Gun Dogs RPG
Gun Dogs RPG
Gun Dogs RPG
Where do I live ?
In a small town built near the Citadel, home of the Masters
What am I supposed to do ?
Work in the farms of the Masters.
Can I go there ?
In order to do so, you must become a Gun Dog.
How ?
Go to the Kennel at the end of the town, talk to the Master known as the Huntsman.
What will I do ?
You will face the horrors of the Hives, recover old artefacts, alien technology and lost knowledge.
Grab a character sheet, a D20 and 2D6. Die result 2-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12
Attribute score -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Let's start with the character's attributes : Description Poor Decent Good Great Excellent
BRAWN : used when your character needs to oppose or apply physical Note the score of each attribute on your character sheet.
CHARISMA : used when the GM needs to test your character's ability to Skills : What did you learn so far ?
influence other people or to resist to their influence. First, we need to know what your character learned in the
DEXTERITY : used when the GM needs to test your character's Masters'society. Roll a D20...
precision or agility.
WITS : used when the GM needs to test your character's reaction time
1D20 Benefit
or his overall intellect.
1 1 PROSTHETIC LIMB (1-3 : arm, 5-6 : leg)
2 You have a ROBOT SERVANT
3 +1 to WITS
4 You stole some TOOLS
5 You are a good MECHANIC
6 You learned to read and write
8 You stole a BIG CLEAVER (1D6+1)
12 You've learned to STITCH UP wounds.
13 You own a GOOD DOG
14 You are a BEAST OF BURDEN Vicious fighter : add +1 to the damage you deal in combat.
Vehicle interface : you can connect yourself to a vehicle and drive it
15 +1 to BRAWN effortlessly (+2 to your DEXTERITY rolls when driving).
16 You learned the MACHINE LANGUAGE
18 You are used to ESCAPE SURVEILLANCE
19 +1 to CHARISMA
20 Choose one
Beast of burden : you can carry 2 more objects with you than
ordinary people.
Cold blooded : you get +2 to your rolls againts Fear effects.
Escape surveillance : you get +2 to your rolls whenever you try to be Combat attributes
stealthy or sabotage surveillance equipment. HIT POINTS : these are equal to 6 + BRAWN. At 0 HP your character is
Good dog : Physique +1, Mental +1, 6 hp, Defense : 12, knows one dead.
command among : fetch, guard, attack or track. Gets a new command BLAST : shoot your enemies from a distance.
at level 4 and 8. BASH : hit, cut or disembowel your enemies in close combat.
Machine language : you are able to speak to machines. You have a +1 to put either in BLAST or BASH. DEXTERITY or BRAWN don't
Mechanic : +2 to DEXTERITY rolls when used in the appropriate help. You either know how to fight or you don't.
situation. DAMAGE BONUS : this is equal to your BRAWN score.
Prosthetic limb : works exactly as the original. Can be sacrificed in DEFENSE : 10 + DEXTERITY + your armor bonus (if you have one). This is
combat : negate all damage from one attack but lose the limb. the number the GM must beat on his attack rolls to hit you.
Robot servant : Physique +1, Mental 0, 6 hp, Defense : 12, can record SPEED : during a round a character can move up to [6 + DEXTERITY]
what he sees and hear at his master's request. meters
Smell of death : add +2 to your rolls when your character tries to look
intimidating. FRUSTRATION POINTS : you gain these in combat. Each time you miss you
Stitch up : the wounded you stitch up regain 1D6 + your level HP. gain 1 FRUSTRATION POINT, use them as bonus for your attack roll or
Your character can stitch himself up. your damage roll. You can use as much FRUSTRATION POINTS as you
Strong immune system : gain a +2 to your BRAWN rolls against want on either your attack roll or damage roll, or both. Use poker
diseases, drugs, etc. chips for these (or anything tangible), if it's just a number on a sheet,
Tools : +2 to DEXTERITY rolls when used in the appropriate situation. players will tend to forget them. Unused FRUSTRATION POINTS are lost at
the end of a combat.
Starting gear
All characters get (weapon damage is given in parenthesis) :
_One weapon, roll a D6, 1-2 : it's a gun (1D6+1), 3-4 : a sword (1D6+1), 5-6 : a shotgun (1D6+2) ;
_1 torchlight ;
_1 knife (1D6) ;
_1 object given to you at the kennel (roll 1D10 and 1D6 then consult the table below, yes you also need a D10, but only here).
