Managing and Caring For The Self
Managing and Caring For The Self
Managing and Caring For The Self
measurable result of
several objectives that
are to be accomplished
in a given time frame.
▪ Desired results or
outcomes one wishes
to achieve.
Vision vs. Goals
▪ Vision is an idea of
what you want to be or
what you want to do.
▪ Goals are more
specific: “what do I
need to do to reach my
Guide to act
▪ They determine, what
you want to do,
where you want to
Motivates one’s
▪ Energizes people to
▪ No goal = No
motivation (They give
Are Goals Important? us direction
Bandura’s Self- Efficacy
Positive vs. ▪
Generating unpleasant feelings
Decreasing focus and
Negative Stress
▪ Contributing to mental and
physical problems
1. Environmental stressors – poverty,
pollution, crowding, noise, or natural
Coping With
stress (Peterson, 1998 cited by Hoeksema, 2014).Pessimism
may contribute to poor health by causing chronic arousal of the
body’s flight or fight response, resulting in physiological
Stress damage. Moreover, pessimistic outlook may lead individuals to
engage in unhealthy behaviors.
• Coping has two functions: 1) manage the problem causing the
distress, 2) to regulate the emotions of distress
SELF-CARE is “the practice of activities that a mature
Strategies in person initiates and performs, within a time frame, to
Managing promote and maintain personal well-being, healthy
functioning, and continuing development throughout
Stress life” (Orem, 2001)
▪Self-care is self-compassion
▪Self-compassion describes a
positive and caring attitude of a
person toward her or himself in
the face of failures and
individual shortcomings.
▪It is defined as a healthy
attitude toward oneself and is
assumed to influence
individuals’ evaluations of
potentially threatening
situations (Neff, 2003)
Long-Term Benefits of Self-Care
1. Self-care boosts
2. Self-care can
maximize protective
factors and minimize the
risk factors.
3. Self-care can
strengthen our
4. Self-care is a good
preventive measure.
Why is it difficult to
practice self-care?
1. Guilt and the inability to say
2. Always putting other people
3. You think looking after
yourself is selfish.
4. You don’t ask for help.
5. You don’t recognise you
need help until it’s too late.
Caring for
yourself in
little ways