Crown Guard Heroes of WW II (BASH)
Crown Guard Heroes of WW II (BASH)
Crown Guard Heroes of WW II (BASH)
BASH! Ultimate Edition and Basic Action Games are the intellectual properties of Chris Rutkowsky
(c) 2004. This product has been published for use with BASH! Ultimate Edition under license. See for more information on the third party publishing license.
During the dark, early days of WWII, the existence of the Crown Guard was a closely held secret.
Germany’s Eugenics Brigade was the first fully formed meta-human team in history and had the full
backing of the German High Command. Hitler touted these meta-humans as proof Germany was the
“master race”, descended from the
Aesir of Norse mythology. Sup-
ported by an elite troop of the SS
and with the mysterious teleporter
Götterdämmerung allowing them CONTENT MANAGERs:
to appear anywhere in the world at CHARLES RICE AND CHRIS DAVIS
will, the Eugenics Brigade conduct-
ed special operations throughout art:
jacob blackmon and john gibbons
Europe, weakening fortified posi-
tions and attacking military and po-
litical leaders as a prelude to inva- proofreading: layout:
chris davis kirstin nokes
sion. The German high command
called this strategy “decapitation”
and used it with deadly effect in
combination with the lightning-fast
When the Brigade returned an hour later, Hitler The CRown Guard
was astonished to learn they had been defeated
by a pair of British heroes: Sword and Stone, Big Ben a.k.a. Stanley Linwood
wielding the mystic artifacts passed down from 24 Pts (14 Stats, 10 Powers)
their father, the WWI hero Excalibur. Some-
how these two young heroes had defeated the Quote: “Now you’ve made me ruin my favorite
Brigade’s six-member team. Though they had tweed jacket. We’ll have to have a talk about that
killed one of the British heroes, Churchill had later.”
only been wounded and the aura of invincibility
Brawn 2 Agility 2 Mind 3
around Germany’s meta-human force was shat-
tered. The Brigade tried several times to assas- Powers:
sinate Churchill afterwards but their intelligence Growing 3 (+15 Result to Brawn, Damage, and
was never again so accurate. Each subsequent Soak rolls, -3 Dice Pen. Defense) 3pts
attack only managed to kill actors impersonating Dense Skeleton: Armor 2 (x4 Soak) 2pts
the great leader. Martial Arts Mastery 1 (Grappling Style) 1pt
Regrowth: Healing 3 (x3 Dmg) 3pts
Cunning and bravery had accomplished what Resistance 1 (Heat and Cold) 1pt
force would not have been able to do and soon
the Brigade attacks stopped, as Germany turned Skills: Athletics x3/Running, Social Science x4/
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Timothy LeMaster (order #2688440)
THE Crown Guard: His majesty’s heroes OF WWII
Law, Commerce/Negotiating
Advantages: Frightening Presence
Disadvantages: Involuntary Change (if he is Common Advantages / Disadvantages
severely injured, or feels he is about to be, Big
Ben will reflexively grow. Needless to say, in an All of the members of Crown Guard have the advantage
“Headquarters” (a subterranean military bunker beneath
enclosed space, this could be more harmful than London, nick-named “The Concrete Villa”, see below)
helpful, especially to nearby allies). and a corresponding Disadvantage “Duty to Crown
Mental Malfunction: Post traumatic stress Guard”. At the Narrator’s discretion, they also have
shared Vehicles provided by the government. Likewise,
and Claustrophobia. The experience in the they can get military transporation anywhere they need
bomb shelter nearly killed him, and he still has to go. These are not explicitly listed on each character
nightmares about it. Likewise, a man who has sheet.
the ability to grow over 30 feet tall gets very The Concrete Villa, 10 Pts
uncomfortable in enclosed spaces.
Tele-Screen: Clairvoyance 1 (Present) 1pt, Bunker:
Armor 2 (x5 Soak) 2pts, Alarm Sense X (Enemy
Background: Evaluation by Sir Nigel Fischer: Combatants) 1pt, Psionic Shielding Mind Shield 2
(+4 Mental Defense) 2pts, Well Disguised Illusion 1
Subject Stanley Linwood (Visual) 1pt, Launch Tube: Teleportation 1 (Blasts
Subject is a mutant, powers manifested Heroes to just about any phone booth in London.
after a roof collapse in a bomb shelter. Near The tubes are also the way back into the Villa) 1pt,
Weapons Array: Special Attack 2 (x3 Hit, x5 Dmg) 2pts
death experience has left residual psychological
trauma but this is manageable. Subject pos- Advantages: Battle Gym, Heavily Defended,
Laboratory, Sickbay
sesses a high IQ and was employed as a lawyer.
