is necessary in order to meet the minimum mechanical

6.3.4 Annealing stability. Thermal stability of the alpha-beta titanium

alloys depends upon the transformation characteristics of beta ~hase. The
slow-cooling stabilizing anneal is designed to produce a stable”beta capable
of resisting further transformation when exposed to elevated temperature in
service. In regard to other alloys, such as Ti-6Al–2Sn-4Zr-2Mo, stabilization
treatment applied subsequent to the solution heat treatment achieves the
required stability.

6.3.5 Stress corrosion. Titanium alloys are susceptible to stress

corrosion by halides at temperatures above 550”F (290°C). For this reason,
particular care mustbe taken to insure proper cleanliness, that is, absence
of halog~n compounds on parts heat treated or used above 550”F. Halogenated
solvents should be avoided for cleaning titanium alloys. A sample list of
halogenated hydrocarbons is shown below.

Halogenated hydrocarbon?

Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride Trichlorofl uoromethane

Trichlorotri fluoroethane Methylene iodide Octafluorocyclobutane
Trichloroethylene Trichloroethane

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6.3.6 Rate of heating. When matertal, size, or design of parts, or the

operating conditions are such that no cracking or excessive warpage results,
the parts may be charged into the heat treating furnace at any desired
temperature which does not exceed the maximum working temperature specified
for the process and the material involved. Parts of complicated design having
abrupt changes of section or sharp corners, and parts which have been
previously hardened above 120 ksi (827 MPa), should be subcritically annealed,
or preheated prior to charging into furnaces which are at or above any
transformation temperature. This does not apply to aging of beta alloys.
Alternatively, the furnace temperature can be lowered several hundred degrees
prior to charging to avoid cracking and minimize distortion.

6.3.7 Soaking times. The soaking times listed within the tables are
approximately correct ‘for heating in air, in a gaseous atmosphere, or in a
vacuum. The soaking times appropriate to a particular lot will vary with the
composition of material, capacity of heating elements, and size of charge, as
well as the thickness of the individual part. Excessive soaking times should
be avoided, so as to minimize scaling, avoid surface contamination, and avoid
beta grain growth when solution heat treating alpha-beta alloys.

6.3.8 Shape influence. Most of the published literature and the data in
this specification are based on tests of round specimens of various
diameters. In order to apply these data successfully to actual parts, it is
convenient to visualize the parts as simple geometric shapes such as rounds,
h~xagnns, sqllares, plates or tubes. These shapes can then be considered as
the size round which will have approximately the same cooling rates as that of
the simple shape. The relationship between the various simple shapes and the
corresponding rounds is shown in Figure 2.

6.3.9 Metrication. Dimensions in inch/pound units and Fahrenheit

temperatures are primary; dimensions in S1 units and Celsius temperatures are
shown as the approximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented
only for information purposes.

6.4 Definitions.

6.4.1 Raw material (e.q., sheet, plate, bar, forgings, castings and
extruded shapes). Usually identified by a heat or lot number, is usually
destructively tested for acceptance. It is heat treated, usually by or for a
material producer, in accordance with a material specification which may
require, by reference, conformance to a heat treating specification. It may
include rough or partially machined or similarly modified parts heat treated
by a material producer in accordance with the procedures and destructive
testing requirements of a material specification.
6.4.2 Parts. Usually identified by a part number, are produced from raw
material in accordance with the requirements of a drawing and are usually
tested by nondestructive means only. They are heat treated by or for a
fabricator, in accordance with a drawing, purchase order, fabrication order,
or heat treatment specification. At the time of heat treatment, they may
resemble raw material.

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6.5 Subject term (key word) llstlnq.

Al loy
Beta transus
Heat treatment
Stress relief

6.6 Marginal Indlcia. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to
identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness
of the changes.

Custodians: Preparing Activity:

Army - MR Navy - AS
Navy - AS
Air Force - 11 (Project No. 95GP-O1OO)

Review Activities:
Army - AV, MI
Navy - SH
Air Force = 84, 99

User Activities:
Army - GL

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7 D
: I



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verify that this is the current version before use.


Soaking time shall be considered to begin as soon as the lowest reading

control thermocouple is at the lower limit of the specified solution
treating temperature range. (see 6.3.7).

Longer soaking times may be necessary for specific forgings. Shorter

soaking times are satisfactory when soak time is accurately determined by
thermocouples attached to the load. Soaking time should be measured from
the time the furnace charge reaches the soaking temperature (see

Air cool or faster.

For material less than O.100 inch (2.54 mm). For thickness greater than
0.100 inch, duplex solution treatment is applicable as follows, 1300”F to
1375°F (705 to 745”C) for 50 to 80 minutes, air-cooled, then 1400”F to
1450°F (760 to 790°C), 20 to 60 minutes.

Air cooling may be applied in relatively thin sections. Mater quench is

required for thick sections.

