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Benefits of Sports Activities With FITT Principles During The Covid-19 Pandemic in A "New Normal" Life For Health

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Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 36

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sports Sciences and Health (ICSSH 2020)

Benefits of Sports Activities with FITT Principles During the

Covid-19 Pandemic in a "New Normal" Life for Health
Sapto Adi,*
Universitas Negeri Malang
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Abstract—This article aims to provide an understanding of disease-19 (Covid-19) pandemic, which is not yet known when
the importance of doing sports activities during the COVID- it will end. This can be understood, because sport for the
19 pandemic to maintain fitness and health. In this article, community has the function of obtaining physical and mental
the author wants to explain that using the principle of health. By doing sports activities, it will indirectly prevent a
frequency, intensity, time, and type (FITT) in sports disease from coming. Likewise with the benefits for mental
activities will provide convenience for the community in health, where when we do sports activities, the body will release
remembering how to do sports activities independently. endorphins which function as a trigger for feelings of pleasure
Likewise, the author wants to provide information about the and happiness. This hormone can reduce the bad effects of
types of sports that can be done or which are the choice feelings of stress and pain, increase appetite and immune
during the COVID-19 pandemic at the "new normal" stage. response.
From the results of studies in various journals, that physical Some of the functions of sports activities to obtain
activity/exercise has a positive impact on physical and physical health, as stated by (Lumb, 2014) exercise have a
mental health. The benefits of doing physical beneficial effect on metabolic parameters that affect
activity/exercise are basically relatively similar between cardiovascular risk, such as lipids, blood glucose, and are a key
those who use FITT guidelines and those who don't. component in the prevention and management of type 2
However, based on the principle of FITT training, the diabetes. While Kruk, (2009) stated that physical activity is an
community has a clearer direction in activities. Exercising important determinant of physical and psychological health.
using FITT guidelines can improve physical fitness and Regular physical activity has a beneficial effect on the onset and
contribute to the management of some lifestyle-related development of several chronic diseases, well-being, and has a
diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, positive effect on the community and society. Unfortunately,
obesity, and metabolic syndrome. In addition, from the more than 60% of adults worldwide do not reach the
aspect of mental health is able to develop self-efficacy and recommended level of physical activity. Likewise, according to
other affective attributes that can motivate lifelong Okafor, C. I., Gezawa, I. D., Sabir, A. A., et al., (2013) the
compliance. benefits of physical activity are very broad and go beyond health
alone. Being physically active is a major contributor to a
Keywords— physical activity/exercise, FITT principle, person's overall physical and mental well-being. Positive results
include a better quality of life, improved sleep, and less stress,
"New normal", health. as well as stronger relationships in social interactions.
In a WHO statement, (2018a) that regular physical
activity aims to prevent and treat major non-communicable
I. INTRODUCTION diseases (PTM), namely heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and
breast and colon cancer. It also contributes to the prevention of
1. Moving Basic Human Needs other important NCD risk factors such as hypertension, being
Moving is one of the basic human needs to sustain life. overweight and obesity, and is associated with improved mental
Humans move to work to find food, care for themselves, health, delayed onset of dementia and improved quality of life
worship, move to achieve the desired goals, and fill spare time and well-being. In line with that, Owen et al., (2010) stated that
according to their hobbies. At certain ages, especially in old age, when adults meet physical activity guidelines, sitting for long
the organs of the human body experience a decline in functions periods of time can interfere with metabolic health. Sitting time,
such as muscle strength, bones, cardiovascular function, and watching TV time, and sitting in the car increase the risk of
mental aspects. Therefore, so that the decline in function is not premature death. Furthermore, Simon J. Marshall, PhD, and
rapid, physical activities/sports can be carried out routinely, Ernesto Ramirez, MS, (2011) stated that studies of sedentary
planned, and systematically by using the FITT principle. behavior and health outcomes (phase I) have found consistent
evidence that excessive use of screen-based media is associated
2. Benefits of Exercising with overweight and obesity in children, and there is some
evidence among adults that overall sedentary time is associated
a. Health with cardiometabolic risk factors, some diseases, cancer, and
Sports activities are a necessity that must be carried out death.
by the community even in the situation of the coronavirus

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 121
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 36


