ASTM Standard For Fracture Analysis

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The document discusses fracture mirrors which are features observed in fractography of brittle materials like ceramics and glasses. Fracture mirror size can be used to estimate stress or calculate fracture mirror constants.

A fracture mirror is a relatively smooth region surrounding the fracture origin. Fracture mirror size can be used with known constants or stresses to estimate stress or calculate constants. It provides information about the fracture process.

Techniques mentioned for examining fracture mirrors include different angles of observation, illumination methods, magnification levels, and measurement protocols.

NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.

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Designation: C1678 – 09

Standard Practice for

Fractographic Analysis of Fracture Mirror Sizes in Ceramics
and Glasses1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1678; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This practice pertains to the analysis and interpretation 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
of fracture mirror sizes in brittle materials. Fracture mirrors C1145 Terminology of Advanced Ceramics
(Fig. 1) are telltale fractographic markings that surround a C1256 Practice for Interpreting Glass Fracture Surface
fracture origin in brittle materials. The fracture mirror size may Features
be used with known fracture mirror constants to estimate the C1322 Practice for Fractography and Characterization of
stress in a fractured component. Alternatively, the fracture Fracture Origins in Advanced Ceramics
mirror size may be used in conjunction with known stresses in
test specimens to calculate fracture mirror constants. The 3. Terminology
practice is applicable to glasses and polycrystalline ceramic 3.1 Definitions: (See Fig. 1)
laboratory test specimens as well as fractured components. The 3.1.1 fracture mirror, n—as used in fractography of brittle
analysis and interpretation procedures for glasses and ceramics materials, a relatively smooth region in the immediate vicinity
are similar, but they are not identical. Different optical micros- of and surrounding the fracture origin C1145, C1322
copy examination techniques are listed and described, includ- 3.1.2 fracture origin, n—the source from which brittle
ing observation angles, illumination methods, appropriate fracture commences. C1145,C1322
magnification, and measurement protocols. Guidance is given 3.1.3 hackle, n—as used in fractography of brittle materials,
for calculating a fracture mirror constant and for interpreting a line or lines on the crack surface running in the local direction
the fracture mirror size and shape for both circular and of cracking, separating parallel but noncoplanar portions of the
noncircular mirrors including stress gradients, geometrical crack surface. C1145,C1322
effects, and/or residual stresses. The practice provides figures 3.1.4 mist, n—as used in fractography of brittle materials,
and micrographs illustrating the different types of features markings on the surface of an accelerating crack close to its
commonly observed in and measurement techniques used for effective terminal velocity, observable first as a misty appear-
the fracture mirrors of glasses and polycrystalline ceramics. ance and with increasing velocity reveals a fibrous texture,
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as elongated in the direction of crack propagation.
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this C1145,C1322
standard. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the (See Fig. 1)
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.2.1 mirror-mist boundary in glasses, n—the periphery
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- where one can discern the onset of mist around a glass fracture
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- mirror. This boundary corresponds to Ai, the inner mirror
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. constant.
3.2.2 mist-hackle boundary in glasses, n—the periphery
where one can discern the onset of systematic hackle around a
glass fracture mirror. This boundary corresponds to Ao, the
outer mirror constant.
3.2.3 mirror-hackle boundary in polycrystalline ceramics,,
n—the periphery where one can discern the onset of systematic
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C28 on Advanced
Ceramics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C28.03 on Physical
Properties and Non-Destructive Evaluation. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved May 1, 2009. Published June 2009. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 2007. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as C1678 – 07. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/C1678-09. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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C1678 – 09

NOTE—The initial flaw may grow stably to size ac prior to unstable fracture when the stress intensity reaches KIc. The mirror-mist radius is Ri, the
mist-hackle radius is Ro, and the branching distance is Rb. These transitions correspond to the mirror constants, Ai, Ao, and Ab, respectively.
FIG. 1 Schematic of a Fracture Mirror Centered on a Surface Flaw of Initial Size (a).

