Overboss FAQ v8
Overboss FAQ v8
Overboss FAQ v8
SET UP Graveyards and you had the most (or tied for
most) Graveyard tiles, you would score a total of
How does the number of players affect set (8 + 5 =) 13 points. As another example, if you
up? came in 2nd place and scored +4 points from
Regardless of player count, you always set up the Graveyards, your total Graveyard score would be
game by choosing five terrain types plus (4 + 2) = 6 points.
dungeons, as described on page 2 of the
rulebook. The market always consists of four tiles When scoring Dungeons, does a bordering
and four tokens. If you are playing with Dungeon count as a different terrain type?
Command cards, there are always four available. Yes. For example, if your dungeon is in a center
The only variations during set up are the number space and is bordered by a Forest, a Cave, a
of Boss cards dealt (one per player) and player Swamp, and another Dungeon, it is worth the full
boards handed out (one per player). Finally, if 5 points.
playing a five-player game, you must use the
Classic (3x4 map) side of the boards. When scoring Deserts, can I have more than
one Desert group?
Yes. For example, if you have one group of 2 (2
During set up, can the terrain tiles be split
into more than one stack? Points) and one group of 3 (6 Points), your total
Yes, as long as the tiles are thoroughly shuffled, would be 8 Points.
you may create smaller stacks and place them
within easy reach of every player. When DISCARDING TILES & TOKENS
restocking the market you may draw from any
stack. What happens to tiles or tokens when they
are discarded or destroyed?
Discarded or destroyed tokens are always
TILE SCORING returned to the bag. Discarded or destroyed tiles
are set aside from the play area for the
When scoring Forests, do I get the listed value
for each Forest, or is it a total? remainder of the game. If the remaining tile
It is a total. For example, if you have 3 Forests stack(s) ever run out, shuffle the discarded tiles
your score is 6 (an average of 2 points per into a new stack to use for the remainder of the
Forest). game.
When scoring a Swamp, does it gain 1 point When drafting a Volcano with a monster
per adjacent Swamp? token, is its monster placed before or after
No. A Swamp gains 1 point if it is adjacent to tokens are destroyed?
water, and 1 point if it is adjacent to at least one The Volcano is placed first, destroying any
Swamp. The maximum value of a Swamp is 3. bordering monster tokens. Then you place your
monster token. You may place it on the Volcano,
If I have the most (or 2nd most) Graveyards, on one of the now-open terrain tiles adjacent to
do I score +5 points (or +2 points) per it, or on any other open terrain tile on your map.
No. The Graveyard contest scoring is a total
bonus on top of all of the base scores of all your
Graveyards. So for example, if you scored +8 from
What happens when a Tower tile is affected
by abilities that destroy tokens?
Tower tiles (a set of promotional tiles available When can you use a Boss card’s Reveal
through Kickstarter and special events), allow you ability?
to stack up to three monster tokens on one tile. The rulebook states that a Reveal ability can be
Only the top-most tile is considered when scoring used anytime on your turn. In general, the ability
bands or Matching Monsters, and only the top- can be used at any point on your turn, but some
most token is affected by Portals, Boss abilities, Boss card abilities imply specific timing in relation
and tile abilities. For example, if a Volcano is to drafting:
placed bordering a Tower tile containing two or • Cerebellus: You MAY use this ability before
three monsters, only the top-most token is or after you draft.
destroyed. • Kazanna: You MAY use this ability before or
after you draft.
Cerebellus and Kazanna’s Reveal abilities let • King Croak: You MAY use this ability at the
you restock tokens or tiles on your turn. What start of your turn before drafting OR after
happens to the tokens or tiles in the market you draft and place your first tile and token
when these abilities are used? (in order to then draft a second tile-token
They are discarded. The tiles or tokens currently
pair), but you must use this ability before
in the market are discarded (see above) to
the market restocks (which happens at the
restock the respective section of the market (tiles
end of your turn). King Croak lets you draft
or tokens).
and place twice on your turn, not take
another turn.