1D10 1 2 3 4 5 6
A PAIR OF DICE : six-sided ones. then project them as an holographic image (sound included).
BAG OF MARBLES : each marble produces as much light as a candle FACECHANGER : a rubbery substance that mimics the appearance of the
while it rolls (you get 30 of these). face it is put on. It can then be used as a mask by another person.
BAG OF SEEDS : a bag of unknown seeds that cannot grow on Earth soil. The face looks exactly the same. Lasts for one hour before returning
BLOOD SLUG : this slimy creature will suck any poison out of a to its original state.
character's body. It then takes one week for the slug to clean itself. FLESH WHIP : causes intense pleasure to any sentient, organic being.
BLOOD SNIFFER : holographic game of chess. The pie ces can be as large The victim cannot act during its next turn if she fails a hard WITS
a 2m tall. check.
BROKEN RADIO : a radio that emits static when a killer bot is in a 50 GHOST BULLETS : 10 bullets that can harm incorporeal beings.
meters of the character. GRAV-BOOTS : allow you to walk (slowly) on ceilings and walls
COMBAT VEST : gives you a +2 to your defense and allows you to carry GRAV-PATCH : makes an object weighting no more than 100kg float 1
two more objects with you. meter above ground.
COUNSELING HOLOGRAM : a very boring holographic counselor that keeps GUN : hey, there is no such thing as « too much guns ».
talking to you and asking about your mother. Able to do this in any INSECT REPELLENT : no insects (whatever their size) can attack or
human language and taking the appearance of the species it's approach your character. The effects lasts one hour.
counseling. IRON FLUTE : as long as the flute is played, sentient machines freeze
CYBERPARROT : this small parrot-like robot is capable of reproducing and cannot act.
any sound or voice it hears. If speaking, it is limited to a 4 word KILLER BEES : 1D6+1, one-use only, heat seeking drones. One drone
sentence. inflicts XD6 damage to any organic target (unless it is fully armored).
DARK LENSES : these make the eyes of the wearer totally black but LIGHT GLOBE : hovers 2 meters above ground and illuminates a 10
allow him to see in pitch black darness. It adapts automatically to meters radius. Hurts any creatures VULNERABLE TO SUNLIGHT.
light. LOTOS PILLS : each pill makes you forget everything about one
DARKNESS BOMB : plunges a room in pitch black darkness. particular day (you get to choose wich one). You get 10 pills.
DIAGNOSIS GLASSES : these let you see what's wrong with someone, if MEKBLINDER : a small buzzer that makes you invisible to machines,
you have any medical knowledge that is. even those that might help you. Runs for 1 TURN then recharges for 6
DJINN : a living hologram, 10 cm in size, looking like a 19th century hours.
aristocrat, able to talk to machines. Appears when summoned, each MESSENGER BIRD : a small mechanical bird who will go back to a person
djinn has a different personality. it has seen at least once (if it can) with a video message (with no
DOOM-DOOM : basically a hand cannon, holding only two cartridges duration limit).
doing 2D6 damage each. They can be fired one after another or NEEDLE GUN : a short ranged but silent weapon (D6)
simultaneously. You get 6 cartridges with it (two already loaded). If OLD KEYCARD : probably opens some door, somewhere.
you don't have a BRAWN score of +2, you lose 2 HP each time you OXYGUM : while chewed this gum allows you to breathe even in
shoot the gun. oxygen deprived environment (you get 20 tablets) of these.
DREAMSAVER : this item allows the wearer to record his dreams and PEACE COLLAR : any living being forced to wear this collar gets stunned
when it tries to cause direct harm to someone (punching someone STORYTELLER : a book that shows images of the story told by several
gets you stunned, poisoning a drink does not). actors, including sound effects.
POWER NAGINATA : as the name implies, a very effective melee weapon STRESSBALL : squeezing it for 10 seconds immediately calms you,
(2D6+2). whether you were angry or afraid (if used more than once per day 2
PURIFYING DROPS : each drop clears up to, let's say a swimming pool, of chance out of 6 it will explode, causing 1D6 damage).
all germs and parasites. You get 10 drops of these. TALKING BOTTLE : this bottle can analyze its content and tell you about
RAIN BALL : once thrown against a ceiling, the ball creates rain that it (though it is a bit rude and lies 1 out of 6 times).
lasts for 1 TURN. Needs 1 month to recharge from ambient humidity. TEKBAIT : a small sphere that seems to sing once activated. Attracts all
RATBOT : can explore up to 50 meters away from its master and show machines able to move in a 20 meters radius.
what it has seen by projecting it through its eyes. Doesn't do THOUGHT PAD : this small tablet can project an hologram of any image
anything beyond that. 6 hp, Defense : 15 (it's small and fast). the bearer is focusing his mind on.