Subject applied for military service three times Disadvantage: Remote Location (deep underground)
but was rejected due to severe asthma, which
New Advantages / Disadvantages
has disappeared since manifestation of mutant
abilities. New Advantage: Blaze of Glory: When reduced to 30
or less Hits, you get a +2 Dice Bonus to all rolls. You
Subject’s bones are extremely dense, to support may also take an additional panel as soon as you fall in
combat (they occur simultaneously). This extra panel
weight during size change, this has rendered can include an extra attack even if you have already
subject effectively bulletproof even at normal made one this page.
stature. Subject possesses an extreme degree
New Disadvantage: Duty: You owe your allegiance to
of patriotism and seems eager to place Queen someone or some organization (you specify what your
and country before self. Subject is an ideal can- duty is to). You obey all orders from your superiors
didate for Crown Guard service. within that organization without question. If it means
sacrificing your life, so be it. Often, Duty means great
inconvenience that requires you to suddenly drop
Espirit a.k.a. Renee Laroque everything to follow your orders.
29 Pts (10 Stats, 19 Powers) Both of these Advantages / Disadvantages first
appeared in BAM! (Basic Action Magazine) #5.
Quote: I know who the collaborators are. As your
Shakespeare would say, “I say little: but when Notations
time shall serve, there shall be smiles”. Powers in this book will use the following notations for
enhancements and limitations:
Brawn 1 Agility 2 Mind 2
Enhancements are placed within square brackets,
Powers: e.g.:
Ghost Touch: Telekinesis 4 <No Range, Touch [Variable]
Only> (x3 Hit, x4 Dmg) 3pts
Attack Weak Point, 2pts Limitations are placed within angle brackets, e.g.:
Ghost Form 3, 3pts <Easily Taken Gadget>
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THE Crown Guard: His majesty’s heroes OF WWII
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Timothy LeMaster (order #2688440)
THE Crown Guard: His majesty’s heroes OF WWII
Powers: Powers:
Danger Sense (x4 Defense) 2pts Solid Metal Body: Density Increase 1 (Weighs
Clairvoyance 1 (Future) 1pt 1,000 Lbs, +5 Result bonus to Brawn, Damage,
Suggestion, 1pt and Soak rolls; -1 Dice Penalty Defense, 10
Mind Shield 1 (x5 Mental Defense) 1pt Dmg/Page to surfaces stood upon) 1pt
Telepath 3, 3pts Flight 4 (20 Squares) 4pts
Luck Control: Confusion 2 (Large Burst) 5pts Maxim Gun: Special Attack 4 (x5 Dmg, Mid
Skillful 1 (2 Slots) 1pt Range) <Burn-Out> 5pts
Reinforced Plating: Armor 2 (x6+5 Soak) 2pts
Skills: Stealth x3/Palming, Perform/Acting,
Escapology/Improvising, Deception/Lying/ Skills: Athletics x4/Aerobatics/Running, Military/
Disguise, Streetwise/Gather Information Demolitions
Advantages: Appeal, Dumb Luck Advantages: Unliving, Mentor (Dr. Adam
Disadvantages: None Sorenson), Versatile (there are a number of
Mental Malfunction: Compulsive liar. His features he has that nobody seems aware of
colleagues know this, and have learned to tune it until he needs them, such as retractable skis,
out for the most part. etc)
Disadvantages: Duty (to Dr. Sorenson), Freak,
Background: Evaluation by Sir Nigel Fischer: Outsider (he has trouble relating to organic life)
Subject “John Smith” Mental Malfunction: Programmed. He has
Subject “John Smith” is extremely eva- been programmed to serve Dr. Sorenson, the
sive, skirting or lying in response to every ques- King, and humanity... in that order. And yet it
tion, giving different ages, places of birth, even appears there may be the spark of a soul within
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Timothy LeMaster (order #2688440)
THE Crown Guard: His majesty’s heroes OF WWII
him. Ironclad has emotions, and sometimes • Wall of Repulsion: Force Field 4
feels conflicted because of them. He is a [Variable]
mechanical soldier.. but with the heart of a hero!
• Wave of Repulsion: Push 2 (x10 Knock-
Back; Large Line)
Background: Evaluation by Sir Nigel Fischer:
Subject “Ironclad” Skills: Athletics/Aerobatics, Pilot x3/Evasion,
Terrifying. I feel guilty saying that. Clearly Military x4/Aircraft, Science/Physics
this machine is alive. It has feelings. And yet, Advantages: Quick-Thinking
it also has built-in directives, almost akin to Disadvantages: Rogue’s Gallery (the Luftwaffe
instincts, to obey its creator and His Majesty, and associated Supers)
in that order. It also has a built-in directive to Mental Malfunction: Personal vendetta against
protect all humanity but this is secondary to its the Luftwaffe. If facing multiple foes, he’ll tend to
directives to obey. In other words, at the word of focus on them over all other enemies. Likewise,
its creator, it can be ordered to kill anyone and it the Luftwaffe has placed a high priority on killing
will do so without compunction. Except, so we’re him.
told, His Majesty. How much power should one
man have? Background: Transcript of After-Action Report,
Apparently Dr. Sorenson feels quite comfortable Fred Williamson, 1940
granting himself the power of life and death. It was all on the line. We couldn’t officially
participate but since we don’t officially exist,
Of course, in my interview with him (attached), we figured what the hell. Chris and I went and
Dr. Sorenson was quick to point out that he is helped in the air over Britain. The Jerries were
a very old man, and that his machine will likely determined to clear the air of British aircraft so
outlast us all. Meaning at some point, in the far they could invade.
future, it will benignly serve humanity alone. I
can only guess I am supposed to be comforted We saw the pilot’s plane get hit. Saw him bail
by that but I cannot overcome my almost instinc- out. By the time Chris realized his ‘chute wasn’t
tive revulsion at this creature that is so close to going to open it was way too late. And then the
being human. pilot just lit up like a star. It was like nothing I’ve
ever seen before.