new hackle and there is an obvious roughness change relative “fracture mirror.” In fact, high magnification microscopy
to that inside a ceramic fracture mirror region. This boundary reveals that, even within the mirror region in glasses, there are
corresponds to Ao, the outer mirror constant. Ignore premature very fine features and escalating roughness as the crack
hackle and/or isolated steps from microstructural irregularities advances away from the origin. These are submicrometer in
in the mirror or irregularities at the origin. size and hence are not discernable with an optical microscope.
3.2.4 fracture mirror constant, n—(Fl-3/2) an empirical ma- Early investigators interpreted fracture mirrors as having
terial constant that relates the fracture stress to the mirror discrete boundaries including a “mirror-mist” boundary and
radius in glasses and ceramics. also a “mist-hackle” boundary in glasses. These were also
termed “inner mirror” or “outer mirror” boundaries, respec-
4. Summary of Practice tively. It is now known that there are no discrete boundaries
4.1 This practice provides guidance on the measurement corresponding to specific changes in the fractographic features.
and interpretation of fracture mirror sizes in laboratory test Surface roughness increases gradually from well within the
specimens as well as in fractured components. Microscopy fracture mirror to beyond the apparent boundaries. The bound-
examination techniques are listed. The procedures for glasses aries were a matter of interpretation, the resolving power of the
and ceramics are similar, but they are not identical. Guidance microscope, and the mode of viewing. In very weak specimens,
is given for interpreting the fracture mirror size and shape. the mirror may be larger than the specimen or component and
Guidance is given on how to interpret noncircular mirrors due the boundaries will not be present.
to stress gradients, geometrical effects, or residual stresses. 5.2 Figs. 3-5 show examples in ceramics. In polycrystalline
4.2 The stress at the origin in a component may be estimated ceramics, the qualifier “relatively” as in “relatively smooth”
from the mirror size. must be used, since there is an inherent roughness from the
4.3 Fracture mirror constants may be estimated from microstructure even in the area immediately surrounding the
matched sets of fracture stresses and mirror sizes. origin. In coarse-grained or porous ceramics, it may be
impossible to identify a mirror boundary. In polycrystalline
5. Significance and Use ceramics, it is highly unlikely that a mirror-mist boundary can
5.1 Fracture mirror size analysis is a powerful tool for be detected due to the inherent roughness created by the
analyzing glass and ceramic fractures. Fracture mirrors are crack-microstructure interactions, even within the mirror. The
telltale fractographic markings in brittle materials that surround word “systematic” in the definition for “mirror-hackle bound-
a fracture origin as discussed in Practices C1256 and C1322. ary in polycrystalline ceramics” requires some elaboration.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic with key features identified. Fig. 2 Mirror boundary hackle lines are velocity hackle lines created
shows an example in glass. The fracture mirror region is very after the radiating crack reaches terminal velocity. However,
smooth and highly reflective in glasses, hence the name premature, isolated hackle can in some instances be generated

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C1678 – 09

NOTE—(a) shows the whole fracture surface and the fracture mirror (arrow) which is centered on a surface flaw. (b) is a close-up of the fracture mirror
which is elongated slightly into the interior due to the flexural stress gradient.
FIG. 2 Optical Micrographs of a Fracture Mirror in a Fused Silica Glass Rod Broken in Flexure at 122 MPa Maximum Stress on the

well within a ceramic fracture mirror. It should be disregarded 5.3 Fracture mirrors are circular in some loading conditions
when judging the mirror boundary. Wake hackle from an such as tension specimens with internal origins, or they are
isolated obstacle inside the mirror (such as a large grain or nearly semicircular for surface origins in tensile specimens, or
agglomerate) can trigger early “premature” hackle lines. Steps if the mirrors are small in bend specimens. Their shapes can
in scratches or grinding flaws can trigger hackle lines that vary and be elongated or even incomplete in some directions if
emanate from the origin itself. Sometimes the microstructure the fracture mirrors are in stress gradients. Fracture mirrors
of polycrystalline ceramics creates severe judgment problems may be quarter circles if they form from corner origins in a
in ceramic matrix composites (particulate, whisker, or platelet) specimen or component. Fracture mirrors only form in mod-
or self-reinforced ceramics whereby elongated and interlocking erate to high local stress conditions. Weak specimens may not
grains impart greater fracture resistance. Mirrors may be exhibit full or even partial mirror boundaries, since the crack
plainly evident at low magnifications, but accurate assessment may not achieve sufficient velocity within the confines of the
of their size can be difficult. The mirror region itself may be
somewhat bumpy; therefore, some judgment as to what is a
mirror boundary is necessary.

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C1678 – 09

NOTE—Notice how clear the mirror is in the low power images in (a) and (b). The mirror boundary (arrows in c) is where systematic new hackle forms
and there is an obvious roughness difference compared to the roughness inside the mirror region.
FIG. 3 Silicon Carbide Tension Strength Specimen (371 MPa) with a Mirror Centered on a Compositional Inhomogeneity Flaw.

5.4 Fracture mirrors not only bring one’s attention to an The fracture mirror size and the stress at fracture are empiri-
origin, but also give information about the magnitude of the cally correlated by Eq 1:
stress at the origin that caused fracture and their distribution.

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C1678 – 09

NOTE— The mirror boundary is difficult to delineate in this material. (a) shows the uncoated fracture surface of a 2.8 mm thick flexural strength
specimen that fractured at 486 MPa. Vicinal illumination brings out the markings. (b) shows a mirror-hackle boundary where systematic new hackle is
detected (small white arrows) as compared to the roughness inside the mirror. The marked circle is elongated somewhat into the depth due to the stress
gradient. The radius in the direction along the bottom surface (a region of constant stress) was 345 mm.
FIG. 4 A Fracture Mirror in a Fine-Grained 3 Mol % Yttria-Stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystal (3Y-TZP).

