Uts Finals
Uts Finals
Uts Finals
4. Ask Help
○ Others can help us to surpass our limitations and ease the difficulty
brought about by the requirement of our curriculum.
5. Do other things
○ Engage in co-curricular activities to build relationships that will
translate as help in the future.
○ Playing sports can also help keep the body healthy
Signs of Failing Mental Health
1. Depression
○ A persistent and extreme feeling of loneliness.
2. Anxiety
○ Irrational fear and worry towards something or a situation.
4. Poor Performance
○ Inability to maximize potentials.
Understanding the Self
Definition of Success
1. High Self-Efficacy
- more likely to challenge themselves
- high degree of effort
- recovers quickly from setbacks
2. Low Self-Efficacy
- belief that they cannot be successful
- less likely to extend effort
- low aspirations
Four Ways to Build Self-Efficacy
1. Mastery Experience
○ build resilience thru treating failure as a learning opportunity and
chance to reach our goal with a different approach.
2. Social Modeling
○ Observing those who practice high self efficacy in their lives and
who have reached their goals despite hardships.
3. Social Persuasion
○ Finding the right mentor; having other’s (role model) directly
influence one’s self-efficacy by providing opportunities to master
4. States of Physiology
○ Positive emotion can help build positive insight for high self-efficacy
to a person.
● Mindset
- explain the assumptions, methods, or notations held by one or
more people or groups of people.
- It represents the cognitive processes activated in response to a
given task.
- Mindset is a self-perception or “self-theory” that people hold
about themselves. Believing that you are either intelligent or
unintelligent is a simple example of a mindset.
2 Types of Mindset
1. Fixed Mindset
○ an innate or in -born
personality of a person
○ basically “who you are”,
how God made you
2. Growth Mindset
○ believe that training and
an effort to learn can change
one’s qualities and traits.
Getting Smart
1. Specific
○ Simple, Sensible, & Significant
2. Measurable
○ Meaningful & Motivating
3. Achievable
○ Agreed & Attainable
4. Realistic
○ Reasonable. Realistic, Resourced, & Results-Based
5. Time-Bound
○ Time-Based, Time Limited, Time/Cost Limited, Timely,
❊ Stress
○ Stress is person’s response to events that threaten them
○ Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand
placed upon it
○ Stress is an individual’s physiological and/or psychological reaction
to the real and imagined demands of life
○ The way a person reacts physically and emotionally to change
❊ Stressor
○ can be in the form of natural disasters, frustrating day to day lived
experiences, and interpersonal relationships.
Sources of Stress
1. Natural Disasters
○ Unfortunate events that are caused by nature
3. Interpersonal Relationships
○ Social interaction of an individual
○ Hopelessness
○ Sadness
○ Anxiety
○ Depression
● Despite the jolly personality innate among Filipinos , they can be still be
stressed out
● In the cultural perspective stress can also impact both physical and
mental aspect of a person
● Filipinos experience stress and results to illnesses, physical and mental,
fleeting and serious and life-threatening
● According to Tan (2006) Physiological responses among Filipinos can
range from asthma to singaw (canker sores), to cardiovascular
ailments and even infectious diseases, since stress can affect an
individual’s immune system.
● Men and Women express emotion in different patterns.
- Women deal with stressful situations through tiis (endurance)
and kimkim (repression).
- Men are less expressive than women and prone to confront
“political economy of stress” (Tan, 2006)
Taking Care of the Self
❊ Self-Kindness
○ Being warm and understanding when she/he suffer, fail or feel
inadequate rather than self- critical
○ Recognizing imperfection and consider life difficulties as inevitable
○ Acknowledging problems and shortcomings without judgment
○ Tendency to be gentle when confronted with painful experience
❊ Common Humanity
○ Suffering and individual deficiency is part of human existence.
❊ Mindfulness
○ Nonjudgmental, receptive mindstate in which thoughts and feeling
are observed
○ Equilibrated stance in terms negative emotions, feelings are neither
suppressed or exaggerated
○ Inadequacies are ignored or distorted
Benefits Of Self-Compassion
● enhances motivation
● promotes health related behaviors
● benefits interpersonal relationships
● predicts happiness and optimism
● enhances wellbeing