Repulse a.k.a. James O’Sullivan Don’t look at me that way. I’ve seen a lot of
30 Pts (14 Stats, 16 Powers) things, but I never saw anything like this.
Quote: “Oh! Sorry about that! Those planes are Spontaneous mutant emergence from a near-
so unreliable! Take it up with Herr Messerschmitt. death experience. I’ve seen that before. But I
You might want to open that ‘chute first though!” never saw anyone enjoy it so much, or have so
much control so quickly. He was crumpling Ger-
Brawn 2 Agility 2 Mind 3 man aircraft into baseballs, the pilots still inside.
Or disassembling them with a thought. Some-
Powers: times the pilots got their ‘chutes open, some-
Magnetism: Telekinesis 5 (x3 Hit, x5 Dmg) times they didn’t. Should you recruit him? Are
<Only Affects Ferrous Metal> 3pts you insane? Hell, we’ll take him home with us if
Metal Control: X Mastery 2 (Ferrous Metals) you don’t want him.
Ride the Magnetic Field: Flight 5 (25 Squares) Swordfish a.k.a. King Kamnar III
5pts 30 Pts (18 Stats, 12 Powers)
Magnetic Repulsion Multi-Power 6pts
Quote: “The sea lanes are under my protection!”
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THE Crown Guard: His majesty’s heroes OF WWII
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Timothy LeMaster (order #2688440)
THE Crown Guard: His majesty’s heroes OF WWII
Brawn 4 Agility 3 Mind 2 Masterwork Rifle (x5 Dmg, Range 40+, Ammo
Immunity 1 (Drowning) 1pt Skills: Athletics/Acrobatics, Driving/Control,
Super Swimming 4 (20 Squares) 4pts Pilot/Evasion, Technology x5/Invention, Science
Oceanic War Gauntlet: Special Attack 4 x5/Physics
[Variable] <Finite Ammo Gadget> 4pts Advantages: Gadgeteer
Atlantean Royal Mutation: Flight 3 (15 Squares) Disadvantages: Normal (without the body
3pts armor, his Stats are B1 A1)
Mental Malfunction: Sadness. Though he
Skills: Athletics x4/Swimming, Stealth/Hide, strives to liberate Poland and punish the Nazis
Social Science/Politics, Occultism/Atlantis for invading, he also is afraid that it will be
Advantages: Royalty for nothing if the Soviet Union takes over the
Disadvantages: Arch-Enemy (Kasatka, the regions.
Soviet super-soldier is a sworn enemy of
Swordfish who attempted a coup in Oceania)
Background: Memo from Stanley Linwood to
Mental Malfunction: Arrogance. Swordfish
Crown Guard HQ
believes Atlanteans to be superior to surface
I’ve caught wind of a plan to attempt to
dwellers, and disdains the American hero Sea
detain Dobry after the war, some rubbish about
Bee as a “contemptible half-breed”.
preventing his skills from being used by the Sovi-
ets. Anyone tries to force a man who has saved
Background: Official Message from Oceanic my life a dozen times over to be some lab mon-
Ambassador to His Majesty: key is going to have to go through me. If you’re
German U-boats are operating in our wa- so worried about him returning to a Russian-
ters, sinking ships crossing the Atlantic. Per our controlled Poland, send us in. Otherwise, let the
mutual defense treaty, Oceania hereby declares man make his own decision.
war on Germany. End transmission.
Body Armor: Armor 3 (x5 Soak) 3pts
Leg Pistons: Super Jump (40 Squares) 2pts
Speed Wiring: Super Speed 3 (1 Extra Panel)
Life Support: Immunity 1 (Suffocation) 1pt
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Timothy LeMaster (order #2688440)
THE Crown Guard: His majesty’s heroes OF WWII
During the Battle of Britain, Maxwell Hast-
ings was an English pilot who lost 2/3rds of his
RAF squadron in one day to an attack from a
Nazi super-soldier. When he heard the British
government was looking for volunteers for their
own super-powers program, he was the first tie
sign up.
The British scientists running the super-powers
program were working from half-legible notes
stolen from a Nazi scientist. Their success
at duplicating the Third Reich’s super-soldier
formula (aka the Ubermensch formula) was
abysmal. Almost all of the volunteers died and
the project was abandoned in favor of other
research avenues.
However, there was one success from the British
experiments with the Ubermensch formula.
Maxwell Hastings was the only test subject in his
nation to survive the process.
Unfortunately for Maxwell while the process
greatly increased his physical abilities, the
transformation also mutated his DNA, radically
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Timothy LeMaster (order #2688440)