Practice Questions Topic 1.2 IB Biology
Practice Questions Topic 1.2 IB Biology
Practice Questions Topic 1.2 IB Biology
2) NAME:
Word Definition
Prokaryotic Simple smaller cells, commonly called bacteria
Eukaryotic Larger, more complex cells
Cell Wall The outer most layer of certain cells that helps them maintain their structure
Cell membrane The barrier that separates the cell from the extracellular environment. It controls
(plasma membrane) what enters and exits the cell
Capsule The outer most layer of certain bacteria
Nucleoid area The area of bacteria that has the DNA
DNA Genetic material; has information to make proteins
Ribosomes Part of the cell where proteins are made
Flagella Part of the cell that is tail-like and helps to move it
Cilia Short hairs off the side of a bacteria that help it to move
Pili Short projections off the side of a bacteria that helps it to stick to surfaces and
exchange DNA with other bacteria
Plasmid Short circular pieces of DNA in bacteria
Binary Fission The method of reproduction in bacteria
Golgi apparatus An organelle that modified and packages proteins for secretion (release) from the
Endoplasmic An organelles that is a series of tubes. Smooth ER makes lipids and rough ER is the
reticulum (rough and location of protein production for proteins that are released out of the cell.
Mitochondria An organelle that creates cellular energy (ATP) from nutrients (mainly sugar)
Lysosome An organelle that breaks down toxins or old cell parts
Chloroplast An organelle found only in plant cells that uses the energy in light to create chemical
energy in organic compounds
Centriole An organelle used in cell division in animal cells
Vacuoles Larger sac like organelles that store materials. Large ones in plants store mainly
water and control water pressure in the cell
Vesicles Small sacs that store and transport materials around the cell
Nucleus An organelle that stores and protects the DNA.
Chitin The material in the cell wall of fungi
Cellulose The material in the cell wall of plants
1.2.4 Electron Describe how an electron microscope works and how it differs from a light microscope:
microscopes have a much
higher resolution than
light microscopes.
Millimeters (mm) Micrometers (μm) Nanometers (nm)
Naked eye 0.1
Light microscope
Electron microscope
Rough Endoplasmic
Reticulum (rER)
Golgi Apparatus
Organelle name / Description of function
Vacuoles and
Microtubules and
1.2.6 The structure and What is the function of a palisade mesophyll cell in a plant leaf?
function of organelles
within palisade mesophyll
cells of the leaf.
1.2.9 Interpret electron Label the organelles in the micrographs shown below:
micrographs to identify Animal cell (eukaryotic)
organelles and deduce the
function of specialized