Endangered Species

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Endangered Species

By D.J. Nolan

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Endangered Species
Chapter 2: Extinct Species
Chapter 3: Problems/Solutions
Chapter 4: What You Can Do to Help

There are many types of endangered or extinct species, and it is usually because of us
and what we do to make our lives easier and there lives harder. In this book you will learn and
see many different species, and what we can do to help
them and make sure that there are no more species that go
extinct. There are some species that have been extinct for
many years, and some that went extinct three years ago. If
a species goes extinct, how can it affect the environment
and us?

Chapter 1: Endangered Species

This is the blue whale.

There are many types of Endangered Species,

and that is not good. We want the food web and the
food chain to stay the same, otherwise one or two
species could become overpopulated, one could die off
and kill a other species because that is their food. Some
of the endangered species are the Amur tiger. There are
only five left in the world, and
that is really bad. There are
This is some of the worst
only 10,000 Blue whales left in the world, and they are the biggest
pollution in the world it is a
mammal in the world. If they went extinct, some of the sharks in the
lot darker then just smoke.
arctic would go extinct also because that is their food source and
they would be endangered, and other species would become
overpopulated. If the world became overpopulated
with different species, other species would go
extinct, and other species would become
overpopulated. The whole world could get messed
up. Many species are extinct because of the
pollution. But others are extinct because we cut
down their habitat, or we take them into enclosed
zoos or fish tanks/aquariums and they get fed by
humans. They don't know how to get food on there
own. Then they get released into the wild, and they
don't know how to get food because they always got fed to them and they either get eaten or
they just die of hunger and if they find out how to breed and feed themselves they could
dominate the ocean or lake or their pond and they could mess up there ecosystem if they are
in the wrong ecosystem. If that ecosystem got mess up and the fish got to other ponds or if
they got to oceans. The ecosystem would make animals get overpopulated. If sharks or other
big fish ate them and the sharks loved to eat them and they looked all over for them because
they loved them and they might not eat till they find them and if they don't find them they
might die out or go extinct.

Chapter 2: Extinct Species

This is a passenger pigeon
before it went extinct

There are about 2,000 species that have gone

extinct in time period. One is the
Passenger Pigeon. At one point there
This is the golden toad
were about 3 to 5 billion and that was
it went extinct in 1989.
about 25% to 40% of the bird
population, and now
they are all extinct. The
last passenger pigeon
was killed or died in 1914 no one is exactly sure if they died
or got killed. Some of the species that went extinct in the
2000s are the West African Black Rhino (it went extinct in
2011), the Pyrenean Ibex, (it went extinct in 2000). Some
other animals that went extinct are the Golden toad (in
1989) and the Babul Hartebeest (it went extinct in
1945-1954 no one noes exactly). Some of the animals that are
believed to be extinct were the Tasmanian tiger it might still be living and it was thought to go
extinct in the 1820s. See, there are many problems that we cause to these animals habitats.
They were here before us, and we are invading their habitat and there world. Even though
that we have more power than they, do we depend on them and they have survived without us
here before, and they can again. At least half of these species are probably extinct because of
us either poaching them or what we want to do with our new city`s and the new factory's like
in China they are cutting down all of the bamboo for the pandas so they can't eat anything
and that is only one way they could go extinct. What can also happen is the pollution in the air
in some parts of China they have to wear a mask to while they walk around because the air is
so bad.There are many more problems that you can look into and explore to help endangered

Chapter 3: Problems/Solutions
Many problems occur in the environment and some of
them are caused by us like if we cut down trees or if we over
This is a picture of a rhino with
hunt animals and poach them or even from animal testing
its big horn taken off
and that can kill many animals. We need to be careful with
our world it is what we live in. Some of the species
that are being poached or over hunted are blue
whales and fin whales and those are just two of the
species that are getting poached or over hunted.
What we can do to help is we can stop buying some
fur jackets if they are from a
species that is endangered like
This is a picture of
leopard print that might actually
illegal poaching a tiger.
be from the
Amur tiger.
There is only
five left living
on earth. Also
don't buy jewelry made out of bone that could be a
Elephant tusk or a Rhinos horn. Or we could try to
convince other country's governments to do something
about the endangered species. Unless they have already
done something about it because the endangered species
might not be here but around the world, and if we are the only country doing something about
it, then only the species that are here will be saved and the other ones won't. Maybe some
species in other country's we depend on and if they go extinct we will have to develop
something new for that animal. If the new development does not work then the whole world
would go in a crisis and the world could be changed forever.

Chapter 4: What You Can Do to Help

There are many ways that we can help endangered species to help them over come this
problem. What we can do to help is don't buy things that might be made out of an animal
because they might be endangered because of the animal prints. You could also not use much
trash because they might make new trash sites in where animals are and that will get rid of
their habitat and they will have no place to go and if they go in the city they might either kill
people for food if they are big enough
or just have no place to go and die of
hunger. Also some problems are the
pollution and all the buildings that they
are making and the new towns and
cities that they are building. Some
things other people are doing to help
like the WWF the World Wildlife
Foundation has a website that you can
donate to help the animal that you want
WWF is helping all
or you can adopt one by buying it and it
endangered species
goes to a zoo. Or there are people in zoos
allover the world.
breeding them and then when there is
Smoking creates 10 times more
enough in the population they will
pollution then Diesel engines.
probably let them into the wild if they have more than
three or four of that species and might have one or two
after they release them into the wild. They will breed
more till they have a good number of that species and the
cycle just starts over again and it just keeps repeating.
What you can do also to help animal in need by not
smoking because that creates 10 times as more pollution
than a diesel engine says the Tobacco control. Even
though the factory's did some of the pollution and if we
stop the smoking then other people will be helped from
lung and liver cancer and the animals will stay alive also.

In conclusion there are many species that are extinct and this is why humans need to
protects endangered species and help them. If humans don't, they might end up with a
monkey or a lion on their dinner plates! Or your favorite animal might be a giraffe or a kind
of shark or fish and now you only can see them in a museum,
or a book or the internet and might not ever see that animal
again. They want to be in there natural habitat and if you go
to a state or country to see or study them you can't because
they are only in zoos. That is why humans need to help all not
just the cute ones all the endangered species. You don't want
the world to end up like the movie wall-e do you? All these
species are calling your name, are you going to listen?

This is a map of some of the well known

endangered species around the world.

Ecosystem-a system, or a group of interconnected elements, formed by the
interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.
Endangered-a animal or human is close to extinction.
Extinct-no longer in existence; that has ended or died out.
Habitats- the natural environment of a organism; place that is natural for the life
and growth of an
to many inhabitants for the
available space or resource.
Poaching- the illegal
practice of trespassing on
another's property to hunt or
steal game without the
landowners permission.
Pollution-the introduction to harmful substances or products of the environment.

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