s=R 5 A (1) mirror-hackle boundary is measured and only an Ao for the

mirror-hackle boundary is calculated. A more fundamental
where: relationship than Eq 1 may be based on the stress intensity
s = stress at the origin (MPa or ksi), factors (KI) at the mirror-mist or mist-hackle boundaries, but
R = fracture mirror radius (m or in),
Eq 1 is more practical and simpler to use.
A = fracture mirror constant (MPa=m or ksi=in).
Equation 1 is hereafter referred to as the “empirical stress – 5.6 The size predictions based on Eq 1 and the A values, or
fracture mirror size relationship,” or “stress-mirror size rela- alternatively stress intensity factors, match very closely for the
tionship” for short. A review of the history of Eq 1, and fracture limiting cases of small mirrors in tension specimens. This is
mirror analysis in general, may be found in Refs 1 and 2. also true for small semicircular mirrors centered on surface
5.5 A, the “fracture mirror constant” (sometimes also flaws in strong flexure specimens. So, at least for some special
known as the “mirror constant”) has units of stress intensity mirror cases, A should be directly related to a more fundamen-
(MPa=m or ksi=in) and is considered by many to be a tal parameter based on stress intensity factors.
material property. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, it is possible to 5.7 The size of the fracture mirrors in laboratory test
discern separate mist and hackle regions and the apparent specimen fractures may be used in conjunction with known
boundaries between them in glasses. Each has a corresponding fracture mirror constants to verify the stress at fracture was as
mirror constant, A. The most common notation is to refer to the expected. The fracture mirror sizes and known stresses from
mirror-mist boundary as the inner mirror boundary, and its laboratory test specimens may also be used to compute fracture
mirror constant is designated Ai. The mist-hackle boundary is mirror constants, A.
referred to as the outer mirror boundary, and its mirror constant 5.8 The size of the fracture mirrors in components may be
is designated Ao. The mirror-mist boundary is usually not used in conjunction with known fracture mirror constants to
perceivable in polycrystalline ceramics. Usually, only the estimate the stress in the component at the origin. Practice

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C1678 – 09

NOTE—The mirror is incomplete into the bend stress gradient, but the mirror sides can be used to construct boundary arcs in (c) [(b) and (c) are close-ups
of (a)]. Radii are measured in the direction of constant stress along the bottom.
FIG. 5 Silicon Nitride Bend Bar with a Knoop Surface Crack in a Silicon Nitride (449 MPa).

C1322 has a comprehensive list of fracture mirror constants for 6.1.1 For glasses, use a compound optical microscope in
a variety of ceramics and glasses. bright field mode with reflected light illumination. A scanning
electron microscope may be used if optical microscopy is not
6. Procedure feasible. A differential interference contrast optical microscope
6.1 Use an optical microscope whenever possible. is optional.