RIPPING BLADE : basically a chainsaw designed to be used as an UNBREAKABLE SLIPCASE : any object stored in this slipcase is
effective melee weapon (2D6+1). unbreakable (see the EQUIPMENT section).
SCREAMIN' PLUSH : this cute looking plush makes a blood-chilling noise VOICE PROJECTOR : once worn around the neck, this item allows the
when squeezed (WITS roll required just to no not freeze in place). wearer to project it's voice, sounding like it comes from another
SHOVEL : a small but sturdy and reliable shovel, with very sharp edges place (in a 20m radius of the wearer).
(1D6). Glows when near radioactive material. WALLSEED : a small seed that creates an impenetrable 3mX3m wall of
SPEEDPILL : taking a speedpill allows you to act 3 times during your thorns that takes three TURNS to be burned or destroyed.
turn. You immediately fall unconscious for 2D6 minutes after that. WASHING RAY : this small device emits a ray that washes (and
SHOTGUN : a reliable and powerful weapon. disinfects) one person's body and clothes. Beeps repeatedly if not
SKIN CHANGER : a device that allows you to change the color of your used for one day.
skin (only one color, no stripes or whatever). WEEDER : turns any plant it is used on into a powerful hallucinogenic
SOUND SPONGE : once squeezed, this object absorbs all the sounds drug. You get 10 doses.
made by its possessor for 1 TURN. At the end of the turn it releases all WHISPERING BLADE : a blade producing a small humming noise when
the sounfs, all at once. used, very sharp.
SPIDEROPE : a rope that cannot be cut (can be burned pretty easily ZENADE : every organic creature in a 10 meters radius of the
though). explosion loses all will to fight for ONE TURN (with apologies to Alan
STINK BALL : everything this small rubbery ball touches stinks horribly Moore)
for 1 HOUR. The ball as to be thrown on the target(s) to be effective.
Experience Skills and talents
Players are encouraged to create their own, using the ones described
in the Creating your dog section for inspiration.
HIVES : the number of hives you explored.
ATTACK : you get a +1 to either your BLAST or BASH attack.
HP : add the result of a D6 roll to your total HIT POINTS. Don't add
anything else.
SKILLS : you get one more skill or you can become an expert in a skill
you already have (ginving you a +4 to your rolls when relevant).
Feel free to add features to these guns : works only against some
aliens, robots, torchlight, nightvision sight, etc... Don't forget that
nobody sales them. Any toy you give to an NPC might end up in the
PCs hands, pay attention to that too.
REINFORCED SKELETON : the character takes half damage from falls and
gains +1 to his Brawn. Defect : the character cannot swim anymore. A
The risks of fleshweaving
normal rope has a 2 on 6 chances of breaking under his weight.
Each time your character gains a mutation make a BRAWN roll. If you
fail you get only the defect tied to the mutation. If you roll a natural
SKIN COLOR : the gun dog consciously adapts to his surroundings,
20 you don't get the defect. You get -1 to your roll for each mutations
giving him a +2 when he tries to hide. Defect : the character's skin
you already have.
color changes when he lies.
Hivecrawling die roll. So instead of « Do the characters find the information ? » the
question might be « Do the characters attract any attention while
looking for information ? ».
Main rule
Being a good GM is learning to ask good questions so you know why
Basically the rules are here to give you an answer when you ask a you roll the die. Some answers are self-evident but when in doubt,
question : « Can I hurt the monster ? », « Do I open that door ? » , ask the rules and make a test. Your goal is not to stop the players'
« Do I impress that guy ? », etc. characters but to challenge them. It's more an art than a science and
you get better at it with practice. There's nothing more to it.
Whenever a character wants to act and the outcome of his action is
uncertain, roll a d20, add an attribute and any appropriate bonus : The rules of hazard
_if the total is equal or superior to 10, the character succeeds. The other aim of the rules is to make sure there is an even playing
_if the total is inferior to 10, the character fails. field for the players and the GM. If a player's character falls down a
wall, the rules make sure it doesn't make him lose 1D6 HP one day
YOUR SWISS ARMY KNIFE : THE ATTRIBUTE ROLL and 5D6 HP the next, just because the GM had a bad week at work.