Sports activities will be recreational in nature if they DISEASE-19
are carried out at low intensity and in a more relaxed state.
Although low intensity is basically for everyone one another is 1. Meaning New Normal
not the same. Therefore, the initial physical fitness must be If countries in the world have not found a cure or
known so that a person can determine what the low intensity is vaccine for the treatment and cure of COVID-19, we may have
for himself. The community should be able to find out the initial to adjust to the "new normal", which means a new way to live
conditions, especially cardiovascular fitness by taking simple and live our lives, work, and our interactions with other people
measurements, for example doing step tests, running 2.4 km, (Media, n.d). Wiku Adisasmito, Chair of the Expert Team for
multistage (running back and forth) and so on. However, if this the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of COVID-19,
initial fitness is not known yet, then continue to do sports said that new normal is a change in behavior to continue carrying
activities gradually. Do it starting from light movements and
out normal activities but with the addition of implementing
short time. No need to force yourself to start with the movements
that each individual likes best. health protocols to prevent transmission of COVID-19 (Know
the Term The New Normal, n.d.). According to Yuri, new
c. Social Interaction
orders, habits, and behaviors based on adaptation to cultivate a
Social interaction can be done by doing sports activities clean and healthy lifestyle are then called new normal (Meaning
together both formally and informally. Formal, which is meant New Normal Indonesia, n.d.).
if sports activities are carried out in schools, agencies, and other
formal institutions. Meanwhile, the informal ones are sports
activities carried out by the community which are carried out on
their own initiative and form a sports community. As social 2. New Normal Principle
beings, community sports activities are still needed so that social Basically, the principle of this new normal is how
needs can be met. So, in this context sports activities as a tool to people continue to carry out their daily activities like before the
meet the needs of individuals as members of society. New pandemic but must adapt to health protocols as an effort to break
normal is a necessity that must be passed by people in almost all the chain of spreading COVID-19. These health protocols
over the world. Therefore, what is possible is to do sports include, 1) the obligation to use a mask when outside the house,
activities as usual before the pandemic, but by applying self- 2) maintain a social distance of at least 1 (one) meter when
discipline to health protocols by maintaining distance, not carrying out various activities, 3) the habit of washing hands
crowding, wearing masks, washing hands with soap/hand
with soap or hand sanitizer before or after activities, 4)
measuring body temperature, 5) avoiding direct contact, such as
shaking hands.
It is necessary, the authors provide an overview of
several types of sports that can be done individually or in groups. IV. SPORT ACTIVITIES WITH FITT PRINCIPLES WHEN
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors NEW NORMAL
recommend that people prefer individual types of sports, but if
1. Benefits of Sports Activities Using the FITT Principles
forced to keep exercising outside or in public places, choose FITT is an acronym for frequency, intensity, time, and
sports that do not occur in direct physical contact. Below are type. FITT can be used to make it easier for people to remember
some of the groupings of sports as follows. and carry out sports activities by referring to this acronym. As
1. Individual Sports an illustration, 1) frequency, can be defined by how many times
Quite a few types of sports are individual, but there are a week the exercise is done, 2) intensity, means how heavy the
several examples of sports that are individual and are often seen exercise activity is carried out. This intensity category includes
or known by many people, including: surfing, swimming, light, moderate and heavy intensity, 3) time, which means how
diving, badminton, table tennis, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, long the sports activity is carried out. Usually measured in
archery, cycling, wrestling, boxing, martial arts, minutes, 4) types are the types of sports that can be selected,
mountaineering, bowling, golf, and so on. such as individual or team sports.
The FITT program significantly contributes to the
2. Team Sports
Meanwhile, there are also quite a lot of team sports, improvement of aerobic fitness, muscle fitness and flexibility.
including baseball, basketball, field hockey, soccer, volleyball, The FITT intervention is a promising school strategy to improve
futsal, handball, ice hockey, indoor and outdoor handball, water a student's aerobic and muscular fitness (Cvejic & Ostojić,
polo, and so on. 2018a). Furthermore, Casebolt, (2009) states that increased
knowledge of health-related fitness concepts such as fitness
assessment, goal setting, and application of the FITT principle

Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 36

(frequency, intensity, time, and type) will result in increased that physical activity that is emphasized on sports activities has
activity. Likewise, according to Ferkel et al., (2019) the truth of a positive impact, such as the research below.
the movement of health-related fitness education can empower
According to Kutluturk et al., (2017) the level of
students to create and implement a lifelong fitness plan through
student physical activity increases, the percentage of body fat
learning skills (for example, the possibility of exercise) and
decreases, flexibility, muscle endurance and aerobic fitness
knowledge (for example, goal setting, FITT principles,
increase. To prevent the adverse effects of inactivity on physical
planning) necessary to stay in shape. Health-related fitness
fitness, it is thought that students should be encouraged to
education also helps develop self-efficacy and other affective
engage in more physical activity. Similar thing by WHO,
attributes that can motivate lifelong adherence.
(2018b) physical inactivity is the fourth cause of death in the
In another study Burnet et al., (2019) stated that the world. We summarize current global efforts to address this
prevalence of physical inactivity continues to increase even problem and point the way forward to tackling the pandemic of
though there is sufficient evidence to show the right dose of physical inactivity. Likewise, according to Perez-Terzic, (2012)
exercise to reduce the risk of many non-communicable diseases. extensive data analysis has shown that sports training has a
This increase in physical activity may not be related to significant impact on the prevention and modification of
knowledge of exercise prescriptions, but rather to the way of cardiovascular disease and mortality. In general, exercise
exercise. Current exercise prescription guidelines are recommendations for patients with cardiovascular disease are
characterized by the FITT Principles: Frequency, Intensity, based on individual aerobic capacity and comorbidities.
Time, and Type. This is almost the same as stated by Oberg,
In their research, Zisser et al., (2011) stated that diet
(2007) the principles of FITT - frequency, intensity, time, and
and exercise form the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. This is
type of exercise - can be used to adjust physical activity
especially important for people living with diabetes mellitus, as
recommendations to the needs and goals of each patient.
they are the most practical non-pharmacological means by
Frequency should be prioritized when health goals are related to
which patients can significantly increase their blood glucose
chronic disease prevention. Intensity has the maximum impact
levels. Exercise increases insulin sensitivity (both short and long
on weight loss and athletic conditioning. Timing is very relevant
term), lowers blood sugar levels, reduces body fat, and improves
for people with diabetes and blood sugar dysregulation. Types
cardiovascular function (CV). Furthermore, De Rezende et al.,
of activity include aerobic, balance, flexibility, and strength
(2015) stated that in Brazil, public policies and interventions that
exercises, all of which help patients achieve different health
promote physical activity will significantly improve population
goals. Furthermore, according to Barisic et al., (2011) physical
health. Physical activity has a major impact on NCD and
activity is a multi-faceted behavior consisting of several
mortality, especially in the southeast and central-west regions.
components: frequency, intensity, time, and type (FITT). There
Public policies and interventions that promote physical activity
is currently a lack of individual knowledge about how the
will significantly improve population health.
components of FITT affect chronic disease. This is partly due to
the tendency for researchers to focus on intensity through The results of the research Power & Clifford, (2013)
accurate measurement of energy expenditure. Although energy exercising for at least 1 hour/week for at least 40 hours for the
expenditure is an important consideration in assessing physical required intervention, succeeded in reducing the incidence of
activity, it is only one component. Thus, future studies falls. The optimal training frequency is three times per week, but
examining the association between physical activity and disease the optimal duration per exercise is still unclear. Specific
risk would benefit from examining all components of FITT. balance training of sufficiently challenging intensity is a vital
component of a program, and strength training is most effective
According to Katsukawa, (2016) the principle of FITT
when combined with balance training. Flexibility and resistance
training is a framework for training recipes. A general
training can also be included as part of a comprehensive
recommendation is for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity
program. A combination of group and individual home exercises
exercise on most days of the week (150 minutes total per week).
may be most effective at preventing falls and improving exercise
In this article, the evidence is reviewed to clarify the optimal
compliance. Furthermore, Bulger, (2011) states that work-
exercise conditions for managing lifestyle-related diseases such
related physical activity, in terms of peak loads and continuous
as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, and metabolic
and/or repetitive contractions, presents a risk factor for the
development of pain and muscle disorders. However, physical
2. Benefits of Sports Activities in General activity as training that is tailored to the work exposure, health,
From several research results on the benefits of and physical capacity of employees offers prevention and
physical activity on physical and mental health, there are quite a rehabilitation. We suggest the concept of "Intelligent Physical
lot of similar studies that support it. The results, mostly indicate Exercise" relies on evidence-based sports science training

Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 36

The results of the study by Liao et al., (2017) reveal: population is overweight or obese. Physical activity is
(1) the basic functional movement ability of young people is recommended to prevent obesity, aid in weight loss, and reduce
low, and correction training is needed for them to move well first rates of chronic disease. Furthermore, Lee et al., (2020) stated
before improving physical fitness performance, (2) low that behavior-based exercise interventions, use of behavior
correlation between Functional Movements Screen (FMS) and change strategies, supervision by experienced fitness instructors,
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) show that movement quality and and fun sports can improve exercise and adherence to a specified
physical performance are two independent abilities and cannot exercise program.
be replaced by one another. Similar points were stated by Riiser
In their research, Ayers & Sariscsany, (2010) stated
et al., (2014) that internet intervention with tailored physical
that the best strategy for physical education teachers is to include
activity counseling can have short-term beneficial effects on
fitness and health-related activities into physical education
cardiorespiratory fitness, Health-Related Quality of Life
programs. Teachers learn to develop curricula based on current
(HRQoL) and Body Mass Index (BMI). among overweight and
national standards and guidelines, apply the concept of fitness in
obese adolescents. Likewise, according to Chen, (2016) that
real-world settings, and motivate students to live healthy, active
children should regularly participate in exercise, because fitness
lives. Furthermore Ward et al., (2017) in their research that
can improve the development of peer relationships and self-
configuring the main principles of exercise education in a fitness
esteem. In addition, fitness instructors can provide participants
unit is an efficient model to provide students with the
with a suitable level or gradually increase fitness intensity in the
opportunity to improve fitness skills and knowledge (HRF)
principles of fitness that can improve and build children's peer
while achieving moderate to heavy physical activity levels
(MVPA). recommended. Likewise, according to Gray et al.,
According to the study of O'Riordan et al., (2013) (2015) the development of motor skills is not related to time
physiotherapy intervention using a multimodal approach outside; However, this association was only examined in a single
appears to produce more favorable outcomes in terms of study of preschool children. No studies have found an
increased strength, improved function, and quality of life association between time outdoors and musculoskeletal fitness.
associated with health and reduced pain scores. Active
In this paper, the authors wish to emphasize that doing
strengthening exercises appear to be beneficial for all of these
sports activities has excellent physical and mental health
results; the inclusion of additional stretching and aerobic
benefits. However, the authors advise the public to continue
exercise components appears to enhance the benefits of exercise
doing sports activities guided by the principles of FITT training
interventions. Likewise, according to Fiatarone Singh & Morley,
and following the COVID-19 protocol. The advantage of this
(2012) exercise is the most effective approach to delaying the
principle is that it makes it easier for us to measure how to do
aging process. It also reverses sarcopenia, weakness and
sports properly and is also easy to serve as a guide. This FITT
disability. Different types of exercise include aerobics,
principle can be carried out in various ways, depending on the
resistance (strength), balance, flexibility and posture. Exercise is
ability of everyone who performs it. For example, the principle
the key to an active lifestyle. Dipla, (2017) states that sport is a
of time (time), each may do as he wishes, whether 15, 20, or 25
recipe that must be tailored to individual needs to achieve
minutes. This depends on the initial fitness of each. Including
maximum benefits and high compliance.
the type (type) of sports, each can choose the sport or physical
In their research, Rivera-Brown & Frontera, (2012) activity that is most interested and preferred.
stated that physical activity and fitness are associated with a
lower prevalence of chronic diseases, such as heart disease,
cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes. This review examines
the body's response to acute bouts of exercise and long-term V. CONCLUSION
physiological adaptations with an emphasis on resistance Moving is a basic human need to fulfill their daily
training. According to Wu et al., (2016) fitness trackers have needs by working, caring for and maintaining oneself to stay
expanded the health care ecosystem and made it possible for healthy. Therefore, people still must do physical activity/sports
daily physical activities to be carried out alone. Features such as to keep themselves healthy and fit, as well as improve their
heart rate monitoring can help detect health ailments, but there motor function to fulfill their basic needs.
is little evidence to suggest tracking health and physical activity
indicators that lead to long-term changes in health behavior. The benefits that can be obtained by doing physical
activity/sports include: 1) physical and mental health, if a person
In Katzmarzyk's research, (2016) stated that life has a good level of physical fitness, then physically he will not
expectancy can be increased by more than 10 months if tire easily after carrying out activities in fulfilling his daily
Canadians can be encouraged to be physically active. The same duties, 2) exercise is done as a the main objective for recreational
thing was stated by Waleh, (2016) about two-thirds of the US activities, meaning that in addition to physical health benefits,

Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 36

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