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C1678 – 09
6.1.2 For ceramics, use a stereo optical microscope with low fracture surface or by grazing angle, vicinal illumination.
angle grazing (vicinal) illumination. A scanning electron mi- Vicinal illumination is less convenient with compound light
croscope may be used if optical microscopy is not feasible microscopes, but the observer should experiment with what-
6.1.3 Differential interference contrast (DIC, also known as ever illumination options are available to accentuate subtle
Nomarski) mode viewing with a research compound micro- surface roughness and topography features.
scope may be used for glasses. It should not be used for 6.3.2 For ceramics, accentuate the hackle lines. Ceramics
ceramics since it is not suitable for rough ceramic fracture should not be uniformly and directly illuminated such as by a
surfaces. ring light, since the light will reduce contrast especially in Interference contrast mode of viewing can discern translucent or transparent materials. Ceramics shall be illumi-
very subtle mist features in glasses, but the threshold of mist nated with grazing angle, vicinal illumination. Thin gold or
detectability is highly dependent upon how the polarizing carbon coatings may be applied to translucent or transparent
elements are positioned. Therefore, use the polarizing elements ceramics as needed.
in a grey mode (non-color, remove the lambda plate for color 6.4 Use an appropriate magnification.
control) and slowly increase light intensity, but note that higher 6.4.1 For glasses, use a magnification such that the fracture
light intensity can hide details. Rotate the analyzer until one mirror area occupies about 75 % to 90 % of the width of the
can determine repeatably consistent boundary conditions, e.g., field of view. Fracture mirrors are reasonably easy to see in
mist and hackle. Typically, more details will be evident, but glasses, and magnifications should be used such that the
when properly used, DIC viewing can produce consistent fracture mirrors nearly fill the field of view.
mirror radii measurements. Note that these radii may be 6.4.2 For ceramics, use a magnification such that the frac-
smaller than those obtained with conventional viewing modes. ture mirror area occupies about 33 % to 67 % of the width of
Thus mirror-mist fracture mirror constants may be slightly the field of view. Mirror interpretation is more problematic
higher than those obtained with bright field illumination. with polycrystalline ceramics. Even though a mirror may be
Therefore, it shall be stated in the report if interference contrast obvious at low or moderate magnification, at high magnifica-
techniques were used. tion it may be impossible to judge a boundary. It is more
6.1.4 Dark-field illumination may be used for glasses, but practical to view the mirror region and the natural microstruc-
some resolution may be lost with glasses and radii may be tural roughness therein relative to the hackle outside the mirror.
slightly larger as a result. Dark field is very effective with “Stepping back” and using the 33 % to 67 % rule should help
highly-reflective mirror surfaces of ceramic single crystals. an observer better detect the topography differences. Supple-
6.1.5 Scanning electron microscope images of mirrors are mental lower-magnification images may aid interpretation. The
not recommended for glasses, since the mirror-mist boundary magnification of the supplemental images should differ from
is usually indiscernible. SEM images often appear flat and do that of the main measurement image by no more than a factor
not have adequate contrast to see the fine mist detail at the five, otherwise it is difficult to correlate features between the
ordinary magnifications used to frame the whole mirror. SEM images.
images may be used with very small mirrors that would be 6.5 Measure the mirror size while viewing the fracture
difficult to see with optical microscopy, e.g., high-strength surface with an optical microscope whenever possible.
optical fibers. Scanning electron microscope images may be 6.5.1 For both glasses and ceramics, use either calibrated
used for ceramics if necessary, but contrast and shadowing reticules in the eyepieces or traversing stages with micrometer-
should be enhanced. positioning heads. Alternatively, measurements may be made
6.1.6 It is recommended that the report state the inspection on digital images on a high-resolution computer monitor, while
method/instrument used. the fracture surface can be simultaneously viewed through the
6.2 The fracture surface should be approximately perpen- microscope eyepieces in order to aid judgment.
dicular to the microscope optical path or camera. NOTE 1—Mirror size measurements made on computer monitor screens
6.2.1 This requirement poses a small problem if the mirrors are subject to inaccuracies, because they are two-dimensional renditions
in ceramics are examined with a stereo binocular microscope. of a three-dimensional fracture surface. Nevertheless, high-resolution
This microscope has two different tilted optical paths. If cameras and monitors are beginning to match the capabilities and
viewing with both eyes in a stereo microscope, the specimen accuracy of an observer peering through the optical microscope.
should be flat and facing directly upwards. The observer’s 6.5.2 Measurements from photos or digitally recorded im-
brain will interpret the image as though the observer is facing ages may be used as a last resort if the steps in 6.5.1 cannot be
it directly. Alternatively, if a camera is mounted on one light followed. This may be necessary for very small specimens or
path of the stereo microscope, and it is used to capture or very strong specimens with tiny mirrors where a scanning
display the mirror, then the specimen should be tilted so that electron microscope must be used to photograph the mirror.
the camera axis is normal to the fracture surface. For example, Measurements from other devices may be used provided that
slightly tilt the specimen to the right if the camera is attached the criterion used for identifying the mirror boundary is
to the right optical path. carefully documented. Complementary high and low magnifi-
6.3 Optimize the illumination to accentuate topographical cation images may be used to help aid in interpretation. Mirror
detail. size measurements from photographs are usually less accurate
6.3.1 For glasses, accentuate the mist and hackle features. or precise. They frequently overestimate mirror sizes unless
Glasses may either be illuminated from directly down onto a conditions are carefully optimized to accentuate contrast and

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C1678 – 09
topographic detail. Two-dimensional photographic renditions 6.6.2 The stress mirror relationship is applicable for glass
of a three-dimensional fracture surface usually lose much of optical fibers tested in tension with mirror radii almost as large
the topographic detail discernable by the eye with a compound as the fiber diameter3. The mirror radius should simply be
optical or stereo microscope. Video cameras shall not be used measured from the origin to the mirror-mist or mist-hackle
to capture mirror images, since they lack adequate resolution. boundary on the opposite side of the fiber, Rd as shown in Fig.
6.5.3 In ceramics, the fracture mirror regions may have an 6.
intrinsic roughness due to the microstructure. The mirror 6.6.3 Mirror shapes are commonly affected by stress gradi-
boundary is judged to be the point where systematic radiating ents in a plate or a beam. Mirror radii are elongated in the
new hackle commences and there is an obvious roughness direction of decreasing stress. In such cases, measure the
change relative to the inside-mirror region. The new hackle mirror radius along the tensile surface where the stress is
that generates the mirror boundary is formed by the radiating constant. Do not measure the mirror radii into the stress
crack running at or near terminal velocity. Ignore premature gradient. See Annex A1 for more information on how to
isolated hackle that may be generated well within a mirror. interpret elongated mirrors and mirrors in stress gradients.
Wake hackle from an obstacle inside the mirror (such as a large 6.6.4 Fracture mirrors in glasses that are centered around a
grain or agglomerate) can trigger early premature hackle lines. surface located origin may have a slight inward pinch towards
Steps in scratches or grinding flaws can trigger premature the origin or a “cusp” due to free surface effects. Fig. 2 and
hackle that emanate from the origin itself. several figures in Annex A2 illustrate such cusps. Truncate the
6.6 Measure radii in directions of approximately constant cusps when interpreting the arc of the fracture mirror bound-
stress whenever possible. A mirror diameter may be measured aries as discussed in Annex A2.
and halved to estimate the radius if the origin site is indistinct 6.6.5 Residual stresses may alter fracture mirror sizes and
or complex. shapes. Annex A3 provides guidance for such cases.
6.6.1 Measurements should be taken from the center of the 6.6.6 Nearly all the surface-centered mirrors shown in the
mirror region, but some judgment may be necessary. A literature, even in the classical papers, are not exactly semicir-
common procedure is to make a judgment whether a mirror is cular, despite all the schematics that imply that they are. Thus,
indeed approximately semicircular or circular. If it is, then fractographers should not be alarmed if their mirrors are not
multiple radii measurements may be made in different direc- perfect.
tions and averaged to obtain the mirror size estimate. The 6.7 Exercise caution when fracture mirrors are large relative
center of the mirror may not necessarily be the center of the to the specimen cross-section size or very small relative to the
flaw at the origin. Careful inspection of tiny localized fracture grain size in ceramics.
surface markings (Wallner lines and micro hackle lines) may 6.7.1 At some point, geometric effects can cause departures
reveal that fracture started at one spot on a flaw periphery. For from the stress-mirror size relationship. The point where the
example, fracture from grinding or impact surface cracks in departure occurs depends upon the loading geometry and the
glass often starts from the deepest point of the flaw and not at stress state. Pronounced deviations occur once the fracture
the specimen outer surface. Fig. 2 shows an example in glass. mirror size approaches or is greater than the component
Large pores often trigger unstable fracture from one side. If an thickness in plate or beam bending fractures. Experimentally
exact mirror center cannot be determined, measure a mirror measured radii are usually greater than predicted by Eq 1. In
diameter and halve the measurement. This is commonly done contrast, deviations may be minimal in components tested in
for semicircular mirrors centered on irregular surface-located uniform tension.
flaws, whereby the mirror center may be difficult to judge. 6.7.2 In ceramics, systematic deviations from the mirror
Circular embedded mirrors are easiest to interpret, such as in size relationship not only occur at large mirror sizes, but also
Fig. 3. Small semicircular mirrors on the surface of a part, such at very small size. In the latter case, deviations may be due to
as in a bend bar or a flexurally loaded plate, are also not too internal stress effects, e.g., from thermal expansion anisotropy
difficult to interpret. of grains.

