Psy 101 Assignment

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Introduction to Psychology (PSY101)

Assignment No. 01
Marks: 20

Example Identification Justification

Ahmed is trained to diagnose

and treat different mental  This is the example of
disorders. He uses different Clinical Psychology because
tools e.g. observation, Clinical Psychology clinical psychology is the
interviews and tests, to branch that deals with
diagnose any existing or
 Observation, interviews and
potential disorders. He is also tests are the tools used by
trained to conduct research clinical psychologist to
regarding different mental diagnose mental disorders, so
health issues and family the example relates to
problems. clinical psychology.
 It relates to clinical
psychology as clinical
psychology works with
understanding and cure of
psychological issues by way
of psycho-therapeutic
 Ahmed is working to identify
psychological, emotional or
behavioural issues, this job is
done by a clinical

 This is the example of

industrial psychology
Sara is teaching a psychology because industrial
course which focuses upon psychology is the science of
increasing workplace Industrial Psychology human behavior relating to
productivity and related issues work.
for example physical and  Industrial psychology deals
mental well-being of with organizations and
employees. individuals in their places of
work as well as the
individual's work-life. So this
example relates to industrial
 It is the industrial
psychology that deals with
workers’ attitude and
behavior. Sara is concerned
about the behavior of the
workers so this example
relates to industrial
 This example belongs to
industrial psychology as
industrial psychology
focuses on improving
employees’ satisfaction and
maximizing the productivity
of the workforce.

Adnan works with sportsmen  This is the example of sports

and studies all the variables psychology because sports
which affect athlete’s Sports Psychology psychology is the study of
performance. He also works how psychology influences
sports, athletic performance,
on making athletes’ morale
exercise, and physical
better and to enhance their activity.
performance in the field.  Sports psychology works
with professional athletes
and coaches to improve
performance and increase
motivation. Adnan is doing
that job so he will be a sports
psychologist and this would
be the example of sports
 Professional sports
psychologists often help
athletes cope with the intense
pressure that comes from
competition and overcome
problems with focus and
motivation. The example
tells us that this task is done
by Adnan, so he would be a
sports psychologist.
 Sport psychology also work
with athletes to improve
performance and recover
from injuries by making their
morale better so it can be
said without any doubt that it
is the example of sports

Farah works to understand the  This example relates to

relationship between physical health psychology because
problems/diseases and health psychology is the
psychological factors. She also branch that deals with the
role of psychological factors
focuses on recognizing the Health Psychology
in physical illness.
ways which encourage good  It provides psychologically
health related behaviors. She and biologically plausible
also focuses upon explanations for how
eliminating/discouraging psychological factors might
unhealthy behaviors. influence immunity and
immune system-mediated
 It covers substantial evidence
that factors such as stress,
negative affect, clinical
depression, social support,
and repression/denial can
influence both cellular and
humoral indicators of
immune status and function.
 Health psychology considers
consistent and convincing
evidence of links between
stress and negative affect and
disease onset and

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