D20 + attribute + bonus Action...
We'll keep this simple : whenever a character risks injury (outside of
Result > 10 Succeeds
combat), make an attribute test :
Result < 10 Fails
• Use BRAWN when the character faces physical stress
Failing forward • Use CHARISMA when the character tries to resist someone
What happens when a character's failure leads the game session to a else's influence.
grinding halt ? • Use DEXTERITY when the character is trying to physically avoid
Example : the characters need to find a specific information. If they • Use WITS to test a character's reaction time.
don't have it, they are stuck. So if the question you ask for a roll is « Do
the characters find the information ? », you open the possibility that If the test is failed, the character suffers the consequences, if it
they don't find it, thus leading the game into a dead end. succeeds the consequences are somewhat mitigated (usually taking
only half-damage).
To avoid this you simply have to ask the right question leading to a
Social interactions
You may already use this kind of rules but if you never did, give it a try, as a GM this will keep you on your toes. The goal is to simply let fate
decide the attitude of NPCs towards the PCs. So just roll a D6 and keep playing.
GM's note : in fact the Citadel is not that well protected. Most of the
sentinels are broken and most guards have few if any ammunion left.
Resolute Gun Dogs with good weapons could actually take over the
place pretty easily. Will the players think about it ? The chances are
pretty low as players will assume too easily that certain things are
« off-limits », like their characters...
The Masters
The elusive Masters are seldom seen and usually don't leave the
Antagonists of NPCs because that's what will guide their interpretation as GM
when they interact with the Gun Dogs. Unless it's an all-out war or
self-defense, simply killing the Gun Dogs is rarely an NPC's objective.
Even robots and drones are merely there to protect something and
Quick and dirty antagonists will let the Gun Dogs go when they choose to leave.
Some guidelines to create the mechanical aspects of NPCs on the fly.
Sample alien tribes
Threat level Attributes Attack/Damage Defense HP
Weak 0 +1 (1D6) 10 4 Clones, bred and groomed for war by the colonists to wage war on
Average +1 +2 (1D6+1) 12 6 Earth, the Grendels now survive as warbands roaming the forgotten
Dangerous +2 +3 (1D6+2) 14 12
Physical : +3
Very dangerous +3 +4 (2D6)* 16 26 Mental : -1
Attack : +5
Deadly +3 +5 (3D6)** 18 60
Defense : 14 HP : 12
*: two attacks per round
** : three attacks per round Weakness : Grendels follow a very tight command structure, killing
or disabling their officers severely diminishes their combat
If you have trouble picturing different alien tribes, check Eclipse efficiency.
Phase (especially the Morph Recognition Guide) and use the more
alien-looking morphs. The Numenéra bestiary is a great visual SCARAB
ressource as well. Forced to work on high gravity planets and as miners, these
colonists exoskeleton make them look like insects. Quite a disturbing
The weaknesses listed for each antagonists are, of course, optionnal. sight for most humans.
Discovering them should be the result of player ingenuity, not a die Physical : +2
roll. Mental : +2
Attack : +2
Defense : 15 HP : 8
Objectives & Motivations Weakness : scarabs are used to work in group. Once isolated they lost
As you now know after reading the TRUTH chapter, now matter how all will to fight.
alien someone looks, the Gun Dogs will always deal with humans.
Which means all NPCs will have pretty clear objectives and
motivations. This is even more important than the technical aspects
Sample humans Defense : 14 HP : 30
HUMAN PRIEST OF WAR Weakness : Devas find their targets using three things : movement,
heat and heartbeat. Finding a way to suppress all three makes you
An order of humans still dedicated to fight the alien menace. War
invisible to them.
paints, elaborate robes, big guns and a religion putting a great
emphasis on the Jihad : the alien scum must die !
Physical : +2
These humans were captured by machines and turned into defense
Mental : +0
or attack drones. Most die pretty quickly of dehydration or starve to
Attack : +2
death. Reversing the process is said to be impossible but with the
Defense : 12 HP : 6
marvels of the past lying around, you never know...
Weakness : their hatred of aliens blinds them to anything else. They
Physical : +2
opt for close combat whenever they can.
Mental : 0
Attack : +2
Defense : 13 HP : 6
Terminally ill humans who dedicated their life to help the poor and
Weakness : the human mind is still somewhere in there, waiting to be
the weak, human or alien.
awakened and helped to gain control. Or you can blow their head off.