NOTE—Measure both the mirror-mist radius and mist-hackle radii into the depth.
FIG. 6 Mirrors Surrounding Surface Origins in Rods or Fibers Loaded in Direct Tension.

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C1678 – 09
6.8 If the objective is to compute the net stress at an origin interpreted as an effective residual stress as discussed in Annex A3.
site in a fractured component, use the mirror size and the NOTE 3—If the mirror is measured in mm or µm, the radii should be
fracture mirror constant and Eq 1. Practice C1322 has a converted to meters before plotting and regressing. Otherwise, if the
compilation of fracture mirror constants for glasses and ceram- appropriate conversion factors are added later they can cause confusion,
ics. since the square root of a conversion factor of 1000 (e.g., meters to mm)
is an odd value.
6.9 If the goal is to evaluate one or more fracture mirror
NOTE 4—If stresses are measured in ksi, then measure mirror radii in
constants, then follow the steps 6.10-6.12.
inches. These units are not recommended.
6.10 Use the stress at the origin site. Correct the stress for
location in specimens with stress gradients. 6.11.4 If stresses are in units of MN/m2(MPa), and the
6.10.1 If the specimen was broken in controlled conditions mirror size is measured in meters, then the mirror constant A
where the stress distribution was known (e.g., beams, rods, or has units of MN/m1.5 or MPa=m.
plates in flexure) correct the stress for the origin location. No
NOTE 5—If stresses are measured in ksi, and the mirror radii in inches,
correction is needed for a part stressed in uniform tension. The
then the mirror constants have units of ksi=in. These units are not
general principal that should be followed is that the mirror recommended.
formation is guided by the stresses in the vicinity of the origin.
Use of the stress at the origin site in conjunction with the 6.11.5 Use some judgment in the regression analysis since
procedures in 6.6 (whereby the fracture mirror size is measured fracture mirror data frequently has moderate scatter. If the data
in a direction of constant stress) gives matched pairs of stress do not appear to fit a trend that has a zero intercept, regress the
and radii. data with a non-zero intercept as shown in Fig. 7b. Again use
6.11 Evaluate the fracture mirror constants by regressing some judgment in the interpretation, since a strict linear
stress at the origin site on inverse square root of mirror radius. regression fit may produce implausible outcomes, particularly
6.11.1 Once a set of matching mirror radii and fracture if the data are collected over a limited range of mirror sizes and
stresses has been compiled, plot the data as linear stress versus stresses.
inverse square root of mirror size, as shown in Fig. 7. 6.11.6 Report the intercept if it deviates significantly from
6.11.2 A variant of Eq 1 may be written as: zero (> 10 MPa for glasses or > 50 MPa to 100 MPa for
A ceramics). Investigate possible residual stresses or specimen
sa 5 =R (2) size or shape issues if the intercept deviates significantly from
where sa is the stress at the origin site, A is the mirror zero. See Annex A3 for more information on the effects of
constant, and R is the mirror radius in the direction of constant residual stresses and their interpretation.
stress. A is the slope of the regression line. Separate regressions 6.12 Mirrors sizes should be collected over a broad range of
should be done for mirror-mist and mist-hackle boundaries for sizes and fracture stresses if possible. Data from different
glasses for Ai and Ao estimates, respectively. specimen types and sizes may be combined.
6.11.3 Plot the data with a vertical axis (the ordinate) of 6.12.1 Data from many small specimens may be comple-
stress at the origin with units of MPa and a horizontal axis (the mented by judicious testing of a few large specimens.
abscissa) of 1/=R where R is in meters. Use linear regression 6.12.2 Another common procedure to vary mirror sizes is to
methods to obtain A in accordance with Eq 2 with a forced zero anneal or fine grind/polish some specimens to obtain high
intercept as shown in Fig. 7a. strengths, but also abrade or damage others to obtain low
NOTE 2—The mirror constant A is a slope and is easily visualized. In strengths. Sometimes the mode of loading can be changed to
addition, a nonzero intercept as shown in Fig. 7b may be conveniently alter the fracture stress. For example, large four-point and