No solut on heat treat ng cycle is specified for sheet, strip and plate.

No solut on heat treat ng cycle is specified for bars, forgings and


When vacuum furnace equ pment is used, inert gas cooling may be applted
in lieu of air cooling.

An air cool may be appl ed to sections up toO.50 inch thick (12.7 mm).
A water quench shall be applied to sections greater than 0.50 inch thick.

—10/ See paragraph 6.3.8.

TABLE II. Maximum quench delay.


Nominal thickness, inches (mm) Maximum delay time (seconds) ~1 ~/

Up toO.25 (6.4)
0.26 (6.5) to 0.99 (25.3) :
1.00 (25.4) and over 10


~/ Quench delay time begins when the furnace door starts to open, and ends
when the last corner of the load is immersed in the quenchant.

~/ Times shown apply to T~-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-4V ELI. Alloys more

beta-stabilized are more tolerant of quench delay.

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TABLE III. Aging schedule.

Material Aging temperature Soaking

“F “c times, hours 1/
Alpha Alloys

8A1-lMO-lV 1000-1150 540-620 8 - 24 2/

llSn-5Zr-2Al-lMo 900-1000 480-540 20 - 30 ~1 ji

Alpha-Beta Alloys

6A1-4V 900-1275 480-690 2 -8 ~1 3/

6A1-6V-2Sn 875-1150 470-620 2-1o -
6A1-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo 1050-1150 565-620 2-8 gl
6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo 1050-1250 480-675 4-8
6A1-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-O.25Si 900-1250 480-675 2-1o
5A1-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr 1100-1250 480-675 4-8 jl

3eta Alloys

13V-llCr-3Al JI 825-975 440-525 2-60 jl

3A1-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr 875-1150 470-620 2-24 jl
15V-3Al-3Cr-lSn 900-1250 480-675 2 - 24 3/
10V-2Fe-3Al 900-1150 480-620 8-10 jl


~/ See note ~/, Table I, for definition of soaking time and paragraph 6.,

~/ See Table V for duplex annealing. An 8-hour stabilizing treatment at

105O-11OO”F (565-595”C) can be considered an aging treatment.

~/ Aging time and temperature depends on strength level desired.

~/ Springs may be aged at 800”F (425”C).

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TABLE IV. Stress relief schedule.

Stress relief temperature Soaking time,

Material “F “c minutes 1/

Commercially pure 900-1100 480-595 15- 240

(All grades)

Alpha Alloys

5A1-2.5Sn 1000-1200 540-650 15-360

5A1-2.5Sn ELI 1000-1200 540-650 15 - 360
6A1-2Cb-lTa-O.8Mo 1000-1200 540-650 15 - 60
8A1-lMO-lV 1100-1400 595-760 10 - 75
llSn-5Zr-2Al-lMo 900-1000 480-540 120 - 480

Alpha-Beta Alloys

3A1-2.5V 700-1100 370-595 15 - 240

6A1-4V 2/ 900-1200 480-650 60 - 240
6Al_d\/ FIT 7/ 900-1200 480-6s0 60 - 240
6A1-6V-2Sn - 900-1200 480-650 60 - 240
6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo 900-1200 480-650 60 - 240
5A1-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr 900-1200 480-650 60 - 240
6A1-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-O.25Si 900-1200 480-650 60 - 240

Beta Alloys

13V-llCr-3Al 1300-1350 480-730 30 - 60

3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr 1300-1400 705-760 10 - 60
15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn 1450-1500 790-815 30 - 60
10V-2Fe-3Al 1250-1300 675-705 30 - 60


~/ See paragraph 6.3.7.

~/ Stress relief may be accomplished simultaneously with hot forming at

temperatures of1400°F (760”C) to 1450°F (790”C). Caution should be
exercised in stress relleving titanium alloys that have been strengthened
by solution treating and aging. The stress relieving temperature should
not exceed the aging temperature used in heat treatment.

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m ----

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Source: -- Downloaded: 2022-11-03T03:15Z
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Furnace cool to below 900”F (480”C) - duplex anneal requires second

anneal at 1450”F (790”C) for 15 min. followed by air cool.

Air cool or faster.

Fol owed by stabilization at llOO°F (595”C) for 8 hrs. and air cool,

Air cool .

Air cool or slower. ,

14hendu~lex anneal (solution treat and anneal) is specified for 6A1-4V,

the annealing treatment is as follows: Heat to beta transus
temperature minus 50 to 75°F (14 to 32”C), hold for 1 to 2 hours for
bars/forgings/plate, air cool or faster, reheat 1300-1400°F (705-760”C)
for 1 to 2 hrs. and air cool.

Air cool followed by 1450”F (790”C) for 15 min. and air cool.

Air cool followed by 11OO”F (595°C) for 8 hrs. and air cool.

Followed by aging at a temperature to develop required properties.