PORTALS • Porkus: You MUST use this ability before
you draft.
Can spent Portals ever be flipped back to the • Explodo: as stated, you MUST use this ability
active side to be reused? at the start of your turn before you draft.
In general, spent Portals cannot be used again. • The Brothers Wise: this Limited Edition card
Cleopatra’s special power allows you to use any is the only Reveal power that is played
token (including a spent Portal) as a Portal, but during an opponent’s turn. It must be used
then that token is destroyed (returned to the at the beginning of that opponent’s turn
bag). The Collective (from the Limited Edition before they draft.
bonus pack) also has a Reveal power that allows
you to refresh spent Portals. In a 2-player game, doesn’t King Croak’s
Reveal ability let your opponent take two
What happens if a player has an unused turns in a row?
Portal, and drafts a Portal on their last turn? It does. However, it is still a valuable ability
On every turn, including a player’s last turn, only because you choose when to activate it. When
one Portal may be used. In this example, the you see two tile-and-token sets that would be
player would still only be allowed to use one ideal for your board, King Croak allows you to
Portal on that turn and would end the game with choose them both.
an unused Portal.
How does Explodo's scoring ability work?
Is there a limit to how many tokens can be in Explodo awards a bonus point for each band
my lair? of monsters that does not contain a Matching
No. You can have any number of Portals and Monster. Remember, a band of monsters is a
Crystals in your lair. As long as you fill open tiles line of monsters that are all the same type,
with any monster tokens, there’s no limit to how while a Matching Monster is one that's
many tokens you have in your lair.
placed on its matching terrain type (such as a COMMAND CARDS
skeleton on a Graveyard). To earn a point
from Explodo's power, you need a line of 2-4 What happens when you run out of
monsters (all the same type) where none of Command cards?
them are on their matching terrain. When the Command card deck is depleted,
shuffle any Command cards that have been
Can King Croak, Explodo, or Porkus activate played and start a new deck.
their draft-related Reveal abilities on the
same turn that The Brothers Wise is played When activating an Intimidate Command
on them? card, can you hop over other tiles while
• King Croak: Yes, The Brothers Wise player sliding?
would choose the first tile-token pair that No. You may only slide one square, and must
King Croak drafted, but King Croak would move orthogonally (not diagonally).
then get to choose the second tile-token
pair drafted on that turn. If an opponent plays a Demolish Command
• Explodo: Yes. Both The Brothers Wise and card on me, do I get to restock the market
Explodo have abilities that must be declared before drafting my replacement tile-token
at the start of a player’s turn before they
No. You must draft from the remaining tile-and-
draft. As long as you reveal The Brothers
token selections in the market (as it is still that
Wise before the Explodo player has started
opponent’s turn and the market only restocks at
to draft, The Brothers Wise would choose
the end of their turn).
the initial tile-token pair Explodo drafts.
Explodo may then use their ability to draft
If I use an Overthrow Command card to swap
the remaining 3 tokens in the market
a Volcano onto an opponent’s map, does that
(before the market restocks) and then Volcano destroy all adjacent tokens on their
choose where that tile and all four tokens map?
are placed. No. Each Terrain tile’s come-into-play effects only
• Porkus: Yes, Porkus may use their ability in occur once, on the turn when the tile is first
response to The Brothers Wise being played drafted.
on their turn to negate and override its
controlling effect on their draft choice.
Can Cerebellus or Kazanna activate their
market-restocking Reveal abilities on the In Solo Mode, how are Graveyards scored?
same turn that The Brothers Wise is played Instead of the usual bonus for having the greatest
on them? number of Graveyards, use this alternate scoring.
Yes. But since The Brothers Wise’s ability This method is applicable to both Solo Modes
activates at the start of their turn, their abilities (High Score mode and Campaign mode).
only take effect after they draft the tile-token # of Graveyards 1 2-3 4+
pair that The Brothers Wise chose for them. Bonus Points +0 +2 +5
In Solo mode, after drafting a tile-and-token set, discard the right-most set and restock the two empty spaces.