NOTE—(a) shows the trend for residual stress-free parts; (b) shows it for parts with residual stresses. Compressive residual stresses move the locus up
with a positive intercept sr, but with the same slope. Tensile residual stresses shift the data downwards with a negative intercept (not shown).
FIG. 7 Plot of Applied Stress sa(at the Origin) Versus 1/=R.

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C1678 – 09
small three-point flexure specimens may be used. Some speci- were an appreciable fraction of the size of the cross section or
mens may be tested in inert conditions and others in conditions not. Lastly, and most importantly, the judgment criterion used
conducive to slow crack growth. should be reported.
7.3 Show a graph of stress versus inverse square root mirror
7. Report size with the fitted regression line if multiple mirrors have been
measured for laboratory strength type specimens.
7.1 Report how the mirrors were measured. Show at least 7.4 Whenever possible, provide information on the test
one photo with arrows or lines marking the mirror size. specimen material and the testing conditions including com-
7.2 Report the microscope that was used. Confirm that the position, microstructure, phase content, processing, condition-
interpretation was made while looking through the microscope. ing, and mode of loading.
Report whether photos had to be used and, if so, approximately
what magnifications were used. The directions in which the 8. Keywords
mirror radii were measured should be recorded. The approxi- 8.1 ceramics; fractography; fracture mirror; fracture
mate shape of the mirrors (semicircular, circular, or elliptical) strength; fracture stress; fracture surface; glasses; hackle;
should be noted. It should also be noted whether the mirrors microscope; mist; origin; residual stresses


(Mandatory Information)

A1. Elongated and Incomplete Fracture Mirrors

A1.1 Fracture mirror shapes are commonly affected by gradient. Even with this precaution, there is considerable
stress gradients in a plate or a beam in bending. Mirror radii are evidence that the data begin to depart from the stress-mirror
elongated in the direction of decreasing stress. Examples are size relationship when the mirror radii approach the cross-
shown in Fig. A1.1 and Fig. 2, Fig. 4, and Fig. 5. In such cases, section thickness in bending loadings. For example, if the

NOTE—If the mirror is small relative to the part size, then the mirror may be semicircular, as shown in (a). Weaker parts have larger mirrors that flare
into the interior and are incomplete, as shown in (b) and (c). Measure the mirror size (Ri or 2Ri for the mirror-mist in the illustrations here) in the direction
of constant stress.
FIG. A1.1 Elongated Mirrors in Bending Stress Fields.

NOTE—(a) shows a schematic of such a mirror with the mist-hackle boundary marked in glass, and (b) shows a comparable image in a polycrystalline
ceramic. The ceramic has some intrinsic microstructural roughness inside the mirror. The mirror-hackle boundary is marked. Use an average radius: Ravg=
{(R1+ R2+ Rd}/3.
FIG. A1.2 Grinding Cracks and Scratches Causing Mirror Elongations along the Surface (even in Bend Bars with Stress Gradients).

measure the mirror radius along the tensile surface where the mirror radius is greater than a plate’s thickness and the radii are
stress is constant. Do not measure the mirror radii into the measured along the plate surface (such as shown in Fig.

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A1.1c), the radii will be larger than they would be if they were in directions of constant stress. The two sides of a fracture
completely within a large part in uniform tension. Mirror mirror may have unequal lengths, since the stresses are
elongations into the interior may also be caused by surface different on either side of the mirror. Fig. A1.3 shows examples
tensile residual stresses if they exist as described in Annex A3, of round rods broken in flexure. Origins may not necessarily be
paragraph A3.1. at the rod bottom where the stresses are a maximum, but part
way up the side of the specimen. Specimen orientation may be
A1.2 A trend for mirrors to elongate the opposite way,
along the external surface of a specimen, occurs with long easily determined from observation of the cantilever curl (also
grinding cracks or scratches as shown in Fig. A1.2. known as the compression curl), which marks the compression
side of the specimen. The maximum tensile stress on the
A1.3 In some cases, it may be difficult to measure mirrors bottom of the specimen is on the rod directly opposite the

