Rotating Trolley With Lead Screw Mechanism: International Journal On Emerging Technologies

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International Journal on Emerging Technologies (Special Issue NCETST-2017) 8(1): 657-659(2017)

(Published by Research Trend, Website:
ISSN No. (Print) : 0975-8364
ISSN No. (Online) : 2249-3255

Rotating Trolley with Lead Screw Mechanism

Diwakar Maurya1, Pashupatinath Singh1, Shabbir Alam1 and Shailendra Yadav1
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Buddha Institute of Technology , Gida, Gorakhpur,(UP), INDIA
ABSTRACT: The function of rotating trolley with lead screw mechanism is to rotate the trolley 360 degree
about it’s own centre and can load / unload in congested area. It consists of several mechanical component
like worm gear worm wheel, bearing, lead screw, universal joint. The trolley is free to rotate about its
centre with the help of worm and worm wheel. The trolley frame if mounted on the worm wheel.
The trolley can lift at any particular angle for unloading of the things with the help of lead screw, for
providing an angular motion universal joint are use. Lead screw which consist of square thread which
convert the rotary motion into linear motion and trolley lifting take place.
Keywords: Universal joint, Lead screw, Worm, Worm wheel, Ball bearing.
The rotating trolley with lead screw mechanism is a IV. LITRATURE SURVEY
system through which we can unload the trolley in
Y. Yavin September 2003 Mathematical and
congested area by rotating the trolley 360 degree about
Computer Modeling, This work deals with the
its own centre with the help of worm and worm wheel.
modeling and control of the motion of a trolley
The trolley can lift at any particular angle for the
moving on a plane with a time dependent inclination.
unloading of trolley with the help of lead screw and
Improvement –trolley have rotational motion about
universal joint. In the modern age the trolley lifting
own centre.
process is pressure system but here in this project the
George J. Beneck February 2017 To transport school
trolley lifting take place with the help of lead screw by
materials, trolleys have been proposed for children
rotating shaft connect with universal joint which
as an alternative to carrying a backpack. This study
provide the motion at any angle. The universal joint is
compared the effects of carrying a backpack and
connect with the lead screw.
pulling a trolley on gait kinematics in children.
II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Improvement –trolley pooling or pushing by hand or
by using machine.
In India there are generally using a pressure trolley or
Kam Wai Kuen 2015, Force evaluation on supply
simple trolley. For the unloading of such trolley we
trolley was conducted based on the different mode of
require a large space for turning of trolley with
handling to assess the suitability of use. Result of this
tractor. But here in this project there are no such
study was used to develop a guideline to set the
problem creat because the trolley can rotate 360
requirement for future purchase of trolley and to
degree about its own centre and can unload in any
improve features of existing trolleys.
direction although in congested area.
Improvement –trolley can lift with any particular angle
The pressure trolley have leakage problem of fluid
with the help of lead screw.
but in rotating trolley with lead screw mechanism this
problem can overcome. V. COMPONENT OF PROJECT
• To the formation of this project first of all we
purchases the mechanical component like-
Wheel, Worm Gear, universal joint , lead
screw, bearing etc.
• Draw the rough sketch in creo parametric
software for overview of project.
• Form the frame of trolley in workshop by
metal sheet.
• Fit the frame on wheel axel.
• Assemble all components of trolley.
Fig. 1. Worm & worm gear.

Maurya, Singh, Alam and Yadav 657

1-The gear material is cost iron. 3-The bearing is generally use for reduce the friction
2-The number of teeth on worm gear is 26 and the between two mating part having relative motion
number of teeth on worm is 3. between each other.
3-The worm is a single point starting teeth .
4-The trolley is mounted on worm gear.
2- LEAD SCREW There are two power transmission system consist in
this project. The first is lead screw which convert
rotary motion into linear motion. The universal joint
is connected with the lead screw which provide
motion at any angleof the lead screw.
The other power transmission system is worm and
Fig. 2. Lead screw. worm gear. The axis of worm and worm gear is
intersect at 90 degree with each other and transmit
1-Lead screw is use in this project for lifting purpose
power. The trolley is mounted on the worm wheel
of the trolley.
and motion provide by worm to rotate the trolley 360
2-Lead screw also known as power screw or
degree about its centre.
translation screw.
The power provide to run the system by manually.
3-Larg load carrying capability and compact.
4-Simple to design and easy to manufactured.
5-Large mechanical advantage and precise and
accurate linear motion.

Fig. 5. Assembly of project.

Fig. 3. Universal joint. The general advantage of the rotating trolley is as
listed below-
1-Universal joint is a type of mechanical component 1- The trolley can rotate 360 degree about its own
which provide the motion at any angle. centre.
2-Universal joint is generally made up of stainless 2- The trolley can unload in congested area.
steel. 3- The cost of the formation is low.
3-Universal joint is connected with the lead screw. 4- Maintenance cost is low.
4-ROLLER TYPE BALL BEARING 5- The efficiency is high because of warm and
worm gear use.
6- Less skill person can also work on this rotating
7- The problem of leakage is remove as in pressure
lifting trolley.
Worm teeth (Z1) = 3
Worm wheel(Z2) =26
(1)-centre distance (a) =1/2*m*(q+Z2)
Fig. 4. Ball bearing. Where
Module(m) = D/T
1-Bearing is a mechanical element use for the =220/26
carrying load under the action of rolling motion by =8mm
placing some rolling element. Diametral quotient (q) =d1/m
2-The rotating shaft is fitted in the hole of the bearing d1= pitch circle dia. Of the worm
tightly. q=60/8=7.5

Maurya, Singh, Alam and Yadav 658

a = 1/2*8*(7.5+26) REFERENCE
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= 25.132mm [8]. B. Friedland, Control System Design, McGraw-Hill,
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da 2 = m(z2+4cosλ-2)
= 221.71mm
df 2 = m(z2-2-.4cosλ)
= 189.02mm
da1= outside dia. of worm(mm)
df1 = root dia. of worm(mm)
da2= outside dia. of wheel(mm)
df2 = root dia. of wheel(mm)

Fig. 6. Layout view of warm and warm gear.

Maurya, Singh, Alam and Yadav 659

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