UK Visa Requirements August 2023

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ALL nationals of the countries and territories listed below in red (underlined) need visas to enter or transit the UK.
ALL nationals of the countries and territories listed below in black need visas to enter or transit the UK landside.
ALL visa nationals may transit the UK without a visa (TWOV) in certain circumstances. Please see below for details.
1. Holders of diplomatic and special
Afghanistan Comoros India (4) Morocco Sudan passports do not require a visa for
Albania Congo Indonesia (7) Mozambique Surinam official visits, tourist visits or transit.
Algeria Congo Dem. Iran Myanmar (Burma) Syria (8) 2. Holders of diplomatic passports do not
Angola Republic Iraq Namibia Taiwan (6) require a visa. Service passport holders
may transit without a visa. Holders of a
Armenia Cuba Ivory Coast Nepal Tajikistan public affairs passport may not transit
Azerbaijan Cyprus northern Jamaica Niger Tanzania without a visa. Service and public affairs
Bahrain (1,5) part of (3) Jordan Nigeria Thailand passport holders do not require a visa if
Bangladesh Djibouti Kazakhstan North Macedonia Timor–Leste travelling with a serving Chinese
Belarus Dominica Kenya Oman (1,5) Togo government minister on an official visit to
Tunisia the UK.
Benin Dominican Republic Korea (Dem. Pakistan 3. Passport not recognised by HM
Bhutan Ecuador People’s Republic) Palestinian Turkey (7) Government – visa should be issued on a
Bolivia Egypt Kosovo Territories Turkmenistan Form for Affixing a Visa (FAV).
Bosnia and El Salvador Kuwait (1,5) Philippines Uganda 4. Holders of diplomatic or official passports
Equatorial Guinea Ukraine may transit without a visa.
Herzegovina Kyrgyzstan Qatar (1,5) 5. Holders of ordinary passports do not
Burkina Faso Eritrea Laos Russia United Arab require a visa if they hold a valid electronic
Burundi Eswatini (Swaziland) Lebanon Rwanda Emirates (1,5) visa waiver (EVW) document.
Cambodia Ethiopia Lesotho Sao Tome e Uzbekistan 6. Passports that include a personal ID
Cameroon Fiji Liberia Principe Venezuela (non number on the biodata page are exempt
biometric) from the visa requirement.
Cape Verde Gabon Libya Saudi Arabia (5) 7. Holders of diplomatic passports do not
Central African Gambia Madagascar Senegal Venezuela require a visa for official visits, tourist visits
Republic Georgia Malawi Serbia (biometric) or transit.
Chad Ghana Mali Sierra Leone Vanuatu 8. Holders may not use a B1/B2 USA visa to
Vietnam (4,7) transit the UK.
China (People’s Guinea Mauritania Somalia (3)
Republic of) (2) Guinea-Bissau Moldova South Africa (7) Yemen
Haiti Mongolia South Sudan Zambia
Honduras Montenegro Sri Lanka Zimbabwe

Airside Transit (where available):