NOTE—The maximum tensile stress is at bottom center. The cantilever curl or compression curl (at the top of b and e) provides a convenient reference
to determine the bending stress distribution. Fractures started at flaws part way up the sides of the rods, causing the mirrors to have unequal radii. One
rod (a,b,c) was sufficiently strong that a nearly semicircular mirror formed, albeit with unequal radii due to the stress gradient. Use R = Rh in the horizontal
direction if the origin and mirror center is distinct. Otherwise use Ravg= (R1+ R2+ Rd) / 3 if the mirror is nearly semicircular. Use Ravg= (R1+ R2) / 2
if the mirror is elongated into the interior and Rd is large. A second but weaker glass rod is shown in (d,e,f). Use R = Rh if the origin and mirror center
are distinct, otherwise use Ravg= (R1+ R2) / 2 and truncate surface cusps as discussed in Annex A2.
FIG. A1.3 Fracture Mirrors in Two Rods Tested in Flexure.

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cantilever curl. The mirror radii have obviously different Ravg= (R1+ R2+ Rd) / 3 if the mirror is nearly semicircular. Use
lengths due to the stress gradient. A radius in the direction of Ravg= (R1+ R2) / 2 if the mirror is elongated into the interior
constant stress, Rh, should be measured as shown in Fig. A1.3, and Rd is large or is incomplete. For origins located in the
if the mirror is centered on a well-defined origin site. If there interior of a rod or bar broken in flexure, only use the radii in
is any doubt, then an average radius may be computed. Use the direction of constant stress.

A2. Surface Cusps in Glass Fracture Mirrors

A2.1 Mirrors located on a specimen external surface in elements can “share the load.” The slightly-greater stress
glasses have small cusps at the intersection with the outer intensity at the surface triggers the mirror markings a bit sooner
surface, as shown in Fig. A2.1 and Fig. A2.2. Such cusps are than for interior elements.
rarely if ever discerned in polycrystalline ceramic mirrors. The
small cusp is a consequence of fracture mechanics. A small A2.2 Another reason to be wary of measurements right
element of material near the tip of a crack at the specimen along the surface is that surface roughness, machining damage,
exterior surface experiences greater stress intensity (KI) than a or other surface irregularities also may trigger mist or hackle
similar element buried in the interior, whereby neighboring formation a bit earlier at the surface than in the interior.

NOTE—Mirror measurements should not include the inward bend of the mirror and may be made as shown in (c).
FIG. A2.1 Fracture Mirror in a Fused Silica Rod (a), Illustrating the Cusps in the Mirror Near the Outer Surface (b).

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NOTE—Fracture mirrors centered on surface origins in glass have inward tilting cusps. These should be truncated and a mirror site measured by using
the arc of the overall mirror shape. This mirror is slightly elongated into the interior due to a bending stress gradient.
FIG. A2.2 Fracture Mirror in a Fused Silica Rod (116 MPa).

A2.3 Truncate the cusps as shown in Fig. A2.1 and Fig. shown in these figures. Other examples of mirrors with cusps
A2.2. Extend the semicircular (or other mirror shape) arcs as are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. A1.3.

A3. Effects of Residual Stresses on Fracture Mirrors

A3.1 Residual stresses affect the size and shape of fracture plate has residual compression stress sr= sc on the outer
mirrors. If the fracture mirror is very small relative to the stress surface from ion exchange or thermal tempering, so that an
gradient, the mirror shape may remain circular if in the interior applied stress to cause fracture is sa= sf + sc. In other words,
or semicircular if on the surface. On the other hand, if the the applied stress must be increased to overcome the residual
mirror is larger or the stress gradient is steep, then the gradient surface stress. Nevertheless, the net stress at the surface at the
alters the mirror shape, as shown in Fig. A3.1. Fig. A3.1a moment of fracture is s = sa- sc= (sf+ sc) - sc= sf, the same
shows an annealed plate that requires an applied stress of sa= stress as in the annealed plate. Hence the mirror radii along the
sf to cause fracture. Fig. A3.1b shows the case where the same surface are unchanged compared to the annealed plate. In

NOTE—sa is the applied stress to cause fracture, and sf is the fracture stress in an annealed plate in tension. (a) shows a surface mirror in an annealed
plate. (b) shows the mirror shape in a plate with surface compression stresses that decrease into the interior and become tensile. (c) shows a mirror in
a plate with surface tensile stresses that diminish into the interior and become compressive.
FIG. A3.1 Surface Residual Stresses Altering a Mirror Shape.