Wh~n rpcrvstallization anneal is specified to optimize fracture

toughness, it is generally as follows: Heat to beta transus
temperature minus 50 to 75°F (14 to 32”C), hold for 1 to 4 hrs., air
cool or slower, reheat between 1300 to 1400”F (705 to 760”F) for lto2
hrs. and air cool.

Soaking time shall be considered to begin as soon as the furnace

recovers to the specified soaking temperature. The table below offers
guidance in selecting soaking times:

Thickness, inches (mm) Soaking time, minutes * 5


0.125 (3.19) and under 20

0.126 - 0.250 (3.20-6.35) 30
0.251 - 0.500 (6.36-12.70) 40
0.501 - 0.750 (12.71-19.07) 50
0.751 - 1.000 (19.08-25,40) 60
Over 1.000 (25.40) 1 hour minimum plus add fifteen
minutes for each quarter inch of
thickness over one inch.

Annealing times for flat-rolled product processed as a ~ontinuous coil

can be shortened to 2 minutes minimum. See paragraph 6.3.7.

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TABLE VI. Approximate beta transus temperatures. ~1

Beta transus ~1
Material temperature
“F “c
Commercially pure alloys

Commercially pure Titanium, 0.25 max Oxygen 1675 910

Commercially pure Titanium, 0.40 max Oxygen 1735 945

Alpha Alloys

5A1-2.5Sn 1925 1050

6Al-2Cb-lTa-0.8Mo 1860 1015
8A1-lMO-lV 1900 1040
llSn-5Zr-2Al-lMo 1730 945

Alpha-Beta Alloys

3A1-2.5V 1715 935

~Al_(’l\l 1830 1000
6A1-4V ELI 1810 990
6A1-6V-2Sn 1735 945
6A1-2sn-4Zr-2Mo 1820 995
6A1-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo 1740 950
6A1-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-O.25Si 1795 980
5A1-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr 1625 885

Beta Alloys

13V-llCr-3Al 1330 720

3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr 1460 795
15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn 1400 760
10V-2Fe-3Al 1475 800


~/ This table is for information purposes only.

~/ The beta transus temperature for any single lot of material may vary from
the temperature indicated in this table. Thus, when specifying a solution
heat treatment temperature as a certain number of degrees above or below
the beta transus, the beta transus of the lot may need to be determined

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TABLE VII. Required mechanical tests. ~1

Yield Elongation
Ultimate strength percent in Reduction
Product tensi le at 0.2 2 inches in area
strength percent or 4D percent

Plate, sheet and strip x x x

Bars (all sizes) x x x x
. Forgings and castings
(all sizes) x x x x

Rod (round and flat) x x x

Special shapes
(extruded) x x x

Tubing, wall thickness

nprmittina sllitahle x x x —
subsize tensile specimen

Tubing, no subsize
tensile specimen x x x


II See 4.7.1.

. .


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A(( dies to be at least 2,5’ long.


Hardness equivalent to Rockwell

C-55 mir)irnumi

R- Bend radius
r- 0,010”Min.radius to prevent
galling and binding.



3 1/2

for R = 0.490 to 0,7E4
for R>O.190 fOF R=O.190 to
1 0.489
L PI 1
>1 1/24

1 1/2

Figure 1. Bend testinq of sheet and strip.

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ER 1/
m ❑ 1 ax

— ER = 1.1 T ER’= 1.25 T ER = 1.5 T




lt- T ~/

t’_— L —+ I

‘“ -r-




Figure 2. -Lent rounds for simple sh~pes.


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1. Thepreparing activity must complete blocks 1,2,3, and8. In block I, both thedocument number and revision
letter should be given.
2. The submitter of WIS form must complete blocks 4,5,6, and 7.
3. The preparing activity must provide a reply within 30 days from receipt of the form.
NOTE: This form may not be used to request copies of documents, nor to request waivers, or clarification of
requirements on current contracts. Comments submitted on this form do not constitute or imply authorization to
waive any portion of the referenced document(s) or to amend contractual requirements.
:l;RECO:M:~E,~D;A,,@~GE: , ‘“ ‘“;y; &y~;B 13 Jan 91
L NATURE OF CHANGE (Identify paragrdph number #nd include proposed rewrite, if ~“ble. Attach ●xtrz $heeta ●s needed.)


- .. . .... ..- ... ... .. .

AME b. TELEPHONE (btclti *S Code)
~dinq c)f
ficer (1) Commercial (2) AUTOVON
NAEC, SES6 Code 53 (908) 323-7455 624-7455
Defense Quality ●nd Standardization Office
Iakehurst, NJ 08733-5100 S203 Leesburg Pikq Suite 1403, Falls Church, VA 22041-3466
Telephone (703) 756-2340 AUTOVON 289-2340

00 Form 1426, OCT 89 *vlous &ions ●re obso/ete. WvMa

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