Airside transit passengers are those who do not need to change airports and do not need to Landside Transit:
pass through the UK border. Passengers cannot transit AIRSIDE to the Republic of Ireland Landside transit passengers are those who need or wish to pass through the UK border and
or anywhere within the common travel area. enter the UK (e.g. to change airport, to collect baggage or arrive at airports where no airside
transfer is possible)
Transit without visa (TWOV)
ALL visa nationals seeking to transit the United Kingdom AIRSIDE without a visa must: Transit without visa (TWOV)
(i) arrive and depart by air; and ALL visa nationals seeking to transit the United Kingdom LANDSIDE without a visa must:
(ii) have a confirmed onward flight departing the same day from the same airport; and (iv) arrive and depart by air; and
(iii) hold the correct documents for their destination (e.g. a visa for that country if required) (v) have a confirmed onward flight that departs before 23:59hrs the following day; and
(vi) hold the correct documents for their destination (e.g. a visa for that country if required)
Nationals of the countries shown in RED (underlined) above need a visa to transit
AIRSIDE unless they hold one of the following: Nationals of ALL countries (RED [underlined] and BLACK above) need a visa to
(i) a valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA (whether or not transit LANDSIDE unless they hold one of the following:
the holder is travelling to or from these countries); or (i) a valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA and a valid
(ii) a visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA as part of a airline ticket via the UK as part of a reasonable journey TO that country; or
reasonable journey FROM the country in respect of which the visa is held and it is (ii) a valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA and a valid
less than 6 months since the holder last entered that country with a valid entry visa. airline ticket via the UK as part of a reasonable journey FROM that country; or
(iii) a valid permanent residence permit issued by: (iii) a visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA as part of a
(a) Australia reasonable journey FROM the country in respect of which the visa is held and it is
(b) Canada, issued after 28 June 2002 less than 6 months since the holder last entered that country with a valid entry visa;
(c) New Zealand or
(d) USA issued after 21 April 1998; or a valid US Immigrant visa endorsed with a (iv) a valid permanent residence permit issued by:
US arrival stamp (a wet-ink/ADIT stamp version will NOT be accepted by UK (a) Australia
border control); or an expired I-551 Permanent Residence card provided it is (b) Canada, issued after 28 June 2002
accompanied by a valid I-797 letter authorising extension; or a standalone US (c) New Zealand
Immigration Form 155A/155B (attached to a sealed brown envelope); or (d) USA issued after 21 April 1998; or a valid US Immigrant visa endorsed with a
(iv) a valid common format residence permit issued by an EEA state or Switzerland; or US arrival stamp (a wet-ink/ADIT stamp version will NOT be accepted by UK
(v) a valid common format category D visa for entry to an EEA state or Switzerland; or border control); or an expired I-551 Permanent Residence card provided it is
(vi) a valid Irish biometric visa endorsed BC or BC BIVS (in order to transit to a accompanied by a valid I-797 letter authorising extension; or a standalone US
destination other than the Republic of Ireland or the Common Travel Area); or Immigration Form 155A/155B (attached to a sealed brown envelope); or
(vii) a valid Schengen Approved Destination Scheme (ADS) group tourism visa where (v) a valid common format residence permit issued by an EEA state or Switzerland; or
the holder is travelling TO the country that issued it; or (vi) a valid common format category D visa for entry to an EEA state or Switzerland; or
(viii) a valid airline ticket FROM the Schengen area; provided the holder can demonstrate (vii) a valid Irish biometric visa endorsed BC or BC BIVS and travelling TO the Republic
they entered there no more than 30 days previously on the basis of a valid Schengen of Ireland; or
ADS visa (viii) an Irish biometric visa endorsed BC or BC BIVS and travelling FROM the Republic
NB: E-visas or e-residence permits are not acceptable unless the airline is able to verify it of Ireland provided it is less than 3 months since the holder last entered there
with the issuing country NB: E-visas or e-residence permits are NOT acceptable for landside transit
The decision to allow a passenger to transit without a visa (TWOV) under the scheme is decided by an immigration officer at the UK border
UK permanent residents
If a visa national is permanently resident in the UK they do not need a visa, as long as they return to the UK within two years of their last departure.
Passengers with the right of abode in the UK
If a visa national has a ‘certificate of entitlement to the right of abode’ label in their valid passport they do not need a visa.
Holders of non-national and refugee travel documents
If the passenger holds a refugee travel document issued by the UK they do not need a visa. If the passenger holds any other non-national or refugee travel document they need a visa to
enter the UK. Whether holders of non-national and refugee travel documents require a direct airside transit visa (DATV) depends on their original nationality, and whether they qualify for one of the
exemptions listed above. Persons recognised as stateless under the 1954 UN Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons are not required to hold a DATV and may transit airside without
a visa.
A seaman travelling on duty, who is a visa national (including those in transit through the UK) does not need a visa if he holds a valid seaman’s book issued by one of these countries which also
contains a statement that it is issued under ILO108 (or convention of 1958) or ILO185, having previously ratified ILO108 (or convention of 2003): Algeria, Anguilla, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda,
Azerbaijan, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, British Virgin Isles, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Ghana,
Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova
(Republic of), Montserrat, Morocco, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Seychelles, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, St Lucia, St Vincent and the
Grenadines, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (including the Falkland Islands and Gibraltar), Uruguay. The seaman does not need to be a national of the
country that issued the document
If in doubt please telephone one of the numbers below for advice
Aberdeen Airport……………………………+44 3000 738455 Heathrow Airport Terminal 2……...+44 300 106 5154/55/56 Manchester Airport Terminal 3....................+44 161 261 5903
Belfast Airport……………………………….+44 28 944 84323 Heathrow Airport Terminal 3 ................... +44 300 106 3278 Newcastle Airport……………………………..+44 191 286 0629
Birmingham Airport………………….+44 300 073 8162 / 8619 Heathrow Airport Terminal 4 ............. +44 300 106 5560 /70 Newhaven Docks ...........................................+44 1273 865936
Bournemouth………………………………....+44 1202 579233 Heathrow Airport Terminal 5……………..+44 300 106 5025 Norwich………………………...……..………...+44 300 106 5005
Bristol Airport………………………………..+44 300 106 5296 Humberside………………………………….+44 1302 522300 Plymouth………………………………………...+44 1752 689200
Cardiff………. ………………………………...+44 300 1064 188 Inverness…………………………………..…+44 1667 460054 Poole……………………………………………..+44 1202 634555
East Midlands Airport ............................... +44 300 073 8033 Leeds Bradford Airport……………………+44 300 106 5500 Prestwick……………………………………... +44 01292 478675
Edinburgh Airport.……………………………+44 300 106 3509 Lerwick………………………….…………….+44 1595 690614 Portsmouth Docks ........................................+44 2392 817 615
Exeter Airport..………………………………..+44 1392 366492 Liverpool Airport…………………………...+44 151 448 1448 Robin Hood Airport…………………………....+44 1302 522300
Gatwick Airport........................................... +44 3000 739902 London City Airport ................................. +44 207 055 5900 Southampton Airport…….………...+44 300 1063 591/590/589
Glasgow Airport ........................................ +44 300 106 3530 Luton Airport ............................................. +44 1582 878700 Southend Airport………………………………+44 1702 538574
Harwich Docks........................................... +44 300 1065 543 Manchester Airport Terminal 1…………..+44 161 261 5901 Stansted Airport.............................. +44 300 0738 842/123/662
Manchester Airport Terminal 2................+44 161 261 5902 Teesside Airport………………………..………+44 1642 446211

Produced by: CARRIERS LIAISON SECTION, HOME OFFICE This poster was last updated in August 2023

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