LCP MULTIDECK Specification
LCP MULTIDECK Specification
LCP MULTIDECK Specification
The roofing and/or wall cladding metal sheets shall be 0.42mm BMT (i.e. 0.47mm TCT) or
0.48mm BMT (i.e. 0.53mm TCT) LCP MULTIDECK® as produced by LCP Building Products
Pte Ltd, with ribs of 24mm height spaced at 88mm centres. The effective cover width for the metal
sheets shall be 700mm.
The sheeting material shall be ZINCALUME protected steel sheet to Australian Standard AS1397
with a minimum yield stress of 550MPa (Grade G550), metallic hot-dip coated with
ZINCALUME zinc/ aluminium alloy- coated steel comprising 55% aluminium, 43.5% zinc and
1.5% silicon. The minimum coating mass for the ZINCALUME zinc/aluminium alloy - coated
steel shall be AZ150 (150 g/m2 minimum coating mass) as determined by Australian Standard
Wherever applicable, the installation of the metal sheets shall be in accordance to the “Installation
code for metal roofing and wall cladding; Standards Australia SAA HB39-1997”. The sheets shall
be installed in accordance to manufacturer’s recommendations. The fasteners used to secure the
metal sheets to the supports shall conform to Australian Standard AS3566 and be compatible with
the roofing material used.
Sheets shall be laid in such a manner that the approved side lap faces away from the prevailing
weather. A minimum of 50mm shall be provided for projection into gutters. Flashings shall be
supplied in compatible materials as specified, minimum cover of flashing shall be 150mm.
All sheets shall be fixed in a workman like manner, leaving the job clean and weather-tight. All
debris (nuts, screws, cuttings, filings etc.) shall be cleaned off daily. For actual installation of
cladding, use only competent and skilled installers completely familiar with and specifically trained
and experienced in the application of materials specified herein, and the manufacturer’s currently
recommended methods of installation.
The Contract Documents define the required profile; the Contractor is responsible for the design of
the system and the development of the details, within the limitations established by the Contract
Documents, in strict accordance with the Manufacturers recommendations, in order to conform to
the set criteria herein. All work of this section, as shown or specified, shall be in accordance with
the requirements of the Contract Documents. In addition, all work shall be executed so as to meet
all applicable requirements of the building regulations in Singapore.
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The type of pre-painted steel for the LCP MULTIDECK® could be a range of Clean
COLORBOND products. The technical specifications are as follows:
a) Clean COLORBOND Ultra Steel (With Thermatech paint system, suited for moderately
severe marine & industrial environments)
• Corrosion Inhibitive Primer (on both sides): Nominal thickness 5um
• Finish Coat (on the top or weather side): Nominal thickness 20um of regular polyester
paint finish with nominal 25% (60 degree)
gloss. The finish coat colour shall be
• Backing Coat: Nominal thickness 10um
c) Clean COLORBOND XPD Pearlescent (an optional finish for prestigious building panels
requiring premium colour and gloss retention)
• Primer coat: Specially formulated corrosion inhibitive primer; nominal thickness 5um
each side.
• Finish coat: Nominal thickness 20um of PVF2 paint finish on the top or weather side. The
finish coat colour shall be …………………………
• Backing coat: Snowgum Green; nominal film thickness 5um.
• Gloss: Nominal gloss level of 15% to 35% (60 degree) depending upon the colour.
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