Physical : +2
Mental : +0
Attack : +3
A generic term used for all intelligent robots. They come in three
Defense : 16 HP : 10
varieties : Labor, Combat and Pleasure models. Being Intelligent they
Weakness : suckers for a good cause and all eager to leave this world
can be as friendly or as cruel as they choose to be.
in a blaze of glory.
Physical : +3 (all models)
Mental : 0 (labor), +1 (combat), +2 (pleasure)
The machines Attack : 0 (labor) (1D6+2), +4 (combat) (2D6), 0 (pleasure) (1D6)
Defense : 12 (labor), 14 (combat), 13 (pleasure) HP : 12
DEVA Weakness : labor models are easy to impress and intimidate.
To picture these Drone Enforcers of Vital Areas imagine a predator Pleasure models hate being alone. Combat models will stop once you
drone with a humanoid shape. Litterally a metal demon coming surrender.
from the sky to unleash hell on its targets. Generaly programmed to
protect a specific area.
Physical : +3
Mental : 0
Attack : +5 (2D6)
Building a Hive
1D20 The Hive 1D20 Who rules the place ? 1D20 Hive appearance or location
1 Prison ship 1 A demented AI breeding slaves to repair the Hive 1 Looks like a Citadel
2 Military command ship 2 A sealed-off community thinking they're in space 2 Covered/infested by an alien forest
3 Factory ship 3 A monastic order trying to rebuild the lost knowledge of 3 Partly immerged
4 Warship 4 Synthetic humans thinking they're real humans 4 Lying in a radioactive marsh
5 Religious sect escape ship 5 Nano-machines animating cyborg cadavers to « cure » 5 In the gut of a huge alien worm
Humanity of death
6 Military prison ship 6 Theme park robots locked in their imaginary universe 6 Stuck in a time bomb bubble
7 Refugee cargo ship 7 A cyborg matriarchy facing extinction 7 Crashed in the region highest mountain
8 Bio-weapon ship 8 Alien psychiatrists seeing everyone as mad and looking for a 8 Locked in an automated battle with
« cure » to make everyone peaceful and happy another ship
9 Science ship 9 The nightmares of a crew in hypersleep 9 Landed in a pristine state
10 Hospital ship 10 Holograms of the crew looking for bodies to download into 10 In a sentient crystal field
11 Ark 11 A renegade Master rebuilding the Hive to attack the Citadel 11 Surrounded by poisonous gas
12 Rescue ship 12 Aliens using the brains of prisoners to power up their hive 12 Stuck in intermitent stealth mode
13 VIP escape ship 13 Religious fanatics planning a « mass conversion » using 13 In a volcano ready to blow
hacked satellites
14 Leisure cruise ship 14 Mind-controling plants slowly expanding their territory 14 Intertwined with another hive
15 Casino satellite 15 A team of directors and actors producing and broadcasting 15 Changing spot every 24 hours
movies based on their sketchy memories of old ones.
16 Mental Institution satellite 16 A Warden keeping the Hive's population as prisoners 16 Stuck between two skycrapers
17 Doomsday ship 17 Grendels who run the Hive as a military school open to every 17 Crashed deep underground
kid. Not every kid volunteered to go there
18 Presidential ship 18 An AI performing medical miracles and thinking she's a God 18 Phasing between Earth and space
19 Terraforming ship 19 Metal men army waiting for a worthy commander 19 Roaming undersea
20 Theme park satellite 20 Full alien army, awakened as soon as the Gun Dogs enter the 20 Flying continuously in a circle pattern
Hive. Takes two days for the army to get ready
Hive sections
Movies : Zardoz by John Boorman, Logan's Run by Michael Anderson, The Time Machine by George Pal.
TV : The Tripods, The Prisoner, Future Boy Conan, Samurai Jack
Books : Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, We by Yevgeni Zamiatine, The Tripods by John Christopher, The City and the Stars by Arthur C.
Comic nooks : Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind by Hayao Miyazaki, Judge Dredd by John Wagner, Nemesis by Pat Mills
Games : Paranoïa 1st edition, Gamma World 1st and 2nd edition, Waste World, Numenera, Mutant Year Zero, Sword & Wizardry : White Box and
Into the Odd.
EXPLORED HIVES : _________________________________ ________________________
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SKILLS AND TALENTS _____________________________ _____________________________
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FLESHWEAVING, POWERS & STRANGE FINDS _____________________________ _____________________________
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