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contrast, in the direction into the interior, tensile stresses A3.3 A nonzero intercept may be conveniently interpreted
combine with the applied tensile stress to cause the mirror as an effective residual stress on a graph of applied stress
markings to form sooner, at a shorter radius into the interior versus inverse square root of mirror size, as shown in Fig. 7b.
than in the annealed plate. In this example, the mirror shape is If residual stresses sr are present in addition to the externally
flattened to a semiellipse. Mirror radii should be measured only applied stress, sa, then the net stress acting on the origin site is:
along the surface (or just beneath the surface if there is a cusp)
in these cases. Fig. A3.1c shows that surface residual tensile snet 5 ~sa 1 sr! 5 =R (A3.1)
stresses have the opposite effect: mirror radii are elongated into
the interior. Mirror radii again should only be measured along and:
the surface, since again the net stress to cause fracture is s = sf. A
sa 5 =R – sr (A3.2)
A3.2 There are two possible paths for analysis if there are
residual stresses. An intercept below the origin corresponds to a net tensile
A3.2.1 The fracture mirror is measured on a component. residual stress. A positive intercept corresponds to residual
The applied stress and the residual stresses are unknown. In compressive stress, since the usual sign convention is for
this instance, the net stress s at the origin can be evaluated from compressive stresses to have a negative sign.
R and Eq 1. If the stress estimate from fracture mirror analysis
differs from a stress estimate from an independent analysis, A3.4 Some caution is advised, since residual stresses are
then residual stresses may be present. (Alternatively, the often nonuniform. The estimate from the intercept is an
independent analysis may be incorrect.) The shape of the effective residual stress, which in reality may vary in magni-
mirror may be interpreted for signs of residual stresses, tude through the mirror region. Once again it is prudent to
although applied stress gradients may also cause mirror shape measure mirror radii in directions of constant stress. For
distortions example, if the mirror is in a heat-strengthened or tempered
A3.2.2 The mirrors are collected in laboratory strength test piece (where stress may be constant along the surface, but
conditions. Usually specimens are tested such that the apparent change dramatically through the thickness) the mirrors should
origin stresses, sa, from applied stresses are known. Usually only be measured along the surface (or just underneath to avoid
many specimens are tested and matched pairs of sa and R are the cusp). Residual stresses from an indentation or impact site
obtained. Graphical analysis shown below in Fig. 7b and
are very local to the origin and may have very little effect on
discussed in A3.3 reveals the existence of residual stresses and
a mirror size.
allows an estimate of their magnitude.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 One popular alternative analysis method is based on plotting the data on a log-stress versus log-radius graph as

NOTE—Compressive residual stresses move the locus upwards as shown in (b), but with a different slope and intercept. Tensile residual stresses move
the loci below the baseline curve (not shown).
FIG. X1.1 Plot of log sa Versus log R for Parts with No Residual Stresses (a), and Parts with Residual Stress (b).

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shown in Fig. X1.1. This method of showing the results and stresses are present but unaccounted for, or when the mirror
calculating a mirror constant was common in the older tech- size is large relative to the component size, or when there are
nical literature 1,2 and is occasionally still found today. Graphs stress gradients. The residual-stress deviations cause the line to
of this type were used when researchers were not sure whether have a slope other than –1⁄2 , as shown in Fig. X1.1. Attempts
Eq 2 with the =R relationship was appropriate. Forty years of to compute the residual stresses may then be made by guessing
research have shown it is, so there no longer is a need to test values of the residual stresses sr, replotting the data, and
for the trend. From Eq 2: checking the goodness of fit of a line of slope –1⁄2 . This is a
1 cumbersome process and the recommended s versus 1/=R
log sa 5 – 2log R 1 log A (X1.1)
procedure is much simpler. The two analyses put different
weights on large and small mirror measurements. In one case
X1.2 If stresses are in units of MN/m2(MPa), and the mirror
size is measured in meters, then the mirror constant A has units the mirror constant is a slope of a line, in the other it is an
of MN/m1.5 or MPa=m. If the mirror size is 1 m, then log R intercept at R = 1. Some of the variability in published mirror
= 0. Then log s = log A and hence, s = A. Hence, the mirror constants probably is due to the use of the two different
constant A corresponds to the value of stress that creates a curve-fitting schemes.
mirror of size 1 m. (The mirror constant A corresponds to the
value of stress for a mirror of size 1 in. if the mirror constant X1.3 Regression analyses on the log – log graph are more
has units of ksi=in and stress is in ksi.) Since most mirrors are vulnerable to deviations of the data from the correct trends
usually much smaller than unit size, it is apparent from Fig. when mirror sizes are large. Upward deviations from the log
X1.1 that the mirror constant (or the stress for R = 1) lies stress – log radius graphs have been noted in a number of
beyond the range of data usually collected. Deviations from the studies. Regression lines “chase” the upward deviations and
linear relationship on the log – log plot occur when residual dramatically alter the estimate of the mirror constant.


(1) Quinn, G. D., “Guidelines for Measuring Fracture Mirrors,” to be (3) Castilone, R. J., Glaesemann, G. S., and Hanson, T. A., “Relationship
published in: Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics, Vol. 5, eds. G. Between Mirror Dimensions and Failure Stress for Optical Fibers,” pp.
D. Quinn, J. R. Varner, M. Wightman, American Ceramic Society, 11 – 20 in Optical Fiber and Fiber Component Mechanical Reliabil-
Westerville, OH, 2007. ity and Testing II, eds., M. J. Matthewson and C. R. Kurkjian, Proc.
(2) Quinn, G. D., Fractography of Ceramics and Glasses, NIST Recom- SPIE, 4639 (2002).
mended Practice Guide, SP 960-16, April 2007.

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