TEAM B Topic Reference
TEAM B Topic Reference
TEAM B Topic Reference
⮚ Eustress is a type of short-term stress that challenges and motivates individuals to perform at their
⮚ It is usually present in fun competitions and work-out physical activities
● Long-term Stress
⮚ It pertains to stress that impact strongly on people's physical and mental health and their well-being.
▪ Stressor
o It pertains to events, people and even objects that give stress to a person.
o It is condition in the environment that is perceived by the person as a threat.
⮚ Events that are possible to recur and might give a person a level of threat.
● Uncontrollable.
● Linked to pressure.
⮚ A person knew that possible threat could happen and needs to be prepared to lessen the impact.
⮚ Analyzing if certain event/situation may or may not affect a person. If not, then it is not considered as
a stressor.
● Secondary Appraisal
⮚ Coming up with an assessment of resources to come up with the best possible way to handle and
face the stressor.
o Signs of Stress
1. Emotional Signs
● Anxiety- always tense and frightened
2. Behavioral Signs
● Avoidance of Responsibilities and Relationships- procrastinates a lot, attributes blame to others
and cannot maintain relationships.
● Self-Destructive Behavior- engages in high risk emotional release like gambling, smoking, drugs
and alcohol
● Self-Neglect- poor grooming and hygiene, stops doing activities that are usually enjoyed
● Poor Judgment - difficulty in making decisions or coming up with intelligent, practical solutions.
3. Physical Signs
● Excessive Worrying - unnecessary concern about things that are irrelevant or trivial